The Dumb Waiter
The Dumb Waiter
The Dumb Waiter
by Harold Pinter
THE DUMB WAITER was first presented at the Hampstead Theatre Clb on !"st #anary$ "%&'$
with the followin( )ast*
BE+ +i)holas ,elby
-U, -eor(e To.ey
THE DUMB WAITER was sbse/ently presented at the Royal Cort Theatre on 0th Mar)h$ "%&'$
with the same )ast1
Scene * A basement room. Two beds, flat against the back wall. A serving hatch, closed, between
the beds. A door to the kitchen and lavatory, left. A door to a passage, right.
BE+ is lying on a bed, left, reading a paper1 -U, is sitting on a bed, right, tying his shoelaces, with
difficulty. Both are dressed in shirts, trousers and braces1
-U, ties his laces, rises, yawns and begins to walk slowly to the door, left. He stops, looks down,
and shakes his foot1
BE+ lowers his paper and watches him1 -U, kneels and unties his shoe-lace and slowly takes
off the shoe. He looks inside it and brings out a flattened matchbo. He shakes it and eamines it.
Their eyes meet1 BE+ rattles his paper and reads1 -U, puts the matchbo in his pocket and bends
down to put on his shoe. He ties his lace, with difficulty1 BE+ lowers his paper and watches him1
-U, walks to the door1 -U, puts the packet in his pocket, bends down, puts on his shoe and tie
the lace.
He wanders off, left1
BE+ slams the paper down on the bed and glares after him. He picks up the paper and lies on his
back, reading.
A lavatory chain is pulled twice off, left, but the lavatory does not flush.
-U, re-enters, left, and halts at the door, scratching his head1
BE+ slams down the paper1
BE+1 2aw 3
He picks up the paper.
What abot this4 5isten to this 3
He refers to the paper1
A man of ei(hty6se.en wanted to )ross the road1 Bt there was a lot of traffi)$ see 4 He )oldn7t see
how he was (oin( to s/ee8e thro(h1 ,o he )rawled nder a lorry1
-U,1 He what 4
BE+1 He )rawled nder a lorry1 A stationary lorry1
-U,1 +o 4
BE+1 The lorry started and ran him1
-U,1 -o on 3
BE+1 That7s what it says here1
-U,1 -et away1
BE+1 It7s eno(h to ma9e yo want to p9e$ isn7t it 4
-U,1 Who ad.ised him to do a thin( li9e that 4
BE+1 A man of ei(hty6se.en )rawlin( nder a lorry 3
-U,1 It7s nbelie.able1
BE+1 It7s down here in bla)9 and white1
-U,1 In)redible1
-U, shakes his head and eits1 BE+ lies back and reads.
The lavatory chain is pulled once off left, but the lavatory
does not flush.
BE+ whistles at an item in the paper1
-U, re-enters1
I want to as9 yo somethin(1
BE+1 What are yo doin( ot there4
-U,1 Well$ I was :st66
BE+1 What abot the tea4
-U,1 I7m :st (oin( to ma9e it1
BE+1 Well$ (o on$ ma9e it1
-U,1 ;es$ I will1 <He sits in a chair. !uminatively1= He7s laid on some .ery ni)e )ro)9ery this time$ I7ll
say that1 It7s sort of striped1 There7s a white stripe1
BE+ reads.
It7s .ery ni)e1 I7ll say that11
BE+ turns the page1
;o 9now$ sort of rond the )p1 Rond the rim1 All the rest of it7s bla)9$ yo see1 Then the sa)er7s
bla)9$ e>)ept for ri(ht in the middle$ where the )p (oes$ where it7s white1
BE+ reads1
Then the plates are the same$ yo see1 ?nly they7.e (ot a bla)9 stripe66the plates66ri(ht a)ross the
middle1 ;es$ I7m /ite ta9en with the )ro)9ery1
BE+ <still reading=1 What do yo want plates for4 ;o7re not (oin( to eat1
-U,1 I7.e bro(ht a few bis)its1
BE+1 Well$ yo7d better eat them /i)91
-U,1 I always brin( a few bis)its1 ?r a pie1 ;o 9now I )an7t drin9 tea withot anythin( to eat1
BE+1 Well ma9e the tea then$ will yo4 Time7s (ettin( on1
-U, brings out the flattened cigarette packet and eamines it1
-U,1 ;o (ot any )i(arettes4 I thin9 I7.e rn ot1
He throws the packet high up and leans forward to catch it1
I hope it won7t be a lon( :ob$ this one1
Aiming carefully, he flips the packet under his bed1
?h$ I wanted to as9 yo somethin(1
BE+ <slamming his paper down=1 2aw 31
-U,1 What7s that4
BE+1 A )hild of ei(ht 9illed a )at3
-U,1 -et away1
BE+1 It7s a fa)t1 What abot that$ eh4 A )hild of ei(ht 9illin( a )at3
-U,1 How did he do it4
BE+1 It was a (irl1
-U,1 How did she do it4
BE+1 ,he66
He picks up the paper and studies it.
It doesn7t say1
-U,1 Why not4
BE+1 Wait a minte1 It :st says66Her brother$ a(ed ele.en$ .iewed the in)ident from the toolshed1
-U,1 -o on3
BE+1 That7s bloody ridi)los1
-U,1 I bet he did it1
BE+1 Who4
-U,1 The brother1
BE+1 I thin9 yo7re ri(ht1
<Slamming down the paper1= What abot that$ eh4 A 9id of ele.en 9illin( a )at and blamin( it on
his little sister of ei(ht3 It7s eno(h to66
He brea9s off in dis(st and sei8es the paper1 -U, rises1
-U,1 What time is he (ettin( in to)h4
BE+ reads1
What time is he (ettin( in to)h4
BE+1 What7s the matter with yo4 It )old be any time1 Any time1
-U, <moves to the foot of BE+7s bed=1 Well$ I was (oin( to as9 yo somethin(1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 Ha.e yo noti)ed the time that tan9 ta9es to fill4
BE+1 What tan94
-U,1 In the la.atory1
BE+1 +o$ Does it4
-U,1 Terrible1
BE+1 Well$ what abot it4
-U,1 What do yo thin97s the matter with it4
BE+1 +othin(1
-U,1 +othin(4
BE+1 It7s (ot a defi)ient ball)o)9$ that7s all1
-U,1 A defi)ient what4
BE+1 Ball)o)91
-U,1 +o4 Really4
BE+1 That7s what I shold say1
-U,1 -o on3 That didn7t o))r to me1
-U, wanders to his bed and presses the mattress1
I didn7t ha.e a .ery restfl sleep today$ did yo4 It7s not m)h of a bed1 I )old ha.e done with
another blan9et too1 <He catches sight of a picture on the wall1= Hello$ what7s this4 <"eering at it1=
@The Airst Ele.en1@ Cri)9eters1 ;o seen this$ Ben4
BE+ <reading=1 What4
-U,1 The first ele.en1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 There7s a photo here of the first ele.en1
BE+1 What first ele.en4
-U, <Studying the photo=1 It doesn7t say1
BE+1 What abot that tea4
-U,1 They all loo9 a bit old to me1
-U, wanders downstage, looks out front, then all about the room1
I woldn7t li9e to li.e in this dmp1 I woldn7t mind if yo had a window$ yo )old see what it
loo9ed li9e otside1
BE+1 What do yo want a window for4
-U,1 Well$ I li9e to ha.e a bit of a .iew$ Ben1 It whiles away the time1
He walks about the room1
I mean$ yo )ome into a pla)e when it7s still dar9$ yo )ome into a room yo7.e seen
before$ yo sleep all day$ yo do yor :ob$ and then yo (o away in the ni(ht a(ain1
I li9e to (et a loo9 at the s)enery1 ;o (et the )han)e in this :ob1
BE+1 ;o (et yor holidays$ do yo4
-U,1 ?nly a fortni(ht1
BE+ <lowering the paper=1 ;o 9ill me1 Anyone wold thin9 yo7re wor9in( e.ery day1 How often do
we do a :ob4 ?n)e a wee94 What are yo )omplainin( abot4
-U,1 ;es$ bt we7.e (ot to be on tap tho(ht$ ha.en7t we4 ;o )an7t mo.e ot of the hose in )ase
a )all )omes1
BE+1 ;o 9now what yor troble is4
-U,1 What4
BE+1 ;o ha.en7t (ot any interests1
-U,1 I7.e (ot interests1
BE+1 5oo9 at me1 What ha.e I (ot4
-U,1 I don7t 9now1 What4
BE+1 I7.e (ot my woodwor91 I7.e (ot my model boats1 Ha.e yo seen me idle4 I7m idle1
I 9now how to o))py my time$ to its best ad.anta(e1 Then when a )all )omes$ I7m ready1
-U,1 Don7t yo (et a bit fed p4
BE+ reads1 -U, feels in the pocket of his #acket, which hangs on the bed1
-U,1 ;o (ot any )i(arettes4 I7.e rn ot1
The lavatory flushes off left1
There she (oes1
-U, sits on his bed1
+o$ I mean$ I say the )ro)9ery7s (ood1 It is1 It7s .ery ni)e1 Bt that7s abot all I )an say for this
pla)e1 It7s worse than the last one1 Remember that last pla)e we were in4 5ast time$ where was it4
At least there was a wireless there1 +o$ honest1 He doesn7t seem to bother m)h abot or )omfort
these days1
BE+1 When are yo (oin( to stop :abberin(4
-U,1 ;o7d (et rhematism in a pla)e li9e this$ if yo stay lon(1
BE+1 We7re not stayin( lon(1 Ma9e the tea$ will yo4 We7ll be on the :ob in a minte1
-U, picks up a small bag by his bed and brings out a packet of tea. He eamines it and looks
-U,1 Eh$ I7.e been meanin( to as9 yo1
BE+1 What the hell is it now4
-U,1 Why did yo stop the )ar this mornin($ in the middle of that road4
BE+ <lowering the paper=1 I tho(ht yo were asleep1
-U,1 I was$ bt I wo9e p when yo stopped1 ;o did stop$ didn7t yo4
In the middle of that road1 It was still dar9$ don7t yo remember4 I loo9ed ot1 It was all misty1 I
tho(ht perhaps yo wanted to 9ip$ bt yo were sittin( p dead strai(ht$ li9e yo were waitin( for
BE+1 I wasn7t waitin( for anythin(1
-U,1 I mst ha.e fallen asleep a(ain1 What was all that abot then4 Why did yo stop4
BE+ <picking up the paper=1 We were too early1
-U,1 Early4 <He rises1= What do yo mean4 We (ot the )all$ didn7t we$ sayin( we were to start
ri(ht away1 We did1 We sho.ed ot on the dot1 ,o how )old we be too early4
BE+ <$uietly=1 Who too9 the )all$ me or yo4
-U,1 ;o1
BE+1 We were too early1
-U,1 Too early for what4
;o mean someone had to (et ot before we (ot in4
He eamines the bedclothes1
I tho(ht these sheets didn7t loo9 too bri(ht1 I tho(ht they pon(ed a bit1 I was too tired to noti)e
when I (ot in this mornin(1 Eh$ that7s ta9in( a bit of a liberty$ isn7t it4 I don7t want to share my bed6
sheets1 I told yo thin(s were (oin( down the drain1 I mean$ we7.e always had )lean sheets laid on
p till now1 I7.e noti)ed it1
BE+1 How do yo 9now those sheets weren7t )lean4
-U,1 What do yo mean4
BE+1 How do yo 9now they weren7t )lean4 ;o7.e spent the whole day in them$ ha.en7t yo4
-U,1 What$ yo mean it mi(ht be my pon(4 <He sniffs sheets1= ;es1 <He sits slowly on bed1= It
)old be my pon($ I sppose1 It7s diffi)lt to tell1 I don7t really 9now what I pon( li9e$ that7s the
BE+ <referring to the paper=1 2aw31
-U,1 Eh$ Ben1
BE+1 2aw3
-U,1 Ben1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 What town are we in4 I7.e for(otten1
BE+1 I7.e told yo1 Birmin(ham1
-U,1 -o on3
He looks with interest about the room1
That7s in the Midlands1 The se)ond bi((est )ity in -reat Britain1 I7d ha.e (essed1
He snaps his fingers1
Eh$ it7s Ariday today$ isn7t it4 It7ll be ,atrday tomorrow1
BE+1 What abot it4
-U, <ecited=1 We )old (o and wat)h the Billa1
BE+1 They7re playin( away1
-U,1 +o$ are they4 Caarr3 What a pity11
BE+1 Anyway$ there7s no time1 We7.e (ot to (et strai(ht ba)91
-U,1 Well$ we ha.e done in the past$ ha.en7t we4 ,tayed and wat)hed a (ame$ ha.en7t we4
Aor a bit of rela>ation1
BE+1 Thin(s ha.e ti(htened p$ mate1 They7.e ti(htened p1
-U, chuckles to himself1
-U,1 I saw the Billa (et beat in a )p tie on)e1 Who was it a(ainst now4 White shirts1 It was one6all
at half6time1 I7ll for(et it1 Their opponents won by a penalty1 Tal9 abot drama1 ;es$ it was a
dispted penalty1 Dispted1 They (ot beat two'one$ anyway$ be)ase of it1 ;o were there yorself1
BE+1 +ot me1
-U,1 ;es$ yo were there1 Don7t yo remember that dispted penalty4
BE+1 +o1
-U,1 He went down :st inside the area1 Then they said he was :st a)tin(1 I didn7t thin9 the other
blo9e to)hed him myself1 Bt the referee had the ball on the spot1
BE+1 Didn7t to)h him3 What are yo tal9in( abot4 He laid him ot flat3
-U,1 +ot the Billa1 The Billa don7t play that sort of (ame1
BE+1 -et ot of it1
-U,1 Eh$ that mst ha.e been here$ in Birmin(ham1
BE+1 What mst4
-U,1 The Billa1 That mst ha.e been here1
BE+1 They were playin( away1
-U,1 Be)ase yo 9now who the other team was4 It was the ,prs1 It was Tottenham Hotspr1
BE+1 Well$ what abot it4
-U,1 We7.e done a :ob in Tottenham1
BE+1 How do yo 9now4
-U,1 I7d remember Tottenham1
BE+ turns on his bed to look at him1
BE+1 Don7t ma9e me la(h$ will yo4
BE+ turns back and reads$ -U, yawns and speaks through his yawn1
-U,1 When7s he (oin( to (et in to)h4
;es$ I7d li9e to see another football mat)h1 I7.e always been an ardent football fan1 Here$ what abot
)omin( to see the ,prs tomorrow4
BE+ <tonelessly=1 They7re playin( away1
-U,1Who are4
BE+1 The ,prs1
-U,1 Then they mi(ht be playin( here1
BE+1 Don7t be silly1
-U,1 If they7re playin( away they mi(ht be playin( here1 They mi(ht be playin( the Billa1
BE+ <tonelessly=1 Bt the Billa are playin( away1
Pase1 An en.elope slides nder the door$ ri(ht1 -U, sees it1 He stands$ loo9in( at it1
-U,1 Ben1
BE+1 Away1 They7re all playin( away1
-U,1 Ben$ loo9 here1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 5oo91
BE+ trns his head and sees the en.elope1 He stands.
BE+1 What7s that4
-U,1 I don7t 9now1
BE+1 Where did it )ome from4
-U,1 Under the door1
BE+1 Well$ what is it4
-U,1 I don7t 9now1
They stare at it1
BE+1 Pi)9 it p1
-U,1 What do yo mean4
BE+1 Pi)9 it p3
-U, slowly moves towards it, bends and pick it up1
What is it4
-U,1 An en.elope1
BE+1 Is there anythin( on it4
-U,1 +o1
BE+1 Is it sealed4
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 ?pen it1
-U,1 What4
BE+1 ?pen it3
-U, opens it and looks inside1
What7s in it4
-U, empties twelve matches into his hand1
-U,1 Mat)hes1
BE+1 Mat)hes4
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 ,how it to me1
-U, passes the envelope. BE+ eamines it.
+othin( on it1 +ot a word1
-U,1 That7s fnny$ isn7t it4
BE+1 It )ame nder the door4
-U,1 Mst ha.e done1
BE+1 Well$ (o on1
-U,1 -o on where4
BE+1 ?pen the door and see if yo )an )at)h anyone otside1
-U,1 Who$ me4
BE+1 -o on3
%&S stares at him, puts the matches in his pockets, goes to his bed and brings a revolver from
under the pillow. He goes to the door, opens it, looks out and shuts it1
-U,1 +o ?ne1
He replaces the revolver1
BE+1 What did yo see4
-U,1 +othin(1
BE+1 They mst ha.e been pretty /i)91
-U, takes the matches from pocket and looks at them1
-U,1 Well$ they7ll )ome in handy1
BE+1 ;es1
-U,1 Won7t they4
BE+1 ;es$ yo7re always rnnin( ot$ aren7t yo4
-U,1 All the time1
BE+1 Well$ they7ll )ome in handy then1
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 Won7t they4
-U,1 ;es$ I )old do with them1 I )old do with them too1
BE+1 ;o )old$ eh4
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 Why4
-U,1 We ha.en7t (ot any1
BE+1 Well$ yo7re always )ad(in( mat)hes1 How many ha.e yo (ot there4
-U,1 Abot a do8en1
BE+1 Well$ don7t lose them1 Red too1 ;o don7t e.en need a bo>1
-U, probes his ear with a match1
<Slapping his hand= Don7t waste them3 -o on$ (o and li(ht it1
-U,1 Eh4
BE+1 -o and li(ht it1
-U,1 5i(ht what4
BE+1 The 9ettle1
-U,1 ;o mean the (as1
BE+1 Who does4
-U,1 ;o do1
BE+ <his eyes narrowing=1 What do yo mean$ I mean the (as4
-U,1 Well$ that7s what yo mean$ don7t yo4 The (as1
BE+ <powerfully=1 If I say (o and li(ht the 9ettle I mean (o and li(ht the 9ettle1
-U,1 How )an yo li(ht the 9ettle4
BE+1 It7s a fi(re of spee)h3 5i(ht the 9ettle1 It7s a fi(re of spee)h3
-U,1 I7.e heard it1
BE+1 5i(ht the 9ettle3 It7s )ommon sa(e3
-U,1 I thin9 yo7.e (ot it wron(1
BE+ <menacing=1 What do yo mean4
-U,1They say pt on the 9ettle1
BE+ <taut=1 Who says4
They stare at each other, breathing hard.
<'eliberately1= I ha.e in all my life heard anyone say pt on the 9ettle1
-U,1 I bet my mother sed to say it1
BE+1 ;or mother4 When did yo last see yor mother4
-U,1 I don7t 9now$ abot66
BE+1 Well$ what are yo tal9in( abot yor mother for4
They stare1
-U,$ I7m not tryin( to be nreasonable1 I7m :st tryin( to point ot somethin( to yo1
-U,1 ;es$ bt66
BE+1 Who7s the senior partner here$ me or yo4
-U,1 ;o1
BE+1 I7m only loo9in( after yor interests$ -s1 ;o7.e (ot to learn$ mate1
-U,1 ;es$ bt I7.e heard66
BE+ <vehemently=1 +obody sways li(ht the (as3 What does the (as li(ht41
-U,1 What does the (as664
BE+ <grabbing him with two hands by the throat, at arm(s length=1 THE 2ETT5E$ ;?U A??53
-U, takes the hands from his throat1
-U,1 All ri(ht$ all ri(ht1
BE+1 Well$ what are yo waitin( for4
-U,1 I want to see if they li(ht1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 The mat)hes1
He takes out the flattened bo and tries to strike1
He throws the bo under the bed1
BE+ stares at him1
-U, raises his foot1
,hall I try it on here4
BE+ stares1 -U, strikes a match on his shoe. )t lights1
Here we are1
BE+ <wearily=1 Pt on the bloody 9ettle$ for Christ7s sa9e1
BE+ goes to his bed, but, reali*ing what he has said, stops and half turns. They look at each other1
-U, slowly eits, left1 BE+ slams his paper down on the bed and sits on it, head in hands.
-U, <entering=1 It7s (oin(1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 The sto.e1
-U, goes to his bed and sits1
I wonder who it7ll be toni(ht1
Eh$ I7.e been wantin( to as9 yo somethin(1
BE+ <putting his legs on the bed=1 ?h$ for Christ7s sa9e11
-U,1 +o$ I was (oin( to as9 yo somethin(1
He rises and sits on BE+Cs bed1
BE+1 What are yo sittin( on my bed for4
-U, sits1
What7s the matter with yo4 ;o7re always as9in( me /estions1 What7s the matter with yo4
-U,1 +othin(1
BE+1 ;o sed to as9 me so many damn /estions1 What7s )ome yo4
-U,1 +o$ I was :st wonderin(1
BE+1 ,top wonderin(1 ;o7.e (ot a :ob to do1 Why don7t yo :st do it and sht p4
-U,1 That7s what I was wonderin( abot1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 The :ob1
BE+1 What :ob4
-U, <tentatively=1 I tho(ht perhaps yo mi(ht 9now somethin(1
BE+ looks at him1
I tho(ht perhaps yo4 I mean4 Ha.e yo (ot any idea4 Who it7s (oin( to be toni(ht4
BE+1 Who what7s (oin( to be4
They look at each other1
-U, <at length=1 Who it7s (oin( to be1
BE+1 Are yo feelin( all ri(ht4
-U,1 ,re1
BE+1 -o and ma9e the tea1
-U,1 ;es$ sre1
-U, eits, left$ BE+ looks after him. He then takes his revolver from under the pillow and checks it
for ammunition1 -U, re-enters1
The (as has (one ot1
BE+1 Well$ what abot it4
-U,1 There7s a meter1
BE+1 I ha.en7t (ot any money1
-U,1 +or ha.e I1
BE+1 ;o7ll ha.e to wait1
-U,1 What for4
BE+1 Aor Wilson1
-U,1 He mi(ht not )ome1 He mi(tht :st send a messa(e1 He doesn7t always )ome1
BE+1 Well$ yo7ll ha.e to do withot it$ won7t yo4
-U,1 Blimey1
BE+1 ;o7ll ha.e a )p of tea afterwards1 What7s the matter with yo4
-U,1 I li9e to ha.e one before1
BE+ holds the revolver up to the light and polishes it1
BE+1 ;o7d better (et ready anyway1
-U,1 Well$ I don7t 9now$ that7s a bit m)h$ yo 9now$ for my money1
He pi)9s p a pa)9et of tea from the bed and throws it into the ba(1
I hope he7s (ot a shillin($ anyway$ if he )omes1 He7s entitled to ha.e1 After all$ it7s his pla)e$ he
)old ha.e seen there was eno(h (as for a )p of tea$
BE+1 What do yo mean$ it7s his pla)e4
-U,1 Well$ isn7t it4
BE+1 He7s probably only rented it1 It doesn7t ha.e to be his pla)e1
-U,1 I 9now it7s his pla)e1 I bet the whole hose is1 He7s not e.en layin( on any (as now either1
-U, sits on his bed1
It7s his pla)e$ all ri(ht1 5oo9 at all the other pla)es1 ;o (o to this address$ there7s a 9ey there$
there7s a teapot$ there7s a sol in si(ht4<He pauses1= Eh$ nobody hears a thin($ ha.e
yo tho(ht of that4 We (et any )omplaints$ do we$ too m)h noise or anythin( li9e
that4 ;o see a sol$ do yo4 4e>)ept the blo9e who )omes1 ;o noti)ed that4 I wonder
if the walls are sond6proof1 <He touches the wall above his bed1= Can7t tell1 All yo do is wait$ eh4
Half the time he doesn7t e.en bother to pt in an appearan)e$ Wilson1
BE+1 Why shold he4 He7s a bsy man1
-U, <thoughtfully=1 I find him hard to tal9 to$ Wilson1 Do yo 9now that$ Ben4
BE+1 ,)rb rond it$ will yo4
-U,1 There are a nmber of thin(s I want to as9 him1 Bt I )an (et rond to it$ when I see
I7.e been thin9in( abot the last one1
BE+1 What last one4
-U,1 That (irl1
BE+ (rabs the paper$ whi)h he reads1
<!ising, looking down at BE+=1 How many times ha.e yo read that paper4
BE+ slams the paper down and rises1
BE+ <angrily=1 What do yo mean4
-U,1 I was :st wonderin( how many times yo7d 66
-U,1 What are yo doin($ )riti)i8in( me4
-U,1 +o$ I was :st66
BE+1 ;o7ll (et a swipe rond yor earhole if yo don7t wat)h yor step1
-U,1 +o loo9 here$ Ben66
BE+1 I7m not loo9in( anywhere3 <He addresses the room1= How many times ha.e I663 A bloody
-U,1 I didn7t mean that1
BE+1 ;o :st (et on with it$ mate1 -et on with it$ that7s all1
BE+ (ets ba)9 on the bed1
-U,1 I was :st thin9in( abot that (irl$ that7s all1
-U, sits on his bed1
,he wasn7t m)h to loo9 at$ I 9now$ bt still1 It was a mess tho(h$ wasn7t it4 What a mess1 Honest$
I )an7t remember a mess li9e that one1 They don7t seem to hold to(ether li9e men$ women1 A looser
te>tre$ li9e1 Didn7t she spread$ eh4 ,he didn7t half spread1 2aw3 Bt I7.e been meanin( to as9 yo1
BE+ sits up and clenches his eyes1
Who )lears p after we7.e (one4 I7m )rios abot that1 Who does the )learin( p4 Maybe they
don7t )lear p1 Maybe they :st lea.e them there$ eh4 What do yo thin94 How many :obs ha.e we
done4 Blimey$ I )an7t )ont them1 What if they )lear anythin( p after we7.e (one1
BE+ <pityingly=1 ;o mtt1 Do yo thin9 we7re the only bran)h of this or(ani8ation4 Ha.e a bit of
)ommon1 They (ot departments for e.erythin(1
-U,1 What )leaners and all4
BE+1 ;o bir93
-U,1 +o$ it was that (irl made me start to thin966
There is a loud clatter and racket in the bulge of wall between the beds, of something descending.
They grab their revolvers, #ump up and face the wall. The noise comes to a stop. Silence. They
look at each other. BE+ gestures sharply towards the wall. -U, approaches the wall slowly. He
bangs it with his revolver. )t is hollow. BE+ moves to the head of his bed, his revolver cocked. -U,
puts his revolver on his bed and pats along the bottom of the center panel. He finds a rim. He lifts
the panel. 'isclosed is a serving-hatch, a dumb waiter. A wide bo is held by pulleys1 -U, peers
into the bo. He brings out a pieces of paper.
BE+1 What is it4
-U,1 ;o ha.e a loo9 at it1
BE+1 Read it1
-U, <reading=1 Two braised stea9 and )hips1 Two sa(o pddin(s1 Two teas withot s(ar1
BE+1 5et me see that1 <He takes the paper1=
-U,1 <to himself=1 Two teas withot s(ar1
BE+1 Mmnn1
-U,1 What do yo thin9 of that4
BE+1 Well66
The bo> (oes p1 BE+ le.els his re.ol.er1
-U,1 -i.e s a )han)e3 They7re in a hrry$ aren7t they4
BE+ re6reads the note1 -U, loo9s his sholder1
That7s a bit fnny$ isn7t it4
BE+ <$uickly=1 +o1 It7s not fnny1 It probably sed to be a )afD here$ thatCs all1 Upstairs1 These
pla)es )han(e hands .ery /i)9ly1
-U,1 A )afD4
BE+1 ;es1
-U,1 What$ yo mean this was the 9it)hen$ down here4
BE+1 ;es$ they )han(e hands$ these pla)es1 -o into li/idation1 The people who rn it$
yo 9now$ they don7t find it a (oin( )on)ern$ they mo.e ot1
-U,1 ;o mean the people who ran p this pla)e didn7t find it a (oin( )on)ern and mo.ed ot4
BE+1 ,re1
-U,$ Well$ WH?7, -?T IT +?W4
BE+1 What do yo mean$ who7s (ot it now4
-U,1 Who7s (ot it now4 If they mo.ed ot$ who mo.ed in4
BE+1 Well$ that all depends6
The bo descends with a clatter and bang. BE+ levels his revolver.
-U, goes to the bo and brings out a peace of paper.
-U, <reading=1 ,op of the day1 and onions1 #am tart.
A pause. -U, looks at BE+1 BE+ takes the note and reads it.
He walks slowly to the hatch. -U, follows. Ben looks into the hatch
but not up it. -U, puts his hand on BE+7s shoulder. BE+ throws it off. -U, puts his finger to
his mouth. He leans on the hatch and swiftly looks up it. BE+ flings him away in alarm. BE+
looks at the note. He throws his revolver on the bed and speaks with decision.
BE+1 We7d better send somethin( p1
-U,1 Eh4
BE+1 We7d better send somethin( p1
-U,1 ?h3 ;es1 ;es1 Maybe yo7re ri(ht1
They are both relieved at the decision.
BE+ <purposefully=1 Ei)93 What ha.e yo (ot in that ba(4
-U,1 +ot m)h1
-U, goes to the hatch and shouts up it.
Wait a minte3
BE+1 Don7t do that3
-U, eamines the contents of the bag and brings them out, one by one.
-U,1 Bis)its1 A bar of )ho)olate1 Half a pint of mil91
BE+1 That all4
-U,1 Pa)9et of tea1
BE+1 -ood1
-U,1 We )an7t send the tea1 That7s all the tea we7.e (ot1
BE+1 Well$ there7s no (as1 ;o )an7t do anythin( with it$ )an yo4
-U,1 Maybe they )an send s down a bob1
BE+1 What else is there4
-U, <reaching into bag=1 ?ne E))les )a9e1
BE+1 ?ne E))les )a9e4
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 ;o told me yo had an E))les )a9e1
-U,1 Didn7t I4
BE+1 Why only one4 Didn7t yo brin( one for me4
-U,1 I didn7t thin9 yo7d be 9een1
BE+1 Well$ yo )an7t send p one E))les )a9e$ anyway1
-U,1 Why not4
BE+1 Aet)h one of those plates1
-U,1 All ri(ht1
-U, goes towards the door, left, and stops1
Do yo mean I )an 9eep the E))les )a9e then4
BE+1 2eep it4
-U,1 Well$ they don7t 9now we7.e (ot it$ do they4
BE+1 That7s not the point1
-U,1 Can7t I 9eep it4
BE+1 +o$ yo )an7t1 -et the plate1
-U, eits, left1 BE+ looks in the bag. He brings out a packet of crisps. +nter -U, with a plate1
<Accusingly, holding up the crisps=1 Where did these )ome from4
-U,1 What4
BE+1 Where did these )risps )ome from4
-U,1 Where did yo find them4
BE+ <hitting him on the shoulder=1 ;o7re playin( a dirty (ame$ my lad3
-U,1 I only eat those with beer3
BE+1 Well$ where were yo (oin( to (et the beer4
-U,1 I was them till I did1
BE+1 I7ll remember this1 Pt e.erythin( on the plate1
They pile everything on to the plate. The bo goes up without the plate.
Wait a minte3
They stand1
-U,1 It7s (one p1
BE+1 It7s all yor falt$ playin( abot3
-U,1 What do we do now4
BE+1 We7ll ha.e to wait till it )omes down1
BE+ puts the plate on the bed, puts on his shoulder holster, and starts to put on his tie1
;o7d better (et ready1
-U, goes to his bed, puts on his tie, and starts to fi his holster.
-U,1 Hey$ Ben1
BE+1 What4
-U,1 What7s (oin( on here4
BE+1 What do yo mean4
-U,1 How )an this be a )afD4
BE+1 It sed to be a )afD1
-U,1 Ha.e yo seen the (as sto.e4
BE+1 What abot it4
-U,1 It7s only (ot three rin(s1
BE+1 ,o what4
-U,1 Well$ yo )oldn7t )oo9 m)h on three rin(s$ not for a bsy pla)e li9e this1
BE+ <irritably=1 That7s why the ser.i)e is slow3
BE+ pts on his waist)oat1
-U,1 ;es$ bt what happens when we7re not here4 What do they do then4 All these mens )omin(
down and nothin( (oin( p1 It mi(ht ha.e been (oin( on li9e this for years1
BE+ brushes his #acket1
What happens when we (o4
BE+ puts on his #acket1
They )an7t do m)h bsiness1
The bo descends. They turn about. -U, goes to the hatch and brings out a note1
-U, <reading=1 Ma)aroni Pastitsio1 ?rmitha Ma)aronada1
BE+1 What was that4
-U,1 Ma)aroni Pastitsio1 ?rmitha Ma)aronada1
BE+1 -ree9 dishes1
-U,1 +o1
BE+1 That7s ri(ht1
-U,1 That7s pretty hi(h )lass1
BE+1 Ei)9 before it (oes p1
-U, puts the plate in the bo1
-U, <calling up the hatch=1 Three M)Bitie and Pri)e3 ?ne 5yons Red 5abel3 ?ne ,mith7s Crisps3 ?ne
E))les )a9e3 ?ne Arit and +t3
BE+1 Cadbry7s1
-U, <up the hatch=1 Cadbry7s3
BE+ <handing the milk=1 ?ne bottle of mil91
-U, <up the hatch=1 ?ne bottle of mil93 Half a pint3 <He looks at the label1= E>press Dairy3 <He puts the
bottle in the bo1=
The bo goes up1
#st did it1
BE+1 ;o sholdn7t shot li9e that1
-U,1 Why not4
BE+1 It isn7t done1
BE+ goes to his bed1
Well$ that shold be all ri(ht$ anyway$ for the time bein(1
-U,1 ;o thin9 so$ eh4
BE+1 -et dressed$ will yo4 It7ll be any minte now1
-U, puts on his on his waistcoat1 B+, lies down and looks up at the ceiling1
-U,1 This is some pla)e1 +o tea and no bis)its1
BE+1 Eatin( ma9es yo la8y$ mate1 ;o7re (ettin( la8y$ yo 9now that4 ;o don7t want to (et sla)9 on
yor :ob1
-U,1 Who me4
BE+1 ,la)9$ mate$ sla)91
-U,1 Who me4 ,la)94
BE+1 Ha.e yo )he)9ed yor (n4 ;o ha.en7t e.en )he)9ed yor (n1 It loo9s dis(ra)efl$ anyway1
Why don7t yo polish it4
-U, rubs his revolver on the sheet1 BE+ takes out a pocket mirror and straightens his tie1
-U,1 I wonder where the )oo9 is1 They mst ha.e had a few$ to )ope with that1 Maybe they had a few
more (as sto.es1 Eh3 Maybe thereCs another 9it)hen alon( the passa(e1
BE+1 ?f )orse there is3 Do yo 9now what it ta9es to ma9e an ?rmitha Ma)aronada4
-U,1 +o$ what4
BE+1 An ?rmitha663 B)9 yor ideas p$ will yo4
-U,1 Ta9es a few )oo9s$ eh4
-U, puts his revolver in its holster1
The sooner we7re ot of this pla)e the better1
He puts on his #acket1
Why doesn7t he (et in to)h4 I feel li9e I7.e been here years1 <He takes his revolver out of its holster to
check the ammunition1= We7.e let him down tho(h$ ha.e we4 We7.e let him down1 I was
thin9in( only the other day$ Ben1 We7re reliable$ aren7t we4
He pts his ba)9 in its holster1
,till$ I7ll be (lad when it7s toni(ht1
He brushes his #acket.
I hope the blo9e7s not (oin( to (et e>)ited toni(ht$ or anythin(1 I7m feelin( a bit off1 I7.e (ot a splittin(
The bo descends1 BE+ #umps up1
-U, collects the note1
<reading1= ?ne Bamboo ,hoots$ Water Chestnts and Chi)9en1 ?ne Char ,i and Beansprots1
BE+1 Beansprots4
-U,1 ;es1
BE+1 Blimey1
-U,1 I woldn7t 9now where to be(in1
He looks back at the bo. The packet of tea is inside it. He picks it up1
They7.e sent ba)9 the tea1
BE+ <anious=1 What7d they do that for4
-U,1 Maybe it isn7t tea6time1
The bo goes up. Silence1
BE+ <throwing the tea on the bed, and speaking urgently=1 5oo9 here1 We7d better tell them1
-U,1 Tell them what4
BE+1 That we )an7t do it$ we ha.en7t (ot it1
-U,1 All ri(ht then1
BE+1 5end s yor pen)il1 We7ll write a note1
-U,$ turning for a pencil, suddenly discovers the speaking-tube, which hangs on the right wall of the
hatch facing his bed1
-U,1 What7s this4
BE+1 What4
-U,1 This1
BE+ <eamining it=1 This4 It7s a spea9in(6tbe1
-U,1 How lon( has that been there4
BE+1 #st the :ob1 We shold ha.e sed it before$ instead of shotin( p there1
-U,1 Anny I noti)ed it before1
BE+1 Well$ )ome on1
-U,1 What do yo do4
BE+1 ,ee that4 That7s a whistle1
-U,1 ;es$ ta9e it ot1 Pll it ot1
-U, does so1
That7s it1
-U,1 What do we do now4
BE+1 Blow into it1
-U,1 Blow4
BE+1 It whistles p there if yo blow1 Then they 9now yo want to spea91 Blow1
-U, blows. Silence1
-U, <tube at mouth=1 I )an7t hear a thin(1
BE+1 +ow yo spea93 ,pea9 into it3
-U, looks at BE+$ then speaks into the tube1
-U,1 The larder7s bare3
BE+1 -i.e me that3
He grabs the tube and puts it to his mouth1
<Speaking with great deference1= -ood e.enin(1 I7m sorry to 4 bother yo$ bt we :st tho(ht we7d
better let yo 9now that we ha.en7t (ot anythin( left1 We sent p all we had1 There7s no more food
down here1
He brings the tube slowly to his ear1
To mouth1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
+o$ all we had we sent p1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
?h$ I7m .ery sorry to hear that1
To ear. He listens. To -U,1
The E))les )a9e was stale1
He listens. To -U,1
The )ho)olate was melted1
He listens. To -U,1
The mil9 was sor1
-U,1 What abot the )risps4
BE+ <listening=1 The bis)its were moldy1
He glares at -U,1 Tube to mouth1
Well$ we7re .ery sorry abot that1
Tube to ear1
To mouth1
To ear1
;es1 ;es1
To mouth1
;es )ertainly1 Certainly1 Ri(ht away1
To ear. The voice has ceased. He hangs up the tube1
<+citedly=1 Did yo hear that4
-U,1 What4
BE+1 ;o 9now what he said4 5i(ht the 9ettle3 +ot pt on the 9ettle3 +ot li(ht the (as3 Bt li(ht the
-U,1 How )an we li(ht the 9ettle4
BE+1 What do yo mean4
-U,1 There7s no (as1
BE+ <clapping hand to head=1 +ow what do we do4
-U,1 What did he want s to li(ht the 9ettle for4
BE+1 Aor tea1 He wanted a )p of tea1
-U,1 He wanted a )p of tea3 What abot me4 I7.e been wantin( a )p of tea all ni(ht3
BE+ <despairingly=1 What do we do now4
-U,1 What are we spposed to drin94
BE+ sits on his bed, staring1
What abot s4
BE+ sits1
I7m thirsty too1 I7m And he wants a )p of tea1 That beats that band$ that does1
BE+ lets his head sink on to his chest1
I )old do with a bit of sstenan)e myself1 What abot yo4 ;o loo9 as if yo )old do with
somethin( too1
-U, sits on his bed1
We send him p all we7.e (ot and he7s not satisfied1 +o$ honest$ it7s eno(h to ma9e the )at la(h1
Why did yo send him p all that stff4 <Thoughtfully1= Why did I send it p4
Who 9nows what he7s (ot pstairs4 He7s probably (ot a salad bowl1 They mst ha.e somethin( p
there1 They won7t (et m)h from down here1 ;o noti)e they didn7t as9 for any salads4 They7.e
probably (ot a salad bowl p there1 Cold meat$ radishes$ ))mbers1 Water)ress1 Roll mops1
Hardboiled e((s1
The lot1 They7.e probably (ot a )rate of beer too1 Probably eatin( my )risps with a pint of beer now1
Didn7t ha.e anythin( to say abot those )risps$ did he4 They do all ri(ht$ don7t worry abot that1 ;o
don7t thin9 they7re :st (oin( to sit there and wait for stff to )ome p from down here$ do yo4 They7ll
(et them nowhere1
They do all ri(ht1
And he wants a )p of tea1
That7s part a :o9e$ in my opinion1
He looks over at BE+$ rises, and goes to him1
What7s the matter with yo4 ;o don7t loo9 too bri(ht1 I feel li9e an Al9a6,elt8er myself1
BE+ sits up1
BE+ <in a low voice=1 Time7s (ettin( on1
-U,1 I 9now1 I don7t li9e doin( a :ob on an empty stoma)h1
BE+ <wearily=1 Be /iet a minte1 5et me (i.e yo yor instr)tions1
-U,1 What for4 We always do it the same way$ don7t we4
BE+1 5et me (i.e yo yor instr)tions1
-U, signs and sits net to BE+ on the bed1 The instructions are stated and repeated automatically1
When we (et the )all$ yo (o and stand behind the door1
-U,1 ,tand behind the door1
BE+1 If there7s a 9no)9 on the door yo don7t answer it1
-U,1 If there7s a 9no)9 on the door yo don7t answer it1
BE+1 Bt there won7t be a 9no)9 on the door1
-U,1 ,o I won7t answer it1
BE+1 When the blo9e )omes in66
-U,1 When the blo9e )omes in66
BE+1 ,ht the door behind him1
-U,1 ,ht the door behind him1
BE+1 Withot di.l(in( yor presen)e1
-U,1 Withot di.l(in( yor presen)e1
BE+1 He7ll see me and )ome towards me1
-U,1 He7ll see yo and )ome towards yo1
BE+1 He won7t see yo1
-U, <absently=1 Eh4
BE+1 He won7t see yo1
-U,1 He won7t see me1
BE+1 Bt he7ll see me1
-U,1 He7ll see yo1
BE+1 He won7t 9now yo7re there1
-U,1 He won7t 9now you(re there1
-U,1 He won7t 9now I7m there1
BE+1 I ta9e ot my (n1
-U,1 ;o ta9e ot yor (n1
BE+1 He stops in his tra)9s1
-U,1 He stops in his tra)9s1
BE+1 If he trns rond66
-U,1 If he trns rond66
BE+1 ;o7re there$
-U,1 I7m here1
BE+ frowns and presses his forehead1
;o7.e missed somethin( ot1
BE+1 I 9now1 What4
-U,1 I ha.en7t ta9en my (n ot$ a))ordin( to yo1
BE+1 ;o ta9e yor (n ot66
-U,1 After I7.e )losed the door1
BE+1 After yo7.e )losed the door1
-U,1 ;o7.e missed that ot before$ yo 9now that4
BE+1 When he sees yo behind him66
-U,1 Me behind him66
BE+1 And me in front of him66
-U,1 And yo in front of him66
BE+1 He7ll feel n)ertain66
-U,1 Uneasy1
BE+1 He won7t 9now what to do1
-U,1 ,o what will he do4
BE+1 He7ll loo9 at me and he7ll loo9 at yo1
-U,1 We won7t say a word1
BE+1 We7ll loo9 at him1
-U,1 He won7t say a word1
BE+1 He7ll loo9 at s1
-U,1 And we7ll loo9 at him1
BE+1 +obody says a word1
-U,1 What do we do if it7s a (irl4
BE+1 We do the same1
-U,1 E>a)tly the same4
BE+1 E>a)tly1
-U,1 We don7t do anythin( different4
BE+1 We do e>a)tly the same1
-U,1 ?h1
-U, rises, and shivers1
E>)se me1
He eits through the door on the left1 BE+ remains sitting on the bed, still.
The lavatory chain is pulled once off left, but the lavatory does not flush.
-U, reenters and stops inside the door, deep in thought. He looks at BE+$ then walks slowly across
to his own bed. He is troubled. He stands, thinking. He turns and looks at BE+1 He moves a few paces
towards him1
<Slowly in a low, tense voice1= Why did he send s mat)hes if he 9new there was no (as4
BE+ stares in front of him1 -U, crosses to the left side of BE+$ to the foot of his bed, to get to his
other ear.
Ben1 Why did he send s mat)hes if he 9new there was no (as4
BE+ looks up1
Why did he do that4
BE+1 Who4
-U,1 Who sent s those mat)hes4
BE+1 What are yo tal9in( abot4
-U, stares down at him1
-U, <thickly=1 Who is pstairs4
BE+ <nervously=1 What7s one thin( to do with another4
BE+ fumbles for his paper on the bed1
-U,1 I as9ed yo a /estion1
BE+1 Eno(h3
-U, <with growing agitation=1 I as9ed yo before1 Who mo.ed in4 I as9ed yo1 ;o said the people
who had it before mo.ed ot1 Well$
who mo.ed in4
BE+ <hunched=1 ,ht p1
-U,1 I told yo$ didn7t I4
BE+ <standing=1 ,ht p3
-U, <feverishly=1 I told yo before who owned this pla)e$ didn7t I4
I told yo1
BE+ hits him viciously on the shoulder1
I told yo who ran this pla)e$ didn7t I4
BE+ hits him viciously on the shoulder1
<-iolently1= Well$ what7s he playin( all these (ames for4 That7s what I want to 9now1 What7s he doin( it
BE+1 What (ame4
-U, <passionately, advancing=1 What7s he doin( it for4 We7.e been thro(h or tests$ ha.en7t we4 We
(ot ri(ht thro(h or tests$ years a(o$ didn7t we4 We too9 them to(ether$ don7s yo remeber$ didn7s
we4 We7.e always done or :ob1 What7s he doin( all this for4 What7s the idea4 What7s he playin( these
(ames for4
The bo in the shaft comes down behind them. The noise is this time accompanied by a shrill whistle,
as it falls1 -U, rushes to the hatch and sei*es the note1
<!eading1= ,)ampi3
He crumples the note, picks up the tube, takes out the whistle, blows and speaks1
WE7.e -?T +?THI+- 5EAT3 +?THI+-3 D? ;?U U+DER,TA+D4
BE+ sei*es the tube and flings -U, away. He follows -U, and slaps him hard, back-handed, across
the chest1
BE+1 ,top it3 ;o mania)3
-U,1 Bt yo heard3
BE+ <savagely=1 That7s eno(h3 I7m warnin( yo3
BE+ hangs the tube. He goes to his bed and lies down. He picks up his paper and reads1
The bo goes up.
They turn $uickly, their eyes meet1 BE+ turns to his paper1
Slowly -U, goes back to his bed, and sits.
The hatch falls back into place.
They turn $uickly, their eyes meet1 BE+ turns back to his paper.
BE+ throws his paper down1
BE+1 2AW3
He picks up the paper and looks at it1
5isten to this3
What abot that$ eh4
Ha.e yo heard s)h a thin(4
-U, <dully=1 -o on3
BE+1 It7 tre1
-U,1 -et away1
BE+1 It7s down here in bla)9 and white1
-U, <very low=1 Is that a fa)t4
BE+1 Can yo ima(ine it1
-U,1 It7s nbelie.able1
BE+1 It7ss eno(h to ma9e yo want to p9e$ isn7s it4
-U,1 <almost inaudible=1 Indredible1
BE+ shakes his head. He puts the paper down and rises. He fies the revolver in his holster1
-U, stands up. He goes towards the door on the left1
BE+1 Where are yo (oin(4
-U,1 ICm (oin( to ha.e a (lass of water1
He eits1 BE+ brushes dust off his clothes and shoes. The whistle in the speaking-tube blows. He
goes to it, takes the whistle out and puts the tube to his ear. He listens. He puts it to his mouth.
BE+1 ;es1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
,trai(ht away1 Ri(ht1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
Understood1 Repeat1 He has arri.ed and will be )omin( in strai(ht away1 The normal method to be
employed1 Understood1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
,re we7re ready1
To ear. He listens. To mouth1
He hangs the tube up1
He takes out the comb and combs his hair, ad#usts his #acket to diminish the bulge of the revolver. The
lavatory flushes off left1 BE+ goes $uickly to the door, left1
The door right opens sharply1 BE+ turns, his revolver leveled at the door1
-U, stumbles in.
He is stripped of his #acket, waistcoat, tie, holster and revolver.
He stops, body stooping, his arms at his sides.
He raises his head and looks at BE+1
A long silence.
They stare at each other1