ME 470: Senior Design

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Alabama A&M University

School of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering
ME 470: Senior Design
Automated Washing Process for Microarray Plates
Submitted by:
Jose Long
Ezban Morissette
Darneshia Williams
Cameron Alexander (Team Leader
Date Submitted: Se!tember "#$ %&"'
Dr* Mohamed Sei+ , Dr* Aaron Adams Exe)uti-e Summary
Table of Contents
Exe)uti-e Summary**************************************************************************************************************************'
.ur (m!ro-ements to the /ro)ess (/ro!osed Designs*********************************************************************'
/ro!osed 0udget********************************************************************************************************************************1
/ro3e)t S)hedule********************************************************************************************************************************1
Executive Summary
The mi)roarray !late 4e are using to de-elo! an automated 4ashing !ro)ess is )alled a
5exterion6 /late E MT/ 78* (t 4as de-elo!ed +or the immobilization o+ D5A mole)ules onto a
)oated mi)ro!late sized glass allo4ing high sam!le throughout 4ith re!rodu)ibility and higher
sensiti-ity* The !late is manu+a)tured +rom high 9uality glass and laser )utting te)hnology is used
to obtain de+e)t and !arti)le +ree !late sur+a)es* They are )leaned and )oated under a stri)t !ro)ess
to )ontrol all the +abri)ation ste! endures )oating uni+ormity and re!rodu)ibility +rom bat)h to
Currently$ the !ro)ess +or 4ashing and drying mi)roarray !lates to remo-e unbound mole)ules are
mostly done manually* 0e)ause o+ the time and ex!enses in-ol-ed$ this !ro)ess )an be)ome
!roblemati) to a )om!any* The ob3e)ti-e o+ this !ro3e)t is to automate the !ro)ess in order to
im!ro-e the time and )ost e++i)ien)y*
The )urrent !ro)ess is as +ollo4s:
Arrays are !rinted and D5A is immobilized being in)ubated at room tem!erature +or '& minutes*
5ext the !lates go through a manual 4ashing* This 4ashing !ro)ess in)ludes rinsing the !lates
on)e +or : minutes in Triton6 ;<"&& solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing !lates t4i)e +or %
minutes in =ydro)hlori) a)id solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or "& min in /otassium
)hloride solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or " minute in de<ionized 4ater at room
tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or ": min in ethanolamine solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing a
minimum o+ +our times +or " minute in de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature and then +inally
drying the !lates in an oil<+ree air or nitrogen stream to a-oid any 4ater stains on the !late
The Triton6 ;<"&& )ontains "&& mi)ro liters Triton6 ;<"&& and "&& milliliters de<ionized 4ater
4armed to '>? C (be+ore adding Triton6 ;<"&&* The =ydro)hlori) a)id solution )ontains"&
mi)ro liters in =ydro)hlori) a)id and "&& milliliters de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature* The
/otassium )hloride solution )ontains &*:# grams /otassium )hloride and "&& milliliters de<ionized
4ater at room tem!erature* The ethanolamine solution )ontains '"& mi)ro liters ethanolamine:
"&& milliliters blo)@ing solution (4armed to :&? C*
ur !m"rovements to the Process #Pro"osed Designs$
As o+ no4 a )urrent design is not +inalized +or our !ro3e)t* This is 4hat 4e 4ill s!end hal+ o+ our
semester designing* What 4e do @no4 is that our design does ha-e some !reliminary )onstraints*
The !ro)ess in 4hi)h 4e use must +irst a))ommodate the 5exterion6 /late (""& x >1 x "*& mm (A
&*" thi)@ness and 4eight: "# g (A &*: g !late ty!e S)hott and %: x >: mm slides as 4ell* 5ext 4e
ha-e to in)or!orate a minimum o+ +our 4ash bu++ers at a!!ro!riate tem!eratures* (t must alert user
4hen going into blo)@ 4ash then !ause the !ro)ess and re9uire user inter-ention to )ontinue* At
this ste! in the !ro)ess addition o+ ethanolamine 4ill be re9uired* The materials )annot intera)t
4ith reagents* Lastly$ it must sa+ely B e++e)ti-ely dry !lates* The !ro)ess 4ill be ergonomi)ally
+riendly 4ith 4eight o+ handling no more than %&lbs$ and about 4aist high (+or a :C% +emale*
Pro"osed %udget
This semester a de+inite budget )annot be determined be)ause the team 4ill still be in the
resear)hing and designing !hase* Dor semester to a budget 4ill be announ)ed a+ter )are+ul
)onsideration +rom our s!onsors at Mi)roarrays (n)*
Dor our design 4e 4ill im!lement LabEie4 sin)e it is the !rogram Mi)roarrays use* The !rogram
)reated 4ill be !rogrammable to !ro)ess using alternate times and,or iterations$ log tem!erature B
humidity readings during the !ro)essing e-ent(s$ LED indi)ator F running -s* sto!!ed,!aused$
and abort se9uen)e to sa+ely terminate the !ro)edure by draining all li9uids and drying
"* /rogramG": /urge,/rime se9uen)es i+ ne)essary
%* /rogramG%: Dull !ro)essing e-ent
'* /rogramG': /artial !ro)essing e-ent
Students: There 4ill be +our undergraduate Me)hani)al Engineering students in-ol-ed 4ith this
!ro3e)t* Jose Long$ Ezban Morissette$ Darneshia Williams$ and Cameron Alexander*
!ndustry: This !ro3e)t 4ill be +unded and su!!orted dire)tly by Mi)roarrays$ (n)*
Pro'ect Schedule
Tas@ ": Hesear)h )urrent !ro)ess and brainstorm design )onsiderations
Tas@ %: Condu)t trade studies on !ro3e)t alternati-es
Tas@ ': Con)e!tual de-elo!ment o+ /ro3e)t
Tas@ 1: Dra+t CAD designs o+ the !ro3e)t$ three alternati-es*
Tas@ :: Test dra+ted CAD model 4ith Dinite Element Analysis to ensure maximum
durability and !er+orman)e*
Tas@ 8: 2et a!!ro-al +rom Mi)roarrays +or !reliminary design o+ the !ro3e)t* They 4ill )hoose
+rom one o+ three alternati-es*
Tas@ >: He-ie4 a!!ro-ed design a+ter return +rom Christmas brea@ and dis)uss budget 4ith
Tas@ #: .rder ne)essary !arts +or assembly o+ !ro3e)t* ((+ ne)essary*
Tas@ 7: Assemble !ro3e)t*
Tas@ "&: /re!are te)hni)al re!ort o+ resear)h +indings*
Tas@ "": Ma@e +inal !resentation in +ront o+ the +a)ulty and !eers*

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