The team aims to automate the manual washing process for microarray plates to improve time and cost efficiency. Currently, washing plates involves rinsing them in several buffer solutions by hand. The team will design an automated system that can accommodate the plate size and incorporate at least four wash buffers at appropriate temperatures, with indicators to show the process status. The goal is to programmable washing with alternate times and iterations while logging temperature and humidity data.
The team aims to automate the manual washing process for microarray plates to improve time and cost efficiency. Currently, washing plates involves rinsing them in several buffer solutions by hand. The team will design an automated system that can accommodate the plate size and incorporate at least four wash buffers at appropriate temperatures, with indicators to show the process status. The goal is to programmable washing with alternate times and iterations while logging temperature and humidity data.
The team aims to automate the manual washing process for microarray plates to improve time and cost efficiency. Currently, washing plates involves rinsing them in several buffer solutions by hand. The team will design an automated system that can accommodate the plate size and incorporate at least four wash buffers at appropriate temperatures, with indicators to show the process status. The goal is to programmable washing with alternate times and iterations while logging temperature and humidity data.
The team aims to automate the manual washing process for microarray plates to improve time and cost efficiency. Currently, washing plates involves rinsing them in several buffer solutions by hand. The team will design an automated system that can accommodate the plate size and incorporate at least four wash buffers at appropriate temperatures, with indicators to show the process status. The goal is to programmable washing with alternate times and iterations while logging temperature and humidity data.
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Alabama A&M University
School of Engineering and Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering ME 470: Senior Design Automated Washing Process for Microarray Plates Submitted by: Jose Long Ezban Morissette Darneshia Williams Cameron Alexander (Team Leader Date Submitted: Se!tember "#$ %&"' (nstru)tor: Dr* Mohamed Sei+ , Dr* Aaron Adams Exe)uti-e Summary Table of Contents Exe)uti-e Summary**************************************************************************************************************************' .ur (m!ro-ements to the /ro)ess (/ro!osed Designs*********************************************************************' /ro!osed 0udget********************************************************************************************************************************1 2oals**************************************************************************************************************************************************1 /ersonnel*******************************************************************************************************************************************1 /ro3e)t S)hedule********************************************************************************************************************************1 % Executive Summary The mi)roarray !late 4e are using to de-elo! an automated 4ashing !ro)ess is )alled a 5exterion6 /late E MT/ 78* (t 4as de-elo!ed +or the immobilization o+ D5A mole)ules onto a )oated mi)ro!late sized glass allo4ing high sam!le throughout 4ith re!rodu)ibility and higher sensiti-ity* The !late is manu+a)tured +rom high 9uality glass and laser )utting te)hnology is used to obtain de+e)t and !arti)le +ree !late sur+a)es* They are )leaned and )oated under a stri)t !ro)ess to )ontrol all the +abri)ation ste! endures )oating uni+ormity and re!rodu)ibility +rom bat)h to bat)h* Currently$ the !ro)ess +or 4ashing and drying mi)roarray !lates to remo-e unbound mole)ules are mostly done manually* 0e)ause o+ the time and ex!enses in-ol-ed$ this !ro)ess )an be)ome !roblemati) to a )om!any* The ob3e)ti-e o+ this !ro3e)t is to automate the !ro)ess in order to im!ro-e the time and )ost e++i)ien)y* The )urrent !ro)ess is as +ollo4s: Arrays are !rinted and D5A is immobilized being in)ubated at room tem!erature +or '& minutes* 5ext the !lates go through a manual 4ashing* This 4ashing !ro)ess in)ludes rinsing the !lates on)e +or : minutes in Triton6 ;<"&& solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing !lates t4i)e +or % minutes in =ydro)hlori) a)id solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or "& min in /otassium )hloride solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or " minute in de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature$ rinsing on)e$ +or ": min in ethanolamine solution at room tem!erature$ rinsing a minimum o+ +our times +or " minute in de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature and then +inally drying the !lates in an oil<+ree air or nitrogen stream to a-oid any 4ater stains on the !late sur+a)e* The Triton6 ;<"&& )ontains "&& mi)ro liters Triton6 ;<"&& and "&& milliliters de<ionized 4ater 4armed to '>? C (be+ore adding Triton6 ;<"&&* The =ydro)hlori) a)id solution )ontains"& mi)ro liters in =ydro)hlori) a)id and "&& milliliters de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature* The /otassium )hloride solution )ontains &*:# grams /otassium )hloride and "&& milliliters de<ionized 4ater at room tem!erature* The ethanolamine solution )ontains '"& mi)ro liters ethanolamine: "&& milliliters blo)@ing solution (4armed to :&? C* ur !m"rovements to the Process #Pro"osed Designs$ As o+ no4 a )urrent design is not +inalized +or our !ro3e)t* This is 4hat 4e 4ill s!end hal+ o+ our semester designing* What 4e do @no4 is that our design does ha-e some !reliminary )onstraints* The !ro)ess in 4hi)h 4e use must +irst a))ommodate the 5exterion6 /late (""& x >1 x "*& mm (A &*" thi)@ness and 4eight: "# g (A &*: g !late ty!e S)hott and %: x >: mm slides as 4ell* 5ext 4e ha-e to in)or!orate a minimum o+ +our 4ash bu++ers at a!!ro!riate tem!eratures* (t must alert user 4hen going into blo)@ 4ash then !ause the !ro)ess and re9uire user inter-ention to )ontinue* At this ste! in the !ro)ess addition o+ ethanolamine 4ill be re9uired* The materials )annot intera)t 4ith reagents* Lastly$ it must sa+ely B e++e)ti-ely dry !lates* The !ro)ess 4ill be ergonomi)ally +riendly 4ith 4eight o+ handling no more than %&lbs$ and about 4aist high (+or a :C% +emale* ' Pro"osed %udget This semester a de+inite budget )annot be determined be)ause the team 4ill still be in the resear)hing and designing !hase* Dor semester to a budget 4ill be announ)ed a+ter )are+ul )onsideration +rom our s!onsors at Mi)roarrays (n)* &oals Dor our design 4e 4ill im!lement LabEie4 sin)e it is the !rogram Mi)roarrays use* The !rogram )reated 4ill be !rogrammable to !ro)ess using alternate times and,or iterations$ log tem!erature B humidity readings during the !ro)essing e-ent(s$ LED indi)ator F running -s* sto!!ed,!aused$ and abort se9uen)e to sa+ely terminate the !ro)edure by draining all li9uids and drying !lates,slides* "* /rogramG": /urge,/rime se9uen)es i+ ne)essary %* /rogramG%: Dull !ro)essing e-ent '* /rogramG': /artial !ro)essing e-ent Personnel Students: There 4ill be +our undergraduate Me)hani)al Engineering students in-ol-ed 4ith this !ro3e)t* Jose Long$ Ezban Morissette$ Darneshia Williams$ and Cameron Alexander* !ndustry: This !ro3e)t 4ill be +unded and su!!orted dire)tly by Mi)roarrays$ (n)* Pro'ect Schedule Tas@ ": Hesear)h )urrent !ro)ess and brainstorm design )onsiderations Tas@ %: Condu)t trade studies on !ro3e)t alternati-es Tas@ ': Con)e!tual de-elo!ment o+ /ro3e)t Tas@ 1: Dra+t CAD designs o+ the !ro3e)t$ three alternati-es* Tas@ :: Test dra+ted CAD model 4ith Dinite Element Analysis to ensure maximum durability and !er+orman)e* Tas@ 8: 2et a!!ro-al +rom Mi)roarrays +or !reliminary design o+ the !ro3e)t* They 4ill )hoose +rom one o+ three alternati-es* Tas@ >: He-ie4 a!!ro-ed design a+ter return +rom Christmas brea@ and dis)uss budget 4ith Mi)roarrays Tas@ #: .rder ne)essary !arts +or assembly o+ !ro3e)t* ((+ ne)essary* Tas@ 7: Assemble !ro3e)t* Tas@ "&: /re!are te)hni)al re!ort o+ resear)h +indings* Tas@ "": Ma@e +inal !resentation in +ront o+ the +a)ulty and !eers* 1 :