In This Article I Will Offer Driver Circuit For 12 V

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In this article I will offer driver circuit for a12 V/5 Watt fluorescent lamp, this circuit used

a normal 220 to 10V step-

down transformer in reverse to step 12V to about 240V to drive a lamp without the need to warm the filaments !ere
is a schematic drawin"#
$imple 12 volts inverter circuit
!ow to %a&e a $implest Inverter 'ircuit
(his super simple desi"n of an inverter circuit does not limit it in an) wa) from providin" a hi"h output
power and an efficienc) of a "ood *5+ ,earn how to build an inverter that will satisf) most of )our power
re-uirement at -uite an affordable cost
(he article deals with the construction details of a mini inverter .ead to &now how to build an inverter
which can provide reasonabl) "ood power output and )et is ver) affordable and slee&
(here ma) be a hu"e number of inverter circuits available over the internet and electronic ma"a/ines 0ut
these circuits are often ver) complicated and hi-end t)pe of inverters (hus we are left with no choice but
1ust to wonder how to build an inverter that can be not onl) eas) to build but also low cost and hi"hl)
efficient in its wor&in" Well )our search for such a circuit ends here (he circuit of an inverter described
here is perhaps the smallest as far its component count "oes )et is powerful enou"h to fulfill most of )our
'onstruction 2rocedure
(his mini inverter circuit can be completed throu"h the followin" simple steps#
'ut two sheets of aluminum of 3/4 inches each
0end one end of the sheet as shown in the dia"ram 4rill appropriate si/ed holes on to the bends so that
it can be clamped firml) to the metal cabinet
5lso drill holes for fittin" of the power transistors (he holes are 6mm in diameter, (7-6 t)pe of pac&a"e
8i9 the transistors ti"htl) on to the heat sin&s with the help of nuts and bolts
'onnect the resistors in a cross-coupled manner directl) to the leads of the transistors as per the circuit
:ow 1oin the heat sin&, transistor, resistor assembl) to the secondar) windin" of the transformer
8i9 the whole circuit assembl) alon" with the transformer inside a sturd), well ventilated metal enclosure
8it the output and input soc&ets, fuse holder etc e9ternall) to the cabinet and connect them appropriatel)
to the circuit assembl)
2arts .e-uired for the simple inverter circuit dia"ram
;ou will re-uire 1ust the followin" few components for the construction#
.1, .2< 100 7!%$/ 10 W5(($ WI.= W7>:4
.6, .4< 15 7!%$/ 10 W5(($ WI.= W7>:4
(1, (2 < 2:6055 27W=. (.5:$I$(7.$ ?%7(7.7,5@
(.5:$87.%=.< A- 0- A V7,($ / B 5%2$
5>(7%70I,= 05((=.;< 12 V7,($/ 105!
5,>%I:>% !=5($I:C< '>( 5$ 2=. (!= .=D>I.=4 $IE=
V=:(I,5(=4 %=(5, '50I:=(< 5$ 2=. (!= $IE= 78 (!= W!7,= 5$$=%0,;
!ow to (est itF
(he testin" of this mini inverter is done in the followin" method#
8or testin" purpose connect a 30 watt incandescent bulb to the output soc&et of the inverter
:e9t, connect a full) char"ed 12 V automobile batter) to its suppl) terminals
(he 30 watt bulb should immediatel) li"ht up bri"htl), indicatin" that the inverter is functionin" properl)
(his concludes the construction and the testin" of the inverter circuit
I hope from the above discussions )ou must have clearl) understood how to build an inverter which is not
onl) simple to construct but also ver) affordable to each of )ou
It can be used to power small electrical appliances li&e solderin" iron, '8, li"hts, small portable fans etc
(he output power will lie in the vicinit) of *0 watts and is load dependent
(he efficienc) of this inverter is around *5+ (he unit ma) be connected to )our vehicles batter) itself
when outdoors so that the trouble of carr)in" an e9tra batter) is eliminated
'ircuit 4escription
(he functionin" of this mini inverter circuit is rather uni-ue and different from the normal inverters which
involve discrete oscillator sta"e for powerin" the transistors
!owever, here the two sections or the two arms of the circuit operate in a re"enerative manner Its ver)
simple and ma) be understood throu"h the followin" points#
(he two halves of the circuit no matter how much the) are matched will alwa)s consist a sli"ht imbalance
in the parameters surroundin" them, li&e the resistors, !fe, transformer windin" turns etc
4ue to this, both the halves are not able to conduct to"ether at one instant
5ssume that the upper half transistors conduct first, obviousl) the) will be "ettin" their biasin" volta"e
throu"h the lower half windin" of the transformer via .2
!owever the moment the) saturate and conduct full), the entire batter) volta"e is pulled throu"h their
collectors to the "round
(his suc&s out dr) an) volta"e throu"h .2 to their base and the) immediatel) stop conductin"
(his "ives an opportunit) for the lower transistors to conduct and the c)cle repeats
(he whole circuit thus starts to oscillate
(he base =mitter resistors are used to fi9 a particular threshold for their conduction to brea&, the) help to
fi9 a base biasin" reference level

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