Wolverine Workout

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The Workout

- 5 lifting sessions per week

- 6-8 cardio sessions per week
(8 cardio sessions if doing cardio more than once
on a given day)
Example Workout Day (Vegetable consumption is unlimited Try to have (lo!"mercury)
#sh at least $x%!eek &imit red meat consumption)
'eal (
A large bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon, six scrambled eggs with ham and spinach, two slices of
rye bread toasted with peanut butter
'eal $
roccoli, a !"-ounce steak, one boiled sweet potato
'eal )
#wo grilled chicken breasts with lemon and herbs, brown rice, spinach
'eal *
$rilled salmon, half an a%ocado, broccoli
'eal +
&ottage &heese'$reek (ogurt
Example ,est Day (-ero to very limited amount of carbs on rest days Excludes cheat
'eal (
)our poached eggs, smoked salmon, half a%ocado
'eal $
$rilled chicken breast, spinach, half a%ocado
'eal )
$rilled chicken breast, one tbsp of hummus, broccoli
'eal *
*e%en eggs (four whites, three whole) scrambled with lean ham, spinach
.ote/ Drink plenty of !ater throughout the day and snack on nuts0 etc 1ubstitute any of the
meal items !ith anything of e2uivalent%similar nutritional value .o carbs after )"* 3' on
!ork days
- #ake ! whey protein shake +"-,5 minutes post-workout 4ptimum .utrition0 etc
- #ake ! multi%itamin with first meal of the day 5nimal 3ak0 4ptimum .utrition0 ("a"
day0 etc
- (optional) #ake pre-workout +" minutes prior to training, preferably on an empty stomach
5nimal 3ump0 'uscle 3harm0 6*0 etc
- (optional) #ake one &AA pack pre-workout and one post-workout 5nimal .itro0 etc
Dynamic 1tretching " ) ,ounds
!) -unge .ith a -ean !" reps'side
/) *ide -unge #ouching 0eel !" reps'side
+) *traight -eg 1icks !" reps'side
,) 1nee to &hest !" reps'side
5) Arm &ircles (weights optional) !" reps'side
1tatic 1tretching
!) 0amstring *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
/) utterfly $roin *tretch !"-!5 seconds x +
+) -ying 0ip *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
,) -ying 2uad *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
5) &alf *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
6) *houlder *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
3) #riceps *tretch !"-!5 seconds'side x +
.!45 6 758 of !45
Week (
*et !) 5 reps - 6"8 of .!45
*et /) 5 reps - 658 of .!45
*et +) 5 reps - 358 of .!45
*et ,) 5 reps - 358 of .!45
Week $
*et !) , reps - 658 of .!45
*et /) , reps - 358 of .!45
*et +) , reps - 858 of .!45
*et ,) , reps - 858 of .!45
Week )
*et !) + reps - 3"8 of .!45
*et /) + reps - 8"8 of .!45
*et +) + reps - 7"8 of .!45
*et ,) + reps - 7"8 of .!45
Week *
*et !) !" reps - ,"8 of .!45
*et /) !" reps - 5"8 of .!45
*et +) !" reps - 6"8 of .!45
*et ,) !" reps - 6"8 of .!45
4nce the #rst block of four !eeks is complete add +"(7 8 to your !orking one rep max 9ive
if progress is slo!0 ten if you hit your reps comfortably :se this rule as the planning for each
ne! four !eek block
:se this rep scheme for the main lifts/ ;arbell ;ench0 ;ack 12uat0 3ull ups0 Deadlifts
9or the other exercises0 focus on progressively increasing the !eight used every !orkout
Day (
9ynamic *tretching, )oam 4olling
!) ench :ress ,x5','+'!" - !5" seconds rest
/) 9umbbell *houlder :ress ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
+) ehind ;eck :ress ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
,) &uban press +x!" - +" seconds rest
5a) #riceps 9ips +x!" - !5 seconds to mo%e on to exercise 5b
5b) #riceps :ushdown +x!/ - 6" seconds rest
6) *houlders &ircuit< -ateral 4aise, )ront 4aise, 4ear )lyes, =%erhead :ress +x8>8>8>8 -
6" seconds rest after each completion of circuit
*tatic *tretching, )oam 4olling
Day $
9ynamic *tretching, )oam 4olling
!) ack *?uat ,x5','+'!" - !5" seconds rest
/) )ront *?uat ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
+) *ingle -eg ,5 9egree -eg :ress ,x!"'side - 6" seconds rest after working both legs
,a) &alf 4aise ,x!/ - 6" seconds to mo%e on to exercise ,b
,b) 0anging -eg 4aises ,x!/ - 6" seconds rest
5) Ab .heel 4oll outs or @?ui%alent @xercise ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
*tatic *tretching, )oam 4olling
Day )
9ynamic *tretching, )oam 4olling
!) .eighted :ull Ap ,x5','+'!" - !5" seconds rest
/) 9umbbell *ingle Arm 4ow ,x!/ - 6" seconds rest
+) ody .eight 4ow ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
,) Bncline 9umbbell &url ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
5) iceps &ircuit< Cottman &urls, &ross-ody 0ammer &urls, :ronated'4e%erse $rip &urls
,x8>8>8 - 6" seconds rest after each completion of circuit
*tatic *tretching, )oam 4olling
Day *
9ynamic *tretching, )oam 4olling
!) Bncline 9umbbell ench :ress ,x6>6 (9rop sets) - !5" seconds rest
/) + 9egree Bncline 9DD ench 9rops (*tart on a steep inclineD :erform 6 reps, reduce incline,
perform another 6 reps, and then perform 6 reps from the flat bench) ,x6>6>6 - 6" seconds rest
+) &able )lyes 0igh to -ow ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
,) &lose-$rip ench :ress ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
5) #riceps &ircuit< #riceps :ushdown, #riceps 9ip, 9iamond :ushups ,x8>8>8 - 6" seconds rest
after each completion of circuit
*tatic *tretching, )oam 4olling
Day +
9ynamic *tretching, )oam 4olling
!) 9eadlift ,x5','+'!" - !5" seconds rest
/) 4omanian 9eadlift ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
+) Cercher *?uats ,x!/ - 6" seconds rest
,) .eighted *it-ups on 9ecline ench ,x!" - 6" seconds rest
5) arbell -andmines ,x/" (!" per side) - 6" seconds rest
*tatic *tretching, )oam 4olling
Weeks ("*
- 5x,5 minute low intensity cardio sessions per week (running at moderate pace, biking,
swimming, boxing, Eumprope, etcD)
- !x*led or Aphill *print *ession performed on day off weights
Weeks *"8
- +xBnter%al *essions :er .eek on *pin ike< &ycle for + min as a warm up at a steady paceD
*print with maximal effort for +" secondsD &ycle %ery gently for ! minuteD 4epeat this 8 timesD
#hen cycle for a couple of minutes as a cool downD
- ,x,5 minute low intensity cardio sessions per week (running at moderate pace, biking,
swimming, boxing, Eumprope, etcD)
- !x*led or Aphill *print *ession performed on day off weights
Week 8"($
- +xBnter%al *essions :er .eek on *pin ike< &ycle for + min as a warm up at a steady
paceD *print with maximal effort for +" secondsD &ycle %ery gently for ! minuteD 4epeat this 8
timesD #hen cycle for a couple of minutes as a cool downD
- +x,5 minute low intensity cardio sessions per week (running at moderate pace, biking,
swimming, boxing, Eumprope, etcD)
- !x7" minute low intensity cardio session on a non-weight training day
- (optional) !x*led or Aphill *print *ession performed whene%er con%enient
.ote/ &o! intensity cardio sessions are best performed on an empty stomach for maximal
fat burning e>ect

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