Electromagnetic Induction and Its Propagation
Electromagnetic Induction and Its Propagation
Electromagnetic Induction and Its Propagation
by Er i c P. Dol l ar d
Copyr i ght 2014 - Er i c P. Dol l ar d - Al l Ri ght s Reser ved
ht t p: / / er i cpdol l ar d. com
Thi s paper i s par t of t he not es t hat ar e par t of Er i c' s
upcomi ng pr esent at i on at t he 2014 Energy Science &
Technology Conference i s The Extraluminal Transmission
Systems of Tesla & Alexanderson. The conf er ence has
l i mi t ed seat i ng so l ear n mor e about t hi s amazi ng event
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ht t p: / / www. ener get i cf or um. com/ er i c- dol l ar d- of f i ci al -
f or um
Thi s paper ' s cont ent i s copyr i ght ed by Er i c P. Dol l ar d
and t he book and vi deo publ i cat i on i s copyr i ght ed by A
& P El ect r oni c Medi a. The f i nal book wi l l be used as a
f und r ai ser t o hel p suppor t t he wor k of Er i c P. Dol l ar d
and EPD Labs.
Pl ease ask per mi ssi on f i r st bef or e r epost i ng t hi s
paper .
Electromagnetic Induction And Its Propagation
(1) To transmit electrical energy in an electromagnetic form from one location where it is produced to
another location where it is consumed, an electric circuit is required. This circuit is a metallic-dielectric
structure, the metallic commonly called the "conductor" and the dielectric commonly called the
Electrical Conductor
Electric Insulator
Coaxial Metallic Dielectric Geometry Consisting of Insulator & Conductor
Electrical Insulator
Electrical Transmission System
Open Wire Metallic Dielectric Geometry Consisting of a String of Insulators & Paralled Metallic
Open Wire Metallic Dielectric Geometry
These exist to create a boundary which confines the electric energy, in its electromagnetic form, to the
enclosed space. This is known as the "Electromagnetic Boundary Condition" and it facilitates the
existence of a guided electromagnetic wave. In general terms the electric circuit can be called a
"waveguide." The guided electromagnetic wave is the subject presented in the writing to follow, that is,
the theory and practice of the guided transverse electromagnetic wave. Here, electromagnetic energy
exists in its most fundamental form.
The structure of electromagnetism is a space quadrature union of magnetic induction with dielectric
induction, both transverse to the direction with which the transmitted energy propagates. This
quadrature relation engenders the electromagnetism and its propagation from the point of supply to
the point of demand. This propagation is in space quadrature to the fields of induction that gave rise to
Space Quadrature Configuration
The propagation of energy in an electromagnetic form finds its existence within the space surrounding
the metallic "conductors." This space is called the dielectric medium and is the seat of
The metallic structure establishes the electric circuit, but it does not directly convey the
electromagnetism. This metallic structure is wrongly called the "electric conductor," but its actual
function is to define a closed loop. This loop serves to confine, or "bottle," the electromagnetic energy in
the dielectric space enclosed by the system of conductors.
Electric Circuit
Electric Circuits
Schematic Diagram of Electric Circuit
In general, the number of conductors which form the electric circuit is dependent upon the number of
poles, or phases, of the electrical system. It is however that at least two conductors must be present in
order to form a closed loop, that is, a closed circuit. This can be seen as a single conductor closed upon
itself somewhat like a rubber bank. Breaks in this circuit can serve as entrance and exit points for the
transmission of electromagnetic energy. For the condition of no breaks in the electric circuit, it is known
as a "short circuit." An open break, unconnected, will interrupt the flow of electromagnetic energy
completely and this is known as an "open circuit." Containment is not possible with an open loop, this is
analogy with a hole in a tank.
(2) Various physical forces are exerted upon the metallic conductors which define the electric circuit.
These forces arise from the actions of the magnetic and dielectric fields of induction existing in the
dielectric space surrounding the metallic conductors. These fields constitute the bound
electromagnetism, or what may be called the "Electromagnetic Induction." This is also known as an
"electric field."
Electrostatic Field in a Non-Electromagnetic Form
The electric field is the composite of the magnetic field of induction and the dielectric field of induction,
these being bound by the electric circuit. In general not all of this electric field takes part in the
electromagnetic union, but part of one or the other is left over.
Electric Field & Electromagnetic Form
Longitudinal and Transverse Dielectric Fields
The Electrical Field Between Conductors Consisting of the Magnetic Field as Circles and the Dielectrical
Field as Radial Lines The Crossing Points Constitute Plancks The Black Dots are the Wires
The Electric Field of the Electric Circuit
The Electric Field Red is Magnetic, Blue is Dielectric
The magnetic field of induction forces against the metallic structure is an expansive manner. It pushes
the conductors apart so as to increase the space which they bound. This in turn allows for an increase in
the ability of the circuit to store magnetism, that is, potential energy in a magnetic form.
Electric Field Between Conductors Orange is Dielectric, Green is Magnetic
The Dielectric Field is Incorrectly Called the Electric Field in this Diagram
Schematic Representation of the Electric Field of the Electric Circuit, in terms of Capacitance and
Inductance, The spirals are Inductance and the Parallels are Capacitance
Conversely, the dielectric field of induction forces itself upon the conductor in a contractive manner. It
draws the conductors together so as to decrease the space which they bound. This in turn allows for an
increase in the ability of the circuit to store dielectricity, that is, potential energy in a dielectric form.
Here exists a condition of "counterspace" where a smaller space holds a greater quantity of induction.
The concept of counterspace is important in understanding the relations of the electric field.
The forces exerted upon the bounding conductors are not directly related to the flow of the energy
within the bounds of the electric circuit. These physical forces are brought about by an imbalance in the
proportionality of magnetism and dielectricity in relation to the electromagnetic energy propagation.
These forces arise from a preponderance of one field of induction over its complimentary field of
induction. When the magnetism predominates the conductors are pushed apart, where the dielectricity
predominates the conductors are pulled together. This excess of magnetism, or excess of dielectricity, is
that induction not taking part in the electromagnetic union of the two field components.
Each electric circuit has its own unique proportion, or ratio, of magnetism to dielectricity which gives a
balanced union, that is, where all the magnetic induction and all the dielectric induction take part in the
process of electromagnetic propagation. This ratio is dependent upon the geometry of the electric
circuit, such as conductor size or spacing. This is a natural proportionality and is commonly called the
"Natural Impendence" when expressed in terms of the magnetism, or the "Natural Admittance" in terms
of the dielectricity. These are natural characteristics of any electric circuit.
When the magnetic induction and the dielectric induction exist in this balanced, or natural, proportion
all the magnetism is united with all the dielectricity. Neither exist in any excess, thus the expansive
magnetic forces cancel the contractive dielectric forces. Here a condition balance exists with push and
pull, so no net forces are exerted upon the bounding metallic conductors. In this condition it is said that
the impedance of the electric circuit is matched to the impedance of the supply and demand of energy
into and out of the electric circuit.
(3) The product of the magnetic field of induction and the dielectric field of induction is directly related
to the flow of electromagnetic energy in the guiding electric circuit. Here defines the union of the two
complimentary fields of induction, and this product as a quantity will be given the name "Planck" after
Max Planck, the discoverer of this quantity. This is the most fundamental unit of electromagnetism and
is that part of the electric field united into this electromagnetism.
Einsteins Definition of the Planck
Each discrete, or unit value, Planck is the union of one distinct unit of magnetic induction with one
distinct unit of dielectric induction.
The Unit Plancks
The unit of dielectric induction is defined in terms of what are known as "Faraday Tubes," these existing
as formations in the Aether. All tubes individually are of the same size, and these also relate to
equivalent units of magnetism.
Michael Faraday
Faradays Tubes of Force
Faradays Lines of Force on a Conductor
Atom Composed of Faraday Tubes
Faraday Tubes
The Faraday Corpuscle of the Aether
Maxwells Cellular Aether
The Planck, as a product of magnetic and dielectric induction, is a natural relationship, as is the ratio of
the magnetic and dielectric inductions, the natural impedance. This product gives rise to a "Natural
Velocity" of the electric circuit. Where it is such that the natural impedance (or admittance) is a function
of circuit geometry, the natural velocity is a function of the material from which the electric circuit is
constructed, both the metallic and dielectric. In general the natural velocity is independent of the circuit
geometry, conductor ,size, spacing and etc.
This natural velocity is often wrongly considered to be the velocity of light, however, in that reality it can
never reach that speed but can only be made to approach it asymptotically. The natural velocity is
necessarily slower than luminal velocity. For conditions of extremely low frequency the departure from
luminal velocity can be quite remarkably, it being but a small fraction of the speed of light. Conversely,
for extremely high frequencies the natural velocity becomes very nearly equal to the luminal velocity
which would exist in the dielectric medium that is enclosed by the conductors. In this high frequency
condition the behavior of the dielectric to light becomes the dominant factor in determining the natural
Hereby described are the two principle relations of electromagnetic energy transmission, the natural
impedance and the natural velocity. From these two relations the character of the electromagnetic
propagation can be defined.
(4) In the conveyance of the electromagnetic energy from the point of its production to the point of its
consumption, a certain amount of this energy does not arrive at the distance point of consumption.
Some of this energy is stored in the electric field contained by the bounding electric circuit, and in this
condition it exerts physical forces upon the bounding conductors. Some of the electromagnetic energy is
lost into the material substances which constitute the metallic-dielectric geometry of the electric circuit.
Here it is converted into the un-recoverable energy of heat. Finally, some of the electromagnetic energy
escapes the electromagnetic boundary and it becomes lost to space, never to return.
Storage, heating and escape are considered as transmission impairments. Every attempt is made to
minimize their actions in the electric circuit propagating energy in its electromagnetic form.
In common terms the storage is known as the "Reactance" in Ohms of the electric circuit. The heating is
commonly known as the "Resistance" in Ohms of the electric circuit. The escape is commonly known as
the "Radiation" in Ohms of the electric circuit.
Since a complimentary pair of fields of induction exist, the magnetic and the dielectric, each
transmission impairment can exist as a pair of conjugate forms. Hence storage in magnetic form exists as
a reactance in Ohms, but conversely storage in dielectric form exists as a "Succeptance" in Siemens.
Likewise heating in dielectric form exists as a "Conductance" in Siemens in distinction to heating in
magnetic form as a resistance in Ohms.
Where it is understood that the escape of energy into external space is radiation, the conjugate escape
of energy into internal, or counterspace, is not defined nor is it considered at all. In fact any relations
regarding dielectric induction are completely ignored and relegated to denial. The escape of energy
involves the concept of "Hysteresis," a time displacement between cause and effect, this distorting the
relations of the electric field of inductions.
(5) In quantitative terms the calculation of the escape of energy into space via radiation is most difficult
to express analytically. In general the rate of energy loss into space is in proportion to the square of the
frequency of the electromagnetic energy, but for certain geometries this relation no longer holds true.
For very high frequencies, the loss via radiation is considerable.
Lack of physical symmetry in the structure of the electric circuit greatly enhances the ability of energy to
escape via radiation. The loss of energy is greatest for a single conductor which exists in isolation with
respect to other related circuit conductors, at which point guided electromagnetic propagation ceases
to exist. Such an isolated conductor is known as an "Antenna" and is said to radiate electromagnetic
waves into free space. In this condition the loss of energy is in direct proportion to the frequency of the
electromagnetic energy.
The calculation of the loss of energy by its conversion into heat also offers difficulties, this because of
the distortion caused by the material substances engendering the loss to heating. Where it is that
energy loss by escape is a function of the circuit geometry, the energy loss by heating is primarily a
function of the material which constitutes the electric circuit.
The rate of energy loss due to heating is in proportion to the square root of the frequency of the
electromagnetic energy. This represents a non-linear function and thus serves to distort the
electromagnetic propagation. Most pronounced in this effect are magnetic materials such as iron. To
calculate the rate of energy loss via heating published tables giving the specific resistive and conductive
constants of the metallic and dielectric substances must be employed. In general the loss due to heating
in minimum when the metallic material is completely reflective, and the dielectric material is completely
transparent, these to the flow of electromagnetic energy. The propagation in this case is akin to that of
In this ideal condition the electromagnetism is entirely confined to the dielectric material and is
excluded from the metallic material. The notion of a so-called "conductor" vanishes and the metallic
serves only to confine the electromagnetic energy to the bounded space. This gives an ideal
electromagnetic boundary condition, this existing in situations of very low metallic resistance, or very
high frequency.
Energy loss via heating is much more difficult to minimize than the energy loss via escape. Heating losses
are usually the dominant transmission impairment, and it constitutes the principle economic
In quantitative terms the calculation of the stored energy offers the least difficulty in its analytical
expression. The functions involved are basic and offer no distortion to propagation. Here the energy is
not lost but is stowed away in a potential form. It is returned to the points of production or
consumption, but this return is displaced in time with the desired electromagnetic induction. This causes
the electric field to be greater in magnitude than that required for the electromagnetic propagation,
thus increasing the rate of energy loss via heating and escape. It interferes with the electromagnetic
Energy storage is a consequence of impedance mismatch between the natural impedance of the electric
circuit and the impedance of the points of production or consumption. In this condition not all of the
electric field takes part in the electromagnetic union. Part of the electric field is left over and becomes
trapped in the electric circuit where it then exerts forces upon the bounding conductors. This energy is
only considered "lost" in that it is not part of the flow of electromagnetic energy and thus manifests as a
transmission impairment, that is, it is not delivered to the point of consumption at the time it is
welcome, but arrives at some other time. Hence the stored energy is displaced energy.
Since energy storage is a function of impedance mismatch, the calculation of circuit impedance is a
dominant consideration. While the natural impedance is primarily a function of circuit geometry, it is
also in part a function of the materials from which the circuit is constructed. Thus the circuit impedance
is in part related to circuit velocity and magnetic storage increases the natural impedance and dielectric
storage decreases the natural impedances in general a change in natural velocity is accompanied by a
change in the natural impedance, but in a complex manner.
When considering stored energy in a quantitative manner circuit conditions are best expressed in terms
of what are known as the energy storage coefficients. These directly relate to the circuits capacity for
the storage of energy in a magnetic form or a dielectric form. The magnetic energy storage is then called
the "Inductance" of the electric circuit, and the dielectric energy is then called the "Capacitance" of the
electric circuit.
Inductance & Capacitance of a Transmission Line
The Process of Electromagnetic Propagation
Magnetic Field of a Short Circuit
Magnetic Field Surrounding an Electric Conductor
In these terms the circuit natural impedance (or admittance) is defined as the square root of the ratio of
the energy storage coefficients, impedance being the square root of the ratio of inductance and the
capacitance, admittance being the square root of the ratio of capacitance to inductance.
In a similar manner the natural velocity is then defined as one over the square root of the product of the
inductance, per unit length, and the capacitance, per unit length, of the electric circuit. This unit length
can be per centimeter, per mile, per kilometer, and etc., and thus the velocity is c.m. per second, mile
per second and etc.
The calculation of the energy storage coefficients of the electric circuit becomes then an important
consideration in the quantitative expression of the propagation of electromagnetic induction.
Inductance and capacitance for common circuit conditions can be derived from published charts and
Break, more to follow.