This tutorial provides guidance on search engine optimization techniques to improve website rankings. It discusses optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, using appropriate heading tags and alt text for images. Proper URL structures and unique, keyword-rich content are also emphasized. The document recommends using the Google Keyword Planner tool to find long-tail keyword opportunities by entering highly ranked competitor pages and filtering results. This allows identifying lower competition keywords for targeted content creation.
This tutorial provides guidance on search engine optimization techniques to improve website rankings. It discusses optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, using appropriate heading tags and alt text for images. Proper URL structures and unique, keyword-rich content are also emphasized. The document recommends using the Google Keyword Planner tool to find long-tail keyword opportunities by entering highly ranked competitor pages and filtering results. This allows identifying lower competition keywords for targeted content creation.
This tutorial provides guidance on search engine optimization techniques to improve website rankings. It discusses optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, using appropriate heading tags and alt text for images. Proper URL structures and unique, keyword-rich content are also emphasized. The document recommends using the Google Keyword Planner tool to find long-tail keyword opportunities by entering highly ranked competitor pages and filtering results. This allows identifying lower competition keywords for targeted content creation.
This tutorial provides guidance on search engine optimization techniques to improve website rankings. It discusses optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, using appropriate heading tags and alt text for images. Proper URL structures and unique, keyword-rich content are also emphasized. The document recommends using the Google Keyword Planner tool to find long-tail keyword opportunities by entering highly ranked competitor pages and filtering results. This allows identifying lower competition keywords for targeted content creation.
2014- 07- 09 19:07:56 Jasper Oldersom I decided t o writ e t his art icle t o creat e a kickst art f or t hose who want t o improve t heir websit e. You can st art using t his t ut orial t o your benef it t oday. Believe me, it s wort h it What You Learn How t o opt imize your title tags How t o creat e a killer meta description How heading tags work and how you need t o use t hem What an alt text is and how t o use it appropriat ely How t o creat e an organized URL structure The import ance of content on your sit e How t o do Keyword Research t o underst and what your audience want s t o know Title tags This is t he f irst t hing people will see when your websit e is visible in t he search result s. The page t it le should be a good descript ion of your page. Make a unique t it le f or each page! Google will only display about 50-60 charact ers. To be saf e, always t ry t o be in t he middle. How t o craf t excellent page t it les: Make sure you capture the attention of t he reader. Writ e your t it les in Tit le Case, like i did wit h t his art icle. Clearly show what is available on your page when you click. Use keywords - The page t it le is an import ant f act or f or ranking well, so use it ! Great examples of excellent page t it les: Meta Description This t ag is also really import ant . Just like t he page t it le, you need t o make a unique met a descript ion f or any page. You might not have realized t his, but t he page t it le & met at ag descript ion has helped you t o decide which link t o click on f or years! Now it s t ime f or you t o use t hese t echniques t o make sure t hey click on your result inst ead of your compet it ors. Google will only display about 145-155 charact ers. To be saf e, always t ry t o be in t he middle. How t o craf t excellent met a descript ions: Remember what t he goal is: You want people t o click your result . Keywords are also import ant in here. The keywords t hat mat ch t o t he user appear in bold. Use a call to action! Great examples of excellent met a descript ions: Somet imes it can be so simple:
We all want t he best f or our children: Heading tags What you need t o know: Heading t ags have hierarchy. The <h1> t ag is t he most import ant t ag and <h6> t he least import ant t ag. Use t his hierarchy appropriat ely. H1s are headings, H2s are sub- headings and so f ort h. Every page needs a <h1> heading, but only one. The heading t ags need t o cont ain keywords. Alt Text Since Google cant read an image, t hey need a lit t le help. This is what alt t ext does. It s an alt ernat ive t ext . The alt t ext is also shown t o users who cant see images because t hey have t urned it of f on t heir browser (rare). When people use screen readers, t hey will act ually hear t he alt t ext inst ead of seeing t he image. <img srcprint er.jpg alt=printer> Try t o keep your alt t ext short . A lot of t he t ime youll f ind t hat youre able t o describe your images in 1 t o 5 words. When necessary t hey can be longer t han t hat , but keep t his in mind: make the alt text as short and descriptive as possible. The alt t ag is an import ant ranking f act or, so make sure you use it and benef it f rom it ! URL structure A good URL st ruct ure is not only user f riendly, it also helps search engines t o det ermine what your page is about . This means t hat an ideal URL st ruct ure uses keywords. So dont do what eBay does: The Guardian uses a clear url st ruct ure f or it s websit e : Wanna see some doughnut s?
The URL is also shown in t he organic search result s (sandwiched bet ween t he Tit le Tag and t he Met a Descript ion), and a searcher is more likely t o click on a result wit h keywords in t he URL t han one t hat uses weird charact ers.
Content It is very import ant t hat t he cont ent on your websit e is unique. Cont ent serves a f unct ion f or your websit e. It needs t o add value f or your visit ors. Make unique product descript ions f or every single product you sell. You are not going t o win t he race marat hon f rom your compet it ors if you have t hin cont ent on all your pages. Spend a good amount of t ime of your SEO ef f ort s on your cont ent . Cust omers are your f irst priorit y, so make t he cont ent f or t hem in t he f irst place. You should add your keywords in your cont ent , because t his helps t he search engines est ablish what t he page is about . Just dont overdo it . Make sure you only use t hem where it is relevant . How t o creat e cont ent t hat is easily t o digest : Keep unnecessary words out of your cont ent . Use whit e space. Or any color space. Use bullet point s. Use headings. Keep it t o t he point . Format t ing helps emphasizing import ant cont ent . Do not overdo it . I also t ry not so use paragraphes wit h more t han 3 sent ences t o keep my art icles readable. I t hink we all can agree t hat it sucks t o bit e t hrough a huge chunk of cont ent . Keyword Research If you want t o writ e cont ent t hat your audience will appreciat e you could t ake a wild guess, but t heres no need t o. As a mat t er of f act , keyword research is necessary t o underst and what your audience want s t o know. But dont worry..If you use t hese met hods you will be killing it wit h keyword research. Google Keyword Planner domination Im giving t he credit s of t his met hod t o Dan Shure. This met hod is great f or f inding long t ail keywords. The good news is: Its easy! For t hose who never worked wit h t he Google KW Planner: The KW planner is a t ool t o f ind keywords t o use in your AdWords campaigns. But of course, you can also use it t o f ind keywords f or organic search Unf ort unat ely, t he t radit ional way t o use t he KW planner is not giving you t he best result s. This is what youre going t o see when you open up t he KW planner: Soowhat would you like t o do? It seems obvious t o just t ype a keyword t here right ? That s what Google t ells you t o do. It s what most people do. So let s t ry it : Im just gonna t ype print er in t here. Wow, what an amazing list of unique keywords t hat nobody else is using (sarcasm)! I bet you could have t hought of t hese keywords yourself . But it doesnt have t o be like t his. Did you know t hat 70% of search t raf f ic comes f rom long tail keywords? That s huge! This means t hat you dont have t o f ocus on get t ing ranked on t hat one import ant keyword. As a mat t er of f act , search engine t raf f ic t hat comes f rom long t ail keywords are more likely ready to buy from you. So whats long tail and whats short tail? The keywords t hat t he KW planner gave me using t his met hod are all short t ail keywords. They are broad t erms. Canon print ers has a massive search volume, but t here is a lot of compet it ion which means it will be very hard t o get your sit e t o rank well. On t he ot her hand, Canon MG3550 black is a long t ail keyword t hat will have just a small amount of searches each mont h, but it is a lot easier t o get rank on t hat keyword. And t o make it even bet t er, your pot ent ial cust omer already knows exactly what he/she want s! Okay, so lets do that long tail thing you tell me about Below t he place t o ent er a keyword, you see Your landing page. This is where you are supposed t o ent er your landingpage. But t hat s not what we are going t o do here. Inst ead, you are going t o spy on some of t he best result s on keywords in your market . This could be a Wikipedia page, a compet it or or anot her inf ormat ion resource t hat ranks really well on a broad keyword in your niche. For t his example i chose t he keyword Buying printer and t ook a search in Google: The f irst result t hat Google showed me was CNET. This is not surprising because t his is a very aut horit ive sit e. So inst ead of your own page, we are going t o t ake t his page and put it int o Googles KW planner.
You t hink, ah, f inally t his is where t he magic happens. Nope. But were almost t here, i promise! These keywords are bet t er, but st ill high compet it ion keywords like: good print ers 3 in 1 print er print ing paper small print ers best 3 in 1 print er best print er t o buy This is why we are going t o play around wit h t he Keyword Filt ers. It s pret t y f un t o do, and it s not hard. Put t ing t he f ilt er above 1000 searches and suggest ed bids lower t han 1.00,- (you can do t his in $) didnt give me great result s. (High volume but less t ransact ional keywords) So i t ried lower t han 1000 average searches and suggest ed bids higher t han 0.50 t o see if i could get some t ransact ional result s wit h lower mont hly volumes. (Lower volume but at least somewhat t ransact ional) This is what Google came up wit h: Finally some good ideas! There are some subject s here t hat are def init ely wort h writ ing about if i were in t he print er business, like: The Absolut e Top 5 Best Inkjet Print ers in 2014 The Best Print ers For Print ing Your Phot os What Are The True Cost s Of Print ing? Can You Do Qualit y Print ing At Home? As you see i easily got 4 good cont ent ideas f or one of t he least excit ing businesses by put t ing just one landing page int o t he KeyWord planner. You can lit erally put any page int o t he keyword planner t hat perf orms well. And f or t he more advanced, you can even check t he backlinks t hat t his page have acquired wit h Open Sit e Explorer and put t hose pages in t he KW planner. Now it s up t o you t o t ry it . You could inf orm people about t hings t hey really want t o know and it is a great opport unit y t o make t hem cust omers. But dont push t hem t o buy f rom you. Rand Fishkin explains it really well in his Slideshare Why Content Marketing Fails, but t his slide sums it up: Providing usef ul inf ormat ion on your sit e and an addit ional blog will help you t o get more visit ors t o your sit e. It s also a nice opport unit y t o communicat e wit h t hem, and t o build t rust . But make sure you do it t he right way! Conclusion I hope you f ound t his t ut orial usef ul and t hat you will use t his t o your advant age. Using t his t ut orial is a great way t o kickst art your SEO. Remember t hat using t his t ut orial t o your advant age will require hard work. But dont let t his scare you, all good t hings require ef f ort ! Do you have any quest ions or comment s about t his t ut orial? Just leave a comment below and ill be happy t o answer If you liked it please dont f orget t o share! Have a great (and product ive) day!