This document summarizes a study on portfolio construction with reference to Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd in Erode, India. It provides background on the company, which was founded in 1995 and provides brokerage and financial services. The study aims to analyze effective portfolio construction strategies for investors by focusing on sectors like oil, construction, cement, IT and banking. Secondary data was collected from sources like the company's website and publications. The data was analyzed using statistical tools and techniques. The findings and recommendations of the analysis are provided at the end of the report.
This document summarizes a study on portfolio construction with reference to Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd in Erode, India. It provides background on the company, which was founded in 1995 and provides brokerage and financial services. The study aims to analyze effective portfolio construction strategies for investors by focusing on sectors like oil, construction, cement, IT and banking. Secondary data was collected from sources like the company's website and publications. The data was analyzed using statistical tools and techniques. The findings and recommendations of the analysis are provided at the end of the report.
This document summarizes a study on portfolio construction with reference to Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd in Erode, India. It provides background on the company, which was founded in 1995 and provides brokerage and financial services. The study aims to analyze effective portfolio construction strategies for investors by focusing on sectors like oil, construction, cement, IT and banking. Secondary data was collected from sources like the company's website and publications. The data was analyzed using statistical tools and techniques. The findings and recommendations of the analysis are provided at the end of the report.
This document summarizes a study on portfolio construction with reference to Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd in Erode, India. It provides background on the company, which was founded in 1995 and provides brokerage and financial services. The study aims to analyze effective portfolio construction strategies for investors by focusing on sectors like oil, construction, cement, IT and banking. Secondary data was collected from sources like the company's website and publications. The data was analyzed using statistical tools and techniques. The findings and recommendations of the analysis are provided at the end of the report.
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BANG SECURITIES PVT LTD., ERODE A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by M SATHIYAMOORTHI Register No !"#!!$$$%!&% O' 2 CONTENTS CHAPTER PARTICULARS PAGE NO ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT THE STUDY 11 1.2 INDUSTRY PROFILE 27 1.3 COMPANY PROFILE 31 2 MAIN THEME OF THE PROJECT 2.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 42 2.2 SC OPE OF THE STUDY 44 2.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 45 2.4 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 46 2.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 47 3 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 51 4 4.1 FINDINGS SUGGESSTIONS !3 5 4.2 CONCLUSIONS !5 BIBLIOGRAPHY !7 ABSTRACT The study has been undertaken to find out the portfolio construction with reference to Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd! "rode! # The main ob$ective is to analyses is tom identifying an effective portfolio construction for the investment made by the investors %t is mainly focus on oil sector! construction sector! cement sector! %T sector and banking sector &or analysis of data the researcher had adopted some statistical tools 'll the data are analy(ed and interpreted in the form of tabulation! chart act through the understanding these above things! it is easy to know about share market! portfolio construction The researcher adopted secondary data for collected of information This is collected from different sources like Nirmal Bang Securities Pvt Ltd!! internet! Newspapers! )aga(ines etc! in order to get NS" *alues in sectors The tabulation data have been analy(ed are interpreted by using suitable tactical techni+ues and tools The results of the analysis findings and suggestions are given at the end of the report ABOUT NIRMAL BANG SECURITIES PVT LTD." &ounded in 1,-. by Shri Nirmal bang! the Nirmal bang! the Nirmal bang /roup is recogni(ed as one of the largest retail broking house in %ndia! providing an array of financial products and services 0ur retail and institutional clients have access to products such as E#$%&%'( D')%*+&%*'( C,--,.%&%'( C$))'/01 D')%*+&%*'( M$&$+2 3$/.( IPO(" D'4,(%&,)1 (')*%0'( PMS Throughout history! we have fostered one overriding purpose 1 to provide each client with personal service and +uality work By adhering to this principle! we have grown to become a successful and well2respected firm of highly +ualified professionals The /roup is headed by )r3ilip Bang and )r4ishore Bang who bring forward industry e5pertise! %nsight and most importantly! create an environment of unmatched to clients 6 7e are registered members of the Bombay Stock "5change Limited8BS"9!National Stock "5change of %ndia Limited 8NS"9!)ulti :ommodity "5change of %ndia Limited8):;9!National :ommodity < 3erivatives "5change 8N:3";9!National )ulti :ommodity "5change of %ndia Limited 8N):"9 and ):; stock "5change Limited and are also depository participants of NS3L and :3SL M%((%,/ = To work together with integrity and make our customers feel valued> V%(%,/ = to create valuable relationships and provide the best financial services most professionally> C,)' *+2$' = respect our colleagues and the business itself> C2%'/& F,0$( :lient relationships form the core of our business 7e value each client! no matter what si(e! as a long2term relationship 'nd we seek to provide unmatched service to each client and place him as a partner at the center of everything we do &rom the very beginning of the relationship! we work closely with client to identify their financial goals and risk tolerance levels and leverage our strength of multiple product offerings! research and financial strength to help achieve their goals %n the process! we become an essential partner! creting opportunities! adding value and transforming visions into reality D%*')(' S')*%0' O33')%/5( %n addition to traditional broking services! we are also e+uipped to handle commodity trading facility as well as currency derivatives and have access to wide range of financial services like %P0s! mutual funds and insurance T%-'21 S')*%0' %n an increasingly competitive environment! clients today re+uire personali(ed solutions and greater fle5ibility and responsiveness than ever before 0ur professionals are always ?on call@ 7e provide them service throughout the year and not $ust at the end of the year 7e believe such service is essential for delivering solutions and constructive relationships A62' T'+- 7e have developed a strong and enduring team by recruiting primarily from leading graduate and postgraduate universities and promoting from within 0ur team works together to provide superior results to our clients 't the same time! each our A clients is assigned as specific team member who ?owns@ the relationships! providing continuity! responsiveness and point of easy access to the firm C$2&$)' 7e strive to maintain ethical standards at all and lay strong emphasis on honesty! integrity and confidentiality 7e speak and act to ensure transparency at all levels and in everything we do F%/+/0%+2 S&)'/5&7 The strength of our balance sheet is such that it gives greater confidence to all our retail and institutional clients in dealing with us The financial strength of the group helps in further building the network and infrastructure to cater to the larger market Bsing up to date technology and resources! Nirmal bang serves individuals! businesses! corporate! and institutions to enable the fulfillment of each clients vision 0ur portfolio of services include ' robust trading platform for e+uities! e+uity derivatives and currency derivatives on NS"! BS" as well as ):;2S; 3epository services of NS3L and :3SL :ommodity trading in N:3";! ):; and N):" 'ccess to a wide range of financial products like %P0s! mutual funds! insurance and P)S %nvestment and trading advisory services based on technical! fundamental and market research &ortnightly maga(ine ?Beyond )arket@ which provides readers with the latest news! interesting stories and articles! key announcements and insightful e5cerpts %t also captures current market trends! useful tips on investing and other latest developments in the economy The same is available on our website and is also posted to registered members L'+.')(7%4 T'+- 0ur senior management team has deep e5pertise and e5perience in managing the company through business! economic and technological cycles! as well as strong skills in establishing and developing lasting client relationships M).D%2%4 B+/5 . )r3ilip Bang is the co2founder and 3irector of Nirmal Bang /roup and has over 2C years of e5perience in the industry De is known for his ability to read market trends and has an in depth 4nowledge of the %ndian capital markets De handles the front end operations of the business and trading oppurtunities Dis e5cellent networking and relationship management skills are the main factors responsible for the success of the group M).8%(7,)' B+/5 )r4ishore Bang is the co2founder and 3irector of Nirmal Bang /roup De handles the operation 'nd management aspects De is also instrumental in the retail e5pansion and infrastructure development of the group ' visionary and an enable administrator with strong business acumen! )r4ishore Bang@s e5perience of around 2C years has helped the company to grow in leaps and bounds M).R+9'(7 B7+/.+)% )rEakesh Bhandari is a +ualified chartered 'ccountant and serves as the Senior *ice2President2 :orporate Planning for the /roup M.D''4+9 A5+):+2 )3eepak 'garwal is a +ualified chartered 'ccountant and serves as the Dead of Business 3evelopment for the /roup CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY F This study deals with the relationship between share prices and share dividends )ost financial te5tbooks point out that in a well2functioning capital market these two variables should be related 8eg Brealey and )yers! 1,-.9G the present value of the share should be e+ual to the dividend stream discounted by the return earned on securities of comparable risk 0f course! this simple relationship only holds in a world of certainty where investors have access to perfect information Nevertheless! Shiller 81,-19 demonstrates that a similar relationship should hold in a world of uncertainty where investors have rational e5pectations SUBJECT BAC8GROUND OF THE RESEARCH TOPIC ' substantive body of empirical research supports the view that share prices are influenced by changes in company dividends &or e5ample! +uestionnaire surveys of investors indicate that dividend information plays an important part in their assessment of the current value of a share 8'rnold and )oi(er! 1,-6G Pike! )eer$anssan and :hadwick! 1,,#9 while interviews with financial managers suggest that companies take a great deal of care when setting their dividend level 8Lintner! 1,A.9 &or e5ample! 'rnold and )oi(er 81,-69 reported that -FH of the 2C2 investment analysts in their survey =almost always> estimated future dividend yields when valuing shares %n Pike et al 81,,#9 dividend information was ranked third behind priceIearnings ratios and net assets per share! in terms of usefulness for share valuation %n addition! stock market studies demonstrate that share prices respond to dividend newsG dividend increases tend to be associated with share price increases while dividend cuts are usually associated with share price falls 8Pettit! 1,F2G 'hrony and Swary! 1,-CG 'beyrathna et al! 1,,.9 ' small minority of authors has suggested that dividend cuts may not be seen as bad news by investorsG instead! they may indicate that a company has profitable investments which it wishes to fund from internal cash resources &or e5ample! 7oolridge and /hosh 81,-69 cite the e5ample of /ould %nc where the share price increased by 2H on news of a .CH cut in dividendsG the authors suggested that /ould@s management had convinced the market that the reduction in dividends was to be used to fund innovative investment Eesearchers such as 7atts 81,F#9! Johnson and Jensen 81,,A9 and 3e 'ngelo! 3e 'ngelo and Skinner 81,,.9 argue that dividends do not act as a signal to investors about the future prospects of the firm These authors point out that dividend changes tend not to be followed by earnings changes of the same sign &or e5ample! they demonstrate that dividend cuts usually indicate that the firm has already e5perienced several years of financial pressure and are usually followed by earnings increases 0nce a company makes a profit! they must decide on what to do with those profits They could continue to retain the profits within the company! or they could pay out the profits to the owners of the firm in the form of dividends 0nce the company decides on whether to pay dividends! they may establish a somewhat permanent dividend policy! which may in turn impact on investors and perceptions of the company in the financial markets 7hat they - decide depends on the situation of the company now and in the future %t also depends on the preferences of investors and potential investors 3ividends are payments made by a company to its shareholders 7hen a company earns a profit! that money can be put to two usesK it can either be re2invested in the business 8called retained earnings9! or it can be paid to the shareholders of the company as a dividend )any companies retain a portion of their earnings and pay the remainder to their shareholders Publicly2traded companies usually pay dividends on a fi5ed schedule! commonly annually! bi2annually or +uarterlyG however! they may declare a dividend at any time 3ividends are usually paid in cash Sometimes dividends instead take the form of shares in the company 8either newly2created shares or e5isting shares bought in the market9 "5ceptionally! dividends might take the form of shares in other companies or other assets The profits of a company can either be reinvested in the business or paid to its shareholders as a beverage The fre+uency of these varies by country %n the Bnited States dividends of publicly2traded companies are usually declared +uarterly by the board of directors %n some other countries dividends are paid biannually! as an interim dividend shortly after the company announces its interim results and a final dividend typically following its annual general meeting %n other countries! the board of directors will propose the payment of a dividend to shareholders at the annual meeting who will then vote on the proposal 7here a company makes a loss during a year! it may opt to continue paying dividends from the retained earnings from previous years or to suspend the dividend 7here a company receives a non2recurring gain! eg from the sale of some assets! and has no plans to reinvest the proceeds! the money is often returned to shareholders in the form of a special dividend 3ividends are payments made by a company to its shareholders 7hen a company earns a profit! that money can be put to two usesK it can either be re2invested in the business 8called retained earnings9! or it can be paid to the shareholders of the company as a dividend )any companies retain a portion of their earnings and pay the remainder to their shareholders Publicly2traded companies usually pay dividends on a fi5ed schedule! commonly annually! bi2 annually or +uarterlyG however! they may declare a dividend at any time F,)-( ,3 4+1-'/& C+(7 :ash dividends 8most common9 are those paid out in form of real cash Such dividends are a form of investment income and are usually ta5able to the recipient in the year , they are paid This is the most common method of sharing corporate profits with the shareholders of the company S&,09 Stock or scrip dividends are those paid out in form of additional stock shares of the issuing corporation! or other corporation 8eg! its subsidiary corporation9 They are usually issued in proportion to shares owned 8eg! for every 1CC shares of stock owned! AH stock dividend will yield A e5tra shares9 This is very similar to a stock split in that it increases the total number of shares while lowering the price of each share and does not change the market capitali(ation or the total value of the shares held P),4')&1 Property dividends or dividends in specie 8Latin for Lin kindL9 are those paid out in form of assets from the issuing corporation or another corporation! such as a subsidiary corporation They are relatively rare and most fre+uently are securities of other companies owned by the issuer! however they can take other forms! eg products or services provided by the corporation D+&'( 3ividends must be LdeclaredL 8approved9 by a company@s Board of 3irectors each time they are paid There are four important dates to remember regarding dividends These are discussed in detail with e5amples at the Securities and "5change :ommission site D'02+)+&%,/ .+&' The declaration date is the day the Board of 3irectors announces its intention to pay a dividend 0n this day! a liability is created and the company records that liability on its booksG it now owes the money to the stockholders 0n the declaration date! the Board will also announce a date of record and a payment date E;<.%*%.'/. .+&' The e52dividend date is the day after which all shares bought and sold no longer come attached with the right to be paid the most recently declared dividend This is an important date for any company that has many stockholders! including those that trade on e5changes! as it makes reconciliation of who is to be paid the dividend easier Prior to this 1C date! the stock is said to be cum dividend 8Mwith dividendM9K e5isting holders of the stock and anyone who buys it will receive the dividend! whereas any holders selling the stock lose their right to the dividend 0n and after this date the stock becomes ex dividendK e5isting holders of the stock will receive the dividend even if they now sell the stock! whereas anyone who now buys the stock now will not receive the dividend R'0,). .+&' Shareholders who properly registered their ownership on or before the date of record will receive the dividend Shareholders who are not registered as of this date will not receive the dividend Eegistration in most countries is essentially automatic for shares purchased before the e52dividend date P+1-'/& .+&' The payment date is the day when the dividend checks will actually be mailed to the shareholders of a company or credited to brokerage accounts D%*%.'/.( -+1 +33'0& 0+4%&+2 (&)$0&$)'. N Eetaining earnings increases common e+uity relative to debt N &inancing with retained earnings is cheaper than issuing new common e+uity D%*%.'/. P,2%01 +/. S&,09 V+2$' There are various theories that try to e5plain the relationship of a firmMs dividend policy and common stock value D%*%.'/. I))'2'*+/0' T7',)1 This theory purports that a firmMs dividend policy has no effect on either its value or its cost of capital %nvestors value dividends and capital gains e+ually O4&%-+2 D%*%.'/. P,2%01 Proponents believe that there is a dividend policy that strikes a balance between current dividends and future growth that ma5imi(es the firmMs stock price D%*%.'/. R'2'*+/0' T7',)1 The value of a firm is affected by its dividend policy The optimal dividend policy is the one that ma5imi(es the firmMs value 11 3ividend policy remains a source of controversy despite years of theoretical and empirical research! including one aspect of dividend policyK the linkage between dividend policy and stock price risk 8'llen and Eachim! 1,,.9 Paying large dividends reduces risk and thus influence stock price 8/ordon! 1,.#9 and is a pro5y for the future earnings 8Baskin! 1,-,9 ' number of theoretical mechanisms have been suggested that cause dividend yield and payout ratios to vary inversely with common stock volatility These are duration effect! rate of return effect! arbitrage pricing effect and information effect 3uration effect implies that high dividend yield provides more near term cash flow %f dividend policy is stable high dividend stocks will have a shorter duration /ordon /rowth )odel can be used to predict that high2 dividend will be less sensitive to fluctuations in discount rates and thus ought to display lower price volatility 'gency cost argument! as developed by Jensen and )eckling 81,F.9 proposed that dividend payments reduce costs and increase cash flow! that is payment of dividends motivates managers to disgorge cash rather than investing at below the cost of capital or wasting it on organi(ational inefficiencies 8Eo(eff! 1,-2 and "asterbrook 1,-69 Some authors have stressed the importance of information content of dividend 8's+uith and )ullin! 1,-#G Born! )oser and officer 1,-#9 )iller and Eock 81,-A9 suggested that dividend announcements provide the missing pieces of information about the firm and allows the market to estimate the firm@s current earnings %nvestors may have greater confidence that reported earnings reflect economic profits when announcements are accompanied by ample dividends %f investors are more certain in their opinions! they may react less to +uestionable sources of information and their e5pectation of value may be insulated from irrational influence Eate of return effect! as discussed by /ordon 81,.#9! is that a firm with low payout and low dividend yield may tend to be valued more in terms of future investment opportunities 83onaldson! 1,.19 :onse+uently! its stock price may be more sensitive to changing estimates of rates of return over distant time periods Thus e5panding firms although may have lower payout ratio and dividend yield! e5hibit price stability This may be because dividend yields and payout ratio serves as pro5ies for the amount of pro$ected growth opportunities %f forecasts of profits from growth opportunities are less reliable than forecasts of returns on assets in place! firms with low payout and low dividend yield may have greater price volatility 'ccording to duration effect and arbitrage effect! the dividend yield and not the payout ratio is the relevant measure The rate of return effect implies that both dividend yield and payout ratio matters 3ividend policy may serve as a pro5y for growth and investment opportunities Both the duration effect and the rate of return effect assume differentials in the timing of the underlying cash flow of the business %f the relationship between risk and dividend policy remains after controlling for growth! this would suggest evidence of either the arbitrage or information effect 12 THEORETICAL=FRAMEWOR8=AND=MODEL=SPECIFICATION C,/&),2 *+)%+62'(> Share price volatility should be related to the basic risks encountered in the firmMs product markets )arket risk may also have impact on the firmMs dividend policy Therefore include a control variable to account for the variability in the firmMs earnings stream /iven operating risk! there should be a direct link between stock price volatility and leverage Bnder conditions of asymmetric information there is also likely to be a link between borrowing and dividend policy ' control variable was included to reflect corporate leverage There are potential links between si(e and volatility Small firms are likely to be less diversified in their activities and less sub$ect to investor scrutiny %nstitutions appear to concentrate their research activities and investment policies on larger listed companies The market in the stocks of small listed firms could conceivably be less informed! more illi+uid! and as a conse+uence sub$ect to greater price volatility Baskin 81,-,9 suggests that firms with a more dispersed body of shareholders may be more disposed towards using dividend policy as a signaling device The latter may also be a function of si(e and thus a si(e control was re+uired 3ividend payout policy could be inversely linked to growth and investment opportunities The previously mentioned duration and rate of return effects assume timing differentials in the firmMs underlying cash flows ' variable to reflect growth was also included The suggestion is that any remaining link between dividend policy and stock price volatility! after controlling for the influence of growth! would be suggestive of either the arbitrage or information effect %t is also possible that systematic differences in market conditions! cost structures! regulatory restrictions etc! may lead to differences in dividend policy V+)%+62' .'3%/%&%,/ and opening prices only D%*%.'/. 1%'2. ?DY@ The variable was calculated by summing all the annual cash dividends paid to common stock holders and then dividing this sum by the average market value of the stock in the year The average for all available years was utili(ed E+)/%/5 *,2+&%2%&1 ?EV@ %n order to develop this variable! the first step is to obtain an average of available years of the ratio of operating earnings 8before ta5es and interest9 to total assets The ne5t step is to calculate an average of the s+uared deviation from the overall average ' s+uare root transformation is then applied to the mean s+uared deviation to obtain estimates of standard deviation 1# P+1,$& R+&%, ?POR@ To begin! total cumulative individual company earnings and dividends were calculated for all years Payout is the ratio of total dividends to total earnings The use of this procedure controls the problem of e5treme values in individual years attributable to low or possibly negative net income The payout ratio is set to one in cases where a total dividend e5ceeds total cumulative profits S%A' ?SB@ The variable si(e was constructed in a form that reflects the order of magnitude in real terms The variable was constructed by taking the average market value of common stocks The value of real si(e 8Es milllion9 was averaged over the period L,/5<&')- D'6& ?DA@ The ratio of the sum of all the long2term debt 8debt with maturity more than a year9 to total assets is taken 'n average is taken over all available years G),:&7 %/ A(('&( ?AS5@ The yearly growth rate was calculated by taking the ratio of the change in total assets in a year Then the ratio was averaged over the years FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR PRICE FLUCTUATIONS %n a securities market! prices or returns show fluctuations for a variety of reasonsK changes in fundamental factors of firms! investors ?endowments! tastes or alternatively the attitudes towards risk! correct or incorrect anticipations or e5pectations of investor and other market participants! differences in information and mode of evaluation! transient imbalances between demand for and supply of securities! and the nature and number of stabili(ing forces! among others! cause prices to fluctuate either from one point of e+uilibrium to another or above and below an e+uilibrium point The changes in fundamental factors cause prices or returns to shift from one point of e+uilibrium to another &or instance! information regarding changes in the economy! changes in policies! including industrial policy! as also the political situation! and the social situation! influence the over all price behavior of a market 'part from fundamental factors! the transitory imbalances between supply of and demand for securities may also cause price fluctuations &or instance! in the absence of stabili(ing forces! e5cess supply 8demand9 of securities in the short2 run causes the price to fall 8rise9 %n the presence of stabili(ing forces! such as traditional speculators and value based investors! the e5tent of fluctuations tend to be small! as these stabili(ing forces act as buyers 16 8sellers9! when there is e5cess of supply 8demand9! thus! arresting the magnitude of a fall 8rise9 in the price Dowever! the stabili(ing forces may not completely mitigate the price changeG as such acts may not bestow any benefit on them These forces re+uire a minimum e5tent of price change in order to undertake the act of stabili(ation of prices! which would give them scope to earn a responsible reward
The e5pectations and foresight of investors as well as speculators determine the magnitude of price fluctuations to a large e5tent %f market participants anticipate changes %n either fundamental factors or other factors correctly! and if the change or anticipated change comes about gradually! the prices move in a smooth fashion from one point of e+uilibrium to another 0n the contrary! when the anticipations prove to be either too optimistic or too pessimistic! or the changes in these factors or anticipations about them! undergo a sudden change! the prices move erratically! rather than move in a smooth fashion resulting in greater price fluctuations
The numbers of speculations in relation to other traders also influences the e5tent of fluctuations The traditional role of a speculator is to act as a buyer when there is e5cess supply and as a seller when there is e5cess demand :hanges in fundamental and other factors as well as corrector incorrect anticipations also determine the short2 term and the long2 term price changes %f the changes takes place gradually and anticipations prove to be correct! the short2term fluctuations tend to be similar in magnitude as that of average long2term fluctuations! as in this case! the short2term fluctuations or price changes tend to be one direction! which add up to determine long2 term fluctuations 0n the contrary! if the anticipations are not correct! irrespective of mode of arrival of information2 whether gradual or not gradual the average long2term fluctuations tend to be smaller than the short2term fluctuations %t is clear that the fluctuation of prices or price volatility is influenced by the arrival of information2 gradual or otherwise2 and the correct or incorrect anticipation of market participants &urther! the role played by speculators either corrects the situation by minimi(ing the e5tent of fluctuations! or further accentuates fluctuations and thereby destabili(es prices TITLE 1A ' study on the correlation between the e+uity price movement and dividend declaration
BRIEF BAC8GROUND The dividend policy of a firm determines what proportion of earning is paid to shareholders by way of dividends and what proportion is ploughed back in the firm for reinvestment purposes %f a firm@s capital budgeting decision is independent of its dividend policy! a higher dividend payment will entail a greater dependence on e5ternal financing Thus the dividend policy has a bearing on the choice of financing 0n the other hand! if a firm@s capital budgeting decision on its dividend decision! a higher dividend payment will cause shrinkage of its capital budget and vice versa %n such a case! the dividend policy has a bearing on the capital budgeting decision ' firm@s dividend payout ratio obviously depends on how earnings are measured &or the sake of simplicity! we look at the accounting measure of earnings and do not truly reflect a firm@s capacity to pay dividends STATEMENT OF PROBLEM ' number of studies have been conducted on correlation between e+uity price movements and dividend declaration %t is not surprising that correlation between e+uity price movement and dividend declaration have become an important area in financial research considering its strong implications for corporate policy The principal ob$ective of corporate financial management is to ma5imi(e the market value of e+uity shares the key +uestion of interest to general public isK 7hat is the relationship between dividend policy and market value of e+uity sharesO This is the most controversial and unresolved +uestion in corporate finance 1. 1.2 INDUSTRY PROFILE S&,09 M+)9'& ,3 I/.%+ I/&),.$0&%,/ Stock markets refer to a market place where investors can buy and sell shares The price at which each buying and selling transaction takes is determined by the market forces 8ie demand and supply for a particular stock9 Let us take an e5ample for a better understanding of how market forces determine stock prices 'B: :o Ltd en$oys high investor confidence and there is an anticipation of an upward movement in its stock price )ore and more people would want to buy this stock 8ie high demand9 and very few people will want to sell this stock at current market price 8ie less supply9 Therefore! buyers will have to bid a higher price for this stock to match the ask price from the seller which will increase the stock price of 'B: :o Ltd 0n the contrary! if there are more sellers than buyers 8ie high supply and low demand9 for the stock of 'B: :o Ltd in the market! its price will fall down %n earlier times! buyers and sellers used to assemble at stock e5changes to make a transaction but now with the dawn of %T! most of the operations are done electronically and the stock markets have become almost paperless Now investors dont have to gather at the "5changes! and can trade freely from their home or office over the phone or through %nternet N+&%,/+2 S&,09 E;07+/5' %n order to lift the %ndian stock market trading system on par with the international standards 0n the basis of the recommendations of high powered Pherwani :ommittee! the National Stock "5change was incorporated in 1,,2 by %ndustrial 3evelopment Bank of %ndia! %ndustrial :redit and %nvestment :orporation of %ndia! %ndustrial &inance :orporation of %ndia! all %nsurance :orporations! selected commercial banks and others 0nce a companyMs public offering is complete! it gets listed in a stock e5change 'fter listing it would be available for trading to all investors in the stock e5changes where they are listed %n %ndia we have two ma$or stock e5changes They areK CT7' N+&%,/+2 S&,09 E;07+/5'( ?NSE@ 1F The NS" is %ndiaMs largest and the worlds third largest stock e5change in terms of Transaction volumes < amounts The NS" is based out of Bombay The NS" has set up its trading platform as a nation2wide! fully automated screen based system This enables anyone in any part of the country to trade on shares listed in the NS" T7' NSE %/.'; ,) N%3&1 The NS" %nde5 or the Nifty %nde5 as it is popularly known! is the inde5 of the performance of the AC largest < most profitable! popular companies listed in the inde5 "ach company that is part of the inde5 has its own weightage in the value of the %nde5 The value of the Nifty %nde5 is the weighted average of the prices of these AC companies T7' B,-6+1 S&,09 E;07+/5'( ?BSE@ The BS" is the oldest stock e5change in 'sia %t is situated in 3alal Street in )umbai %t is the third largest stock e5change in south 'sia and the tenth largest in the world BS" has over ACCC companies that are listed in it The ob$ectives of the BS" are similar to that of the NS" BS" also uses the latest technologies in the %T field to provide a single place where traders from across the world can buyIsell shares in the %ndian share market T7' BSE I/.'; ,) S'/('; ?NSE@ The BS" %nde5 or the Sense5 as it is popularly known! is the inde5 of the performance of the #C largest < most profitable! popular companies listed in the inde5 "ach company that is part of the inde5 has its own weightage in the value of the %nde5 Since the number of companies is lesser! the inde5 variations are higher when compared to the Nifty inde5 H%(&,)1 ,3 &7' I/.%+/ S&,09 M+)9'& < T7' O)%5%/ 1- 0ne of the oldest stock markets in 'sia! the %ndian Stock )arkets have a 2CC years old history 1!&7 C'/&$)1 "ast %ndia :ompany was the dominant institution and by end of the century! busuness in its loan securities gained full momentum 1!3DE( Business on corporate stocks and shares in Bank and :otton presses started in Bombay Trading list by the end of 1-#, got broader 1!4DE( Eecognition from banks and merchants to about half a do(en brokers 1!5DE( Eapid development of commercial enterprise saw brokerage business attracting more people into the business 1!6DE( The number of brokers increased to .C 1!6D<61 The 'merican :ivil 7ar broke out which caused a stoppage of cotton supply from Bnited States of 'mericaG marking the beginning of the LShare )aniaL in %ndia 1!62<63 The number of brokers increased to about 2CC to 2AC $#() A disastrous slump began at the end of the American Civil War (as an example, Bank of Bombay Share which had touched s! "#$% could only be sold at s! #&' 1.3 COMPANY PROFILE ICICI BAN8 %:%:% Bank was originally promoted in 1,,6 by %:%:% Limited! an %ndian financial institution! and was its wholly2owned subsidiary %:%:%Ms shareholding in %:%:% Bank was reduced to 6.H through a public offering of shares in %ndia in fiscal 1,,-! an e+uity offering in the form of '3Es listed on the NPS" in fiscal 2CCC! %:%:% BankMs ac+uisition of Bank of )adura Limited in an all2stock amalgamation in fiscal 2CC1! and secondary market sales by %:%:% to institutional investors in fiscal 2CC1 and fiscal 2CC2 %:%:% was formed in 1,AA at the initiative of the 7orld Bank! the /overnment of %ndia and representatives of %ndian industry The principal ob$ective was to create a development financial institution for providing medium2term and long2term pro$ect financing to %ndian businesses %n the 1,,Cs! 1, %:%:% transformed its business from a development financial institution offering only pro$ect finance to a diversified financial services group offering a wide variety of products and services! both directly and through a number of subsidiaries and affiliates like %:%:% Bank %n 1,,,! %:%:% become the first %ndian company and the first bank or financial institution from non2Japan 'sia to be listed on the NPS" %:%:% Bank has a network of F61 branches 8including 6- e5tension counters9 and over ##CC 'T)s in %ndia and presence in #C %nternational locations %:%:% Bank offers a wide range of banking products and financial services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and through its specialised subsidiaries and affiliates in the areas of investment banking! life and non2life insurance! venture capital andassetmanagement STATE BAN8 OF INDIA State Bank of %ndia 8SB%9 8LS"K SB%39 is the largest bank in %ndia %t is also! measured by the number of branch offices and employees! the largest bank in the world "stablished in 1-C. as Bank of Bengal! it remains the oldest commercial bank in the %ndian Subcontinent and also the most successful one providing various domestic! international and NE% products and services! through its vast network in %ndia and overseas 7ith an asset base of Q12. billion and its reach! it is a regional banking behemoth The government nationali(ed the bank in 1,AA! with the Eeserve Bank of %ndia taking a .CH ownership stake %n recent years the bank has focused on reducing its huge staff through /olden handshake schemes and computeri(ing its operations The roots to the State Bank of %ndia are traceable to the first decade of 1,th century! when the Bank of :alcutta! later renamed the Bank of Bengal! was established on 2 June 1-C. The government amalgamated Bank of Bengal and two other Presidency banks! namely! the Bank of Bombay 8incorporated on 1A 'pril 1-6C9 and the Bank of )adras on 2F January 1,21! and named the reorgani(ed banking entity the %mperial Bank of %ndia 'll these Presidency banks were incorporated as $oint stock companies! and were the result of the royal charters The %mperial Bank of %ndia continued to remain a $oint stock company Bntil the establishment of a central bank in %ndia the %mperial Bank and its early predecessors served as the nationMs central bank printing currency There are seven other associate banks that fall under SB% They all use the LState Bank ofL name followed by the regional head+uartersM name These were originally banks belonging to princely states before the government nationali(ed them in 1,A, %n tune with the first &ive Pear Plan! emphasi(ing the development of rural %ndia! the government integrated these banks with the State Bank of %ndia to e5pand its rural outreach The State Bank group refers to the seven associates and the parent bank 'll the banks use the same logo of a blue keyhole There has been a proposal to merge all the associate banks into SB% to create a Lmega bankL and streamline operations 2C ACC LIMITED ':: 8':: Limited9 is %ndiaMs foremost manufacturer of cement and concrete '::Ms operations are spread throughout the country with 16 modern cement factories! 1, Eeady mi5 concrete plants! 1, sales offices! and several (onal offices ':: has made significant contributions to the nation building process by way of +uality products! services and sharing its e5pertise %n the FC years of its e5istence! ':: has been a pioneer in the manufacture of cement and concrete and a trendsetter in many areas of cement and concrete technology including improvements in raw material utili(ation! process improvement! energy conservation and development of high performance concretes '::@s brand name is synonymous with cement and en$oys a high level of e+uity in the %ndian market %t is the only cement company that figures in the list of :onsumer Super Brands of %ndia ':: has rich e5perience in mining! being the largest user of limestone! and it is also one of the principal users of coal 's the largest cement producer in %ndia! it is one of the biggest customers of the %ndian Eailways! and the foremost user of the road transport network services for inward and outward movement of materials and products ':: has also e5tended its services overseas to the )iddle "ast! 'frica! and South 'merica! where it has provided technical and managerial consultancy to a variety of consumers! and also helps in the operation and maintenance of cement plants abroad ':: is among the first companies in %ndia to include commitment to environmental protection as one of its corporate ob$ectives! long before pollution control laws came into e5istence The company installed pollution control e+uipment and high efficiency sophisticated electrostatic precipitators for cement kilns! raw mills! coal mills! power plants and coolers as far back as 1,.. "very factory has state2of2the art pollution control e+uipment and devices GUJARAT AMBUJA CEMENTS 'mbu$a :ements was set up in 1,-. %n the last decade the company has grown tenfold The total cement capacity of the company is 1. million tonnes%ts plants are some of the most efficient in the world 7ith environment protection measures that are on par with the finest in the developed world The companyMs most distinctive attribute! however! is its approach to the business 'mbu$a follows a uni+ue homegrown philosophy of giving people the authority to set their own targets! and the freedom to achieve their goals This simple vision has created an 21 environment where there are no limits to e5cellence! no limits to efficiency 'nd has proved to be a powerful engine of growth for the company 's a result! 'mbu$a is the most profitable cement company in %ndia! and the lowest cost producer of cement in the world GAMMON INDIA LIMITED /ammon %ndia Limited is one of the leading :onstruction companies in %ndia to2day The company was established by late )r J:/ammon in 1,1, as a firm of :ivil "ngineers < :ontractor which in 1,22 was incorporated as a Private Limited :ompany under the name of J : /ammon 8Bombay9 Pvt Ltd The firm went public inI1,.2IandIwas!rechristened!as/ammon%ndia!Limited The first work carried out by )r J : /ammon was the construction of reinforced concrete pile foundations for /ateway of %ndia Since then! the :ompany has e5ecuted many multifarious civil engineering works from :otton /odowns to BridgesIflyovers! )arine Structures! :ooling Towers! :himneys! Tunnels and 3ams in %ndia and in the middle2east /ammon is the pioneers of prestressed concrete in %ndia Today! the :ompany can claim for the largest numbers of bridges and flyovers built in %ndia 7ith over -C years of tradition in the field of construction! /ammon is a name that is ine5tricably woven into the fabric of %ndia The only construction :ompany in %ndia to have been accredited with %S0 ,CC1K 1,,6 certifications in all fields of :ivil "ngineering including design /ammon %ndia Limited! the only %ndian :onstruction :ompany to have been accredited with %S0 ,CC1 certification for all fields of :ivil "ngineering 7orks including design! stands out as gateway for Technological and "ngineering e5cellence in :ivil "ngineering fields /ammonMs dedicated and e5perienced team of planners! designers and construction engineers are ever ready to contribute their e5pertise together and turn vision into reality NAGARJUNA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED Nagar$una :onstruction :ompany Limited 8N::9 is one of the leading professionally managed public limited construction company in %ndia The company has successfully completed 2- years of construction e5cellence in e5ecuting Turnkey Pro$ects! %ndustrial Buildings! )ultistoriedI:ommercial Structures! Townships! Eoads < Bridges! Pipelines! etc N:: is the brainchild of this visionary Daving achieved a high2caliber standing under his able steering! the company rededicates itself with renewed vigor and commitment to the cause of elevating the %ndian infrastructure industry to international standards of e5cellence To place it on par with the best in the world! will always be the companyMs endeavor 22 Behind every progressive company is a dynamic team that propels it to reach higher and greater echelons of success N::Ms governing body is a veritable treasure trove of e5perience and e5pertise "ach of the members has made invaluable contribution in their chosen fields of activity &rom the innovating new construction and cost saving methodologies! to identifying new areas of contribution! and ensuring an uninterrupted flow of day2to2day activities! they have been instrumental in making N:: a formidable force in the %ndian construction sector N:: has made concrete contribution to nation building by fusing tremendous engineering knowledge with uni+ue innovative skills %t aims at offering best value solutions by ac+uiring total e5pertise in infrastructure building for the country %n keeping with its mission of contributing effectively to economic development! N:: has taken up the cudgels to provide long lasting buildings and industrial structures at optimum cost and in minimal time :onstruction of large factory and workshop structures has been made speedier and more economical by the use of modern construction methods including folded plate and shell roofs! precast and prestressed roofIelementsIetc INFOSYS %nfosys was established in the year 1,-1 and successfully completed %P0 in %ndia in the year 1,,# %n 1,,, the company crossed Q1CC )illion in annual revenue %n 2CCC %nfosys crossed Q2CC )illion in annual revenue %nfosys was ranked No 1 in the LBest "mployers in %ndia 2CC2L survey conducted by Dewitt 'ssociates for the second consecutive year %n 2CC6 the company crossed BS Q1 Billion in annual revenue %nfosys has crossed crosses Q 2 billion in revenue in the year 2CCA %nfosys Technologies Ltd 8N'S3'RK %N&P9 provides consulting and %T services to clients globally 2 as partners to conceptuali(e and reali(e technology driven business transformation initiatives 7ith over A2!CCC employees worldwide! we use a low2risk /lobal 3elivery )odel 8/3)9 to accelerate schedules with a high degree of time and cost predictability The services provides by %nfosys are 'pplication 3evelopment and )aintenance! :orporate Performance )anagement! %ndependent *alidation Services! %nfrastructure Services! Packaged 'pplication Services! Product "ngineering! Systems %ntegration TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES T:S commenced operations in 1,.-! when the %T services industry didn@t e5ist as it does today Now! with a presence in #6 countries across . continents! < a comprehensive 2# range of services across diverse industries! T:S is one of the worldMs leading %nformation Technology companies Si5 of the &ortune Top 1C companies are among their valued customers Tata :onsultancy Services Limited 8T:S9 is the world2leading information technology consulting! services! and business process outsourcing organi(ation that envisioned and pioneered the adoption of the fle5ible global business practices that today enable companies to operate more efficiently and produce more value T:S is a part of one of 'siaMs largest conglomerates 2 the T'T' /roup 2 which! with its interests in "nergy! Telecommunications! &inancial Services! :hemicals! "ngineering < )aterials! provides them with a grounded understanding of specific business challenges facing global companies INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LTD %ndian 0il :orporation Ltd 8%ndian 0il9 was formed in 1,.6 through the merger of %ndian 0il :ompany Ltd 8"std 1,A,9 and %ndian Eefineries Ltd 8"std 1,A-9%t is currently %ndia@s largest company by sales with a turnover of Es 1!-#!2C6 crore 8BS Q 61 billion9 and profits of Es 6!,1A crore 8BS Q 11C billion9 for fiscal 2CCA %ndian 0il is also the highest ranked %ndian company in the prestigious &ortune ?/lobal ACC@ listing! having moved up 1F places to the1A#rd position this year based on fiscal 2CCA performance %t is also the 21st largest petroleum company in the world and the No 1 petroleum trading companies among the National 0il :ompanies in the 'sia2Pacific region %ndian 0il and its subsidiaries account for 6FH petroleum products market share among public sector oil companies! 6#AH national refining capacity and F6H petroleum products pipeline capacity The %ndian 0il /roup of companies owns and operates 1C of %ndia@s 1- refineries with a combined refining capacity of .C2C million tones per annum 812 million barrels per day9 These include two refineries of subsidiary :hennai Petroleum :orporation Ltd 8:P:L9 and one of Bongaigaon Eefinery and Petrochemicals Limited 8BEPL9The :ompany@s cross2country crude oil and product pipelines network spanning over ,!CCC km meets the vital energy needs of the country 's the flagship national oil company in the downstream sector! %ndian 0il! together with its marketing subsidiary! %BP :o Ltd! reaches precious petroleum products to millions of people everyday through a countrywide network of over #C!CCC sales points They are backed for supplies by 1-# bulk storage terminals and depots! ,F aviation fuel stations and -- %ndane LP/ bottling plants OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION 26 %n 1,AA! /overnment of %ndia developed the oil and natural gas resources in the various regions of the country as part of the Public Sector development 7ith this ob$ective! an 0il and Natural /as 3irectorate was set up towards the end of 1,AA! as a subordinate office under the then )inistry of Natural Eesources and Scientific Eesearch The department was constituted with a nucleus of geoscientists from the /eological survey of %ndia 0N/: is placed at the top of all %ndian :orporates listed in &orbes 6CC /lobal :orporates 8rank 1##rd9 and &inancial Times /lobal ACC 8rank #2.th9! by )arket :apitali(ation 0N/: is the only %ndian company to have earned a Net Profit of over Es 1C!CCC crores 82CC22C#9 0il and Natural /as :orporation Limited 80N/:9 is %ndia@s )ost *aluable :ompany! having a market share of above -CH in %ndia@s :rude 0il and Natural /as "5ploration and Production 0N/: registered the highest profit among all %ndian companies at BS Q 1,2 billion 8Es -..66 :rore9 in the year 2CC#2C6 %ts production of :rude 0il in 2CC#2C6 was 2.F ))T and of Natural /as 2AFC Billion :ubic )eters 0N/: also produce *alue2'dded Products 8*'P9 like :22:#G LP/G Naphtha and S40 2A 1.4 REVIEW OF LITERATURE %n this pro$ect work! secondary data are used as a basis of analysis %n this study! Beta and *olatility calculations and different types of trading strategies are analy(ed The current study has been undertaken to measure the risk and variability of different company@s shares at different point of time %t is also helpful for analy(ing the company@s performance in the share market at the time of dividend declaration So the progress in the share market is high and we can see the investors are in the right path or they are achieving their ob$ectives M'&7,.( ,3 R'*%': %n this pro$ect work! the researcher used the one month share prices of ten different company@s before dividend declaration! after dividend declaration till e5 date and after e5 date for the purpose of calculating the Beta values! correlation coefficient and *olatility values and trading strategy analysis %n order to get the Beta values Nifty is the base for all the ten different companies The data collected for the purpose of calculations are mainly from the websites like nseindiacom and corresponding company@s websites B'/'3%&( 3),- &7' L%&')+&$)' The monthly prices of the shares were the main source for the Beta! coefficient of correlation and *olatility calculation and for analy(ing the different strategies
7ithout these secondary sources! it is not able to do the sameG the web site is one of the much useful sources of secondary data for getting information about the share prices and dividend declaration Thus this secondary data played an important role in completing this pro$ect 2. 1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY PRIMARY OBJECTIVE To identify an effective portfolio construction for the investment made by the investors SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
To identify the correlation between price movement of e+uities corresponding with dividend declaration To find out the good dividend yield companies for best investors To help investors to made wise investment strategy To show the beta and volatility calculation for measuring the risk and variability of different companies share 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study is confined to very few sectors like oil! construction! cement! %T and Banking The study is undertaken to know beta values! coefficient of correlation and *olatility of ten companies from the said industries They areK 2F 1 %:%:% 2 SB% # ':: 6 /BJ'E'T ')BBJ' :")"NTS A /'))0N %N3%' L%)%T"3 . N'/'EJBN' :0NSTEB:T%0N :0)P'NP L%)%T"3 F %N&0SPS - T:S , %0: 1C 0N/: 1.7 LIMITATIONS TO THE STUDY Since the study is confined to five sectors that itself selective few companies! a universally applicable results cannot be drawn The trend in dividend declaration cannot be e5pected to continue in the same manner 2- CHAPTER-II RESEARCH METHODOLOGY CHAPTER 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY %t covers the type of research used in this pro$ect! sample si(e chosen! sample description! data collection "ach will be described separately under the following headings T14' ,3 )'('+)07 2, Eesearch design is purely and simply the framework for a study that guides the collection and analysis of data Sellit( and others 81,.29 define the research design as the arrangement of data collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure %t is a conceptual structure within which research is conducted This study is basically an e5ploratory research "5ploratory research is a study undertaken to define nature of problem < opportunity and to gain a better understanding of the environment within which the problem <opportunity has occurred C,/*'/%'/& S+-42%/5 Bnder this method researcher is conveniently drawing the sample Eesearcher is conveniently picking samples from companies with track trend of consistency in dividend declaration S&+&%(&%0+2 T,,2( $('. 3,) 0+20$2+&%,/ ,3 *,2+&%2%&1 B'&+ Beta measures the non diversifiable risk Beta shows how the price of a security responds to market forces %n effect! the more responsive the price of a security is to changes in the market! the higher will be its Beta Beta is calculated by relating the returns on a security with the return for the market %t can be positive or negative Beta for each stock calculated using daily opening and closing share price each company and corresponding daily National Stock "5change Sense5 &irst! rate of returns of companies and National Stock "5change Sense5 are calculated The calculation as followsK Eate of Eeturn S share price in the closing 1 share price at the opening Share price in the opening C,-4$&+&%,/ ,3 B'&+> T S N ( )( )
Y X XY #C N ( ) 2 2
X X C,'33%0%'/& ,3 C,))'2+&%,/ :oefficient of correlation is a statistical techni+ue! which measures the degree or e5tent to which two or more variables fluctuate with reference to one another :orrelation analysis helps in determining the degree of relationship between two variables but correlation does not always imply cause and effect relationship The coefficient of correlation is essentially the covariance taken not as an absolute value but relative to the standard deviations of the individual securities %t indicates! in effect! how much 5 and y vary together as a proportion of their combined individual variations! measured by S3 of 5 multiplied by S3 of P :oefficient of correlation S ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) { } ( ) { } [ ] 2 I 1 2 2 2 2
EFPECTED CONTRIBUTION This study will be useful from the point of view of investors and portfolio managers as tool for identifying the market volatility CHAPTER-III #1 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA CHAPTER 3 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA CALCULATION OF BETA F,)-$2+ $('. 3,) &7' 0+20$2+&%,/ ,3 B'&+ +/. S&+/.+). D'*%+&%,/ C,))'2+&%,/ C,'33%0%'/& This chapter provides the beta! coefficient of correlation and *olatility of shares of ten companies C,-4$&+&%,/ ,3 B'&+K T S N ( )( )
T S C6. INTERPRETATION> The above table shows as beta value is less than!one! so there is less risk to the investor C7+)& 1.1D (7,:( +6,$& &7' -+)9'& )'&$)/ +/. (&,09 )'&$)/ ,3 G+--,/ I/.%+ L%-%&'. A- CHAPTER-IV FINDINGS SUGGESSTIONS CHAPTER 4 A, FINDINGS &rom the analysis of table! most of the investors were in low risk with their investment &rom the analysis of table there is ups and downs in market return and stock return &rom the analysis the investors are in risk with two companies of their investment &rom the analysis of table the beta value should be less than one so the investors are with low risk &rom the analysis of table the investors are not met with high risk SUGGESSTIONS The investors should invest their money in good company shares The investor should analyse that which gives ma5imum profit with low risk The investors should invest in different shares so they can compensate with their loss in profit shares They could make good profit with less minimum of risk They can invest their shares in bank also to get ma5imum return CHAPTER-V CONCLUSION .C CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION
The study on portfolio construction of /upta "+uities :oimbatore reveals that there is a slight risk facing an investors where discomfort is felt They can arrange it more favourable to maintain the return value They can enable to contribute to increase the level of income from the investors current level Dence investing in different share will reduce risk and in increases the return BIBLIOGRAPHY A. BOO8S 1 3r /urusamy S! L:apital )arketsL! *i$ay Nicole %mprints Pvt Ltd! 2CC. 2 /upta SP! LStatistical )ethodL! Sultan :hand and Sons! New 3elhi! 2CCC # 4othari :E! LEesearch )ethodologyL! *ishwa Prakasam! New 3elhi! 1,,. edition .1 6 )emoria :B! L)arketing )anagementL! 4itab )ahal! 'llahabad! 1,,- A Philip 4otler! L)arketing )anagementL! Pearson "ducation 8Singapore9 Pvt Ltd! New 3elhi! 2CC# . Preeti Singh! L%nvestment )anagement Security analysis and portfolio managementL! Dimalaya Publishing Douse! )umbai! 2CC.