The document provides an introduction to ratio analysis and discusses its advantages and limitations. It then classifies ratios into different categories for analysis, including profitability ratios, ratios based on investment, liquidity ratios, and capital structure ratios. Ratio analysis is a technique that uses ratios to analyze and interpret financial statements. It helps evaluate the operational and financial performance of a company and assess its ability to repay debt. Ratios are calculated from numbers taken from items in the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
The document provides an introduction to ratio analysis and discusses its advantages and limitations. It then classifies ratios into different categories for analysis, including profitability ratios, ratios based on investment, liquidity ratios, and capital structure ratios. Ratio analysis is a technique that uses ratios to analyze and interpret financial statements. It helps evaluate the operational and financial performance of a company and assess its ability to repay debt. Ratios are calculated from numbers taken from items in the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
Original Description:
shiv packging company in bhavnagar, gujarat.
that work on flour meal. and other seed processing
The document provides an introduction to ratio analysis and discusses its advantages and limitations. It then classifies ratios into different categories for analysis, including profitability ratios, ratios based on investment, liquidity ratios, and capital structure ratios. Ratio analysis is a technique that uses ratios to analyze and interpret financial statements. It helps evaluate the operational and financial performance of a company and assess its ability to repay debt. Ratios are calculated from numbers taken from items in the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
The document provides an introduction to ratio analysis and discusses its advantages and limitations. It then classifies ratios into different categories for analysis, including profitability ratios, ratios based on investment, liquidity ratios, and capital structure ratios. Ratio analysis is a technique that uses ratios to analyze and interpret financial statements. It helps evaluate the operational and financial performance of a company and assess its ability to repay debt. Ratios are calculated from numbers taken from items in the company's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
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Research Project report
On RATIO ANALYSIS Prepared by: Guided by : GHELANI PARESH Ms. Sheta Shah !.". #.#.A. $acu%ty & #.#.A. '.P.E.S. (OLLEGE '.P.E.S. (OLLEGE Acade)ic "ear *+,+&,, A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for T.Y.B.B.A. at Bhavnagar University of Bhavnagar. #.#.A. -epart)ent. !he '.P.E.S. (o%%e/e. 'a%0ibid. #ha0na/ar. PREFACE BBA is professional course, hich helps the student to develop their !noledge and s!ill in the field of an industrial environment and business it means management of the company. As a part of our T.Y. BBA syllabus e are supposed to visit an one particular industry and ma!e research project report on it in "# days training. Based on the information this is provided by the authorities of the concerned industry, on that e have to prepare a research project report. The main purpose of to ma!e a project is to become a sharp in practical as ell as theoretical !noledge and any other field. $ith the help of practical % theoretical !noledge e can get clear idea about the management and other aspect of the organi&ation. 'n a comparison of practical as ell as theoretical !noledge the practical study is to be proved very important and necessary for the student to understand the e(act position of entrepreneur and the manager in the mar!et. 'n this ay after completing studies, a person can be a successful business man. 'n this project report ' have made an effort on the )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1an2s quest for !noledge never ends. Theory and practical !noledge are essential and complimentary to each other. ' am indebted and than!ful for the assistance received from various individuals in ma!ing this project success. ' find no ords to e(press my gratitude toards those ho are constantly involved ith me throughout my tenure in )hiv ,ac!aging. 3irst of all ' ould li!e to than! /45 because of him ' am able to doing this project. Than ho can forget my ,A670T), their arm guidance and motivation help throughout of journey of developing my project. ' am also very than!ful to 1r. U,70 B*ATT and his partner of )hiv ,ac!aging for giving me the !ind permission to ma!e a project or! in the organi&ation. The hole staff of the )hiv pac!aging as highly co8 operative and ' am than!ful for the support they e(tended to me. ' ould li!e to than! our principal 9AY ,A05YA for giving me such a nice opportunity by providing not only educational guidance but also providing moral support. ' am also than!ful to my project guider )*$7TA )*A* and also my sincere than!s to our library, and librarian. :ast but not the least ' li!e to than! my friends and classmates ho have alays been there to inspire and help to me. 3inally, ' ould be grateful to all readers of this project. STUDENT DECLARATION ' undersigned PARESH GHELANI, the student of !.".##A. *ereby declare that the project or! presented in this report is my on or! and has carried it out under the guidance of 1A" PAN-"A % SH2E!A SHAH of T*7 '.P.E.S. (OLLEGE of B*A+0A/A6. PLA(E: B*A+0A/A6 -A!E: SIGNA!3RE: ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<= $3LL NAME: ,A67)* /*7:A0' T.Y.BBA. T*7 ..,.7.). -4::7/7 FACULTY DECLARATION THE K.P.E.S. COLLEGE $e certify that 1r. GHELANI PARESH )tudying in !.".#.#.A. having roll number #> is bonafide student of our college and has prepared this project report under the guidance of SH2E!A SHAH 5ate : ????????... ,lace : ????????... /uide2s 0ame : SH2E!A SHAH )ignature : ????????.. INDEX CHAPTER NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO. 1 . General in!r"a#i!n 1.1 Company profle 1.2 History and development of the unit 1.3 Size and form of the organization 1.4 Organization structure 1. !anufacturing process 1." #ime$ %eeping system $ Conceptual frame work Ratio Analysis 2.1 &ntroduction 2.2 'dvantages of ratio analysis 2.3 (imitation of ratio analysis 2.4 Classifcation of ratio analysis % . Re&ear'( an) "e#(!)!l!*+ 3.1 )esearch o*+ective 3.2 !eaning of research and methodology 3.3 #ypes of research 3.4 Scope of ,or% 3. )esearch process 3." (imitation of study , . C!"-.#a#i!n ! Ra#i! anal+&i& 4.1 -rofta*ility )atios 4.2 -rofta*ility )atios .ased on &nvestment 4.3 (i/uidity )atios 4.4 Capital 0earing )atios 4. #urn$over )atios / . Da#a In#er-re#a#i!n 0 anal+&i& 1 . Fin)in* 0 S.**e&#i!n& 2 . C!n'l.&i!n Sr. n! General in!r"a#i!n Pa*e n!. #.# -ompany profile #." *istory and development of the unit #.@ )i&e and form of the organi&ation #.A 4rgani&ation structure #.B 1anufacturing process #.C Time8 !eeping system 0121)'( &23O)!'#&O2 COMPANY PROFILE NAME O$ 3NI! : )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ ,vt. :td. LO(A!ION : .;#= D@@E#,/.'.5.-. -hitra BE*, ).T $or! )hop, opp. /anesh tyre 6e8Trader, B*A+0A/A6 F @CA>>A PAR!NERS : 1r. Upen Bhatt 1rs. +ibhuti Bhatt 1rs. *emangi Bhatt 1rs. 0alini Bhatt A3-I!OR : 1r. )arju 1ehta !ELEPHONE : 1.GD"BAGH>G> ;>"HD8@>G#A">= #3SINESS !"PES : 1anufacturing unit PRO-3(!S : -orrugated )heets % Bo(es #AN'ERS : U-4 BA0., Bhavnagar. S(ALE O$ 3NI! : )mall scale industries E&)ai% : shivpac! HISTORY 0 DE3ELOPMENT OF UNIT The most popular for bo(es )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ pvt. :td. as established by the Upen Bhatt and his partners in the year of #GGD. They ere started firm ith "> lacs capital and H employees, no a day they have a healthy financial position and mar!eting. 'n present its capital is more than C> lacs and employees of the firm are @B. 'n the starting of the firm they ere supply bo(es only PARAG PER$3MES. GORAN$ARMA P4!. L!-. and MI(ROSIGN PRO-3(!S. To improve the quality of the bo( and reduce the cost of production they purchase high sophisticated machinery. 'n the year of ">>> they ere convince PARLE hich is popular for his glucose biscuit to supply bo(es and then they convince SHASHI IN-3S!RIES and 'A"AM (H3RN for the supply of bo(es. 0o, they have tremendous mar!et in all over /ujarat as ell as 1aharashtra because they produce and maintain quality of bo(es as per parties requirement. They purchase ra material from the vapi, morbi and Ahmedabad. 'n the history of )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ pvt. :td they didn2t ma!e any !ind of loss. They are still groing in the field of corrugated sheets and bo(es. SI4E AND FORM OF THE ORGANI4ATION There are several measures to determine the si&e of the organi&ation. )ome si&e can be measured on the basis of total investment or total turnover. According to industrial policy #GG# there are three scales of industries. ,5 SMALL S(ALE IN-3S!RIES A small scale industry is a unit in hich total investment on fi(ed assets beteen upto to Bcrore. *5 ME-I3M S(ALE IN-3S!RIES A medium scale industry is a unit in hich investment on fi(ed assets beteen Bcrore to #> crore. 65 LARGE S(ALE IN-3S!RIES A large scale industry is a unit in hich total investment on fi(ed assets more than #> crore. 'n concerned ith )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ ,+T.:T5 in the stating of firm it comes in to the cottage industry because it investment is up to #> lacs. 0o it considered as small scale industries ;))'= because it investment is more than D> lacs. And its total capacity of production per day is @ ton. $ORM O$ !HE ORGANI7A!ION: 5epending upon the oner ship, the business organi&ation can be classified into three forms and these three forms are presented as under. PRI4A!E SE(!OR:& The unit started and manages by the individual come into the privet sector. P3#LI( SE(!OR:& The unit started and manages by the government come into the public sector 1OIN! SE(!OR:& The unit that is joint venture of the individual and government come into this sector. Or*ani5a#i!n &#r.' /enerally, organi&ational structure E management can be classified into folloing three categories. And it also depends upon si&e of the organi&ation. ,5 !OP LE4EL :& 'n this level of management there is board of director, managing directorJ general manager and chairman of the company are included. This level is very important for the organi&ation because in this level important decisions are to be ta!en and also determined objectives and goal of the organi&ation. *5 MI--LE LE4EL :& This level is a bridge beteen top level and bottom level because it connects both levels. 'n this level sales manager, production manager, purchase manager etc and e(perts are included. 65 #O!!OM LE4EL :& The actual or! of the company or production process is done under this level. 3or giving the guidance to employee supervisors are available at this level and it also includes or!ers, jobbers and foreman. Oner Production Mana/er Mar8etin/ Mana/er $inancia% Mana/er Hu)an resource Mana/er Auditor 2or8ers STRUCTURE OF SHI3 PACKAGING Man.a'#.rin* -r!'e&& ROLL OF PAPER CUTTING 0 PRINTING CORRUGATION 0 PASTING SLOTTING 0 PINNING 6UNDLING 0 DISPATCH TIME KEEPING SYSTEM Time is an important element of every type of business. 'n )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/ pvt. ltd they have their on time table and employees of the firm must follo it seriously. 'f any employee doesn2t follo the time table than he has punishable by the manager. )hiv pac!aging2s or!ing hours starting in the morning G:>> a.m. and ends to C:>> p.m. and they have # hours lunch time beteen #:>> p.m. to ":>> p.m. The manager ta!es attendance in the morning hen employees are come and if any employees coming late than he has to give necessary reason otherise his salary are cut don. 'f any or!er ants to ta!e holiday during their or!ing days, he has to ta!e the permission from manager. Conceptual frame work Sr.2o Conceptual frame work -age no ".# 'ntroduction "." Advantages of ratio analysis ".@ :imitation of ratio analysis ".A -lassification of ratio analysis INTRODUCTION ,5 HIS!OR" O$ RA!IO ANAL"SIS: 6atio analysis as introduced by Ale(ander ell in the year #G#G. *e critici&ed ban! for the lopsided development of ban!ing system oing to their decision regarding the grant of credit based upon current ratio only. $ell pointed out that in order to gate a complete picture it is necessary to consider the rest of the relationship in the financial statement other than current assets to current liabilities. *5 MEANING O$ RA!IO ANAL"SIS: 6atio analysis is the process of determining and interpreting numerical relationship based on financial statement. This analysis provides information about company2s past performance. 6atio analysis is useful to not only company but it is also useful for investors, creditors, lenders, management and other person related ith company 6atio analysis is based on financial statement Analysis, here annual report of company is given to e(pert to calculate the ratio of the company for the previous year and earlier previous year. 6atio analysis is one of the poerful analyses for company to measure their past performance ith standard ratio.
6atio analysis is idely used tool for financial analysis. 't is defined as Kas a systematic use of ratio to interpret the financial statement so that the strengths and ea!ness of a firm as ell as its historical performance and current financial condition can be determineL. )o in order to ma!e such statement more meaningful the user resorts to the technique of ma!ing special calculation in form ofJ -omparative balance sheet %income statement -ommon si&e percentage 6atio e(pressing the relationship of item selected from the balance sheet, the income statement, and both statement. The relationship of the ratio may be e(pressed in folloing to ays: !IMES: $hen one is divided by another.unit used to quotient is termed as times. 3or e(ample if out of #>> student in a class D> student are present. The attendance ratio can be e(pressed as D>E#>> M >.D times. PER(EN!AGE: The unit is multiplied by #>>. The e(pression is termed as percentage. 'n above e(ample it is multiplied by >.D N#>>MD>O than it ill be converted in to percentage. AD3ANTAGES OF RATIO ANALYSIS The use of ratio as started by ban!s ascertaining the liquidity and profitability of company for the purpose of advancing them loans. 't gradually become popular and other creditors began to use them profitably. 0o even the investors calculate ratio from the publish accounts of the company in order to have an ideas about solvency and profitability of the company before investing their savings. ,. PRO$I!A#IL!" Useful information is available about the trend of profitability is available from profitability ratio. The net profit ratio, gross profit ratio and 6ate of return on investment give good idea of the profitability of business. *. LI93I-I!" 'f fact the use of ratio as made initially to ascertain the liquidity of business the current ratio liquid ratio and acid test ratio ill tell hether the business ill be able to meet it2s current liabilities as and hen they mature. 6. E$$I(IEN(" The turnover ratios are the e(cellent guide to measure the efficiency of the manager e.g. the debtor turn8over ratio ill indicate the efficiency of the collection department. :. IN!ER $IRM (OMPARISION The ratios of the firm are useless if they are not compared ith the other firm2s ratio. $ith the help of comparing the ratio of other firm e may find solution of the problem. ;. IN-I(A!E !REN- 6atio of last three to five years ill indicate trend in the respective field. e.g. 'f the current ratio of the firm is loer than average of the industry but it is shoing improvement since last three to five years, than it can be encouraging trend. <. 3SE$3L $OR -E(ISION MA'ING 6atio guides the management in ma!ing some of the important decision. )uppose the liquidity ratio of the firm shos unsatisfactory position than the management may decide hether to raise more capital or not. 6eturn on investment ill guide the management hile ta!ing decision about investment. LIMITATION OF RATIO ANYLISIS 6atio can be only as correct as the data on hich they are based. 3or instance, if the inventory values are inflated, not only ill one have an e(aggerated vie of profitability of the concern, but also if it2s financial position. The basic data must be absolutely reliable, if the ratio or! out on its base are to be relied upon. ,. SINGLE "EAR RA!IO HA4E LIMI!E- 3!ILI!" The utility of ratio computed from the financial statement of one year only is obviously limited they must be compared ith past result of the company as also ith the result of the other company. *. O!HER $A(!OR M3S! #E (ONSI-ERE- $hile comparing the ratio of different firm, it must be remembered that different firm follos different accountancy plan and policy. 7.g. some firm may used straight line method of depreciation, hile the other firm may ta!e diminishing balance method. 6. LIMI!E- 3!ILI!" O$ HIS!ORI(AL RA!IO $hile comparing ratio of past several years, it should be remembered that change in price level may rendered such comparison useless :. 3SE O$ RA!IO MILEA-ING 'f one ratio is used ithout reference to other ratio may be misleading. 'f some conclusion are to be dran than combined effect of a fe related ratio must be consider. ;. LA(' O$ S!AN-ER- RA!IO There is particularly no standard ratio against hich the actual performance can be compared. The satisfactory level of various ratio may be one industry to another industry. <. INA((3RA!E #ASE 'f the accounting data is not accurate than the ratio computed based on this figure may give rong result. = . IN4ES!IGA!ION NE(ESSAR" 't must be remembered that accounting ratio must be investigated because. 't suggests area here inquiry is necessary. >. RA!IO O$ !2O IRRELE4EN! $A(!OR 6elation must be established beteen related matters. 't is useless if the ratios are found hich have no relation ith each other. 7.g. ratio of factory e(penses to selling e(penses. CLASIFICATION OF RATIO ANALYSIS Accounting ratio are classified in to to parts, hich are as folloing: 1) T6A5'T'40A: -:A))'3'-AT'40 2) 3U0-T'40A: -:A))'3'-AT'40 This accounting ratio are again divided in to different parts ,5 !RA-I!IONAL (LASSI$I(A!ION The traditional ratio is divided in to three categories2 on the basis of the statement from hich the figures are for computing the ratio. The ratio are divided as follo, a5 #ALAN(E SHEE! RA!IO : $hen ratio is calculated, by ta!ing information from balance sheet, it is !non as balance sheet ratio e.g. ratio, of current assets to current liabilities. 3olloing are the balance sheet ratio hich are covered in my project or! -urrent ratio :iquidity ratio ,roprietary ratio 5ebt8 equity ratio -apital gearing ratio b5 RE4EN3E S!A!EMEN! RA!IO The ratios hich are calculated by ta!ing information from revenue statement it means from profit and loss AP- than it is !non as revenue statement ratio. 3olloing are the revenue statement ratio: /ross profit ratio 4perating ratio 4perating profit ratio 0et profit ratio 'nterest coverage ratio c5 (OMPOSI!E RA!IO $hen ratio shos relationship beteen one item from ,%: aQc and another from balance sheet than it is composite ratio. 3olloing are the composite ratios: -apital turnover ratio 'nventory turnover ratio 5ebtors turnover ratio -reditors2 turnover ratio $or!ing capital ratio 3i(ed assets turnover ratio 6eturn on capital employed 6eturn on investment 6eturn on share holder fund *5 $3N(!IONAL (LASSI$I(A!ION: 3unctional classification of ratio divides ratio in to different parts according to their utility. 3olloing are the functional ratio, a5 LI93I-I!" RA!IO: This ratio is useful for outside person or investors of the business. :iquidity ratio shos hether the firm ill be able to meet it2s liability as and hen they mature. :iquidity ratios are as follo: -urrent ratio :iquidity ratio Acid8 test ratio b5 LE4ERAGE RA!IO: The composition of capital of business and the proportion of oner2s are capital and -apital provided by outsiders are related to measure the firms ability to meet its interest cost and repayment its liabilities. :everage ratios are as follo: ,roprietary ratio 5ebt F equity ratio 'nterest coverage ratio -apital gearing ratio 5ebt to total capital ratio c5 E$$I(IEN(" !3RNO4ER RA!IO: 7fficiency turnover ratio shos efficiency of the or! done. 7fficiency turnover ratio is useful to measure efficiency of different department. These ratios are useful to ta!e decision for top management. this ratio are as follo: 'nventory turnover ratio 5ebtor turnover ratio -reditors2 turn over ratio 3i(ed assets turn over ratio d5 PRO$I!A#ILI!" RA!IO: A various number of ratios are design to indicate the profitability ratio of the business and are grouped into the category of profitability ratio. ,rofitability ratios are as follo: /ross profit ratio 0et profit ratio 4perating profit ratio 7(pense ratio 4perating ratio 6eturn on investment 6eturn on equity 6eturn on capital employed )esearch and methodology )r. no Particu%ar ,age no. @.# 1eaning of research and methodology @." 4bjectives of research @.@ Types of research @.A )cope of or! @.B 6esearch process @.C :imitation of study MEANING OF RESEARCH 0 METHODOLOGY 6esearch in common plan parlance refers to a search for !noledge. 4nce can also defined research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. 'n fact research is an art of scientific investigation 6edman and moray defines research as a,L systemati&ed effort to gain ne !noledge2. 6esearch methodology is a ay to systematically solve the problem. 't may be understand as science of studying ho research is done scientifically. There is a difference beteen research methods and research methodology. 6esearch method refers to methods the researchers used in performing research operation. in other ord all those method hich are used by the researcher during course of study his research problem are termed as research methods since the object research particularly the applied research, it to arrive at a solution for a given problem, the available data and the un!non aspects of the problem have to be related to each other to ma!e a solution possible. O67ECTI3ES OF RESEARCH There must an objective behind any research. $ithout objective there is no meaning of research. The purpose of research is to discover ansers to questions through the application of scientific procedures. The main aim of research is to find out the truth hich is hidden and hich has not been discovered yet. As each research has some or the other objectives the folloing are the objectives of this research: To study the mechanism of ratio prevailing in the company and its effect on the financial condition of the company. To get the meaningful !noledge about ratio hich are considered ith the company, hich helps us to clear the aspects of ratio analysis ith the reference to )*'+ ,A-.A/'0/. To ta!e decision regarding long term finance ratio analysis is very useful tool. 't helps investors to !no efficiency of the company hile ta!ing investment decision. 't helps management to !no efficiency of the different department. $e can !no the level of profit, e(penses, dividend pay8out ratio etc. T+-e& ! re&ear'( #= 5escriptive vs. analytical "= Applied vs. fundamental @= Ruantitative vs. qualitative A= -onceptual vs. empirical 4ut of these all research methods the research method hich as most suitable to my research as descripti0e research because it provides me all the opportunities to cover the all the aspect that ' require to conduct the research and get an appropriate out come. -escripti0e: 5escriptive research includes surveys and fact F finding enquires of different !inds. The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it e(its at present. 'n social science and business research e often use the term 7( post facto research for descriptive research studies. The main characteristic of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variablesJ he can only report hat has happened or hat is happening. S'!-e ! 8!r9 'n this project report my research is based on secondary data of S)*'+ ,A-.A/'0/2 industry of last three financial years. 'n my research a have amylase ratio of organi&ation, but they are useless if they are not compared ith ratio of other firm. $ith help of this ratio any person can !no the profitability ratio, balance sheet ratio, leverage ratio etc 'f these ratios are compared ith past ratio of the organi&ation or ith other organi&ation, management can ma!e future decision. 'f present ratios of last three to five years are compared, they ill indicate the trend and it ill sho hether the financial position and performance of the organi&ation has improved or deteriorated or remain constant, then on the basis of this management can ta!e necessary steps if any required. Analysis and interpretation of the ratio may some time may not sho actual position of the business e.g. the gross profit ratio shos more than B>O profit but net profit ratio is very less than management can ta!e decision to reduce e(penses li!e office e(penses, administrative ratio etc. PROCESS OF RESEARCH Before embar!ing on the details of research methodology and techniques, it seems appropriate to present a brief overvie of the research process. 6esearch process consists of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired sequencing of these steps are as under. 3ormulating the research pro*lem 14tensive literature survey 5eveloping the hypothesis -reparing the research design Collecting data 'nalyze data &nterpret and report ME!HO- O$ -A!A (OLLE(!ION There are the different types of method of data collection. The tas! of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research designE plan chal!ed out. $hile deciding the methods of data collection to be use for the study, the researcher should !eep in mind to types of data vi&., primary and secondary. The primary data are those hich are collected afresh and for the time, and thus happen to be original in character. The secondary data on the other hand are those hich have already been collected by someone else and hich have already been passed thought the statistical process. The researcher ould have to decide hich sort of data he ould be using ;thus collecting= for his study and according to him he ill have to select one or the other method of data collection. The method of collecting primary and secondary differ since primary data are originally collected, hile in case of secondary data the nature of data collection or!s is merely that of compilation, e describe the different of data collection, ith the pros and cons of each method. ,. PRIMAR" -A!A: The primary data are those hich are collected afresh and for the time, and thus happen to be original in character. $e collect primary data during the course of doing e(periments research but in case e do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys, hether sample surveys or census surveys, then e can obtain primary data either through observation or through direct communication ith respondent in one form or another or through personal intervie. 'n respect or concern ith my project ' have used only secondary data so my project report is based on secondary data from the folloing sources of firm, #= ,rofit and loss account "= Balance sheet *. SE(ON-AR" -A!A: )econdary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the data hich have already been collected and analy&ed by someone else. $hen the research utili&ed secondary data, then he has to loo! into various sources form here he can obtain them. 'n this case he is certainly not confronted ith the problems that are usually associated ith the collection of original data. )econdary data may either be published data or unpublished data. 1y project is based on the secondary data, all the data hich are ' have used is based on the available or published data vi&. balance sheet. Li"i#a#i!n ! &#.)+ 7very coin has to sides it means there are merits and demerits of each and every method and research. 3olloing are the limitation of my project report, As my project report is based on secondary data only provided by company so there must be primary data also be collected before ta!ing any decision based on this project. :ac!s of advanced scientific techniques for analysis and interpretation. 't means that ' have amylase data by ratio analysis method as my project report is on ratio analysis but there are many other method hich are not used my in project report. 'n such cases respondents ere not able to give all information in such cases as much as possible information as ta!en. ' can2t meet each and every user because of *uman :imitations and other problems so e select some sample. -onclusion is derived by oneself ;5ecision 1a!er=. Time constrain. CO!-6#'#&O2 O3 )'#&O '27(&S&S Sr.n!. Ra#i!& Anal+&i& Pa*e n!. A.# ,rofitability 6atios A." ,rofitability 6atios Based on 'nvestment A.@ :iquidity 6atios A.A -apital /earing 6atios A.B Turnover 6atios 5'#' &nterpretation 8 '2'(7S&S :; PROFITA6ILITY RATIOS ;: GROSS PROFIT RATIO; /ross ,rofit /ross ,rofit 6atio M T #>> )ales Gross Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM /ross ,rofit 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M Gross Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ #B,A",@C@ /ross ,rofit 6atio M T #>> #,@#,G>,@#B M ##.CGO Gross Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> ##,@B,CG@ /ross ,rofit 6atio M T #>> D",@#,AD" M #@.HGO Sl .N!. Year Gr!&& Pr!<# Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G ##.CGO @ ">>H8>D #@.HGO NET PROFIT RATIO; 0et ,rofit after ' % T 0et ,rofit 6atio M T #>> )ales Net Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 0et ,rofit 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M Net Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ H,>H,AAD 0et ,rofit 6atio M T #>> #,@#,G>,@#B M B.@CO Net Pro?it Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> B,#C,DAG 0et ,rofit 6atio M T #>> D",@#,AD" M C."HO Sl .N!. Year Ne# Pr!<# Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G B.@C O @ ">>H8>D C."H O E=PENSE RATIO; 7(penses 7(pense 6atio M T #>> )ales EApense Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 7(pense 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M EApense Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM 7(pense 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M EApense Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM 7(pense 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year E>-en&e Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D :; PROFITA6ILITY RATIOS 6ASED ON IN3ESTMENT ;: RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED RATIO ?ROCE@; 0et ,rofit before ' % T 64-7 6atio M T #>> )hares cap. U 6eserves U :.: RO(E Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 64-7 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M RO(E Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ H,>H,#AD 64-7 6atio M T #>> A>,@D,>CG M #H.B" O RO(E Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> B,#C,DAG 64-7 6atio M T #>> @D,>G,GG" M #@.BC O Sl .N!. Year ROCE Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G #H.B" O @ ">>H8>D #@.BC O :; LIAUIDITY RATIOS ;: CURRENT RATIO;: -urrent assets -urrent 6atio M -urrent liabilities (urrent Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM -urrent 6atio M MMMMMMMM M (urrent Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ A#,CG,AH@ -urrent 6atio M #G,"",@HH M ".#C : # (urrent Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM -urrent 6atio M "",#>,"HD M Sl .N!. Year C.rren# Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G ".#C : # @ ">>H8>D LIAUID RATIO;: :iquid assets :iquid 6atio M :iquid liabilities LiBuid Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ ">,DA,#>> :iquid 6atio M #G,"",@HH M #.>D : # LiBuid Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM :iquid 6atio M MMMMMMMM M LiBuid Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM :iquid 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year LiB.i) Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G #.>D : # @ ">>H8>D ACID:TEST RATIO;: Ruic! assets Acid8Test 6atio M :iquid liabilities Acid&!est Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM Acid8Test 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Acid&!est Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ @,>@,@B> Acid8Test 6atio M #G,"",@HB M >.#B : # Acid&!est Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM Acid8Test 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year A'i):Te&# Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G >.#B : # @ ">>H8>D :; CAPITAL GEARING RATIOS ;: PROPRIETARY RATIO;: ,roprietors2 funds ,roprietary 6atio M Total real assets Proprietary Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM ,roprietary 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Proprietary Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ "D,>",#AD ,roprietary 6atio M AD,#H,AG" M BD.#H O Proprietary Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> "A,GB,AAH ,roprietary 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year Pr!-rie#ar+ Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G BD.#HO @ ">>H8>D DE6T:EAUITY RATIO;: :ong term liabilities 5ebt87quity 6atio M T #>> 4ners2 funds -ebt&EBuity Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 5ebt87quity 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M -ebt&EBuity Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ #",@B,G"# 5ebt87quity 6atio M T #>> "D,>",#AD M AA O -ebt&EBuity Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> #@, #A,B#B 5ebt87quity 6atio M T #>> "A,GB,AHH M B@ O Sl .N!. Year DeC#:EB.i#+ Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G AAO @ ">>H8>D B@O LONG:TERM FUNDS TO FI=ED ASSETS RATIO;: :ong Term funds :T33A 6atio M T #>> 3i(ed assets Lon/ ter) ?unds to $iAed Assets Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ @D,>G,GG" :T33A 6atio M T #>> C AD,>#G M Lon/ ter) ?unds to $iAed Assets Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM :T33A 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M Lon/ ter) ?unds to $iAed Assets Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM :T33A 6atio M T #>> MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year LTFFA Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D INTEREST CO3ERAGE RATIO;: ,rofit before ' % T 'nterest -overage 6atio M 'nterest Interest (o0era/e Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 'nterest -overage 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Interest (o0era/e Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ H,>H,AAD 'nterest -overage 6atio M #,>@,DHB M C.D# times Interest (o0era/e Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> B,#C,DAG 'nterest -overage 6atio M C",@A# M D."G times Sl .N!. Year In#ere&# C!Dera*e Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D :; TURN:O3ER RATIOS ;: STOCK TURN:O3ER RATIO;: -ost of /oods )old )toc! Turn8over 6atio M Average stoc! Stoc8 !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM )toc! Turn8over 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Stoc8 !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ #,@#,G>,@#B )toc! Turn8over 6atio M #H,D>,BB> M H.A# times Stoc8 !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> D",@#,AD" )toc! Turn8over 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year S#!'9 T.rn:!Der Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D DE6TORSE RATIO;: 5ebtor U bills receivable 5ebtors2 6atio M T @CB -redit sales -ebtorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM 5ebtors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M -ebtorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM 5ebtors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M -ebtorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM 5ebtors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year DeC#!r&E Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D CREDITORSE RATIO;: -reditors U bills payable -reditors2 6atio M T @CB -redit purchases (reditorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM -reditors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M (reditorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM -reditors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M (reditorsC Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM -reditors2 6atio M T @CB MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year Cre)i#!r&E Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D TOTAL ASSETS TURN:O3ER RATIO;: )ales Total Assets Turn8over 6atio M Total assets !ota% Assets !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++@&,+ MMMMMMMMMMM Total Assets Turn8over 6atio M MMMMMMMM M !ota% Assets !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++>&+@ MMMMMMMMMMM Total Assets Turn8over 6atio M MMMMMMMM M !ota% Assets !urn&o0er Ratio o? the "ear *++=&+> MMMMMMMMMMM Total Assets Turn8over 6atio M MMMMMMMM M Sl .N!. Year T!#al A&&e#& T.rn: !Der Ra#i!& # ">>G8#> " ">>D8>G @ ">>H8>D