Variable Scope: Example
Variable Scope: Example
Variable Scope: Example
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Variable Sc ope
The concept of variable scope is most important when you write
functions. Variable scope determines which functions recognize
certain variables. If a function recognizes a variable, the variable is
visible to that function. Variable scope protects variables in one
function from other functions that might overwrite them. If a
function doesnt need access to a variable, that function shouldnt be
able to see or change the variable. In other words, the variable
should not be visible to that particular function.
This chapter introduces you to
o Global and local variables
o Passing arguments
o Automatic and static variables
o Passing parameters
The previous chapter introduced the concept of using a differ-
ent function for each task. This concept is much more useful when
you learn about local and global variable scope.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
Global Versus Loc al
If you have programmed only in BASIC, the concept of local
and global variables might be new to you. In many interpreted
versions of BASIC, all variables are global, meaning the entire
program knows each variable and has the capability to change any
of them. If you use a variable called SALES at the top of the program,
even the last line in the program can use SALES. (If you dont know
BASIC, dont despairthere will be one less habit you have to
Global variables can be dangerous. Parts of a program can
inadvertently change a variable that shouldnt be changed. For
example, suppose you are writing a program that keeps track of a
grocery stores inventory. You might keep track of sales percent-
ages, discounts, retail prices, wholesale prices, produce prices,
dairy prices, delivered prices, price changes, sales tax percentages,
holiday markups, post-holiday markdowns, and so on.
The huge number of prices in such a system is confusing. When
writing a program to keep track of every price, it would be easy to
mistakenly call both the dairy prices d_pr i ces and the delivered
prices d_pr i ces. Either C++ will not enable you to do this (you cant
define the same variable twice) or you will overwrite a value used
for something else. Whatever happens, keeping track of all these
differentbut similarly namedprices makes this program con-
fusing to write.
Global variables can be dangerous because code can inadvert-
ently overwrite a variable initialized elsewhere in the program. It is
better to make every variable local in your programs. Then, only
functions that should be able to change the variables can do so.
Local variables can be seen (and changed) only from the
function in which they are defined. Therefore, if a function defines
a variable as local, that variables scope is protected. The variable
cannot be used, changed, or erased by any other function without
special programming that you learn about shortly.
If you use only one function, mai n( ) , the concept of local and
global is academic. You know from Chapter 16, Writing C++
Functions, however, that single-function programs are not recom-
mended. It is best to write modular, structured programs made up
Gl obal vari abl es are
vi si bl e across many
program functi ons.
Local vari abl es are
vi si bl e onl y i n the
bl ock where they are
defi ned.
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of many smaller functions. Therefore, you should know how to
define variables as local to only those functions that use them.
Defining Variable Sc ope
When you first learned about variables in Chapter 4, Variables
and Literals, you learned you can define variables in two places:
o Before they are used inside a function
o Before a function name, such as mai n( )
All examples in this book have declared variables with the first
method. You have yet to see an example of the second method.
Because most these programs have consisted entirely of a single
mai n( ) function, there has been no reason to differentiate the two
methods. It is only after you start using several functions in one
program that these two variable definition methods become critical.
The following rules, specific to local and global variables, are
o A variable is local if and only if you define it after the opening
brace of a block, usually at the top of a function.
o A variable is global if and only if you define it outside a
All variables you have seen so far have been local. They have all
been defined immediately after the opening braces of mai n( ) . There-
fore, they have been local to mai n( ) , and only mai n( ) can use them.
Other functions have no idea these variables even exist because they
belong to mai n( ) only. When the function (or block) ends, all its local
variables are destroyed.
TIP: All local variables disappear (lose their definition) when
their block ends.
Global variables are visible (known) from their point of
definition to the end of the program. If you define a global variable,
any line throughout the rest of the programno matter how many
functions and code lines follow itis able to use that global variable.
Gl obal vari abl es are
vi si bl e from thei r
defi ni ti on through
the remai nder of the
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
1. The following section of code defines two local variables,
i and j .
mai n( )
i nt i , j ; / / Local because t hey r e
/ / def i ned af t er t he br ace.
/ / Rest of mai n( ) goes her e.
These variables are visible to mai n( ) and not to any other
function that might follow or be called by mai n( ) .
2. The following section of code defines two global variables, g
and h.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
i nt g, h; / / Gl obal because t hey r e
/ / def i ned bef or e a f unct i on.
mai n( )
/ / mai n( ) s code goes her e.
It doesnt matter whether your #i ncl ude lines go before or
after global variable declarations.
3. Global variables can appear before any function. In the
following program, mai n( ) uses no variables. However, both
of the two functions after mai n( ) can use sal es and pr of i t
because these variables are global.
/ / Fi l ename: C17GLO. CPP
/ / Pr ogr amt hat cont ai ns t wo gl obal var i abl es.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
do_f un( ) ;
t hi r d_f un( ) ; / / Pr ot ot ype di scussed l at er .
mai n( )
cout << No var i abl es def i ned i n mai n( ) \ n\ n;
do_f un( ) ; / / Cal l t he f i r st f unct i on.
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r et ur n 0;
f l oat sal es, pr of i t ; / / Two gl obal var i abl es.
do_f un( )
sal es = 20000. 00; / / Thi s var i abl e i s vi si bl e
/ / f r omt hi s poi nt down.
pr of i t = 5000. 00; / / As i s t hi s one. They ar e
/ / bot h gl obal .
cout << The sal es i n t he second f unct i on ar e <<
sal es << \ n;
cout << The pr of i t i n t he second f unct i on i s <<
pr of i t << \ n\ n;
t hi r d_f un( ) ; / / Cal l t he t hi r d f unct i on t o
/ / show t hat gl obal s ar e vi si bl e.
r et ur n 0;
t hi r d_f un( )
cout << I n t he t hi r d f unct i on: \ n;
cout << The sal es i n t he t hi r d f unct i on ar e <<
sal es << \ n;
cout << The pr of i t i n t he t hi r d f unct i on i s <<
pr of i t << \ n;
/ / I f sal es and pr of i t wer e l ocal , t hey woul d not be
/ / vi si bl e by mor e t han one f unct i on.
r et ur n 0;
Notice that the mai n( ) function can never use sal es and pr of i t
because they are not visible to mai n( ) even though they are
global. Remember, global variables are visible only from
their point of definition downward in the program. State-
ments that appear before global variable definitions can-
not use those variables. Here is the result of running this
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
No var i abl es def i ned i n mai n( )
The sal es i n t he second f unct i on ar e 20000
The pr of i t i n t he second f unct i on i s 5000
I n t he t hi r d f unct i on:
The sal es i n t he t hi r d f unct i on ar e 20000
The pr of i t i n t he t hi r d f unct i on i s 5000
TIP: Declare all global variables at the top of your pro-
grams. Even though you can define them later (between any
two functions), you can find them faster if you declare them at
the top.
4. The following program uses both local and global variables.
It should now be obvious to you that j and p are local and i
and z are global.
/ / Fi l ename: C17GLLO. CPP
/ / Pr ogr amwi t h bot h l ocal and gl obal var i abl es.
/ / Local Var i abl es Gl obal Var i abl es
/ / j , p i , z
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
pr _agai n( ) ; / / Pr ot ot ype
i nt i = 0; / / Gl obal var i abl e because i t s
/ / def i ned out si de mai n( ) .
mai n( )
f l oat p ; / / Local t o mai n( ) onl y.
p = 9. 0; / / Put s val ue i n gl obal var i abl e.
cout << i << , << p << \ n; / / Pr i nt s gl obal i
/ / and l ocal p.
pr _agai n( ) ; / / Cal l s next f unct i on.
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur ns t o DOS.
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f l oat z = 9. 0; / / Gl obal var i abl e because i t s
/ / def i ned bef or e a f unct i on.
pr _agai n( )
i nt j = 5; / / Local t o onl y pr _agai n( ) .
cout << j << , << z; / / Thi s can t pr i nt p! .
cout << , << i << \ n;
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur n t o mai n( ) .
Even though j is defined in a function that mai n( ) calls, mai n( )
cannot use j because j is local to pr _agai n( ) . When pr _agai n( )
finishes, j is no longer defined. The variable z is global from
its point of definition down. This is why mai n( ) cannot print
z. Also, the function pr _agai n( ) cannot print p because p is
local to mai n( ) only.
Make sure you can recognize local and global variables
before you continue. A little study here makes the rest of this
chapter easy to understand.
5. Two variables can have the same name, as long as they are
local to two different functions. They are distinct variables,
even though they are named identically.
The following short program uses two variables, both
named age. They have two different values, and they are
considered to be two different variables. The first age is local
to mai n( ) , and the second age is local to get _age( ) .
/ / Fi l ename: C17LOC1. CPP
/ / Two di f f er ent l ocal var i abl es wi t h t he same name.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
get _age( ) ; / / Pr ot ot ype
mai n( )
i nt age;
cout << What i s your age? ;
ci n >> age;
get _age( ) ; / / Cal l t he second f unct i on.
cout << mai n( ) s age i s st i l l << age << \ n;
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
r et ur n 0;
get _age( )
i nt age; / / A di f f er ent age. Thi s one
/ / i s l ocal t o get _age( ) .
cout << What i s your age agai n? ;
ci n >> age;
r et ur n 0;
The output of this program follows. Study this output
carefully. Notice that mai n( ) s last cout does not print the
newly changed age. Rather, it prints the age known to
mai n( ) the age that is local to mai n( ) . Even though they are
named the same, mai n( ) s age has nothing to do with
get _age( ) s age. They might as well have two different vari-
able names.
What i s your age? 28
What i s your age agai n? 56
mai n( ) s age i s st i l l 28
You should be careful when naming variables. Having two
variables with the same name is misleading. It would be
easy to become confused while changing this program later.
If these variables truly have to be separate, name them
differently, such as ol d_age and new_age, or ag1 and ag2. This
helps you remember that they are different.
6. There are a few times when overlapping local variable
names does not add confusion, but be careful about overdo-
ing it. Programmers often use the same variable name as the
counter variable in a f or loop. For example, the two local
variables in the following program have the same name.
/ / Fi l ename: C17LOC2. CPP
/ / Usi ng t wo l ocal var i abl es wi t h t he same name
Vari abl es l ocal to
mai n( ) cannot be
used i n another
functi on that
mai n( ) cal l s.
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/ / as count i ng var i abl es.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
do_f un( ) ; / / Pr ot ot ype
mai n( )
i nt ct r ; / / Loop count er .
f or ( ct r =0; ct r <=10; ct r ++)
{ cout << mai n( ) s ct r i s << ct r << \ n; }
do_f un( ) ; / / Cal l second f unct i on.
r et ur n 0;
do_f un( )
i nt ct r ;
f or ( ct r =10; ct r >=0; ct r - - )
{ cout << do_f un( ) s ct r i s << ct r << \ n; }
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur n t o mai n( ) .
Although this is a nonsense program that simply prints 0
through 10 and then prints 10 through 0, it shows that using
ct r for both function names is not a problem. These variables
do not hold important data that must be processed; rather,
they are f or loop-counting variables. Calling them both ct r
leads to little confusion because their use is limited to con-
trolling f or loops. Because a f or loop initializes and incre-
ments variables, the one function never relies on the other
functions ct r to do anything.
7. Be careful about creating local variables with the same name
in the same function. If you define a local variable early in a
function and then define another local variable with the
same name inside a new block, C++ uses only the innermost
variable, until its block ends.
The following example helps clarify this confusing problem.
The program contains one function with three local vari-
ables. See if you can find these three variables.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
/ / Fi l ename: C17MULI . CPP
/ / Pr ogr amwi t h mul t i pl e l ocal var i abl es cal l ed i .
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
mai n( )
i nt i ; / / Out er i
i = 10;
{ i nt i ; / / New bl ock s i
i = 20; / / Out er i st i l l hol ds a 10.
cout << i << << i << \ n; / / Pr i nt s 20 20.
{ i nt i ; / / Anot her new bl ock and l ocal var i abl e.
i = 30; / / I nner most i onl y.
cout << i << << i <<
<< i << \ n; / / Pr i nt s 30 30 30.
} / / I nner most i i s now gone f or ever .
} / / Second i i s gone f or ever ( i t s bl ock ended) .
cout << i << << i << <<
i << \ n; / / Pr i nt s 10 10 10.
r et ur n 0;
} / / mai n( ) ends and so do i t s var i abl es.
All local variables are local to the block in which they are
defined. This program has three blocks, each one nested
within another. Because you can define local variables
immediately after an opening brace of a block, there are
three distinct i variables in this program.
The local i disappears completely when its block ends (when
the closing brace is reached). C++ always prints the variable
that it interprets as the most localthe one that resides
within the innermost block.
Use Global Variables Sparingly
You might be asking yourself, Why do I have to understand
global and local variables? At this point, that is an understandable
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question, especially if you have been programming mostly in
BASIC. Here is the bottom line: Global variables can be dangerous.
Code can inadvertently overwrite a variable that was initialized in
another place in the program. It is better to have every variable in
your program be local to the function that has to access it.
Read the last sentence again. Even though you now know how
to make variables global, you should avoid doing so! Try to never
use another global variable. It might seem easier to use global
variables when you write programs having more than one function:
If you make every variable used by every function global, you never
have to worry whether one is visible or not to any given function. On
the other hand, a function can accidentally change a global variable
when that was not your intention. If you keep variables local only to
functions that need them, you protect their values, and you also keep
your programs fully modular.
The Need for Passing Variables
You just learned the difference between local and global vari-
ables. You saw that by making your variables local, you protect their
values because the function that sees the variable is the only one that
can modify it.
What do you do, however, if you have a local variable you want
to use in two or more functions? In other words, you might need a
variable to be both added from the keyboard in one function and
printed in another function. If the variable is local only to the first
function, how can the second one access it?
You have two solutions if more than one function has to share
a variable. One, you can declare the variable globally. This is not a
good idea because you want only those two functions to have access
to the variable, but all functions have access to it when its global. The
other alternativeand the better one by faris to pass the local
variable from one function to another. This has a big advantage: The
variable is only known to those two functions. The rest of the
program still has no access to it.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
CAUTION: Never pass a global variable to a function. There
is no reason to pass global variables anyway because they are
already visible to all functions.
When you pass a local variable from one function to another,
you pass an argument from the first function to the next. You can pass
more than one argument (variable) at a time, if you want several
local variables to be sent from one function to another. The receiving
function receives a parameter (variable) from the function that sends
it. You shouldnt worry too much about what you call themeither
arguments or parameters. The important thing to remember is that
you are sending local variables from one function to another.
NOTE: You have already passed arguments to parameters
when you passed data to the cout operator. The literals, vari-
ables, and expressions in the cout parentheses are arguments.
The built-in cout function receives these values (called param-
eters on the receiving end) and displays them.
A little more terminology is needed before you see some
examples. When a function passes an argument, it is called the
calling function. The function that receives the argument (called a
parameter when it is received) is called the receiving function. Figure
17.1 explains these terms.
You pass an
argument when you
pass one l ocal
vari abl e to another
functi on.
Figure 17.1. The calling and receiving functions.
To pass a local variable from one function to another, you must
place the local variable in parentheses in both the calling func-
tion and the receiving function. For example, the local and global
If a functi on name
has empty
parentheses, nothi ng
i s bei ng passed to i t.
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examples presented earlier did not pass local variables from mai n( )
to do_f un( ) . If a function name has empty parentheses, nothing is
being passed to it. Given this, the following line passes two vari-
ables, t ot al and di scount , to a function called do_f un( ) .
do_f un( t ot al , di scount ) ;
It is sometimes said that a variable or function is defined. This
has nothing to do with the #def i ne preprocessor directive, which
defines literals. You define variables with statements such as the
i nt i , j ;
i nt m=9;
f l oat x;
char ar a[ ] = Tul sa;
These statements tell the program that you need these variables
to be reserved. A function is defined when the C++ compiler reads
the first statement in the function that describes the name and when
it reads any variables that might have been passed to that function
as well. Never follow a function definition with a semicolon, but
always follow the statement that calls a function with a semicolon.
NOTE: To some C++ purists, a variable is only declared when
you write i nt i ; and only truly defined when you assign it a
value, such as i =7; . They say that the variable is both declared
and defined when you declare the variable and assign it a value
at the same time, such as i nt i =7; .
The following program contains two function definitions,
mai n( ) and pr _i t ( ) .
To practice passing a variable to a function, declare i as an integer variable
and make it equal to five. The passing (or calling) function is mai n( ) , and
the receiving function is pr _i t ( ) . Pass the i variable to the pr _i t ( )
function, then go back to mai n( ) .
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
mai n( ) / / The mai n( ) f unct i on def i ni t i on.
i nt i =5; / / Def i nes an i nt eger var i abl e.
pr _i t ( i ) ; / / Cal l s t he pr _i t ( ) .
/ / f unct i on and passes i t i .
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur ns t o t he oper at i ng syst em.
pr _i t ( i nt i ) / / The pr _i t ( ) f unct i on def i ni t i on.
cout << i << \ n; / / Cal l s t he cout oper at or .
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur ns t o mai n( ) .
Because a passed parameter is treated like a local variable in the
receiving function, the cout in pr _i t ( ) prints a 5, even though the
mai n( ) function initialized this variable.
When you pass arguments to a function, the receiving function
is not aware of the data types of the incoming variables. Therefore,
you must include each parameters data type in front of the
parameters name. In the previous example, the definition of pr _i t ( )
(the first line of the function) contains the type, i nt , of the incoming
variable i . Notice that the mai n( ) calling function does not have to
indicate the variable type. In this example, mai n( ) already knows the
type of variable i (an integer); only pr _i t ( ) has to know that i is an
TIP: Always declare the parameter types in the receiving
function. Precede each parameter in the functions parentheses
with i nt , f l oat , or whatever each passed variables data type is.
1. Here is a mai n( ) function that contains three local variables.
mai n( ) passes one of these variables to the first function and
two of them to the second function.
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/ / Fi l ename: C17LOC3. CPP
/ / Pass t hr ee l ocal var i abl es t o f unct i ons.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude <i omani p. h>
pr _i ni t ( char i ni t i al ) ; / / Pr ot ot ypes di scussed l at er .
pr _ot her ( i nt age, f l oat sal ar y) ;
mai n( )
char i ni t i al ; / / Thr ee var i abl es l ocal t o
/ / mai n( ) .
i nt age;
f l oat sal ar y;
/ / Fi l l t hese var i abl es i n mai n( ) .
cout << What i s your i ni t i al ? ;
ci n >> i ni t i al ;
cout << What i s your age? ;
ci n >> age;
cout << What i s your sal ar y? ;
ci n >> sal ar y;
pr _i ni t ( i ni t i al ) ; / / Cal l pr _i ni t ( ) and
/ / pass i t i ni t i al .
pr _ot her ( age, sal ar y) ; / / Cal l pr _ot her ( ) and
/ / pass i t age and sal ar y.
r et ur n 0;
pr _i ni t ( char i ni t i al ) / / Never put a semi col on i n
/ / t he f unct i on def i ni t i on.
cout << Your i ni t i al i s << i ni t i al << \ n;
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur n t o mai n( ) .
pr _ot her ( i nt age, f l oat sal ar y) / / Must t ype bot h par amet er s.
cout << You l ook young f or << age << \ n;
cout << And << set pr eci si on( 2) << sal ar y <<
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
i s a LOT of money! ;
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur n t o mai n( ) .
2. A receiving function can contain its own local variables.
As long as the names are not the same, these local variables
do not conflict with the passed ones. In the following pro-
gram, the second function receives a passed variable from
mai n( ) and defines its own local variable called pr i ce_per .
/ / Fi l ename: C17LOC4. CPP
/ / Second f unct i on has i t s own l ocal var i abl e.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
#i ncl ude <i omani p. h>
comput e_sal e( i nt gal l ons) ; / / Pr ot ot ypes di scussed l at er .
mai n( )
i nt gal l ons;
cout << Ri char d s Pai nt Ser vi ce \ n;
cout << How many gal l ons of pai nt di d you buy? ;
ci n >> gal l ons; / / Get gal l ons i n mai n( ) .
comput e_sal e( gal l ons) ; / / Comput e t ot al i n f unct i on.
r et ur n 0;
comput e_sal e( i nt gal l ons)
f l oat pr i ce_per = 12. 45; / / Local t o comput e_sal e( ) .
cout << The t ot al i s << set pr eci si on( 2) <<
( pr i ce_per *( f l oat ) gal l ons) << \ n;
/ / Had t o t ype cast gal l ons because i t was i nt eger .
r et ur n 0; / / Ret ur n t o mai n( ) .
3. The following sample code lines test your skill at recog-
nizing calling functions and receiving functions. Being able
to recognize the difference is half the battle of understanding
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do_i t ( )
The preceding fragment must be the first line of a new
function because it does not end with a semicolon.
do_i t 2( sal es) ;
This line calls a function called do_i t 2( ) . The calling function
passes the variable called sal es to do_i t 2( ) .
pr _i t ( f l oat t ot al )
The preceding line is the first line of a function that receives
a floating-point variable from another function that called it.
All receiving functions must specify the type of each variable
being passed.
pr _t hem( f l oat t ot al , i nt number )
This is the first line of a function that receives two vari-
ablesone is a floating-point variable and the other is an
integer. This line cannot be calling the function pr _t hem
because there is no semicolon at the end of the line.
Automatic Versus Static
The terms automatic and static describe what happens to local
variables when a function returns to the calling procedure. By
default, all local variables are automatic, meaning that they are
erased when their function ends. You can designate a variable as
automatic by prefixing its definition with the term aut o. The aut o
keyword is optional with local variables because they are automatic
be default.
The two statements after mai n( ) s opening brace declare auto-
matic local variables:
mai n( )
i nt i ;
aut o f l oat x;
/ / Rest of mai n( ) goes her e.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
Because aut o is the default, you did not have to include the term
aut o with x.
NOTE: C++ programmers rarely use the aut o keyword with
local variables because they are automatic by default.
The opposite of an automatic variable is a static variable. All
global variables are static and, as mentioned, all static variables
retain their values. Therefore, if a local variable is static, it too retains
its value when its function endsin case the function is called a
second time. To declare a variable as static, place the st at i c keyword
in front of the variable when you define it. The following code
section defines three variables, i , j , and k. The variable i is automatic,
but j and k are static.
my_f un( ) / / St ar t of new f unct i on def i ni t i on.
i nt i ;
st at i c j =25; / / Bot h j and k ar e st at i c var i abl es.
st at i c k=30;
Always assign an initial value to a static variable when you
declare it, as shown here in the last two lines. This initial value is
placed in the static variable only the first time my_f un( ) executes. If
you dont assign a static variable an initial value, C++ initializes it to
TIP: Static variables are good to use when you write functions
that keep track of a count or add to a total. If the counting or
totaling variables were local and automatic, their values would
disappear when the function finisheddestroying the totals.
Automati c vari abl es
are l ocal and
di sappear when thei r
functi on ends.
If l ocal vari abl es are
stati c, thei r val ues
remai n i n case the
functi on i s cal l ed
agai n.
C+ + By
Automatic and Static Rules for Local Variables
Local automatic variables disappear when their block ends. All
local variables are automatic by default. You can prefix a
variable (when you define it) with the aut o keyword, or you can
omit it; the variable is still automatic and its value is destroyed
when its local block ends.
Local static variables do not lose their values when their
function ends. They remain local to that function. When the
function is called after the first time, the static variables value
is still in place. You declare a static variable by placing the
st at i c keyword before the variables definition.
1. Consider this program:
/ / Fi l ename: C17STA1. CPP
/ / Tr i es t o use a st at i c var i abl e
/ / wi t hout a st at i c decl ar at i on.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
t r i pl e_i t ( i nt ct r ) ;
mai n( )
i nt ct r ; / / Used i n t he f or l oop t o
/ / cal l a f unct i on 25 t i mes.
f or ( ct r =1; ct r <=25; ct r ++)
{ t r i pl e_i t ( ct r ) ; } / / Pass ct r t o a f unct i on
/ / cal l ed t r i pl e_i t ( ) .
r et ur n 0;
t r i pl e_i t ( i nt ct r )
i nt t ot al =0, ans; / / Local aut omat i c var i abl es.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
/ / Tr i pl es what ever val ue i s passed t o i t
/ / and adds t he t ot al .
ans = ct r * 3; / / Tr i pl e number passed.
t ot al += ans; / / Add t r i pl e number s as t hi s i s cal l ed.
cout << The number << ct r << mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s
<< ans << \ n;
i f ( t ot al > 300)
{ cout << The t ot al of t r i pl e number s i s over 300 \ n; }
r et ur n 0;
This is a nonsense program that doesnt do much, yet you
might sense something is wrong. The program passes num-
bers from 1 to 25 to the function called t r i pl e_i t . The function
triples the number and prints it.
The variable called t ot al is initially set to 0. The idea here is to
add each tripled number and print a message when the total
is larger than 300. However, the cout never executes. For each
of the 25 times that this subroutine is called, t ot al is reset to 0.
The t ot al variable is an automatic variable, with its value
erased and initialized every time its procedure is called. The
next example corrects this.
2. If you want t ot al to retain its value after the procedure ends,
you must make it static. Because local variables are automatic
by default, you have to include the st at i c keyword to over-
ride this default. Then the value of the t ot al variable is
retained each time the subroutine is called.
The following corrects the mistake in the previous program.
/ / Fi l ename: C17STA2. CPP
/ / Uses a st at i c var i abl e wi t h t he st at i c decl ar at i on.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
t r i pl e_i t ( i nt ct r ) ;
mai n( )
C+ + By
i nt ct r ; / / Used i n t he f or l oop t o
/ / cal l a f unct i on 25 t i mes.
f or ( ct r =1; ct r <=25; ct r ++)
{ t r i pl e_i t ( ct r ) ; } / / Pass ct r t o a f unct i on
/ / cal l ed t r i pl e_i t ( ) .
r et ur n 0;
t r i pl e_i t ( i nt ct r )
st at i c i nt t ot al =0; / / Local and st at i c
i nt ans; / / Local and aut omat i c
/ / t ot al i s set t o 0 onl y t he f i r st t i me t hi s
/ / f unct i on i s cal l ed.
/ / Tr i pl es what ever val ue i s passed t o i t and adds
/ / t he t ot al .
ans = ct r * 3; / / Tr i pl e number passed.
t ot al += ans; / / Add t r i pl e number s as t hi s i s cal l ed.
cout << The number << ct r << mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s
<< ans << \ n;
i f ( t ot al > 300)
{ cout << The t ot al of t r i pl e number s i s over 300 \ n; }
r et ur n 0;
This programs output follows. Notice that the functions
cout is triggered, even though t ot al is a local variable. Be-
cause t ot al is static, its value is not erased when the function
finishes. When mai n( ) calls the function a second time, t ot al s
previous value (at the time you left the routine) is still there.
The number 1 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 3
The number 2 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 6
The number 3 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 9
The number 4 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 12
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
The number 5 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 15
The number 6 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 18
The number 7 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 21
The number 8 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 24
The number 9 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 27
The number 10 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 30
The number 11 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 33
The number 12 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 36
The number 13 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 39
The number 14 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 42
The number 15 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 45
The number 16 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 48
The number 17 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 51
The number 18 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 54
The number 19 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 57
The number 20 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 60
The number 21 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 63
The number 22 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 66
The number 23 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 69
The number 24 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 72
The number 25 mul t i pl i ed by 3 i s 75
This does not mean that local static variables become global.
The main program cannot refer, use, print, or change t ot al
because it is local to the second function. Static simply
means that the local variables value is still there if the
program calls the function again.
Three Issues of Parameter
To have a complete understanding of programs with several
functions, you have to learn three additional concepts:
o Passing arguments (variables) by value (also called by
o Passing arguments (variables) by address (also called by
o Returning values from functions
C+ + By
The first two concepts deal with the way local variables are
passed and received. The third concept describes how receiving
functions send values back to the calling functions. Chapter 18,
Passing Values, concludes this discussion by explaining these
three methods for passing parameters and returning values.
Review Questions
The answers to the review questions are in Appendix B.
1. True or false: A function should always include a r et ur n
statement as its last command, even though r et ur n is not
2. When a local variable is passed, is it called an argument or a
3. True or false: A function that is passed variables from an-
other function cannot also have its own local variables.
4. What must appear inside the receiving functions parenthe-
ses, other than the variables passed to it?
5. If a function keeps track of a total or count every time it is
called, should the counting or totaling variable be automatic
or static?
6. When would you pass a global variable to a function? (Be
carefulthis might be a trick question!)
7. How many arguments are there in the following statement?
pr i nt f ( The r ai n has f al l en %d i nches. , r ai nf ) ;
Review Exerc ises
1. Write a program that asks, in mai n( ) , for the age of the users
dog. Write a second function called peopl e( ) that computes
the dogs age in human years (by multiplying the dogs age
by seven).
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope
2. Write a function that counts the number of times it is called.
Name the function count _i t ( ) . Do not pass it anything. In the
body of count _i t ( ) , print the following message:
The number of t i mes t hi s f unct i on has been cal l ed i s: ##
where ##is the number. (Hint: Because the variable must be
local, make it static and initialize it to zero when you first
define it.)
3. The following program contains several problems. Some of
these problems produce errors. One problem is not an error,
but a bad location for a variable declaration. (Hint: Find all
the global variables.) See if you can spot some of the prob-
lems, and rewrite the program so it works better.
/ / Fi l ename: C17BAD. CPP
/ / Pr ogr amwi t h bad uses of var i abl e decl ar at i ons.
#i ncl ude <i ost r eam. h>
#def i ne NUM 10
do_var _f un( ) ; / / Pr ot ot ypes di scussed l at er .
char ci t y[ ] = Mi ami ;
i nt count ;
mai n( )
i nt abc;
count = NUM;
abc = 5;
do_var _f un( ) ;
cout << abc << << count << << pgm_var <<
<< xyz;
r et ur n 0;
i nt pgm_var = 7;
do_var _f un( )
C+ + By
char xyz = A ;
xyz = b ;
cout << xyz << << pgm_var << abc << << ci t y;
r et ur n 0;
Parameter passing is necessary because local variables are
better than global. Local variables are protected in their own rou-
tines, but sometimes they must be shared with other routines. If
local data are to remain in those variables (in case the function is
called again in the same program), the variables should be static
because otherwise their automatic values disappear.
Most the information in this chapter becomes more obvious as
you use functions in your own programs. Chapter 18, Passing
Values, covers the actual passing of parameters in more detail and
shows you two different ways to pass them.
Chapter 17 o Variable Scope