Logical Operators
C++s logical operators enable you to combine relational operators into more powerful data-testing statements. The logical operators are sometimes called compound relational operators. As C++s precedence table shows, relational operators take precedence over logical operators when you combine them. The precedence table plays an important role in these types of operators, as this chapter emphasizes. This chapter introduces you to o The logical operators o How logical operators are used o How logical operators take precedence This chapter concludes your study of the conditional testing that C++ enables you to perform, and it illustrates many examples of if statements in programs that work on compound conditional tests.
The first two logical operators, && and ||, never appear by themselves. They typically go between two or more relational tests. Table 10.2 shows you how each logical operator works. These tables are called truth tables because they show you how to achieve True results from an if statement that uses these operators. Take some time to study these tables. Table 10.2. Truth tables. The AND (&&) truth table (Both sides must be True)
True True False False AND AND AND AND True = True False = False True = False False = False
The OR (||) truth table (One or the other side must be True)
True True False False OR OR OR OR True = True False = True True = True False = False
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Logical Operators and Their Uses
The True and False on each side of the operators represent a relational if test. The following statements, for example, are valid if tests that use logical operators (sometimes called compound relational operators). If the variable a is less than the variable b, and the variable c is greater than the variable d, then print Results are invalid. to the screen.
if ((a < b) && (c > d)) { cout << Results are invalid.; }
The variable a must be less than b and, at the same time, c must be greater than d for the printf() to execute. The if statement still requires parentheses around its complete conditional test. Consider this portion of a program:
if ((sales > 5000) || (hrs_worked > 81)) { bonus=500; }
The || is sometimes called inclusive OR. Here is a program segment that includes the not (!) operator:
The sales must be more than 5000, or the hrs_worked must be more than 81, before the assignment executes.
if (!(sales < 2500)) { bonus = 500; }
If sales is greater than or equal to 2500, bonus is initialized. This illustrates an important programming tip: Use ! sparingly. Or, as some professionals so wisely put it: Do not use ! or your programs will not be !(unclear). It is much clearer to rewrite the previous example by turning it into a positive relational test:
if (sales >= 2500) { bonus 500; }
But the ! operator is sometimes helpful, especially when testing for end-of-file conditions for disk files, as you learn in Chapter 30, Sequential Files. Most the time, however, you can avoid using ! by using the reverse logic shown in the following:
Chapter 10 o Logical Operators is the same as (var1 is the same as (var1 is the same as (var1 is the same as (var1
!(var1 == var2) !(var1 <= var2) !(var1 >= var2) !(var1 != var2) !(var1 > var2) !(var1 < var2)
!= var2) > var2) < var2) == var2) <= var2) >= var2)
Notice that the overall format of the if statement is retained when you use logical operators, but the relational test expands to include more than one relation. You even can have three or more, as in the following statement:
if ((a == B) && (d == f) || (l = m) || !(k <> 2)) ...
This is a little too much, however, and good programming practice dictates using at most two relational tests inside a single if statement. If you have to combine more than two, use more than one if statement to do so. As with other relational operators, you also use the following logical operators in everyday conversation. If my pay is high and my vacation time is long, we can go to Italy this summer. If you take the trash out or clean your room, you can watch TV tonight. If you arent good, youll be punished. Internal Truths The True or False results of relational tests occur internally at the bit level. For example, take the if test:
if (a == 6) ...
to determine the truth of the relation, (a==6). The computer takes a binary 6, or 00000110, and compares it, bit-by-bit, to the variable a. If a contains 7, a binary 00000111, the result of this equal test is False, because the right bit (called the leastsignificant bit) is different.
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C++s Logical Efficiency
C++ attempts to be more efficient than other languages. If you combine multiple relational tests with one of the logical operators, C++ does not always interpret the full expression. This ultimately makes your programs run faster, but there are dangers! For example, if your program is given the conditional test:
if ((5 > 4) || (sales < 15) && (15 != 15))...
C++ only evaluates the first condition, (5 > 4), and realizes it does not have to look further. Because (5 > 4) is True and because || (OR) anything that follows it is still True, C++ does not bother with the rest of the expression. The same holds true for the following statement:
if ((7 < 3) && (age > 15) && (initial == D))...
Here, C++ evaluates only the first condition, which is False. Because the && (AND) anything else that follows it is also False, C++ does not interpret the expression to the right of (7 < 3). Most of the time, this doesnt pose a problem, but be aware that the following expression might not fulfill your expectations:
if ((5 > 4) || (num = 0))...
The (num = 0) assignment never executes, because C++ has to interpret only (5 > 4) to determine whether the entire expression is True or False. Due to this danger, do not include assignment expressions in the same condition as a logical test. The following single if condition:
if ((sales > old_sales) || (inventory_flag = Y))...
so the inventory_flag is always assigned the Y value, no matter how the (sales > old_sales) expression tests.
1. The summer Olympics are held every four years during each year that is divisible evenly by 4. The U.S. Census is taken every 10 years, in each year that is evenly divisible by 10. The following short program asks for a year, and then tells the user if it is a year of the summer Olympics, a year of the census, or both. It uses relational operators, logical operators, and the modulus operator to determine this output.
// Filename: C10YEAR.CPP // Determines if it is Summer Olympics year, // U.S. Census year, or both. #include <iostream.h> main() { int year; // Ask for a year cout << What is a year for the test? ; cin >> year; // Test the year if (((year % 4)==0) && ((year % 10)==0)) { cout << Both Olympics and U.S. Census!; return 0; } // Quit program, return to operating // system. if ((year % 4)==0) { cout << Summer Olympics only; } else { if ((year % 10)==0) { cout << U.S. Census only; } } return 0; }
2. Now that you know about compound relations, you can write an age-checking program like the one called C9AGE.CPP presented in Chapter 9, Relational Operators. That program ensured the age would be above 10. This is another way you can validate input for reasonableness.
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The following program includes a logical operator in its if to determine whether the age is greater than 10 and less than 100. If either of these is the case, the program concludes that the user did not enter a valid age.
// Filename: C10AGE.CPP // Program that helps ensure age values are reasonable. #include <iostream.h> main() { int age; cout << What is your age? ; cin >> age; if ((age < 10) || (age > 100)) { cout << \x07 \x07 \n; // Beep twice cout << *** The age must be between 10 and 100 ***\n; } else { cout << You entered a valid age.; } return 0; }
3. The following program could be used by a video store to calculate a discount, based on the number of rentals people transact as well as their customer status. Customers are classified either R for Regular or S for Special. Special customers have been members of the rental club for more than one year. They automatically receive a 50-cent discount on all rentals. The store also holds value days several times a year. On value days, all customers receive the 50-cent discount. Special customers do not receive an additional 50 cents off during value days, because every day is a discount for them. The program asks for each customers status and whether or not it is a value day. It then uses the || relation to test for the discount. Even before you started learning C++, you would probably have looked at this problem with the following idea in mind.
Chapter 10 o Logical Operators If a customer is Special or if it is a value day, deduct 50 cents from the rental. Thats basically the idea of the if decision in the following program. Even though Special customers do not receive an additional discount on value days, there is one final if test for them that prints an extra message at the bottom of the screens indicated billing.
// Filename: C10VIDEO.CPP // Program that computes video rental amounts and gives // appropriate discounts based on the day or customer status. #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> main() { float tape_charge, discount, rental_amt; char first_name[15]; char last_name[15]; int num_tapes; char val_day, sp_stat; cout << \n\n *** Video Rental Computation ***\n; cout << ------------------------\n; // Underline title tape_charge = 2.00; // Before-discount tape fee-per tape. // Receive input data. cout << \nWhat is customers first name? ; cin >> first_name; cout << What is customers last name? ; cin >> last_name; cout << \nHow many tapes are being rented? ; cin >> num_tapes; cout << Is this a Value day (Y/N)? ; cin >> val_day; cout << Is this a Special Status customer (Y/N)? ; cin >> sp_stat; // Calculate rental amount.
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discount = 0.0; // Increase discount if they are eligible. if ((val_day == Y) || (sp_stat == Y)) { discount = 0.5; rental_amt=(num_tapes*tape_charge) (discount*num_tapes); } // Print the bill. cout << \n\n** Rental Club **\n\n; cout << first_name << << last_name << rented << num_tapes << tapes\n; printf(The total was %.2f\n, rental_amt); printf(The discount was %.2f per tape\n, discount); // Print extra message for Special Status customers. if (sp_stat == Y) { cout << \nThank them for being a Special << Status customer\n;} return 0; }
The output of this program appears below. Notice that Special customers have the extra message at the bottom of the screen. This program, due to its if statements, performs differently depending on the data entered. No discount is applied for Regular customers on nonvalue days.
*** Video Rental Computation *** -----------------------What is customers first name? Jerry What is customers last name? Parker How many tapes are being rented? 3 Is this a Value day (Y/N)? Y Is this a Special Status customer (Y/N)? Y ** Rental Club ** Jerry Parker rented 3 tapes The total was 4.50 The discount was 0.50 per tape Thank them for being a Special Status customer
Without the complete order of operators, it is impossible to determine how such a statement would execute. According to the precedence order, this if statement executes as follows:
if ((sales < (min_sal * 2)) && (yrs_emp > (10 * sub))) ...
This still might be confusing, but it is less so. The two multiplications are performed first, followed by the relations < and >. The && is performed last because it is lowest in the precedence order of operators. To avoid such ambiguous problems, be sure to use ample parentheseseven if the default precedence order is your intention. It is also wise to resist combining too many expressions inside a single if relational test. Notice that || (OR) has lower precedence than && (AND). Therefore, the following if tests are equivalent:
if ((first_initial==A) && (last_initial==G) || (id==321)) ... if (((first_initial==A) && (last_initial==G)) || (id==321)) ...
The second is clearer, due to the parentheses, but the precedence table makes them identical.
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Review Questions
The answers to the review questions are in Appendix B. 1. What are the three logical operators? 2. The following compound relational tests produce True or False comparisons. Determine which are True and which are False. a. b. c. d.
! (True || False) (True && False) && (False || True) ! (True && False) True || (False && False) || False
What are the results (True or False) of the following statements? (Hint: Remember that C++ interprets any nonzero statement as True.) a. b. c.
i && j 12 - i || k j != k && i != k
4. What is the value printed in the following program? (Hint: Dont be misled by the assignment operators on each side of the ||.)
// Filename: C10LOGO.CPP // Logical operator test #include <iostream.h> main() { int f, g; g = 5; f = 8; if ((g = 25) || (f = 35))
5. Using the precedence table, determine whether the following statements produce a True or False result. After this, you should appreciate the abundant use of parentheses! a. b. c. d.
5 == 4 + 1 || 7 * 2 != 12 - 1 && 5 == 8 / 2 8 + 9 != 6 - 1 || 10 % 2 != 5 + 0 17 - 1 > 15 + 1 && 0 + 2 != 1 == 1 || 4 != 1 409 * 0 != 1 * 409 + 0 || 1 + 8 * 2 >= 17
Review Exercises
1. Write a program (by using a single compound if statement) to determine whether the user enters an odd positive number. 2. Write a program that asks the user for two initials. Print a message telling the user if the first initial falls alphabetically before the second. 3. Write a number-guessing game. Assign a value to a variable called number at the top of the program. Give a prompt that asks for five guesses. Receive the users five guesses with a single scanf() for practice with scanf(). Determine whether any of the guesses match the number and print an appropriate message if one does. 4. Write a tax-calculation routine, as follows: A family pays no tax if its income is less than $5,000. It pays a 10 percent tax if its income is $5,000 to $9,999, inclusive. It pays a 20 percent tax if the income is $10,000 to $19,999, inclusive. Otherwise, it pays a 30 percent tax.
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This chapter extended the if statement to include the &&, ||, and logical operators. These operators enable you to combine several relational tests into a single test. C++ does not always have to look at every relational operator when you combine them in an expression. This chapter concludes the explanation of the if statement. The next chapter explains the remaining regular C++ operators. As you saw in this chapter, the precedence table is still important to the C++ language. Whenever you are evaluating expressions, keep the precedence table in the back of your mind (or at your fingertips) at all times!