TLA7Bxx Logic Analyzer Series Product Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference
TLA7Bxx Logic Analyzer Series Product Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference
TLA7Bxx Logic Analyzer Series Product Specifications & Performance Verification Technical Reference
Technical Reference
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List of Tables
Table 1: Atmospheric characteristics............................................................................. 2
Table 2: Input parameters with probes ........................................................................... 3
Table 3: Analog output............................................................................................. 4
Table 4: Channel width and depth ................................................................................ 4
Table 5: Asynchronous sampling ................................................................................. 5
Table 6: Synchronous sampling................................................................................... 5
Table 7: Demultiplex sampling ................................................................................... 6
Table 8: Source synchronous sampling .......................................................................... 6
Table 9: Clocking state machine .................................................................................. 7
Table 10: Trigger system .......................................................................................... 7
Table 11: MagniVu feature ....................................................................................... 10
Table 12: Merged modules ....................................................................................... 11
Table 13: Data placement......................................................................................... 11
Table 14: NVRAM ................................................................................................ 12
Table 15: Mechanical ............................................................................................. 12
Table 16: Test equipment ......................................................................................... 13
Related Documentation
The following table lists related documentation that is available for your
Tektronix logic analyzer family product. The documentation is available on the
TLA Documentation CD included with your instrument and on the Tektronix
Web site ( Refer to the Tektronix Web site for the current
To obtain documentation that is not specified in the table, contact your local
Tektronix representative.
Related Documentation
Item Purpose Location
TLA Quick Start User Manuals High-level operational overview
TLA7Bxx Logic Analyzer Series Product Specifications & Performance Verification iii
Atmospheric Characteristics
Table 1: Atmospheric characteristics
Characteristic Description
Temperature Operating (no media in CD or DVD drive of the mainframe)
+0 °C to +40 °C, 15 °C/hr maximum gradient, noncondensing (derated 1 °C per
305 m (1000 ft) above 1524 m (5000 ft) altitude)
Nonoperating (no media)
-20 °C to +60 °C, 15 °C/hr maximum gradient, noncondensing
Relative Humidity Operating (no media)
5% to 90% relative humidity at 30 °C, 75% relative humidity between 30 °C to 40 °C,
noncondensing. Maximum wet bulb temperature: +29.4 °C (derates relative humidity to
approximately 57% at +40 °C).
Nonoperating (no media)
5% to 90% relative humidity to 50 °C, noncondensing. Maximum wet bulb temperature:
+40 °C (derates relative humidity to approximately 22% at +50 °C).
Altitude Operating
To 3000 m (9843 ft), (derated 1 °C per 305 m (1000 ft) above 1524 m (5000 ft) altitude.
12,000 m (39,370 ft )
Test Equipment
The procedures in this section use external, traceable signal sources to test the
specifications marked with the symbol. These specifications are checked
directly (or indirectly) by using the performance verification procedures in this
section. For convenience, you can also return your TLA7Bxx module to your
nearest Tektronix location to have Tektronix perform these procedures.
To complete the performance verification procedures, you will need the equipment
listed in the following table:
Equipment Required You will need the following items to build the test fixture:
Build Procedure Use the following procedure to build the test fixture.
1. Set the square-pin strip down and lay a wire across one row of pins on
one side of the insulator as shown. Leave some extra wire at one end for
connecting to a test lead. (See Figure 1.)
2. Solder the wire to each pin in the row.
3. Repeat for the other row of pins.
Test Equipment Setup Connect a P6810 probe from the logic analyzer to the voltage source, using the
Threshold Accuracy test fixture. If the voltage source does not have the required
output accuracy, use a multimeter with the required accuracy to verify the voltage
output levels specified in the procedure.
TLA7Bxx Setup To set up the logic analyzer for this test, you must define the characteristics of the
channel that you are testing, and then set the trigger parameters:
1. Open the Setup window.
2. In the Group column, enter a name for the probe group that you are testing
(“Test” in the example).
a. Define the signals for the group that you are testing.
b. Set the sampling to Asynchronous, 1.25 ns.
c. Set Acquire to Samples.
d. Set the Samples per Signal to 128 K or less.
3. Go to the Trigger window and select the Power Trigger tab. Create a trigger
program that triggers the logic analyzer when it doesn’t see all highs or all
a. Click the If Then button.
b. Set the channel definition to match the figure shown. (See Figure 2 on
page 16.)
c. After you set the channel definitions, click OK.
Verification Procedure Complete the following steps to complete this procedure. Record the results on
the copy of the Calibration Data Sheet.
1. Go to the Setup window of the logic analyzer and set the probe threshold
voltages to 4 V.
2. Set the voltage source to 3.875 V.
3. Start the logic analyzer and verify that it does not trigger.
4. Increase the voltage in 10 mV steps, waiting at least 3 seconds between steps
to make sure that the logic analyzer continues to run without triggering.
Continue until the logic analyzer triggers and then record the voltage.
5. Set the voltage source to 4.125 V.
6. Start the logic analyzer and verify that it does not trigger.
7. Decrease the voltage in 10 mV steps, waiting at least 3 seconds between
steps to make sure that the logic analyzer continues to run without triggering.
Continue until the logic analyzer triggers and then record the voltage.
8. Add the two voltage values and divide by two. Verify that the result is
4.00 V ±75 mV. Record the voltage on the Calibration Data Sheet.
9. Go to the Setup window and set the logic analyzer threshold voltages to –2.0 V.
10. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for –2.105 V and –1.895 V.
11. Add the two voltage values and divide by two. Verify that the result is
–2.00 V ±55 mV. Record the voltage on the Calibration Data Sheet.
12. Repeat the procedure for each probe channel group that you want to verify.
NOTE. The deskew procedures require the appropriate TLACAL software and
deskew test fixture, which are described in the TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzer
Installation Manual.
The following procedure describes the Verification part of the deskew procedure.
You should be able to run the Verification procedure without performing the full
deskew procedure. If any failures occur, try running the full deskew procedure
as described in the TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzer Installation Manual and then
try the Verification procedure again.
9. Click the Next button to begin the procedure and follow the on-screen
instructions. The software will begin the verification procedure and display
the results in the dialog box.
The procedure has you connect and disconnect probes and the deskew fixture.
After you complete the procedures, make sure that the correct probes are
connected for your configuration. These procedures are only valid for the
probes connected to the specific probe connectors. If you change the probe
connections, you must redo the procedures.
NOTE. If any failures occur, check your probe or deskew fixture connections and
reseat them, if necessary. Then click the Back button to restart the test. If the
failures continue to occur, try running the Deskew and Adjustment procedures as
described in the TLA7000 Series Logic Analyzer Installation Manual. Try running
the Verification procedure again.
10. Click the Finish button to finish the procedure and return to the startup
Functional Verification
Functional verification procedures consist of running the Power-on diagnostics,
Extended diagnostics, and acquiring a signal from the SUT.
Power-on and Extended Do the following steps to run the power-on and extended diagnostics:
NOTE. Running the extended diagnostics will invalidate any acquired data. If
you want to save any of the acquired data, do so before running the extended
You will need a mainframe with a logic analyzer module installed in the
Perform the following tests to complete the functional verification procedure:
NOTE. If you control your logic analyzer from a remote location, make sure
that you select Run Power-on Diagnostics in the TLA Connection dialog box.
Otherwise the instrument will bypass the power-on diagnostics.
NOTE. Allow the instrument to warm up for 30 minutes before continuing with the
Extended diagnostics.
NOTE. Disconnect any probes connected to your logic analyzer module. If probes
are connected while you run the extended diagnostics, the floating stimulus test
will fail. If you do not want to remove the probes, disregard the results of this
test. All other tests should pass.
5. Select the top-most selection for your module in the list of tests. For example,
if your logic analyzer module is installed in Slot 3 of your mainframe, select
Slot 3:TLA7BB4 - LA.
6. Select the type of test that you want to run (One Time, Continuous, or Until
7. Click Run to start the tests.
All tests that displayed an "Unknown" status will change to a Pass or Fail
status depending on the outcome of the tests.
8. After the tests have been completed, scroll through the list and verify that the
instrument passes all tests.
Acquire a Signal To verify that the logic analyzer module can acquire signals, connect the logic
analyzer to a known good signal source through one of the logic analyzer probes.
Power on the logic analyzer and the SUT.
Go to the logic analyzer Setup window and verify that the signal activity
connectors show activity for any signals connected to the SUT. The logic analyzer
always acquires signals. If the signal activity indicators show the correct activity
for the SUT, you have verified that the logic analyzer acquired a signal from the
SUT and displayed the information in the Setup window.
NOTE. If there is no signal activity, verify that the threshold setting is correct for
your circuit.