This document summarizes the development of a new rapid prototyping (RP) system called the Rapid Manufacturing Machine (RMM) for fabricating prosthetic sockets. The traditional socket fabrication process is labor intensive and can take days. The RMM was designed to reduce socket making time to less than 4 hours. It uses polypropylene material dispensed layer by layer which is inexpensive and strong enough for definitive sockets. An evaluation showed the RMM-fabricated socket had similar functional characteristics to a traditional socket during gait. The RMM provides an automated and economical method for prosthetic socket fabrication compared to existing commercial RP systems.
This document summarizes the development of a new rapid prototyping (RP) system called the Rapid Manufacturing Machine (RMM) for fabricating prosthetic sockets. The traditional socket fabrication process is labor intensive and can take days. The RMM was designed to reduce socket making time to less than 4 hours. It uses polypropylene material dispensed layer by layer which is inexpensive and strong enough for definitive sockets. An evaluation showed the RMM-fabricated socket had similar functional characteristics to a traditional socket during gait. The RMM provides an automated and economical method for prosthetic socket fabrication compared to existing commercial RP systems.
This document summarizes the development of a new rapid prototyping (RP) system called the Rapid Manufacturing Machine (RMM) for fabricating prosthetic sockets. The traditional socket fabrication process is labor intensive and can take days. The RMM was designed to reduce socket making time to less than 4 hours. It uses polypropylene material dispensed layer by layer which is inexpensive and strong enough for definitive sockets. An evaluation showed the RMM-fabricated socket had similar functional characteristics to a traditional socket during gait. The RMM provides an automated and economical method for prosthetic socket fabrication compared to existing commercial RP systems.
This document summarizes the development of a new rapid prototyping (RP) system called the Rapid Manufacturing Machine (RMM) for fabricating prosthetic sockets. The traditional socket fabrication process is labor intensive and can take days. The RMM was designed to reduce socket making time to less than 4 hours. It uses polypropylene material dispensed layer by layer which is inexpensive and strong enough for definitive sockets. An evaluation showed the RMM-fabricated socket had similar functional characteristics to a traditional socket during gait. The RMM provides an automated and economical method for prosthetic socket fabrication compared to existing commercial RP systems.
prototyping technology P. Ng P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh The authors P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh are at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, National University of Singapore Keywords Rapid prototyping, Computer-aided manufacturing Abstract The traditional way of making a prosthetic socket is by draping a heated thermoplastic sheet over the positive mould, or by applying layers of woven materials together with acrylic resins over the positive mould. This process is extremely labour intensive, and it usually takes two to three days to make one socket. This paper presents the development of a prosthetics Computer-Aided- Manufacturing (CAM) system that utilises Rapid Prototyping (RP) technology. The system reduces the socket making time from days to less than 4 h. Clinical and biomechanical studies are conducted to evaluate the comfort and t of the new socket during gait. Preliminary investigation of the new socket shows that its functional characteristics are very similar to that of a traditional socket Electronic access The research register for this journal is available at http://www/ The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at http://www/ Introduction Rapid prototyping (RP) technology has changed the way products are being designed and manufactured. Being rst introduced in 1987, the technology has made a quantum leap in all aspects over the past 10 years. The building speed has been drastically increased, parts dimensional accuracy has been signicantly improved, and a wide variety of new building materials have also been identied. With these improvements, many new uses for RP have been discovered. Medical application is perhaps one of the most mentioned new uses of RP in recent years. Applications of RP in the medical eld cover a variety of areas, like pre-operative planning, surgical rehearsal, making of prosthetic and orthotic devices, etc. While some of these applications are still in their infancies, others have already shown promising results, as in the making of RP prosthetic sockets. Prosthetic socket fabrication and rapid prototyping The traditional way of creating a prosthetic socket is a labour intensive process. Three stages can be observed, namely, measurement, rectication and fabrication. The physical measurements of the amputees stump are recorded in detail and a plaster wrap cast is taken (Figure 1a). A positive mould is subsequently created by lling the wrap cast with plaster of Paris (Figure 1b). Rectications to the plaster mould begin by taking measurements of the mould, and comparing them with those previously taken on the stump. Based on information from past experience, the mould is further altered by removing or adding plaster to it. The aim is to create a comfortable weight-bearing socket that enables the soft tissue of the stump to be compressed at pressure tolerant areas, and relieved at pressure intolerant areas. Once rectication is completed, draping clear plastics over the positive plaster mould creates a check socket (Figure 1c). Preliminary tting is carried out using the clear check socket, Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 pp. 5359 q MCB UP Limited ISSN 1355-2546 DOI 10.1108/13552540210413310 The authors wish to acknowledge the help provided by the staff of the Prosthetic and Orthotic Laboratory and the Gait Analysis Laboratory, National University of Singapore. 53 where minor shape adjustment can be achieved by reheating the socket (Figure 1d). Once a good t has been assured, a denitive socket is fabricated. This is accomplished by re-creating a positive plaster mould from the check socket. Depending on the nal material of the socket, it can be vacuum formed by draping heated thermoplastics over the positive mould or by applying layers of woven materials together with acrylic resins over the positive mould. Upon completion of the socket, the other components of the articial limb are incorporated. Different rapid prototyping technologies have been investigated recently for prosthetic socket fabrication. The technology has shown enormous potential in eliminating the tedious and time-consuming steps involved in traditional socket fabrication. In a cost benet analysis conducted by Freeman and Wontorcik, 1998, two trans-tibial check sockets were fabricated using Stereolithography (SLA-250/40). The traditional casting process was eliminated; the sockets were fabricated directly from digitised data. The time taken to fabricate the two check sockets were 58 and 26h. Though these gures can be reduced with faster systems like the SLA-350/10 or SLA500/40, the real concern with Stereolithography is the hefty capital and manufacturing cost. Freeman et al. also highlighted that the photopolymer resins used in Stereolithography might be strong enough for making check sockets, but would be too brittle and weak for denitive sockets. To investigate the possibility of making denitive sockets using RP technology, a feasibility study was conducted by Tan et al. (1998). The Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) process was chosen for the study because of its minimum post-processing requirement, and the superior mechanical properties of the building material (P301 polyamide). The positive mould of a trans- tibial socket was created and scanned using the Digibot 3D laser digitising system (Digibotics Inc, USA). The acquired shape is represented by a mass of spatial points, known as the points-cloud. These points were reconstructed in 3D and a solid model was generated using a CAD software. The solid model was then converted to STL model/ format for rapid prototyping. The physical and fabrication data of the FDM socket is summarised in Table I. The wall thickness of the socket varied from 3 mm at the distal end to 7mmat the proximal brim, to ensure rigidity at the proximal end for supracondylar suspension. Gait analysis showed that there were insignicant deviations of gait parameters when comparing the FDM socket to the traditional socket that was created based on the same positive mould. The investigation demonstrated that FDM could be used to produce prosthetic socket with functional characteristics similar to that of a traditional one. However, Tan et al. (1998) remarked that the major drawback with the FDM method was its long building time and high manufacturing cost. The ability to create freeform surfaces and hidden features makes rapid prototyping an ideal technology for automated socket fabrication. However, to make SLA, FDM, or any other commercial RP systems a practical Figure 1 Measurement and rectication stage Table I Fabrication data of the FDM socket Height (mm) 228 Wall thickness (mm) 37 Weight (g) 332 Fabrication time (h) 29 a a Note: Using 3D Modelerw Source: (Tan et al., 1998) Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 54 means of fabricating denitive sockets, the manufacturing time and cost must be signicantly reduced. As this may be difcult to accomplish at the present moment, a customised RP system specically designed for socket fabrication is a pertinent alternative. Overview of rapid manufacturing machine (RMM) A customised system named the Rapid Manufacturing Machine (RMM) was developed for automated socket fabrication. The requirements of the RMM were stated below to ensure quick and economical production of denitive sockets: . Most of the building materials used by current RP systems are expensive and may not be suitable for denitive sockets. Therefore, the building material for RMM must be inexpensive and must meet the strength requirement of denitive sockets. . Commercial RP systems usually have precision and accuracy that is beyond the requirement for socket fabrication; a diametrical accuracy of ^ 1.0mm is normally sufcient for prosthetic socket. Therefore, the hardware and software design of the RMM should make use of the lower accuracy requirement to reduce system cost and building time. The working principle of the RMM is similar to that of FDM, which dispenses semi-molten material onto the machine table, layer by layer, to form 3D objects. Polypropylene (PP) is selected to be the building material for the RMM because of its rigidity, strength and resistance to fatigue; and most importantly, it is inexpensive and has been used by prosthetists for making above-knee and below-knee prosthetic sockets. There are two main components in the RMM, namely the robotic system and the dispenser. The schematic of the RMM is shown in Figure 2. The schematic of the dispenser is shown in Figure 3. Polypropylene lament (4 mm) is fed into the heating barrel. The lament moves along the barrel, and is melted near the exit, which is where the heating element is mounted. The in-coming lament acts as a piston to push the molten polypropylene out of the nozzle. The molten polypropylene forms a continuous strand as it leaves the nozzle. The strand is dispensed onto the machine table according to the cross-sectional contour of the stump. The second layer is laid in the similar manner on top of the rst. The process continues until the whole socket is built (see Figure 4). RMM design considerations File format Stereolithography Interface Specication, or STL, is the most widely used format in rapid prototyping (Georges and Chuck, 1996; Chua and Leong, 1996). STL model is formed by tessellation of the original model. It is excellent for describing model with planar surfaces, but when one turns to medical applications, the limitations of STL models become obvious (Dolenc and Makela, 1996). The highly complex shape of a prosthetic socket usually results in large le size when tessellated. This in turn results in long data verication and processing time, as in the making of the FDM socket. Figure 2 Schematic of RMM Figure 3 Schematic of dispenser Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 55 As the STL format is apparently not a good format for representing prosthetic sockets, the RMM has discarded the format. At this moment, the system accepts the following data formats: . IGES (by Capod Systems/Digibotic). . Points cloud (by Digibotic). Additional data lters can be developed if required. Nozzle The nozzle used by the 3D Modeler FDM machine (Stratasys Inc, USA) has a relatively small diameter. Such conguration enables the machine to build small and delicate parts with good dimensional accuracy. However, small nozzle diameter has its trade-off in terms of the building speed. This is particularly apparent when building parts that are wider than the process road width. The road width of the FDM process ranges from 0.254 to 2.54 mm, depending on the diameter of the nozzle, the input speed of the material and the extrusion head pressure. In the case of making prosthetic sockets, the required socket wall thickness is usually thicker than the maximum road width. As it is impossible to achieve the required wall thickness in one pass, additional steps are needed to form a thicker wall, as illustrated in Figure 5. However, if the road width is designed to be the same as the required socket wall thickness, fabrication time can be signicantly reduced. To achieve this, the nozzle diameter has to be increased accordingly. This modication is justiable for this application as building speed is the priority, and extreme precision in the xy plane is normally not required. The nozzle diameter used in the RMM is 3mm, with a resultant road width or socket wall thickness of 4 mm. Figure 4 Various stages in the manufacturing of a trans-tibial prosthetic socket Figure 5 Building a thick wall with narrow road width Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 56 Awider road width also increases the process ability to build slanted surface without external supports, as illustrated in Figure 6 at the sockets patellar tendon-bearing (PTB) region. Generating and building external supports can be extremely tedious and time consuming. With a wider road width, the contact area between layers is also increased. This gives a better inter-layer bonding, which is an important factor when socket strength is concerned. The inter-layer bonding is further enhanced with the nozzle pressing the current layer against the previous, as shown in Figure 7. System accuracy Besides manufacturing speed, socket accuracy is also an important issue. An experiment was conducted to determine the accuracy of the system. Based on the normal working diameter range, three cylinders of internal diameters 60, 80 and 100 mm were fabricated. The internal surfaces of these cylinders were digitised by a 3D probe. Figure 8 shows the surface prole of the 80 mm cylinder. The centre and diameter of the circle will be determined by circle tting. There are many ways to t a circle, the simplest way is perhaps the least square method. An initial guess is made to determine the centre (X 0 ,Y 0 ) and diameter (D 0 ). A range will be specied, say 2d, for iteration. The rst iteration can be obtained by offsetting the centre and diameter by d. Therefore, the centre and diameter of the rst circle is given by (X 0 2d,Y 0 2d) and (D 0 2d) respectively. The root-mean-square (RMS) error can be obtained by comparing the circle with the actual prole. Three nested loops are required to complete the iteration. The last circle will be at centre (X 0 +d,Y 0 +d), with diameter (D 0 +d ). The circle with the minimum RMS error during iteration gives the best t. This algorithm may not give the most accurate t, and is denitely not the most efcient. However, the algorithm is easy to implement, and the t is considered reasonably accurate when the targeted system accuracy is ^1.0 mmdiametrically. The circle tting results of the three cylinders are given in Table II. Discussion and conclusion To compare the RMM process with the FDM process, the positive mould of the trans-tibial socket that was used by Tan et al. (1998) in their study was re-scanned using the Capod AK/BK scanner (Capod Systems, Sweden). Figure 6 Building slanted surface without external support Figure 7 Nozzle pressing current layer against the previous layer Figure 8 Circle tting results Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 57 The scanned data was exported to the RMM for fabrication. A comparison of the physical and fabrication data of the RMM and FDM socket is summarised in Table III. The RMM process proved to be more superior in all respects, except that the RMM socket was slightly heavier than the FDM socket. Due to better inter-layer bonding, the RMM socket does not require any increment of wall thickness at the proximal end for rigidity. This simplies the tool paths generation, and in turn, helps reduce the data processing and manufacturing time. Clinical and biomechanical studies were also conducted to evaluate the comfort and t of the RMM socket during gait. A prosthetic socket for a volunteer trans-tibial amputee subject was manufactured using the RMM (see Figure 9). The time taken to build the socket was 3.5 h, and the complete prosthesis weighed approximately 1.6 kg, which was about 0.3 kg heavier than the traditional prosthesis. The comparison of the average temporal- distance data of the stump wearing the RMM and traditional socket is summarised in Table IV. Preliminary investigation of the RMM socket showed that its functional characteristics were very similar to that of a traditional socket. Current/future work Prosthetic sockets are commonly reported to fail as a result of local bending and buckling at the distal region, where the pylon is connected (Wevers and Durance, 1987). Therefore, to ensure that the RMM socket is safe for patients usage, the prosthesis is currently undergoing the ISO 10328 principal structure tests. More clinical and biomechanical studies will also be conducted in the future, to evaluate the comfort and t of the RMM socket during gait. Table II Accuracy of the RMM 60 mm 80 mm 100 mm Diameter 59.723 80.036 99.757 Centre (114.741,73.674) (111.321,71.879) (113.453,89.570) RMS error 0.205 0.161 0.257 Deviation 2 0.277 0.036 2 0.243 Table III Fabrication data of the RMM and FDM socket RMM FDM Height (mm) 230 228 Wall thickness (mm) 4 37 Weight (g) 426 332 Fabrication time (h) 31/4 29 Table IV Biomechanical evaluation of the RMM socket Trad RMM Cadence (steps/min) 91 86 Walking speed (m/s) 0.85 0.81 Stride time (s) 1.32 1.39 Step time (s) 0.64 0.68 Single support (s) 0.34 0.38 Double support (s) 0.54 0.54 Stride length (m) 1.13 1.11 Step length (m) 0.61 0.59 Stance (percent) 66.67 65.83 Figure 9 A trans-tibial amputee with the RMM socket Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 58 References Chua, C.K. and Leong, K.F. (1996), Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Singapore. Dolenc, A. and Ma kela , I. (1996), Rapid prototyping from a computer scientists point-of-view, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 18-25. Freeman, D. and Wontorcik, L. (1998), Stereolithography and prosthetic test socket manufacture: a cost/ benet analysis, Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics, Vol. 10 No. 1, pp. 17-20. Georges, M.F. and Chuck, K. (1996), Accuracy issues in CAD to RP translations, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 2 No. 2, pp. 4-17. Tan, K.C., Lee, V.S., Tam, K.F. and Lye, S.L. (1998), Automation of prosthetic socket design and fabrication using CAD/CAM and RP technique, in, Proceedings of the 1st National Symposium on Prosthetics and Orthotics, pp. 19-22. Wevers, H.W. and Durance, J.P. (1987), Dynamic testing of below-knee prosthesis: assembly and components, Prosthetics and Orthotics International, Vol. 11, pp. 117-23. Prosthetic sockets fabrication using rapid prototyping technology P. Ng, P.S.V. Lee and J.C.H. Goh Rapid Prototyping Journal Volume 8 Number 1 2002 5359 59