Sheet Incremental Forming: Advantages of Robotised Cells vs. CNC Machines
Sheet Incremental Forming: Advantages of Robotised Cells vs. CNC Machines
Sheet Incremental Forming: Advantages of Robotised Cells vs. CNC Machines
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4 authors:
Massimo Callegari
D. Amodio
Elisabetta Ceretti
Claudio Giardini
University of Bergamo
Sheet Incremental Forming: Advantages of
Robotised Cells vs. CNC Machines
Massimo Callegari1, Dario Amodio1, Elisabetta Ceretti2, Claudio Giardini3
1. Introduction
In recent years the traditional sheet metal forming processes, suitable for high volume
batches, do not correctly meet new market requirements characterised by high flexibility,
reduced time-to-market, low cost for small batch production, etc. Moreover, they are not
suitable for producing low cost prototypes and pre-series components. Thus new sheet
metal forming techniques are very often required and pursued by manufacturing industries
and have been intensively undertaken by scientific research groups (Siegert et al., 1997;
Amino et al., 2000; Shima, 2001; Kochan, 2001; Shim et al., 2001; Filice et al., 2002; Iseki &
Naganawa, 2002; Kim et al., 2003; Yoon et al., 2003; Ceretti et al., 2002, 2004; McLoughlin et
al., 2003; Allwood et al., 2005; Lamminen, 2005; Meier et al., 2005). Among the new
innovative technologies, the sheet Incremental Forming (IF) can be successfully used for
small pre-series batches or prototypes. IF is a process where common and simple tools
mounted on CNC machines, instead of complex die sets, are used to deform locally a
workpiece. In recent years many studies have been done on IF and many are still in
progress with the aim of finding both the most affecting process parameters and the suitable
machines and working centres to run experiments and production (Park & Kim, 2002, 2003;
Jeswiet et al., 2005a, 2005b; Duflou et al., 2005a, 2005b; Hirt et al., 2005; He et al., 2005a, 2005b;
Ambrogio et al., 2005; Bambach et al., 2005).
Unlike the standard metal forming process, fast production changes are possible thanks to
the very simple IF machine configuration. Even if the time required for making one product
is much longer than in the traditional press forming, the IF advantages are gained on tool
design and production in prototyping phase. IF could be also successfully applied in
completion flexible work cells, for example after hydroforming operations for slots or small
parts finishing. Furthermore, instead of using general purpose CNC machines, the modern
incremental sheet processes can be directly performed on robotised cells. This will enhance
the advantages in flexibility and production time reduction since a robotised cell equipped
with the proper tools can produce the part and, on the same fixture, realise the completion
operations such as flanging, trimming and so on.
To form the sheet into the desired shape an ad hoc tool, mounted on the machine spindle or
on a robot gripper, is moved according to the given tool path. Several IF strategies have
been developed which mainly differ for equipment and forming procedure. In particular,
Source: Industrial Robotics: Programming, Simulation and Applicationl, ISBN 3-86611-286-6, pp. 702, ARS/plV, Germany, December 2006, Edited by: Low Kin Huat
Blank Holder
The die is mounted on the table of the CNC machine and the moving punch deforms the
sheet up to the die. The punch path must be optimized by means of an accurate study of the
final geometry, in order to obtain a good surface finishing. When the die has a positive
geometry the blank holder is moved by four hydraulic actuators to keep the sheet steady in
the working position (Fig. 1b) otherwise is fixed (Fig. 1a).
The punch has a cylindrical body with a spherical head. The sphere dimension is an
important process variable. In fact, large headed tools assure better material flow and
production time reduction, while small sphere dimensions are needed to accomplish the
dimensional features of the part (the tool radius must be equal or lower than the minimum
radius of curvature of parts surface).
To generate the punch trajectory CAD, CAM and CAE techniques were used. Since the
tool movement strategy is very important for obtaining safe components, several tool
paths were investigated in previous studies (Ceretti et al., 2003; Giardini et al., 2004a,
2004b, 2004c, 2005a, 2005b) and the best one must be identified by taking into account the
positive or negative shape of the die, the shape of the part, the tool dimensions and the
sheet material.
2.2 Robotized cell
Conventional industrial robots do not have the stiffness nor the accuracy that are generally
required for the incremental forming operations (Lamminen, 2005) but the rather new
parallel kinematics machines can be designed so as to show good features from this point of
view: for the present research the COMAU Tricept HP1 robot has been used, a six axes
machine with hybrid structure (a serial wrist is mounted on top of a parallel shoulder),
shown in Fig. 2. It is able to apply a maximum thrust of 15 kN over a work envelope of 2000
mm x 600 mm, with a repeatability better than 0.03 mm. The drawbacks of the machine
mainly lie in the great anisotropy of its workspace, that is also characterised by a complex
shape and a limited dexterity; therefore a simulation tool has been implemented in order to
be able to analyse off-line machine kinematics and assess beforehand the feasibility of a
certain task.
A pneumatic gripper holding a punch with a spherical tip is attached to the robot flange.
Various punches with different radii are used but in any case the small dimensions of the
ball tips allow to obtain the required high local pressures by the application of forces
considerably smaller than in conventional stamping. The die and the blank are clamped
together by means of several clips, whose design and setting are very important for the
quality of the operation: in fact a rigid constraint at frame boundaries can be desired in
some cases as well as the possibility to control the material flow towards the die in other
situations (Ceretti et al., 2003). The die with the supporting frame and the robot are mounted
on the same (thick) metal sheet: an automatic tool changing system was available beside the
robot but it has not been used in the present experimentation.
processing: a fixed slicing of the part was used, with a step depth (or pitch) that has been
varied from 0.5 mm to 1.0 mm. Both 3 axes (for both CNC machine and robot) and 5 axes (for
robot) paths have been generated, see Fig. 3 and 4.
Fig. 3. Negative forming with concave die: 3 axes path (a) and fixed step slicing (b).
Fig. 4. Negative forming with concave die: 5 axes path (a) and robot wrist (b).
When the die is concave, different punch movement strategies can be used. In particular,
one strategy starts the process from the part boundary and progressively deforms the sheet
through trajectories drawn at constant Z levels (direct negative forming); the other strategy
is characterised by a straight tool movement inside the blank till the maximum depth of the
die is reached and then a spiral movement towards the part boundaries starts (inverse
negative forming), see Fig. 5. This last approach can be used only with limited die depths
and assures a better material flow from the boundary so guaranteeing a lower thinning of
the part. Unfortunately, this strategy could not be applied with the robotised cell because
the robot was not able to develop the high lateral thrusts that were required. To overcome
this limit a progressive solution was tested: in this case the punch is moved as in inverse
negative forming but it moves downwards up to the bottom of the die following
progressive spiral paths with different geometrical dimensions whose effects were
The velocity of the tool together with the path variables (spiral width, pitch and so on)
have a great relevance for the quality of the part and must be chosen according to the
other parameters of the process, like sheet material and thickness, depth of deformation,
If the surface finishing of the part is an important aspect of the process, the path conducted
as a pocketing with constant step depth needs to be modified. In fact, this step down path
from the top to the bottom of the pocket, in which the tool follows a series of consecutive
contours with fixed step depth, is the simplest one but presents two disadvantages. In
particular the sheet is marked at the transition point between consecutive layers and the
quality of flat or near to flat surfaces is poor when high step depth or pitch (more than 0.5
mm) are used.
In this case to conduct pocketing with constant scallop height (Sc) can give better results. This
is a step down path from the top to the bottom of the pocket, in which the tool follows a series of
consecutive contours with variable step depth (the maximum of which must be furnished) in
order to keep constant the value of the scallop height (Fig. 5d). This kind of path reduces the
disadvantages of the first type and, in particular, the flat surfaces show a better quality.
Step depth, scallop height and type of tool path influences were studied during the
experimental tests, changing their values.
Fig. 5. Direct (a) and inverse (b) negative forming with progressive downward movement
(c) at fixed step depth or fixed scallop height (d).
3.2 Analysis of the forming process
Analytical model
A rough estimation of the state of stress of the blank under deformation can be obtained by
analytical models, while more detailed FEM simulations must be performed to go inside the
matter and assess the influence of the main process parameters.
For sake of simplicity, it has been closely followed the approach of Iseki (2001), which refers
to a planar state of deformation. This approximation can be rather well satisfied in case of
spherical rollers, with good lubrication and relatively small curvature paths. Referring to the
geometrical setting and notation of Fig. 6, representing a negative forming, the z axis is
taken along the direction of the incremental depth steps, and the y axis along the current
motion direction.
Fig. 6. Sketch of the negative incremental forming setting (a) and planar model of the arising
state of deformation (b).
The contact angle between tool and blank is:
arctan z
hx2 + hz2
= arcsin
It is noted that half of the initial thickness of the metal sheet, t0, must be added to both
curvature radiuses of tool and die, b and d respectively. The hypothesis of plain strain
state leads to:
L + Rd A1 A 3 hx A 3
x = z = ln
( x ) n
T = 2 Rb
Kt0 e x
where the material hardening law = k n has been considered. The two Cartesian
components of interaction force at the end effector can now be simply expressed as:
Fx = T (1 cos )
Fz = T sin
The simple inspection of (1-5) shows that, as expected, the lateral force to be developed at
the tool increases with the contact angles (and therefore with the depth h) and decreases
with the distance between the local centres of curvature of tool and die.
The results of the current model have been compared with the corresponding FEM
simulations and experimental trials, whenever available: a good agreement has been proved
in many situations, with results generally over-estimated and therefore conservative for the
sake of process safety. On the other hand, the model is not able to emulate closely the actual
thinning of the sheet (and therefore forecast the possible occurrence of tears or wrinkles) or
the paths with small curvature radii, where clear three-axial states of deformation establish.
If these cases must be investigated, a FEM simulation is unavoidable, while the analytical
model still preserves its validity for a first assessment of the forces occurring at tool tip, that
is an important input information for the kineto-static feasibility check that will be
explained in detail in next section.
Numerical process simulation
In order to verify the process ability in realizing the desired shape, that is the process
feasibility, it is important to conduct FEM analyses of the sheet deformation. Once the FEM
model has been validated by comparing the obtained results with the experimental ones, it
is possible to use the model itself to forecast the process parameters influences on the final
part shape and on sheet thinning which are relevant aspects in part quality evaluation.
Moreover, different punch movement strategies can also be analysed and the best one can
be identified prior to the experimental phase.
The simulations were conducted using both implicit (DEFORM) and explicit
(PAMSTAMP) codes. This latter has the advantage of reducing the computational time
with respect to the implicit code, in addition the explicit code results are closer than the
implicit to the experimental thickness values. As a consequence, in the following of this
paper, only the results of the explicit FE code will be presented. In both cases, the FE
programs move the punch using as input the CL files obtained from the CAM module. The
model components are the sheet (modelled as elastic-plastic element), the die, the punch
and the blank-holder (considered as rigid bodies), see Fig. 8. The friction was modelled
according to the Coulomb law.
A first set of simulations was run to identify the most suitable values for friction coefficient
and blank-holder force by comparing the experimental thickness distribution along the
piece section. Once the model was validated it was possible to use the model itself to
forecast the feasibility of a given part shape and to evaluate the part quality, in
correspondence of variations of tool path or other process parameters (e.g. tool diameter,
feed rate).
To allow the simulation in 3D DEFORM environment, a suitable program able to move the
punch (treated as the upper die) along a defined trajectory as obtained from the CL file has
been developed and implemented in a user subroutine. This module allows also to restart
the simulation from an intermediate point of the trajectory as required when a remeshing
occurs. Moreover, another module has been developed in order to allow the thickness
calculation and representation using proper variables specifically defined in the preprocessing phase.
Fig. 8. FEM model objects: sheet, punch, die and blank-holder (a); the thickness
representation (b).
3.3 Feasibility kineto-static checks
The only kind of robots presently able to develop the required thrusts at the tool are parallel
kinematics machines, that are also characterised by high stiffness and good accuracy:
unfortunately, the closed-loop architecture generally yields a workspace of complex shape and
characterised by high anisotropy, which complicates the planning of effective operations (Merlet,
2005). On the other hand, the information provided by robot manufacturers are often too poor to
enable an off-line assessment of the feasibility of the current incremental forming operation.
Therefore more detailed simulations must be performed beforehand to check that all the
generated 5-dimensional paths are included inside the 6-dimensional workspace of the
manipulator and that, at every position, the motors torques required by the task can be actually
developed. Since the velocities of the robot are usually quite low, a kineto-static model of the
manipulator is sufficient to assess the kinematic feasibility of the required tool positions and to
correlate workspace efforts to joint space torques. The Tricept HP1 used in the tests has a
maximum thrust of 15 kN in the axial direction when the tool is aligned along the same z axis but
its static performances dramatically downgrade as the structure leaves such favourable
configuration (see Fig. 9 for a qualitative representation). Therefore a complete kineto-static
model of the robot has been developed and implemented in the Matlab programming language,
as explained with details in (Callegari et al., 2005) and summarised in the following sections.
Fig. 9. Static performances of the robot Tricept HP1 (Comau, 1995 and 2001).
It is desired to describe the Cartesian space velocities of the end-effector that can be
generated by such velocities at a given configuration in space. The image of the sixdimensional sphere (7) in the operational space of tool linear and angular velocities is called
(velocity) manipulability ellipsoid and is given by the quadratic form:
v = 1
v () = J T () J 1 ()
Cartesian space velocities are high along the direction of the major axis of (9), while only
low velocities are yielded along its minor axis: therefore an isotropic (kinematic) behaviour
of the manipulator is manifested when the ellipsoid becomes a sphere. Just to visualise the
matter, in case of a planar robot with two equal motors, the form (8-9) would represent an
ellipse whose major and minor axes (the eigenvectors of v) indicate the directions along
which the tool can be moved with the maximum and minimum velocities respectively (that
are given by the square roots of the eigenvalues of v).
Due to the well-known duality between kinematics and statics, for every pose of the
manipulator inside its workspace (position and attitude of the tool) the 6 joint torques
balancing the external wrench of forces F and moments M applied at tool tip are given by:
= JT
Following the same approach previously outlined for the characterisation of robot
velocities, the ellipsoid representing all the Cartesian forces and moments that correspond
to unit motors torques, T =1, can be derived. In the case of the present application the
external moments at tool tip are null, therefore only the three-dimensional ellipsoid of endeffector forces is meaningful:
FT f F = 1
Fig. 10. Force manipulability ellipsoids of the robot Tricept HP1 in two Cartesian planes:
upper (a) and side (b) view (end-effector parallel to global frame).
Static performances
For every position of the manipulator inside its workspace (position and attitude of the tool)
the 6 joint torques balancing the external wrench of forces F and moments M applied at
tool tip are given by (10), where the 6x6 manipulator Jacobian matrix is highly varying with
tool position in our case. Once a task has been assigned and the arising forces have been
assessed, the feasibility checks can be easily performed: the joint torques that are computed
by simulation must be compared with the actual rated torques of the motors driving
shoulder and wrist axes, about 13 Nm and 3 Nm respectively, but of course the gear ratio of
the Harmonic Drives and the efficiency of all the transmission has to be accounted for.
Figure 11 shows a sample analysis performed by means of the developed simulation
package: tool tip spans a vertical plane at constant height (z=1600 mm) with the tool
perpendicular to the plane itself and charged by an axial load of 15 kN. The figure plots the
value of the maximum torque requested to any one of shoulder motors: it is noted that the
limit value of 13 Nm is easily overcame when the tool approaches workspace boundaries;
wrist motors, on the other hand, are almost idle since the external force passes through the
centre of the spherical wrist.
Fig. 11. Maximum torque delivered by shoulder motors (z=1600 mm, Fz= 15 kN).
In the simulation of Fig. 12, instead, the configuration of the robot is still the same but an
external force of 500 N is vertically directed along the x axis: in this case shoulder motors are
scarcely charged but wrist motors cannot sometimes deliver all the torque that should be
Fig. 12. Maximum torque delivered by shoulder (a) and wrist (b) motors (z=1600 mm, Fz= 0.5
3.4. Cell simulation
The analysis of all the cell is performed by means of the IGRIP package by Delmia, Fig. 13:
it is a multibody simulation code for applications of industrial automation and its libraries
already have all the information needed to simulate and program off-line the main
industrial robots presently on the market. Its use is particularly important in case several
intelligent pieces of equipment cooperate simultaneously in the cell, therefore needing a
strict coordination of the tasks.
In our case, tool trajectory has been previously defined by means of CAD/CAM programs
and then statically validated to be sure robot motors can actually push the punch against
the blank with the required forces. Then, the path has been imported into the IGRIP
This set of tests was difficult for the robot due to the particular shape of the die, whose
lateral walls were almost vertical; in fact this geometry determines high reaction forces (due
to the large contact surface between tool and blank) whose lines of action are almost
perpendicular to the (preferential) axial direction, therefore often causing the block of the
During these preliminary experiments it has been shown that, notwithstanding the
relatively low velocities of the tool during the process, the velocity profile of the robot
influences the quality of the product and even more the performances that can be obtained.
In fact during accelerations the inertia forces are added to the elasto-plastic reactions
coming from the blank under deformation, while the forming task is easier for the robot
during deceleration ramps. Moreover, it resulted that the smaller the radii of the corners are,
the higher torques are required to the motors for the impending state of three-axial
deformation: better results and lower torques have been registered by using tools with
smaller sphere diameters.
It must be emphasized that, when the CNC machine is used to perform the experimental
tests, no limits can be identified for this simple geometry. In fact, the machine stiffness and
the motor powers allow the deformation of the sheet since the working loads are low. In
addition, increasing the feed rate gives the possibility of reducing the working time without
affecting the part quality.
Fig. 14. Metallic and wooden dies with blank holder and clamping fixtures.
The first attempts of forming a steel blank have been performed by using 3 axes paths on a
0.6 mm thick AISI 304 stainless steel sheet; in this way it was possible to draw a comparison
with the results obtained using both the robotised cell and the CNC machine. In the case of
the robotized cell a maximum depth of about 14 mm was reached in direct forming, while
the motors blocked at the depth of only 10 mm in inverse forming (see Fig. 15). In the first
case a set of square paths at higher depths has been progressively realised, with a pitch of
0.5 mm without working the bottom of the pocket; in the second case, after reaching the
desired depth, a spiral path was traced with a spiral step of 1 mm. The quality of surface
finishing is quite different in the two cases, since the pocket bottom does not come into
contact with the tool in direct forming, while in second case it is deformed by the tool. In
this second case the quality is better, even if in the part bottom it is still visible the point
corresponding to the straight path of the tool before starting the spiral path which deforms
the bottom (Fig. 15). A very tight fixing of the blank holder is required in order to avoid the
formation of wrinkles and the rotation of the sheet.
To reduce the working loads, it was necessary to lower the tool pitch to 0.25 mm instead of 1
mm. The consequence of this change was an increase of the total cycle time. A reduction of
total cycle time was obtained by using a different language primitive for the path
interpolation. Instead of requiring the robot to pass exactly through the programmed points,
and therefore to stop when cornering, a spline interpolation allowed the tool to pass close
to the programmed points, without stopping every time. The quality of the part is still good,
while cycle times have been strongly reduced.
In a second set of tests the capabilities of the 6 axes robotized cell were used to orient
properly the tool with respect to the sheet local normal and to the feed direction. First
of all, it must be made clear that in robot trajectory planning 3 degrees of freedom are
constrained by the path to be followed by tool tip, while 2 more degrees of freedom can
be used to orient the punch along a suitable direction in space; therefore, by having
the availability of a 6 axes machine, infinite possible trajectories can still be specified
after all.
Fig. 15. Deformed steel parts for direct (left) and inverse (right) forming obtained with the
robotized cell.
It must be pointed out that the kinematics of the robot is rather complex, therefore the
optimal alignment of the tool does not necessarily mean that the tool itself is aligned
along the direction of robot motion. In our trials, the tilting of the tool with respect to the
feeding direction has been set so as to try to minimise the moments acting at wrist centre
(by the way, the tool is charged by axial loads in this case). Moreover, due to wrist
mechanical structure and to the limited winding of its joints, it was necessary to invert the
sense of rotation of the motion around the die at every pass. This was also visible on the
surface of the final part.
In future work, the redundancy of the robot with respect to the task could be used to:
take automatically into consideration the constraints coming from the possible
mutual collisions between blank/frame and tool/wrist;
try to avoid the time consuming re-winding of wrist axes, therefore speeding up
the process;
align the whole robot structure along the main direction of the manipulability
It must be said that the comparison with the 3 axes forming previously performed did not
show major differences, apart from a slight higher quality and precision of the finished part
mainly due to the smaller bending of the tool.
Considering the experiments conducted with the CNC machine, only the limit of the
maximum reachable slot depth was found since it affects the sheet thinning (when thinning
is too high the part breaks). Several tool paths of the direct forming type were tested by
changing the spiral width and the spiral step according to Giardini et al. (2005a). The
experiments conducted showed that roughness of the produced pieces was influenced only
by spiral step and was not influenced by the tool path type. The thickness distribution,
analysed along a part transversal section, is affected by the tool path and by the spiral step.
In particular, summarising the results obtained in terms of part roughness, sheet thickness
and maximum reachable punch depth it is possible to define the optimal Full Die IF process
parameters, that is inverse negative forming with spiral step 0.5 mm, tool pitch 1 mm and
feed rate 400 mm/min.
The sheet thickness shows a minimum in correspondence of the bottom radius of the
pocket, see Fig. 16. In one of the studied cases, the spiral step was so large that the
final geometry of the part had a very low quality due to large wrinkles on the pocket
Fig. 17. Simulative and experimental thickness distributions along the transversal cross
section of the realised part.
Finally some automotive components have been formed. Starting from CAD models of
the parts, the resin dies were produced and then the part programs for the incremental
forming have been developed. Figure 18 shows a component used in chair back
assembly; two different kinds of steel blanks have been formed with this component:
AISI 304 and DC04. The results are satisfactory in both cases but the higher quality of the
AISI 304 part shows that this material can be worked better through the incremental
forming technique.
During the working of the central slot, a certain compliance of the wrist became apparent,
even if the overall quality of the part was good. Moreover, a little misalignment of the
planes of the blank and the die caused the wrinkles that are visible outside the working
area: a better realisation and tuning of the blank holder would certainly mitigate this
Fig. 18. Formed chair backs: AISI 304 (left) and DC04 (right).
The research project analyzed also the feasibility study of some finishing operations just to
show the potential versatility of an automated incremental forming cell: to this aim, the
hatch of a multipurpose vehicle has been flanged by pressing the outer edge initially bent at
90. The part was initially clamped between a punch and the die, then a specially designed
tool, see Fig. 19a, rolled along all the outside border. The use of this rolling tool to deform
locally the outer edge, allowed to flange the part without any problem and to avoid the
expensive hydraulic presses generally used in this case or the manual operations that are
time consuming and cost expensive but are necessary when the attention is focused on preseries production. Similar application was studied using a roller mounted on a 3 axes CNC
machine. The results are reported in Fig. 19b.
Fig. 19. Hemming of sheets in a robotised cell (a) and on a CNC machine (b).
5. Conclusions
The incremental forming of metal sheet parts can be an interesting alternative to manual
forging of prototypes and pre-series blanks or to the manufacturing of shells for resin dies
used for the production of small batches. Such characteristics of small-volume production
would call for an increase in the level of flexibility and automation, possibly leading to the
use of CNC machines or robotised cells able to produce or complete the parts. In particular,
the use of robotised cells, with automatic tool change, can dramatically reduce the process
time since on the same fixture it is possible to deform the part, cut the part, bend or flange
the borders, load/unload the part, etc.
The present contribution has described the crossed experiments performed at the
Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona and at the Universities of Brescia and Bergamo
to assess the feasibility of the automated processing by using both a traditional CNC
machine and an industrial robot. It is noted that the research and industrial processes of
incremental forming realised so far have ever used 3-axes CNC milling machines, apart
from the hammering process patented by the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing
Engineering and Automation of Stuttgart (Shaefer & Schraft, 2005).
Unfortunately the conventional serial robots do not have the required stiffness and are not
able to apply the necessary forces to deform incrementally the blank, but the rather new
family of parallel robots has characteristics similar to CNC machining centres, while still
keeping the versatility of a robot. The complex kinematics of the machine needed the
development of a special purpose simulation environment to design beforehand the
experiments and assess their feasibility. The necessary force at tool tip has been evaluated
both analytically, with a simplified approach based on a plane strain state, and numerically,
by means of a commercial FEM code: different kinds of tool trajectories have been generated
by CAM programs, based on actual part geometries. A final assessment of whole cell layout
and working has been performed by means of the IGRIP package, exploiting also the
possibilities of the coordination with other external axes (e.g. a revolving table during
flanging, a tool changing system, etc.) and its capability to generate the part program for the
different commercial controllers.
Several experimental tests have been performed in order to validate the complex
methodology for system design and prototyping and to study the several parameters
playing a significant role in the process, as for instance: the different types of materials (e.g.
AISI 304 and DC04 steel, copper), the number of axes of the task (3 or 5), the kind of
interpolation between the points, the path imposed to the tool (e.g. depth first or breadth
first), the size of punch end, etc. Many tests have been performed on a die specifically
developed in-house for the execution system trials, then a few tests have been performed on
commercial components, on dies provided by a car manufacturer supplier, with the
execution of simple flanging operations too.
At the end of the research a development environment has been set up, able to interface the
different software tools in order to support the process designer in making the correct
choices. It must be said that, even if the simulation environment proved to be powerful and
reliable, the whole design process of an experiment seemed very complicated by the
complexity of the used equipment: therefore the use of more powerful robots, with larger
workspaces would be desirable. It's Authors opinion that parallel robots can be a viable
alternative to CNC machines for the execution of incremental forming processes, especially
if it is possible to exploit the high versatility of the machine for further completing
operations. More tests should be needed to completely assess the benefits of robotics, with
the possible availability of more powerful machines, that are already available on the
market. As for the system design and prototyping tool that has been developed, it proved to
be effective and reliable, even if resulted to be quite complex and more integration would be
needed between the single software modules.
6. Acknowledgments
This work has been developed within the research programme Ultraflex (see Lamier,
2005), partially funded by the Italian Ministry of Industry and by Lamier SpA (La Loggia,
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