Numerical Calculation of Simultaneous Ab
Numerical Calculation of Simultaneous Ab
Numerical Calculation of Simultaneous Ab
1991,30, 2598-2603
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+ d2[C032-]
cannot be safely extended to the more complex case of
multiple-gas absorption presently considered. total sulfur balance
When H2S and C02 are being absorbed in a hydroxide
solution, the following reversible reactions should be con-
sidered (Astarita and Gioia, 1965): total hydroxide balance
C02 + OH- HC03- (1) d2[OH-]
D-= R1+ Rz + R3 + R4
H2S + OH- + H2O
HS- (2) dx2
At the gas-liquid interface, x = 6, the following equations For given values, [H2S]iand [C021i,of the gas concen-
hold: tration on the interface, (7), (11)-(13), and (23)-(25) con-
stitute the system to be solved. The unknowns are the
Nco, = -D( d[CO2l enhancement factors fi and f2 and the concentration of
i each component across the liquid film.
dx dx
ion concentration, M, as the characteristic concentration
and the film thickness 6 as the characteristic length. The
=0 (17) fundamental dimensionless group appearing is the reac-
tion-diffusion parameter A, given by
A = kMa2/D (27)
where tD = a2/Dis the characteristic diffusion time. For
dx dx
d[HCO3-] d[S2-]
a reasonably well mixed liquid, tD varies within a relatively
narrow range (Astarita et al., 1983):
4 x 10-3 < tD< 4 x io-* (28)
Relations 15 and 16 equate the transfer rates at the gas The system is solved numerically by discretizing the
and liquid sides for COPand H2S, respectively. Equation equations to N + 2 points across the liquid film. In this
17 states that no carbon-containing ions pass the interface, formulation, the unknowns are the concentrations of each
nor can they be converted infinitely fast into C02. of the seven species at the N + 1 points (point 1 is at the
Equation 18 is a budget of [OH-] ions at the interface and edge of the liquid film) and the two enhancement factors,
is the outcome of the following arguments Since no [OH-] a total of [7(N + 1)+ 21. Equations 11-13 and 23-25 are
ions cross the interface, the diffusion-induced flux and the applied to each point across the film, giving 6(N 1) +
surface rate of consumption at the interface s u m up to zero. equations. Two equations are provided by specifying the
H2Sand C02concentrations on the interface and another
N by applying (7) to the N interior points of the film. To
this end, the derivative in (7) is approximated by central
finite differences.
where Ril,Riz,Ri3,and Ri4are the surface rates of reactions The last equation needed is provided by applying (7) at
1,2,3, and 4 respectively, right on the interface. It is noted the point N + 2, right on the interface. Boundary con-
that the surface rate of consumption can be nonzero only dition 15 is discretized at point N + 2 by a central finite
for instantaneous reactions; therefore Ril = 0. The other difference formula, and the hypothetical concentration at
surface rates are calculated by writing down appropriate point N + 3, outside the gas-liquid interface, is used to
budgets at the interface for each instantaneous reaction derive the following expression for the second derivative
separately, as follows: on the interface:
[CO& kmol/m3
S, kmol/m3
25 OC
225 OC
0.5 E
20 11 J H2S
C, kmol/m3
M, kmol/m3
2.0 -
a 10
-5 0 5 10 15
" Figure 2. HzS and COSenhancement factors as a function of the
reaction-diffusion parameter, using the equilibrium constants at 225
O C and bulk concentrations indicated in Table I.
0 5
10 15
Figure 1. H2S and COz enhancement factors as a function of the
reaction-diffusion parameter, using the equilibrium constants at 25
"C and bulk concentrations indicated in Table I.
liquid concentration of the reaction products is zero. This
permits comparison with the approximate analytical results
of Astarita and Gioia (1965). The outcome indicates that 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 15
the approximate model overestimates the absorption of
C02, a discrepancy which diminishes as the C02reaction
rate approaches infinity. The most serious drawback of Figure 3. Concentration profiles across the film for parameter
that model, however, is its neglect of reversibility effects. values indicated in Table I (225 "C)and very fast COz reaction. The
Forced desorption cannot be predicted by the Astarita- concentrations are scaled by the factors indicated on the figure to
permit presentation on the same plot. A maximum in the COz con-
Gioia model, and it is under conditions favoring such centration close to the interface, indicative of forced desorption, is
phenomena that the model is expected to fail. observed.
Following the above comparisons, absorption into a
liquid with nonzero concentration of the reaction products takes over for values of A I M above lo8.
is considered and the effect of two parameters, reaction The effect of the second dissociation of CO, is illustrated
rate and temperature, is, studied in detail. by setting K3 = K4 = 0 and recalculating the enhancement
(a) Effect of t h e Rate of Reaction. To illustrate the factors. The results, which appear as dashed lines in
effect of the reaction-diffusion parameter, A , the following Figure 1, indicate that the second dissociation has a fa-
two cases are considered: The equilibrium constants used vorable effect on the selective absorption of H2S. For a
are those corresponding to the reactions taking place (case large range of reaction rates, inclusion of the second dis-
i) at 25 "C and (case ii) at 225 "C. These parameters, as sociation leads to an increase of the H2S enhancement
well as the bulk concentrations used, are given in Table factor with an even more significant decrease of the C 0 2
I. For the specific system and conditions considered the enhancement factor. This is expected, since in the absence
reaction-diffusion parameter is fully specified. The com- of C032- ions there is a single reaction plane for both gases
putations, however, are performed by varying A as a pa- defined by the depletion of OH-ions.
rameter in order to illustrate its effect on the absorption It is interesting to contrast this observation with the
rates. It should be noted that, in the limit of instantaneous
reactions (A a),selective absorption of CO, is favored
in case i and that of H2S is favored in case ii.
well-known negative effect of the CO2-ions on the ther-
modynamic selectivity of H2S (Astarita et al., 1983). This
is an example of the case where factors influencing the
The results for case i are presented in Figure 1. With thermodynamic selectivity in one way could have the op-
decreasing reaction rate, there is a transition from a posite effect on the kinetic selectivity.
thermodynamic selectivity favoring the absorption of CO, The results for case ii are presented in Figure 2. The
to a kinetically imposed selective absorption of H2S. It C02enhancement factor first increases with reaction rate,
is interesting to note that kinetic selectivity in favor of H2S reaching a maximum at some intermediate value. The Ha
is still dominant for values of A I M as high as lo6 (corre- enhancement factor exhibits a minimum in the same range
sponding to C 0 2 reaction rate constant of lo8 m3/(kmol of reaction rates and then asymptotically reaches a plateau,
s)) and thermodynamic selectivity in favor of COP only with CO, dipping to large negative values.
2602 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 30, No. 12,1991
Table 11. Enhancement Factors for H$3 and Cot here is incorporated in a computer code, which will be used
Absorption as a Function of Temperature in the interpretation of data from experiments already
temD. O C H,S enhancement CO, enhancement under way.
25 20.3 1.2
75 50.0 2.7 Acknowledgment
125 68.0 6.4
175 76.5 -23.1 Financial support for this work has been obtained from
225 80.6 -92.7 the European Economic Communities (program VALO-
REN), from the General Secretariat for Research and
The behavior in the limit of large values of the reac- Technology of Greece, and from the Greek Public Power
tion-diffusion parameter is an example of forced desorp- Corporation (PPC).
tion, discovered by Cornelisse et al. (1980)and analyzed
for irreversible reactions by Astarita and Savage (1982). Nomenclature
Indeed, the concentration of C02 in the bulk is much A = dimensionless reaction-diffusion parameter, A = kMa2/D
smaller than on the interface and an overall driving force C = total carbon concentration, kmol/m3
for absorption exists. Reversibility effects close to the D = molecular diffusivity, m2/s
interface, however, overshoot to COPconcentration above = enhancement factor of gas j
the interface value, leading to desorption. A concentration
profile for such a case is shown in Figure 3.
fi= ionic strength of solution, kion/m3
k = reaction rate constant, m3/(kmol s)
(b) Absorption at High Temperatures. Some con- K . = equilibrium constant of reaction j , m3/kmol
cern has been expressed in the literature (Hohlfeld, 1980) d = total metallic ion concentration in solution, kmol/m3
about the efficiency of selective absorption of H2S by Nj = molar flux of species j , kmol/(m2 s)
scrubbing with hydroxide solutions at elevated tempera- Rj = volume rate of reaction j , kmol/(m3 s)
tures, in view of the increased reaction rate of the com- R , = surface rate at the interface of reaction j, kmol/(m2s)
petitive absorption of COO. However, the above results S = total sulfur concentration in solution, kmol/m3
indicate that the process could still prove efficient. T = absolute temperature, K
To further investigate the effect of temperature on the x = distance, measured from the edge of film toward the
selectivity of the system at hand, a series of runs is carried interface, m
y, = COzconcentration at location j across the film, kmol/m3
out with bulk concentrations S = 0.5, C = 0.5, and M =
2.0 and temperatures ranging from 25 to 225 "C. The gas Greek Letters
phase is assumed to consist of H2S and C02,with partial 6 = film thickness, m
pressure of 0.5 atm each. The reaction rate constant, as Registry No. H@, 7783-06-4;C02, 124-389NaOH, 1310-73-2.
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