Lucky Dog PubLishing
Lucky Dog PubLishing
Lucky Dog PubLishing
Volume 2 Issue 14 FREE October 31, 2008
A true tale from Vol. 1 Issue 1 Folly Beach’s Newspaper October 31, 2008 w FREE
Mullet Hall
Sidi LimehouSe, RoSebank FaRmS
he year was 1948 and I was ten years old. I called him Mr.
Brown. Mr. Brown called me Mr. Sidi. Mr. Brown, somewhere
in his 90s, was an old black man and I was a young white boy.
We were friends. He was educated; Johns Island educated. Mr. Brown
told me one day, “If you know, you know and if you don’t know, well,
you just don’t know.” Mr. Brown felt it was his duty to teach me
everything I should know and Mr. Brown said I should know about
Brutus Garrett. It seems that Brutus, 100 years earlier, had panicked
in a hurricane and that Brutus was now a haint:
Brutus come bak each year in October when de full moon be high
and you can see the marsh shines all de way to Kiwah. In them day,
Mr. Legare had some kind o’ chine what him could look on and dis
ting tell de pression. Was October de last. Mr. Legare ping de bell and
say fo tell eby body must come to de big house. Him say de pression is
low and we must take care of eby ting. Was maybe it was a gale comin.
Eby animal, all de people must leave de creekside an go to Big Field
(Big Field is where Mullet Hall Equestrian Center is now located). Big
Field had a barn big enuf to hol eby body.
People say Brutus musta been liquored up. Brutus laugh and Mr.
Legare say de chine don know what him talkin bout. He take Gal;
Gal been e mule an him ride Gal out to Jemmy Ilant (Jemmy Island is
out in the marsh opposite Rhett’s Bluff). Say him fa pic last little bit o
cotton. When Mr. Legare hear what Brutus done, he jump on he horse
and take Laboard wit him to fetch Brutus. When dem get to de creek
de tide been comin fas and de wind blow and dem turn back. When
de people see em comin and ain’t got much as Gal wit dem, dey cuss
Brutus a while but den pray fo em. He get real dark and de wind blow.
De win blow so hard he ring de bell. Preacher Bishop say Brutus ring
de bell. De people start fo wailin and nashin dey teet. Mr. Legare say
fo eby body get in de loff of de barn and huddle up. Was a terruble
In de mawnin was real quiet. Mr. Legare say fo feed de critter and Shooting the moon Folly boat painted by Janie Atkinson
take em back home. He send Laboard, the preacher and Boobie to look
for Brutus. Dey ain’t find hide nor hair. Eric Horan | novEmbEr / 2008 Folly Beach now has its own newspaper
I knows you gwynn ax bout Gal. Well a mule be smart, smartest bout this time last year, my wife, Jan and shells.
animal dey is. Mr. Bryan say when de storm obor, Gal been stannin I headed down the Chechessee River in Photographing the moon in the fall offers a from lynn pierotti, publisher
in he yard. anticipation of this Harvest moonrise. distinct advantage. During autumn, the path of he Folly Current is a brand new publication from The Folly Beach community is proud of its The Folly Current is mailed every two weeks to every
De buzzart find Brutus. Laboard take a bateau and look on him and It was nearing sunset and high tide when we the moon is shorter than usual with a decreased Lucky Dog Publishing, the Lowcountry’s island commitment to local concerns and The Folly Current active mailbox on Folly Island. The Folly Current is
say he was too bad to bring to the hill so him bury him in de marsh. anchored onto a small oyster bank. There was period of darkness between sunset and moonrise. community newspaper company. Our focus will will strive to promote this idea in all of its content. completely FREE OF CHARGE and relies entirely on
just enough high ground to bring out my tripod, What this means to the photographer is that you be entirely on the issues and concerns that are most Please feel free to send us your photos and story ideas. the generous support of our local advertisers to fund its
Mr. Legare say it wasn’t right to leave Brutus in the marsh but eby body
chairs and a picnic basket with dinner. I mounted have more to work with in creating an image.
he ax to fetch em come back say dey couldn’t fin him. He bin way in relevant to the residents of Folly Beach. We will work This is your paper, coverage will be reflective of the production. Please make sure and thank our advertisers
my camera with a 500mm lens onto the tripod. In this case I had the tree line of Parris Island, a
de middle of de marsh and dey loose de place where he been. Brutus he hard to be a non-partisan forum for open discussion support you give it. Let us know what you think! Send with your patronage.
With all attention on the horizon, in this case twilight blue sky and the orange moon as it lifted
ain’t loose em. He know ain’t posed to be buried in de marsh. Every and will feature comprehensive coverage of Folly news your letters, pictures, stories, calendar events and ideas We are excited to provide the residents of Folly Beach
Parris Island, we awaited the emerging light to
the sounds of the tide washing against the oyster The Moon continued on page 4 and events, from politics to island life as well as a civic to If you would like to be a with a news outlet that focuses entirely on their
True Tale continued on page 14 calendar, a general happenings calendar, surf and tide regular contributor, send your column idea to the email community. We look forward to becoming a trusted
reports, a concert calendar and more. address above or call 886-NEWS (6397). source of information for Folly Beach.
Ins id e The Is la nd Conne ction. . .
page 5 SINHG page 9 GREEN BUILD page 11 PET EXPO
E Clean Street on page 2 Art in the Park on page 5 Kayaks on page 11
Paper Circulation
Locations Lucky Dog circulation Post and Courier circulation Comparable publications
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Seabrook Island 2822 (Island Connection) (see below) n/a
Folly Beach 1571 (Folly Current) 381 n/a
Total circulation: 11,328 5860
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Mike Loftus
Isle of Palms Town Council
The Island Connection is one of the Town’s primary vehicles for disseminating information to our residents. The reporting on
monthly Town Council meetings, for example, is both comprehensive and accurate. More importantly, The Island Connection is
effective for us because it is read by our residents. The articles are timely, informative and pertinent.
Frank McNulty
Mayor of Seabrook Island
When Seabrook Island needed to get the word out about our $31 million dollar new amenities building program to the
other Charleston area island communities, we chose the newspapers of Lucky Dog Publishing as one of the primary vehicles.
Their creativity, consistency and reach to that specific audience was exactly what we needed to spread the word.
Joe Salvo
Seabrook Real Estate
I can tell you, without hesitation, that citizens and visitors alike have really enjoyed The Folly Current. Before The Folly Current,
they only had The Post and Courier and a newsletter published by the Civic Club, which is good, but did not begin to cover all
the happenings on Folly.
Toni W. Connor-Rooks
City Administrator Folly Beach
As I walked into a meeting with a prospective new client, she declared, “ I read your article and saw your advertisement in
The Island Connection paper this morning.” Obviously I thought it was a good start to our meeting…
Bobby Cummings
Cummings Financial