Group 2 - The Family and Its Social Standing
Group 2 - The Family and Its Social Standing
Group 2 - The Family and Its Social Standing
In this context, there exists two reference which have a significant impact on consumer behavior.
Two reference groups are: Family and Social Class.
Husband-Wife Decision-making In this case the product or the service category plays an
important role in consumer decision. It includes four decision patterns Husband-dominated, Wife-
dominated, Joint and Autonomic.
Childrens influence on Family Decision-making There are lot of purchases done by consumers
is basically because of the influence of children. This type of purchasing has increased over the
past few decades. The tactics typically used by children are Pressure, Exchange, Rational,
Consultation and Ingratiation.
Children can be seen as a Three Markets Children should be divided into three separate markets
namely Influencers, Primary market and Future consumers.
Measuring Family Decision-making It is complex, because family members may not agree with
each others perspective about their relative influence during purchase decisions.
Roles of each Family members Family members can take up roles such as Influencers,
Gatekeepers, Deciders, Buyers, Preparers, Users, Maintainers and Disposers.
Upward Mobility:
It is defined as the opportunity to move from a lower to a higher social class. In America, higher
social classes are considered as reference groups for ambitious men and women of lower social
since it is possible to achieve upward mobility in the American society.
Downscale Consumers:
These are working class or blue-collar people typically defined as households earning less than
$40,000 annually.
The communication in each and every marketing proposition is also vary between the social
classes. You can also observe the various social classes for example idle class people generally
have a broader view of the world whereas lower class consumers perceive world only from first
hand experiences.
Downward Mobility:
It is like moving down the social class ladder. In America, trends what we have observed are that
incomes of young men and women starts declining when they reach the age of 30s, regardless of
ethnicity, education etc.