Agri-IJASR - Micropropagation of Cochlospermum - Linga Rao

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Department of Botany, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India
Professor, Department of Botany, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Cochlospermum religiosum (L) Alston is an important medicinal plant belonging to the family
Cochlospermaceae. The gum, stem bark and root are traditionally used to cure different diseases. The present study aimed
to develop the multiple shoots from Cochlospermum religiosum through nodal explants. Shoot induction was achieved on
Murashiage and Skoog (MS) medium fortified with 2 mg1
BAP, 2 mg1
KN and 2 mg1
BAP with 0.1 mg1
The shoots were sub cultured after two weeks on different concentration of BAP for multiple shoot induction. After four
weeks the shoots were excised and sub cultured for rooting on half strength MS medium fortified with BAP 0.5 mg1
IAA 2.0 mg1
. The in vitro generated plantlets were successfully acclimatized in pots containing vermiculite and soil.
The survival rate is 50 to 65 percent.
KEYWORDS: Cochlospermum religiosum, Nodal Explants, Micropropagation
BAP-Benzyl adenine (6-benzyl aminopurine), HCl - Hydrochloric acid, HgCl
-Mercuric chloride,
IAA- Indole-3-acetic acid, IBA-Indole-3-butyric acid, LAF - Laminar air flow, mg - Milligram (s), NAA- 1-naphthalene
acetic acid, NaOH-Sodium Hydroxide, PGR-Plant Growth Regulator, pH-Negative logarithm of hydrogen ion
Cochlospermum religiosum (L) Alston is a sparsely branched small tree, belonging to the family
Cochlospermaceae. It is commonly called as Yellow Silk Cotton, Buttercup Tree and Torchwood Tree because of flowers
are large, bright golden yellow and seeds covered with silky hairs. The powder of C. religiosum stem bark and root is
traditionally used for fertility and ash of fruit mixed with coconut is used for the treatment of scabies (Goud et al., 2005).
The gum of C. religiosum is also found to be an ingredient of unani medicine. Qurs-e-Sartaan Kafoori which is used for
Styptic, Antipyretic, Phthisis, Tuberculosis, Hectic fever and Qurs-e-Suzak Cicatrizant, Diuretic and Gonorrhea.
These formulations were found to possess good antibacterial and antifungal activity (Cecilie et al., 2005). Hence the plant
has been studied for antimicrobial activity (Sasikala and Savithramma, 2012); quantitative and quantitative of
phytochemicals (Sasikala and Savithramma, 2012; Sasikala et al., 2013), Histochemical (Sasikala et al., 2013) and in vitro
propagation through shoot tip culture (Sasikala and Savithramma, 2012). The plant is propagated by seeds and also
multiplied by budding, cuttings or air layers. Severe anthropogenic pressures, habitat destruction and low seed germination
scarces natural regeneration in the wild. The application of a reliable in vitro clonal propagation system would provide an
International Journal of Agricultural
Science and Research (IJASR)
ISSN(P): 2250-0057; ISSN(E): 2321-0087
Vol. 4, Issue 3, Jun 2014, 175-182
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd
176 A. Sasikala, M. Linga Rao & N. Savithramma

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
alternative method of propagation to meet the pharmaceutical needs and for effective conservation of plant species. In vitro
propagation of plants holds tremendous potential for the production of high quality plant based medicines
(Murch et al., 2000). This protocol can assure that a stable supply of this medicinally important plant irrespective of any
seasons and may serve as a better source for biological active compounds.
The fruits were collected from the mature plant on the Ghats of Tirumala hills. The silky hairs were removed from
the seeds. The seeds were thoroughly washed in running tap water for about 15 minutes to remove surface dust particles
and were subsequently rinsed with liquid detergent (teepol 1%) for 5 minutes and then rinsed with distilled water to wash
off the detergent. They were then disinfected with 0.1% HgCl
solution for 2-3 minutes followed by repeated rinsing with
sterile distilled water.
Full strength and half strength media were prepared with various concentrations of sucrose. The medium was
gelled with 1% agar and pH was adjusted to 5.6 to 5.8 using 0.1 N NaOH or 0.1N Hcl solution before autoclaving. 25 ml of
medium was taken in each culture vessel and capped tightly. Then the cultures were autoclaved at 121
C for 15 minutes.
The surface sterilized seeds were inoculated under aseptic conditions in LAF chamber. The cultures were incubated at
25 2
C under fluorescent light. The aseptic nodes were excised and inoculated on to the media with different
concentrations of BAP and Kinetin separately ranging from 0.5mg l
to 2.5mg l
The cultures was incubated at
C under fluorescent light. After shoot initiation they were sub cultured for multiple shoot induction with
2 mg l
BAP. The shoots were then transferred to rooting media with different concentrations of BAP, IAA and IBA
supplemented with charcoal. The rooted plantlets were introduced in to plastic bags with vermiculite, soil mix for
acclimatization. In all experiments 20 replicates were used and each experiment was repeated thrice. All the results were
statistically analyzed.
In the present study the seeds of Cochlospermum religiosum inoculated on basal MS medium with 0 to 4%
Sucrose. Seeds showed germination after two weeks (Figure 1a). 100% of seed germination was observed in MS medium
without sucrose, whereas higher percentage of seed germination with less concentration of sucrose was observed.
The seeds were failed to germinate on MS medium with 3% and 4% sucrose concentrations (Table-1). This is due to the
presence of heteropolysaccharides in the plant parts (Ojha et al., 2008). After 5 weeks the seedlings attained the size of 6 to
7 cm. Nodes were excised from aseptic seedlings and inoculated on MS medium with different concentrations of BAP,
KN, IAA and NAA to test the shoot regeneration capacity. 2 mg l
BAP was proved to be more effective when compared
with other concentrations and other plant growth regulators. Cytokinins especially BAP, release lateral buds from
dormancy and initiate shoot formation. 2 mg l
BAP in the nodal explants induced 80% shoot regeneration (Figure 1b),
highest mean number of shoots i.e 3.9 and increase in shoot length i.e 4.2. 40% shoot regeneration, 2.0 mean number of
shoots and 3.5 increases in shoot length were observed in concentration of 2 mg l
KN and the combination of 2 mg l

BAP with 2 mg l
KN, 40% shoot regeneration was observed (Table -2).
Exogenously supplied growth regulators regulate the callus induction. Callus induction was usually associated
with high auxin to low cytokinin ratio (Centeno et al., 1996). Nodal explants of Cochlospermum religiosum such as in vitro
raised, nodal segments were inoculated for callus induction with various concentrations of auxins and cytokinins in MS
Micropropagation of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston through Nodal Explant 177
medium. Explants tested for callus formation, Combination of BAP with NAA in MS medium was found to be best in
inducing more amount of callus. Green colored compact highly morphogenic calli was produced from nodal explants on
MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l
BAP in combination with 0.5 mg l
NAA (Figure 1c). NAA was proved to be
more effective in callus induction followed by IAA and IBA (Table-3). The production of multiple shoots from nodal
explants through in vitro propagation was caused by stimulating precocious axillary shoots to overcome the dominance of
shoot apical meristems (Savithramma et al., 2011). Phytohormones were the crucial factors affecting regeneration of
shoots from nodal explants. Cellular differentiation and organogenesis in tissue and organ culture have been found to be
controlled by an interaction between different phytohormone concentrations (Savithramma et al., 2011). Multiple shoot
regeneration 2.5 mg l
BAP produced maximum percentage of response (67%) with mean number of 4 multiple shoots
from Nodal derived callus. KN was less effective with 45% of response and 2.5 numbers of multiple shoots at 2 mg l
concentration (Table-4; Figure 1d).
The in vitro obtained shoots were excised and transferred to half strength M.S medium supplemented with
charcoal and combination of IAA and BAP at different concentrations. At 2 mgl
IAA and 0.5 mg l
BAP profused
rooting was observed with a bulging at the base of stem. A maximum of 25 roots were developed at this concentration
(Figure 1e). Second highest response was observed at 0.2 mg l
BAP in combination with 1 mg l
IAA (Table-5).
The effectiveness of the combination of cytokinins and auxins in producing roots was observed in Sugarcane
genotypes BO91, BO110, BO120, BO128 (Ranju et al. 2004), but in many cases auxin alone can induce rooting. In Indian
banana cv Rajeli, NAA alone induced roots (Kulkarni et al., 2006). In Bixa orellana L. (Rammurthy et al. 1999), Albizzia
amara (Rammurthy and Savithramma 2003), Cassia alata (Rammurthy and Savithramma 2002), Talinum cuneifolium
(Savithramma et al. 2010) and Poncirus trifoliate (Ashuthosh et al. 2009) either IBA or NAA alone induced rooting,
whereas in Gmelina arborea (Amod et al. 2010) the combination of IBA and NAA was proved effective in producing
In the present study 2 mg l
IAA in combination with 0.5 mg l
BAP is effective in causing root induction and
profused rooting, whereas 4.9 M IBA produced optimum number of roots in same plant when nodal segments used as
explant. The roots are light brown in colour, linear and solid. In vitro regenerated plants with profuse roots were removed
from culture vessels and washed carefully to remove adhered agar and nutrients. They were transferred to plastic bags
containing vermiculite and soil (1:3) and maintained for two weeks in a growth chamber for their acclimatization.
About 60% of the plantlets survived and are growing well under field conditions (Figure 1f).
The present study resulted in a reliable and effective protocol for in vitro regeneration of the important medicinal
tree taxa Cochlospermun religiosum to meet the increasing demand of the herbal medicines instead of chemical drugs.
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178 A. Sasikala, M. Linga Rao & N. Savithramma

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
3. Cecilie SN, Drissa D, Kari I, Terje EM, Tsukasa M and Hiroaki K. Medicinal use of Cochlospermum
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9. Ojha AK, Maiti D, Chandra K, Mondal S, Das sadhan K, Roy D, Ghosh K and Islam SS. Structural
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10. Rammurthy N and Savithramma N (2002). In vitro regeneration of a medicinal plant Cassia alata through
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11. Rammurthy N and Savithramma N (2003). Shoot bud regeneration from leaf explants of Albizzia amara.
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14. Sasikala A and Savithramma N. Biological synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Cochlospermum Religiosum
and their antibacterial efficacy. J Pharm Sci Res 2012; 4: 1836-1839.
15. Sasikala A and Savithramma N. Phytochemical divaersity of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.)
Alsten A medicinal tree species. Threats and Concerns to Biodiversity 2012; 50-59.
16. Sasikala A and Savithramma N. In vitro plant regeneration of Cochlospermum religiosum through shoot tip
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17. Sasikala A, Lingarao M and Savithramma N. Histochemical studies of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.)
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Micropropagation of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston through Nodal Explant 179
18. Sasikala A, Lingarao M and Savithramma N. Quantification of primary and secondary metabolites from
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19. Savithramma N, Ankanna S, Beena P and Sasikala A (2010). Micro propagation of Talinum cuneifolium
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20. Savithramma N, Beena P, Sasikala A, Reddy AK and Saradvathi J (2011). Micropropagation of Talinum
cuneifolium (Vahl.) Willd. through axillary bud culture in plant tissue culture emerging trends Edited by T.
Pullaiah. Regency Publications, Delhi Pp. 103-113.
Table 1: Aseptic Seedling Formation from the Seeds of Cochlospermem Religiosum on Full Strength and Half
Strength M.S. Medium Containing Different Concentrations of Sucrose
Full Strength/ Half Strength M.S. Medium
Concentration of Sucrose Percentage of Germination
0% 100%
1% 75%
2% 25%
3% nil
4% nil

Table 2: Effect of Different PGR in MS Medium on Shoot Regeneration from Nodal Explants of
Cochlospermum religiosum
Plant Growth Regulators
(mg l
Percentage of Shoot
Mean No. of
Shoots / Explant
Mean Length of
Shoots in cms
1 0.5 - - - NR - -
2 1.0 - - - NR - -
3 1.5 - - - 35 1.40.02 2.52.01
4 2.0 - - - 80 3.90.17 4.21.18
5 2.5 - - - 60 2.70.72 4.70.03
6 - 0.5 - - NR - -
7 - 1.0 - - NR - -
8 - 1.5 - - 20 1.350.17 1.30.54
9 - 2.0 - - 40 2.00.65 3.50.41
10 - 2.5 - - 20 1.80.28 1.90.76
11 1.5 1.5 - - 35 2.050.32 2.80.52
12 2.0 2.0 - - 40 3.620.47 3.20.13
13 2.5 2.5 - - 30 1.720.61 1.70.38
14 2.0 - 0.5 - 10 0.50.23 1.00.86
15 2.0 - 1.0 - 15 0.80.86 0.50.73
16 2.0 - 1.5 - NR - -
17 2.0 - 2.0 - NR - -
18 2.0 - - 0.5 07 0.50.07 0.70.38
19 2.0 - - 1.0 05 0.40.52 0.30.36
20 2.0 - - 1.5 NR - -
21 2.0 - - 2.0 NR - -

Values are means of 12 replicates. Observations after 8 weeks of inoculation. indicates the standard error.
180 A. Sasikala, M. Linga Rao & N. Savithramma

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.3594 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0
Table 3: Effect of Different Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction from Nodes Explants of
Cochlospermum religiosum
Plant Growth Regulators in mg l
Nature of Response and Morphogenic
1.0 0.5 Greenish yellow calli +
1.0 1.0 Light brown calli +
1.0 0.5 Light brown calli +
1.0 1.0 Light brown calli +
1.0 0.5 Darkbrown calli -
1.0 1.0 Dark brown compact calli -
+ represents organogenetic ability of callus, - non organogenetic ability of callus,
Table 4: Effect of PGR on Multiple Shoot Regeneration from the Callus Derived from Nodal Explants of
Cochlospermum religiosum
Callus Source
Plant Growth
Regulators in
mg l

Percentage of
Shoot Regeneration
Mean No. of Shoots / Explant
Mean Length of
Shoot in cms
Nodal segments
2.0 - 50 3.01.03 3.30.83
2.5 - 67 4.01.76 3.241.16
- 2.0 42 3.30.22 2.821.32
- 2.5 45 2.30.13 2.022.36
Values are means of 12 replicates. Observations after 8 weeks of inoculation.
indicates the standard error.

Table 5: Effect of Different PGR in Half Strength MS Medium on Root Induction of in vitro Raised Shoots of
Cochlospermum religiosum
S. No
Plant Growth Regulators (mg l
) Percentage of
Root Regeneration
No. of Roots/ Explant
Mean Length
of Roots (cms) IAA IBA BAP
1 0.5 - - 25 7.041.32 2.80.76
2 1.0 - - 30 9.622.13 2.71.18
3 1.5 - - 42 12.091.55 3.640.16
4 2.0 - - 50 13.630.05 3.210.02
5 2.5 - - 40 10.761.12 3.891.17
6 - 0.5 - 30 8.721.43 2.870.82
7 - 1.0 - 63 12.130.34 3.61.38
8 - 1.5 - 60 12.010.76 3.851.72
9 - 2.0 - 45 10.720.93 3.541.64
10 - 2.5 - 38 101.74 3.02.18
11 1.0 - 0.2 65 17.42.72 3.241.48
12 1.0 - 0.3 55 14.31.84 4.10.06
13 1.0 - 0.4 40 15.121.43 3.91.73
14 1.0 - 0.5 38 151.32 3.02.31
15 2.0 - 0.2 39 160.12 3.51.72
16 2.0 - 0.3 50 16.30.05 4.570.03
17 2.0 - 0.4 63 15.92.01 4.620.94
18 2.0 - 0.5 70 19.53.57 4.881.74
Values are means of 12 replicates. Observations after 8 weeks of inoculation.
indicates the standard error.
Micropropagation of Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston through Nodal Explant 181

Figure 1: Micropropagation of Cochlospermum religiosum from Accept Nodal Explants a) Seed Germination; b) in
vitro Nodal Explants Inoculation on 2 mg l
BAP; c) Production of Callus on 1.0 mg l
BAP with 0.5 mg l
NAA; d)
Multiple Shoot Regeneration on 2.5 mg l
BAP; e) in vitro Shoot Rooted on Half Strength MS Medium with 1 mg l

IAA and 0.2 mg l
BAP and f) Plantlet during Hardening

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