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To cite this paper: khan, I., M.S. khan, M. Ilyas, H. Rajab, S.H. Shah and A. Jalal, 2013. Genetic transformation of Brassica napus with the antifungal
chitinase gene. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 15: 933938

Genetic Transformation of Brassica napus with the Antifungal chitinase

Imran Khan
, Muhammad Sayyar Khan
*, Muhammad Ilyas
, Hala Rajab
, Safdar Hussain Shah
and Abdullah Jalal

Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (IBGE), The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan
*For correspondence:


Brassica napus is one of the most important sources of vegetable oil in the world. Efficient and reproducible protocols were
developed for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of B. napus in the current study. Synthetic chitinase (NIC) gene
encoding antimicrobial protein in plasmid pEKH was transformed to Abasyn-95 cultivar of B. napus to produce transgenic
plants. The role of a number of factors such as different ratios of growth regulators, various concentrations of growth
hormones and chemicals, which can directly or indirectly influence the process of transformation, was evaluated. Hypocotyls
and cotyledons from in vitro grown seedlings were used as explants for transformation. Culturing of the explants on solidified
MS plates supplemented with different hormone ratios and concentrations showed that the media supplemented with 2 mg L
2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D), 0.5 mg L
benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 0.1 mg L
naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)
is the best combination among all tested conditions for callus induction. Maximum shooting was observed on MS medium
containing 0.5 mg L
BAP and 2 mg L
2, 4-D. The transgenic nature of the calli and regenerated shoots was confirmed by
PCR analysis viaNIC gene specific primers using their isolated genomic DNA as template. 2013 Friends Science Publishers

Keywords: Agrobacterium; Transformation; Auxin; Cytokinins


Brassica is an important genus belonging to the family
Brassicaceae, also known as the mustard family or
Cruciferae. In Pakistan, rapeseed and mustard are
considered the most important source of oil after cotton
(Abbas et al., 2009). The major constraints in growing
mustard are non-availability of high yielding varieties
suitable for high input conditions, fluctuations in weather
conditions, aphid pests, frost injury and diseases (Kumar,
1999). Fungal diseases have served as a major cause of yield
losses (Oerke et al., 1994).The Black leg disease caused by
the fungus Leptosphraeria maculans is the most common
disease of oilseed rape. Other fungal diseases like Club root
(Plasmodiophora brassicae), and Alternaria leaf spot
(Alternaria brassicae) can also cause serious yield losses.
Depending upon the severity of the infection, the losses in
productivity of rapeseed and mustard only due to Alternaria
blight may range from 30-70% (Singh, 1990).
Brassica napus has high potential for improvement
and is therefore the main target for crop improvement. To
this end, researchers and plant breeders are working hard to
develop new varieties with improved agronomic
characteristics like disease resistance, herbicide resistance
and increased tolerance to certain biotic and abiotic stresses
(Malik, 1990). Since the agrochemicals and conventional
breeding approaches often have certain limitations, the
utilization of genetic engineering approaches therefore has
emerged as a promising alternative.
Genetic modifications to introduce desirable traits in
different crop plants have already made a significant impact
on Agriculture worldwide. Genetic transformation has
become an established technology for the improvement of
many crop plants. The availability of an efficient in vitro
system for regeneration amenable to genetic transformation
is essential for developing transgenics. Various Brassica
species have been shown to be highly susceptible to
Agrobacterium tumefaciens and plants of B. napus have
been successfully transformed in the past (Radke et al.,
1988; De Block et al., 1989; Moloney et al., 1989;
Wallbraun et al., 2009). Efforts to transform B. napus
genotypes in Pakistan are generally hampered due to lack of
prior characterization and recalcitrant nature of Pakistani
commercial canola (B. napus) genotypes. Here we report
successful transformation and regeneration of one of the
major cultivated B. nupus cultivar i.e., Abasyn-95 of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa with a synthetic chitinase (NIC) gene that
catalyzes the hydrolysis of Chitin which is a -1, 4-linked
homopolymer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Chitin is
not present in plant cells, but is present as a major
component in the cell wall of almost all true fungi.
Chitinases play important role in plant defense against fungi
by hydrolyzing the polymer of chitin found in fungal cell
wall (Collinge et al., 2008). By using Agrobacterium-
mediated gene transformation different plants like tobacco
(Liu et al., 2004), potato, cucumber and tomato (Punja and

Khan et al. / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 15, No. 5, 2013

Raharjo, 1996) have already been transformed with
In this study a synthetic chitinase gene named as NIC
(Nakamura Ikuo Chitinase) of 1271-bp length has been
used. It has been synthesized to encode for identical amino
acid sequence as that of chitinase 1 gene (chi1) in Rhizopus
oligosporus except
Ser to
Arg (Yanai et al., 1992).
Although it shares 82%sequence similarity at the amino acid
level to that of chic1 but based on codon usage database
(, nucleotides at third
position of about 18% codons in the NIC gene were
substituted from fungal (AT-rich) type to plant (GC-rich)
type (Khan et al., 2012). The optimization of methodology
for callus induction and regeneration will provide base line
information for future B. napus transformation programs.

Materials and Methods

Plant Material

Brassica napus cultivar Abasyn-95 was used for
transformation. The seeds of this cultivar were kindly
provided by the Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture
(NIFA), Peshawar. Surface sterilized seeds were germinated
for 8-10 days on half-strength MS basal medium under short
day conditions (8 h light and 16 h dark) at 221C.

Vector Construct and Inoculum Preparation

The construct for NIC gene (pEKH-NIC) as described in
Khan et al. (2012) was kindly provided by Dr. Ikuo
Nakamura, Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba
University, Japan. A single transformed colony of
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 was picked
from solidified Lysogeny Broth (LB) medium (10 g L
NaCl, 5 g L
yeast extract,10 g L
tryptone, pH 7.2) and
was cultured overnight on a rotary shaker at 28
C in liquid
LB medium in the presence of proper concentration of
selective agents. The bacterial culture was centrifuged for
10 min at 3000 x g and after the removal of supernatant the
pellet was diluted to OD
= 0.5-0.9 in double distilled
O (ddH
O) prior to inoculation.

Explants Pre-culturing

Cotyledons and hypocotyls excised from 10-14 days old
seedlings were used as explants for pre-culturing under
sterilized condition inside laminar flow hood. Plates
containing pre-culture media supplemented with hormones
(1-3 mg L
2, 4-D, 0.5 mgL
BAP and 0.1 mgL
were used. The plates were kept in growth chamber at
C under short day conditions (8 h light and 16 h dark).

Co-cultivation and Selection

The preformed infection inoculum was used to infect the
pre-cultured hypocotyls and cotyledons. One drop of silwet
L-77 (surfactant) was added to infection solution. All the
explants were dipped in infection inoculum solution for 8-
10 min. The explants were then dried on sterilized filter
paper and transferred to plates containing 30 mL MS
medium supplemented with hormones (1-3 mg L
0.5 mg L
BAP and 0.1 mg L
NAA, 0.8% agar) for co-
cultivation. The plates were then wrapped in aluminum foil
and shifted to dark room maintained at 221C. After the
co-cultivation period of 48 h all the infected and control
explants were shifted to the selection MS media containing
hormones (1-3 mg L
2,4-D, 0.5 mg L
BAP and 0.1 mg L
NAA), 100 mg L
kanamycin as a selective agent and 300
mg L
cefotaximeas bactericidal agent. The sub culturing to
the fresh medium was performed after 8-10 days. After
about 15-20 days callus was produced on the media. The
calli were then transferred to shoot regeneration media
which contained different concentration of 2,4-D and BAP.

Molecular Analysis for NIC gene in Transformed Callus
and Shoots

The putative transgene in the plants was confirmed by
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Genomic DNA from
callus was extracted by using 2X CTAB DNA extraction
protocol (Rogers and Bendich, 1988) while, from
transformed shoots, the extraction of DNA was performed
by using Edwards (Edwards and Johnstone, 1991) DNA
extraction protocol with some modifications. The following
primers were used for amplification:

NIC forward 5


NIC reverse 5



For PCR conditions, the DNA template was denatured
at 94C for 1 min, amplified by 30 cycles (30 s at 94C, 30
sec at 59C and 1 min at 72C), and a final extension was
performed at 72C for 5 min. The amplified products were
analyzed by Gel electrophoresis on 1% Agarose gel using
TBE buffer. The DNA was visualized using the gel
documentation system.


Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation

Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation was
employed to transform the explants (hypocotyls and
cotyledons) with the transformation vector (Khan et al.,
2012) in which the expression of chitinase gene (NIC) is
driven by 35S promoter (Fig. 1). Since the choice of explant
is an important determinant for successful transformation
and tissue culturing, we therefore used hypocotyls and
cotyledons as explants
Transformation of the explants was carried out by
dipping the explants in the transformation solution for 8-10
min. Silwet L-77 was added at a concentration of 300 L L

Brassica napus Transformation / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 15, No. 5, 2013

to the infection solution having an OD
= 0.5-0.9. Silwet
L-77is a subclass organo silicone copolymer surfactant that
has the ability to reduce the surface tension of water and
enhances the susceptibility of explants to infection. This
allows the uniform spreading of water droplets over the leaf
surface to penetrate the stomatal opening. The explants were
then dried on sterilized filter papers and transferred to
sterilized petri plates containing solidified MS medium
inside Laminar flow hood. Co-cultivation was carried out by
transferring the petri plates to the dark at 221C for about
two days. After co-cultivation the development of callus
started at the cut surface of the explants after 15-20 days
(Fig. 2).

Optimization of Concentrations for Plant Growth

To determine the optimal concentrations of plant growth
regulators, different concentrations and combinations of
plant growth regulators (Table 1) ranging from 1-3 mg L
4-D, 0.1-0.5 mg L
BAP, 0.1-0.5 mg L
NAA were used for
callus induction. We found out that 2 mg L
2, 4-D, 0.5 mg
BAP and 0.1 mg L
NAA is the best combination of
plant growth regulators for callus induction. After
callogenesis the calli were shifted to regeneration medium
containing antibiotics 100 mg L
kanamycin, 300 mg L
cefotaxime and different concentrations and combinations
of plant growth regulators (Table 2) ranging from 1-3 mg L
2, 4-D, 0.1-0.5 mg L
BAP in the presence of 20 M
.The calli showed good response to shoot
regeneration when 2,4-D was used at a concentration of 2
in combination with BAP at a concentration of 0.5
. The shoots started to develop after 6-7 weeks (Fig.
3).Apart from the above mentioned growth regulators, the
shooting medium also contained 100 mgL
Kanamycin and
300 mgL
cefotaxime. After the formation of shoot, rooting
was achieved by shifting the transformed calli to rooting
medium (2 mg L
2, 4-D and 0.1 mg L
NAA) to
regenerate whole plants (Fig. 5). The regenerated whole
plants were then shifted to soil for acclimatization (Fig. 6).

PCR Analysis

Genomic DNA was extracted from independently obtained
kanamycin resistant callusing and subjected to PCR with
oligonucleotide specific primers for NIC gene. The result of
PCR using kanamycin resistant calli gave the expected
product of the right size for NIC gene (Fig. 4). The same
was applied for the genomic DNA extracted from the
regenerated transgenic shoots. The transgenic nature of the
independently regenerated shoots was confirmed by the
amplified DNA product of the expected size for the NIC
gene using NIC gene specific primers (Fig. 7).


In vitro morphogenic responses of explants cultured on
media are affected by different combinations and
concentrations of plant growth regulators. Plant growth
regulators are organic substances formed in different parts
of the plant and transported to other sites where they
stimulate specific biochemical, physiological and
morphological responses. Among the various combinations
and concentrations of plant growth regulators, used for
Table 1: Concentration of 2,4-D, BAP and NAA for callus

Plant growth regulators concentration Response of callus
1 mg L
0.1 mg L
No response

1.5 mg L
2 , 4-D + BAP
0.5 mg L
+ NAA 0.1 mg L

Poor callus
2 mg L
2 , 4-D + BAP
0.5 mg L
+ NAA 0.1 mg L

Good callus

Table 2: Combination and Concentration of Plant growth
regulators for shooting

Plant growth regulators concentration Response of shoot
2 mg L
0.5 mg L
No shooting
1 mg L
2, 4-D +
0.2 mg L
Poor shooting
2 mg L
2, 4-D +
0.5 mg L
Good shooting

Fig. 1: T-DNA region of the binary vector pEKH used for
B. napus transformation. The expression of NIC gene is
driven by 35S promoter (35S-P). RB: Right border
sequence of the T-DNA, LB: Left border sequences of the

Fig. 2: Callus produced after 15-20 days on selection
medium hormones (2 mg L
2, 4-D, 0.5 mg L
BAP and
0.1 mg L
NAA) and antibiotics kanamycin 100 mg L
and 300 mg L

Khan et al. / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 15, No. 5, 2013

callus induction in B. napus cultivar Abasyn-95, 2 mg L

2,4-D, 0.5 mg L
BAP and 0.1 mg L
NAA were found to
be the best among all tested combinations and
concentrations for callus induction. Similar concentrations
of 2, 4-D has been reported for callus induction in B. napus
(Al-Naggar et al., 2010; Hongbo et al., 2010) while some
others have reported BAP and NAA for callus induction in
B. napus. Since in vitro tissue culture responses are highly
genotype dependent (Sparrow et al., 2004), it is therefore
conceivable that hormonal requirements are different for
different genotypes. In contrast to these, Bano et al. (2010)
and Khan et al. (2010) obtained callus by using BAP and
NAA. In this particular study shoots were regenerated from
transgenic calli by using 2 mg L
2, 4-D and 0.5 mg L

Table 3: Standardized conditions for PCR

Stages Initial denaturation
Final extension Cycle Total cycles
94C, 1min
1 30
94C, 30 sec 59C, 30 sec 72C, 1 min

72C, 5 min

Fig. 3: Shoot regeneration from transformed callus on
shooting medium (2 mg L
2, 4-D, 0.5 mgvL

Fig. 4: PCR analysis of the transformed and non-
transformed calli. Lanes M: I Kb Ladder, 1: non-
transformed, 2-6: independent transgenic calli

Fig. 5: Regeneration of whole plants from transgenic
calli on regeneration medium

Fig. 6: Transgenic plants in soil for acclimatization. Plants
were shifted to soil and initially covered with plastic bags
for acclimatization

Fig. 7:PCR analysis of the transformed and non-transformed shoots. Lanes M: I Kb Ladder, 1: non-transformed, 2-4:
independent transgenic plants

Brassica napus Transformation / Int. J. Agric. Biol., Vol. 15, No. 5, 2013

BAP. Similar results were obtained by Ali et al. (2007),
while some others have reported 4 mg L
BA and 0.04 mg
NAA for regeneration in B. napus (Kong et al., 2010),
presumably due to different genotypes of B. napus used in
these experiments.
Since different explants have different potential for
callogenesis or organogenesis, transformation and
regeneration therefore, requires complete assessment of
media, growth regulators and culture conditions. Different
kinds of explants such as hypocotyls, cotyledons, peduncle,
pedicel, leaf, stem sections and inflorescence have been
used by different researchers for organogenesis and
callogenesis. Based on our previous experience with
Brassica species (Attache and Khan, 2011; Bangash and
Khan, 2011) transformation and other reports (Babic et al.,
1998; Cardoza and Stewart, 2004; Jonoubi et al., 2005; Ali
et al., 2007),hypocotyls and cotyledons were used as
explants since they gave better tissue culture responses. The
use of leaves as explants in B. campestris transformation in
the past has ended up with no shoot regeneration (Attache
and Khan, 2011). Similarly the age of explants is also an
important determinant in plant tissue culturing. Young
tissues consisting of rapidly dividing meristematic cells are
potentially the best explants in most of the cases.
Hypocotyls and cotyledons from10-14 day old seedlings in
this study gave far better responses in terms of shoots
regeneration compared to our previous results where leaves
from 3 months old B. campestris plant genotypes were used
(Attache and Khan, 2011). In this context our results are in
line with many of the previous reports who have used
explants of approximately the same age (Damgaard et al.,
1997; Cardoza and Stewart, 2003; Al-Naggar et al., 2010;
Hongbo et al., 2010; Kong et al., 2010; Tang et al., 2011).
As compared to direct use of explants for
transformation, the explants pre-cultured for 48-72 h before
co-cultivation produced high number of calli in our study.
During this study explants were pre-cultured for 48 h before
co-cultivation. Pre culturing for 48 h have also been
reported by Cardoza and Stewart (2003), Jonoubi et al.
(2005) and Khan et al. (2010). In contrast to this, Tang et al.
(2011) pre-conditioned the explants for 3-7 days. The
dissimilarity in pre-culturing period may be due to the
difference in the age of the explants used and also different
explants used. Co-infection time is a key factor in
transformation. The explants co-infected for 8-10 min
showed high transformation efficiency in our study. This
result is in agreement with Tang et al. (2011) and Khan et
al. (2010). In contrast to this, Mashayekhi et al. (2008) gave
5 min for co-infection.
In our study the transformed callus did not produce
any shoots on regeneration media without silver nitrate
). With the addition of 20 M AgNO
in to
regeneration media, the shoots were produced successfully.
The positive influence of AgNO
on shoot regeneration of
different Brassica sp. have been reported (Chi et al.,
1990;Pua and Chi, 1993; Burnett et al., 1994; Zhang et al.,
1998).The mode of action of AgNO
in plant tissue culture is
considered to be related with the physiological effects of
ethylene with silver ions. AgNO
is a potent inhibitor of
ethylene action and ethylene is believed to suppress shoot
morphogenesis in vitro (Zhang et al., 2001).
In conclusion, hypocotyls and cotyledons taken as
explants from young seedlings are the most suitable
explants in terms of producing transgenic calli and shoots.
Our studies further suggest that medium containing 2 mg L
2,4-D, 0.5 mg L
BAP and 0.1 mg L
NAA is the best
combination of plant growth regulators for callus induction.
Similarly, 2 mg L
2,4-D in combination with BAP at a
concentration of 0.5 mg L
supplemented with 20 M
was found to be the most suitable combination for
shoot regeneration in Abasyn-95. The above mentioned
concentration and combinations of hormones therefore can
be used as base line information for future transformation
programs of B. napus in general and for Abasyn-95 and
closely related genotypes in particular.


We gratefully acknowledge Pakistan Science Foundation
(PSF) for the financial support of this under the project
number [PSF/NSLP/KP-AU (161)]. We also thankfully
acknowledge Dr. Ikuo Nakamura and Dr. RahamSher Khan,
Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University, Japan
for providing the NIC gene construct.


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(Received 14 January 2013; Accepted 08 March 2013)

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