Protected Area Network in India
Protected Area Network in India
Protected Area Network in India
Protected Area Network in India
India is one of the 17 mega diverse countries of the world. With only 2.4% of the
worlds land area, 16.7% of the worlds human population and 18% livestock, it
contributes about 8% of the known global biodiversity, however, putting enormous
demands on our natural resources. India is home to worlds largest wild tigers
population and has got unique assemblage of globally important endangered species
like Asiatic lion, Asian Elephant, One-horned Rhinoceros, Gangetic River Dolphin,
Snow Leopard, Kashmir Stag, Dugong, Gharial, Great Indian Bustard, Lion Tailed
Protected Area Network in India:
A National Board for Wildlife (NBWL), chaired by the Prime Minister of India provides for
policy framework for wildlife conservation in the country. The National Wildlife Action
Plan (2002-2016) was adopted in 2002, emphasizing the peoples participation and their
support for wildlife conservation. Indias conservation planning is based on the
philosophy of identifying and protecting representative wild habitats across all the
ecosystems. The Indian Constitution entails the subject of forests and wildlife in the
Concurrent list. The Federal Ministry acts as a guiding torch dealing with the policies
and planning on wildlife conservation, while the provincial Forest Departments are
vested with the responsibility of implementation of national policies and plans.
A network of 668 Protected Areas (PAs) has been established, extending over
1,61,221.57 sq. kms. (4.90% of total geographic area), comprising 102 National Parks,
515 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 47 Conservation Reserves and 4 Community Reserves. The
State/Union Territory wise details of PAs in the country with year of notification and area
is given at Annexure-I. 39 Tiger Reserves (Annexure-II) and 28 Elephant Reserves
(Annexure-III) have been designated for species specific management of tiger and
elephant habitats. UNESCO has designated 5 Protected Areas as World Heritage Sites.
As the ecosystems and species do not recognise political borders, the concept of Trans-
boundary Protected Areas has been initiated for coordinated conservation of ecological
units and corridors with bilateral and/or multilateral cooperation of the neighbouring
nations. There are 4 categories of the Protected Areas viz, National Parks, Sanctuaries,
Conservation Reserves and Community Reserves.
Sanctuary is an area which is of adequate ecological, faunal, floral,
geomorphological, natural or zoological significance. The Sanctuary is declared for the
purpose of protecting, propagating or developing wildlife or its environment. Certain
rights of people living inside the Sanctuary could be permitted. Further, during the
settlement of claims, before finally notifying the Sanctuary, the Collector may, in
consultation with the Chief Wildlife Warden, allow the continuation of any right of any
person in or over any land within the limits of the Sanctuary.
National Park is an area having adequate ecological, faunal, floral,
geomorphological, natural or zoological significance. The National Park is declared for
the purpose of protecting, propagating or developing wildlife or its environment, like that
of a Sanctuary. The difference between a Sanctuary and a National Park mainly lies in
the vesting of rights of people living inside. Unlike a Sanctuary, where certain rights can
be allowed, in a National Park, no rights are allowed. No grazing of any livestock shall
also be permitted inside a National Park while in a Sanctuary, the Chief Wildlife Warden
may regulate, control or prohibit it. In addition, while any removal or exploitation of
wildlife or forest produce from a Sanctuary requires the recommendation of the State
Board for Wildlife, removal etc., from a National Park requires recommendation of the
National Board for Wildlife (However, as per orders of Honble Supreme Court dated 9th
May 2002 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 337 of 1995, such removal/ exploitation from a
Sanctuary also requires recommendation of the Standing Committee of National Board
Conservation Reserves can be declared by the State Governments in any area
owned by the Government, particularly the areas adjacent to National Parks and
Sanctuaries and those areas which link one Protected Area with another. Such
declaration should be made after having consultations with the local communities.
Conservation Reserves are declared for the purpose of protecting landscapes,
seascapes, flora and fauna and their habitat. The rights of people living inside a
Conservation Reserve are not affected.
Community Reserves can be declared by the State Government in any private
or community land, not comprised within a National Park, Sanctuary or a Conservation
Reserve, where an individual or a community has volunteered to conserve wildlife and
its habitat. Community Reserves are declared for the purpose of protecting fauna, flora
and traditional or cultural conservation values and practices. As in the case of a
Conservation Reserve, the rights of people living inside a Community Reserve are not
Regulations/ laws relating to Protected Areas (PAs):
The PAs are constituted and governed under the provisions of the Wild Life
(Protection) Act, 1972, which has been amended from time to time, with the changing
ground realities concerning wildlife crime control and PAs management. Implementation
of this Act is further complemented by other Acts viz. Indian Forest Act, 1927, Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980, Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Biological Diversity
Act, 2002 and the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006. The Wildlife Crime Control Bureau of the Central
Government supplements the efforts of provincial governments in wildlife crime control
through enforcement of CITES and control of wildlife crimes having cross-border, inter-
state and international ramifications. In order to strengthen and synergise global wildlife
conservation efforts, India is a party to major international conventions viz. Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora (CITES),
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), International Convention for the
Regulation of Whaling, UNESCO-World Heritage Committee and Convention on
Main issues concerning the management of Protected Areas: Wildlife
conservation and management in India is currently facing a myriad of complex
challenges that are both ecological and social in nature. Issues such as habitat
loss/fragmentation, overuse of biomass resources in the context of biotic pressures,
increasing human-wildlife conflicts, livelihood dependence on forests and wildlife
resources, poaching and illegal trade in wildlife parts and products, need for maintaining
a broad base of public support for wildlife conservation exemplify and characterize the
contemporary wildlife conservation scenario in India. The government and the civil
society are taking several measures to address these issues. Improved synergies and
better coordination amongst the wide array of stakeholders are needed to meet the
challenges of conserving Indias diverse wilderness resources.
State-wise details of the Protected Area Network of the country
S.No. State/UT No. of
No. of
No. of
n Reserves
No. of
1 Andhra Pradesh 6 21 0 0
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2 11 0 0
3 Assam 5 18 0 0
4 Bihar 1 12 0 0
5 Chhatisgarh 3 11 0 0
6 Goa 1 6 0 0
7 Gujarat 4 23 1 0
8 Haryana 2 8 2 0
9 Himachal Pradesh 5 32 0 0
10 Jammu &Kashmir 4 15 34 0
11 Jharkhand 1 11 0 0
12 Karnataka 5 22 2 1
13 Kerala 6 16 0 1
14 Madhya Pradesh 9 25 0 0
15 Maharashtra 6 35 1 0
16 Manipur 1 1 0 0
17 Meghalaya 2 3 0 0
18 Mizoram 2 8 0 0
19 Nagaland 1 3 0 0
20 Orissa 2 18 0 0
21 Punjab 0 12 1 2
22 Rajasthan 5 25 3 0
23 Sikkim 1 7 0 0
24 Tamil Nadu 5 21 1 0
25 Tripura 2 4 0 0
26 Uttar Pradesh 1 23 0 0
27 Uttaranchal 6 6 2 0
28 West Bengal 5 15 0 0
29 Andaman &
30 Chandigarh 0 2 0 0
9 96 0 0
31 Dadar & Nagar
32 Lakshadweep 0 1 0 0
33 Daman & Diu 0 1 0 0
34 Delhi 0 1 0 0
35 Pondicherry 0 1 0 0
TOTAL 102 515 47 4
0 1 0 0
Centrally Sponsored Schemes for Wildlife Conservation
The Ministry of Environment and Forests provides some financial assistance to the
State/Union Territory Governments for protection and management of the Protected
Areas under the three main Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz.,
of Wildlife Habitats
Funds released under the above schemes during the XI Five Year Plan are as under:
Funds Released under the CSS- Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats
during XI Five Year Plan
(Rs. In Lakhs)
Sl. No. Name of the State/UTs 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11
1. A& N Islands 82.86 73.48 85.91 87.872
2. Andhra Pradesh 168.055 92.378 102.02 64.341
3. Arunachal Pradesh 125.05 193.31 193.14 213.197
4. Assam 81.775 161.095 114.79 186.63
5. Bihar 4.00 37.558 42.29 19.889
7. Chhattisgarh 379.197 323.235 851.15 281.966
8. Chandigarh 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.29
9. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 11.78 15.62 14.88 0.00
10. Goa 31.59 41.94 71.03 32.879
11. Gujarat 332.084 318.52 426.10 1106.749
12. Haryana 70.03 86.02 17.22 15.114
13. Himachal Pradesh 233.319 241.983 265.92 253.80
14. Jammu & Kashmir 221.54 470.87 375.397 537.336
15. Jharkhand 98.128 99.753 80.267 63.64
16. Karnataka 630.643 625.150 566.71 412.252
17. Kerala 493.574 864.96 432.48 366.786
18. Madhya Pradesh 800.915 613.34 541.98 635.366
19. Maharashtra 331.325 390.22 273.679 343.32
20. Manipur 105.894 100.095 118.31 88.316
21. Meghalaya 64.88 58.007 59.75 58.03
22. Mizoram 169.46 289.09 186.85 707.763
23. Nagaland 19.11 28.415 34.115 33.595
24. Orissa 357.081 576.88 390.95 315.331
25. Punjab 0.00 40.29 36.26 25.12
26. Rajasthan 347.24 414.58 496.746 348.068
27. Sikkim 159.22 187.73 240.93 183.78
28. Tamil Nadu 274.64 727.91 518.67 334.449
29. Tripura 36.00 0.00 13.00 2.84
30. Uttar Pradesh 332.362 307.173 274.45 296.179
31. Uttarakhand 76.671 216.09 145.08 134.90
32. West Bengal 356.215 345.78 381.318 276.385
33. Delhi 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
34. Daman & Diu 4.721 6.12 6.05 0.00
TOTAL 6399.359 7947.592 7357.442 7438.183
(Rs in lakhs)
2009 -10
1 Andhra Pradesh 73.9175 56.9830 138.2540 155.6450
2 Arunachal Pradesh 110.2542 246.1710 64.7100 226.7020
3 Assam 95.6140 1092.3790 194.2900 1509.4720
4 Bihar 98.3205 49.6730 8.8560 158.3550
5 Chhattisgarh 35.2250 169.8700 1383.5020 1813.7250
6 Jharkhand 45.1600 115.3770 117.1386 130.6160
7 Karnataka 1159.7149 689.8390 657.0620 1660.0500
8 Kerala 153.2449 267.0900 311.4200 323.4600
9 Madhya Pradesh 2975.9411 6998.5420 2582.4762 3962.730
10 Maharashtra 295.7191 411.1250 373.5170 2789.0600
11 Mizoram 82.9000 241.4500 2171.000 187.6900
12 Orissa 43.2800 625.9900 221.7400 815.2900
13 Rajasthan 410.6800 2708.9500 10694.1700 2368.925
14 Tamil Nadu 45.0000 690.8060 258.3540 520.9450
15 Uttarakhand 202.0050 462.8500 246.2050 339.9450
16 Uttar Pradesh 134.8900 417.5130 431.5170 407.4600
17 West Bengal 308.6741 228.3940 298.7850 502.4800
Total 6,270.5403 15,473.002 20,152.997 17,872.391
During XI Five Year Plan
(In Rs Lakh)
Sl.No. States 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10
1 Andhra Pradesh 60.00 45.00 17.85 15.00
2 Arunachal Pradesh 54.50 65.00 60.00 10.00
3 Assam 144.00 175.19 160.26 139.55
4 Chhatisgarh 83.77 60.43 111.22 75.00
5 Haryana 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
6 Jharkhand 132.17 80.00 80.00 80.00
7 Karnataka 212.65 249.00 247.16 300.76
8 Kerala 147.70 356.80 286.70 265.39
9 Maharashtra 56.86 77.76 49.18 29.00
10 Meghalaya 68.39 50.00 80.483 103.838
11 Mizoram 1.33 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Nagaland 26.60 17.45 50.00 41.30
13 Orissa 148.50 180.60 100.00 113.50
14 Tamil Nadu 124.978 269.163 358.58 226.879
15 Tripura 12.00 28.96 14.80 0.00
16 Uttar Pradesh 55.33 58.24 38.45 80.15
17 Uttarakhand 126.46 209.45 221.55 206.82
18 West Bengal 185.725 176.096 207.06 410.406
Total 1640.963 2099.139 990.44 2197.593
Details of State Wise Protected Areas in India
(as on 01.09.2011)
(Area in
Name of the PA
A National Parks
1 Campbell Bay NP 1996 426.23
2 Galathea Bay NP 1992 110
Mahatama Gandhi Marine
(Wandoor) NP
4 Middle Button Island NP 1996 0.44
5 Mount Harriett NP 1996 46.62
6 North Button Island NP 1996 0.44
7 Rani Jhansi Marine NP 1996 256.14
8 Saddle Peak NP 1996 32.54
9 South Button Island NP 1996 0.03
Total 1153.94
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Arial Island WLS 1987 0.05
2 Bamboo Island WLS 1987 0.05
3 Barren Island WLS 1997 8.1
4 Battimalv Island WLS 1985 2.23
5 Belle Island WLS 1987 0.08
6 Benett Island WLS 1987 3.46
7 Bingham Island WLS 1987 0.08
8 Blister Island WLS 1987 0.26
9 Bluff Island WLS 1987 1.14
10 Bondoville Island WLS 1987 2.55
11 Brush Island WLS 1987 0.23
12 Buchanan Island WLS 1987 9.33
13 Chanel Island WLS 1987 0.13
14 Cinque Islands WLS 1987 9.51
15 Clyde Island WLS 1987 0.54
16 Cone Island WLS 1987 0.65
17 Curlew (B.P.) Island WLS 1987 0.16
18 Curlew Island WLS 1987 0.03
19 Cuthbert Bay WLS 1997 5.82
20 Defence Island WLS 1987 10.49
21 Dot Island WLS 1987 0.13
22 Dottrell Island WLS 1987 0.13
Year of
Total Area
1999 281.5
23 Duncan Island WLS 1987 0.73
24 East Island WLS 1987 6.11
25 East of Inglis Island WLS 1987 3.55
26 Egg Island WLS 1987 0.05
27 Elat Island WLS 1987 9.36
28 Entrance Island WLS 1987 0.96
29 Gander Island WLS 1987 0.05
30 Girjan Island WLS 1987 0.16
31 Galathea Bay WLS 1987 11.44
32 Goose Island WLS 1987 0.01
33 Hump Island WLS 1987 0.47
34 Interview Island WLS 1987 133.87
35 James Island WLS 1987 2.1
36 Jungle Island WLS 1987 0.52
37 Kwangtung Island WLS 1987 0.57
38 Kyd Island WLS 1987 8
39 Landfall Island WLS 1987 29.48
40 Latouche Island WLS 1987 0.96
Lohabarrack (Saltwater Crocodile)
42 Mangrove Island WLS 1987 0.39
43 Mask Island WLS 1987 0.78
44 Mayo Island WLS 1987 0.1
45 Megapode Island WLS 1987 0.12
46 Montogemery Island WLS 1987 0.21
47 Narcondam Island WLS 1987 6.81
48 North Brother Island WLS 1987 0.75
49 North Island WLS 1987 0.49
50 North Reef Island WLS 1987 3.48
51 Oliver Island WLS 1987 0.16
52 Orchid Island WLS 1987 0.1
53 Ox Island WLS 1987 0.13
54 Oyster Island-I WLS 1987 0.08
55 Oyster Island-II WLS 1987 0.21
56 Paget Island WLS 1987 7.36
57 Parkinson Island WLS 1987 0.34
58 Passage Island WLS 1987 0.62
59 Patric Island WLS 1987 0.13
60 Peacock Island WLS 1987 0.62
61 Pitman Island WLS 1987 1.37
62 Point Island WLS 1987 3.07
63 Potanma Islands WLS 1987 0.16
1987 22.21
64 Ranger Island WLS 1987 4.26
65 Reef Island WLS 1987 1.74
66 Roper Island WLS 1987 1.46
67 Ross Island WLS 1987 1.01
68 Rowe Island WLS 1987 0.01
69 Sandy Island WLS 1987 1.58
70 Sea Serpent Island WLS 1987 0.78
71 Shark Island WLS 1987 0.6
72 Shearme Island WLS 1987 7.85
73 Sir Hugh Rose Island WLS 1987 1.06
74 Sisters Island WLS 1987 0.36
75 Snake Island-I WLS 1987 0.73
76 Snake Island-II WLS 1987 0.03
77 South Brother Island WLS 1987 1.24
78 South Reef Island WLS 1987 1.17
79 South Sentinel Island WLS 1987 1.61
80 Spike Island-I WLS 1987 0.42
81 Spike Island-II WLS 1987 11.7
82 Stoat Island WLS 1987 0.44
83 Surat Island WLS 1987 0.31
84 Swamp Island WLS 1987 4.09
85 Table (Delgarno) Island WLS 1987 2.29
86 Table (Excelsior) Island WLS 1987 1.69
87 Talabaicha Island WLS 1987 3.21
88 Temple Island WLS 1987 1.04
89 Tillongchang Island WLS 1987 16.83
90 Tree Island WLS 1987 0.03
91 Trilby Island WLS 1987 0.96
92 Tuft Island WLS 1987 0.29
93 Turtle Islands WLS 1987 0.39
94 West Island WLS 1987 6.4
95 Wharf Island WLS 1987 0.11
96 White Cliff Island WLS 1987 0.47
Total 389.39
Name of the PA
A National Parks
1 Kasu Brahmananda Reddy NP 1998 1.425
2 Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali NP 1994 14.59
3 Mrugavani NP 1978 3.6
Year of
Total Area
4 Sri Venkateswara NP 1998 353.62
5 Rajiv Gandhi NP 2005 2.3
6 Papikonda NP 2008 1012.86
Total 1388.395
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Coringa WLS 1998 235.7
2 Eturnagaram WLS 1999 806.15
3 Gundla Brahmeswaram WLS 1990 1,194.00
4 Kambalakonda WLS 2002 71.39
5 Koundinya WLS 1998 357.6
6 Kawal WLS 1999 892.23
7 Kinnersani WLS 1999 635.41
8 Kolleru WLS 1999 308.55
9 Krishna WLS 1998 194.81
10 Lanja Madugu Siwaram WLS 1998 29.81
11 Manjeera Crocodile WLS 1998 20
12 Nellapattu WLS 1997 4.59
13 Pakhal WLS 1999 860
14 Pocharam WLS 2000 130
15 Pranahita WLS 1999 136.03
16 Pulicat Lake WLS 1997 500
Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarjuna Sagar-
Srisailam) WLS
18 Rollapadu WLS 1998 6.14
19 Sri Lankamalleswara WLS 1998 464.42
20 Sri Penusila Narasimha WLS 1997 1,030.85
21 Sri Venkateswara WLS 1998 172.35
Total 11618.1192
1998 3568.09
Year of
Name of the PA
A National Parks
1 Valmiki NP 1990 335.65
Total 335.65
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Barela Jheel Salim Ali Bird WLS 1997 1.96
2 Bhimbandh WLS 1976 681.99
3 Gautam Budha WLS 1976 138.34
4 Kanwarjheel WLS 1989 63.11
5 Kaimur WLS 1979 1342
6 Kusheshwar Asthan Bird WLS 1994 29.17
7 Nagi Dam WLS 1987 1.92
8 Nakti Dam WLS 1987 3.33
9 Pant (Rajgir) WLS 1978 35.84
10 Udaipur WLS 1978 8.87
11 Valmiki WLS 1978 545.15
12 Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin WLS 1991 0
Total 2851.68
Total Area
A Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
National Parks
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 City Birds WLS 1988 0.029
2 Sukhna Lake WLS 1998 25.98
Total 26.009
A Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
National Parks
1 Indravati (Kutru) NP 1981 1,258.37
2 Kanger Valley NP 1982 200
3 Guru Ghasi Das (Sanjay) NP 1981 1,440.71
Total 2,899.08
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Achanakmar WLS 1975 551.55
2 Badalkhol WLS 1975 104.45
3 Barnawapara WLS 1976 244.66
4 Bhairamgarh WLS 1983 138.95
5 Bhoramdev WLS 2001 163.8
6 Sarangarh-Gomardha WLS 1983 277.82
7 Pamed Wild Buffalo WLS 1983 262.12
8 Semarsot WLS 1978 430.36
9 Sitanadi WLS 1974 553.36
10 Tamor Pingla WLS 1978 608.53
11 Udanti Wild Buffalo WLS 1983 247.59
Total 3583.19
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Dadra & Nagar Haveli WLS 2000 92.16
Total 92.16
Name of the PA Year of notification Total Area
A National Parks
Total 0
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Fudam WLS 1991 2.18
Total 2.18
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) NP 1978 107
Total 107
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Bondla WLS 1969 7.95
2 Chorao Island (Dr.Salim Ali ) WLS (Bird) 1988 1.78
3 Cotigaon WLS 1968 85.65
4 Madei WLS 1999 208.48
5 Bhagwan Mahavir (Mollem) WLS 1967 133
6 Netravali WLS 1999 211.05
Total 647.91
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Kalesar NP 2003 46.82
2 Sultanpur NP 1991 1.43
Total 48.25
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Abubshehar WLS 1987 115.3
2 Bhindawas WLS 1986 4.12
3 Bir Shikargarh WLS 1987 7.67
4 Chhilchila WLS 1986 0.29
5 Kalesar WLS 1992 54.06
6 Khaparwas WLS 1991 0.83
Morni Hills (Khol-Hi-Raitan)
8 Nahar WLS 1987 2.11
Total 233.21
C Conservation Reserve
1 Bir Bara Ban WLS 2007 4.19
2 Saraswati Plantation WLS 2007 44.53
Total 48.72
2004 48.83
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Bansda NP 1979 23.99
2 Blackbuck NP 1976 34.08
3 Gir NP 1975 258.71
4 Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) NP 1982 162.89
Total 479.67
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Balaram Ambaji WLS 1989 542.08
2 Barda WLS 1979 192.31
3 Gaga Great Indian Bustard WLS 1988 3.33
4 Gir WLS 1965 1,153.42
5 Girnar WLS 2008 178.87
6 Hingolgadh Nature Reserve WLS 2008 6.54
7 Jambugodha WLS 1990 130.38
8 Jessore WLS 1978 180.66
9 Lala Great Indian Bustard WLS 1995 2.03
10 Kachchh Desert WLS 1986 7506.22
11 Khijadiya WLS 1981 6.05
12 Marine (Gulf of Kachchh) WLS 1980 295.03
13 Mitiyala WLS 2004 18.22
14 Nal Sarovar Bird WLS 1969 120.82
15 Narayan Sarovar (Chinkara) WLS 1995 444.23
16 Paniya WLS 1989 39.63
17 Porbandar Lake WLS 1988 0.09
18 Purna WLS 1990 160.84
19 Rampara Vidi WLS 1988 15.01
20 Ratanmahal WLS 1982 55.65
21 Shoolpaneswar (Dhumkhal) WLS 1982 607.7
22 Thol Lake WLS 1988 6.99
23 Wild Ass WLS 1973 4953.71
Total 16619.81
C Conservation Reserves
1 Chharidhandh Con. Res. 2008 227
Total 227.00
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
1 Great Himalayan NP 1994 754.5
2 Pin Valley NP 1987 675
3 Inderkilla NP 2010 104
4 Khirganga NP 2010 710
5 Simbalbara NP 2010 27.88
Total 2271.38
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Bandli WLS 1974 41
2 Chail WLS 1976 109
3 Chandratal WLS 2007 38.56
4 Churdhar WLS 1985 66
5 Daranghati WLS 1974 176.12
6 Darlaghat WLS 1991 6
7 Dhauladhar WLS 1994 1154.86
8 Gamgul Siyabehi WLS 1974 124
9 Gobind Sagar WLS 1974 100
10 Kais WLS 1997 14
11 Kalatop-Khajjiar WLS 1989 69
12 Kanawar WLS 1984 121.79
13 Khokhan WLS 1984 22.45
14 Kibber WLS 1992 2267
15 Kugti WLS 1974 414.3
16 Lippa Asrang WLS 2001 349
17 Majathal WLS 1974 57.55
18 Manali WLS 1984 32
19 Nargu WLS 1974 318
20 Pong Dam Lake WLS 1998 307
21 Renukaji WLS 1987 4.5
22 Rupi Bhaba WLS 2001 738
23 Sainj WLS 1994 90
24 Sangla Valley (Raksham Chitkul) WLS 1989 304
25 Sech Tuan Nala WLS 1974 443.27
26 Shikari Devi WLS 1962 72
27 Shilli WLS 1974 2
28 Shimla Water Catchment WLS 1982 10
29 Shri Nainadevi WLS 1974 123
30 Talra WLS 1974 46.08
31 Tirthan WLS 1997 61
32 Tundah WLS 1975 64
Total 7745.48
Jammu and Kashmir
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 City Forest (Salim Ali) NP 1986 9
2 Dachigam NP 1981 141
3 Hemis NP 1987 3350
4 Kishtwar NP 1990 425
Total 616
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Baltal-Thajwas WLS 1987 210
2 Changthang Cold Desert WLS 1987 4,000.00
3 Gulmarg WLS 1987 180
4 Hirapora WLS 1987 110
5 Hokersar WLS 1992 13.75
6 Jasrota WLS 1987 25.75
7 Karakoram (Nubra Shyok) WLS 1987 5,000.00
8 Lachipora WLS 1987 80
9 Limber WLS 1987 26
10 Nandini WLS 1987 33.34
11 Overa Aru WLS 1987 425
12 Rajparian WLS 2002 20
13 Ramnagar Rakha WLS 1990 31.5
14 Surinsar Mansar WLS 1990 55.5
15 Trikuta WLS 1981 31.77
Total 10242.61
C Conservation Reserve
1 Khiram CR 1945 15.75
2 Panyar CR 1945 10
3 Khanagund CR 1945 15
4 Shikargah CR 1945 15.5
5 Khrew CR 1945 50.25
6 Khonmoh CR 1945 67
7 Brain-Nishat CR 1945 15.75
8 Khimber/Dara/Sharazbal CR 1945 34
9 Wangat/Chatergul 1945 12
10 Ajas CR 1945 48
11 NaganariCR 1981 22.25
12 Zaloora, Harwan 1970 25.25
13 Sudhmahadev CR 1981 142.25
14 Jawahar Tunnel 1981 18
15 Thein 1981 19
16 Bahu 1981 19.75
17 Sabu 1981 15
18 Boodh Karbu 1981 12
19 Hokera (Ramsar Site) (WL) 1945 13.75
20 Narkara (WL) 1991 3.25
21 Manibugh (WL) 1970 4.5
22 Chatlam, Pampore (WL) 1970 0.25
23 Mirgund (WL) 1970 4
24 Shallabugh (WL) 1945 16
25 Ajas (WL) 1945 1
26 Hygam (WL) 1945 7.25
27 Malgam (WL) 1970 4.5
28 Gharana (WL) 1981 0.75
29 Pargwal (WL) 1981 49.25
30 Kukarian (WL) 1981 24.25
31 Nanga (WL) 1981 15.25
32 Sangral-Asa Chak (WL) 1981 7
33 Tsomoiri (Ramsar Site) (WL) 1981 120
34 Norrichain (WL) 1981 2
Total 829.75
Name of the PA
Year of Notification
Total Area in
A National Parks
1 Betla NP 1986 226.33
Total 226.33
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Dalma WLS 1976 193.22
2 Gautam Buddha WLS 1976 121.14
3 Hazaribagh WLS 1976 186.25
4 Koderma WLS 1985 177.35
5 Lawalong WLS 1978 211.03
6 Mahauadanr WLS 1976 63.25
7 Palamau WLS 1976 752.94
8 Palkot WLS 1990 182.83
9 Parasnath WLS 1984 49.33
10 Topchanchi WLS 1978 12.82
11 Udhwa Lake WLS 1991 5.65
Total 1955.81
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
1 Anshi NP 1975 250
2 Bandipur NP 1974 874.2
3 Bannerghatta NP 1974 104.27
4 Kudremukh NP 1987 600.32
5 Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarahole) NP 1983 643.39
TOTAL 2472.18
1 Adichunchunagiri WLS 1981 0.84
2 Arabithittu WLS 1985 13.5
3 Attiveri WLS 1994 2.22
4 Bhadra WLS 1974 492.46
5 Bhimgad WLS 2010 131.671
6 Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple (B.R.T.) WLS 1974 539.52
7 Brahmagiri WLS 1974 181.29
8 Cauvery WLS 1987 510.52
9 Dandeli WLS 1975 475.01
10 Daroji Bear WLS 1994 55.87
11 Ghataprabha Bird WLS 1974 29.79
12 Gudavi WLS 1989 0.73
13 Melkote Temple WLS 1974 49.82
14 Mookambika WLS 1974 247
15 Nugu WLS 1974 30.32
16 Pushpagiri WLS 1987 102.96
17 Ranebennur Black Buck WLS 1974 119
18 Ranganathittu Bird WLS 1940 0.67
19 Sharavathi Valley WLS 1974 431.23
20 Shettihalli WLS 1974 395.6
21 Someshwara WLS 1974 88.4
22 Talakaveri WLS 1987 105.01
TOTAL 4003.431
C Conservator Reserve
1 Bankapur Peacock Conservation Reserve (Bird) 2006 0.56
2 Jayamangali Black Buck Reserve 2007 3.23
TOTAL 3.79
D Community Reserve
1 Kokkare Bellur Community Reserve (Bird) 2007 3.12
TOTAL 3.12
GRAND TOTAL 6482.521
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Park
1 Anamudi Shola NP 2003 7.5
2 Eravikulam NP 1978 97
3 Mathikettan Shola NP 2003 12.82
4 Pambadum Shola NP 2003 1.318
5 Periyar NP 1982 350
6 Silent Valley NP 1984 89.52
Total 558.158
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Aralam WLS 1984 55
2 Chimmony WLS 1984 10
3 Chinnar WLS 1984 90.44
4 Chulannur Peafowl WLS 2007 3.42
5 Idukki WLS 1976 70
6 Kurinjimala WLS 2006 32
7 Malabar WLS 2010 74.215
8 Mangalavanam Bird WLS 2004 0.0274
9 Neyyar WLS 1958 128
10 Parambikulam WLS 1985 285
11 Peechi-Vazhani WLS 1958 125
12 Peppara WLS 1983 53
13 Periyar WLS 1975 427
14 Shendurney WLS 1984 100.32
15 Thattekad Bird WLS 1983 25
16 Wayanad WLS 1973 344.44
Total 1822.862
D Community Reserve
1 Kadalundi- Vallikkunnu 2007 1.5
Total 1.5
Grand Total 2382.52
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Pitti WLS (Bird) 2002 0.01
Total 0.01
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Bandhavgarh NP 1968 448.85
2 Fossil NP 1983 0.27
3 Kanha NP 1955 940
4 Madhav NP 1956 375.22
5 Panna NP 1982 542.67
6 Pench (Priyadarshini) NP 1983 292.85
7 Sanjay NP 1981 466.88
8 Satpura NP 1981 585.17
9 Van Vihar NP 1981 4.45
Total 3656.36
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Bagdara WLS 1978 478
2 Bori WLS 1977 485.72
3 Gandhi Sagar WLS 1983 368.62
4 Ghatigaon WLS 1981 511
5 Karera WLS 1981 202.21
6 Ken Gharial WLS 1981 45.2
7 Kheoni WLS 1955 122.7
8 Narsighgarh WLS 1974 59.19
9 National Chambal WLS 1978 435
10 Noradehi WLS 1975 1,194.67
11 Orcha WLS 1994 44.91
12 Pachmarhi WLS 1977 417.78
13 Kuno WLS 1981 344.68
14 Panna (Gangau) WLS 1979 68.14
15 Panpatha WLS 1983 245.84
16 Pench WLS 1977 118.47
17 Phen WLS 1983 110.74
18 Ralamandal WLS 1989 2.34
19 Ratapani WLS 1983 823.84
20 Sailana WLS 1983 12.96
21 Sanjay Dubri WLS 1975 364.59
22 Sardarpur WLS 1983 348.12
23 Singhori WLS 1976 287.91
24 Son Gharial WLS 1974 41.8
25 Veerangna Durgawati WLS 1997 23.97
Total 7158.4
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Chandoli NP 2004 317.67
2 Gugamal NP 1987 361.28
3 Nawegaon NP 1975 133.88
4 Pench NP 1975 257.26
5 Sanjay Gandhi (Borivilli) NP 1983 86.96
6 Tadoba NP 1955 116.55
TOTAL 1273.6
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Amba Barwa WLS 1997 127.11
2 Andhari WLS 1986 509.27
3 Aner Dam WLS 1986 82.94
4 Bhamragarh WLS 1997 104.38
5 Bhimashankar WLS 1985 130.78
6 Bor WLS 1970 61.1
7 Chaprala WLS 1986 134.78
8 Deolgaon-Rehkuri WLS 1980 2.17
9 Dhyanganga WLS 1997 205.23
10 Gautala WLS 1986 260.61
11 Great Indian Bustard WLS 1979 8496.44
12 Jaikwadi WLS 1986 341.05
13 Kalsubai Harishchandragad WLS 1986 361.71
14 Karnala WLS 1968 4.48
15 Karanjasohol WLS 2000 18.32
16 Katepurna WLS 1988 73.63
17 Koyana WLS 1985 423.55
18 Lonar WLS 2000 1.17
19 Malvan Marine WLS 1987 29.122
20 Mayureswar Supe WLS 1997 5.15
21 Melghat WLS 1985 778.75
22 Nagzira WLS 1970 152.81
23 Naigaon Mayur WLS 1994 29.89
24 Nandur Madhameshwar WLS 1986 100.12
25 Narnala WLS 1997 12.35
26 Painganga WLS 1986 324.62
27 Phansad WLS 1986 69.79
28 Radhanagari WLS 1958 351.16
29 Sagareshwar WLS 1985 10.87
30 Tansa WLS 1981 304.81
31 Tipeshwar WLS 1997 148.63
32 Tungareshwar WLS 2003 85
33 Yawal WLS 1969 177.52
34 Yedsi Ramlin Ghat WLS 1997 22.38
35 Wan WLS 1997 211
TOTAL 14152.69
C Conservation Reserve
1 Bhorkada Conservatin Reserve 2008 3.49
Total 3.49
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Bhitarkanika NP 1988 145
2 Simlipal NP 1980 845.7
TOTAL 990.7
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Badrama WLS 1987 304.03
2 Baisipalli WLS 1981 168.35
3 Balukhand Konark WLS 1984 71.72
4 Bhitarkanika WLS 1975 525
5 Chandaka Dampara WLS 1982 175.79
6 Chilika (Nalaban) WLS 1987 15.53
7 Debrigarh WLS 1985 346.91
8 Gahirmatha (Marine) WLS 1997 1,435.00
9 Hadgarh WLS 1980 191.06
10 Karlapat WLS 1982 147.66
11 Khalasuni WLS 1982 116
12 Kotagarh WLS 1981 399.5
13 Kuldiha WLS 1984 272.75
14 Lakhari Valley WLS 1985 185.87
15 Nandankanan WLS 1979 14.16
16 Satkosia Gorge WLS 1976 745.52
17 Simlipal WLS 1979 1,354.30
18 Sunabeda WLS 1988 500
TOTAL 6969.15
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Abohar WLS 1975 186.5
2 Bir Aishvan WLS 1952 2.64
3 Bir Bhadson WLS 1952 10.23
4 Bir Bunerheri WLS 1952 6.62
5 Bir Dosanjh WLS 1952 5.18
6 Bir Gurdialpura WLS 1977 6.2
7 Bir Mehaswala WLS 1952 1.23
8 Bir Motibagh WLS 1952 6.54
9 Harike Lake WLS 1982 86
10 Jhajjar Bacholi WLS 2003 1.16
11 Kathlaur Kushlian WLS 2002 7.58
12 Takhni-Rehampur WLS 1993 3.82
Total 323.7
C Conservation Reserve
1 Rakh Sarai Amanat Khan Con. Res. 2010 4.95
Total 4.95
D Community Reserve
1 Lalwan Community Reserve 2007 12.67
2 Keshopur-Chhamb Community
Total 16.07
2007 3.4
Name of the
1 Oussudu WLS 2008 3.90
Total 3.90
Year of
Notification Total Area
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Mukundra Hills (Darrah) NP 2003 200.54
2 Desert NP 1980 3,162.00
3 Keoladeo Ghana NP 1981 28.73
4 Ranthambhore NP 1980 282
5 Sariska NP 1982 273.8
Total 3947.07
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Bandh Baratha WLS 1985 199.5
2 Bassi WLS 1988 138.69
3 Bhensrodgarh WLS 1983 229.14
4 Darrah WLS 1955 80.75
5 Jaisamand WLS 1955 52
6 Jamwa Ramgarh WLS 1982 300
7 Jawahar Sagar WLS 1975 153.41
8 Kailadevi WLS 1983 676.38
9 Kesarbagh WLS 1955 14.76
10 Kumbhalgarh WLS 1971 608.58
11 Mount Abu WLS 1960 112.98
12 Nahargarh WLS 1980 50
13 National Chambal WLS 1979 274.75
14 Phulwari Ki Nal WLS 1983 692.68
15 Ramgarh Vishdhari WLS 1982 252.79
16 Ramsagar WLS 1955 34.4
17 Sajjangarh WLS 1987 5.19
18 Sariska WLS 1955 219
19 Sawaimadhopur WLS N.A. 131.3
20 Sawai Man Singh WLS 1984 103.25
21 Shergarh WLS 1983 98.71
22 Sitamata WLS 1983 422.94
23 Tal Chhapper WLS 1971 7.19
24 Todgarh Raoli WLS 1983 495.27
25 Van Vihar WLS 1955 25.6
Total 5379.26
C Conservation Reserves
1 Bisalpur Con Res 2008 48.31
Jor Beed Gadwala Bikaner Con
3 Sundha Mata Con Res 2010 117.49
Total 222.27
2008 56.47
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Guindy NP 1976 2.82
2 Gulf of Mannar Marine NP 1980 6.23
3 Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) NP 1989 117.1
4 Mudumalai NP 1990 103.23
5 Mukurthi NP 1990 78.46
Total 307.84
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Chitrangudi Bird WLS 1989 0.48
2 Indira Gandhi (Annamalai) WLS 1972 841.49
3 Kalakad WLS 1976 223.58
4 Kanjirankulam Bird WLS 1989 1.04
5 Kanyakumari WLS 2002 457.78
6 Karaivetti WLS 1999 4.54
7 Karikili WLS 1989 0.61
8 Kilaselvanur-Melaselvanur WLS 1998 5.93
9 Kuthankulam-Kadankulam WLS 1994 1.29
10 Mudumalai WLS 1940 217.76
11 Mundanthurai WLS 1977 567.38
12 Point Calimere WLS 1967 17.26
13 Pulicat Lake WLS 1980 153.67
14 Satyamangalam WS 2008 524.35
Srivilliputhur Grizzled Squirrel
16 Udayamarthandapuram Lake WLS 1991 0.45
17 Vaduvoor WLS 1991 1.28
18 Vedanthangal WLS 1936 0.3
19 Vellanadu (Blackbuck) WLS 1987 16.41
20 Vellode WLS 1997 0.77
21 Vettangudi WLS 1977 0.38
Total 3521.95
C Conservation Reserve
1 Thiruppudai- maruthur Birds 2005 0.03
Total 0.03
Grand Total 3829.82
1988 485.2
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Dudhwa NP 1977 490
Total 490
B Wildlife Santuary
1 Bakhira WLS 1990 28.94
2 Chandraprabha WLS 1957 78
3 Hastinapur WLS 1986 2,073.00
4 Kaimur WLS 1982 500.73
5 Katerniaghat WLS 1976 400.09
6 Kishanpur WLS 1972 227
7 Lakh Bahosi WLS 1988 80.24
8 Mahavir Swami WLS 1977 5.41
9 National Chambal WLS 1977 635
10 Nawabganj WLS 1984 2.25
11 Okhala WLS 1990 4
12 Parvati Aranga WLS 1990 10.84
13 Patna WLS 1990 1.09
14 Ranipur WLS 1977 230.31
15 Saman Bird WLS 1990 5.26
16 Samaspur WLS 1984 7.99
17 Sandi WLS 1990 3.09
18 Sohagibarwa WLS 1987 428.2
19 Sohelwa WLS 1988 452.47
20 Sur Sarovar WLS 1991 4.03
21 Surha Tal WLS 1991 34.32
22 Turtle WLS 1989 7
23 Vijai Sagar WLS 1990 2.62
Total 5221.88
Grand Total 5711.88
Name of the PA Year of Notification
A National Parks
1 Corbett NP 1936 520.82
2 Gangotri NP 1989 2390.02
3 Govind NP 1990 472.08
4 Nanda Devi NP 1982 624.6
5 Rajaji NP 1983 820.42
6 Valley of Flowers NP 1982 87.5
Total 4915.44
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Askot Musk Deer WLS 1986 599.93
2 Binsar WLS 1988 45.59
3 Govind Pashu Vihar WLS 1955 485.89
4 Kedarnath WLS 1972 975.2
5 Mussoorie WLS 1993 10.82
6 Sonanadi WLS 1987 301.18
Total 2418.61
C Conservation Reserve
Asan Barage Wetland CR
2 Jhilmi Jheel CR(Bird) 2005 37.84
Total 42.28
Grand Total 7376.33
Total Area
2005 4.44
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Buxa NP 1997 117.1
2 Gorumara NP 1998 79.45
3 Neora Valley NP 1992 88
4 Singalila NP 1992 78.6
5 Sunderban NP 1984 1,330.10
Total 1,693.25
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Ballavpur WLS 1977 2.02
2 Bethuadahari WLS 1998 0.67
3 Bibhutibhusan WLS 1998 0.64
4 Buxa WLS 1990 368.99
5 Chapramari WLS 1998 9.6
Chintamani Kar Bird
7 Haliday Island WLS 1976 5.95
8 Jaldapara WLS 1998 216.51
Jorepokhri Salamander
10 Lothian Island WLS 1998 38
11 Mahananda WLS 1998 158.04
12 Raiganj WLS 1985 1.3
13 Ramnabagan WLS 1981 0.14
14 Sajnakhali WLS 1976 362.4
15 Senchal WLS 1998 38.88
Total 1203.28
Grand total 2,896.53
1982 0.1
1985 0.04
Name of the PA Year of
A National Parks
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Asola Bhati (Indira Priyadarshini) WLS 1986 27.82
Total 27.82
Grand Total 27.82
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Mouling NP 1986 483
2 Namdapha NP 1983 1,807.82
Total 2290.82
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 D'Ering Memorial (Lali) WLS 1978 190
2 Dibang WLS 1991 4,149.00
3 Eaglenest WLS 1989 217
Itanagar WLS 1978 140.3
5 Kamlang WLS 1989 783
6 Kane WLS 2007 31
7 Mehao WLS 1980 281.5
8 Pakhui/ Pakke WLS 1977 861.95
9 Sessa Orchid WLS 1982 100
Tale Valley WLS 1995 337
11 Yordi-Rabe Supse WLS 2007 397
Total 7487.75
Grand Total 9778.57
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Dibru-Saikhowa NP 1999 340
2 Kaziranga NP 1974 858.98
3 Manas NP 1990 500
4 Nameri NP 1998 200
5 Rajiv Gandhi Orang NP 1999 78.81
Total 1977.79
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Amchang WLS 2004 78.64
2 Barail WLS 2004 326.25
3 Barnadi WLS 1980 26.22
4 Bherjan-Borajan-Padumoni WLS 1999 7.22
5 Burachapori WLS 1995 44.06
6 Chakrashila WLS 1994 45.56
7 Dihing Patkai WLS 2004 111.19
8 East Karbi Anglong WLS 2000 221.81
9 Garampani WLS 1952 6.05
10 Hollongapar Gibbon WLS 1997 20.98
11 North Karbi Anglong WLS 2000 96
12 Lawkhowa WLS 1979 70.14
13 Marat Longri WLS 2003 451
14 Nambor WLS 2000 37
15 Nambor Doigrung WLS 2003 97.15
16 Porbitora WLS 1987 38.81
17 Pani-Dihing Bird WLS 1995 33.93
18 Sonai Rupai WLS 1998 220
Total 1932.01
Grand Total 3909.8
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Murlen NP 2003 100
2 Phawngpui NP 1997 50
Total 150
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Dampa WLS (TR) 1976 500
2 Khawnglung WLS 1991 35
3 Lengteng WLS 1999 60
4 Ngengpui WLS 1991 110
5 Pualreng WLS 2004 50
6 Tawi WLS 1978 35.75
7 Thorangtlang WLS 2001 50
8 Tokalo WLS 2007 250
Total 1090.75
Grand Total 1240.75
Name of the PA Year of
A National Parks
1 Keibul-Lamjao NP 1977 40
Total 40
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Yangoupokpi-Lokchao WLS 1989 184.4
Total 184.4
Grand Total 224.4
Total Area
Name of the PA
A National Parks
1 Clouded Leopard NP 2007 5.08
2 Rajbari National Park 2007 31.63
Total 36.71
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Gumti WLS 1988 389.54
2 Rowa WLS 1988 0.86
3 Sepahijala WLS 1987 13.45
4 Trishna WLS 1987 163.08
Total 566.93
year of notification Total Area
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Balphakram NP 1985 220
2 Nokrek Ridge NP 1986 47.48
Total 267.48
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Baghmara Pitcher Plant WLS 1984 0.02
2 Nongkhyllem WLS 1981 29
3 Siju WLS 1979 5.18
Total 34.2
Grand Total 301.68
Name of the PA Year of Notification Total Area
A National Parks
1 Intanki NP 1993 202.02
Total 202.02
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Fakim WLS 1984 6.4
2 Puliebadze WLS 1980 9.23
3 Rangapahar WLS 1986 4.7
Total 20.33
Grand Total 222.35
Name of the PA Year of
A National Parks
1 Khangchendzonga NP 1977 1,784.00
Total 1,784.00
B Wildlife Sanctuary
1 Barsey Rhododendron
2 Fambong Lho WLS 1984 51.76
3 Kitam WLS (Bird) 2005 6
4 Kyongnosla Alpine WLS 1992 31
5 Maenam WLS 1987 35.34
6 Pangolakha WLS 2002 128
7 Shingba (Rhododendron)
Total 399.1
Grand Total 2,183.10
Total Area
1996 104
1992 43
Annexure II
List of the Tiger Reserves in India with year of creation and area
Name of Tiger Reserve State Total area of the
Core/Critical Tiger Habitat
(in Sq. Kms.)
1 1973-74 Bandipur Karnataka 872.24
2 1973-74 Corbett Uttarakhand 821.99
3 1973-74 Kanha Madhya Pradesh 917.43
4 1973-74 Manas Assam 840.04
5 1973-74 Melghat Maharashtra 1500.49
6 1973-74 Palamau Jharkhand 414.08
7 1973-74 Ranthambhore Rajasthan 1113.364
8 1973-74 Similipal Orissa 1194.74
9 1973-74 Sunderbans West Bengal 1699.62
10 1978-79 Periyar Kerala 881.00
11 1978-79 Sariska Rajasthan 681.1124
12 1982-83 Buxa West Bengal 390.5813
13 1982-83 Indravati Chhattisgarh 1258.37
14 1982-83 Nagarjunsagar Andhra Pradesh 2527.00
15 1982.83 Namdapha Arunachal Pradesh 1807.82
16 1987-88 Dudhwa Uttar Pradesh 1093.79*
17 1988-89 Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tamil Nadu 895.00
18 1989-90 Valmiki Bihar 840.00*
19 1992-93 Pench Madhya Pradesh 411.33
20 1993-94 Tadoba Andheri Maharashtra 625.82
21 1993-94 Bandhavgarh Madhya Pradesh 716.903
22 1994-95 Panna Madhya Pradesh 576.13
23 1994-95 Dampa Mizoram 500.00
24 1998-99 Bhadra Karnataka 492.46
25 1998-99 Pench Maharashtra 257.26
26 1999-2000 Pakke Arunachal Pradesh 683.45
27 1999-2000 Nameri Assam 200.00
28 1999-2000 Satpura Madhya Pradesh 1339.264
29 2008-09 Anamalai Tamil Nadu 958.00
30 2008-09 Udanti-Sitanadi Chhattisgarh 851.09
31 2008-09 Satkosia Orissa 523.61
32 2008-09 Kaziranga Assam 625.58
33 2008-09 Achanakmar Chhattisgarh 626.195
34 2008-09 Dandeli-Anshi Karnataka 814.884
35 2008-09 Sanjay-Dubri Madhya Pradesh 831.25*
36 2008-09 Mudumalai Tamil Nadu 321.00
37 2008-09 Nagarhole Karnataka 643.35
38 2008-09 Parambikulam Kerala 390.89
39 2009-10 Sahyadri Maharashtra Notification Awaited
Total 32137.14
Elephant Range Elephant Reserve State Total
P.A. in
1. Mayurjharna
2. Singhbhum ER
3. Mayurbhanj ER
4. Mahanadi ER
5. Sambalpur ER
6. Baitarni ER# Orissa 1755 -
7. South Orissa ER# Orissa 4216 750
West Bengal 414 -
Jharkhand 4530 193
Orissa 3214 1309
Orissa 1038 964
Orissa 427 427
8. Lemru # Chattisgarh 450 -
Tamorpingla- #
Chattisgarh 1048.30 1154.93
10. Kameng ER (19.6.02) Arunachal 1892 748
11. Sonitpur ER (6.3.03) Assam 1420 420
12. Dihing-Patkai ER
13. South Arunachal ER
( 29-2-08 )
14. Kaziranga Karbi
Anglong ER (17.4.03)
15. Dhansiri-Lungding
ER (19.4.03)
16. Intanki ER (28.2.05) Nagaland 202 202
17. Chirang-Ripu ER
18. Eastern Dooars ER
19 Garo Hills ER
20. Khasi Hills ER# Meghalaya 1331 -
21. Mysore ER (25.11.02) Karnataka, 6724 3103
22. Wayanad ER (2.4.02) Kerala 1200 394
Assam 937 345
Arunachal 1957.50 378.13
Assam 3270 1073
Assam 2740
Assam 2600 526+
W. Bengal 978 484
Total 3578 1010
Meghalaya 3,500 402
23. Nilgiri ER (19.9.03) Tamilnadu 4663 716
24. Rayala ER (9.12.03) Andhra 766 525
25. Nilambur ER (2.4.02) Kerala 1419 90
26. Coimbatore ER
27. Anamalai ER
28. Anamudi ER (2.4.02) Kerala 3728 780
29. Periyar (2.4.02) Kerala 3742 1058
30. Srivilliputtur
31. Shivalik ER
32. Uttar Pradesh ER
Tamilnadu 566 482
Tamilnadu 1457 300
Tamilnadu 1249 568
Uttarakhand 5405 1340
U.P. 744 -
# Approved by Govt. of India, but not yet notified by the State Government.
*** Statistical lower / upper limits could not be ascertained owing to small size of the population.