concept paper
concept paper
concept paper
The total area under forest cover in India is 77.47 million hectare, which is
23.57% of the total land area. 606 Protected Areas comprising 96 national parks and
510 wildlife sanctuaries with overlapping of 28 tiger reserves and 25 elephant reserves
cover an area of 15.59 million hect. and making up about 4.58% of the total geographic
area and 22.12% of total forest cover of the country. In addition to that, there are 180
recognized Zoological Parks having around 50,000 wild animals in captivity in the
India is among the 12 mega biodiversity countries of the world. 350 species of
mammals, 1224 of birds, 408 of reptiles, 197 of amphibians, 2546 of fishes, 57548 of
insects and 46286 species of plants found in India form 8% of the world’s diversity of life
The country stands out as a treasure trove of natural wealth despite countless
obstacles to its conservation. Habitat loss has been due to severe biotic pressure,
diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes or illegal occupation, degradation of
habitat, fragmentation of habitat. Problems are manifold.
There is an urgent need to conserve its forests and wildlife. The Government of
India has always been sensitive to this and taken several initiatives towards preservation
of forests and wildlife in the country from time to time.
The first regular policy statement relating to forestry in India was issued in 1894.
After independence, a new National Forest Policy was enunciated in the year 1952,
which substantially removed the angularities of the earlier Policy of 1894. The 1952
Policy was replaced by the National Forest Policy of 1988 and has been adopted by all
the States.
Forest legislation in India dates back to 1865 when the first Indian Forest Act was
passed. This Act was later revised in 1878. The process continued till the currently
applicable Indian Forest Act of 1927. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 was enacted
to give proper shape to wildlife conservation in the country. This Act was amended in
1982, 1986, 1991, 1993, 2003 and 2006 to make it more comprehensive. The Forest
(Conservation) Act was enacted in 1980 with a view to check indiscriminate diversion of
forest land for non-forestry purposes.
The Central Zoo Authority was created by the Government of India in the year”
1992 through an amendment of the Wild Life (Protection) (Amendment 1991) Act, 1972.
The main objective is to oversee the functioning of Zoos in the country and to enforce
minimum standards and norms for upkeep and health care of animals in Indian Zoos so
that the Zoos come up to a standard where they can complement and strengthen the
national efforts in conservation of wild fauna of the country.
The need for ex-situ conservation of wild fauna as one of the main objectives for
management of Zoos was realized by the Government of India soon after independence
and the then Indian Board for Wildlife (now the National Board for Wildlife) made
important recommendations in this regard. An Expert Committee on Management of
Zoos was set up in November, 1972 and its recommendations were accepted in June,
1973, which still have relevance in the current period. The National Wildlife Action Plan
of 1983 again emphasized the role of ex-situ conservation in national conservation
efforts. The National Wildlife Action Plan (2002-2016) also lays emphasis on the role of
Zoos for ex-situ breeding of endangered species of wild fauna and their rehabilitation in
the wild as per the IUCN guidelines for reintroduction. The Central Zoo Authority has
been identified under the Plan, as one of the organizations for developing capabilities in
this field.
To give proper direction and thrust to the management of Zoos in the country, the
National Zoo Policy was framed and adopted by the Government of India in the year
1998. The main objective of the Zoos under the National Zoo Policy is to complement
and strengthen the national efforts in conservation of rich bio-diversity of the country,
particularly the wild fauna. This objective can be achieved by supporting the
conservation of endangered species by giving species, which have no chance of survival
in the wild, a last chance through coordinated breeding under ex-situ conditions and
raise stocks for rehabilitating them in wild, as and when, it is appropriate and desirable.
Conservation education and research for conservation of wildlife are other objectives of
Zoos enshrined in the National Zoo Policy.
Today when wildlife habitats are under severe pressure and a large number of
species of wild animals have become endangered, the Zoos have not only to sustain
their own populations, but also have to work to augment the depleting populations of
endangered species in the wild. Keeping in view of these facts, a group of experts was
formed by the Central Zoo Authority just after its creation in 1992 with a mandate to
prepare a strategy for conservation breeding of endangered species in Indian Zoos. The
group identified about 35 mammals, birds and reptiles for their probable captive breeding
in identified Zoos. The Chief Wild Life Wardens of the States within the natural
distribution range of the species were selected as coordinators for the species under the
programme. Responsibility for maintaining the studbook for selected endangered
species was also given to Zoos. However, because of varied ownership patterns of the
Zoos and divergent nature of animal collections, not much was achieved.
Taking note of the past successes and failures of ex-situ breeding of endangered
species in Indian Zoos, the issue was again taken up for discussion in the meeting of the
Central Zoo Authority in the year 2005.
This was felt that Indian Zoos have to have at least 100 properly and scientifically
bred and physically, genetically and behaviorally healthy individuals of each endangered
wild animal species in captivity to act as insurance cover in case of population loss of the
species in the wild. Having proper captive stocks to continue display, have properly bred
animals to act as insurance and for reintroduction or release in the wild in case needed,
form very base of newly initiated planned coordinated conservation breeding in India.
monitor the programme as well as financial resources to run the programmes. To bring
in a holistic development of Zoos in India and to achieve the main objective of Zoos as
Centres which can complement the national effort of wildlife conservation in India, there
is a need to infuse more technical and scientific culture in operation of Zoos and change
the general perception of Zoos from being mere picnic spots to more of scientific
All the Zoos in India are equipped with basic veterinary facilities along with
veterinary personnel’s as per the category of the Zoo and as per the standards and
norms under the Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992. The Zoos have also been asked to
develop mechanism with local veterinary colleges/ universities/ hospitals in the region to
provide specialized services and diagnostic facilities to them. Indian Veterinary
Research Institute, Bareilly has been identified as a National Referral Centre (NRC) to
provide super specialty services and diagnostic facilities to the Indian Zoos to deal with
the issue of health care of wild animals, training of Zoo veterinarians and conducting
research on health care and nutrition of wild animals in captivity.
protection required in case the cause is found to be hunting, trapping etc. form major
component of the programme. It was decided that critically endangered wild animal
species with few hundred/ thousands (or say less than 2500) left in the wild need to be
taken up for ex-situ conservation breeding in the Zoos on immediate basis in the
country. Species with localized distribution should get preference in the scheme of
The existing Zoos are the other major component of the programme as there is
huge infrastructure and trained manpower available there to deal with the issue. One
major Zoo just next to the natural habitat of the targeted species has been given
responsibility as co-ordinating Zoo for each identified species. Two to four Zoos
(participating Zoos) in the habitat range of the targeted species will take part in the
breeding programme of the targeted species. Conservation breeding facility in the form
of off displays Conservation Breeding Centre (if the appropriate land is available in the
Zoo compound) or in the form of satellite facility will be created only in one (coordinating
Zoo) to two Zoos of the region. Other Zoos in the country in addition to the coordinating
Zoo and participating Zoos may continue to display the species in naturalistic
1. Identification of species
2. Approximate number of animals of the species in the wild.
3. Number of animals of the species in captivity in Indian Zoos.
4. Identification of coordinating Zoos
5. Identification of participating Zoos
6. Existence of animal enclosures in coordinating, participating and other
7. Existence/ creation of off-display enclosure for conservation breeding in
coordinating Zoo
8. Identification of founders
9. Marking of founders (transponders, ear tags or rings)
10. Preparation of animal history sheets and animal observation sheets of the
identified founders by the Zoos
11. Compilation of Studbook by the National Studbook Keeper.
12. Liaison with the International Studbook Keeper of the species (if any)
13. Possibility of acquiring the founders from foreign Zoos (if required) and
details of the Zoos from where founders can be acquired
14. Physical health check-up of the founders using the veterinary hospital in the
Zoo as well as National Referral Centre (Indian Veterinary Research
Institute, Bareilly)
15. Genetic health check-up of the founders using blood samples or body parts
with help from LaCONES, Hyderabad
16. Engagement of Technical Assistant in the coordinating Zoo
17. Preparation of Conservation Breeding Management Plan (CBMP) of the
More than 90% of the recognized Zoos in the country are operated or controlled
by the State Forest/ Wildlife Departments. These are also managing the in-situ facilities
that make the coordination between the in-situ and ex-situ wildlife conservation activities
much easier.
Present stock of wild animals of the commoner species from unplanned breeding
of unknown lineage or prolific breeding species in Indian Zoos again of doubtful lineage
will be phased out and replaced by the individuals of the desirable species bred and kept
in more planned and scientific ways, which are physically, genetically, behaviourally
healthy and can be used as future insurance for the cases of exigencies. The
conservation breeding programme is not necessarily to breed the animals of the targeted
species for reintroduction in the wild, but to have proper stock for display in the Zoos and
to have the right animals as an insurance for exigencies and for experimental release in
the wild to begin with.