Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Operations Research
Operations Research (OR) is a science which deals with problem, formulation, solutions and finally
appropriate decision making. This subject is new and started after World War II, when the failures of
missions were very high. Scientists and technocrates formed team to study the problem arising out of
difficult situations and at the later stage solutions to these problems. It is research designed to determine
most efficient way to do something new. OR is the use of mathematical models, statistics and algorithm to
aid in decision-making. It is most often used to analyze complex real life problems typically with the goal
of improving or optimizing performance. Decision making is the main activity of an engineer/manager.
Some decisions can be taken by common sense, sound judgement and experience without using
and some cases this may not be possible and use of other techniques is inevitable.
With the growth of technology, the World has seen a remarkable changes in the size and complexity
of organisations. An integral part of this had been the division of labour and segmentation of management
responsibilities in these organisations. The results have been remarkable but with this, increasing
specialisation has created a new problem to meet out organisational challenges. The allocation of
limited resources to various activities has gained significant importance in the competitive market.
These types of problems need immediate attention which is made possible by the application of OR
The tools of operations research are not from any one discipline, rather Mathematics, Statistics,
Economics, Engineering, Psychology, etc. have contributed to this newer discipline of knowledge.
Today, it has become a professional discipline that deals with the application of scientific methods for
decision-making, and especially to the allocation of scare resources.
In India first unit of OR started in the year 1957 with its base at RRL Hyderabad. The other group
was set up in Defence Science Laboratory which was followed by similar units at different parts of the
country. The popular journal of OPSEARCH was established in 1963, to promote research in this field.
Keeping in view the critical economic situation which required drastic increase in production
efficiency, OR activities were directed, in all areas of business activities. In the late 50s OR was
introduced at university level. With the development of PCs the use of OR techniques became prominent
and effective tool as large amount of computation is required to handle complex problems. In
recent years application of OR techniques have achieved significance in all walk of life, may it be
industry or office work for making strategical decisions more scientifically.
The effectiveness of operations research in military spread interest in it to other governmental departments
and industry. In the U.S.A. the National Research Council formed a committee on operations
research in 1951, and the first book on the subject Methods of Operations Research, by Morse and
Kimball, was published. In 1952 the Operations Research Society of America came into being.
Today, almost all organisations make use of OR techniques for decision-making at all levels. This
general acceptance to OR has come as managers have learned the advantage of the scientific approach
to all industrial problems. Some of the Indian organisations using operations research techniques to
solve their varied complex problems are: Railways, Defence, Indian Airlines, Fertilizer Corporation of
India, Delhi Cloth Mills, Tata Iron and Steel Co. etc.
A purpose of OR is to provide a rational basis for making decisions in the absence of complete
information. OR can also be treated as science devoted to describing, understanding and predicting the
behaviour of systems, particularly man-machine systems.
Defining OR is difficult task as its boundaries and content are not yet fixed. It can be regarded as use
of mathematical and quantitative techniques to substantiate the decision being taken. Further, it is
multidisciplinary which takes tools from subjects like mathematics, statistics, engineering, economics,
psychology etc. and uses them to score the consequences of possible alternative actions. Today it has
become professional discipline that deals with the application of scientific methods to decision-making.
Salient aspects related to definition stressed by various experts on the subject are as follows:
(a) Pocock stresses that OR is an applied science; he states OR is scientific methodology-analytical,
experimental, quantitativewhich by assessing the overall implication of various alternative
courses of action in a management system, provides an improved basis for management
(b) Morse and Kimball have stressed the quantitative approach of OR and have described it as a
scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative basis for decisions
regarding the operations under their control.
(c) Miller and Starr see OR as applied decision theory. They state OR is applied decision theory.
It uses any scientific, mathematical or logical means to attempt to cope with the problems that
confront the executive, when he tries to achieve a thoroughgoing rationality in dealing with
his decision problem.
(d) Saaty considers OR as tool of improving the quality of answers to problems. He say, OR is
the art of giving bad answers to problems which otherwise have worse answers.
Few other definitions of OR are as follows:
OR is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best design and operate man-machine
system usually requiring the allocation of scare resources.
Operations Research Society, America
OR is essentially a collection of mathematical techniques and tools which in conjunction with
system approach, are applied to solve practical decision problems of an economic or engineering
Daellenbach and George
OR utilizes the planned approach (updated scientific method) and an interdisciplinary team in
order to represent complex functional relationships as mathematical models for the purpose of
providing a quantitative analysis.
Thieraub and Klekamp
OR is a scientific knowledge through interdisciplinary team effort for the purpose of determining
the best utilization of limited resources.
H.A. Taha
OR is a scientific approach to problem solving for executive management.
H.M. Wagner
The significant features of operations research include the followings:
(i) Decision-making. Every industrial organisation faces multifacet problems to identify best
possible solution to their problems. OR aims to help the executives to obtain optimal solution
with the use of OR techniques. It also helps the decision maker to improve his creative and
judicious capabilities, analyse and understand the problem situation leading to better control,
better co-ordination, better systems and finally better decisions.
(ii) Scientific Approach. OR applies scientific methods, techniques and tools for the purpose of
analysis and solution of the complex problems. In this approach there is no place for guess
work and the person bias of the decision maker.
(iii) Inter-disciplinary Team Approach. Basically the industrial problems are of complex nature
and therefore require a team effort to handle it. This team comprises of scientist/mathematician
and technocrates. Who jointly use the OR tools to obtain a optimal solution of the problem. The
tries to analyse the cause and effect relationship between various parameters of the problem
and evaluates the outcome of various alternative strategies.
(iv) System Approach. The main aim of the system approach is to trace for each proposal all
significant and indirect effects on all sub-system on a system and to evaluate each action in
terms of effects for the system as a whole.
The interrelationship and interaction of each sub-system can be handled with the help of
mathematical/analytical models of OR to obtain acceptable solution.
(v) Use of Computers. The models of OR need lot of computation and therefore, the use of
computers becomes necessary. With the use of computers it is possible to handle complex
problems requiring large amount of calculations.
The objective of the operations research models is to attempt and to locate best or optimal solution
under the specified conditions. For the above purpose, it is necessary that a measure of effectiveness has
to be defined which must be based on the goals of the organisation. These measures can be used to
compare the alternative courses of action taken during the analysis.
1.4 Features of Operation Research
Some key features of OR are as follows:
1. OR is system oriented. OR scrutinises the problem from an organisations perspective. The
results can be optimal for one part of the system, while the same can be unfavourable for
another part of the system.
2. OR imbibes an interdisciplinary team approach. Since no single individual can have a
thorough knowledge of all fast developing scientific know-how, personalities from different
scientific and managerial cadre form a team to solve the problem.
3. OR makes use of scientific methods to solve problems.
4. OR increases effectiveness of the managements decision-making ability.
5. OR makes use of computers to solve large and complex problems.
6. OR offers a quantitative solution.
7. OR also takes into account the human factors.
OR is a logical and systematic approach to provide a rational basis for decision-making. The phases of
OR must be logical and systematic. The various steps required for the analysis of a problem under OR
are as follows:
Step I. Observe the Problem Environment
The first step of OR study is the observation of the environment in which the problem exists. The
activities that constitute this step are visits, conferences, observations, research etc. with the help of
such activities, the OR analyst gets sufficient information and support to proceed and is better prepared
to formulate the problem.
Step II. Analyse and Define the Problem
In this step not only the problem is defined but also uses, objectives and limitations of the study that are
stressed in the light of the problem. The end results of this step are clear grasp of need for a solution
and understanding of its nature.
Step III. Develop a Model
The next step is to develop model, which is representation of same real or abstract situation. OR models
are basically mathematical models representing systems, process or environment in form of equations,
relationships or formulae. The activities in this step is to defining interrelationships among variables,
formulating equations, using known OR models or searching suitable alternate models. The proposed
model may be field tested and modified in order to work under stated environmental constraints. A
model may also be modified if the management is not satisfied with the answer that it gives.
Step IV. Selection of Data Input
It is a established fact that without authentic and appropriate data the results of the OR models cannot
be trusted. Hence, taping right kind of data is a vital step in OR process. Important activities in this step
are analysing internal-external data and facts, collecting opinions and using computer data banks. The
purpose of this step is to have sufficient input to operate and test the model.
Step V. Solution and Testing
In this step the solution of the problems is obtained with the help of model and data input. Such a
solution is not implemented immediately and this solution is used to test the model and to find its
limitations if any. If the solution is not reasonable or if the model is not behaving properly, updating and
modification of the model is considered at this stage. The end result of this step is solution that is
desirable and supports current organisational objectives.
Step VI. Implementation of the Solution
This is the last phase of the OR study. In OR the decision-making is scientific but implementation of
decision involves many behavioural issues. Therefore, implementation authority has to resolve the
behavioural issues, involving the workers and supervisors to avoid further conflicts. The gap between
management and OR scientist may offer some resistance but must be eliminated before solution is
accepted in totality. Both the parties should play positive role, since the implementation will help the
organisation as a whole. A properly implemented solution obtained through OR techniques results in
improved working conditions and wins management support.
In OR the problem is expressed in the form of a model. Where, a model is a theoretical abstraction
(approximation) of a real-life problem. It can be defined as a simplified representation of an operation
or a process in which only the basic aspects or the most important features of a typical problem under
investigation are considered. OR analysts have given special impetus to the development and use of
techniques like, linear programming, waiting line theory, game theory, inventory controls and simulation.
In addition, some other common tools are non-linear programming, integer programming, dynamic
programming, sequencing theory, Markov process, network schedulingPERT and CPM, symbolic
logic, information theory and utility/value theory. The list, of course, is not exhaustive. The detailed
discussion on above will be presented in appropriate chapters, however, brief explanation of these is
given below:
(i) Linear Programming (L.P.)
Linear programming is basically a constrained optimisation technique which tries to optimise some
criterion within some constraints. It consists of an objective function which is some measure of
like profit, loss or return on investment and several boundary conditions putting restriction on
the use of resources. Objective function and boundary conditions are linear in nature. There are methods
available to solve a linear programming problem.
(ii) Waiting Line or Queuing Theory
This deals with the situation in which queue is formed or the customers have to wait for service or
machines wait for repairmen and therefore concept of a queue is involved. If we assume that there are
costs associated with waiting in line, and if there are costs of adding more service facilities, we want
to minimize the sum of costs of waiting and the costs of providing service facilities. Waiting line theory
helps to make calculations like number of expected member of people in queue, expected waiting time
in the queue, expected idle time for the server, etc. These calculations then can be used to determine the
desirable number of service facilities or number of servers.
(iii) Game Theory
It is used for decision-making under conflicting situations where there are one or more opponents. The
opponents, in game theory, are called players. The motives of the players are dictomized. The success
of one player tends to be at the cost of others and hence they are in conflict. Game theory models, a
conflict situation arises and helps to improve the decision process by formulating appropriate strategy.
(iv) Inventory Control Models
These models deal with the quantities which are either to be purchased or stocked since each factor
involves cost. The purchase and material managers are normally encounter such situations. Therefore,
inventory models provide rational answer to these questions in different situations of supply and
demand for different kind of materials. Inventory control models help managers to decide ordering
time, reordering level and optimal ordering quantity. The approach is to prepare a mathematical model
of the situation that expressed total inventory costs in terms of demand, size of order, possible over or
under stocking and other relevant factors and then to determine optimal order size, optimum order level
etc. using calculus or some other technique.
(v) Simulation
It is basically data generating technique, where sometimes it is risky, cumbersome, or time consuming
to conduct real study or experiment to know more about situation or problem. The available analytical
methods cannot be used in all situations due to large number of variables or large number of
among the variables and the complexity of relationship, it is not possible to develop an
analytical model representing the real situation. Some times, even building of model is possible but its
solution may not be possible. Under such situations simulation is used. It should be noted that simulation
does not solve the problem by itself, but it only generates the required information or data needed
for decision problem or decision-making.
(vi) Non-Linear Programming
These models may be used when either the objective function or some of the constraints are not linear
in nature. Non-linearity may be introduced by such factors as discount on price of purchase of large
quantities and graduated income tax etc. Linear programming may be employed to approximate the
non-linear conditions, but the approximation becomes poorer as the range is extended. Non-linear
methods may be used to determine the approximate area in which a solution lies and linear methods
may be used to obtain a more exact solution.
(vii) Integer Programming
This method can be used when one or more of the variables can only take integer values. Examples are
the number of trucks in a fleet, the number of generators in a power house and so on. Approximate
solutions can be obtained without using integer programming methods, but the approximation
generally becomes poorer as the number becomes smaller. There are techniques to obtain solution of
integer programming problems.
(viii) Dynamic Programming
This is a method of analyzing multistage decision processes, in which each elementary decision is
dependent upon those preceding it as well as upon external factors. It drastically reduces the computational
efforts otherwise necessary to analyze results of all possible combinations of elementary decisions.
(ix) Sequencing Theory
This is related to waiting line theory and is applicable when the facilities are fixed, but the order of
servicing may be controlled. The scheduling of service or the sequencing of jobs is done to minimize
the relevant costs and time.
(x) Markov Process
It is used for decision-making in situations where various states are defined. The probability of going
from one state to another is known and depends on the present state and is independent of how we have
arrived at that state. Theory of Markov process helps us to calculate long run probability of being in a
particular state (steady state probability), which is used for decision-making.
(xi) Network SchedulingPERT and CPM
These techniques are used to plan, schedule and monitor large projects such as building construction,
maintenance of computer system installation, research and development design etc. The technique aims
at minimizing trouble spots, such as, delays, interruptions and production bottlenecks, by identifying
critical factors and coordinating various parts of overall job/project. The project/job is diagrammatically
represented with the help of network made of arrows representing different activities and interrelationships
among them. Such a representation is used for identifying critical activities and critical path. Two
basic techniques in network scheduling are Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and
Critical Path Method (CPM). CPM is used when time taken by activities in a project are known for sure
and PERT is used when activities time is not known for sureonly probabilistic estimate of time is
available to the users.
(xii) Symbolic Logic
It deals with substituting symbols for words, classes of things or functional systems. Symbolic logic
involves rules, algebra of logic and propositions. There have been only limited attempts to apply this
technique to business problems; however has had extensive application in the design of computing
(xiii) Information Theory
Information theory is an analytical process transferred from the electrical communications field to
operations research. It seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of information flow within a given system.
Despite its application mainly to communication networks, it has had a indirect influence in simulating
the examination of business organizational structures with a view to improving information or
(xiv) Utility/Value Theory
It deals with assigning numerical significance to the worth of alternative choices. To date, this has been
only a concept and is in the stage of elementary model formulation and experimentation and can be
useful in decision-making process.
As presented in the earlier paragraphs, the scope of OR is not only confined to any specific agency like
defence services but today it is widely used in all industrial organisations. It can be used to find the best
solution to any problem be it simple or complex. It is useful in every field of human activities, where
optimisation of resources is required in the best way. Thus, it attempts to resolve the conflicts of interest
among the components of organization in a way that is best for the organisation as a whole. The main
fields where OR is extensively used are given below, however, this list is not exhaustive but only
(i) National Planning and Budgeting
OR is used for the preparation of Five Year Plans, annual budgets, forecasting of income and expenditure,
scheduling of major projects of national importance, estimation of GNP, GDP, population, employment
and generation of agriculture yields etc.
(ii) Defence Services
Basically formulation of OR started from USA army, so it has wide application in the areas such as:
development of new technology, optimization of cost and time, tender evaluation, setting and layouts
of defence projects, assessment of Threat analysis, strategy of battle, effective maintenance and
replacement of equipment, inventory control, transportation and supply depots etc.
(iii) Industrial Establishment and Private Sector Units
OR can be effectively used in plant location and setting finance planning, product and process planning,
facility planning and construction, production planning and control, purchasing, maintenance management
and personnel management etc. to name a few.
(iv) R & D and Engineering
Research and development being the heart of technological growth, OR has wide scope for and can be
applied in technology forecasting and evaluation, technology and project management, preparation of
tender and negotiation, value engineering, work/method study and so on.
(v) Business Management and Competition
OR can help in taking business decisions under risk and uncertainty, capital investment and returns,
business strategy formation, optimum advertisement outlay, optimum sales force and their distribution,
market survey and analysis and market research techniques etc.
(vi) Agriculture and Irrigation
In the area of agriculture and irrigation also OR can be useful for project management, construction of
major dams at minimum cost, optimum allocation of supply and collection points for fertilizer/seeds
and agriculture outputs and optimum mix of fertilizers for better yield.
(vii) Education and Training
OR can be used for obtaining optimum number of schools with their locations, optimum mix of
students/teacher student ratio, optimum financial outlay and other relevant information in training of
graduates to meet out the national requirements.
(viii) Transportation
Transportation models of OR can be applied to real life problems to forecast public transport
requirements, optimum routing, forecasting of income and expenses, project management for railways,
railway network distribution, etc. In the same way it can be useful in the field of communication.
(ix) Home Management and Budgeting
OR can be effectively used for control of expenses to maximize savings, time management, work study
methods for all related works. Investment of surplus budget, appropriate insurance of life and properties
and estimate of depreciation and optimum premium of insurance etc.
The information available in science has been used to develop engineering. Whatever available in the
engineering is based on basic fundamentals of science. With the growth of technology the practitioners
faced many challenges to improve the product and market it efficiently. OR has emerged to help every
one to improve their performance and produce items at optimum cost.
Since the modern problems are complex in nature and modern technology is knowledge based
and skill intensive. The knowledge possessed by single individual or group is limited and OR is a
team effort, specialists from all relevant disciplines participate in it, to find out best possible solution
of the problem under the given environmental conditions.
It has been described that OR is a systematic method of stating the problem in clear terms, collecting
facts and data, analysing them and then reaching certain conclusions in the form of solutions to the
problem, which further can be tested and verified for its optimality in most of the cases.
OR is a team effort have been used with the existence of mankind. But OR is a systematic approach
using only scientific methods/techniques to find solution which distinguishes OR from team efforts past
or present.
OR is being effectively used in areas such as: production planning and inventory control, transportation,
military operations and weapon system development, personnel management, social services,
health services, communication systems, computer networks and information system to name but a
fewthe problems they pose with ever increasing rate are similarly formulated, can be identified by
several features they have in common and, last but not least, can be solved by similar methods. These
problems are therefore conveniently grouped under the common heading of OR problems.
Under OR study an objective is defined which may have alternative solutions. A decision has to be
made based upon choosing from a set of possible alternatives. Each choice offers its own advantages
and disadvantages, so that in complex situation the decision maker might not be able to make a preferable
option at once and quickly decide why he should prefer one alternative over the other one. To clarify
the situation and compare the alternatives in several aspects, OR suggests a series of mathematical
operations. Their aim is to analyze the situation critically and thus prepare a decision for those bearing
the responsibility for a final choice.
During implementation the operations research team should prepare a detailed instructions for
those who have to implement the solution. Translating solution into operating procedure should indicate
who should do, what and when. The facilities and information required should also be clearly
specified and persons concerned should be taken into confidence for obtaining their cooperation for the
success of the program.
The more complex, expensive and large in scale the designed system is, the less allowable in it are
wilful decisions and the more gain in importance scientific methods which, when implemented, provide
an estimate of each decisions consequences, help discard the unallowable versions and recommend the
most successful ones. They help in assessing whether the available information is adequate to prepare
a correct decision and, if not, then indicate what data should be additionally collected. It would be
extremely risky to be guided solely by intuition i.e., experience and common sense. Modern science
and technology evolve so fast that the experience may simply not have been acquired. The calculations
that make the process of decision-making easier are the subject matter of operations research.
Under the complex situations some of the models need a lot of computational efforts particularly
in case of linear programming. Efforts should be made to simplify the situation and development of
model so as to generate the optimal solution with minimum effort. The selection of model for a particular
problem has its own bearings and availability of solution. Assumptions to be imposed on the model
should be such that, it makes it possible to achieve desirable solution without affecting the constraints
of the problem.
In most intricate cases, when scanning an operation and its outcome depend on a large number of
intimately interrelated random factors, the analytical techniques fail altogether and the analyst has to
employ Monto Carlo methods of statistical modelling. In this case a computer simulates the process of
an operation development with all the random variables involved. This manipulation of the process
yields an observation of one random operation run. One such realization gives no grounds for
but, once a manifold of them is collected after several runs, it may be handled statistically to
find the process means and make inferences about the real system and how in the mean, it is influenced
by initial conditions and controllable variables.
Both analytical and statistical models are widely implemented in OR. Each of the models possess
its own advantages and disadvantages. The analytical models are more rough, but they yield more
meaningful results. However, statistical models are more accurate, but are bulky, poorly analyzable,
need more computational time and do not yield optimal results. Therefore, the analyst should make
correct judgement to select either model depending upon requirements and situation of the problem.
OR being a new discipline started a bit late in India with its inception at Regional Research Laboratory
at Hyderabad and at the same time a group was established in Defence Science Laboratory to solve the
problems of stores, purchase and planning. OR society was formed in 1953. Today OR subject is very
popular and is being taught at graduation and post graduation level in all the university of the country.
It is also being used in industrial establishment extensively to improve decision-making process.
As has been presented earlier that OR tries to find optimal solutions with multiple variables. In most of
the cases a large number of iterations are required to reach optimal solution. Manually this task becomes
time consuming and single mistake at any point can generate erroneous results. With the development
of computers and P.Cs this has reduced manual efforts considerably and solutions can be
obtained in a short period of time and possibility of errors is also minimised considerably.
Storage of information/data is easy and faster with the use of computers because of its memory. The
computational time requirements are also less and no paper work is required. Transfer of data from one
place to another is also possible through net/computers. The reliability of solutions is also high. For the
large size problems, where simulation was to be used, it was not possible to carry it out manually, which
is now possible with the use of computers. To handle linear programming problem with multiple
variables use to be cumbersome and time taking, can be done at wink of moment without any manual
OR has some limitations however, these are related to the problem of model building and the time and
money factors involved in application rather then its practical utility. Some of them are as follows:
(i) Magnitude of Computation. Operations research models try to find out optimal solution
taking into account all the factors. These factors are enormous and expressing them in quantity
and establishing relationships among these require voluminous calculations which can be
handled by computers.
(ii) Non-Quantifiable Factors. OR provides solution only when all elements related to a problem
can be quantified. All relevant variables do not lend themselves to quantification. Factors
which cannot be quantified, find no place in OR study. Models in OR do not take into account
qualititative factors or emotional factors which may be quite important.
(iii) Distance between User and Analyst. OR being specialists job requires a mathematician or
statistician, who might not be aware of the business problems. Similarly, a manager fails to
understand the complex working of OR. Thus there is a gap between the two. Management
itself may offer a lot of resistance due to conventional thinking.
(iv) Time and Money Costs. When basic data are subjected to frequent changes, incorporating
them into the OR models is a costly proposition. Moreover, a fairly good solution at present
may be more desirable than a perfect OR solution available after sometime. The computational
time increases depending upon the size of the problem and accuracy of results desired.
(v) Implementation. Implementation of any decision is a delicate task. It must take into account
the complexities of human relations and behaviour. Sometimes, resistance is offered due
to psychological factors which may not have any bearing on the problem as well as its
1. What is operations research and explain briefly its applications in industrial organizations?
2. What are the characteristics of operations research? Discuss.
3. Discuss the importance of OR in decision-making process.
4. Enumerate, with brief description, some of the important techniques used in OR.
5. Discuss the limitations of operation research.
6. Describe the various steps involved in OR study.
7. Discuss significance and scope of operation research.
8. Describe briefly the different phases of operation research.
9. Explain steps involved in the solution of OR problems.
10. Illustrate the importance of features in OR.