This document summarizes the results of partial discharge (PD) measurements on a generator using both slot couplers and radio frequency current transformer (RTD) sensors. Significant PD activity was detected with both types of sensors, with magnitudes up to 1900 mV detected by slot couplers and magnitudes up to 450 mV detected by RTDs. The dominant PD pattern corresponded to phase-to-ground discharges. Direct comparisons found slot couplers and RTDs located in the same slots produced comparable results, though RTDs were more sensitive to bottom bar PD. Based on the findings, the risk of failure was classified as moderate to elevated and further monitoring was recommended.
This document summarizes the results of partial discharge (PD) measurements on a generator using both slot couplers and radio frequency current transformer (RTD) sensors. Significant PD activity was detected with both types of sensors, with magnitudes up to 1900 mV detected by slot couplers and magnitudes up to 450 mV detected by RTDs. The dominant PD pattern corresponded to phase-to-ground discharges. Direct comparisons found slot couplers and RTDs located in the same slots produced comparable results, though RTDs were more sensitive to bottom bar PD. Based on the findings, the risk of failure was classified as moderate to elevated and further monitoring was recommended.
This document summarizes the results of partial discharge (PD) measurements on a generator using both slot couplers and radio frequency current transformer (RTD) sensors. Significant PD activity was detected with both types of sensors, with magnitudes up to 1900 mV detected by slot couplers and magnitudes up to 450 mV detected by RTDs. The dominant PD pattern corresponded to phase-to-ground discharges. Direct comparisons found slot couplers and RTDs located in the same slots produced comparable results, though RTDs were more sensitive to bottom bar PD. Based on the findings, the risk of failure was classified as moderate to elevated and further monitoring was recommended.
This document summarizes the results of partial discharge (PD) measurements on a generator using both slot couplers and radio frequency current transformer (RTD) sensors. Significant PD activity was detected with both types of sensors, with magnitudes up to 1900 mV detected by slot couplers and magnitudes up to 450 mV detected by RTDs. The dominant PD pattern corresponded to phase-to-ground discharges. Direct comparisons found slot couplers and RTDs located in the same slots produced comparable results, though RTDs were more sensitive to bottom bar PD. Based on the findings, the risk of failure was classified as moderate to elevated and further monitoring was recommended.
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Unit #4 LP Operating Conitions Na!ep"ate In#or!ation Ambient Temperature 0 F Humidity Manufacturer/Type GE Hydrogen/water cooling/ ATV 4 poles oad !M"/MVA#$/Amps/%& '()/*0/ +*00/,0 -ate of MFG. /(0+* Volts (0000 Maintenance !rebuild1 rewound& 2o $tator Temperature 0 3 4oint ( 40.( 4ower MVA at *0/4) 4$5G *06/**6.6 ' *0.6 Volts '0000 * 40.4 Amps 660(/0,60 4 4(.( #4M *+00 ) 4'.( E7citer Volts )00 + 4(.) E7citer Amps ('0+/('0+ 4.F. 0.6) Temperature rise 0 3 $tator/#otor 4)/,4 5nsulation type Mica Epo7y $E#5A 8 (609((0 General observation $lot coupler is installed: ; <n top of t=e first bars of t=e coils of t=e first parallels in slots: +( > A p=ase? ( > @ p=ase? (* > 3 p=ase ; <n top of t=e second bars of t=e coils of t=e second parallels in slots: 46 > A p=ase? +0 > @ p=ase? ,' > 3 p=ase 4- actiAity wit= magnitudes up to /*)0 mV and repetition rates /(40 pulses per +0 HB cycle =aAe been detected wit= slot couplers. -ominating 4- pattern corresponds to p=ase to ground disc=arge and =as distinctiAe pulse polarity predominance on negatiAe =alf waAe T=is pattern of 4- actiAity may correspond to a slot disc=arge or to a disc=arge in deteriorated grading layer w=ere stator bars are emerging slots. Measurements wit= significant difference in load and winding temperature can distinguis= t=ose types of 4- actiAity. 3ontinuous monitoring does it automatically. Measurements wit= #T- sensors =aAe been performed wit= connections to #T-Cs 88+(1 +* ; A p=ase1 (1 * ; @ p=ase1 (* and () located under/aboAe first bars in ( t=e first coils of bot= parallels in A1 @ and 3 p=ases. T=ose #T-s are located at eit=er collector or turbine ends. Additional measurements =aAe been performed wit=: (. #T-s located in slots )61 ++1 '(1 ))1 ** and +, > ne7t coil to Dumpers between coils connected in eac= parallel ; in mid winding location. '. #T-s located in slots 461+01,' > same location as $lot 3oupler at collector end for direct comparison of two types of sensors. 5n total t=e mac=ine =as ,' #T-s located in ,' slots at collector and turbine ends and in t=e middle. Multiple sensing points along t=e stator let obtain more reliable information on stator insulation conditions. Hig= 4- actiAity wit= magnitudes up to 4'0 mV and repetition rates / ''0 pulses per +0 HB cycle =aAe been detected wit= #T- sensors. Hig=est 4- actiAity was obserAed wit= #T-s 88)0;++ located deeply inside stator winding along stator bars. -ominating 4- pattern coincides wit= 4- pattern detected by slot couplers. Most of t=e detected 4- actiAity are p=ase to ground disc=arges wit= positiAe pulse polarity predominance !on negatiAe =alf waAe&. HoweAer p=ase to p=ase disc=arges =aAe been obserAed also. 4ulse distributions along +0 HB cycle and e7amples of 4- pulse waAeforms from t=e sensors are presented in Figures ( ; *. 4- signals from $lot 3ouplers > distribution along +0 HB power cycle a 4- signals from #T- sensors > distribution along +0 HB power cycle $ Fig%re & ' #T- #T-+* #T-+0 #T-0( #T-0* #T-(* #T-() $3,' 4- pulse from $3 in slot 8+( !A p=ase&. a 4- pulse from $3 in slot 8(6 !A and 3 p=ases&. $ Fig%re ' Si!%"taneo%s ete(tion o# PD p%"se $) RTD an SC sensors $imilar response of #T-+0 and $3+0 bot= located at t=e collector end and different response in faAor of #T- in slot ,' a $imilar response of #T-,' and $3,' bot= located at t=e collector end $ Fig%re * An automatically generated reports containing bar grap=s for 4- intensity1 ma7imum detected magnitudes1 repetition rates1 p=ase;magnitude plane proDections of *- p=ase resolAed 4- distributions and t=e table wit= numerical 4- data from t=e sensors are presented below. * $3,' Partial Discharge Diagnostic Report Create+ &&,&-,'../ Co!pan) Na!e+ Mi0est Generation1 LLC O$2e(t+ Unit#4 LP E3%ip!ent Rate 4o"tage 5647 '.8. Test Res%"ts 9S"ot Co%p"ers: P;ase Reso"<e PD Distri$%tion8 Partia" Dis(;arge Para!eter Ta$"e 4 $ensor -ate Magnitude E0.(ppc Fn3lG 5ntensity Fm"G 4ower Fm"G 4ulse #epetition #ate FppcG Ma7imum Magnitude Fn3lG $ensitiAity Fn3l/VG AboAe Fn3lG $3+( ((;(0;'00) 0.),0 '.4+ '.(' 4+.) 0.,) (0 0.0) $30( ((;(0;'00) 0.4( ,., 4.)' (44 (.'+ (0 0.0) $3(* ((;(0;'00) 0.*(+ ).0( ,.+, (06 0.,) (0 0.0) $346 ((;(0;'00) 0.44, ,.40 ).0, ()' 0.+66 (0 0.0) $3+0 ((;(0;'00) 0.),0 '.0( (.(( '4.6 0.6(, (0 0.0) $3,' ((;(0;'00) '.00 ('.+ (+.* (*4 *.)) (0 0.0) Test Res%"ts 9RTD sensors: ) P;ase Reso"<e PD Distri$%tion8 + Partia" Dis(;arge Para!eter Ta$"e $ensor -ate Magnitude E0.(ppc Fn3lG 5ntensity Fm"G 4ower Fm"G 4ulse #epetition #ate FppcG Ma7imum Magnitude Fn3lG $ensitiAity Fn3l/VG AboAe Fn3lG #T-0( ((;(0;'00) (.04 '( ('.0 ((4 '.* (0 0.( #T-0* ((;(0;'00) (.() '+.' (4.4 ''4 '.)( (0 0.( #T-(* ((;(0;'00) 0.0,' 4.*, ).)) *).6 (.) (0 0.( #T-() ((;(0;'00) '.* ,.(6 0.0* 4+., *.6, (0 0.( #T-'( ((;(0;'00) 0.)*( ).4* 4.+( )(.6 0.,) (0 0.( #T-** ((;(0;'00) 0.'++ (.4+ (.4( (,.* 0.44, (0 0.( #T-46 ((;(0;'00) 0.,) *.)0 *.'( *).+ (.'+ (0 0.( #T-)) ((;(0;'00) 0.((' 0.0(+6 0.000*( 0.'0( 0.''4 (0 0.( #T-)6 ((;(0;'00) 0.)*( (.0 0.0,, (,.0 0.6(, (0 0.( #T-+0 ((;(0;'00) 0.),0 *.) '.)6 *)., (.'+ (0 0.( #T-+( ((;(0;'00) 0.44, (.)4 (.* (4.( 0.+*( (0 0.( #T-+* ((;(0;'00) *.)) (6.6 (+.+ ('6 4.'' (0 0.( #T-++ ((;(0;'00) 0.),0 '.*' '.*( '(.( 0.,) (0 0.( #T-+, ((;(0;'00) 0.(4) 0.0++4 0.0**4 0.,0' 0.''4 (0 0.( #T-,' ((;(0;'00) *.6, (6.4 (6.4 (*6 **.) (0 0.( Comparison of Slot Couplers and RTDs sensors -irect comparison =aAe been made apple to apple for $lot 3ouplers and #T- sensors located in slots: - 46 ; top bar A p=ase1 bottom bar 3 p=ase? - +0 ; top bar @ p=ase1 bottom bar A p=ase? - ,' ; top bar 3 p=ase1 bottom bar @ p=ase. As it can be seen from t=e picture below sensors giAe are pretty comparable results. HoweAer #T-s more sensitiAe to 4- actiAity in bottom bar because $lot 3ouplers are s=ielded from t=e bottom bar by t=e top bar. , Conclusions and recommendations $ignificant 4- actiAity =as been detected wit= bot= slot couplers and #T- sensors. Magnitudes up to /*)0 mV and repetition rates /(40 pulses per +0 HB cycle =aAe been found on $lot 3ouplers. Magnitudes up to 4'0 mV and repetition rates / ''0 pulses per +0 HB cycle =aAe been obserAed wit= #T- sensors. -ominating 4- pattern corresponds to p=ase to ground disc=arge and =as distinctiAe pulse polarity predominance on negatiAe =alf waAe T=is pattern of 4- actiAity may correspond to a slot disc=arge or to a disc=arge in deteriorated grading layer w=ere stator bars are emerging slots. $lot disc=arge mec=anism is more probable. Measurements wit= significant difference in load and winding temperature can distinguis= t=ose types of 4- actiAity. Tree measurements wit= #T- sensors =aAe been performed wit= connections to () #T-s located in different parts of t=e winding. Multiple sensing points along t=e stator let obtain more reliable information on stator insulation conditions. For direct comparison of two types of sensors special test =as been performed wit= connections to t=e $lot 3ouplers and #T-s located in slots 461+01,' at t=e collector end. Test came up wit= pretty comparable results. HoweAer #T-s are more sensitiAe to 4- actiAity in bottom bars because $lot 3ouplers are s=ielded from t=e bottom bar by t=e top bar. 4- actiAity and #isH of Failure can be classified as MODERATE to ELE4ATED. "e would recommend repeating measurements in t=ree mont=s. 5t is preferable to perform measurements wit= different operating conditions > load and temperature. 4- actiAity s=ould be monitored on regular basis. "e would recommend installing continuous 4- monitoring system on t=e generator. 6