ERS allows goods receipts to be settled without an actual invoice from the vendor. Key prerequisites for ERS include setting up the vendor master record and purchase orders correctly, and configuring message determination. ERS can then be run using transaction code MIR to post invoice documents for open goods receipts. The process simulates a test run first before executing to generate the accounting documents. Planned delivery costs can also now be included in ERS by customizing transaction MIR6 and maintaining condition records.
ERS allows goods receipts to be settled without an actual invoice from the vendor. Key prerequisites for ERS include setting up the vendor master record and purchase orders correctly, and configuring message determination. ERS can then be run using transaction code MIR to post invoice documents for open goods receipts. The process simulates a test run first before executing to generate the accounting documents. Planned delivery costs can also now be included in ERS by customizing transaction MIR6 and maintaining condition records.
ERS allows goods receipts to be settled without an actual invoice from the vendor. Key prerequisites for ERS include setting up the vendor master record and purchase orders correctly, and configuring message determination. ERS can then be run using transaction code MIR to post invoice documents for open goods receipts. The process simulates a test run first before executing to generate the accounting documents. Planned delivery costs can also now be included in ERS by customizing transaction MIR6 and maintaining condition records.
ERS allows goods receipts to be settled without an actual invoice from the vendor. Key prerequisites for ERS include setting up the vendor master record and purchase orders correctly, and configuring message determination. ERS can then be run using transaction code MIR to post invoice documents for open goods receipts. The process simulates a test run first before executing to generate the accounting documents. Planned delivery costs can also now be included in ERS by customizing transaction MIR6 and maintaining condition records.
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Evaluated Receipt Settlement
ERS procedure in SAP.
Evaluated Receipt settlement (ERS) in SAP R/3 ERS allows settlement of a goods receipt without receiving the Actual Invoice from the vendor Using Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) means that you have an agreement with your suppliers that they do not create invoices for purchasing transactions, but you post them yourself based on the information contained in purchase orders and service entries. Thus, ERS has the following advantages !urchasing transactions are closed more "uic#ly. $ommunication errors are avoided. %o price and "uantity variances in invoice verification. Pre-requisites: (1)Vendor Master : !"1 Purchasing data
Vendor no. 410001 is created in the following o.ode and P.!rg. with a"ove setting for ERS (#)$n $n%o Record : ME11 #aintain the following setting. ie. $%o ERS$ flag should remain un chec&ed. Sa' in the following Info Record( (3) $n Purc&ase 'rder (P') (ME#1() maintain the following setting. )&us ERS indicator s&ould *e c&ec+ed. )his *lag will onl' appear and default to flagged if selected for that specific Purchase !rgani+ation in the vendor master. Also )a, code s&ould *e maintained in t&e P'. ,ith the a"ove setting the following P! is created with Vendor 410001- material 104 in Plant 1001. (-) Release t&e P' i% Release Strate./ is present )-0ode:ME#1( (2) M$3': 3oods Receipt a.ainst P' -2"""""#14 .ou will get the following #essage So Enter the deliver' note and post the /R. )he Accounting document is as follows( (5) Mandator/ $M3 Settin. required %or Messa.e 6etermination as %ollo7s: (a) 6e%ine t&e Messa.e t/pe )he message t'pe ERS is set up in the path SPR!0 I#/0##01IV0#essage determination 0 #aintain #essage )'pes )hus Access se2uence assigned with condition t'pe ERS is 0004. hec& the *orm and Program maintained for ERS. (*) Maintain Messa.e Sc&emas #aintain the message t'pe 3ERS4 in the message Schemas #R0004 5 ERS Procedure in the following I#/ path SPR!0 I#/0##01IV0#essage determination 0 #aintain #essage Schemas (c)Assi.n 8orms and Pro.rams Assign the forms and programs for the message t'pe ERS in the following I#/ path. In case custom program and form is designed- same has to "e assigned to the message t'pe ERS. If the *orm is different for different medium of output- the relevant forms have to "e assigned to the message t'pe and medium. SPR!0 I#/0##01IV0#essage determination 0 Assign *orms and programs (9) Maintain 0ondition record : )-0ode MRM1 )hus Save the ondition Record. (4) ERS 7it& :o.istics $nvoice Veri%ication )-0ode : MRR: Evaluated Receipt Settlement 3ERS4 process posts the invoice documents for all open goods receipts without e6pecting the invoice from the vendor. )he Process can "e run using the transaction code #RR1. )he important &e' fields are availa"le for document selection li&e ompan' code- Plant- Vendor- Purchasing 7ocument num"er etc. )he Simulation is also possi"le "' test run so that the goods receipts which can "e posted are listed and also the documents which cannot "e posted are also listed. At this point- the s'stem ma&es no postings and onl' goods receipt documents are listed *irst run in test mode After simulation run- the transaction can "e e6ecuted to settle the documents "' un che&ing the test run indicator. E6ecute( )hus Invoice document no. 8108900:;< is generated. )he Accounting 7ocument generated is as follows( ===============================End of document==================================== ERS 7it& Planned 6eliver/ 0osts: $n t&e earlier Releases Planned 6eliver/ costs cannot *e ta+en into account */ ERS; <ut no7 it is availa*le in 0ustomisin.; Steps: (1) )&e 8ollo7in. 0ustomisation is required; (#) )o maintain )ransaction MR60 in )a*le )1518 3.ou can maintain the transaction #R7 directl' in ta"le )19>*- "' )=ode SE194 'r %rom Spro SAVE this setting. (#) Maintain 0ondition Record */ )-0ode MRM1 %or t&e 8rei.&t Vendor: SAVE (3) )-0ode : ME#1( 0reate P' 7it& ERS )a&e Vendor 410001 and freight vendor <00004. Planned 6eliver/ 0ost is maintained in 0ondition t/pe 8RA1= ie; 8rei.&t > is ta+en as #>= and t&e 8rei.&t vendor maintained is #""""-; %e6t save the P!. (#) ME#1( release t&e P' i% required; (3) M$3': 3R a.ainst P' -2"""""##" Post t&e 3oods receipt document )&e Accountin. 6ocument .enerated contains t&e planned 6eliver/ cost o% 8rei.&t; (-) ERS in :o.istics $nvoice Veri%ication : )-0ode MRR: Menupat& %rom Sap Eas/ Access ERS %or t&e Planned 6eliver/ cost can *e settled t&rou.& )-0ode : MR60 or */ MRR: onl/; MRR: )est Run E,ecute (e,t 7e e,ecute de-selectin. t&e )est Run E,ecute )&us $nvoice (o; 21"25""492 is .enerated %or t&e %rei.&t vendor #""""- and $nvoice (o; 21"25""495 is .enerated %or t&e normal vendor -1"""1; )&e Accountin. 6ocument is )&e Accountin. 6ocument is ?ou can 0&ec+ t&e updated P' @istor/ )-0ode ME#3( %or P' -2"""""##" ----------------------End o% 6ocument---------------------------