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Brasswind Overhaul Schedule

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2002 Lawrcncc P.

K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy 1

0- *4)5591,5
0nc ot thc morc unsctt||nq aspccts tor thc mus|ca| |n-
strumcnt rcpa|r consumcr thcsc days |s bc|nq ab|c to
know cxact|y what a so-ca||cd CcmpIctc OvcrhcuI m|qht
cons|st ot. |n othcr words, what onc shop cons|dcrs to
bc a comp|ctc ovcrhau| may bc vcry d|ttcrcnt trom thc
ovcrhau| cr|tcr|a ot anothcr shop. |atura||y, onc cxp|a-
nat|on tor th|s wou|d bc that cach tcchn|c|an w||| havc
acqu|rcd thc|r protcss|ona| sk|||s trom d|ss|m||ar or non-
standard|zcd rcsourccs. Anothcr cxp|anat|on m|qht s|m-
p|y bc qcncra| d|saqrccmcnt amonq tcchn|c|ans ovcr
cxact|y what c|cmcnts a comp|ctc ovcrhau| shou|d |n-
hc to||ow|nq ovcrhau| schcdu|c rcprcscnts what I
cons|dcr to bc a |oq|ca| rcpa|r scqucncc tor thc com-
p|ctc ovcrhau| ot thc Sma|| P|ston \a|vcd 8rassw|nds.
|t |s thc schcdu|c that wc usc rout|nc|y |n my own
shop. |t |s by no mcans mcant to app|y to a|| s|tua-
t|ons. Whcn spcc|a| or unusua| cond|t|ons ar|sc, thc
tcchn|c|an may t|nd that |t wou|d bc ncccssary to a|tcr
thc scqucncc ot thc schcdu|c. |n such a casc onc
wou|d mcrc|y |nscrt or dc|ctc any ot thc appropr|atc
stcps so as to contorm to thc|r un|quc s|tuat|on.
N0. Stcps markcd w|th an astcr|sk ' * ' w||| |nd|catc
that th|s opcrat|on |s an opt|ona| or cond|t|ona| c|c-
|. u|SASSLM8L & PkLPAkA|0| 0| ||SkUML|
A. kLM0\L SL|uLS (1 m|n.)
Ma|n un|nq S||dc
1st un|nq S||dc
2nd un|nq S||dc
3rd un|nq S||dc
kcmovc a|| sub-asscmb||cs such as watcr kcys
and va|vc tr|qqcr mcchan|sms and p|acc a|| thc
sma|| scrcws and spr|nqs |n a v|a| tor satc-
kccp|nq. P|acc a|| thc s||dcs and othcr parts |n
a rcpa|r tray.
*8. |k0ZL| SL|uLS
Spcc|t|c tcchn|qucs may havc to bc cmp|oycd
tor thc rcmova| ot trozcn s||dcs. |n as much as
th|s |s on|y a qcncr|c out||nc ot thc ovcrhau|
proccss, a|| tcchn|ca| proccsscs and spcc|t|c
rcpa|r tcchn|qucs w||| bc prcscntcd |n anothcr
C. kLM0\L A|u u|SASSLM8LL hL \AL\L P|S0|S (2 m|n.)
1st \a|vc
2nd \a|vc
3rd \a|vc
Comp|ctc|y d|sasscmb|c thc va|vcs down to
thc|r bas|c componcnts and savc a|| thc o|d
corks, tc|ts, and spr|nqs |n thc parts v|a| tor
tuturc rctcrcncc. A|ways protcct thc |nd|v|dua|
va|vc p|stons trom damaqc by wrapp|nq thcm
|n a sott towc| pr|or to p|ac|nq |n thc rcpa|r
*u. |k0ZL| \AL\LS
Spcc|t|c tcchn|qucs may havc to bc cmp|oycd
tor thc satc rcmova| ot trozcn or bcnt va|vcs.
L. ||\L|0k PAkS A|u KLLP A C0P || hL kL-
PA|k kA (1 m|n.)
ou w||| bc rcqu|rcd to rc-|nvcntory your parts
at a numbcr ot cr|t|ca| po|nts dur|nq thc com-
p|ctc ovcrhau| proccss.
|. PLACL ALL PAkS 0 8L Sk|PPLu || hL C0Lu
Sk|P (2 m|n.)
SMAll kASSWlN0 0vkhA0l SCh00l
8y Lcrs Krmscr
2 2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy
SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc !hc 8rcsswncs
u|p a|| brass kcys and body parts |nto chrom|c
ac|d tor a MAX|MUM ot 15 scconds. |t thc parts
arc |ctt |n thc chrom|c ac|d tor an cxtcndcd pc-
r|od, thc ac|d w||| actua||y rcmovc a substant|a|
amount ot thc basc mcta|. h|s can bc d|sas-
trous whcn br|qht d|pp|nq prcc|s|on parts such
as va|vc cas|nqs and s||dcs! S||vcr |nstrumcnt
parts (p|atcd and so||d) arc |L\Lk to bc |m-
mcrscd |n chrom|c ac|d as thcy turn a br|qht
rcd co|or and must bc br|qht d|ppcd |n a so|u-
t|on ot sod|um cyan|dc or potass|um cyan|dc to
rcmovc thc hcavy rcd corros|on. |orma||y, s||-
vcr |s rout|nc|y br|qht d|ppcd |n onc or thc othcr
ot thcsc two cyan|dc so|ut|ons, howcvcr, thc s||-
vcr parts may bc |ctt |n thc 'cyan|dc' br|qht d|ps
satc|y tor a |onqcr pcr|od ot t|mc, pcrhaps as
|onq as 15 or 20 m|nutcs. o bc on thc satc s|dc
thouqh, mon|tor thc parts trcqucnt|y whcncvcr
thcy arc p|accd |n any br|qht d|p so|ut|on tor
any |cnqth ot t|mc.
o avo|d contam|nat|nq your wastc watcr w|th
str|p so|ut|ons, |t |s adv|sab|c that you r|nsc thc
d|p baskct and a|| str|ppcd parts |n an opcn
(||ncd) barrc| ot p|a|n watcr just pr|or to r|ns|nq
|n your dccp s|nk. ucpcnd|nq upon thc vo|umc
ot str|pp|nq your shop pcrtorms, thc chcm|ca|s
shou|d d||utc and cvcntua||y d|ss|patc by cvapo-
rat|on |t th|s |ntcrmcd|atc r|nsc tank |s |ctt un-
covcrcd trom t|mc to t|mc. 8c surc to usc ad-
cquatc vcnt||at|on whcn pcrtorm|nq th|s opcra-
Scrub thc |ns|dcs ot a|| tub|nq and parts w|th a
t|cx|b|c brush (snakc) as you t|ush w|th watcr,
dry a|| parts thorouqh|y w|th comprcsscd a|r,
and rc |nvcntory thc parts bctorc |cav|nq thc
chcm|ca| str|p arca.
ll. 0N kM0vAl AN0 PkllMlNAk S0kfAC
CLSS uL|S (6 m|n.)
8c|| / 8c|| 8ow (on|y |t rcq.)
Lcadp|pc (on|y |t rcq.)
hc parts w||| nccd to bc comp|ctc|y submcrqcd
|n thc co|d str|p tor 30 - 45 m|nutcs.
*C. ALLk|A|\L MLh0uS 0| Sk|PP||C ||||Sh
h|s task |s most ottcn pcrtormcd by |mmcrs|nq
thc |acqucrcd or cpox|cd parts |n a tormu|a ot
mcthy|cnc ch|or|dc (co|d str|p) tor approx|matc|y
30 m|nutcs. Pr|or to thc ava||ab|||ty ot th|s co|d
str|p tormu|a, most shops wcrc rcqu|rcd to bo||-
ott thc t|n|sh w|th a hot caust|c |yc bath. hcsc
days commcrc|a| co|d str|ps arc not as rcad||y
ava||ab|c bccausc ot thc cost ot sh|pp|nq cor-
ros|vc matcr|a|s, so you may havc to buy somc
mcthy|cnc ch|or|dc (|n bu|k) a|onq w|th mcthy|
a|coho| and m|x 85 mcthy|cnc ch|or|dc to 15
mcthy| a|coho|. Untortunatc|y, thc K|nq 'kcd
Lacqucr' docs not rcact to th|s co|d str|p so|u-
t|on and must bc c|thcr bo||cd ott w|th a caust|c
tormu|a (|.c. |crrccs Z 15 Lacqucr kcmov|nq
So|ut|on) or as an a|tcrnat|vc, | havc had rca-
sonab|y qood rcsu|ts by p|ac|nq thcsc K|nq
products |n a trcsh so|ut|on ot 'S||mc-Away',
'Lxo-K|ccn', or Ltch K|cnz tor scvcra| hours. ou
must bc caut|ous, howcvcr, and mon|tor thc
parts bc|nq str|ppcd trcqucnt|y and rcmovc thcm
as soon as thc |acqucr has bccn rcmovcd.
h. h0k0UChL k||SL Sk|PPLu PAkS W|h WAkM
WALk (3 m|n.)
o avo|d contam|nat|nq your wastc watcr w|th
str|p so|ut|ons, |t |s adv|sab|c that you r|nsc thc
d|p baskct and a|| str|ppcd parts |n an opcn
(||ncd) barrc| ot p|a|n watcr just pr|or to r|ns|nq
|n your dccp s|nk. ucpcnd|nq upon thc vo|umc
ot str|pp|nq your shop pcrtorms, thc chcm|ca|s
shou|d d||utc and cvcntua||y d|ss|patc by cvapo-
rat|on |t th|s |ntcrmcd|atc r|nsc tank |s |ctt un-
covcrcd trom t|mc to t|mc. 8c surc to usc ad-
cquatc vcnt||at|on whcn pcrtorm|nq th|s opcra-
Scrub thc |ns|dcs ot a|| tub|nq and parts w|th a
t|cx|b|c brush (snakc) as you t|ush w|th watcr.
|. 8k|Ch u|P ALL MLAL PAkS (5 m|n.)
2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy 3
!hc 8rcsswncs SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc
un|nq S||dcs (on|y thosc wh|ch arc rcq.)
8. kLM0\L uL|S A|u SUk|ACL SCkAChLS / P|-
||C (60 m|n.)
8c|| / 8c|| 8ow scct|on
Lcadp|pc scct|on
Ma|n tun|nq s||dc / crook
#1 tun|nq s||dc / crook
#2 tun|nq s||dc / crook
#3 tun|nq s||dc / crook
\a|vc cas|nqs (|nc|ud|nq a|| knuck|cs and out-
s|dc s||dc tubcs)
A|| braccs and t|anqcs
Attcmpt on|y to rcmovc supcrt|c|a| ctch|nq and/
or p|tt|nq. uo not rcmovc morc matcr|a| thcn |s
abso|utc|y ncccssary and |L\Lk attcmpt to com-
p|ctc|y po||sh out scratchcs or p|tt|nq at thc cx-
pcnsc ot thc |nstrumcnts structura| |ntcqr|ty.
0n occas|on you w||| t|nd that |t |s |css cxpcn-
s|vc (|n thc |onq run) to rcp|acc cxccss|vc|y dam-
aqcd or corrodcd crooks and s||dcs. |t may a|so
bc ncccssary to |nsta|| quard mo|d|nqs and/or
'pu|| knobs' on marq|na| crooks and bows (cs-
pcc|a||y thosc that cannot bc rcp|accd). hc cx-
tra charqcs tor thc rcp|accmcnt ot such parts
as thc bc|| scct|on, t|nqcr buttons, watcr kcy
asscmb||cs, and thc tabr|cat|on or rcp|accmcnt
ot braccs, ctc., must bc tactorcd |nto thc t|na|
u. hAku 8U|| ALL PAkS W|h k|P0L| (20 m|n.)
hard butt thcsc parts w|th tr|po|| app||cd to a
doub|c scct|on ot sp|ra| st|tchcd mus||n butt|nq
whcc|s. Usc a mcd|um to h|qh spccd on thc
butt|nq mach|nc (2400 - 3000 kPM).
|o||ow thc tr|po|| butt|nq w|th wh|tc compound
on a scparatc sct ot a doub|c scct|on ot sp|ra|
st|tchcd mus||n butts. Usc a mcd|um spccd ot
around 2400 kPM.
L. P0L|Sh A|u CLLA| hL ||S|uL 0| ALL \AL\L
CAS||CS (10 m|n.)
|. P0L|Sh & CLLA| hL ||S|uL 0| ALL SL|uL U8LS
(5 m|n.)
Stcps L and | arc vcry scns|t|vc opcrat|ons
and shou|d bc pcrtormcd carctu||y by us|nq a
t|rm br|st|c brush (a ||tt|c |arqcr than thc |.u. ot
thc va|vc cas|nq or s||dc tubc bc|nq c|cancd).
| prctcr to usc thc 'Sott Scrub' ||qu|d c|canscr,
as c|canup |s cas|cr than |t you usc t|nc pum-
|cc and o||. |n pcrtorm|nq th|s opcrat|on, thc
brush |s p|accd |n thc chuck ot a var|ab|c
spccd cord|css hand dr||| and rotatcd tor a tcw
scconds at rc|at|vc|y s|ow spccds. |t donc prop-
cr|y, th|s stcp w||| on|y rcmovc thc undcs|rab|c
q|az|nq and surtacc ox|dcs, and w||| not at-
tack thc basc mcta|.
C. P0L|Sh & CLLA| hL \AL\L P|S0|S (5 m|n.)
h|s opcrat|on |s pcrtormcd by us|nq a t|nc
pum|cc and o|| on thc propcr s|zcd p|ston |ap-
p|nq b|ock (hardwood). Aqa|n, a tcw scconds
|s a|| that shou|d bc rcqu|rcd to rcmovc thc
supcrt|c|a| ox|dcs and/or q|az|nq w|thout at-
tcct|nq thc prcc|sc d|mcns|ons ot thc va|vc
p|ston. P|acc thc p|ston va|vc stcm |n your
bcnch motor chuck and qcnt|y c|osc thc
charqcd |app|nq b|ock aqa|nst thc rotat|nq
bcar|nq surtacc ot thc p|ston. Work thc |ap-
p|nq b|ock back and torth a|onq thc p|ston tor
a tcw scconds bc|nq carctu| not to qcncratc
hcat. horouqh|y scrub thc p|stons and por-
ta|s |n a co|d dcqrcascr to||owcd by c|can|nq
w|th soap and warm watcr, dry comp|ctc|y.
h. ChLCK LACh \AL\L P|S0| || |S kLLA|\L CAS-
||C (5 m|n.)
|t you havc any doubt as to how wc|| a p|ston
t|ts |ts rc|at|vc cas|nq, takc thc t|mc to mcasurc
both thc va|vc and thc cas|nq to qct an |dca ot
thc to|crancc prcscnt. A ncw va|vc p|ston (on
bcttcr qua||ty |nstrumcnts) w||| havc somcwhcrc
bctwccn .0005' and .001' c|carancc bctwccn
thc outs|dc ot thc p|ston and |ts cas|nq wa|| (|n
4 2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy
SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc !hc 8rcsswncs
othcr words, thc p|ston w||| bc somcwhcrc bc-
twccn .001' and .002' undcrs|zcd comparcd
to thc |.u. ot thc cas|nq). Anyth|nq ovcr .0015'
or .002' d|ttcrcncc w||| start to cxh|b|t somc
|cakaqc and may bc not|ccd by a accomp||shcd
mus|c|an. |atura||y, thcrc |s a w|dcr ranqc ot
to|crancc amonq studcnt |nstrumcnts.
|t |s at th|s t|mc that any m|nor prob|cms w|th
va|vc act|on shou|d bc takcn carc ot (|.c. kcy
qu|dc rcp|accmcnt, thrcad-chas|nq, burn|sh|nq
cas|nqs, ctc.). Usua||y thc va|vcs w||| opcratc t|nc,
but wc w||| want to vcr|ty th|s now s|ncc |t |s so
much cas|cr to addrcss thcsc typcs ot prob|cms
at th|s t|mc.
|t you havc obscrvcd any s|qn|t|cant va|vc cas-
|nq wcar or d|stort|on, th|s |s thc t|mc to takc
carc ot |t by burn|sh|nq thc va|vc cas|nqs back
|nto round. 0n thc othcr hand, |t thcy arc |n rca-
sonab|y qood shapc a|rcady, you nccd on|y
'scrub' cach cas|nq w|th a t|rm br|st|c va|vc
cas|nq brush and somc 'Sott Scrub' c|canscr.
h|s w||| rcmovc any bu||dup ot q|az|nq or qr|mc
w|thout rcmov|nq any mcta|.
*I. PkLPAkL hL \AL\LS A|u \AL\L CAS||CS |0k
S|ncc most rcpa|r shops do not havc thc ab|||ty
to rcp|atc va|vcs, | wou|d qcncra||y rccommcnd
that thc va|vc scct|on, a|onq w|th thc va|vcs rc-
qu|r|nq rcp|at|nq bc scnt to Andcrson P|at|nq
Co. |n L|khart, ||. M|kc Andcrson runs an cx-
ccpt|ona| scrv|cc.
K. ChLCK ||S|uL SL|uL U8LS W|h kLLA|\L 0U-
S|uL U8LS (5 m|n.)
L. MAKL k0U||L SL|uL AuIUSML|S (5 m|n.)
|t |s at th|s t|mc that any prob|cms w|th thc
rc|at|vc s||dc act|ons shou|d bc takcn carc ot.
Aqa|n, usua||y, a|| thc s||dcs w||| a|rcady bc |n
ta|r|y qood adjustmcnt, howcvcr, wc want to
vcr|ty that cach rc|at|vc pa|r ot s||dcs |s |n cx-
cc||cnt adjustmcnt. (S||dc a||qnmcnt w||| bc
pcrtormcd at thc t|mc thc |nstrumcnt |s rcas-
M. kL||\L|0k ALL PAkS (1 m|n.)
|||. kLASSLM8L 0| hL ||SkUML| A|u SU8-AS-
A. ASSLM8LL - AL|C| - kLS0LuLk SL|uL - Ck00KS
(5 m|n.)
Usc thc qran|tc |cvc||nq b|ock to a||qn, |cvc|,
and rcso|dcr thc s||dcs/crooks |nto pos|t|on. Lcv-
c|ncss |s ach|cvcd by |ay|nq thc s||dcs t|at
aqa|nst thc |cvc||nq stonc, wh||c thc para||c|
statc |s ach|cvcd throuqh thc usc ot a d|a| ca||-
Ma|n un|nq S||dc
a. s||dc tubcs/tcrru|cs to crook
b. bracc (opt.)
c. watcrkcy asscmb|y (trumpct)
1st \a|vc S||dc
a. s||dc tubcs/tcrru|cs to crook
b. thumb r|nq/tr|qqcr asscmb|y (opt.)
c. pu|| knob (opt.)
2nd \a|vc S||dc
a. s||dc tubcs/tcrru|cs to crook
b. pu|| knob (opt.)
3rd \a|vc S||dc
a. s||dc tubcs/tcrru|cs to crook
b. spaccr (opt.)
c. watcr kcy asscmb|y (opt.)
d. |yrc ho|dcr (opt.)
c. t|nqcr r|nq / tr|qqcr asscmb|y (opt.)
t. pu|| knob (opt.)
q. stop rod post (opt.)
(15 m|n.)
|n thc cvcnt that a||qnmcnt |s rcqu|rcd, thc
s||dc a||qnmcnt ot thosc s||dc tubcs cmanat-
|nq trom thc va|vc corc |s ach|cvcd by rcmov-
2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy 5
!hc 8rcsswncs SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc
|nq any spaccrs (sma|| braccs) bctwccn thc
s||dc tubcs and |nscrt|nq thc (prcv|ous|y)
a||qncd s||dc crook about ha|tway |nto thc|r
rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc tubcs. hc so|dcr jo|nts
ot thc outs|dc s||dc tubcs arc thcn hcatcd to
thc po|nt whcrc thc cx|st|nq so|dcr ||qu|t|cs
and a||ows thc outs|dc s||dc tubcs to contorm
to thc a||qnmcnt ot thc prcsct s||dc crook.
1st \a|vc 0uts|dc S||dc ubcs
a. rcmovc sma|| spaccr bctwccn tubcs (|t prcscnt)
b. |nscrt prcsct #1 s||dc crook ha|tway |nto
outs|dc s||dc tubcs
c. hcat (a||ow to 'pop' |nto a||qnmcnt) or
rcso|dcr (|t unso|dcrcd) |nto pos|t|on
d. pos|t|on and rcso|dcr thc spaccr (|t app.) |nto
pos|t|on (wh||c s||dc crook rcma|n |nscrtcd)
2nd \a|vc 0uts|dc S||dc ubcs
a. thcsc arc rarc|y |n nccd ot adjustmcnt
3rd \a|vc 0uts|dc S||dc ubcs
a. rcmovc sma|| spaccr bctwccn tubcs
b. |nscrt prcsct #3 s||dc crook ha|tway |nto thc
outs|dc s||dc tubcs
c. hcat (a||ow to 'pop' |nto a||qnmcnt) or
rcso|dcr (|t unso|dcrcd) |nto pos|t|on
d. pos|t|on and rcso|dcr thc spaccr (|t app.) |nto
pos|t|on (wh||c s||dc crook rcma|n |nscrtcd)
c. so|dcr thc stop rod asscmb|y |nto pos|t|on (|t
C. AL|C| - S0LuLk LLAuP|PL & 8LLL SLC|0| ||0
P0S||0| (10 m|n.)
|n thc casc ot thc |cadp|pc, thc ma|n tun|nq
s||dc MUS bc |nscrtcd a|| thc way |nto |ts
rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc tubcs to cstab||sh thc
corrcct |cadp|p-to-va|vc corc pos|t|on wh||c thc
so|dcr|nq |s pcrtormcd. hc |cadp|pc |s w|rcd
|nto pos|t|on whcrc thc |cadp|pc-to-va|vc corc
spaccrs arc p|accd.
Lcadp|pc Sctup
a. a||qn - so|dcr thc mouthp|ccc rccc|vcr and
tun|nq s||dc rccc|vcr onto thc |cadp|pc (|t
b. |nscrt thc prcsct ma|n tun|nq s||dc a|| thc
way |nto thc outs|dc tubcs
c. w|th thc sma|| |cadp|pc-to-va|vc cas|nq
spaccr(s) |n p|acc and propcr|y contourcd,
w|rc thc |cadp|pc |n |ts corrcct pos|t|on
w|th rcspcct to thc va|vc corc
d. so|dcr thc uppcr outs|dc ma|n tun|nq s||dc to
thc |owcr outs|dc ma|n tun|nq s||dc (bracc)
|nto pos|t|on
c.pos|t|on and so|dcr thc t|nqcr hook onto thc
8c|| Scct|on Sctup
a. a||qn - so|dcr thc bc|| t|arc to bc|| bow (|t
scparatc |c. Cctzcn)
b. w|th thc sma|| bc||-to-va|vc cas|nq spaccr(s)
|n p|acc and propcr|y contourcd, w|rc thc
bc|| |nto |ts corrcct pos|t|on w|th rcspcct to
thc va|vc corc and (a|rcady) w|rcd |cadp|pc
c. adjust and w|rc thc 2 bc||-to-|cadp|pc braccs
|nto pos|t|on
d. carctu||y chcck a||qnmcnts trom a|| anq|cs
(a|| tubcs para||c| - no 'doq |cqs')
So|dcr thc 8c|| and Lcadp|pc Asscmb||cs |nto
a. so|dcr thc bc||-to-1st va|vc port tcrru|c
b. so|dcr thc bc||-to-#1 tun|nq s||dc rccc|vcr
spaccr |nto pos|t|on
c. so|dcr thc 2 bc||-to-|cadp|pc braccs |nto pos|-
d. so|dcr thc |cadp|pc-to-va|vc corc spaccr(s)
|nto pos|t|on
lv. flNAl S0kfAC PkPAkAl0N
(15 m|n.)
Carctu||y rcmovc a|| phys|ca| traccs ot so|dcr
(so|dcr scrapcr, cmcry st|ck). 8c carctu| not to
'round ovcr' any ot thc cdqcs ot thc t|anqcs!
hcy shou|d cnd up |ook|nq sharp and cr|sp.
u|p a|| thc parts |n thc sod|um or potass|um
cyan|dc tor approx|matc|y 10 m|nutcs to ncu-
tra||zc a|| ac|d pockcts that may bc prcscnt. hor-
ouqh|y r|nsc and dry bctorc procccd|nq.
6 2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy
SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc !hc 8rcsswncs
8. kAC hL ||SkUML| W|h k|P0L| (15 m|n.)
C. 8U|| hL ||SkUML| A|u ALL PAkS W|h
k|P0L| (15 m|n.)
Usc a doub|c scct|on ot sp|ra|-st|tchcd mus||n
butts at mcd|um to h|qh spccd (2400 - 3200
kcmovc a|| traccs ot butt|nq compound bctorc
procccd|nq w|th c|can shop raq and c|can raq-
q|nq tapc
u. kAC hL ||SkUML| W|h Wh|L C0MP0U|u
(10 m|n.)
L. 8U|| hL ||SkUML| A|u PAkS W|h Wh|L
C0MP0U|u (10 m|n.)
Usc a doub|c scct|on ot ccntcr-st|tchcd mus-
||n butt at a mcd|um spccd (- 2400 kPM)
kcmovc a|| traccs ot butt|nq compound bctorc
procccd|nq w|th c|can shop raq and c|can raq-
q|nq tapc
|. kAC hL L||kL ||SkUML| W|h 8Uk|S kLu
k0UCL (10 m|n.)
App|y thc rouqc to thc |nstrumcnt w|th a cot-
ton ba|| (or c|oth) trcatcd w|th a|coho|
kaq w|th c|can str|ps ot sott cotton t|annc| (vs.
raqq|nq tapc)
C. 8U|| hL ||SkUML| A|u PAkS W|h kLu
k0UCL (10 m|n.)
Usc a s|nq|c tu|| scct|on ot a ccntcr-st|tchcd
t|annc| co|or butt at s|ow spccds (-700 kPM).
Carctu||y chcck a|| surtaccs undcr cxcc||cnt
||qht 8L|0kL cnd|nq thc butt|nq staqc.
Usc sott wh|tc q|ovcs and bc surc to covcr
your butt|nq pad w|th a sott c|oth to avo|d
scratch|nq thc |nstrumcnt dur|nq thc t|na| co|or
butt|nq stcp.
|o||ow|nq thc co|or butt|nq staqc, b|ow out a||
tubcs and parts w|th comprcsscd a|r.
h. uLCkLASL ||SkUML| A|u PAkS || h0
uLCkLASLk (10 m|n.)
|o||ow|nq thc dcqrcas|nq, chcck thc cnt|rc |n-
strumcnt tor d|rt or smudqcs trom thc
dcqrcas|nq t|u|d. a. a|| smudqcs |n opcn arcas
man bc |nd|v|dua||y w|pcd c|cancd w|th a c|can
sott t|annc| raq, wh||c t|qht spots may bc c|cancd
up by us|nq cotton swabs and a|coho|.
|. PkLPAkL hL ||SkUML| |0k LP0X ||||Sh
(10 m|n.)
Scrcw a|| top and bottom va|vc caps on thc
Put corks |nto a|| thc cxposcd tubc opcn|nqs
Scrcw |yrc scrcws and watcrkcy scrcws |nto
thc|r rcspcct|vc p|accs
P|acc a|| crooks and othcr sma|| parts (va|vc
buttons & stcms, watcrkcys, ctc.) on a spray parts
I. SPkA hL ||SkUML| A|u PAkS W|h LP0X
(10 m|n.)
K. 8AKL hL |kLShL SPkALu ||SkUML| A|u
PAkS (5 m|n.)
A||ow to bakc at 250 dcqrccs |. tor 45 m|n-
kcmovc trom ovcn and a||ow to coo| (prctcr-
ab|y hanq|nq).
kcmovc corks trom tubcs.
kcmovc uppcr and |owcr va|vc caps.
kcmovc sma|| scrcws |n p|acc on |nstrumcnt.
v. kASSMl - l0klCAl0N - flNAl lNSPCl0N
At th|s po|nt, a sott wh|tc cotton asscmb|y q|ovc
shou|d bc worn on your |cast tavorcd hand, and
your work surtacc shou|d bc covcrcd w|th a sott,
c|can, wh|tc bcnch covcr (takc a|| prccaut|ons
to avo|d bcnch damaqc!).
A. PkLPAkL A|u ||SALL SL|uLS (5 m|n.)
Ma|n un|nq S||dc
2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy 7
!hc 8rcsswncs SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc
a. |nsta|| thc watcr kcy asscmb|y (trumpct) and
chcck thc s||dc tor vacuum
b. |n thc casc ot a cornct, you may |nsta|| thc
watcrkcy on thc |cadp|pc now
c. ||qht|y po||sh thc bcar|nq surtacc ot thc |n-
s|dc s||dc tubcs to rcmovc a|| traccs ot
ovcrspray and rcs|dua| corros|on w|th str|p
ot t|nc 'Scotch 8r|tc' abras|vc pad (not cm-
cry c|oth or sandpapcr)
d. app|y a modcst amount ot s||dc qrcasc to thc
surtacc ot thc |ns|dc s||dc tubcs (onc at a
t|mc) and 'work' cach s||dc (|nd|v|dua||y)
|nto |ts rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc rccc|vcr us|nq
a t|qurc-8 mot|on.
c. attcr cach s||dc opcratcs smooth|y, w|pc thc
s||dc c|can and rcapp|y trcsh c|can s||dc
qrcasc and |nsta|| thc s||dc crook on to thc
|nstrumcnt (bc carctu| not to usc so much
s||dc qrcasc so that |t accumu|atcs |ns|dc
thc s||dc tubcs!)
#1 un|nq s||dc
a. ||qht|y po||sh thc bcar|nq surtacc ot thc |n-
s|dc s||dc tubcs to rcmovc a|| traccs ot
ovcrspray and rcs|dua| corros|on w|th str|p
ot t|nc 'Scotch 8r|tc' abras|vc pad (not cm-
cry c|oth or sandpapcr)
b. app|y a modcst amount ot s||dc qrcasc to thc
surtacc ot thc |ns|dc s||dc tubcs (onc at a
t|mc) and 'work' cach s||dc (|nd|v|dua||y)
|nto |ts rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc rccc|vcr us|nq
a t|qurc-8 mot|on.
c. attcr cach s||dc opcratcs smooth|y, w|pc thc
s||dc c|can and rcapp|y trcsh c|can s||dc
qrcasc and |nsta|| thc s||dc crook on to thc
|nstrumcnt (bc carctu| not to usc so much
s||dc qrcasc so that |t accumu|atcs |ns|dc
thc s||dc tubcs!)
d. rc|nsta|| thc tr|qqcr mcchan|sm (|t app.)
#2 un|nq S||dc
a. ||qht|y po||sh thc bcar|nq surtacc ot thc |n-
s|dc s||dc tubcs to rcmovc a|| traccs ot
ovcrspray and rcs|dua| corros|on w|th str|p
ot t|nc 'Scotch 8r|tc' abras|vc pad (not cm-
cry c|oth or sandpapcr)
b. app|y a modcst amount ot s||dc qrcasc to thc
surtacc ot thc |ns|dc s||dc tubcs (onc at a
t|mc) and 'work' cach s||dc (|nd|v|dua||y)
|nto |ts rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc rccc|vcr us-
|nq a t|qurc-8 mot|on.
c. attcr cach s||dc opcratcs smooth|y, w|pc thc
s||dc c|can and rcapp|y trcsh c|can s||dc
qrcasc and |nsta|| thc s||dc crook on to thc
|nstrumcnt (bc carctu| not to usc so much
s||dc qrcasc so that |t accumu|atcs |ns|dc
thc s||dc tubcs!)
#3 S||dc
a. |nsta|| thc watcrkcy asscmb|y
b. ||qht|y po||sh thc bcar|nq surtacc ot thc |n-
s|dc s||dc tubcs to rcmovc a|| traccs ot
ovcrspray and rcs|dua| corros|on w|th str|p
ot t|nc 'Scotch 8r|tc' abras|vc pad (not cm-
cry c|oth or sandpapcr)
c. app|y a modcst amount ot s||dc qrcasc to thc
surtacc ot thc |ns|dc s||dc tubcs (onc at a
t|mc) and 'work' cach s||dc (|nd|v|dua||y)
|nto |ts rc|at|vc outs|dc s||dc rccc|vcr us|nq
a t|qurc-8 mot|on.
d. attcr cach s||dc opcratcs smooth|y, w|pc thc
s||dc c|can and rcapp|y trcsh c|can s||dc
qrcasc and |nsta|| thc s||dc crook on to thc
|nstrumcnt (bc carctu| not to usc so much
s||dc qrcasc so that |t accumu|atcs |ns|dc
thc s||dc tubcs!)
c. rc|nsta|| thc tr|qqcr mcchan|sm (|t app.)
8. ||SALL A|u kLCULAL hL \AL\LS (15 m|n.)
horouqh|y c|can cach va|vc cas|nq w|th a
c|can ||nt trcc shop raq.
Asccrta|n thc cork - tc|t th|ckncsscs ot thc #2
a. thc downstrokc adjustmcnt |s cstab||shcd by
d|rcct v|cw|nq ot thc porta| a||qnmcnt whcn
thc #2 s||dc |s rcmovcd
b. thc upstrokc (at rcst) a||qnmcnt |s cstab||shcd
by us|nq a va|vc m|rror (as you v|cw thc
porta| a||qnmcnt throuqh an adjaccnt va|vc
cas|nq), or by us|nq a va|vc adjustmcnt ca||-
c. somc manutacturcrs prov|dc 'chcatcr ||ncs'
on thc va|vc stcms to ass|st |n thc at-rcst
a||qnmcnt, but |t |s a|ways a qood |dca to
vcr|ty thc porta| a||qnmcnt w|th a m|rror or
8 2002 Lawrcncc P. K|rmscr and hc Iourna| ot Mus|ca| |nstrumcnt cchno|oqy
SmcII 8rcsswnc OvcrhcuI SchccuIc !hc 8rcsswncs
uup||catc thc cork - tc|t arranqcmcnt on va|vcs
#1 & #2
L|qht|y |ubr|catc thc thrcads ot thc |owcr va|vc
caps and |nsta|| thcm on a|| thrcc cas|nqs.
|nsta|| ncw va|vc spr|nqs |n cach p|ston or
C|can cach va|vc p|ston thorouqh|y w|th soap
and watcr, thcn |ubr|catc w|th a tcw drops ot
qua||ty va|vc o|| bctorc |nsta|||nq thcm |nto thc|r
rc|at|vc cas|nqs (bc surc thc va|vc arc |nscrtcd
tac|nq thc r|qht way!)
Work cach va|vc |nto |ts cas|nq by act|vat|nq
|t tu||y 50 or 100 t|mcs.
Adjust - 8a|ancc thc va|vc spr|nqs (|t ncccssary).
C. PLA LS hL ||SkUML| (5 m|n.)
Compartmcnts and qcncra| casc cont|nu|ty
L. 8L0W 0U ||S|uL A|u CLLA| 0US|uL 0| CASL
(3 m|n.)
|. W|PL u0W| ||SkUML| A|u PLACL | || |S
CASL (1 m|n.)
C. Sh|P |!
(ota| time. 5 hrs. 30 mins.)

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