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DcWutcWu street ccustruct|cu Wcr| beq|us uear caaus

Aa|d |udustry cha||euqes, dcWutcWu |hceu|x reccrd

stcres ||ud success
1weet 1weet 3
1he saart|ux a||cat|cu cau be |usta||ed cutc auy saarthcue aud |s |ree tc use. (|v|e CareuterfDD)
New smarthone a designed to heI users
disoover downtown hoenix
u y M a r | t s a G r a u | | | c , O u w e d u e s d a y , 1 u | y 1 3 t h , 2 0 1 1
locommond 0 poop|o rocommond th|s. 3|gn Up to soo what your tr|onds rocommond.
A qrcu c| wa|ter Crcu||te
schcc| studeuts have
deve|ced a saarthcue
a||cat|cu des|qued tc he|
dcWutcWu |hceu|c|aus aud
v|s|tcrs a|||e uav|qate the
s|xth-|arqest c|ty |u the
1he saart|ux hcue
a||cat|cu |auuched |ast
Wee| just |u t|ae |cr the
Mtu A||-star Gaae aud
cau be used tc ||ud ceu
restaurauts, attract|cus, aud
eveuts |ccated sec|||ca||y |u
the dcWutcWu |hceu|x area.
1he a||cat|cu uses
qecccd|uq techuc|cqy tc
d|s|ay the c|csest attract|cus
tc a user aud uses qreeu aud
red ||qhts tc deacustrate What bus|uesses are ceu cr c|csed.
1he studeuts Whc |auuched the |dea c| the saart hcue a||cat|cu Were art c| the ueW Med|a iuucvat|cu tab at the
Crcu||te schcc|. w|th|u the |ab, studeuts teud tc the ueeds c| c||euts aud Wcr| tc |cueer ueW aed|a veutures.
1he studeuts |uvc|ved caae tcqether |rca very d|||ereut bac|qrcuuds. Des|qu studeuts Wcr|ed cu the |aycut aud
ccauter sc|euce studeuts created the a||cat|cu.
it's uct a v|sua| aed|ua but W|th th|s rcject i Was a||cWed tc use ay creat|v|ty |cr scaeth|uq ract|ca|, sa|d sr|uq
|se|qrcth, Whc |s ursu|uq a aaster's deqree at the Crcu||te schcc|.
ketha u|||, d|rectcr c| the ueW Med|a iuucvat|cu tab, sa|d |t Was a |cuq rccess utt|uq everyth|uq tcqether, reu|r|uq a
|ct c| e||crt |rca the studeuts Whc had uever created a hcue a||cat|cu be|cre.
1here Were ccucets they had uever dea|t W|th aud asects that they uever ccus|dered, such as hcW aauy c||c|s tc qet
tc scaeth|uq, u||| sa|d.
1he studeuts Weut thrcuqh a rccess c| qather|uq data tc ||ud What the ub||c Wauted, u||| sa|d. 1he rccess |uc|uded
v|s|t|uq every restauraut |u dcWutcWu |hceu|x, ta||uq |ctures aud Wr|t|uq rev|eWs, aud ||ud|uq ub||c ar||uq.
we had tc |earu hcW tc be |uucvat|ve aud th|u| cuts|de the bcx, cc||abcrate aud Wcr| W|th c||euts Whc have
exectat|cus, |se|qrcth sa|d.
1he rcject beqau |u the |a|| c| 2010 Wheu the deve|cers c| C|tyscae exressed au |uterest |u he||uq ec|e d|sccver
What dcWutcWu |hceu|x has tc c||er tc res|deuts aud v|s|tcrs.
?cu have tc |earu hcW tc ccaauu|cate W|th deve|cers, a br|dqe ycu have tc crcss cver ||ueut|y, |se|qrcth sa|d.
Mar| uq, |ead Web a||cat|cu deve|cer at the ueW Med|a iuucvat|cu tab, sa|d the rccess c| deve|c|uq a ccaauu|ty-
cr|euted saarthcue a has beeu he||u| |cr studeuts aud rcv|ded thea a Way tc exer|euce ucu-trad|t|cua|
Ccutact the recrter at aar|tsa.qrau|||cQasu.edu
1 u | y 1 3 t h , 2 0 1 1 1 a q s . M a r | u q , u e W M e d | a i u u c v a t | c u t a b , k e t h a u | | | , s a a r t | u x C a t e q c r y . A s u ,
C c a a u u | t y , u e W s
Leave a Rep|y
tcq|u W|th |acebcc|.
M o s t R e a d
kccseve|t |c|ut ||u|shes ||rst ccustruct|cu
hase, ce|ebrates W|th rcc|-tc tcur
veqetar|au |ccd truc| |cc|s tc br|uq hea|thy
ct|cus tc custcaers
|hceu|x qrcus |cc| tc uu||y uuder cue
crqau|zat|cu, rece|ve a|xed rev|eWs
st|c| 'u' c|e tattcc|uq beccaes
|ucreas|uq|y cu|ar aacuq studeuts
uea|th sc|euces |ducat|cu uu||d|uq ceus cu
|hceu|x u|caed|ca| Caaus
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
I e a t u r e d v i d e o
1h|s v|dec cau't be |ayed W|th ycur curreut setu.
||ease sW|tch tc a brcWser that rcv|des uat|ve u.26+ sucrt
DcWutcWu ccus|quaeut stcre br|uqs cWuer's
dreaa tc |||e
1 w i t t e r
drq|||u. k1 QCrcu||te_Asu. 1c|u
Crcu||te |rc| Qdrq|||u |cr v|eW|uq
c| 1hau| ?cu |cr sac||uq. 7|M |u
1st Aaeudaeut |crua. =asudc
21 a|uutes aqc
ueardMuseua. k1 QAsut|brar|es.
1c|u us 1hurs 7a as 1chcuc
O'cdhaa exert O|e||a eeda
reseuts s|acu Ort|zftabr|c|a
|ecture QueardMuseua =dthx
+ hcurs aqc
|a||uquy. k1 Q1auae1. Asu cu-
caaus sac||uq bau tc ta|e e||ect
|u Auqust 2013 v|a
QdcWutcWudev|| =asu =sac||uq
+ hcurs aqc
1auae1. Asu cu-caaus sac||uq
bau tc ta|e e||ect |u Auqust 2013
v|a QdcWutcWudev|| =asu
=sac||uq htt.fft.ccfev6|skt
+ hcurs aqc
|omo lows Vu|t|mod|a Op|n|on Arts 8 Entorta|nmont 0owntown 0|n|ng 0ov||lass |oa|th

convortoo by wob2blConvort.com
(w||| not bo pub||shod) (roqu|rod)
?cu cau use these u1Mt taqs
ost Comment
Ccutact Abcut us Masthead Ccrrect|cus C|ar|||cat|cus Ccaaeuts |c||cy Advert|s|uqf|k wcr| w|th us
Ccyr|qht 2012 DcWutcWu Dev|| - A|| k|qhts keserved
|cWered by wcrd|ress Atahua|a
convortoo by wob2blConvort.com

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