W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 3 Abstract The IBM i architecture is unique and thus requires unique technologies to provide high availability (HA) that complements the characteristics that have made the platform successful. With the advent of the unifed Power Systems platform, common storage platforms, and virtualization, maintaining high availability protection for an IBM i environment requires careful thought and clear understanding of its underlying architecture and technologies. This paper briefy describes what you need to know in order to make an informed decision with regard to IBM i high availability strategies so that your business requirements for Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) are not compromised. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 4 Executive Summary On the IBM i platform, there are fundamentally two ways to protect your business from unplanned business outages due to server failure: 1. Logical replication to maintain a hot backup copy of the environment that is fully available to the business at the point of switchover 2. Hardware HA to maintain an offine backup copy of the environment that is ready and waiting to reconstruct the environment with the latest possible copy of the data Both approaches are strategic for IBM i and Power Systems hardware, and both have advantages as well as challenges that must be overcome in order to meet the goals of data loss (RPO) and the fastest possible recovery (RTO). Logical replication is the term used in this paper to defne remote journal-based data resiliency. Every change to the data is logged and sent to the backup system. There it can be applied to a copy of the data. The OS journal function ensures that the journal record refects the most recent state of the data. The IBM i Remote Journaling feature ensures the data is securely written to the backup system so that the best possible RPO is achieved, while RTO will depend upon how quickly the high availability solution applies those journaled transactions, in the correct order, to the production database on the backup system. Hardware HA is the term used in this paper to defne the disk-based replication native to the IBM TotalStorage SAN system, which employs sector-based replication capability between two SAN environments. The IBM i Single-Level Store memory architecture employs a memory pagebased system that maps to a string of disk sectors. When the memory page is written to disk, the frst SAN makes a sector-by-sector copy of the changes on the second SAN. In order to preserve the unique architecture of IBM i, which treats memory and disk storage as one, the data being copied is encapsulated and treated as a special subset of the system address range. This encapsulation becomes the basis for many possible data resiliency choices for the customer to choose from. As such, in this paper, we will also treat IBM ibased XSM Geographic Mirror technology as a hardware HA solution. The following discussion will show that the long-standing logical replicationbased solution offered by Vision Solutions is not only still strategic, but also continues to be the chosen solution for a variety of technical and practical reasons. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 5 Overview This paper is for businesses that may be considering a hardware HA solution based on PowerHA SystemMirror for IBM i technologies of Geographic Mirror, Metro Mirror, or Global Mirror for their Power Systems for IBM i environment. The paper covers a set of HA concerns and possible solutions in the following manner: A short explanation of the technologies used in each solution Potential limitations to each solution Questions that should be discussed with your HA consultant concerning the solutions and the ways each solution compares to or complements the other The goal is to help determine the ideal solution based on business requirements and the estimated growth and fexibility of the technologies being considered. Unique IBM i Platform Technologies Explained The IBM i architecture includes three unique concepts that must be kept in mind when designing a high availability solution. Single-Level Store is a two-dimensional view of address spaces that points to pages, which are stored on physical disk and can be brought into memory when needed. It is not necessary for the application requesting the data to be aware of the actual location of a page. Management of the page is handled by the operating system, a design aspect that allows for optimized performance of the disk subsystems. For more information on Single- Level Store, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-level_store. IBM i Memory Address Space Single view of storage from the application program DASD Single-Level Store W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 6 Switchable Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP) technology is the key to hardware HA on the Power Systems for IBM i because it provides a link between Single- Level Store technology and the physical hardware. An IASP is a collection of disk units that can be brought online or taken offine independent of the rest of the storage on a system. IASPs can be implemented as either switchable or non-switchable. The switchable IASP requires the IBM i clustering framework to control the address range allocation of the IASP. When created, an IASP is assigned a range of system addresses for the entire storage space that is to be included within it. For switchable IASPs, this same address range is reserved on all of the systems that can access that IASP. Even though multiple systems can have access to the switchable IASP, the switchable IASP can only be varied on (that is, made active and available) on one system at a time. When using IASP switchable technology, you must be careful not to duplicate library/ directory names between the system storage pool (*SYSBAS) and one or more IASPs. A check for duplicate names is made at IASP vary-on when switching to the target. IASP technology supports most, but not all, object types found on the Power Systems for IBM i. Prior to investing in a hardware HA solution, ensure that all of the object types needed by your current suite of applications can be handled in an IASP.
Production Address Space Reserved Address Range Cluster Device Domain Independent ASP Address Space Backup W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 7 Journaling on the Power Systems for IBM i is an OS-level function similar to logging in other platforms. Data objects can be enrolled into journaling at the time of their creation, and, once journaled, all transactions to that data object are written frst to the journal and then to the database. The operating system uses the journal for system recovery and commitment control functions. The base journal function operates within a single system and is referred to as local journaling. Its primary use is in system recovery. In addition, remote journaling can be confgured to maintain identical journal receivers on one or more remote systems. Its primary use is to maintain hot backup systems. Remote journals can be set up to use synchronous communications or asynchronous communications. Synchronous remote journaling guarantees that the remote journal has the latest data changes. Prior to writing the data in the local journal and database on disk, the originating system must frst receive an acknowledgement from the remote system that it has successfully received the journal entry. With asynchronous remote journaling, the local journal and database are written without waiting for remote journal confrmation. Synchronous and asynchronous remote journaling have their benefts and limitations, which will be described later in this document. Both logical replication and hardware HA depend on journaling for data protection. Logical replication journals only the objects selected by the user to maintain a hot backup system. The hardware HA solution requires the use of local journaling for recovery of the environment on the backup system. Applications Data System Memory System Memory Stored Data Journal Data change to joural first Source System Remote Journal ing Target System Remote Journal Receiver Local Journal Receiver Journaling W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 8 Hardware HA Technologies Explained Hardware HA technologies maintain a single copy of the IASP on a backup system. In addition, three technology options exist for switching a single instance of the IASP (not a copy) from one system to another. They are worth discussing here because of their relevance to some of the topics we will cover later. All technologies discussed use IBM i Cluster Resource Services to maintain cluster nodes; to reserve identical IASP address ranges on all systems; to monitor for node failure; and to provide start, stop, and switchover control of data resiliency technologies, including the IASP-based technologies discussed here. Switchable I/O Pools are internal DASD that can be defned as an IASP and confgured to switch between two or more logical partitions in a single-system box. Switchable Tower Technology assigns all of the internal DASD residing in a discrete storage tower to a single IASP. Two systems can connect to the switchable tower using an HSL cable that loops from one system to the tower and then to the other system and back. The tower and the switchable IASP contained in the tower can be switched between the two systems. HSL technology is not supported on Power7 hardware and is optional on Power6 hardware. Production Backup IASP IBM i Switchable I/O Pools Technology IBM i Production IBM i Backup IASP Switchable Tower Technology W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 9 Switchable LUN Technology assigns DASD, allocated in terms of Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) within a SAN unit, to an IASP. Two systems can connect to the same SAN unit, and the LUNs that defne the IASP can be switched between the two systems. The following three technologies maintain a copy of the IASP on a backup system for recovery or for offine use. Geographic Mirror uses IBM i OS functions to maintain a second copy of an IASP on a second system in the cluster. The IASP can be varied on to either system but never to both systems at the same time. Geographic Mirror supports both synchronous and asynchronous copy technologies starting with IBM i 7.1 OS. Metro Mirror uses IBM TotalStorage SAN functions to continuously copy the IASP on a source SAN to a target (backup) SAN. That target SAN is attached to a second system that is included in the cluster. When required, the target copy of the IASP can be reassigned as the source copy and varied on to the backup system. Metro Mirror is a synchronous copy technology.
IBM i IBM i Production Backup IASP SAN Switchable LUN Technology IBM i Backup IBM i Production XSM Geographic Mirror IASP Copy sysbas IASP sysbas XSM Geographic Mirror W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 10 Global Mirror uses IBM TotalStorage SAN functions to continuously copy the IASP on a source SAN to a target (backup) SAN. That target SAN is attached to a second system that is included in the cluster. When required, the target copy of the IASP can be reassigned as the source copy and varied on to the backup system. Global Mirror is an asynchronous copy technology and requires a second copy of the data to maintain a usable, consistent copy of the IASP, with no sector writes out of order. Two Basic Technology Choices With the uniqueness of IBM i identifed and the various IBM i high availability technology options defned, we will now review the two basic methods of maintaining high availability across a system outage. Hardware HA provided by PowerHA SystemMirror for i on Power Systems for IBM i, is either a page-replication solution at the operating system level or a disk-sector replication solution that works at the TotalStorage SAN level. In both cases, with the correct version of the OS and the supported IBM TotalStorage hardware and licenses, data that is written to a defned set of drives is duplicated on another set of drives attached to another system. Hardware HA requires the use of switchable IASP technology. With hardware HA, local journaling of all objects in the IASP is strongly recommended to support recovery after a failure. IBM i Backup IBM i Production Metro Mirror IASP Copy sysbas SAN IASP sysbas SAN PPRC Metro Mirror sysbas SAN IBM IBM Production Global Mirror Backup Flash Copy IASP sysbas SAN IASP Copy IASP Copy IASP Copy Global Mirror W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 11 Logical replication uses remote journaling technology provided by the OS as well as an application provided by a software partner or IBM that runs above the operating system, monitoring and reading journals (logs) and then applying the changes defned in those journal entries to one or more target systems. The target system may be a virtual system within the same computer frame (LPAR); a second, co-located physical system; or a separate physical system or LPAR on a system in a completely separate datacenter. Each system in a logical replication environment requires its own instance of the IBM i OS, but the target hardware and/or OS instance do not need to be identical to those comprising the source system. This technology will operate with data in an IASP but does not require IASP technology to function. Journaling can be limited to selected objects required to keep the application running on a backup system if required. Technology Differences and Limitations No matter the platform, when maintaining a backup system, either in the next room or across the country, there are challenges to overcome. Recovering from an outage in a reasonable amount of time (minimum RTO) with protection from lost data (minimum RPO), all without damaging existing data, requires attention to details and knowledge of how each technology affects the following areas: Bandwidth between systems Latency with synchronous communications Number of copies of the data Timely save of data in memory Journaling protection for system recovery IASP vary-on and recovery from system outage Target system availability and HA protection Unplanned downtime behaviors As each topic is covered, both logical replication and hardware HA technologies will be addressed. Finally, there are some practical issues to consider, including these: Maintaining data synchronization Sharing SANs between platforms SYSBAS replication needs Bandwidth between Systems The amount of bandwidth required will depend on the replication technology that is implemented. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 12 Logical Replication and Bandwidth Logical replication uses remote journaling for transferring journal entries that consist of only the changes made to the objects that have been explicitly defned to the journal. Utilizing user journals and the security audit journal, logical replication allows for selective replication of only the objects needed for recovery. This selective replication minimizes both disk space requirements and communication bandwidth consumption. Only the contents of the journal receiver are transferred. This selective replication is possible because not all data or objects are required to recover from a system failure. For example, temporary fles are not necessary as they would just be deleted whenever the application is started on the backup system. Proper selection of objects to be journaled eliminates unnecessary replication, helping to optimize use of communication bandwidth and storage. Remote Journaling includes many features that reduce bandwidth requirements by minimizing and optimizing the data being transferred, such as bundling journal entries for better performance, streaming large block sizes when journal entry transmission is lagging behind production activity, and using IBM i Data Port Services to utilize multiple communication lines. Remote journaling is also inherently effcient because it runs at the operating system level and therefore has priority for accessing system resources. Remote journaling utilizes both synchronous and asynchronous communications. Applications Vision Software Data Memory Data Changes Memory Data change to joural first Source System DB-2 DB-1 Journal Apply Target System Journal Remote Journal ing Remote Journal Receiver Local Journal Receiver Logical Replication with Remote Journaling W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 13 Hardware HA and Bandwidth Geographic Mirror transfers memory pages to the target system when a page has changed and is being written back to disk. The memory page size is currently 4KB for all user data operations, but starting with IBM i 6.1, some OS processes are taking advantage of 64KB page sizes. The advantage of memory pagebased writes comes when a given page has a signifcant number of changes and remains pinned (locked) in memory. It is written when the pin is removed or the page is forced to disk. Regardless of how much data actually changes, the entire 4KB page will be sent to the target. Geographic Mirror uses Data Port Services to effciently use up to four communication lines in parallel when transferring data. Metro Mirror and Global Mirror copy data sectors that change on the source SAN external storage unit to a corresponding sector on a target SAN unit. For IBM i OS, each memory page that is written to disk will result in the changed sectors (there are eight sectors for a 4KB page) being rewritten. IBM TotalStorage bandwidth between SAN units is granular, allowing for additional fber-channel cards to extend the number of connections to meet the bandwidth requirements. In addition to the transfer of user data to the target IASP, the local journal receivers must also be replicated to the IASP to support recovery in event of a failure (more about this later). The following diagram shows the relationship between the local journal and the IASP. With hardware HA, everything in the IASP is copied.
Applications Data IASP IASP Copy Memory Memory Data change to joural first Force write ratio for recovery DB DB Hardware HA Local Journal Receiver Local Journal Receiver Journal Source System Target System Hardware HA W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 14 Bandwidth-Related Decision Factors When selecting any replication solution, it is important to determine the transaction volumes required, along with the available communications bandwidth. When the target system is located remotely, private communication lines are generally not an option, so the cost of communication bandwidth becomes an even more important factor. Simple estimates on bandwidth requirements for logical replication can be identifed by setting up journaling for all required objects and changing the journal every hour. The average and peak sizes of the journal receivers will be a good indicator of the data bandwidth required for replicating between source and target using logical replication technology. The bandwidth requirements for remote journaling are generally much less than for hardware HA solutions. The following chart represents tests conducted by Vision Solutions and presented at COMMON 2008. It details the communication bandwidth requirements for various replication scenarios using then current Vision Solutions logical replication products and Geographic Mirror. As can be seen from the chart above, the bandwidth requirements for logical replication are less than for hardware HA. The major difference is that logical replication sends over only the journal changes, whereas hardware HA technologies send the updated pages of data as well as the journal changes relating to the data. 3000 Files Catch Up One Apply 5% LOBs Greater XSM Geographic Mirroring bandwidth is due to memory page block transfer sizes. Testing performed by Vision Solutions and data presented at Spring 2008 COMMON. 5% LOBs Repeat Longer Commit Cycles Longer Commit Cycles Fewer Files No Commitment Control 5 Indexes Per File S41 S23 S12 S11 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01 2,500 5,000 0 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 ITERA Communications Bandwidth Used (in MBs) MIMIX ORION XSM Communication Bandwidth Requirements W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 15 It is important to determine the best way to measure the bandwidth requirements for any hardware replication solution you may be considering and to determine if it can be measured prior to installation of the HA solution. Latency with Synchronous Communications Latency is the time required to send data across a communication line to a target system. Normal communications are asynchronous, meaning that once you send the data, you continue normal processing, letting the communication function report back only if there has been a problem with the data transfer. Synchronous communications are used when it is vital that the data has been successfully and completely replicated to the target system before allowing normal processing to continue on the primary system. When the source and target systems are within a few kilometers, the impact of synchronous transfers upon performance of normal processing is detectable but may be insignifcant, based on requirements of the application. However, as the distance increases between source and target, a linear increase in latency will occur when using synchronous communications. At some point technologies which require synchronous data transfer are no longer viable due to degradation of application performance. Asynchronous remote journaling is used for virtually all environments where the source and target are not in the same data center because at small distances the risk of lost object changes is manageable and as the distance grows, the performance risk of synchronous remote journal becomes the primary factor. If there is any reason to consider synchronous remote journaling, a test can be performed by changing the remote journaling parameter to synchronous for a few minutes, hours, or days to determine whether synchronous remote journaling has an effect on the production application performance. Hardware HA offers both synchronous and asynchronous transfer options. Geographic Mirror allows for synchronous transmission delivery and Metro Mirror is a synchronous technology. They both ensure that the copy of the data in the IASP is in sync with the source data before releasing the changed memory page. Specifcally, before continuing processing, both technologies require verifcation that the changed page or related sector is received on the target. Because of this requirement, there are practical limits on the distance between source and target systems when using synchronous XSM Geographic Mirror or Metro Mirror. The IBM Redbook titled Implementing PowerHA for IBM i (SG24-7405), mentions that Metro Mirror is recommended for distances of less than 50 kilometers. The same Redbook also recommends testing the environment to ensure acceptable application performance but offers no recommended distance limit for Geographic Mirror. Prior to using Metro Mirror or Geographic Mirror, you should determine what level of synchronous communications-induced application-processing delays can be tolerated. Many disaster recovery or business continuity requirements are regulated with regard to the minimum distance between production and disaster recovery sites. Ensure the regulations for your industry are understood and that their defned minimum distance requirements can be achieved by the technology chosen without causing unacceptable delays to application processing. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 16 Number of Copies of the Data There are valid reasons for maintaining more than one copy of the data. The need for maintaining high availability during planned outages is increasing with the shrinking of the time when the business can be off-line. In addition, the requirement for remote sites in support of disaster recovery requirements continues to grow. Journaling supports the broadcast of the local journal to over a hundred remote journals, allowing for copies of the data to be maintained by secondary systems for a wide variety of uses, including data warehouse, off-line saves, HA and DR. Hardware HA provides for one copy of the data. There are two techniques for increasing the number of secondary systems available. Switchable IASP technologies mentioned earlier, such as switchable LUNs can be confgured on either the source or target data to increase the number of secondary systems. Metro and Global Mirror can be used together to provide a second copy by using Metro Mirror for the frst copy and then Global Mirror to create a second copy from the frst copy. Flash Copy is a TotalStorage function that will take a point in time snapshot of the data which can then be varied on to another system and used. Timely Save of Data in Memory High availability is generally thought of as the saving of the primary systems data located on disk to a backup system. However, before this takes place the data must be saved from memory where the operation is performed, to disk. This is of interest for high availability because RPO, the Recovery Point Objective is not only the difference between what is on the disks, but also what is still in memory at the point of failure. IBM i performance takes advantage of the fact that a memory page may already be in memory when an application requests it. The consequence of this is that the longer the page is held in memory, the greater the chance that information will be lost at the point of system failure. There are many techniques for limiting this exposure: 1. Closing the fle at the end of the operation forces the data page to disk. This is great for HA but not recommended if the fle will be used again as part of the overall operation. 2. Storage management looks for memory pages that have not been referenced in a least recently used algorithm to free up space for other operations. Forcing the memory page to disk will result in a page fault if the page is referenced again. 3. Storage management looks for fles which have not been fushed to disk and based on a parameter setting, will force the data to disk even though the page is still being used. 4. Local journaling can be used to look for fles which have not been fushed to disk prior to a given journal entry sequence number. 5. Journaling will write a journal entry for the changes to the object at the completion of the transaction. This becomes the true state of the system when these journal entries are used to update the data for any page that had not yet been forced to disk at the point of a system crash. Remote journaling provides a mechanism for recovering the last transaction completed prior to a system crash on the backup system. Hardware HA starts the process of copying the pages when the pages are written to the disk. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 17 Journaling Protection for System Recovery Local journaling is a key function of IBMs Single-Level Store architecture. The main purpose is to maintain a log of all data changes for use in single-system recovery of data in the event of a system outage. Journaling capability ensures that the journal is always the most current representation of the data by pinning the pages that have changed data in memory until the corresponding journal entry has been written to the local journal receiver on disk. The following diagram provides a look at single-system recovery functions both with and without journaling. When local journaling is implemented, a journal sync point is maintained, in addition to the force write operation, which is a time based write at the fle level. Note that local journaling not only forces the journal entry to disk ahead of the data page in memory, but also periodically sets a new journal sync point after forcing data pages to disk for all journal entries prior to that point. Then, during an abnormal IPL recovery from a system failure, the system replays all of the journal entries from that sync point to the point of failure, recovering all of the lost data up to the last journal entry. How often journaling will force the data pages to disk is set using the Journal Recovery Ratio parameter. The value chosen is a tradeoff between runtime performance and abnormal IPL recovery time (RTO). Logical replication takes full advantage of remote journaling to maintain what is often referred to as a hot backup server. Therefore, the journal recovery operation is not part of the switch to the backup server. The backup server is, by defnition, hotthat is, completely ready to run without additional journal recovery. However, recovery from journals is still necessary on the failed system prior to rejoining the high availability environment as a backup server. Hardware HA technologies should rely on local journal recovery to prevent damaged objects and lost data when there is a system failure. The recovery action takes place on the target system as part of the IASP vary-on operation, after the primary system failure, using a copy of the local journal that is located in the IASP. Journal Sync Point Recovery Ratio Current Journal # Set New Sync Point Pinned Pages Force Write Ratio (per file) System Crash Lost Data / Damaged Objects With Journal Without Journal Time Journal forcing data page task Replay journal entries starting from sync point Journal Protection W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 18 Journaling of the objects in the IASP and placing the local journal receiver in the IASP are not confgured automatically by hardware HA technologies. But both IBM and Vision Solutions highly recommend implementing this confguration whenever using hardware HA. For more on this topic, see the IBM Redbook Implementing PowerHA for IBM i (SG24-7405). To clarify, both logical replication and hardware HA technologies do rely on journaling for recovery operations. The difference between them is that, in the case of logical replication, the recovery operation is preemptive. The backup copy of the data is maintained continuously by third party software such as MIMIX, so that, at the point of failure, the most recent data is already available on the backup system (after any yet-unapplied journal entries have been processed). In contrast, for hardware HA technologies, the recovery operations start after the failure. The actual recovery steps in this case are discussed in the next topic. When considering hardware HA solutions, confrm that journaling is essential to an implementation using XSM Geographic Mirror, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror. IASP Vary On and Recovery from System Outage The hardware HA technologies of XSM Geographic Mirror, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror operate on data maintained in an IASP with journaling implemented over that data. This IASP, consisting of the source copy and the target copy, can be varied on to only one system at a time. The source-to-target system switchover process will detach the target IASP copy and then vary-on the target copy of the IASP. The vary-on operation is essentially an IPL of the portion of the system identifed by the IASP and a duplicate object violation check between SYSBAS and IASP. There are 34 sequential steps defned in the vary-on process to handle both normal and abnormal IPLs. In the case of a system failure on the source, the vary-on of the IASP on the target performs all of the steps that are necessary to recover the data stored in the IASP. In a sense, it is like performing an abnormal IPL of the failed source system on the backup system. The data and journal should both be in the IASP copy on the target; it just needs cleaning up before it can be used. During a planned switch, the IASP vary-on can be very predictable, based on the quantity of SYSBAS and IASP objects. The recovery steps are not a factor. However, during a failover, the recovery time cannot be predetermined. W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 19 Sequential Steps Performed by the Vary On Operation (As displayed by the DSPASPSTS command in IBM i 7.1) 1. Waiting for devices - none present 2. Cluster vary job submission 3. Waiting for devices - not all present 4. DASD checker 5. Storage management recovery 6. Synchronization of mirrored data 7. Synchronization of mirrored data - 2 8. Scanning DASD pages 9. Directory recovery - perm directory 10. Authority recovery 11. Context rebuild 12. Journal recovery 13. Database recovery 14. Journal synchronization 15. Commit recovery 16. Database initialization 17. Journal cleanup 18. Commit initialization 19. User profle creation 20. Database, journal, commit - 1 21. Identifying interrupted DDL ops 22. Recovering system managed journals 23. POSIX directory recovery 24. Database, journal, commit - 2 25. Commit recovery - 2 26. Cleaning up journal receivers 27. Cleaning up cross-reference fles 28. UID/GID mismatch correction 29. Database access path recovery 30. Database cross-reference fle merge 31. Spool initialization 32. Image catalog synchronization 33. Command analyzer recovery 34. Catalog validation The words recovery and recovering are highlighted to show the care taken to ensure that the vary-on can recover from all possible states that the IASP may be in. Logical replication does not require an IASP vary-on as part of a switchover or failover involving an IASP since the IASP copy is actually a different IASP as far as IBM i is concerned. Thus, the target IASP is already varied on and available. The following chart defnes the essential recovery steps for logical replication and hardware HA. Each of them has elements that contribute to meeting or missing the RTO of the business.
W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 20 Understanding the time required for switchover or failover is critical to any recovery solution. Logical replication solutions provide a very good indicator for recovery based on apply lag and switch time. The switch time for logical replication should be nearly identical every time you switch. The current apply lag status is known and is often not an issue by the time the decision to switch is made. Hardware replication does not provide any usable estimator for recovery processes. The switch process is nearly identical each time, but the recovery process during a failover is unknown because it cannot be determined what objects were being written at the point of failure and in need of recovery. In essence, RTO for a system outage cannot be guaranteed. Identify the options to determine your recovery times prior to a failure. Target System Availability and HA Protection It is important that the data be protected at the point of failure on the production server. In order to achieve this, the target system or target SAN must be available and operating as the backup system whenever the production environment is operational. The diffculties in achieving this include maintenance operations as well as unplanned system outages on the target system. Apply Backlog On The Target (if there is one) Hardware HA single system recovery on the backup system Outage Switch Outage Switch Logical Replication Hardware HA T i m e Think Time IASP Vary-On 1. Waiting for devices - none present 2. Cluster vary job submission 3. Waiting for devices - not all present 4. DASD checker 5. Storage management recovery 6. Synchronization of mirrored data 7. Synchronization of mirrored data-2 8. Scanning DASD pages 9. Directory recovery - perm directory 10. Authority recovery 11. Context rebuild 12. Journal recovery 13. Database recovery 14. Journal synchronization 15. Commit recovery 16. Database initialization 17. Journal cleanup 18. Commit initialization 19. User profile creation 20. Database, journal, commit-1 21. Identifying interrupted DDL ops 22. Recovering system managed journals 23. POSIX directory recovery 24. Database, journal, commit-2 25. Commit recovery - 2 26. Cleaning up journal receivers 27. Cleaning up cross-reference files 28. UID/GID mismatch correction 29. Database access path recovery 30. Database cross-reference file merge 31. SPOOL initialization 32. Image catalog synchronization 33. Command analyzer recovery 34. Catalog validation Switchover Steps Contrasted W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 21 Target-Side Operations Logical replication allows for real-time read access to the target-side data. When using logical replication between IASPs, the target side IASP is varied on and available at all times. Two common uses for this active target-side data are for queries and offine saves to tape. This has great value for many businesses. For offine tape save operations, the logical replication apply operation will be halted while the remote journal operation continues to send data changes to a buffer on the target system. This buffer of unapplied journal transactions is stored until the tape save operation is completed or the save while active checkpoint is determined, and the apply operations restarted. In the event of a system failure during this process, the tape save operations can be halted and the apply jobs restarted. Once all the journal entries stored in the buffer have been applied, switching can be performed. The latency (lag time) status is reported during the entire process. Hardware HA technologies of XSM Geographic Mirror, Metro Mirror, and Global Mirror are based on IASPs, which can be accessed only when varied on and available. When replication is active, the IASP copy on the target system is attached and in effect is part of the source IASP environment. When attached, only the source system has access to the IASP. It is possible to detach the IASP copy on the target, at which time the original and copy become two separate IASPs and can be varied on independently of each other. In this state, changes made to the target-side IASP are tracked, and the IASP can be restored to the original state when reattached to the source system. The changes made to the data on the source side are also buffered while the IASP copy of the target is detached. During a reattach operation, the target-side changes are backed out and the source-side changes are applied prior to completion of the operation. Applications Save to Tape Data Memory Data Changes Data Memory DB-2 DB-1 Journal Apply Suspended Journal Remote Journal ing Remote Journal Receiver Local Journal Receiver Source System Target System Vision Software Logical Replication Detached on Target W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 22 Since the buffering of both source data to send to the target and target-side changes to be returned to the previous state consist of memory maps, a large amount of data changes can be buffered. The relevant question is the length of time required after reattaching that is, before the source and target are in sync and the data is again protected against a possible system outage. It is important to defne the practical limits for a detach operation in terms of how much data can realistically be changed on the target, how much data can realistically be changed on the source, and how much time will be required for the reattach operation to re-sync the IASP copy with the source, at which point protection is in place. The following diagrams illustrate what happens to the protection of the environment during temporary loss of communication between source and target. Strategies must be considered (including additional backup servers) to provide protection coverage. In essence, the goal is to never rely on a single system not failing. Unplanned Downtime Behaviors Although planned outages can present challenges, unplanned downtime can be considerably more problematic. Applications Applications Data Memory Memory DB DB Copy Hardware HA Suspended Data Data Save to Tape Change Buffer Change Buffer Journal Local Journal Receiver Local Journal Receiver Copy Target System Source System Hardware HA Detached on Target W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 23 Logical Replication For unplanned loss of the target system or loss of communication to the target system, the journaling environment drops the remote journaling operation while continuing local journaling. This occurs when the journaling function detects that the TCP/IP communication interface has gone inactive for one minute. In a synchronous remote journaling environment, the application will hang until remote journaling is stopped. Vision Solutions high availability solutions will restart remote journaling automatically when the target system is back up and communication is reestablished. Hardware HA: XSM Geographic Mirror For unplanned loss of the target system or loss of communication to the target system, XSM Geographic Mirror will attempt to maintain synchronization for two minutes prior to automatically detaching. During this time, the application will hang. After the detachment, data changes are buffered on the source system until the target is restored. When the target system is restored and communication is reestablished, data synchronization will begin for the memory pages tagged as having been written during that period.
Protected Suspended Source Side Local Journal Only Auto-Suspend Journal detects loss of communication interface 1 minute timeout Reverts to local journal only Restart RJ Vision HA restarts remote journal Catch Up Large bundled transfers journal Freeze Protected Communication Failure 1 Synch In sync Protected against source side outage Logical Replication Communication Failure W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 24 Hardware HA: Metro Mirror For unplanned loss of the target SAN or loss of communication to the target SAN, Metro Mirror will attempt to maintain synchronization for 20 seconds prior to automatically detaching. During this time, the application will hang. After the detachment, data changes will be buffered on the source SAN for recovery when the target becomes available. Note that the communication is between SAN, not the communication between the primary system and the source SAN. A primary system crash will not necessarily affect the SAN to SAN communication. Protected Suspended Auto-Suspend Loss of connectivity 2 minute default Auto-Resume Connection established Partial Synch Freeze Protected Communication Failure 2 Synch Re-Synch Complete Synchronous replication re-established In sync Protected against source side outage XSM Geographic Mirroring Communication Failure Protected Suspended Auto-Suspend Loss of connectivity 20 second default Auto-Resume Connection established Freeze Protected Communication Failure 20 Synch In sync Protected against source side outage Metro Mirror Communication Failure W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 25 Hardware HA: Global Mirror Global Mirror is an asynchronous transfer technology. However, in the event of a communication slowdown between source and target SANs, Global Mirror will suspend replication when it reaches a threshold where the consistency of the data cannot be maintained.
The details of the technology chosen make a difference as to how the high availability environment reacts in various situations. When considering any HA solution, ask the HA consultant about the effect of planned and unplanned outages on high availability protection. Additional Practical Considerations Along with the aforementioned points to consider when making a decision about an HA solution, there are a few other things to think about. Maintaining Data Synchronization It is sometimes stated by those who are not in favor of logical replication solutions that maintaining data synchronization between source and targets is a major problem. It is not, as long as the effort is undertaken to properly lock down the target system(s). While establishing a fully locked-down target can be diffcult in some cases, doing so does resolve most problems relating to data going out of sync under logical replication. Indeed, with hardware HA solutions, the IASP is, by defnition, locked down already. Any negative impacts to intended business operations incurred by locking down will be the same under either technology. Protected Suspended Auto-Suspend Too far behind to maintain consistency Auto-Resume Connection established Protected Communications Slowdown Synch In sync Protected against source side outage Global Mirror Communication Slowdown W H I T E P A P E R v i s i o n s o l u t i o n s . c o m 26 The question is not about the value of locking down the backup, but whether, when one has the choice under logical replication, the locked-down state of the target system should be compromised by design. Again, no such choice is available under hardware HA. In addition, when the target system cannot be locked down or when other operational considerations make it impossible to do so, Vision Solutions logical replication solutions provide audit tools to monitor and correct out-of-sync situations. Sharing SANs Between Platforms In order to achieve its Single-Level Store architecture, IBM i attaches an eight-byte header to every sector on the disk. This header is used to rebuild the metadata in the unlikely event of a severe crash. SAN solutions under consideration for use in an IBM i environment will provide either a sector format that includes the eight-byte headers or a virtualization layer between the system and the SAN to store the headers somewhere else. IBM i blade servers, for example, utilize a virtualization layer between the blade and the storage subsystem. For larger systems, any virtualization layer should be performance benchmarked. SYSBAS Replication Needs SYSBAS is defned as all of the auxiliary storage pools (ASP0 ASP32) that are not independent auxiliary storage pools (ASP33 and above). While user data may reside in either location, environmental data and some object types cannot be located in an IASP. Vision Solutions HA products replicate objects found in SYSBAS, either through the user journal or through the system audit journal. Hardware HA solutions on IBM i can only replicate data that is in an IASP. IBM does provide for replication of the following SYSBAS objects through the IBM i Administrative Domain technology: User profles Classes Job descriptions ASP device descriptions System values Network attributes Environmental variables TCP/IP attributes Subsystem descriptions Network server descriptions NWS confgurations NWSH device descriptions NWS storage spaces Tape device descriptions Optical device descriptions Ethernet line descriptions Token Ring line descriptions W H I T E P A P E R 15300 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 92618 800-957-4511 801-799-0300 visionsolutions.com Copyright 2011, Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. IBM and Power Systems are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. There are operational challenges associated with Administrative Domain. The frst is that all resources must be registered individually. The second challenge is the handling of new resources. Administrative Domain does not monitor or register new objects automatically. The third challenge is that deleted resources must be individually deleted on all systems, and their associated registration must also be deleted. For example, if you delete a user ID on one system, Administrative Domain will automatically recreate it based on the fact that it is still registered and exists on another system. Vision Solutions provides utilities that monitor for new and deleted objects and can manage the registration of these changes automatically. Finally, there are applications that do not support operation within an IASP. There are other applications that, in theory, might work well in an IASP environment but are not tested for this compatibility by their respective vendors, leaving it to the end user to test via implementation. Always check with your application vendors about any issues that would interfere with storing related data in IASPs. Easy, Affordable, Innovative. Vision Solutions With over 25,000 customers globally, Vision Solutions is one of the industrys largest providers of high availability, disaster recovery and data management solutions for Windows, IBM i (i5/OS), AIX, Linux and Cloud environments. Visions MIMIX, Double-Take and iTERA brands keep business-critical information continuously protected and available. With an emphasis on affordability and ease-of-use, Vision products and services help customers achieve their IT protection and recovery goals, which in-turn improves proftability, productivity, regulation compliance, customer satisfaction and quality of life. Vision Solutions oversees a global partner network that includes IBM, HP, Microsoft, VMware, Dell and hundreds of resellers and system integrators. Privately held by Thoma Bravo, Inc., Vision Solutions is headquartered in Irvine, California with development, support and sales offces worldwide.