Food and Drink Lesson Plan Focus Textbook
Food and Drink Lesson Plan Focus Textbook
Food and Drink Lesson Plan Focus Textbook
drink vocabulary. Use the neative and interroative forms of simple present in the correct way!
Distinuish between countable and countable nouns by usin a"an and some! #espond pertinently to
offers usin $%would you like $&'! (cannin and skimmin the te)t for details! *istenin for specific
information! +reate dialoues askin about likes and dislikes concernin their eatin habits! ,roduce
a pararaph talkin about their eatin habits!
Unit 4: Food and Drink Level: Secondary school
Room: not a fixed one. SB: 26 to 33 T: A. Ait Talebe Ali
Warm up :
Revising the si!le !resent of the verbs es!ecially in the third !ersonal for"
Revising !ossessive ad#ectives" this $ that" %hose" &aily vocabulary"
3' seconds tal( as a eans to deonstrate the students) ca!abilities in *nglish.
Introducing Food and Drink terms:
+ntroducing the dialogue:
,a(ing the students re!eat the %ords related to the unit for !ronunciation. This can be done %ith the hel! of
flashcards- realia."
The students are invited to role/!lay the dialogues before their ates.
Introducing the expressions of inviting and declining invitations:
The students are re0uired to a(e dialogues through %hich they invite each other using the ex!ression 1%ould
you li(e soe .23
They can ex!ress their acce!tance or declining of the invitation using 1yes- !lease3 or 1no- than(s3.
This can be done through using the food and drin( ites ac0uired in the above activity- %hich %ould be as %ell
a deonstration of their co!rehension of the taught vocabulary. They can !erfor these dialogues before their
ates by acting out real life situations.
The best conversations should be %ritten on the 44 as a !ositive feedbac( to the ones %ho did %ell.
Is there a an!" #re there an$!":
/ The students are re0uired to create dialogues of their o%n follo%ing a odel 1the dialogue 3 !age 35.3
/ They have to a(e distinctions bet%een the uses of the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
/ 6!en !airs are encouraged to ta(e !art as a eans to establish a coherent class.
The voca%ular$ section:
&irstly- + ade the students re/discover the !arts of the day and then + as(ed the at %hat !art of it they eat and
7h 82.'' 86.'' 87.'' 22.''
,orning ,idday Afternoon *vening 9ight
4y the hel! of this- + introduced the eals of the day and the !art of the day in %hich food is consued.
Then- + as(ed the: 1:hat do you eat and drin( in for brea(fast23
1:hat do you eat and drin( in for lunch23
1:hat do you eat and drin( in for dinner23
The material to %e used: 44- Student)s boo(- flashcards- realia- Ta!e Recorder.
The Teaching &%'ectives
4y the end of the activities- the learners %ill be able to:
;eonstrate their co!rehension of &ood and drin( vocabulary.
Use the negative and interrogative fors of si!le !resent in the correct %ay"
;istinguish bet%een countable and countable nouns by using a$an and soe"
Res!ond !ertinently to offers using 1%ould you li(e .2"
Scanning and s(iing the text for details"
<istening for s!ecific inforation"
=reate dialogues as(ing about li(es and disli(es concerning their eating habits"
>roduce a !aragra!h tal(ing about their eating habits"
+ntroducing the vocabulary related to food and drin( %ith the hel! of flashcards- realia" as %ell as stating soe
food that is related to foreign culture and %hich is eaten in the sae %ay in ,orocco 1Tortilla- S!aghetti-
Seantic a!!ing is a good strategy for instilling these ters in their inds. They are also ex!ected to a(e a
ini !ro#ect through %hich they gather all the ters and !ictures of the ac0uired vocabulary.
*xercise: 8?2 !age 37.
Introducing the interrogative form of the simple present:
After revising the use of si!le !resent %ith a focus on the third !ersonal !ronoun- + oved to initiating the
other fors starting %ith the interrogative:
&irst of all- + as(ed the about the interrogative for of 1to be3- then + ade a !arallel %ith the interrogative
fors of the other verbs:
+ s!ea( do + s!ea(2 @ou s!ea(. ;o you s!ea(2 She s!ea(s. ;oes she s!ea(2
Ae s!ea(s. ;oes she s!ea(2 :e s!ea(. ;o %e s!ea(2 They s!ea(. ;o they s!ea(2
+ directed their attention to the s!ecial case of the third !ersonal !ronouns.
Bive the interrogative for of these sentences:
8/ ,aria lives in <ondon. 2/ 6ar and Ali slee! in the house. 3/ Ali eats chocolate.
4/ :e s!ea( *nglish. 5/ The teacher educates students.
<oo( at the observations about this lesson in the 1daily lesson !lanning3.
)ome*ork: ex 2?3 !ages 36?3C
The sae thing is a!!lied to the negative for as + elicited exa!les in the affirative for and changed it into
the negative one. They discovered by theselves the rule and they a!!lied it in the suggested exercises.
Bive the negative for of these sentences:
8/ ,aria !lays tennis. 2/ >eter and Albert %or( on co!uter. 3/ The echanics re!air cars.
4/ Silvio learns *nglish. 5/ Ronaldo !lays football.
+ounta%le or ,ncounta%le"
+ as(ed the students to count fro 8 to 8' and + initiated the verb to count. Then + too( a !en and as(ed the:
1%hat)s the !lural of !en3 to elicit !ens. Then + as(ed %hether %e can count it or not.
:ith the hel! of a bottle of %ater + brought- + as(ed the students: %hat)s the !lural of %ater2 1:ater3. =an %e
count it2 19o3. So the first category is called countable nouns and the second is uncountable nouns.
*x: 4 !age 3C.
Speaking activit$:
+n order to test the students) assiilation of the !resented vocabulary and their astery of the (ey %ords
!resented during the %hole unit- + as(ed the to !re!are a dialogue through %hich they tal( about their eating
habits follo%ing the odel of !age 3D.
This is a great o!!ortunity for the to utter %ords in *nglish as it %ould give the confidence of theselves so
that they %ould not be afraid of a(ing ista(es.
The ost i!ortant thing for e in this activity is to give the a basis on %hich they can build ore dialogues
of their o%n creation.
+ started by revie%ing the !arts of the day- verbs 1to eat)" to Edrin(). Then- + as(ed the using gestures about the
eals they ta(e during the day.
Then- + %rote the 0uestions on the 44 and let the !ractice for !ronunciation. + as(ed the to %or( in !airs
and !roduce the sae dialogue- letting the understand that it %ould be !erfored before their ates.
&verall Revie*:
Revie% !age 48 and soe exercises that + !re!ared for the %ould be a reca!itulation of all %hat %e did during
this unit. +t %ould also be a %ra! u! for this unit and an initiation to the %ritten exa they %ould a(e next
%ee( inchalah.