This document provides a punch list of life safety remedies needed for reopening the Forest Theatre and site in Carmel, California. It identifies major components that need upgrades, including the main stage, audience seating, accessory facilities, and disabled access. Specific issues addressed include insufficient exit systems, substandard structural framing, lack of sprinklers and ventilation, and electrical systems that do not meet current codes. The document lists over 30 items that require remedies such as replacing stair and railing systems, adding illuminated exit signs, upgrading drainage and plumbing fixtures, and bringing wiring, lighting, and other electrical systems up to code standards. The proposed solutions are intended to remedy identified hazards and allow for reopening in accordance with building codes and safety regulations
This document provides a punch list of life safety remedies needed for reopening the Forest Theatre and site in Carmel, California. It identifies major components that need upgrades, including the main stage, audience seating, accessory facilities, and disabled access. Specific issues addressed include insufficient exit systems, substandard structural framing, lack of sprinklers and ventilation, and electrical systems that do not meet current codes. The document lists over 30 items that require remedies such as replacing stair and railing systems, adding illuminated exit signs, upgrading drainage and plumbing fixtures, and bringing wiring, lighting, and other electrical systems up to code standards. The proposed solutions are intended to remedy identified hazards and allow for reopening in accordance with building codes and safety regulations
This document provides a punch list of life safety remedies needed for reopening the Forest Theatre and site in Carmel, California. It identifies major components that need upgrades, including the main stage, audience seating, accessory facilities, and disabled access. Specific issues addressed include insufficient exit systems, substandard structural framing, lack of sprinklers and ventilation, and electrical systems that do not meet current codes. The document lists over 30 items that require remedies such as replacing stair and railing systems, adding illuminated exit signs, upgrading drainage and plumbing fixtures, and bringing wiring, lighting, and other electrical systems up to code standards. The proposed solutions are intended to remedy identified hazards and allow for reopening in accordance with building codes and safety regulations
This document provides a punch list of life safety remedies needed for reopening the Forest Theatre and site in Carmel, California. It identifies major components that need upgrades, including the main stage, audience seating, accessory facilities, and disabled access. Specific issues addressed include insufficient exit systems, substandard structural framing, lack of sprinklers and ventilation, and electrical systems that do not meet current codes. The document lists over 30 items that require remedies such as replacing stair and railing systems, adding illuminated exit signs, upgrading drainage and plumbing fixtures, and bringing wiring, lighting, and other electrical systems up to code standards. The proposed solutions are intended to remedy identified hazards and allow for reopening in accordance with building codes and safety regulations
FOREST THEATRE & SITE Date: 06/02/2014 V-vl R.F. McCann & Company Theatre Architecture ARCHITECTS For Performing Arts and the Entertainment Industry 40 E. Montecito, Sierra Madre, CA 91 024 (626) 836-1060 Fax (626) 836-1090 FOREST THEATRE UPGRADE PLANNING, Carmel, CA
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Life Safety Remedy for Reopening of Forest Theatre & Site Date: June 2, 2014 L0-f' jo{Mvvy w o..- 1?-Yl,ef of Wl.().jor cM.-ne,wf- frr of #0 frr #0 A. fv1 t:LVv Sfv.) e-) B.
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(o assis( twd visuttlly of C. ACCESSORY FACILIIIES COfv'tPONENI SCOPE e.ANfyy UJ11V(ro{, o.....-w.y lxro-fky). o..p-r:wo-o..c-Yv, for yf-o.ff D. DISABLED ACCESS COfvfPONENI SCOPE a.U o.....-w.y, w of fhh yf-o.ff f'v101or o.....-e- for fhh
.l R t ft 1 H tl S FACILITY /EQUIPMENT UPGRADE ALTERNATES - 2 FOREST THEATRE UPGRADE PLANNING, Carmel, CA of ... ()_, of Ccy{- ().All..().,! or .... C<;UI\; wi;f-J.v ovv of
"':(,--vi " a e )IIJE c 1 s FACILITY !EQUIPMENT UPGRADE ALTERNATES - 3 Item 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 2.00 2 01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 3.00 3.01 4.00 4.01 5-7.00 8.00 A- MAIN STAGE USE & EXIT SAFETY ISSUES- Page-1 of 3 (1) Life-Safety Remedy for Reopening of Theatre & Site. Forest Theatre, Carmel Description (3) Basic of problem & scope of work to correct Exit System Facility & Egress Safety Risers are open and some treads have deteriorated beyond limits, thus enclose risers and replace those identified treads. And stair frames are over-stressed for required design loads, thus needing framing member supplements. Upon additional evaluation a full replacement of stairways maybe necessary for Exit Stairs Building Official acceptance. l!:>tage and 1 ( 1) InsuffiCient guard height & s1ze of guard opemngs, along w1th strength limits of ex1st1ng anchors & Stairway Guard connections reducing load resistance and safety below CBC minimums. Thus full rai l replacement is RailinQs necessary for Building Official acceptance. 1 1) Ex1t s1gns w1th illumination for mght VISibility are mandated for safety. (Ex1st1ng 1s substantially lacking, non-conforming, non-operational, etc.) Thus install illuminated exit signs. Specific type of illumination is a Exit Siqns/Ltg design decision & relates to eventual choice of tyj)_e of emerqency back-up power. (1) Add a system (e-power pnmanly for ex1t lighting & s1gns). I ype of backup IS undetermmed at present and dependent on design details and owners final selection between a central system generator, storage Power Backup batteries, or individual batte_ry_j)_ack fixtures. 1) Construct 2-NEW common-path" walkWays for ambulatory persons, leading to public streets, 1nvo1v1ng grading & paving from point of merger with separate paths from each exit stair. Paths will approximate 100- Exit Travel foot length over surface that presently lacks compliance or is non-existiQg. Construction Fire & Life Safety 1uoservea concrete walls ma1cate need for limited crack & exposed steel remTorcmg repa1r aga1nst mo1sture penetration. Superstructures (wood frame) added without permit will be evaluated for increased loads on previously existing concrete walls & footings. Depending on calculations a defined scope of work may require lower level supplemental support in areas where frame structures exceed design loads on existing support elements such as footings, walls, joists & beams. Further evaluation may determine major Concrete retrofittinQ or possible removal/ re-design & replacement of the dressinQ rooms. Frame construction at stage level and front & side masking walls are structurally inadequate. Stage right support framing could collapse with current post support, combined with sill plates & roof-wall intersections that are unrestrained against potential seismic or wind forces. Anchorage & framing required by the "Existing Building Code" & "Electrical Code" apply to occupied areas & walls with stage electrical panels. Structural Structural safety requires adding proper footings with walls at the lower level to support all existing Wood FraminQ construction above which may_ result in removal or reQiacement of existingstage right frame construction. Type-V Stairs See Item 1.01 Sprinklers added without permit, thus will be evaluated for coverage. Seating & stage within in-door Fire Sprinklers theater need sprinkler coverage evaluation for "ordinary hazard". I::XItlng 1!. 1ntenor part1t1on construction & matenals are substandard & fire & liTe saTety nazaras. Hazara Educational removal includes an enclosed, rated exit path that does not include intervening spaces, plus replacement Space of all non-rated partitions with materials & installation ~ e i f i e d in the fire code. Plumbing Fixtures & Facilities (1) Separate-sex ADA accessible toilets are required for stage performers & crew at main stage level. Only one unisex non-accessible toilet room serves the stage now. Thus add one more restroom for stage Toilet Count :performers & crew at main stage level and remodel existing restroom for accessibility. Ventilation Exhaust & Air-Exchange (1) LacK of mechan1ca1 exhaust w1tn gnus Tor outside-maKeup a1r requ1re adding exhaust tans tor health & Occupied fire code compliance. Thus add mechanical ventilation for dressing rooms & restroom at stage level. Areas Evaluate mechanical systems within enclosed theater for compliance {SODA occupant area). Electrical Power & Lighting Elect EnQr List '1) Refer to Page-2 Structural Suspended & Braced Items & Equipment List 111) Refer to PaQe-3 (1) tnd1cates 1tem reqUired & d1scussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Havmg JunsdJctJon) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed., effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar Sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014), with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, materials, & other specifics to be determined (4) Indicates Plumbing Code Section (5) References California Mechanical Code for Ventilati on (2) Code Ref 41U. ::J .l, 410.5.2, 410.6.1 , 410.6.2, 1009.7.5.3 1012.1, 1012.2, 1013.2, 1013.3 1022.90, 1011.60, 1006.2, 1006.3 2702.00, 1006.3 1014.30, 1016.10 3404.3, 3403.4 3401.4.3, 3401 .5 .;l4UlA.L, 11B.504.3, 1607.8, 1607.8. 1.1 ' 1607.8.1.2 903.2.1.5 ' 903.2.1.1' 903.2.3 (4) 422.2 ' 118- 604 {5) 1203.4.2.1 Electrical Code T-24 Industrial Safe tv Item 5.00 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 7.00 7.01 7.02 Description Stage Items Gen. Wiring Stage 1-'ower Connection Terminals House & Work Lights House Light Dimming House Ltg Control Audio Systems Electrical Panel Support Cable Trench Weather Rated Connections Outdoor Ltg Gen. Wiring Gen Ltg Fixt Low Level Fixt Internal Lt Fixt Parkg Lot Fixt Emergency Ltg fNeW tjaCKUp Power Branch Circuits & Panel Transfer Switch bet Line & Backup Power A- MAIN STAGE USE & ELECTRICAL SAFETY- Page-2 of 3 Forest Theatre, Carmel (1) Life-Safety Remedy for Reopening of Theatre & Site (3) Remedy Proposed Performance Systems & Power 1-'resent power w1nng fails electncal, NFPA-70 codes. Rew1nng from d1stnout1on panel to production power terminals at booth, stage exterior and/or interior locations is necessary for safety & reliability. II::XJstmg termmal panels are extreme fire/electncal satety hazards. Keplacement is necessary with approved (NEMA, NFPA, CAL Elect Code} terminal panels rated for theatre use in exterior or interior locations as apply. ,House & worK ngnt1ng IS non-ex1stmg. No pona01e cao1e, ngms or suspension systems are provided for tenants of the Forest Theatre leaving such infrastructure out of City control. Liability for electrical & physical safety demands a stock of quality, safe, maintained dedicated equipment items (cable, connectors, liqhts), be available on a professional theatre operator basis. U1mm1ng house ugms 1s a tneamcal ana a coae satety teature. House dimmers are non-existent & integral to items in 5.04 (but located, operated & maintained separately). Availability of modern dimmer technology in safe working order is mandated for assembly safety. !Alternate control opt1ons are available tor house lighting, & coordinate w1th 1tems 5.04 & 5.05. CBC Electrical & Occupancy codes require specific controls for house & work lightinq systems & fixtures. Audio system features for fire & life-safety are non-existing. System response with exit instruction is required for power interruption, sprinkler activation or fire alarm. The sound system also is an ADA requirement without compromise (item Power panels at the booth & on-stage right are extreme fire hazards for lack of rated construction. Prior to panel replacement (5.04) 1-hr rated construction & material upgrades are mandatory throughout all spaces prior to install ing new I panels & wiring. No cable trenching presently exist. Under floor trenching removes trip-hazard of exposed cable & benefits liability & pedestrian exit safety. !Weather rated power & sound w1nng serv1ng ex1st1ng "audience-towers ' IS non- existing. Alternative solutions require choice between hard-wire circuits in conduit to "under-floor" cable trenches. Source, Color, Coverage Branch panels, circuits & wiring are non-existing serving exterior low-level or pathway lighting. New junction boxes & conduit is required throughout all areas. Replace existing, with appropriate pattern, Lamp-type, wattage. Replace existing, with appropriate pattern, Lamp-type, wattage. Replace existing, with appropriate _Qattern, Lamp-type, wattage. Replace existing, with appropriate pattern, Lamp-type, wattage. Light Source, Coverage Provision not currently provided, assuming centralized power source, transfer switch (Item 5.04) feeds new "Emergency Branch Circuit" disconnect panel that in turn powers directional , exit, & egress lighting. Not currently prov1dea, purcnase & Installation or a central transrer sw1tcn 1s necessary & preferred for reliability over separate "hot" wire circuits to multiple battery packs. Pack-transfer switches require regularly scheduled maintenance & testing. Choice will involve "construction" cost-benefit compared to future (1) Indicates 1tem reqUired & discussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Hav1ng Junsd1Ct1on) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed., effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar Sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014), with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, materials, & other specifics to be determined (4) Indicates Plumbing Code Section (Not Applicable to this Page) (5) References California Mechanical Code for Ventilation (Not Applicable to this Page) (6) References NFPA-70 Code (7) References Relevant Calif Electrical Code IES References Illumination Engineering Society Standards Code Ref (6) 70-71 ' 70- 470 (7) 520.27 (6) 70-461' (7) 520.50, 520.51 ' 520.53 (6) 70-463 (6) 70-466 (6) 70-468 (6} 70-558 (6) 110.26 (7) 334.12 (6) 70-470 (7) 210, 225.7 IES IES IES IES l7J Art 700 (7) Art 700 Item 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 A- MAIN STAGE USE & STRUCTURAL SAFETY- Page-3 of 3 Li e- a ety Reme 1y or eopenmg o eatre 1te. orest eatre, S f d f R f Th & s F Th C armel Description (3) Basic of problem & scope of work to correct (8) Code Ref Suspension Lighting & Sound Towers & Trusses Anchor framing under on-stage west tower base plate has significant deflection thus are under-designed and/or incapable to last long term, or non-existing. Two towers located off-stage are anchored to concrete footings of unknown design. Presume all tower anchoring designed by the same person provides reasonable basis to replace tower supporting structures for all four towers. Off-stage towers require relocation with Tower Anchors, seat revisions as noted on Page B. Provide new threaded rod anchors embedded into Footings, etc. new footing where required & through under wood-stage floor blocking where required. Title-8 I Install cable nggmg for tower & truss lateral stability. Riggmg-eyes are non-ex1st1ng; add tension cables hook onto eyes to stabilize free-standing towers & trusses Rigging Eyes supporting lighting & scenery. Title-8 Pre-Fab Susp (1) Reference Item 5.04 Title-8 1 Masking Panels I aka Prosceniums [{1) Reference Item 8.01 Title-8 (1) Indicates 1tem requ1red & discussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Hav1ng Junsd1ct1on) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed .. effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014}, with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, materials, & other specifics to be determined (4) Indicates Plumbing Code Section (Not Applicable to this Page) (5) References California Mechanical Code for Ventilation (Not Applicable to this Page) (6) References NFPA-70 Code (7) References Relevant Calif Electrical Code (8) References Calif Title-8 Industrial Safety Orders Item 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 8 -AUDIENCE SEATING & EXIT SAFETY ISSUES (1) Life-Safety Remedy for Reopening of Theatre & Site Description (3) Basic Problem & Scope of Work to Correct As Noted Seating & Egress Safety Aucllence 1 (1) Audience capacity IS determmed by formula that divides total length of bench Capacity seating (939') by a specified width per occupant (1.5'). 939/1.5 = 626. This calculation Formula is basis for 9.05 & 9.06 below. 1(1) Maximum, average distance between audience seatmg & area(s) at ex1t satety 1s specified by fire-life safety code to be 200'. Actual measurement does not comply. Travel Distance Solution is new oaths to exits referenced (9.11) below. t::XIl palll::> UU I lUI prt::::>t:llliY t::XI:::il Ot rrrt::-lllt:-::>alt::ly lt:4UIIt::::> "+"+ WIUt:: paUl::> (1: 12 running-slope, 1:48 cross-slope) with stable, firm & slip resistant surfaces leading from seating side-aisles to crosswalks in parking & continuing to public street refuge (item 9.11 ). Substantial amounts of new Path installations will cut-&-fi ll over existing Common Paths contuors and incorporate steps as needed. Where slope exceeds 12.5% (1:8) path 1 (1) Calculated mam ex1t Width totals 11-feet when applymg the code specified factor of Aggregate Site 0.2" per occupant to capacity (626) calculated in item 9.01. Such width does not exist. Exit Width Solution is 3-seoarated exits on seoarate boundaries of the site (9.11) below. j\4) KOW ::>pacmg prov1aes c1ear passage oetween oencn seats 6. me oacK or me row ahead. Clearance of 12" applies for rows with 14 or fewer capacity & increases by 0.3" Row Spacing per each occupant over 14. Requirement based on average bench length below the Below Wide crossover is 14" clearance compared with 11-1/2" existing. Solution is removal, Cross aisle replacement of all benches below wide aisle). \ .. J KOW ;:,pacmg prov1aes crear passage oerween oencn sears Ot me oacK or me oencn ahead. Clearance of 12" applies for rows with 14 or fewer capacity & increases by 0.3" Row Spacing per each occupant over 14. Requirement based on average bench length above the Above Wide cross aisle is 17" clearance compared with 11-1/2" existing. Solution is removal, Cross aisle reolacement of all benches above wide aisle. seatmg Aisle (1) convers1on of ramped a1s1es to stepped a1s1es through seat1ng 1nvo1ve replacmg Conversion to existing slope (approximating 22%) with 4" (average) stepped risers. Stepped-aisle row Stepped Aisle landings approximate 30" running, with 11-1/2" step surface between. ,(1) ::>urracmg tnrougn rows or oencn seatmg IS aecomposea gran1te \UI.i) wmcn 1s granular, erodes with moisture, & creates slipping hazard as it spreads onto access Row Surface aisles. Safe travel requires replacing DG with "stable, firm & slip-resistant" alternate that Material also allows percolation of moisture. Aisles serving seating are required to have handrails. Where seating is one side, rail should be continuous along the opposite side. Where seating is both sides, rails should Aisle Handholds center in the aisle & be discontinuous to allow seat access. l'"'l::ilt:: 119flllflg f.ll UVI\H::<> t::XIl ::>alt::ly 0t l:::i fila I IUalt::U UUI lilY JJUUII(; r rLy. rur Uli::ll;I\-UUl effects in performance, aisle lights can dim provided electronic equipment is installed that returns full brightness in event of fire-alarm, sprinkler flow, or power outage. Aisle Aisle Lighting lighting requires connection to backup power (item-1.04). (1) Life-safety exiting from the site requires the determined minimum width (11' from item 9.01) be divided between 3 approximately equally separated outlets. One exit each Refuge/Access is therefore required to Santa Rita Street, Guadalupe Street and Mountain View Street. 1 (1) Ex1t Signs w1th 111ummat1on for mght VISibility are mandated for safety. SpecifiC type of illumination is a design decision & relates to eventual choice of type of emergency Exit Signage back-uppower. Power Backup does not exist. Thus install system. Type of backup is undetermined at present and dependent on design details and owners final selection between a central Power Backup system generator, storage batteries, or individual battery-pack fixtures. IExlt Patn through Parking (1) Each path of exit travel is required to be continuous with required light level & lead to Lot a public way that_Qrovides a refuge from hazard or allows assisted rescue. (1) Indicates 1tem reqwed & discussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Havmg Junsd1ct1on) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed., effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar Sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014), with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, materials, & other specifics to be determined (4) Clear space between seat rows increases by capacity excess over 14-occupants (2) Code Ref 1004.4, 1028.6.3 1015.1.1, 1015.2, 1028.7, 1016.2 11 B-206.2.2, 1029, 1028.2 1004.5, 1007.2, 1027.5, 1028.3 1028.10.2.1 1028.10.2.1 1013.3, 1028.11, 1028.11.2 1028.11, 1 028.9.1 , 1010.8.1 11 B-405.8, 11 B 505.2, 1009.10, 1028.13, 1028.13.1 1006.20, 1006.30 1028.20, 1037.00 1022.90, 1011.60, :.UUL.L.1 , 2702.2.3, 2702.2.4, 2702.2.6 1006.1, 1007.2 Item 11.00 11 .01 11 .02 11 .03 11 .04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11 .07 D ACCESSORY FACILITIES- Page-1 of 1 Life-Safety Remedy for Reopening of Theatre & Site. Forest Theatre, Carmel Description (3) Basic of problem & scope of work to correct As Noted Services & Facilities tUft: f.ldlii\:::>J Ul lldVt:l lU c111U IIUIII lilt::> UUitUitl\:llU diiU IIUIII V<IICI areas (patrons & employees) of the facility is required, including wheel chair access. All of the existing paths do not comply due to a variety of significant issues: existing too steep, cross slopes too great, missing level intermediate & top/bottom landings, no handrails, not paved, too narrow, they don't exist at all Concession where required, stairway(s) within route(s), etc. Thus construct accessible Sales path(s) of travel. )IUit:: f.ldlii\:::>J Ul lldVt:l lU diiU IIUIII lilt::> UUitUIII\:IlU dllU IIUIII UUICI Ul.ol.oUt.m::u areas (patrons & employees) of the facility is required, including wheel chair access. All of the existing paths do not comply due to a variety of significant issues: existing too steep, cross slopes too great, missing level intermediate & top/bottom landings, no handrails, not paved, too narrow, they don't exist at all where required, stairway(s) within route(s), etc. Thus construct accessible Ticket Sales path(s} of travel. Accessible door control. Most if not all doors, thresholds, hardware, etc. requ1re some sort of modification, replacement , etc. in order to comply with Door Access requirements. Inventory to be provided in later stages of design. level accessory areas reqwre travel paths not presently ex1stmg. Path Approach width, slope, & surfacing plus handrails & wheel guides are additions to be Access constructed as applicable according to esc. 1Access1me pams or 1rave1 reqwre aaequa1e ugnung ana a1so e-powerea n a1so an exit path. Existing lighting of pathways is far below requirements and there is no e-power system. Thus construct new path of travel lighting systems in conjunction with new required paths of travel as noted elsewhere, along with Path Ltg backup power where required as noted elsewhere .. Backup Power Refer to 1.04 Construction Fire & Life Safety cons1rucuon on me ma1n s1age mctuaes non-ra1ea waus o. roars. vvaus o. roofs of structures on stage are required to be 1-hr construction plus be equipped with fire sprinklers. Upgrade of walls & roofs to 1-hr rating is required. The total amount of work to correct, along with other problems noted elsewhere Type-VA may lead to decision it is better to totally replace. (1) lndtcates 1tem reqwred & dtscussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Havmg Junsdtctton) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed., effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar Sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014), with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, equipment, & other specifics to be determined (2) Code Ref 118-904 118-904 1008 1014.3 1006.2, 1006.3 2702 3401.4.2, 3401 .5 Item 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 E -ADA COMPLIANCE Page-1 of 1 f Life-Safety Remedy or Reopening of Theatre & Site. Forest Theatre, Carmel Description (3) Basic of problem & scope of work to correct Access Calif. Access Compliance Problem A: Toilets w1th1n the ex1stmg restroom building are non-accessible due to; 1) the landings outside the restroom entrance doors are too small and uneven, 2) door thresholds are too high, 3) door widths are too narrow, and 4) toilet compartments are too small. Thus: construct new landings, replace or remove thresholds, widen doorways, and enlarge toilet compartments. Enlarging toilet compartments results in removal of one of two toilets in woman's, and the only urinal in the men's, thus leaving a total of 1 toilet for each sex. Lavatories, dispensers, etc. are non-complaint and thus replace and relocate. In addition the restroom has not been maintained to code: Thus repaint interior, cover concrete floor (paint, tile, etc.). The end result is Option A) total interior remodel, or Option B) remove building, or Option C) replace building. Problem B: Although not explicitly required within the building code (however highly recommended by the Building Official), but is required within the ADA, is the quantity Toilets incl. of toilets needed to properly accommodate the occupant load. Thus, approximately a Lavatories, minimum of 6 additional fixtures (toilets/urinals incl. lavatories, dispensers, etc) need Accessories, to be added. Thus: Option A) install additional single user portable toilets, or Option Dispensers, B) provide short-term portable restroom trailer(s), or Option C) construct permanent etc. building(sj. For existing urinal ; remove pursuant to item 12.01 Problem A. For additional urinals Urinal Fixtures see 12.01 Problem B. Concessions Sales Counter Concessions transaction counter height is too high, thus lower transaction counter. Open Stair Risers Reference 1.01 Paths accessible by wheelchairs (WC) do not exist & upgrade expenditure triggers 44" wide paths of limited slope (1 :20 running-slope, 1 :48 cross-slope) & stable, firm & slip resistant surfaces. Slope limits require that seating cross aisles & pathways run Wheelchair parallel to site contuors between vehicle off-loading points on Guadalupe & Santa Rita Access to-&- streets and seating cross aisles. Paths additionally include wheel-edge-guides & from Seating lquard rails where drop-offs occur adjacent the path. Wheelchair (WC) seating is neither dedicated nor enclosed, non-level & without WC edge-guides & guardrails. Stage visibility is less than comparable from bench seating. Requirements include cross aisle (wide-aisle between upper & lower seating) access Wheelchair with dedicated, protected area for 6-wheelchairs, re-graded for sightline clearance Seating Space over bench seating & centered on the stage, & including "companion seats" & ability & Locations for wheelchair patrons to sit side-by-side. ADA "semi-ambulatory seating" (SA) does not exist & upgrade expenditure triggers 6- semi-ambulatory seats. SA seats require 24" clear leg room at locations available by Semi-Ambulant & on accessible aisles. The main stage shall be accessible to the disabled (performers & crew) & such access does not exist. Ramp access (see item 12.05) requires 40' ramp length across the front of the stage with added space for top & bottom landings (impractical during performance) & 200' of ramp back-stage (impractical & expensive). Thus a platform lift is solution front stage & either lift or elevator are needed back stage. Note: Height we Lift varies with natural grades: 2' or more front to over 8' backstage. Assistive Listening is an ADA requirement where sound reinforcement systems are in use for public assembly events. An assistive listening system is to be purchased, Assistive installed & head-sets made available for patron use. The Assistive listening system is Listening also required to have backup power. For deaf patrons strobe-light fire alarm & a scrolling message panel are required by CBC for assembly events to occupancy over 300. Neither systems exist, and require Visual Backup purchase & installation. (1) Indicates 1tem reqwed & discussed w1th AHJ (Authonty Hav1ng Junsd1ct1on) (2) Indicates reference Section of CBC, 2013 ed., effective Jan 1, 2014, note that similar Sections occur in CBC, 2010 ed. (effective prior to Jan 1, 2014), with different section number references for select items. (3) Indicates mitigating design, equipment, & other specifics to be determined (2JCode Ref 11B-604.1 11 B-605.1 11 B-904 11 B-504.3 1007.1, 11B- 802.1.3, 11 B- 505 11 B-221 .2.1 ' 11 B-221 .2.2, 11 B-221.2.3, 11 B-802.2 11 B-802.5 11 B-41 0, 11 B- 410.7, 11B- 410.6, 11B- 207.2, 11 B- 207.2.6 907.2.1.2, 11B- 219 11 B-81 0.7