This document provides an overview and introduction to a Mahamudra training program presented by Reginald A. Ray, PhD. The program consists of 18 sessions that introduce Mahamudra meditation techniques including shamatha (calming the mind), vipashyana (extraordinary seeing), and working with the breath, body, and images. The goal is to develop quiescence and bring participants face-to-face with their natural state. Later sessions discuss obstacles to practice like laziness and fear, and stepping into the world of vipashyana to look directly at the abiding mind through guided meditations.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a Mahamudra training program presented by Reginald A. Ray, PhD. The program consists of 18 sessions that introduce Mahamudra meditation techniques including shamatha (calming the mind), vipashyana (extraordinary seeing), and working with the breath, body, and images. The goal is to develop quiescence and bring participants face-to-face with their natural state. Later sessions discuss obstacles to practice like laziness and fear, and stepping into the world of vipashyana to look directly at the abiding mind through guided meditations.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a Mahamudra training program presented by Reginald A. Ray, PhD. The program consists of 18 sessions that introduce Mahamudra meditation techniques including shamatha (calming the mind), vipashyana (extraordinary seeing), and working with the breath, body, and images. The goal is to develop quiescence and bring participants face-to-face with their natural state. Later sessions discuss obstacles to practice like laziness and fear, and stepping into the world of vipashyana to look directly at the abiding mind through guided meditations.
This document provides an overview and introduction to a Mahamudra training program presented by Reginald A. Ray, PhD. The program consists of 18 sessions that introduce Mahamudra meditation techniques including shamatha (calming the mind), vipashyana (extraordinary seeing), and working with the breath, body, and images. The goal is to develop quiescence and bring participants face-to-face with their natural state. Later sessions discuss obstacles to practice like laziness and fear, and stepping into the world of vipashyana to look directly at the abiding mind through guided meditations.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION ONE An Introduction to This Training Series Introduction The innermost heart of the dharma Seeing the miracle and meaning in everything that appears Mahamudra is a golden key that opens the full depth of our human life Trust in the unfolding journey The Tibetan tradition Practicing the depth of the Mahamudra without the constraints of Tibetan culture The opportunity for study and practice that we have as modern people The imperative behind the creation of this program How to work with this Mahamudra training program To fly like this
SESSION TWO The Basic Process Introduction The Mahamudra is a vajrayana practice Open awareness or the natural state We begin with touching the basic nature Pure perception and the sacred world Becoming a true personan unprecedented, unique, unfolding process This Mahamudra Lineage Exploring the authenticity of this Mahamudra lineage Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche and his commitment to not holding back the ultimate teachings The fire of the inner lineage The nakedness it takes to receive and deliver the authentic lineage How the need for external legitimization obscures our vision The tradition of the siddhas SESSION THREE View, Practice, Result PART ONE Introduction The spiritual journey is a life-long commitment The importance of the view: the role of conceptual understanding The practice of meditation The result of our practice is compassion, love, and the desire to liberate others We have to discover what is needed now The Mahamudra Entry Protocol Overview and purpose PART TWO Guided practice: The Mahamudra Entry Protocol
SESSION FOUR The Mahamudra Posture PART ONE Introduction Shamatha (pacifying the mind) and vipashyana (extraordinary seeing) When our physical posture is relaxed, stable, and open, our mind naturally falls into an uncluttered state Three levels of posture The 12 points of the Mahamudra posture PART TWO Guided practice: The Mahamudra Posture
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 2 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION FIVE Meditating as the Earth PART ONE Introduction Prioritizing direct experience Our ideas about the earth versus our experience of the earth The connection between the space inside the body and the space of the earth PART TWO Guided practice: The 10 Points and the Earth Descent Opening to the infinite, primordial depth of the earth PART THREE Guided practice: Sitting as the Earth
SESSION SIX The Tantric Journey of the Heart Unfolding Introduction The great space of being is impersonal and totally personal Our human lives are expressions of the universes love for us Turning our faces toward the relative The discovery of our closed hearts Being naked and tender toward ourselves and the world The imperative to be our authentic selves Ground, Path, and Fruition Mahamudra Ground Mahamudra Transmission: At the beginning of the vajrayana journey, we are shown the goal The second stage: path Mahamudra Fruition Mahamudra: Living in amazement as the three bodies of the Buddha
SESSION SEVEN Ground Mahamudra Transmission PART ONE Introduction Relax, stay focused on your body, and let your mind open PART TWO Guided practice: Ground Mahamudra Transmission
SESSION EIGHT The Mahamudra Journey to Becoming Rooted in the Awakened State PART ONE Introduction Ground Mahamudra transmission connects us to the awakened state The Four Reminders The imperative to grow and the three main obstacles we encounter on the path The four contemplations that change our viewpoint Precious human birth Impermanence and the certainty of death Karma is real Suffering is unavoidable PART TWO Guided practice: The Four Reminders
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 3 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION NINE The Teacher After Transmission PART ONE Introduction The role of the teacher in the modern world The lineage delivers the teachings Receiving transmission through recordings Three kinds of teachers: the human teacher, the world of experience, and the natural state itself Vajrayana Compassion The centrality of compassion in the practice of Mahamudra Discovering the life-giving warmth of empty space PART TWO Guided practice: Vajrayana Compassion
SESSION TEN The Shamatha Tool Box Introduction How do we develop a deeper and more constant relationship with the great space of being? Two ways to bring the mind into a state of quiescence Mahamudra shamatha is 75 percent of the journey Review of the five shamatha techniques already introduced All shamatha techniques are gates into the natural state The existential nourishment we find beyond the world of preconceptions Shamatha with a focal object: working with the breath, body, and images Transitional shamatha; shamatha without an object; four-fold deepening; tightening, loosening, and balancing
SESSION ELEVEN Shamatha with the Breath as the Focal Point PART ONE Introduction Overview of the seven levels of the breath PART TWO Guided Practice: The Seven Levels of the Breath Stages of working with these shamatha practices Overview of whole-body breathing PART THREE Guided practice: Whole-Body Breathing
SESSION TWELVE Shamatha with the Body as the Focal Point PART ONE Introduction Exploring seven levels of the breath at the perineum PART TWO Guided practice: Seven Levels of the Breath at the Perineum Shamatha with an Image as the Focal Point Working with internal and external images PART THREE Guided practice: Shamatha with Internal and External Images Further comments on the practice of shamatha with an image as the focal point
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 4 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION THIRTEEN Transitional Shamatha PART ONE Introduction The technique of dissolving with the out- breath PART TWO Guided practice: Dissolving With the Out- breath PART THREE Guided practice: Dissolving With the Out- breath and Exploring the Gap Shamatha without an Object Mahamudra shamatha practices start in different places but all bring us face-to- face with the natural state PART FOUR Guided practice: Shamatha without an Object
SESSION FOURTEEN The Power and Depth of the Shamatha Journey PART ONE Introduction The Mahamudra person has a passion for experience The discovery that there is no such thing as ordinary reality The shamatha technique in intimate relationships: Beholding the beloved The more we practice shamatha, the more the world opens to us in all of its depth and sacredness Shamatha brings us into a state of complete embodiment When we bring our mind into the depth of tranquility, vipashyana naturally happens Enhancements to the Shamatha State Overview of tightening, loosening, and balancing PART TWO Guided practice: Tightening, Loosening, and Balancing
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 5 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION FIFTEEN Enhancements to the Shamatha State, continued PART ONE Introduction Non-distraction, non-meditation, non- fabrication, non-effort PART TWO Guided practice: The Four-Fold Deepening of Shamatha Recognizing Obstacles and Rousing Motivation The Mahamudra journey calls us out of hiding The job of the teacher is to help us realize the sacred possibilities of our human incarnation Obstacles on the journey: laziness and fear The Oedipal dream Spiritual inflation and other attitudes that keep us from practicing The Four Reminders as an important resource for staying motivated on the path Compassion practice allows us to see that the work we are doing is for everybody
SESSION SIXTEEN Stepping Over the Threshold Into the World of Vipashyana Introduction PART ONE Through the practice of shamatha, we come to a door Learning to look Everything in our life falls into one of the three areas of vipashyana investigation We need to look with an absolutely fresh and open mind We are not looking for conceptual answers but instead direct, naked experience We will explore each area through looking and through pointing out Exploring the Abiding Mind Looking directly at tamal gyi shepa, the natural mind PART TWO Guided practice: Looking at the Conformation and Location of the Natural State
SESSION SEVENTEEN Human Spirituality in the Modern World PART ONE Introduction The challenges of offering an ancient tradition in a consumer society The misleading nature of easy spirituality Beyond self-deception, listening to the subtle inner voice that calls us forward Exploring the Abiding Mind The instruction to look at your awareness Staying with our actual experience and not jumping to a conclusion PART TWO Guided practice: Looking at the Scope and Extent of Awareness
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 6 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION EIGHTEEN Exploring the Abiding Mind Introduction PART ONE Working with different gateways in the body Letting go of the watcher PART TWO Guided practice: Exploring the Birth, Abiding, and Ceasing of the Natural State The experience itself is the message PART THREE Guided practice: Exploring the Existence or Non-Existence of the Natural State Allowing these vipashyana investigations to change us PART FOUR Guided practice: Exploring the Essence of the Natural State
SESSION NINETEEN Exploring the Abiding Mind PART ONE Introduction Beyond conceptual knowing PART TWO Guided practice: Exploring the Cognizance of the Natural State Tuning in to how the natural state presents itself PART THREE Guided practice: Exploring the Immaculate Peace of the Natural State Investigating the event of knowing PART FOUR Guided practice: Looking at the Knower and the Object
SESSION TWENTY The Bravery and Intimacy of this Mahamudra Journey Introduction Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoches experience with the Bardo Retreat We cannot replant Tibetan Buddhism but instead need to discover the vajrayana as a process for unlocking human spirituality The unsettling nature of studying closely with Chgyam Trungpa Rinpoche Allowing for the intimacy of this journey Reality Works Through Our Everyday Life Addressing our fundamental human longing This tradition is not a commodity Our actual lives in contrast to our personal narratives How our relative lives work on us Indestructible positivity: the discovery of trust in what happens
SESSION TWENTY-ONE The Pointing Out of the Abiding Mind PART ONE Introduction The process of looking and the process of pointing out PART TWO Guided practice: The Pointing Out of the Abiding Mind
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 7 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION TWENTY-TWO Thoughts as Expressions of the Natural State PART ONE Introduction We change by experience Making a relationship with our unresolved karmic propensities Thoughts as explosions of energy Relating to our mental experience from the point of view of the awakened state Exploring the Moving Mind Cutting through any preconceptions we have about thoughts PART TWO Guided practice: Looking into Thoughts
SESSION TWENTY-THREE Exploring the Moving Mind PART ONE Introduction Resting in luminosity, we perceive the natural directionality of awareness toward phenomena We are investigating the nature of thought, not the content PART TWO Guided practice: Looking at Thoughts at the Moment of Arising PART THREE Guided practice: Looking at the Abiding (or Dwelling) of Thoughts
SESSION TWENTY-FOUR Exploring the Moving Mind PART ONE Introduction Guided practice: Looking into the Lifespan of a Thought PART TWO Guided practice: Looking for the Agency of Thoughts Practice insights on working with thoughts in the Mahamudra
SESSION TWENTY-FIVE The Pointing Out of the Moving Mind PART ONE Introduction We are developing a Mahamudra style of working with thoughts PART TWO Guided practice: The Pointing Out of the Moving Mind
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 8 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION TWENTY-SIX The Pure Energy of the Moving Mind Introduction Considering the range of experiences that make up the moving mind There is no possibility of escaping mental occurrence The underlying life force of the moving mind is pure Dismantling the Klesas: The Fundamental Building Blocks of Ego How the Klesas (sticky thoughts) operate as driving forces The five primary Klesas The Klesas as primitive survival mechanisms formed in early life Dismantling the Klesas through heightening the intensity of our experience of them Eating the poison: The vajrayana approach to working with the Klesas
SESSION TWENTY-SEVEN Working with the Klesas PART ONE Introduction Each of the five guided sessions on the Klesas includes looking and pointing out PART TWO Guided practice: Investigating Desire PART THREE Guided practice: Investigating Anger and Hatred PART FOUR Guided practice: Investigating Pride
SESSION TWENTY-EIGHT Working with the Klesas, continued PART ONE Introduction Guided practice: Investigating Paranoia PART TWO Guided Practice: Investigating Ignorance The Klesas in Ordinary Life We need to have a tremendous amount of respect for the power of the Klesas The importance of training on the cushion Klesa attacks are given by the lineage to purify us Practicing lovingkindness when the Klesas erupt Deactivating during Klesa upheavals and then falling back into the natural state
SESSION TWENTY-NINE All Experience Frees Us and Makes Us Whole Introduction The sacred world Everything that appears is an expression of wisdom Pure relative truth The universe communicates its love for us through our relative life Exploring Sense Perceptions Pure perception and our usual conceptual overlay
Mahamudra for the Modern World Reginald A. Ray, PhD
SOUNDS TRUE Page 9 of 9 Many voices. One journey.
BONUS: For an interview with Reginald Ray, please visit AF02130W SESSION THIRTY Exploring Sense Perceptions PART ONE Introduction Working with the sensory experience of the body PART TWO Guided practice: Exploring Internal Sense Perceptions Working with a visual object PART THREE Guided practice: Exploring External Sense Perceptions
SESSION THIRTY-ONE The Mahamudra Evolves in Us Exploring Enhancing Practices PART ONE Introduction The Mahamudra grows in us and grows us An overview of three enhancing practices PART TWO Guided practice: Exploring the Unborn Light Connecting with the ultimate feminine space PART THREE Guided practice: Yin Breathing
SESSION THIRTY-TWO Exploring Enhancing Practices PART ONE Introduction The energy of emptiness Discovering the vajra body PART TWO Guided practice: The Inner Appearance of the BodyExploring the Chakras SESSION THIRTY-THREE How Is the Mahamudra Unfolding in the Modern World? Introduction Appreciating the Mahamudra teachings independent of any cultural situation Our thirst for direct experience Sacred outlook and a nonsectarian view of spirituality Everybodys journey through life is a journey of spiritual unfolding The primacy of meditation practice Individuation as the fundamental human imperative Secular enlightenment and a contemporary view of renunciation The importance of lineage and the need to make a commitment The spiritual possibilities of the householder life Spiritual elders, community, and the death of the guru The discovery of self-existing devotion The open-ended journey Five markers on the path