This material safety data sheet provides information about "CALFA SAT" produced by CALFA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. It lists the product's ingredients and describes its physical properties, fire and explosion risks, health effects, reactivity, storage requirements, and more. The product is an off-white briquette with a slight pungent odor that is a strong oxidizer and irritant. It may ignite combustibles or produce toxic gases if inhaled or ingested. Proper protective equipment is required when handling the product.
This material safety data sheet provides information about "CALFA SAT" produced by CALFA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. It lists the product's ingredients and describes its physical properties, fire and explosion risks, health effects, reactivity, storage requirements, and more. The product is an off-white briquette with a slight pungent odor that is a strong oxidizer and irritant. It may ignite combustibles or produce toxic gases if inhaled or ingested. Proper protective equipment is required when handling the product.
This material safety data sheet provides information about "CALFA SAT" produced by CALFA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. It lists the product's ingredients and describes its physical properties, fire and explosion risks, health effects, reactivity, storage requirements, and more. The product is an off-white briquette with a slight pungent odor that is a strong oxidizer and irritant. It may ignite combustibles or produce toxic gases if inhaled or ingested. Proper protective equipment is required when handling the product.
This material safety data sheet provides information about "CALFA SAT" produced by CALFA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. It lists the product's ingredients and describes its physical properties, fire and explosion risks, health effects, reactivity, storage requirements, and more. The product is an off-white briquette with a slight pungent odor that is a strong oxidizer and irritant. It may ignite combustibles or produce toxic gases if inhaled or ingested. Proper protective equipment is required when handling the product.
TEL : 81-45-504-1120 1-19-6,TSURUMICHUOH,TSURUMIKU,YOKOHAMA JAPAN. FAX : 81-45-501-0843 1-19-6 file No. F84C-5-1 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1/4 IDENTITY ( as used on label and list ) CALFASAT MANUFACTURER'S NAME : EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER CALFA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD 81-45-504-1120(key number ) TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR INFORMATION ADDRESS : 81-45-504-1120 (key number ) 1-19-6, FAX NUMBER Tsurumichuoh, 81-45-501-0843 (Research Laboratories ) Tsurumi-ku, DATE PREPARED Yokohama-City, Japan. February 2, 2009 SIGNATURE OF PREPARED ( Optional ) H.KOIKE ( HIROYUKI KOIKE ) SECTION . INGREDIENTS Bromochloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (CAS No. 16079-88-2) 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin (CAS No. 118-52-5) 1,3-Dichloro-5-ethyl-5-methylhydantoin (CAS No. 89415-87-2) Chitosan (CAS No. 9012-76-4) Papain (CAS No. 9001-73-4) Carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) (CAS No. 9000-11-7) Poval (CAS No. 25213-24-5) SECTION . PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE : off-white briquettes pH : Not known VISCOSITY : Not applicable ODOR : Very slight pungent BOILING POINT : Not applicable MELTING OR FREEZING POINT : 120148 VAPOR DENSITY(Air=1) : Not applicable VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg) : Not applicable PERCENT VOLATILE(by volume) : 0.5 SOLUBILITY IN WATER : 0.54gms/100gms @25 EVAPORATION RATE (Bu Ac=1) : 1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O=1 ) : Not applicable SECTION . FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION FLASH POINT : 94 AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE : Not known LOWER EXPLOSION LIMIT(%) : Not applicable UPPER EXPLOSION LIMIT(%) : Not applicable CALFA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. file No. F84C-4-2 2/4 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA FOAM : ALCOHOL FOAM : CO2 DRY CHEMICAL : WATER : OTHER : SECTION . FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION (continued) SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES : To minimize the progressive generation of noxious gases, flood burning material with large quantities of water. Must wear NIOSH / MSHA approved self- contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing. Cool fire-exposed containers with water spray. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS : Material is a strong oxidizer and corrosive. May ignite combustible materials and may produce noxious gases. Products of combustion are toxic. Airborne dusts of this product in an enclosed space and in the presence of an ignition source may constitute an explosion hazard. Use adequate explosion-proof ventilation systems to control dust at the source. Avoid generating product dust near sources of ignition, including static electricity. Use safety measures in accordance with the 1988 edition of NFPA 654 ( Standard for the Prevention of Dust Explosions in the Chemical, Dye, Pharmaceutical and Plastic Industries) . SECTION . HEALTH EFFECTS INFORMATION ROUTES OF ENTRY - SKIN CONTACT : EYE CONTACT : INHALATION : INGESTION : EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE : Direct skin and eye contact can result in severe skin and eye irritation. Prolonged contact may produce irreversible damage. Inhalation of high concentrations can be severely irritating to the lung with potential systemic absorption and tissue damage. Repeated skin exposure may induce sensitization. OVEREXPOSURE MAY AGGRAVATE EXISTING CONDITIONS : No effects indicated. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES : Eyes : Flush eyes with large amounts of running water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get immediate medical attention. If physician not available, flush for additional 15 minutes and then transport victim to medical care. Skin : Immediately wipe away excess material with a dry cloth while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Under safety shower, wash affected areas thoroughly with large amounts water, and soap if available, for at least 15 minutes. Get immediate medical attention. Discard or decontaminate clothing and shoes. Ingestion : If swallowed, immediately give 3-4 glasses of water. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluids again. Get immediate medical attention. Have physician determine if patient's condition allows induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. Inhalation : Remove from area to fresh air. If not breathing, clear airway and start artificial respiration. If victim is having trouble breathing, give supplemental oxygen, if available. Get immediate medical attention. CHEMICALS LISTED AS CARCINOGEN BY : NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM - No I. A. R. C. MONOGRAPHS - No OSHA - No CALFA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. file No. F84A-2-3 3/4 SECTION . REACTIVITY INFORMATION STABILITY : STABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID UNSTABLE None known ( Decomposes at 165 ) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS : Thermal decomposition may produce toxic vapors / fumes of chlorine, bromine, organic materials and oxides of carbon and nitrogen. SECTION . REACTIVITY INFORMATION (continued) HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY WILL NOT None known OCCUR OCCUR INCOMPATIBILITY ( MATERIALS TO AVOID ) WATER OTHER Strong acids and alkalis, high storage temperatures, moisture and readily oxidizable material. SECTION . SPILL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Danger ! Oxidizing and corrosive material. Dust explosion hazard. Do not get in eyes or on skin. Do not breath dust. For spills, wear appropriate protective gear, and respiratory protection. Where dust may be generated, wear full face respiraroty protection, and remove all sources of ignition. For large spills, or when spilled material comes in contact with water, self - contained breathing apparatus is preferred. Carefully sweep up spilled material (avoid generating dust )and place in an appropriate container for disposal. Do not contaminate with oxidizable materials. Neutralize any residue with dilute, alkaline sodium bisulfate or thiosulfate solution ; absorb with sand or vermiculite and place in compatible container for disposal. If spilled material is wet, neutralize and proceed as stated above. Material is toxic to fish. Do not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds or public water unless in accordance with an NPDES permit. WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS Dispose of in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. Incineration is the preferred method. Relatively small quantities of product may be neutralized as stated above, and if in accordance with local laws and the operators of the local sewage treatment plant, the neutralized material may be discharged into the sewer system. SECTION . PERSONAL PROTECTION INFORMATION VENTILATION TYPE : In processes where dusts or airborne particulates may be generated, proper ventilation must be provided in accordance with good ventilation practices. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION : In processes where dusts or airborne particulates may be generated, a NIOSH / MSHA jointly approved respirator is advised in the absence of proper environmental controls. PROTECTIVE GLOVES : Rubber or neoprene, to prevent skin contact. EYE PROTECTION : Wear chemical goggles where there is a potential for eye contact. Use safety glasses with side shields under normal use conditions. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT : Eye wash ; safety shower ; protective clothing ( long sleeves, coveralls or other, as appropriate ), to prevent skin contact. CALFA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. file No. F84C-4-4 4/4 SECTION . STORAGE AND HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR STORAGE AND HANDLING : Do not breath dust. Avoid generating dust. Store in a cool, dry place, isolated from all organic material. Product is a strong oxidizer and is corrosive. Avoid heat and direct sunlight. Do not allow product to come in contact with oxidizable material. Keep container closed. SECTION . TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION - oral LD50 (rat): 468 mg/kg - eye irritation (rabbit): severe irritant and corrosive ( product tissue distruction to both abraded and unabraded skin - primary irritation index = 110 ). - skin irritation (rabbit - Draize test) : corrosive to both abraded and unabraded skin. - skin corrosivity (rabbit - US DOT test ) : not corrosive - severely irritating to the lung upon inhalation with potential systemic absorption and tissue damage. - LC50 (rainbow trout - 96 hours) : 0. 5 mg / l - LC50 (bluegill sunfish - 96 hours) : 1. 2 mg / l - LC50 (daphnia magna - 48 hours) : 0. 4 mg / l - LC50 (mysid shrimp - 96 hours) : 0. 93 mg / l - LC50 (sheepshead minnow - 96 hours) : 1. 4 mg / l (as Br2) - EC50 (eastern oysters - 96 hours) : 0. 84 mg / l (as Br2) For 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin : - skin sensitization (guinea pig - Buehler Test): skin sensitizer CALFA CHEMICAL CO.,LTD.