Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 1 of 24 DDP Series DESCRIPTIOn DDP Series is a high-performance, DC powered drive for position, velocity (using encoder, Halls, or BEMF), and torque control of brushless and brush motors. It can operate as a distributed drive using the CAnopen or Devicenet protocols, or as a stand-alone drive accepting analog or digital commands from an external motion controller. In stand-alone mode, current and velocity modes accept digital 50% PWM or PWM/polarity inputs as well as 10V analog. In position mode inputs can be incremental position commands from step-motor controllers, analog 10V, or A/B quadrature commands from a master-encoder. Pulse to position ratio is programmable for electronic gearing. Drive commissioning is fast and simple using HDM software operating under Windows and communicating with DDP Series via CAn or an RS-232 link. CAnopen is the default protocol, Devicenet is supported by downloading frmware from the web-site. CAn address selection is by a 16-position rotary switch. If there are more than sixteen devices on the CAn bus, the additional address bits needed can come from programmable inputs, or can be set in fash memory. DDP Series models operate as Motion Control Devices under the DSP-402 protocol of the CAnopen DS-301 V4.01 (En 50325-4) application layer. DSP-402 modes supported include: Profle Position, Profle Velocity, Profle Torque, Interpolated Position Mode (PVT), and Homing. The two CAn ports are optically isolated from drive circuits. Feedback options include digital quad A/B and absolute SSI encoders as standard. Sin/cos analog encoders are supported in models with an S appended to the part number. Resolver feedback is supported in models with R appended to the part number. There are twelve digital inputs eleven of which have programmable functions. These include CAn address, motion-abort, limit & home switches, stepper/encoder pulse inputs, reset, digital torque or velocity reference, and motor over-temperature. Input [In1] is dedicated for the drive Enable. There are three programmable logic outputs for reporting an drive fault, motor brake control, or other status indications. Drive power is transformer-isolated DC from regulated or unregulated power supplies. An AuxHV input powers control circuits for keep-alive operation permitting the drive power stage to be completely powered down without losing position information, or communications with the control system. Control Modes Indexer, Point-to-Point, PVT Camming, Gearing, Position, Velocity, Torque Command Interface Stepper commands Single-ended or Differential selectable CAnopen/Devicenet ASCII and discrete I/O 10V position/velocity/torque command PWM velocity/torque command Master encoder (Gearing/Camming) Communications CAnopen/Devicenet RS232 Feedback Digital Quad A/B encoders Analog sin/cos encoder (-S option) Brushless resolver (-R option) Aux encoder / emulated encoder output Digital Halls I/O - Digital 12 inputs, 3 outputs Dimensions: mm [in] 168 x 99 x 31 [6.6 x 3.9 x 1.2] Add -S to part numbers above for sin/cos feedback Add -R to part numbers above for resolver feedback Check out DDP Series on our web-site for more info and downloads: DDP Drives Model Ip Ic Vdc DDP-055-18 18 6 55 DDP-090-09 9 3 90 DDP-090-18 18 6 90 DDP-090-36 36 12 90 DDP-180-09 9 3 180 DDP-180-18 18 6 180 ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 2 of 24 DDP Series GEnERAL SPECIFICATIOnS Test conditions: Load = Wye connected load: 2 mH + 2 line-line. Ambient temperature = 25C, +HV = HV max MODEL DDP-055-18 DDP-090-09 DDP-090-18 DDP-090-36 DDP-180-09 DDP-180-18 OUTPUT POWER Peak Current 18 (12.7) 9 (6.4) 18 (12.7) 36 (25.5) 9 (6.4) 18 (12.7) Adc (Arms), 5% Peak time 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sec Continuous current 6 (4.2) 3 (2.1) 6 (4.2) 12 (8.5) 3 (2.1) 6 (4.2) Adc (Arms) per phase Peak Output Power 0.92 0.79 1.55 2.95 1.59 3.15 kW Continuous 0.32 0.27 0.53 1.06 0.53 1.06 kW Output resistance 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.036 0.075 0.075 Rout () Maximum Output Voltage Vout = HV*0.97 - Rout*Iout InPUT POWER HV min ~HV max +20 to +55 +20 to +90 +20 to +90 +20 to +90 +20 to +180 +20 to +180 Vdc, transformer-isolated Ipeak 20 10 20 40 10 20 Adc (1 sec) peak Icont 5.47 2.74 5.47 10.64 2.74 5.47 Adc continuous Aux HV +20 to +HV Vdc @ 500 mAdc maximum PWM OUTPUTS Type 3-phase MOSFET inverter, 15 kHz center-weighted PWM, space-vector modulation PWM ripple frequency 30 kHz DIGITAL COnTROL Digital Control Loops Current, velocity, position. 100% digital loop control Sampling rate (time) Current loop: 15 kHz (66.7 s) Velocity, position loops: 3 kHz (333 s) Commutation Sinusoidal, feld-oriented control for brushless motors Modulation Center-weighted PWM with space-vector modulation Bandwidths Current loop: 2.5 kHz typical, bandwidth will vary with tuning & load inductance HV Compensation Changes in bus voltage do not affect bandwidth Minimum load inductance 200 H line-line COMMAnD InPUTS CAnopen communications Profle Position, Profle Velocity, & Profle Torque, Interpolated Position (PVT), Homing Devicenet communications UCMM (Unconnected Message Manager) protocol for explicit message objects CANopen is the default communications mode, download frmware from web-site for DeviceNet Digital position reference Step/Direction, CW/CCW Stepper commands (2 MHz maximum rate) Quad A/B Encoder 2 M lines/sec, 8 M count/sec (after quadrature) Digital torque & velocity reference PWM , Polarity PWM = 0~100%, Polarity = 1/0 PWM PWM = 50% +/-50%, no polarity signal required PWM frequency range 1 kHz minimum, 100 kHz maximum PWM minimum pulse width 220 ns Analog torque, velocity, position 10 Vdc Differential, 5 k impedance DIGITAL InPUTS number 12 Inputs [In1~5,11,12] 74HC14 Schmitt trigger, 330 s RC flter, Vin-LO < 1.35 Vdc, Vin-HI >3.65 Vdc, +30 Vdc max [In1] dedicated to drive enable function, other inputs are programmable Input [In6] 74HC14 Schmitt trigger, 100 ns RC flter, Vin-LO < 1.35 Vdc, Vin-HI >3.65 Vdc, +12 Vdc max Inputs [In7~10] Single-ended: Comparator with 2.5 Vdc reference, 100 ns RC flter, Vin-LO <2.3 Vdc, Vin-HI > 2.45 Vdc Differential: RS-485 line receiver on input pairs [In9-7], and [In10-8], 100 ns RC flters, +12 Vdc max All inputs 10 k pull-up to +5 Vdc or pull-down to ground, selectable in groups, active level programmable DIGITAL OUTPUTS number 3 [OUT1], [OUT2], [OUT3] Current-sinking MOSFET with 1 k pullup to +5 Vdc through diode Current rating 1 Adc max, +30 Vdc max. Functions programmable External fyback diode required if driving inductive loads MULTI-MODE EnCODER PORT Operation Programmable as input for secondary (dual) digital encoder or as buffered outputs in quad A/B/X format for digital motor feedback encoder, or emulated encoder outputs from analog sin/cos motor feedback encoder Signals Quad A/B Encoder: A, /A, B, /B, X, /X Frequency As input for digital encoder: 5M lines/sec, 20 M count/sec (after quadrature) As buffered outputs for digital motor encoder: 5 M lines/sec, 20 M count/sec (after quadrature) As emulated encoder outputs for sin/cos analog motor encoder: 4.5 M lines/sec, 18 M count/sec (after quadrature) Input/output 26C32 differential line receiver, or 26C31 differential line driver RS-232 PORT Signals RxD, TxD, Gnd in 6-position, 4-contact RJ-11 style modular connector. Mode Full-duplex, serial communication port for drive setup and control, 9,600 to 115,200 Baud Protocol ASCII or Binary format Multi-drop ASCII interface from single RS-232 port to control multiple drives (RTL, DDP) Drive with serial connection acts as master for bi-directional data fow to other drives using CAn connections in daisy-chain from drive to drive CAn PORT Signals CAnH, CAnL, Gnd in dual 8-position RJ-45 style modular connectors, wired as per CAn Cia DR-303-1, V1.1 CAn interface circuit and +5 Vdc supply are optically isolated from drive circuits Format CAn V2.0b physical layer for high-speed connections compliant Data CAnopen Device Profle DSP-402 Address selection 16 position rotary switch on front panel with 3 additional address bits available as digital inputs or programmable to fash memory ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 3 of 24 DDP Series MOTOR COnnECTIOnS Phase U, V, W PWM outputs to 3-phase ungrounded Wye or delta connected brushless motors, or DC brush motors Hall U, V, W Digital Hall signals, single-ended Digital Encoder Quadrature encoder signals, A, /A, B, /B, X, /X), differential (X or Index signal not required) 5 MHz maximum line frequency (20 M counts/sec) 26LS32 differential line receiver with 121 terminating resistor between complementary inputs Analog Encoder Sin/cos, differential line driver outputs, 0.5 Vpeak-peak (1.0 Vpeak-peak differential) centered about 2.5 Vdc typical. Common-mode voltage 0.25 to 3.75 Vdc Signals Sin(+), sin(-), cos(+), cos(-) Frequency 230 kHz maximum line (cycle) frequency Interpolation Programmable: 10 bits/cycle (1024 counts/cycle) Resolver R1, R2, S3, S1, S2, S4 Hall & encoder power +5 Vdc 2% @ 250 mAdc max, current limited to 750 mAdc @ +1 Vdc if output overloaded Motemp [In5] Motor overtemperature sensor input. Active level programmable Programmable to disable drive when motor over-temperature condition occurs Same input circuit as GP digital inputs (Digital Inputs above) Brake [OUT1,2,3] programmable for motor brake function, external fyback diode required STATUS InDICATORS Amp Status Bicolor LED, drive status indicated by color, and blinking or non-blinking condition CAn Status Bicolor LED, status of CAn bus indicated by color and blink codes to CAn Indicator Specifcation 303-3 PROTECTIOnS HV Overvoltage +HV > HV max Drive outputs turn off until +HV < HV max (See Input Power for HV max ) HV Undervoltage +HV < +20 Vdc Drive outputs turn off until +HV > +20 Vdc Drive over temperature Heat plate > 70C. Drive outputs turn off Short circuits Output to output, output to ground, internal PWM bridge faults I 2 T Current limiting Programmable: continuous current, peak current, peak time Motor over temperature Digital inputs programmable to detect motor temperature switch MECHAnICAL & EnVIROnMEnTAL Size 6.58 in (167 mm) X 3.89 in (98.8 mm) X 1.17 in (29.7 mm) Weight 0.94 lb (0.43 kg) Ambient temperature 0 to +45C operating, -40 to +85C storage Humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing Vibration 2 g peak, 10~500 Hz (sine), IEC60068-2-6 Shock 10 g, 10 ms, half-sine pulse, IEC60068-2-27 Contaminants Pollution degree 2 Environment IEC68-2: 1990 Cooling Heat sink and/or forced air cooling required for continuous power output notes: 1. Digital input & output functions are programmable. FEEDBACK DIGITAL QUAD A/B EnCODER Type Quadrature, differential line driver outputs Signals A, /A, B, /B, (X, /X, index signals optional) Frequency 5 MHz line frequency, 20 MHz quadrature count frequency AnALOG EnCODER (-S OPTIOn) Type Sin/cos, differential line driver outputs, 0.5 Vpeak-peak (1.0 Vpeak-peak differential) centered about 2.5 Vdc typical. Common-mode voltage 0.25 to 3.75 Vdc Signals Sin(+), sin(-), cos(+), cos(-) Frequency 230 kHz maximum line (cycle) frequency Interpolation 10 bits/cycle (1024 counts/cycle) RESOLVER Type Brushless, single-speed, 1:1 to 2:1 programmable transformation ratio Resolution 14 bits (equivalent to a 4096 line quadrature encoder) Reference frequency 7.5 kHz Reference voltage 2.8 Vrms, auto-adjustable by the drive to maximize feedback Reference maximum current 100 mA Maximum RPM 10,000+ EnCODER EMULATIOn Resolution Programmable to 16,384 counts/rev (4096 line encoder equivalent) Buffered encoder outputs 26C31 differential line driver DIGITAL HALLS Type Digital, single-ended, 120 electrical phase difference Signals U, V, W Frequency Consult Harmonic Drive for speeds >10,000 RPM EnCODER POWER SUPPLy Power Supply +5 Vdc @ 400 mA to power encoders & Halls Protection Current-limited to 750 mA @ 1 Vdc if overloaded Encoder power developed from +24 Vdc so position information is not lost when AC mains power is removed ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: 6.58 167 6.31 160.3 .59 15 1.17 29.7 3.00 76.2 4.07 103.5 1.17 29.7 6.58 167 6.31 160.3 .16 4.1 2.00 50.8 .89 22.6 R.08 2 3.38 85.7 1.50 38.1 RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 4 of 24 DDP Series DIMEnSIOnS Weights: Drive: 0.94 lb (0.43 kg) Heatsink: 1.0 lb (0.45 kg) nOTES 1. Dimensions shown in inches [mm]. 2. Heatsink is mounted with four screws. Two of these are not shown to show dimensions of slots in the heatplate. AGEnCy STAnDARDS COnFORMAnCE En 55011 : 1998 CISPR 11 (1997) Edition 2/Amendment 2: Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Industrial, Scientifc, and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Equipment En 61000-6-1 : 2001 Electromagnetic Compatibility Generic Immunity Requirements Following the provisions of EC Directive 89/336/EEC: En 61010-1 2 nd Ed.: 2004 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory use Following the provisions of EC Directive 2006/95/EC UL 508C 3 rd Ed.: 2002 UL Standard for Safety for Power Conversion Equipment GEnERAL SPECIFICATIOnS (COnTD) ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: CANopen RS-232 CANopen CAN Addr 0 CAN Master CAN Node CAN Node CAN Addr 1 CAN Addr n RxD TxD 1 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-11 (DTE) 6 9 1 5 RxD TxD Gnd D-Sub 9M (DTE) 6 9 1 5 D-Sub 9F RxD TxD 1 2 3 4 5 6 RJ-11 (DTE) RxD 3 2 TxD 2 5 Gnd RxD TxD Gnd 5 3 RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 5 of 24 DDP Series HDM SOFTWARE Dr i ve set up i s f ast and easy usi ng HDM sof t war e communi cat i ng vi a RS- 232 or over t he CAn bus. All of the operations needed to configure the drive are accessible through this powerful and intuitive program. Auto- phasing of brushless motor Hall sensors and phase wires eliminates wire and try. Connections are made once and HDM does the rest thereafter. Encoder wire swapping to establish the direction of positive motion is eliminated. Motor data can be saved as .ccm files. Drive data is saved as .ccx files that contain all drive settings plus motor data. Thi s eases system management as fi l es can be cross-referenced to dri ves. Once a dri ve confi gurati on ha s be e n c o mpl e t e d s y s t e ms c a n be r e pl i c a t e d e a s i l y wi t h t he s a me s e t up a nd pe r f o r ma nc e . When operating as a stand-alone drive that takes command inputs from an external controller, HDM is used for confguration. When operated as a CAn node, HDM can be used for programming before and after installation in a CAn network. The DDP Series can also be controlled via HDM while it is in place as a CAn node. During this process, drive operation as a CAn node is suspended. When adjustments are complete, HDM relinquishes control of the drive and returns it to the CAn node state. COMMUnICATIOnS RS-232 COMMUnICATIOn DDP Series operates as a DTE device from a three-wire, full-duplex RS-232 port at 9,600 to 115,200 Baud. COM port settings must be n81 (no parity, 8 data-bits, 1 stop-bit). The SER-CK Serial Cable Kit provides an adapter that connects to the COM port of a PC (a 9 position, male D-Sub connector) and accepts a modular cable with RJ-11 connectors for connection to the RS-232 port (J6). RS-232 MULTI-DROP The RS-232 specifcation makes no allowance for more than two devices on a serial link. But, multiple DDP Series drives can communicate over a single RS-232 port by daisy-chaining a master drive to other drives using CAn cables. In the CAn protocol, address 0 is reserved for the CAn master and thereafter all other nodes on a CAn network must have unique, non-zero addresses. When the DDP Series CAn address is set to 0, it acts as a CAn master, converting the RS-232 data into CAn messages and passing it along to the other drives which act as CAn nodes. SER-CK SERIAL CABLE KIT ADAPTER COnnECTIOnS J5 SIGnALS PC COM PORT SIGnALS ASCII COMMUnICATIOnS The Harmonic Drive ASCII Interface is a set of ASCII format commands that can be used to operate and monitor DDP Series, and RTL Series amplifers over an RS-232 serial connection. For instance, after basic amplifer confguration values have been programmed using HDM, a control program can use the ASCII Interface to: Enable the amplifer in Programmed Position mode. Home the axis. Issue a series of move commands while monitoring position, velocity, and other run-time variables. Additional information can be found in the ASCII Programmers Guide on the Harmonic Drive website: ASCII Programmers Guide ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: CAN Status LED J6 6 9 1 5 D-Sub 9F 3 3 2 2 1 8 CAN_L CAN_GND CAN_H CAN_L RJ-45 CAN_GND CAN_H 7 1 J6 Pin 8 Pin 1 RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 6 of 24 DDP Series DEVICEnET Devicenet operation is a communications protocol that uses the CAn bus for the hardware layer. It is employed by Allen-Bradley PLCs and enables the DDP Series drives to be controlled directly from A-B PLCs. For more information on Devicenet communications, download the Devicenet FW & EDS fles from the Harmonic Drive web-site: Device Firmware & EDS This link is to a ZIP fle that contains the Devicenet Programmers guide and EDS fles for Harmonic Drive motion products. CAnOPEn COMMUnICATIOn DDP Series uses the CAn physical layer signals CAnH, CAnL, and GnD for connection, and CAnopen protocol for communication. Before installing the drive in a CAn system, it must be assigned a CAn address. A maximum of 127 CAn nodes are allowed on a single CAn bus. The rotary switch on the front panel controls the four lower bits of the seven-bit CAn address. When the number of nodes on a bus is less than sixteen, the CAn address can be set using only the switch. For installations with sixteen or more CAn nodes on a network HDM can be used to confgure DDP Series to use the rotary switch, or combinations of digital inputs and programmed offset in fash memory to confgure the drive with a higher CAn node address. For more information on CAnopen communications, download the CAnopen Manual from the Harmonic Drive web-site: CAnopen Manual CAnOPEn Based on the CAn V2.0b physical layer, a robust, two-wire communication bus originally designed for automotive use where low-cost and noise-immunity are essential, CAnopen adds support for motion-control devices and command synchronization. The result is a highly effective combination of data-rate and low cost for multi-axis motion control systems. Device synchronization enables multiple axes to coordinate moves as if they were driven from a single control card. note: Red & green led on-times do not overlap. LED color may be red, green, off, or fashing of either color. CAn STATUS LED COMMUnICATIOnS (COnTInUED) CAnOPEn COnnECTORS Dual RJ-45 connectors that accept standard Ethernet cables are provided for CAn bus connectivity. Pins are wired-through so that drives can be daisy-chained and controlled with a single connection to the users CAn interface. A CAn terminator should be placed in the last drive in the chain. The XTL-nK connector kit provides a D-Sub adapter that plugs into a CAn controller and has an RJ-45 socket that accepts the Ethernet cable. ADP-nK CAn COnnECTOR KIT The kit contains the XTL-CV adapter that converts the CAn interface D-Sub 9M connector to an RJ-45 Ethernet cable socket, plus a 10 ft (3 m) cable and terminator. Both connector pin-outs conform to the CiA DR-303-1 specifcation. J6 CAn COnnECTIOnS RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 7 of 24 DDP Series DRIVE STATUS LED A single bi-color LED gives the state of the drive by changing color, and either blinking or remaining solid. The possible color and blink combinations are: Green/Solid: Drive OK and enabled. Will run in response to reference inputs or CAnopen commands. Green/Slow-Blinking: Drive OK but nOT-enabled. Will run when enabled. Green/Fast-Blinking: Positive or negative limit switch active. Drive will only move in direction not inhibited by limit switch. Red/Solid: Transient fault condition. Drive will resume operation when fault is removed. Red/Blinking: Latching fault. Operation will not resume until drive is Reset. Drive Fault conditions: Over or under-voltage Motor over-temperature Encoder +5 Vdc fault Short-circuits from output to output Short-circuits from output to ground Internal short circuits Drive over-temperature Faults are programmable to be either transient or latching COMMUnICATIOnS (COnTInUED) ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: PULSE [IN9+] [IN7-] DIRECTION [IN10+] [IN8-] PULSE [IN9+] [IN7-] DIRECTION [IN10+] [IN8-] CD (Count-Down) CU (Count-Up) Pulse Direction [IN9] [IN10] CU CD [IN9] [IN10] CU (Count-Up) CD (Count-Down) Enc. B Enc. A [IN9] [IN10] Encoder ph. A Encoder ph. B Enc A [IN10+] [IN8-] Encoder ph. A Enc. B [IN9+] [IN7-] Encoder ph. B Current or Velocity Polarity or Direction [IN9] [IN10] Duty = 0~100% Current or Velocity No function [IN9] [IN10] Duty = 50% 50% <no connection> Current or Velocity [IN9+] [IN7-] Duty = 50% 50% No Function <no connection> [IN10+] [IN8-] PWM [IN9+] [IN7-] Duty = 0 - 100% Direction [IN10+] [IN8-] RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 8 of 24 DDP Series AnALOG REFEREnCE InPUT A single 10 Vdc differential input takes inputs from controllers that use PID or similar compensators, and outputs a current command to the drive. Drive output current or velocity vs. reference input voltage is programmable. COMMAnD InPUTS DIGITAL POSITIOn Digital position commands can be in either single-ended or differential format. Single-ended signals should be sourced from devices with active pull-up and pull-down to take advantage of the high-speed inputs. Differential inputs have 121 W line-terminators. SInGLE-EnDED PULSE & DIRECTIOn DIFFEREnTIAL CU/CD DIFFEREnTIAL PULSE & DIRECTIOn SInGLE-EnDED CU/CD QUAD A/B EnCODER SInGLE-EnDED QUAD A/B EnCODER DIFFEREnTIAL DIGITAL TORQUE, VELOCITy Digital torque or velocity commands can be in either single-ended or differential format. Single-ended signals must be sourced from devices with active pull-up and pull-down to take advantage of the high-speed inputs. SInGLE-EnDED PWM & DIRECTIOn SInGLE-EnDED 50% PWM DIFFEREnTIAL 50% PWM DIFFEREnTIAL PWM & DIRECTIOn ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: 100 pF 1k +5 V C 10k 10k 10k 74HC14 [IN6] [IN7-] +5 V 100 pF 100 pF 100 pF 100 pF 10k [IN9+] [IN10+] [IN8-] 1k 1k 1k 1k 10k 10k 33 nF 10k 74HC14 MAX3283 [IN11] [IN12] D 100 pF 1k 2.5V +5 V 10k 100 pF 1k +5 V C D 10k [IN6] 74HC14 MAX3281 33 nF 10k 10k 10k [IN11] [IN12] + [IN7] [IN8] 100 pF 1k MAX3281 [IN9] [IN10] 33nF 10k 10k 74HC14 [IN1] [IN2] [IN3] A +5.0 V 33nF *3.3nF 10k 10k *4.99k 74HC14 [IN4] *[IN5] +5.0 V B RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 9 of 24 DDP Series COMMAnD InPUTS (COnTInUED) HS (HIGH SPEED) DIGITAL InPUTS These inputs have all the programmable functions of the GP inputs plus these additional functions on [In8] & [In9] which can be confgured as single-ended or differential: PWM 50%, PWM & Direction for Velocity or Current modes Pulse/Direction, CU/CD, or A/B Quad encoder inputs for Position or Camming modes DIFFEREnTIAL SInGLE-EnDED 12 Vdc max 12 Vdc max DIGITAL InPUTS DDP Series has twelve digital inputs, eleven of which have programmable functions. Input [In1] is dedicated to the drive Enable function. This is done to prevent accidental programming of the input in such a way that the controller could not shut it down. Two types of RC flters are used: GP (general purpose) and HS (high speed). Input functions such as Pulse/Dir, CW/CCW, Quad A/B are wired to inputs having the HS flters, and inputs with the GP flters are used for general purpose logic functions, limit switches, and the motor temperature sensor. Programmable functions of the digital inputs include: Positive Limit switch Step & Direction, or CU/CD negative Limit switch step motor position commands Home switch Quad A/B master encoder Drive Reset position commands PWM current or velocity commands Motor over-temperature CAn address bits Motion Profle Abort DIGITAL InPUT CIRCUITS 30 VDC MAX 30 VDC MAX Group Inputs A 1,2,3 B 4,5 C 6,7,8 D 9,10,11,12 PULL-UP/PULL-DOWn COnTROL In addition to the active level and function for each programmable input, the input resistors are programmable in four groups to either pull up to +5 Vdc, or down to ground. Grounded inputs with HI active levels interface to PLCs that have PnP outputs that source current from +24 Vdc sources. Inputs pulled up to +5 Vdc work with open-collector, or nPn drivers that sink current to ground. The table below shows the PU/PD groups and the inputs they control.` ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: HALL U, V, W 10 k 3.3 nF 74HC14 +5V 10 k U V W 10 k 3.3 nF 74HC14 +5V 4.99 k [IN5] RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 10 of 24 DDP Series DIGITAL HALL SIGnALS Hall signals are single-ended signals that provide absolute feedback within one electrical cycle of the motor. There are three of them (U, V, & W) and they may be sourced by magnetic sensors in the motor, or by encoders that have Hall tracks as part of the encoder disc. They typically operate at much lower frequencies than the motor encoder signals, and are used for commutation-initialization after startup, and for checking the motor phasing after the amplifer has switched to sinusoidal commutation. DIGITAL OUTPUTS The digital outputs are open-drain MOSFETs with 1 k pull-up resistors in series with a diode to +5 Vdc. They can sink up to 1 Adc from external loads operating from power supplies to +30 Vdc. The output functions are programmable. The active state of the outputs is programmable to be on or off. When driving inductive loads such as a relay, an external fy-back diode is required. The internal diode in the output is for driving PLC inputs that are opto-isolated and connected to +24 Vdc. The diode prevents conduction from +24 Vdc through the 1 k resistor to +5 Vdc in the drive. This could turn the PLC input on, giving a false indication of the drive output state. OUTPUTS MOTOR PHASE COnnECTIOnS The drive output is a three-phase PWM inverter that converts the DC buss voltage (+HV) into three sinusoidal voltage waveforms that drive the motor phase-coils. Cable should be sized for the continuous current rating of the motor. Motor cabling should use twisted, shielded conductors for CE compliance, and to minimize PWM noise coupling into other circuits. The motor cable shield should connect to motor frame and the drive frame ground terminal (J2-1) for best results. MOTOR COnnECTIOnS Motor connections are of three types: phase, feedback, and thermal sensor. The phase connections carry the drive output currents that drive the motor to produce motion. A thermal sensor that indicates motor overtemperature is used to shut down the drive to protect the motor. Feedback can be digital quad A/B encoder, analog sin/cos encoder, resolver or digital Halls, depending on the version of the drive. AnALOG EnCODER (-S MODELS) DDP Series supports analog encoder signals for position feedback. The Sin and Cos inputs are differential with 121 terminating resistors and accept 1.0 Vp-p signals in the A/B format used by encoders with analog outputs such as Heidenhain, Stegman, and Renishaw. When HDs ServoTube motors are used the analog encoder supplies both commutation and incremental position feedback. DIGITAL EnCODERS The quad A/B encoder interface is a differential line-receiver with R-C fltering on the inputs. Encoders with differential outputs are required because they are less susceptible to noise that can degrade single-ended outputs. Encoder cables should use twisted-pairs for each signal pair: A & /A, B & /B, X & /X. An overall shield should be used, and for longer cables, shields for individual pairs may be necessary to guarantee signal integrity. MOTOR TEMPERATURE SEnSOR Digital input [In5] is for use with a motor overtemperature switch. The input should be programmed as a pull-up to +5 Vdc if the motor switch is grounded when cold, and open or high-impedance when over-heating. RESOLVER (-R MODELS) Connections to the resolver should be made with shielded cable that uses three twisted-pairs. Once connected, resolver set up, motor phasing, and other commissioning adjustments are made with CME 2 software. There are no hardware adjustments. J8-8 BRUSHLESS RESOLVER - + - + J8-13 J8-12 Sin Cos J8-7 J8-3 J8-2 Ref R1 R2 S3 S1 S2 S4 Frame Ground J8-1 ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: 1k 22 pF 22 pF 2.2k Secondary Encoder Input Input/Output Select Quad A/B Feedback Encoder 26C31 26C32 +5V 1k 1k 22 pF 22 pF 2.2k Secondary Encoder Input Input/Output Select Emulated Quad A/B signals from analog Sin/Cos encoder or resolver 26C31 26C32 +5V 1k 1k 22 pF 22 pF 2.2k Secondary Encoder Input Input/Output Select 26C31 26C32 +5V 1k RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 11 of 24 DDP Series MULTI-MODE EnCODER PORT This port consists of three differential input/output channels that take their functions from the Basic Setup of the drive. On drives with quad A/B encoder feedback, the port works as an output buffering the signals from the encoder. With resolver or sin/ cos encoder versions, the feedback is converted to quad A/B signals with programmable resolution. These signals can then be fed back to an external motion controller that closes the position or velocity loops. As an input, the port can take quad A/B signals to produce a dual-loop position control system or use the signals as master-encoder feedback in camming mode. In addition, the port can take stepper command signals (CU/CD or Pulse/Direction) in differential format. AS BUFFERED OUTPUTS FROM A DIGITAL QUADRATURE FEEDBACK EnCODER When using a digital quadrature feedback encoder, the A/B/X signals drive the multi-mode port output buffers directly. This is useful in systems that use external controllers that also need the motor feedback encoder signals because these now come from J7, the Control connector. In addition to eliminating y cabling where the motor feedback cable has to split to connect to both controller and motor, the buffered outputs reduce loading on the feedback cable that could occur if the motor encoder had to drive two differential inputs in parallel, each with its own 121 ohm terminating resistor. AS EMULATED QUAD A/B/X EnCODER OUTPUTS FROM An AnALOG SIn/COS FEEDBACK EnCODER Analog sin/cos signals are interpolated in the drive with programmable resolution. The incremental position data is then converted back into digital quadrature format which drives the multi-mode port output buffers. Some analog encoders also produce a digital index pulse which is connected directly to the ports output buffer. The result is digital quadrature A/B/X signals that can be used as feedback to an external control system. AS A MASTER OR CAMMInG EnCODER InPUT FROM A DIGITAL QUADRATURE EnCODER When operating in position mode the multi-mode port can accept digital command signals from external encoders. These can be used to drive cam tables, or as master-encoder signals when operating in a master/slave confguration. AS DIGITAL COMMAnD InPUTS In PULSE/DIRECTIOn, PULSE-UP/PULSE-DOWn, OR DIGITAL QUADRATURE EnCODER FORMAT The multi-mode port can also be used when digital command signals are in a differential format. These are the signals that typically go to [In9] and [In10] when they are single-ended. But, at higher frequencies these are likely to be differential signals in which case the multi-mode port can be used. ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: Motion Controller Digital I/O
DC Power
Motemp [IN5]
+5 V @ 250mA Output Hall W
Hall V
Hall U
17 /Brake [OUT2]
Motor U
Motor V
Motor W
+ 5
G n d
f o r
E n c o d e r
H a l l
6 Rev Enable [IN3]
5 Fwd Enable [IN2]
18 19 Signal Gnd
4 Enable Input [IN1]
16 Fault Output [OUT1]
14 13 +HV Input
15 Fuse
22 23 26 24 25 1
Motion Controller
Encoder Feedback
Circuit Gnd
Position Ref Inputs
Torque & Velocity Ref Inputs
Digital Ref Input [IN10]
Digital Ref Input [IN9]
PWM 50%
PWM 0~100 %
20 Signal Gnd
+5V @ 250mA
Stand-Alone Mode Signals
Aux HV Input
7 [IN4]
10 [IN6]
11 [IN7]
12 [IN8]
9 [IN12]
8 [IN11]
Amplifier mounting screw
Note 2
3 Ref(+)
2 Ref(-)
Analog Ref Input
14 13 12 11 8 7 3 6 9 15 5 10 2 4 RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 12 of 24 DDP Series DRIVE COnnECTIOnS nOTES 1. The functions of input signals on J2-10, and J3-5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 14 are programmable. Default functions are shown. 2. The function of [In1] on J3-4 is always Drive Enable and is not programmable 3. Pins J3-20, J2-2, and J2-4 all connect to the same +5 Vdc @ 250 mAdc power source. Total current drawn from both pins cannot exceed 250 mAdc. 4. Multi-mode encoder port (J3-21~26) is shown confgured for buffered-output of a digital primary motor encoder. Note 4 = Shielded cables required for CE compliance Note 5 ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 13 of 24 DDP Series PIN SIgNal 1 Motor U Output 2 Motor V Output 3 Motor W Output 4 Ground (HV, Signal) 5 +HV Input 6 Aux HV Input J1: MOTOR & POWER J1 CABLE COnnECTOR: Terminal block,6 position, 5.08 mm, black Beau: 860506 RIA: 31249106 Weidmuller: 1526810000 PCD: ELFP06210 Weco: 121-A-111/06 Tyco: 796635-6 J4, J5 CABLE COnnECTOR: RJ-45 style, male, 8 position Cable: 8-conductor, modular type J4-J4 CAn BUS RJ-11 style, male, 6 position Cable: 6-conductor modular type J6 CABLE COnnECTOR J6 RS-232 J3 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 26 Position, Male #4-40 locking screws J2 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 15 Position, Male #4-40 locking screws J3 COnTROL SIGnALS J2 MOTOR FEEDBACK PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal 1 Frame Gnd 10 [In6] HS 19 Signal Gnd 2 Ref(-) 11 [In7] HS 20 +5 Vdc (note 1) 3 Ref(+) 12 [In8] HS 21 Multi Encoder /X 4 [In1] Enable 13 [In9] HS 22 Multi Encoder X 5 [In2] GP 14 [In10] HS 23 Multi Encoder /B 6 [In3] GP 15 Signal Gnd 24 Multi Encoder B 7 [In4] GP 16 [OUT1] 25 Multi Encoder /A 8 [In11] GP 17 [OUT2] 26 Multi Encoder A 9 [In12] GP 18 [OUT3] PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal 1 Frame Gnd 6 Hall V 11 Encoder /B 2 +5 Vdc (note 1) 7 Encoder /X 12 Encoder B 3 Hall U 8 Encoder X 13 Encoder /A 4 +5 Vdc (note 1) 9 Hall W 14 Encoder A 5 Signal Gnd 10 [In5] Motemp 15 Signal Gnd PIN SIgNal 1 CAn_H 2 CAn_L 3 CAn_GnD 4 no Connection 5 Reserved 6 (CAn_SHLD) 1 7 CAn_GnD 8 (CAn_V+) 1 PIN SIgNal 1 no Connection 2 RxD 3 Signal Ground 4 Signal Ground 5 TxD 6 no Connection ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: DRIVE COnnECTIOnS +
Stand-Alone Mode Signals
MOTOR DC Power Earth Circuit Gnd W V U * Fuse * Fuse BRAKE +24V * Optional J1 Motor U Motor V Motor W +HV Input Gnd Aux HV Input 17 /Brake [OUT2] J3 +5V @ 250mA [OUT3] [IN4] [IN6] [IN7] [IN8] [IN12] [IN11] 18 20 7 10 11 12 9 8 Amplifier mounting screw Signal Gnd Fault Output [OUT1] 6 Rev Enable [IN3] 5 4 16 Fwd Enable [IN2] Enable Input Note 2 19 [IN1] +5 V @ 250mA Output Motemp [IN5] Gnd Gnd 15 5 10 2 4 Digital Ref Input [IN10] Input [IN9] Digital Ref + 5
G n d f o r
E n c o d e r
H a l l Hall W Hall V Hall U HALLS ENCODER ANALOG DIGITAL ENCODER INDEX U V W X /X Sin(+) Sin(-) Cos(+) Cos(-) J2 Signal Gnd Ref(+) Ref(-) Analog Ref Input 14 13 15 21 22 23 26 24 25 1 1 26LS31 3 2 /A A /B B /X X 14 13 12 11 8 7 3 6 9 none POL 0~100 PWM 50% (DC) PWM % Pulse Dir /CW /CCW ENC Ch. A ENC Ch. B Position Ref Inputs Torque & Velocity Ref Inputs Motion Controller Digital I/O Motion Controller Encoder Feedback DAC Out 0V Fuse 5
Note: CE symbols indicate shielding on cables and grounding connections that are required for CE compliance RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 14 of 24 DDP Series nOTES 1. The functions of input signals on J2-10, and J3-5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 14 are programmable. Default functions are shown. 2. The function of [In1] on J3-4 is always Drive Enable and is not programmable 3. Pins J3-20, J2-2, and J2-4 all connect to the same +5 Vdc @ 250 mAdc power source. Total current drawn from both pins cannot exceed 250 mAdc. 4. Multi-mode encoder port (J3-21~26) is shown confgured for buffered-output of a digital primary motor encoder. ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 15 of 24 DDP Series J1 CABLE COnnECTOR: Terminal block,6 position, 5.08 mm, black Beau: 860506 RIA: 31249106 Weidmuller: 1526810000 PCD: ELFP06210 Weco: 121-A-111/06 Tyco: 796635-6 J3 COnTROL SIGnALS J3 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 26 Position, Male J2 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 15 Position, Male J2 MOTOR FEEDBACK J1: MOTOR & POWER J4, J5 CABLE COnnECTOR: RJ-45 style, male, 8 position Cable: 8-conductor, modular type J4-J4 CAn BUS RJ-11 style, male, 6 position Cable: 6-conductor modular type J6 CABLE COnnECTOR J6 RS-232 PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal 1 Frame Gnd 10 [In6] HS 19 Signal Gnd 2 Ref(-) 11 [In7] HS 20 +5 Vdc (note 1) 3 Ref(+) 12 [In8] HS 21 Multi Encoder /X 4 [In1] Enable 13 [In9] HS 22 Multi Encoder X 5 [In2] GP 14 [In10] HS 23 Multi Encoder /B 6 [In3] GP 15 Signal Gnd 24 Multi Encoder B 7 [In4] GP 16 [OUT1] 25 Multi Encoder /A 8 [In11] GP 17 [OUT2] 26 Multi Encoder A 9 [In12] GP 18 [OUT3] PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal 1 Frame Gnd 6 Hall V 11 Encoder Cos(-) 2 +5 Vdc (note 1) 7 Encoder /X 12 Encoder Cos(+) 3 Hall U 8 Encoder X 13 Encoder Sin(-) 4 +5 Vdc (note 1) 9 Hall W 14 Encoder Sin(+) 5 Signal Gnd 10 [In5] Motemp 15 Signal Gnd PIN SIgNal 1 Motor U Output 2 Motor V Output 3 Motor W Output 4 Ground (HV, Signal) 5 +HV Input 6 Aux HV Input PIN SIgNal 1 CAn_H 2 CAn_L 3 CAn_GnD 4 no Connection 5 Reserved 6 (CAn_SHLD) 1 7 CAn_GnD 8 (CAn_V+) 1 PIN SIgNal 1 no Connection 2 RxD 3 Signal Ground 4 Signal Ground 5 TxD 6 no Connection ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 16 of 24 DDP Series +
Stand-Alone Mode Signals
MOTOR DC Power Earth Circuit Gnd W V U * Fuse * Fuse BRAKE +24V * Optional J1 Motor U Motor V Motor W +HV Input Gnd Aux HV Input 14 /Brake [OUT2] J3 +5V @ 250mA [OUT3] [IN4] [IN6] [IN7] [IN8] [IN12] [IN11] 18 20 7 10 11 12 9 8 Amplifier mounting screw Signal Gnd Fault Output [OUT1] 6 Rev Enable [IN3] 5 4 16 Fwd Enable [IN2] Enable Input Note 2 19 [IN1] Motemp [IN5] Gnd Gnd 15 5 10 Digital Ref Input [IN10] Input [IN9] Digital Ref RESOLVER BRUSHLESS S2 S4 R1 R2 S3 S1 S2 S4 R1 R2 S3 S1 J2 Signal Gnd Ref(+) Ref(-) Analog Ref Input 14 13 15 21 22 23 26 24 25 1 1 1 1 6 1 11 3 2 /A A /B B /X X 3 2 8 7 13 12 4 9 14 none POL 0~100 PWM 50% (DC) PWM % Pulse Dir /CW /CCW ENC Ch. A ENC Ch. B Position Ref Inputs Torque & Velocity Ref Inputs Motion Controller Digital I/O Motion Controller Encoder Feedback DAC Out 0V Fuse 5
N.C. FG FG FG Outputs Emulated Quad A/B from Resolver Inputs Secondary Position Encoder MOTOR OVERTEMP SWITCH DRIVE COnnECTIOnS nOTES 1. The functions of input signals on J2-10, and J3-5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 14 are programmable. Default functions are shown. 2. The function of [In1] on J3-4 is always Drive Enable and is not programmable 3. Pins J3-20 and J2-2 both connect to the same +5 Vdc @ 250 mAdc power source. Total current drawn from both pins cannot exceed 250 mAdc. 4. Multi-mode encoder port (J3-21~26) is shown confgured for buffered-output of a digital primary motor encoder. ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 17 of 24 DDP Series J1 CABLE COnnECTOR: Terminal block,6 position, 5.08 mm, black Beau: 860506 RIA: 31249106 Weidmuller: 1526810000 PCD: ELFP06210 Weco: 121-A-111/06 Tyco: 796635-6 J3 COnTROL SIGnALS J3 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 26 Position, Male J2 CABLE COnnECTOR: High-Density D-Sub 15 Position, Male J2 MOTOR FEEDBACK J1: MOTOR & POWER J4, J5 CABLE COnnECTOR: RJ-45 style, male, 8 position Cable: 8-conductor, modular type J4-J4 CAn BUS RJ-11 style, male, 6 position Cable: 6-conductor modular type J6 CABLE COnnECTOR J6 RS-232 PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal PIN SIgNal 1 Frame Gnd 10 [In6] HS 19 Signal Gnd 2 Ref(-) 11 [In7] HS 20 +5 Vdc (note 1) 3 Ref(+) 12 [In8] HS 21 Multi Encoder /X 4 [In1] Enable 13 [In9] HS 22 Multi Encoder X 5 [In2] GP 14 [In10] HS 23 Multi Encoder /B 6 [In3] GP 15 Signal Gnd 24 Multi Encoder B 7 [In4] GP 16 [OUT1] 25 Multi Encoder /A 8 [In11] GP 17 [OUT2] 26 Multi Encoder A 9 [In12] GP 18 [OUT3] PIN SIgNal 1 Motor U Output 2 Motor V Output 3 Motor W Output 4 Ground (HV, Signal) 5 +HV Input 6 Aux HV Input PIN SIgNal 1 CAn_H 2 CAn_L 3 CAn_GnD 4 no Connection 5 Reserved 6 (CAn_SHLD) 1 7 CAn_GnD 8 (CAn_V+) 1 PIN SIgNal 1 no Connection 2 RxD 3 Signal Ground 4 Signal Ground 5 TxD 6 no Connection PIn SIGnAL PIn SIGnAL PIn SIGnAL 1 Frame Gnd 6 Frame Gnd 11 Frame Gnd 2 Ref(-) Output R2 7 Sin(-) Input S1 12 Cos(-) Input S4 3 Ref(+) Output R1 8 Sin(+) Input S3 13 Cos(+) input S2 4 n.C. 9 n.C. 14 n.C. 5 Signal Gnd 10 [In5] Motemp 15 Signal Gnd ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: DDP Amplifier Switching Power Supply +HV Gnd (+) (-) POWER SUPPLIES DDP Seri es operates typi cal l y from transformer-isolated, unregulated DC power supplies. These should be sized such that the maximum output voltage under high-line and no-load conditions does not exceed the drives maximum voltage rating. Power supply rating depends on the power delivered to the load by the drive. In many cases, the continuous power output of the drive is considerably higher than the actual power required by an incremental motion application. Operation from regulated switching power supplies is possible if a diode is placed between the power supply and drive to prevent regenerative energy from reaching the output of the supply. If this is done, there must be external capacitance between the diode and drive. MOUnTInG & COOLInG DDP Series has slots for mounting to panels at 0 or 90. Cooling is by conduction from drive heatplate to mounting surface, or by convection to ambient. A heatsink (optional) is required for the drive to deliver the rated continuous output current. Depending on the drive mounting and cooling means this may not be required. GROUnDInG COnSIDERATIOnS Power and control circuits in DDP Series share a common circuit-ground (Gnd on J1-4, and Signal Ground on J2-2, 10 ,15 ,20, and J3-2, 23). Input logic circuits are referenced to Signal Ground, as are analog Reference inputs, digital outputs, encoder and Hall signals. For this reason, drive Gnd terminals should connect to the users common ground system so that signals between drive and controller are at the same common potential, and to minimize noise. The system ground should, in turn, connect to an earthing conductor at some point so that the whole system is referenced to earth. The CAn ports are optically isolated from the drive circuits. Because current fow through conductors produces voltage-drops across them, it is best to connect the drive HV Return to system earth, or circuit-common through the shortest path, and to leave the power-supply foating. In this way, the power supply (-) terminal connects to ground at the drive HV Return terminals, but the voltage drops across the cables will not appear at the drive ground, but at the power supply negative terminal where they will have less effect. Motor phase currents are balanced, but currents can fow between the PWM outputs, and the motor cable shield. To minimize the effects of these currents on nearby circuits, the cable shield should connect to Gnd (J1-4). The drive case does not connect to any drive circuits. Connections to the case are provided on connectors J2-1, and J3-1. Cables to these connectors should be shielded for CE compliance, and the shields should connect to these terminals. When installed, the drive case should connect to the system chassis. This maximizes the shielding effect of the case, and provides a path to ground for noise currents that may occur in the cable shields. Signals from controller to drive are referenced to +5 Vdc, and other power supplies in user equipment. These power supplies should also connect to system ground and earth at some point so that they are at same potential as the drive circuits. The fnal confguration should embody three current-carrying loops. First, the power supply currents fowing into and out of the drive at the +HV and Gnd pins on J1. Second the drive outputs driving currents into and out of the motor phases, and motor shield currents circulating between the U, V, and W outputs and Gnd. And, lastly, logic and signal currents connected to the drive control inputs and outputs. For CE compliance and operator safety, the drive should be earthed by using external tooth lockwashers under the mounting screws. These will make contact with the aluminum chassis through the anodized fnish to connect the chassis to the equipment frame ground. AUXILIARy HV POWER DDP Series has an input for AUX- HV. This is a voltage that can keep the drive communications and feedback circuits active when the PWM output stage has been disabled by removing the main +HV supply. This can occur during EMO (Emergency Off) conditions where the +HV supply must be removed from the drive and powered-down to ensure operator safety. The AUX HV input operates from any DC voltage that is within the operating voltage range of the drive and powers the DC/DC converter that supplies operating voltages to the drive DSP and control circuits. When the drive +HV voltage is greater than the AUX-HV voltage it will power the DC/DC converter. Under these conditions the AUX- HV input will draw no current. = Shielded cables required for CE compliance RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 18 of 24 DDP Series ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: MOTOR CONTROLLER DDP FEEDBACK DC POWER SUPPLY J1 J2 J3 RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 19 of 24 DDP Series Grounding and shielding are the means of controlling the emission of radio frequency energy from the drive so that it does not interfere with other electronic equipment. The use of shielded cables to connect the drive to motors and feedback devices is a way of extending the chassis of the drive out to these devices so that the conductors carrying noise generated by the drive are completely enclosed by a conductive shield. The process begins at the connector J1 of the drive. When possible, it is best to ground the (-) HV terminal to the equipment earth ground with as short a connection as possible. The drives PWM outputs produce current pulses in the wires between drive and power supply. By grounding the power supply at the drive end of the cables, this noise will not appear between earth ground and drive circuit ground. And, using shielded cable between drive and power supply will provide a return path for noise produced in the cables that might otherwise radiate to adjacent equipment. The shield of the motor cable should also connect to either J1-4, or to a nearby star ground at the chassis where the power- supply (-) terminal connects. Connecting the shields of the motor cable to the motor frame completes the return path for noise that is capacitively coupled to the motor frame. next, ground the motor heatplate using an external-tooth locking washer. This will penetrate the anodized fnish of the heatplate (which is an electrical insulator) and make good electrical contact with the aluminum plate. Grounding the heatplate in this way shortens the path from drive to earth ground and further reduces emissions. Shield should also be added to the cables from the motion controller or control system, and from the feedback device on the motor. notes: 1) Shielded cables required for CE are shown in the diagram above. GROUnDInG & SHIELDInG FOR CE ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 20 of 24 DDP Series ADP-nC-10 (10 ft) ADP-nC-01 (1 ft) DB-9 TO RJ-45 ADAPTER & 10 FT CABLE (2) SER-CK SERIAL CABLE KIT (1) notes: 1. Only one SER-CK is needed per installation 2. Included in CAnopen network Kit ADP-nK 3. Order one cable (1 or 10 ft) for each additional drive CAn TERMInATOR (2) (for last node on CAn bus) CAn nETWORK CABLE (3) ADP-CK POWER SUPPLy Mains-isolated DC Required for all systems User-supplied Multiple drives are connected as nodes on a CAn bus Individual drives are confgured using an RS-232 connection and HDM software HV/MOTOR, FEEDBACK & COnTROL COnnECTOR KIT +HV ADP-HK HEATSInK (Optional) CAnOPEn COnFIGURATIOn Add -S to part numbers above for sin/cos feedback Add -R to part numbers for resolver feedback PART nUMBER DESCRIPTIOn DDP-055-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 55 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc 3/9 A DDP-090-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-36 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 12/36 A DDP-180-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 3/9 A DDP-180-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 6/18 A ADP-CK Connector Kit for DDP Series (P1 plug, and plugs with soldercups & backshells for P2 & P3) ADP-nK CAn network Kit (Sub-D 9F to RJ-45 adapter, 10 ft. modular cable, and CAn terminator) ADP-nC-10 CAn network cable, 10 ft (3 m) ADP-nC-01 CAn network cable, 1 ft (0.3 m) HDM CD with HDM Confguration Software SER-CK RS-232 Cable Kit ADP-HK Heatsink (optional) ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 21 of 24 DDP Series +HV/MOTOR FEEDBACK AnD COnTROL COnnECTOR KIT SER-CK ADP-CK SERIAL CABLE KIT (1) POWER SUPPLy Mains-isolated DC Required for all systems User-supplied HEATSInK (Optional) Current or Velocity Mode Signals: PWM & Polarity PWM 50% 10V Analog Position-mode Signals: Step/Direction CW/CCW 10V Analog Electronic Gearing Signals: A/B Quadrature encoder HDM is used for setup and confguration. DDP-HK +HV STAnD-ALOnE COnFIGURATIOn Add -S to part numbers above for sin/cos feedback Add -R to part numbers for resolver feedback PART nUMBER DESCRIPTIOn DDP-055-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 55 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc 3/9 A DDP-090-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-36 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 12/36 A DDP-180-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 3/9 A DDP-180-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 6/18 A ADP-CK Connector Kit for DDP Series (P1 plug, and plugs with soldercups & backshells for P2 & P3) HDM CD with HDM Confguration Software SER-CK RS-232 Cable Kit ADP-HK Heatsink (optional) ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 180 85 55 25 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Output Current (A) A m p l i f i e r
D i s s i p a t i o n
( W ) Amplifier Dissipation vs. Output Current 0 5 10 15 20 25 90 55 25 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Output Current (A) A m p l i f i e r
D i s s i p a t i o n
( W ) Amplifier Dissipation vs. Output Current RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 22 of 24 DDP Series POWER DISSIPATIOn The charts on this page show the drive internal power dissipation for the DDP Series models under differing power supply and output current conditions. Drive output current is calculated from the motion profle, motor, and load conditions. The values on the chart represent the RMS (root-mean-square) current that the drive would provide during operation. The +HV values are for the average DC voltage of the drive power supply. When +HV and drive output current are known, the drive power dissipation can be found from the chart. Once this is done use the data on the facing page to fnd drive thermal resistance. From this calculate the maximum ambient operating temperature. If this result is lower than the known maximum ambient temperature then a mounting with a lower thermal resistance must be used. When the drive is disabled the power dissipation is shown on the chart as Off. note that this is a different value than that of an drive that is On but outputting 0 A current. DDP-090-36 180 VDC MODELS DDP-090-18 DDP-055-18 DDP-090-09 55 & 90 VDC MODELS DDP-180-18 DDP-180-09 ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 23 of 24 DDP Series Thermal data for convection-cooling with a heatsink assumes a vertical mounting of the drive on a thermally conducting surface. Heatsink fns run parallel to the long axis of the drive. When fan-cooling is used vertical mounting is not necessary to guarantee thermal performance of the heatsink. Thermal resistance is a measure of the temperature rise of the drive heatplate due to power dissipation in the drive. It is expressed in units of C/W where the degrees are the temperature rise above ambient. E.g., an drive dissipating 16 W mounted with no heatsink or fan would see a temperature rise of 46 C above ambient based on the thermal resistance of 2.9 C/W. Using the drive maximum heatplate temperature of 70 C and subtracting 46 C from that would give 24 C as the maximum ambient temperature the drive in which the amplifer could operate before going into thermal shutdown. To operate at higher ambient temperatures a heatsink or forced-air would be required. EnD VIEWS VERTICAL MOUnTInG THERMAL RESISTAnCE MOUnTInG TOP VIEW VERTICAL MOUnTInG WITH FAn heatSINk + faN C/W FORCED-AIR, 300 LFM 0.6 heatSINk, No faN C/W COnVECTIOn 1.7 No heatSINk, No faN C/W COnVECTIOn 2.9 ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: RoHS DIGITAL SERVO DRIVE for BRUSHLESS or BRUSH MOTORS Harmonic Drive LLC, 247 Lynnfeld Street, Peabody, MA 01960 Tel: 978.532.1800 Fax: 978.532.9406 Web: www.harmonicdrive.net 800.921.3332 Page 24 of 24 DDP Series Rev 1.04_mo 07/27/2009 MASTER ORDERInG GUIDE note: Specifcations subject to change without notice Add -S to part numbers above for sin/cos feedback Add -R to part numbers for resolver feedback ACCESSORIES Example: Order an DDP-090-18-S servo drive with heatsink installed at factory and associated components: Qty Item Remarks 1 DDP-090-18-S-H DDP Series servo drive 1 ADP-CK Connector Kit 1 SER-CK Serial Cable Kit 1 HDM HDM CD ORDERInG EXAMPLE QTy DESCRIPTIOn Connector Kit ADP-CK 1 Connector, 6 Terminal, 5.08 mm 1 26 Pin Connector, High Density, D-Sub, Solder Cup 1 26 Pin Connector Backshell 1 15 Pin Connector, High Density, D-Sub, Solder Cup 1 15 Pin Connector Backshell CAnopen network Kit ADP-nK 1 Adapter Assy, DB9 Female to RJ45 Jack (XTL-CV) 1 CAnopen network Cable, 10 ft. (XTL-nC-10) 1 CAnopen network Terminator (XTL-nT) Heatsink Kit ADP-HK 1 Heatsink, Low Profle 1 Heatsink Thermal Material 4 Heatsink Hardware ADP-CV Adapter Assembly, DB9 Female to RJ45 Jack ADP-nC-10 CAnopen network Cable, 10 ft ADP-nC-01 CAnopen network cable, 1 ft ADP-nT CAnopen network Terminator HDM HDM Drive Confguration Software on CD-ROM SER-CK Serial Cable Kit PART nUMBER DESCRIPTIOn DDP-055-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 55 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc 3/9 A DDP-090-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 6/18 A DDP-090-36 DDP Series Servo drive, 90 Vdc, 12/36 A DDP-180-09 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 3/9 A DDP-180-18 DDP Series Servo drive, 180 Vdc, 6/18 A ELECTROMATE Toll Free Phone (877) SERVO98 Toll Free Fax (877) SERV099 www.electromate.com sales@electromate.com Sold & Serviced By: