Europass CV 111004 Galanis
Europass CV 111004 Galanis
Europass CV 111004 Galanis
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) Michael Galanis
Address 2, Dedalou Str/ Temporary: 14, rue Henry VII, 12!1 Hera"lion, #ree$e / Temporary: %u&em'our(,
Telep)one(s) !!*!2+1!24*1!! ,o'ile !!*!-.+2+4--- (#/)
Fa&(es) !!*!2+1!*!!!2!
23mail(s) 4o(or5osote6ya)oo7$om
8ationality #ree"
Date o4 'irt) 2-/!/1.+1
#ender ,ale
Desired employment /
Occupational field
general dentist
Work experience
Dates 10/!./2!!. 3 1+/!0/2!1!
9$$upation or position )eld Dental 944i$er
,ain a$ti5ities and responsi'ilities Assi(ned t)e tas" o4 pro5idin( pre5enti5e and suita'le treatments 4or mout) and teet) pro'lems7
(s$alin(s,e&tra$tions,4illin(s,root $anal treatments,treatin( a's$esses7)
/esponsi'le 4or (i5in( pres$riptions and medi$ines to patients
8ame and address o4 employer #ree" Army
:ra$ti$e in /)odes military )ospital and Hera"lion military $adet trainin( $amp (#ree$e)
Type o4 'usiness or se$tor military installations
Dates 1./!0/2!1! 3 10/1!/2!1!
9$$upation or position )eld Asso$iate Dentist
,ain a$ti5ities and responsi'ilities :er4ormed non3sur(i$al e&tra$tions, sur(i$al e&tra$tions,$onser5ati5e dentistry,prost)eti$ dentistry and
endodonti$s,under t)e instru$tions o4 senior dentist
Su$$ess4ully treated emer(en$y in$idents
8ame and address o4 employer Dental ;are $lini$
Hersonisos (#ree$e)
Type o4 'usiness or se$tor pri5ate dental o44i$e
Dates 1/11/2!1! <
9$$upation or position )eld #eneral Dentist
,ain a$ti5ities and responsi'ilities /esponsi'le 4or pro5idin( dental $are ser5i$es to patients
:er4orms dental =3/ays and teet) $ondition e&aminations
2du$ates patients re(ardin( teet) and mout) $are
;oordinates t)e daily a$ti5ities o4 t)e pra$ti$e>s te$)ni$al and support sta44
Handles t)e tas"s o4 'illin( and maintainin( payment re$ords o4 patients
8ame and address o4 employer 2, Dedalou str, 12!1 Hera"lion (#ree$e)
Type o4 'usiness or se$tor :ri5ate Dental :ra$ti$e
:a(e 1 / 2 3 ;urri$ulum 5itae o4
,i$)ael #alanis
For more in4ormation on 2uropass (o to )ttp://europass7$ede4op7europa7eu
? 2uropean 1nion, 2!!232!1! 24!+2!1!
Dates 10/!1/2!11 <
9$$upation or position )eld ;lini$al trainin(
,ain a$ti5ities and responsi'ilities Handles t)e responsi'ilities o4 assistin( in 9ral @ ,a&illo4a$ial Sur(ery department durin( t)e
auotpatient e&amination and dia(nosis and t)e re(ular sur(eries7
8ame and address o4 employer VeniAelio Hospital o4 Hera"lion
Hera"lion (#ree$e)
Type o4 'usiness or se$tor pu'li$ (eneral )ospital
Education and training
Dates !4/!./2!!! 3 !4/!/2!1!
Title o4 Buali4i$ation aCarded do$tor dental medi$ine
8ame and type o4 or(anisation
pro5idin( edu$ation and trainin(
SemmelCeis 1ni5ersity o4 ,edi$ine
Dudapest (Hun(ary)
Personal skills and
,ot)er ton(ue(s) Greek
9t)er lan(ua(e(s)
nderstanding !peaking W r i t i n g
European level (*)
%istenin( /eadin( Spo"en intera$tion Spo"en produ$tion
English ;2 :ro4i$ient user ;2 :ro4i$ient user ;2 :ro4i$ient user ;2 :ro4i$ient user ;2 :ro4i$ient user
German ;1 :ro4i$ient user ;1 :ro4i$ient user D2 Independent user D2 Independent user D2 Independent user
"ungarian A2 Dasi$ 1ser A2 Dasi$ 1ser A2 Dasi$ 1ser A1 Dasi$ 1ser A1 Dasi$ 1ser
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level
;omputer s"ills and $ompeten$es :ossess (ood "noCled(e o4 ,i$roso4t 944i$e (Eord, 2&$el, and :oCer:oint)
9t)er s"ills and $ompeten$es 2nFoys tra5elin(, readin(, tra$"in(7
Dri5in( li$en$e(s) D
#dditional information
;urrently applyin( 4or re(istration as a dentist at t)e ,inistry o4 Healt) o4 t)e #rand Du$)y
Ha5e $ompleted military ser5i$es
:a(e 2 / 2 3 ;urri$ulum 5itae o4
,i$)ael #alanis
For more in4ormation on 2uropass (o to )ttp://europass7$ede4op7europa7eu
? 2uropean 1nion, 2!!232!1! 24!+2!1!