Vetiver Grass Propagation and Nursery Management

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Dr. Paul Truong

The Vetiver Network International
Veticon Consulting
Brisbane , Australia

All materials in this document remain the property of Veticon Consulting P/L.
Permission must be obtained for their use. Copyright © 2008
Sexual p
p g by
y seeds?

Florescences of Vetiver 3, 5, 10, 15 days after flowering

having about 2,000 flowers each
Flower structure
Sessile spikelet only
contains stigma without

Pedicelled spikelet
contains stigma and
Pollen Development

Anther of flowers 7
days after flowering Separated anther in

o e g grain
a not
ot ge
at g
13 days after sowing in vitro
Pollen grain in
Germination of seeds?

Seeds were sowed in

Inflorescence 20-25
20 25 vitro
days after flowering

Seeds do not germinate

14 days after sowing
Sexual propagation: by seeds?

investigations ecotype (C.

From the investigations, C zizanioides)

• Vetiver induces flowers

• Seeds
S d d do nott h
have endosperm,
d th
no germination

• This ecotype can not become a weed

Asexual Propagation
p g Methods

G l High
Goals: i multiplication
i i i rate and low cost price

The two commonly used methods for large scale

propagation of vetiver are:

1- Separation or splitting
* a mature vetiver plant.
* side shoots
* culm cuttings

2- Tissue culture
Asexual propagation by splitting
from a mother plant

Shoot and root growth from

the slips
Bare root slips: Dipping in rooting hormone (optional)
Bare root slips after about 10-15 days in hormone
Bare root slips ready for planting directly to site or to polybags
Bare root slips
transplanted to poly
Polybags ready for planting directly to site
Bare root slips on the left and tube stocks on the right
Asexual propagation from a mother plant

A mature
t culm
l can
initiate side shoot under
certain conditions
Asexual propagation by culms

Results: Results:
i h 85- with
ith 65%
90% rooted
rooted without
without hormonal
hormonal treatment

Mature Young Culm Cuttings

shoots shoots
Culm cutting
Root growth from bare root slips and culm cuttings
Planting strip: For immediate results and fast planting
Aerial root pruning: To limit root growth to reduce shock after
planting and for ease of transport
Asexual p
p g by
y tissue culture

In vitro + Cytokinine in the

Lateral buds Induce explants

Plantlets ready Multiplication in field Acclimatization

Asexual p
p g by
y tissue culture
This method was developed at Cantho
U i
it ViVietnam
t and
dh has b
been used
successfully in the last few years for
commercial production

Hi h multiplication
lti li ti rate
t (hypothetically
(h th ti ll 58
million plantlets per year)

Proliferation stage (modified 2 mg BA/liter)

carrying out in the shade house will be
reduce 13% production cost of each
Advantages and Disadvantage of
Bare Root Slips
• Very efficient, low cost and fast to prepare the planting material
p , ie lower deliveryy cost
• Small volume for transport,
• Very easy to plant out by hand
• Can be mechanically planted out for large areas

• Vulnerable to dryness and extreme temperature
• Limited storage time on site
• Need to be p
planted to moist soil
• Need more frequent irrigation in the first few weeks.
• Recommended for good seedbed sites with easy access to
Advantages and Disadvantage of
polybags or tube stock
• Very hardy and is not affected to exposure to high temperature
an moisture stress
• Lower
L iirrigation
i ti frequency
f after
ft planted
l t d outt
• Faster establishment and growth after planted out
• Longer period of storage time on site
• Recommended for harsh and hostile environments

• More costly to produce
• Longer period to prepare
prepare, 4 -55 weeks
eeks or more
• Large volume and heavy load for transport, ie higher delivery
• More maintenance cost at site after delivery, if nor planted out
within a week
Advantages and Disadvantage of
Tissue Culture Method
• A very large number of plant can be produced very quickly
• No need for a large scale nursery
• Smaller volume and weight for transportation
• Free from pest and pathogen in nursery

• The need to set up a small laboratory, which can be expensive for a
small nursery
• The need for a well trained technician and other skilled staff
• The need for more manual labour to transfer the seedling to
different size pots during its growing period.
• It takes
es longer
o ge to
o ge
get thee plantlets
p e s ready
e dy for
o planting
p g
• More susceptible to pest and disease on site and adverse conditions
The main points in establishing an efficient nursery are:

Soil type: For the ease of harvesting and minimizing

root and crown damages, sandy loam to loam is recommended
Planting method: Mechanical or manual
Harvesting method: Harvesting the mature plants can
be done either mechanically or manually. For machine
Availability of farm machinery: Some basic farm
machineries are needed for seed bed preparation, weed
control, cutting, harvesting etc.
Irrigation method: Overhead irrigation or flood
Training of operational staff: Availability of well
trained staff is essential to the success of the nursery
Manual planting in Australia, overhead irrigation and
harvested by potato digger
Machine planting in Australia,
Machine planting on flat ground, overhead irrigation and harvested
by mouldboard plough
A vegetable planter was modified for planting vetiver bare root slips
Either single or double line
On site nursery in Vietnam

For large
g pproject,
j temporary
p y nursery
y can be
established close to the project site
Planting sites
Large scale nursery in China
Vetiver nursery in Guangdong, China. Mature plants background,
new planting foreground

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