76 - Deterioration of Variety
76 - Deterioration of Variety
76 - Deterioration of Variety
3. Isolation
5. Seed certification
– Nucleus Seed:
– Breeder Seed :
– Foundation Seed:
– Certified seed
Scheme showing cultivar breeding ,
maintenance and multiplication in India
Breeding programme
Certified seed
Preceding Crop requirement
nearby fields.
d. Diseased plants
Off type plants should be rouged out from the seed plots
before they shed pollen and pollination occurs. To
accomplish this regular supervision of trained personnel is
Seed Certification
❖ The main objective of seed certification is to make available seeds
of good quality to farmers.
❖ To achieve this qualified and trained personnel from SCA carry out
field inspections at appropriate stages of crop growth.
❖ They also make seed inspection by drawing samples from seed lots
after processing.
❖ The SCA verifies for both filed and seed standards and the seed lot
must confirm to get approval as certified seed.
Grow-out Test
❖ Varieties that are grown for seed production should be periodically tested
for genetic purity by conducting GOT to make sure that they are being
pollination and for testing the purity of parental lines used in hybrid seed
Thank you…