Technical Skills

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An accomplished Sr. Business Analyst with over Six years of IT experience involving the financial industry.

Extensive experience in Investment Banking and loans and has specialized in the areas of Securities Trading
Stock Trading! "ixed Income trading! E#uities and $erivatives trading%! wealth management! &ash 'anagement!
'oney ( &apital 'arket Instrument! Treasury and risk management.
&omprehensive knowledge of and solid experience in $erivatives including &redit $erivatives! Interest )ate
$erivatives! "* $erivatives! E#uity $erivatives and &ommodity $erivatives
Experience in identifying and documenting detailed +usiness re#uirements pertaining to "ixed Income Securities
and )epo,)everse Trading &ycle! E#uities and E#uity Trading &ycle! $erivatives! -ortfolio 'anagement!
&orporate Action! and .ealth 'anagement! etc.! creating pro/ect and process specifications! working with
development team to continually articulate re#uirements! and trou+leshooting production issues including new
investment products! applications! data analysis! data mapping and 0A report testing.
Strong experience in $erivative -ricing Black1Scholes! &ox1)oss%! and $erivatives )isk 'anagement 'onte
&arlo Simulation! 2a)%.3343
Strong command on S.I"T messaging.
&omprehensive experience in -ro/ect 'anagement! cost,+enefit analysis! testing! development of +usiness
re#uirements specifications! and pro/ect planning working with pro/ect managers and +usiness sponsors.
Strong experience in "utures and 5ptions Strategies for hedging investments across glo+al market.
Extensive experience in managing Bank Accounts and Transfer Accounts.
Excellent understanding of E"T system such as A&6! "ed .ire! BA&S! &6I-S! "I*! S'A&! Automated &ash
management and -rime Brokerage%.7nowledge of 5nline Banking and the whole "und Transfer process.
Extensive knowledge of IB' and Tandem 'ainframe! AS833! and AS-,&lient Server
$esigned changes for 'ainframe Systems and .e+ Based Systems
Expertise in using SAS output delivery system 5$S% functionality for reporting.
Expertise with Base SAS procedures such as -roc &ontents! "ormat! Import! -rint! -lot! 9plot! -rintto! )eport!
Ta+ulate! S0:! Summary! Transpose.
Extensive experience in +uilding applications to support derivative +usinesses! e.g. automation in )e#uest for 0uote
process )"0%! middle office trade +ooking,capturing! auto1generation of term1sheets,contracts! position keeping!
Straight Through -rocessing.
.orked with )ational Suite of tools to create re#uirements documents )e#uisite -ro%! visual data models )ose%!
manage and track defects &lear 0uest%.
Extensive knowledge of standard S$:& methodologies! including );-! 'S"! -rototype and Spiral.
Solid Experience in developing Scope,2ision $ocumentation and -ro/ect -lan.
Strong 7nowledge of S$:&! );- methodology! and -ro/ect life cycles.
Solid understanding of )ational ;nified -rocess );-% using )ational )ose! )e#uisite -ro! ;nified 'odeling
:anguage ;':%! 5+/ect 'odeling Techni#ue 5'T%! Extreme -rogramming *-%! and 5+/ect 5riented Analysis
Extensive experience in conducting 'arket )esearch! "easi+ility Studies! $ata Analyses! $ata 'apping 9ap
Analyses! )isk Identification! )isk Assessment! )isks Analyses! and )isk management.
7nowledge with investment +anking regulatory reporting regulations like Basel II Accord
Experience with S5*! )egulatory &ompliance and &ontrols.
Solid Experience in &ollection! Analyses! and $ocumentation of ;sers )e#uirements! as well as 5rganizing
interviews! user meetings! workshops! <A$ sessions
Extensive experience in documentation of +usiness re#uirements and system functional specifications! including
B)$! ")$! and "S$
-roficient in creating ;se &ases! ;se &ase $iagrams! Activity $iagrams
Expertise in the management of ;ser )e#uest &hange! and handle ;ser &onflicts.
Expertise in developing 0A Test -lan! Test &onditions! and Test &ases= ensuring ade#uate testing of software +oth
+efore and after completion= conducting and documenting ;AT.
Strong knowledge of Business Intelligence! $ata .arehousing and Business Architecture.

Languages and Tools: ;':! )ational )ose! )e#uisite-ro! )ational So$A! )ational &lear &ase! )ational &lear
0uest! 'ercury Test $irector! 'S -ro/ect! 'S 2isio! 'S 5ffice ?@ , 43331A! 5utlook
4333! Bloom+erg!2BA for Excel! S0:! -:,S0:! <ava! <4EE! &B! 2B.CET! &DD,&:I!
Ado+e Acro+at! -hotoShop! Auto&A$! A$ 'A*
Databases: 5racle Ei,?i! 'S S0: Server! 'S Access
Environments: .indows ?x,CT,4333,*-! ;CI* Sun Solaris! AI*! 6-1;*%! :inux
MainFrame: &5B5:! $B4! <&:! &I&S! '2S
Ca#ital !ne$ i%&mond 'A
A#ril ())*+ Present,
Sr, -usiness
-ro/ect involves creating a data warehouse to support the reporting re#uirements of &apital 5ne :oan origination
system. 'y duties were included designing the model of 5$S to automate and maintain the ET: process.
.orked with -ro/ect 'anager and high1level management team to identify -ro/ect Scope! arrange Time Schedule
and Budget Estimation
&onducted ;ser Interviews and .ork Shops to gather accurate Business )e#uirements
Served as a liaison +etween the +usiness team and the technical team +y identifying! understanding! and
documenting their needs
.orked in mainframe environment and used S0: to #uery various reporting data+ases.
Interacted with line of +usiness managers and coordinated the transition into the security data+ase to assure +usiness
compliance with S5*.
.orked with &5B5:! <&:! 2SA'.
Expertise in development of 6igh level design! &onceptual design! :ogical and -hysical design for $ata+ase! $ata
warehousing and many $istri+uted IT systems
;sed the $ataStage $esigner to develop processes for extracting! cleansing! transforms! integrating and loading
data into data warehouse data+ase.
:ead multiple pro/ect teams of technical professionals through all phases of the S$:& using technologies
including 5racle! Erwin! $ata Stage! $ata .arehousing! .e+sphere and &ognos.
Extracted data from disparate sources +y SAS,A&&ESS.
$eveloped! modified! validated and implemented SAS programming work.
Analyzed system performance and initiated process improvement measures for mainframe and .e+1+ased
&onducted market research and analysis in &apital 'arkets consisting of Stock 'arket and Bond 'arket
-repared for 9A- Analysis= identified and documented improving areas to meet capital re#uirement regulations.
$esigned $ataStage ET: /o+s for extracting data from heterogeneous source systems! transform and finally load
into the $ata 'arts.
Involved in creating $ata "low $iagrams for $ata+ase of the Investment -ortfolios
&onducted $ata 'odeling like &onceptual $esign! :ogical $esign and -hysical $esign
&ollected +usiness re#uirements to set rules for proper data transfer from $ata Source to $ata Target in $ata
$evelop :ogical and -hysical data models that capture current state,future state data elements and data flows using
Involved in data migration design so that the data can +e exchanged from other systems in standard A&5)$
*':ife standards.
.orked on data modeling and produced data mapping and data definition documentation
&reated customized report using 5:A- Tools such as &rystal )eport for +usiness use
&olla+orated with corporate accountants to analyze "inancial Statements for )isk Estimation according to 9AA-
.orked with "As and )As to conduct &redit )isk 'easurements like calculation of ).A )isk .eighted Asset%.
$eveloped B)$s! ")$s and "S$s using corporate templates= developed ;se &ase $iagrams! Activity $iagrams
and Se#uence $iagrams using ;'
$eveloped test plans with 0A team and helped develop test cases for System testing.
Environment: )ational Suite )ose! )e#uisite -ro%! $reamweaver! )ational ;nified -rocess );-%! .indows
CT,*-,4333! ;':! ;CI*! 'S1-ro/ect! 'S15ffice 4333! 'S 2isio! &asewise &orporate 'odeller ! .in)unner! Test
HS-C$ -u//alo N0
Se# ())12Mar ())*
-usiness 3 Data
6SB& is a leading glo+al wealth manager! top tier investment +anking and securities firm! and one of the largest
glo+al asset managers.
The pro/ect was to support and implement an end1to1end "ront and 'iddle 5ffice trading system for derivative trading
and risk management consisting of "orwards! Swaps! &$S! "utures! 5T& and exchange traded options for hedging as
well as speculative trading. S.I"T messaging was used to esta+lish a glo+al communications link for data processing
and a common language for international financial transactions, The system integrated the front office $eal &apture!
&ontract 'anagement% and mid1office &redit control! )isk 'anagement%! +y incorporating &harles )iverFs I'S into
E#uity and $erivative trading to realize Straight through -rocessing.
Extensive experience in &onducting 'arket )esearch! "easi+ility Studies! $ata Analyses! System Analyses! 9ap
Analyses! and )isks Analyses.
9athering market data including real time and historical price data! financial data! and trading news using financial
data source named Bloom+erg.
5perating S.I"T messaging service for financial messages! such as letters of credits! payments! and securities
transactions! +etween mem+er +anks worldwide.
)esponsi+le for gathering re#uirements from users in operations group and performing data mapping for the
application! confirm and vacillating the re#uirement at time of BA testing.
Solid Experience in developing Scope,2ision $ocumentation and -ro/ect -lan! as well as tracking -ro/ect -rocess!
and manage resources to ensure successful delivery
$eep understanding the Business "low of Investment Banking! and extensively involved in -ortfolio management
and analyses! 'utual "unds! Securities trading.
$eveloped test plans with 0A team and helped test every scenario using 'ercury Test$irector Tool for system
&reated SAS programs that are used for data validation! statistical report generation and program validation and
automated the Edit &heck programs using 'acros
;sed SAS 5$S to create output files in different formats including -$" and )T"
Efficient use of 'S -ro/ect for planning and status reporting.
$eep understanding of Structured System $evelopment 'ethodologies
&olla+orated with External Auditors and documented S5* compliance re#uirements
Assisted -ro/ect 'anagement in developing Scope, 2ision $ocumentation and -ro/ect -lan! tracking pro/ect
process! and developed )isk 'itigation -lan
:ed the development of a training program to train users on a custom we+ application and a &ognos ad1hoc
reporting environment.
.orked extensively in $ata Analysis! $ata )econciliation and $ata 'apping for ET: process
9ained in1depth knowledge and experience in pricing! inventory! procurement! time ( attendance! +arcode! E"T!
credit cards! and handheld wireless technology in mainframe! client,server and we+ +ased environments.
;sed SoftTest software with pseudo code to ensure test cases covered all +ranches of pro/ectGs code impacting the
system. The system is an IB' mainframe +ased system that contains the master set of customer information used
to +ill customers.%
Set up market data including zero curves! correlation matrices! dividend curves! etc.! and the underlying financial
instruments and then set up derivatives pricing parameters and trade capture options that drive the valuation of
trades +ased on the market data to configure and test the system
Ensured that the )eference data repository was setup in case of emergency or unavaila+ility of data.
Extensively involved with the trading activities of &redit $erivatives! Interest )ate $erivatives! "* $erivatives!
E#uity $erivatives and &ommodity $erivatives= and "utures including &ommodity "utures &ontracts and "inancial
Extensive work experience with -ortfolio 'anagers! Experienced Traders! and &ompliance 'anager to configure
the rule1+ased scenarios for capturing market and credit risk! general multi1factor sensitivity analyses! and -n:.
Solid experience in calculation of the 9reeks $elta! 9amma! 2ega! Theta and )ho% in the simulation test of the
Solid Experience in &ollection! analyses! and documentation of ;ser )e#uirements! as well as 5rganizing
interviews! ;ser meetings! workshops! <A$ sessions and re#uirement elicitation sessions
-roficient in creating ;se &ases! ;se &ase $iagrams! Activity $iagrams etc.
-erformed extensive data modelling to differentiate +etween the 5:T- and $ata .arehouse data models
$esigned and developed -ro/ect document templates +ased on S$:& methodology
6elped with data modeling and defining the conceptual and logical model of the data warehouse.
Expertise in development of 6igh level design! &onceptual design! :ogical and -hysical design for $ata+ase! $ata
warehousing and many $istri+uted IT systems
Assisted +usiness users in identifying functional gaps! and developed detailed "S$ for the gap
$eveloped test plans with 0A team and helped to develop test cases for system testing! integration testing and
performance testing.
&onducted ;AT to confirm that all derivative products can successfully processed during the trade life cycle
Environment: .indows *- -rofessional! 5racle?i! S0:! 'S Access 4333! 'S Excel! Internet Explorer! 'S
5utlook! );-! 5racle! ;':! )ational )ose! )e#uisite -ro! &lear &ase 4334! )ational &lear 0uest 4334! 'S 5ffice
4333! 'S 2isio 433A.
Farmers Insuran%e 4rou#$ N5
Feb ())62Aug ())1
"armers insurance provides a wide variety of insurances ranging from Auto,6ome to commercial= it is one of the
leading -roperty ( &asualty insurance companies! which provides various insurance products for personal and
commercial lines of +usiness to the customers through independent network of insurance agents. The data warehouse
was +eing designed for the -(& group. This pro/ect implemented ET: process using Informatica. This application
provides +usiness intelligence analysis to decision1makers using an interactive 5:A- tool Business 5+/ects with its
.e+ Intelligence module.
Extensively worked with S'Es in "ormalizing and analyzing Trading Tools and "unctions! including 'arket
5rder! :imit 5rder and $aily Trading 2olumes
.orked with S'Es in the analyses of Efficient "rontier! )isk "actors! Alternative )eturns and &A-' and -,E
Asset 2aluation 'ethod.
)eported and analyzed all application defects! user issues and resolution status to the higher manager using
'ercury Test $irector
Assisted client in development of +usiness re#uirements! including identification of opportunities for Improvement
and 5ptimization of Business -rocesses.
$ocumenting +usiness re#uirements for re1engineering the &ustomer -rofile System to accommodate the new
employee +enefit trust account infrastructure.
Identifying and esta+lishing retirement plan account identifiers for the &ustomer -rofile System.
&reated $ata Stage /o+s to extract! transform and load data into data warehouses from various sources like
relational data+ases! application systems! temp ta+les! flat files etc
.orked with &ognos and micro strategy reporting systems to extract the data for analysis using filters +ased on the
.rote detailed specifications for various reports generated using &ognos
$eveloped and maintained programs in SAS for ;CI* in a user support environment.
Extensive experience with the SAS programming and in data step and with various SAS -rocedures in Base SAS
and SAS,Stat! including thorough knowledge of SAS 'acro.
'aintained on1going technical assistance and provided help desk support to customerFs mainframe systems
software that included pro+lem determination and resolution
Identifying and designing new account opening screens to +e used for a re1designed front1 end system.
'aintained on1going technical assistance and provided help desk support to customerFs mainframe systems
software that included pro+lem determination and resolution.
Assisted -' in $eveloping -ro/ect plan and tracking pro/ect -rocess! Scheduling and organizing group meeting! as
well as developed )isk 'anagement -lan
'aintained a close and strong working relationship with teammates! developers! testers and management staff +y
conducted regular one1to1one sessions and group meetings.
-repared 6igh :evel :ogical $ata 'odels and B)$Fs Business )e#uirement $ocuments% supporting documents
containing the essential +usiness elements! detailed definitions! and descriptions of the relationships +etween the
actors to analyze and document +usiness data re#uirements.
9athered and $ocumented Business re#uirements for the )isk,)eturn Analysis! and -ortfolio 5ptimization and
$eveloped Business )e#uirement $ocumentation! "unctional Specification $ocumentation and 6igh :evel Testing
$esigned and developed ;se &ases! Activity $iagrams! Se#uence $iagrams! 55A$ using ;': and Business
-rocess 'odeling.
&onducted and $ocumented 6igh level System $esign
-repared +oth simple and detailed ;ser manuals and assisted training session of the new and improved system.
Environment: )ational Suite )ose! )e#uisite -ro%! $reamweaver! )ational ;nified -rocess );-%! .indows
CT,*-,4333! ;':! ;CI*! 'S1-ro/ect! 'S15ffice 4333! 'S 5utlook! 'S Access! 'S Excel! 'S .ord! Internet
Explorer! 'S 2isio! &asewise &orporate 'odeller ! .in)unner! Test $irector
Nation7ide Insuran%e$ Columbus$ !H
Mar ())( 8 5an ())6
Cationwide is one of the largest insurance and financial services companies in the world! focusing on domestic property
and casualty insurance! life insurance and retirement savings! asset management! and strategic investments. Cationwide
currently has a+out AH!333 employees! and is ranked B?E in the most recent "ortune I33.
The $ata .arehouse was developed to integrate nationwide operational systems into one central data+ase structure.
Informational #ueries can +e o+tained from the $ata .arehouse that identifies customer +ehavior patterns. This
customer data helps Cationwide to +etter understand and respond to customerFs needs.
Analyzed and developed re#uirements and use cases for account opening maintenance and reporting for Cew
Accounts on &omericaFs private +anking and trust application! platform service! Integration and Implementation.
:iaison for -ortfolio accounting Security movement and asset control S'A&% responsi+le for trade processing!
"ree receipts and deliveries.
)esponsi+le for creating the Business -rocess 'odel for the 9lo+al Cew Account 5pening utilizing the B-'
methodology and notations.
)esponsi+le for creating the )oles and )esponsi+ilities as part of the Cew Account 5pening pro/ect and mapping
them to the appropriate +usiness unit that would ena+le the system to have in +uilt entitlements on routing the
appropriate product forms to the appropriate groups and displaying the forms for Approval in their work #ueues.
e.g. )outing the 'anaged accounts forms to the 'anaged accounts team! I)A forms to the I)A team and
whenever the forms needs to sent to the compliance depending upon the +usiness those would +e routed to the
appropriate group%.
-repared :ogical $ata 'odels that contains set of Entity )elationship $iagrams and $ata "low $iagrams and
supporting documents and descriptions of the )elationships +etween the data elements to analyze and document
the Business $ata )e#uirements.
$esigned $ataStage ET: /o+s for extracting data from heterogeneous source systems! transform and finally load
into the $ata 'arts.
Extensive knowledge of Trade data accounting! multi firm processing capa+ilities. Straight through Business
processing with integration through S.I"T messaging with counter parties through the complete settlement
Strong knowledge of &entralized data management or 7nowledge 'anagement System! scru++ing process
components supporting all asset data need on the &omericaFs 9.' platform involving securities data load from
multiple vendors.
Extensive use of S.I"T messaging for secure financial transactions.
&olla+orated with External Auditors in auditing S5* Accounting &ompliance re#uirements
)esponsi+le for developing and supporting re#uirements for service flow of &orporate Actions! &orporate actions
response! &urrency! "ree movement! 'utual "und 5rder and execution! Con financial transactions and trading
operational processing in &omericaFs glo+al wealth management platform.
)eviewed test results and reported +ugs,issues using 'ercury Test $irector.
Integrating functionality for multiple components for achieving the a+ility to send and receive currency, cash via
various E"T electronic funds transfer% systems e.g. A&6! .ire! &6A-S.
$ocumented )e#uirements for Activity management! "ixed Income! Asset 'anagement Services! &lient portfolio
management! 5rder management system! -erformance! E#uities! )econciliation! Transaction capture,Execution and
reporting re#uirements for the user interface.
Strong knowledge activities involving corporate actions data integration! Entitlement calculation! notification and
reconciliations with custodian through S.I"T! management of Tax, 'arket claims to +e paid or redeemed.
$eveloping workflows for system entities! parameter driven processing! data and functional entitlements.
)esponsi+le for user training and developing documentation for raining guides.
Environment: .indows *- -rofessional! 5racle?i! S0:! 'S 5utlook! 'S Access! 'S Excel! 'S .ord! Internet
Explorer! 'S Access 4333! 'S Excel! );-! 5racle! ;':! )ational )ose! )e#uisite -ro! &lear &ase 4334! )ational
&lear 0uest 4334! 'S 5ffice 4333! 'S 2isio 433A.
'asters in &omputer Science from C<IT.
Bachelors in &omputer Science from '.$.;.

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