Kishore Uppala has received confirmation of his learner's license test slot on July 25th from 12-1 PM. He is instructed to come one hour prior and bring the required documents, including address proof, education proof, citizenship proof, and date of birth proof. The application details Kishore's personal information like name, address, date of birth, blood group, and the type of vehicle for which the learner's license is requested, which is a motorcycle with gear for non-transport purposes. His father's name and signature are also provided, with a declaration that he will be responsible for Kishore as the applicant is a minor. The application is to be submitted to the licensing authority of the MVI
Kishore Uppala has received confirmation of his learner's license test slot on July 25th from 12-1 PM. He is instructed to come one hour prior and bring the required documents, including address proof, education proof, citizenship proof, and date of birth proof. The application details Kishore's personal information like name, address, date of birth, blood group, and the type of vehicle for which the learner's license is requested, which is a motorcycle with gear for non-transport purposes. His father's name and signature are also provided, with a declaration that he will be responsible for Kishore as the applicant is a minor. The application is to be submitted to the licensing authority of the MVI
Kishore Uppala has received confirmation of his learner's license test slot on July 25th from 12-1 PM. He is instructed to come one hour prior and bring the required documents, including address proof, education proof, citizenship proof, and date of birth proof. The application details Kishore's personal information like name, address, date of birth, blood group, and the type of vehicle for which the learner's license is requested, which is a motorcycle with gear for non-transport purposes. His father's name and signature are also provided, with a declaration that he will be responsible for Kishore as the applicant is a minor. The application is to be submitted to the licensing authority of the MVI
Kishore Uppala has received confirmation of his learner's license test slot on July 25th from 12-1 PM. He is instructed to come one hour prior and bring the required documents, including address proof, education proof, citizenship proof, and date of birth proof. The application details Kishore's personal information like name, address, date of birth, blood group, and the type of vehicle for which the learner's license is requested, which is a motorcycle with gear for non-transport purposes. His father's name and signature are also provided, with a declaration that he will be responsible for Kishore as the applicant is a minor. The application is to be submitted to the licensing authority of the MVI
(See Rule 10) Thanks for using Online Learner Licence slot booking Service Dear KISHORE UPPALA Your learner licence test slot has been confirmed on 25-07-2014 from 12:00 PM -- 01:00 PM Please come one hour prior to your appointment.
ENCLOSURES 1. Address Proof 2. Education Proof 3. CitizenShip Proof 4. Date of Birth Proof Please bring above mentioned enclosures (All originals as well as one set of xerox copy). Application Number: AP207/ 710094/ 2014/ L Time Slot Serial Number: 13 To The Licensing Authority, MVI OFFI CE BAPATLA, I hereby apply for a licence authorising me to drive as a learner, the following motor vehicle(s): 1. Motor Cycle With Gear - NON-TRANSPORT PARTI CULARS TO BE FURNI SHED BY APPLI CANT 1. Name of the Applicant KISHORE UPPALA 2. Son/Wife/Daughter of LATE VENKATESWARA RAO 3 Sex MALE 4. Permanent Address (Proof to be enclosed) 1-129/1,1ST WARD BHAVANARUSHI COLONY,PETERU/REPALLE Pin-522265 5. Temporary/Official Address (if any) 1-129/1,1ST WARD BHAVANARUSHI COLONY,PETERU/REPALLE Pin-522265 6. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) 06/08/1989 7. Educational Qualification 8. Identification Marks 1. A MOLE ON UPPER RIGHT ARM 2. 9 Blood Group O+ 10. I hold an effective driving licence to drive ............................................. with effect from ................................ 11. Particulars of any driving licence previously held by applicant whether it was cancelled and if so, for what reasons :.................. 12. Particulars of any learner's licence previously held by applicant in respect of the description of vehicle to which the applicant applied : .................................. 13. Have you been disqualified for holding or obtaining driving licence or learner's licence, if so, for what reasons :................ 14. I enclose 3 copies of my recent passport size photograph. 15. I enclose medical fitness certificate dated................................................................................................issued by (Doctor) 16. I have submitted along with my earlier application for learner's licence / I enclose the written consent of parent / guardian ( in the case of applicant being a minor) APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF LEARENER'S LICENCE 1 of 2 Friday, 25-Jul-14 1:40 AM 17. I have paid the fee of Rs. 18. I am exempted from medical test under rule 6 of the C M V Rules, 1989. 19. I am exempted from preliminary test under rule 11(2) of the C M V Rules, 1989. Date: 25-07-2014 Place: Signature or thumb impression of the applicant Specimen signatures or thumb impression of the applicant 1).................................................................................. 2)....................................................................... DECLARATI ON UNDER SUB-SECTION(2) OF SECTI ON 7 OF THE MV ACT, 1988 Shri/Smt./Kum KISHORE UPPALA Son/daughter of LATE VENKATESWARA RAO who is a minor is under my care and I accept responsibility for his/her driving. If at a later date I decide not to accept responsibility for his/her driving I shall intimate the licensing authority in writing for the cancellation of the licence. I give my consent for his/her obtaining learner's licence. Signature...................................................... Name & Full Address of the Parent/Guardian ................................................................... Relationship.................................................. (to be signed in the presence of the Licensing Authority or Person Authorised in this behalf by the licensing Authority) For Office Use : * The applicant is exempted from the medical test under Rule 6 and the preliminary test under Rule 11(2) of the CMV Rules, 1989. Learner's Licence may be issued. * The applicant was tested with reference to Rule 11(1) of the CMV Rules, 1989. He has passed the test. Learner's Licence may be issued. * He has failed in the test (Reasons should be specified) Learner's Licence may be refused. * Strike out which ever is inapplicable. Signature of Licensing Authority or other person authorized in this behalf. Important : 1. Please note this booking is subject to a working day only. Where a holiday is declared by Governament, Kindly check the web site for any changes. All changes will be notified on website only. APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF LEARENER'S LICENCE 2 of 2 Friday, 25-Jul-14 1:40 AM
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