How To Use Rule 7 & 8 - by Ar. Lee

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How to use Rule 7 & 8 provisions in the 2004 IRR of the National Building Code of the Philippines, particularly,

the development controls (AMBF,

AMVB, BHL, FLAR, GFA, OFB, OLBP, PSO, TGFA, TOSL, USA), angular planes, and parking requirements on a sample architectural design and site
planning problem (a Proposed Construction Supply and Hardware Store on a sloping through lot).

DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS (DC) - A set of inter-acting regulations concerning the physical utilization of a lot and likewise governing the
planning/design of spaces and/or the use or occupancy of a building/structure to be introduced (or already existing) on a lot; Development Controls
help determine in detail the Development Potential and/or the Carrying Capacity of all lots and/or of proposed developments
on lots.
Building Use/ Character of • SECTION 701. Occupancy Classified
Occupancy and Zoning • Table VII.1. Schedule of Principal, Accessory and Conditional
Use/Occupancy of Building/Structure
TLA, AMBF, Setbacks, PSO, TLA= Total Lot Area (with or without firewall) • Figure VIII.1 Maximum Allowable PSI/ISA, MACA, Minimum
TOSL, and Lot Type USA, OSL and AMBF for Residential 1 (R-1) Lot (Single
TOTAL LOT AREA (TLA) - The total surface area of a lot on which a detached Dwelling Unit)
proposed building/ structure is to be erected. If the proposed
building or structure is erected on two or more lots, the TLA shall
be equal to the surface area of such number of lots. The TLA is
expressed in square meters and is equivalent to the combined total
of the MACA.
AMBF= Allowable Maximum Building Footprint • SECTION 803. 4.a Percentage of Site Occupancy
(this is an AREA-check your units) • Table VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area
(TGFA) Based on the Allowed Percentage of Site Occupancy
TLA x PSO = AMBF (PSO) of the Total Lot Area (TLA)


maximum portion of the lot that may be occupied by the
building/structure at grade level after satisfying setback, yard and
court requirements. The area of the AMBF is measured from the
outermost face of the exterior walls of the proposed
building/structure. The AMBF is the true buildable area on which a
fully enclosed building/structure can be erected. The AMBF shall
exclude provisions for courts at grade level.
Setback • SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts
• Table VIII.2. Minimum Setbacks for Residential
SETBACK - The horizontal distance measured 90º from the Buildings/Structures
outermost face of the building/structure to the property lines. • Table VIII.3. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial,
YARD - The vacant space left between the outermost face of the
building/structure and the property lines, e.g., front, rear, right and Institutional and Recreational Buildings

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left side yards. As a yard performs a vital environmental function • Figures VIII.12. through VIII.15.
because of its exposed soil and/or plant cover (surface water
percolation, light/heat absorption, etc.), it shall preferably not be
• Irregularly–shaped lots such as triangular lots and the like,
paved/hardscaped. A yard may be considered part of the Total whose courts may be also triangular in shape may be
Open Space within Lot (TOSL), provided that it abuts a permanent exempted from having a minimum width of not less than
public open space without any separation between them which what is required in Table VIII.3. and as shown in Figures
obstructs the free flow of light and ventilation.
FRONT YARD - The part of the required Total Open Space within
VIII.16., VIII.17., VIII.18. and VIII.19.
Lot (TOSL) created by setbacks along RROW. The front yard shall
not be used as parking space as it is to be used as the transition
area between the sidewalk or other similar portions of the RROW
and the building/structure. Driveways, spaces for parking of a very
temporary nature and hard and soft landscaping may be
introduced for the front yard.
Incremental Setback • Figure VIII.20 Rear or side incremental setback
• SECTION 804.6 Sizes and Dimensions of Courts
INCREMENTAL SETBACK - The horizontal distance between the • Figure VIII.G.13.
outermost building/structure line of a lower floor and that of a
higher floor, wherein the outermost building line of a higher floor
is farther from the property line.
PSO= Percentage of Site Occupancy (%) • Table VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area
(TGFA) Based on the Allowed Percentage of Site
AMBF x 100 = PSO Occupancy (PSO) of the Total Lot Area (TLA)
TLA • SECTION 803. Percentage of Site Occupancy
• Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO,
PERCENTAGE OF SITE OCCUPANCY (PSO) - A quantity related to Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA
the Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (AMBF) and the Total and the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
Lot Area (TLA) via the equation “PSO equals AMBF divided by TLA”.
The PSO is expressed as the percentage (%) of the maximum
allowable enclosed floor area of any building/structure at the
ground floor/ grade level in relation to the TLA.
TOSL= Total Open Space within Lot (%) • SECTION 803.3b Percentage of Site Occupancy
• Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO,
TOSL = TLA-AMBF Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA
TOSL = ISA +USA and the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
• Table VIII.G.6. Minimum TOSL Requirements by Lot
TOTAL OPEN SPACE WITHIN LOT (TOSL) - The total open space Type/Location
required for each type of use or occupancy for a given lot. It is the
portion of the lot consisting of the ISA and the USA combined and
expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area (TLA).

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Lot Type • Table VIII.G.7. Suggested Minimum Lot Sizes, Lot
Dimensions and Types by Use or Occupancy
• Only seven (7) types of lots and their respective locations
are described in Figures VIII.2. through VIII.8.
Width of Court due to • SECTION 804. Sizes and Dimensions of Courts
PSO/AMBF • Table VIII.2. Minimum Setbacks for Residential
• Table VIII.3. Setbacks for Commercial*, Industrial,
Institutional and Recreational Buildings
True Open Space/USA ISA= Impervious Surface Area (%) • Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO,
Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA
IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA (ISA) - The percentage (%) of the and the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
maximum allowable floor area of any paved, tiled or hardscaped
surface at the ground floor/ grade level (located outside the main • SECTION 803.3b.i. Percentage of Site Occupancy
building/structure) in relation to the Total Lot Area (TLA). The • Figure VIII.1 Maximum Allowable PSI/ISA, MACA,
Maximum Allowable ISA consists of builtup areas within the lot Minimum USA, OSL and AMBF for Residential 1 (R-1) Lot
connected to the main building/structure but without opaque or
(Single detached Dwelling Unit)
solid roofing, e.g., patios, grade level terraces, driveways, walks,
parking areas and the like. Since it is paved but unroofed, the ISA
is considered an open space and may therefore be combined with
the Unpaved Surface Area (USA), on portions of the lot to satisfy
the total open space requirement for each type of use or
occupancy. The word impervious in the term ISA denotes that the
paved surfaces generally do not allow water percolation into the
soil nor do they allow the soil to breathe and that such
developments are generally composed of light-reflective and heat-
reflective surfaces.
USA=Unpaved Surface Area (%) • Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO,
Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA and
USA (actual) = USA (min.) + [PSO of lot - PSO of the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot
actual] • SECTION 803.3b.ii. Percentage of Site Occupancy
• Figure VIII.1 Maximum Allowable PSI/ISA, MACA, Minimum
UNPAVED SURFACE AREA (USA) - The portion of the lot that shall USA, OSL and AMBF for Residential 1 (R-1) Lot (Single
remain unpaved and reserved for softscaping/planting. It is detached Dwelling Unit)
expressed as a percentage (%) of the Total Lot Area or TLA and may
be combined with the ISA to satisfy the Total Open Space within
Lot (TOSL), i.e., the total open space requirement for each type of
use or occupancy.

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Always double-check the values given in this document with the actual laws. Reference for Rule 7 and Rule 8 on Developmental Controls
Maximum Allowable GFA FLAR=Floor-Lot Area Ratio • Table VII.G.1. Reference Table of Floor to Lot Area Ratio
and FLAR (FLAR) Designations/Rights
The ratio between the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of a
building/structure and the Total Lot Area (TLA) of the lot/property
on which it stands. The FLAR is determined by dividing the GFA of
a building/structure by the TLA. The GFA of any proposed or
existing building/structure should not exceed the prescribed FLAR
multiplied by the TLA.
GFA= Gross Floor Area • Table VII.G.2. Conversion Table of Gross Floor Area (GFA) to
Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
GROSS FLOOR AREA (GFA) - The total floor space within the
perimeter of the permanent external building walls (inclusive of
main and auxiliary buildings) such as office areas, residential areas,
corridors, lobbies and mezzanine level/s.
MACA= Maximum Allowable Construction Area • Table VIII.1. Reference Table of Maximum Allowable PSO,
Maximum Allowable ISA, the MACA, the Minimum USA and
PSO + ISA = MACA the TOSL by Type of Land Use Zoning per Lot


combined total of the Maximum Allowable Percentage of Site
Occupancy (PSO) and the Maximum Allowable Impervious Surface
Area (ISA) expressed as a percentage (%) of the total Lot area (TLA).
The MACA specifically excludes the Unpaved Surface Area (USA).
TGFA=Total Gross Floor Area • SECTION 705.1 Allowable Floor Areas
• Table VII.1. Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area
TGFA = AMBF x NO. OF FLOORS (include roof (TGFA) Based on the Allowed Percentage of Site
deck if there's any) Occupancy (PSO) of the Total Lot Area (TLA)
• Table VII.G.2. Conversion Table of Gross Floor Area (GFA)
to Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
TGFA(m2) = GFA (m2) + Non GFA – all
requirements for courts at all floors (m2)
TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (TGFA) - The total floor space within
the main and auxiliary buildings primarily consisting of the GFA and
all other enclosed support areas together with all other usable
horizontal areas/surfaces above and below established grade level
that are all physically attached to the building/s which shall

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consists of the following: Covered areas used for parking and
driveways, services and
AMVB, AMBF Prism, AMVB= Allowable Maximum Volume of Building • Table VII.2. Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or
Grade - The limit of the total volume of space that can be occupied
Planes and Incremental by a proposed building/structure above grade level. The AMVB is • Table VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy
Setbacks an imaginary prism within which the fully enclosed areas and Natural Light and Ventilation Requirements Along RROW
courts of a proposed building/structure shall fit. It is generally and Front Yards
determined by multiplying the AMBF for the lot by the applicable • Figure VII.G.1. Angles from center line that determine the
building height limit (BHL) for the lot and thereafter deducting the
OFB and OLBP of R-1 Builing/Structures (with and without
volume of space at the top part of the prism to satisfy natural light
and ventilation requirements for RROW and front yards and to projections) along a 14.00 M RROW
satisfy incremental setback requirements. The AMVB is expressed • Figure VII.G.1. Angles from center line that determine the
in cubic meters. OFB and OLBP of R-1 Builing/Structures (with and without
projections) along a 14.00 M RROW
GRADE - The lowest point of elevation of the finished surface of •
the ground between the exterior wall of a building and a point 1.50
meters distant from said wall, or the lowest point of elevation of
the finished surface of the ground between the exterior wall of a
building and a property line, if it is less than 1.50
meters distant from said wall. In case walls are parallel to and
within 1.50 meters of a public sidewalk, alley or other public way,
the grade shall be the elevation of the sidewalk, alley or public way.

ESTABLISHED GRADE ELEVATION - The point of reference on the

highest adjoining natural grade (ground surface), as established by
the proper government authority. However, in case of sloping
natural grade (ground surface) where the edges of the buildable
area running perpendicular to the road has a difference in
elevation of more than 3.00 meters, the average natural grade
(ground surface) level of the buildable area shall be considered the
established elevation.
OFB and OLBP OFB= Outermost Faces of Building • Table VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy
Projected Floor Plate/OFB Natural Light and Ventilation Requirements Along RROW
OUTERMOST FACES OF BUILDING (OFB) - The outermost and and Front Yards
and OLBP topmost vertical or angular planes of a proposed
building/structure that shall govern the limits of its walls and roof. • Figure VII.G.1. Angles from center line that determine the
It is primarily determined by first vertically projecting the OFB and OLBP of R-1 Builing/Structures (with and without
outermost lines of the Alllowable Maximum Building Footprint projections) along a 14.00 M RROW
(AMBF) (wherein the height of vertical projection is governed by
the Building Height Limit or BHL). To then set the roof height limit
and configuration (as well as to determine the limits of incremental BUILDING (OFB) FOR A TYPICAL R-1 USE / OCCUPANCY
setbacks applicable to the height of the proposed THROUGH THE USE OF THE AMBF, THE BHL, THE AMVB

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building/structure), a diagonal line (or plane) at an allowed angle AND THE ANGULAR PLANE ALONG THE RROW (14.00 M
or slope must then be drawn from the center of the RROW. The
intersection of the angular plane and the vertical prism based on
the AMBF (the “footprint prism”) shall complete the applicable
OFB for the lot.
OUTERMOST LIMITS OF BUILDING PROJECTIONS (OLBP) - The • Rules VII - Application of Development Controls (DC)
outermost horizontal limit of projections, i.e., canopies, porte
cocheres, balconies, eaves, roofs, decks, terraces and the like) from
a proposed building/structure above the first floor. The horizontal
projections must not exceed 60% of the prescribed setback for a
given property line. The OLBP will result in another imaginary prism
(the “projections prism”) within which the fully enclosed areas and
courts of a proposed building/structure plus all of its projections
shall fit.
Basement Height/Depth • Rule VIII – Guidelines on basement
on a Sloping Site • Table VII.G.3. Reference Table of Angles/Slopes* To Satisfy
Natural Light and Ventilation Requirements Along RROW
and Front Yards
Actual Building Height BHL=Building Height Limit • SECTION 707. Maximum Height of Buildings
from Est. Grade, BHL and • Table VII.2. Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or
Angular Planes Resultant height = BHL x Desired Floor to Florr Occupancy
Heigh in Meters

BUILDING HEIGHT LIMIT (BHL) - The maximum height to be

allowed for buildings/ structures based on their proposed use or
occupancy; the BHL is generally determined after the application
of other development control (DC) and certain other parameters,
i.e., considerations of site conditions, view, etc.. The BHL shall be
generally measured from the established grade line to the topmost
portion of the proposed building/structure.
Actual Volume of the BUILDING BULK - The overall size of a proposed building/structure GUIDELINES ON BUILDING BULK, DEVELOPMENT CONTROLS,
as initially characterized by the expanse of its gross floor area (GFA)
or total gross floor area (TGFA), by the overall dimensions of its
allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF), by its height as CEMETERIES AND MEMORIAL PARKS
dictated by the building height limit (BHL) and also by the extent of
allowable building projections (if these are large enough to host
certain types of activities). The building bulk, expressed in cubic
meters, must not exceed the established AMVB above grade. All
measurements pertaining to building bulk shall be made from the
outermost faces of the exterior walls and roof or from the most
bottom surface of the lowermost floor of the building/structure
(including those below grade).

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Minimum Required PARKING AREA - Parking slots together with their ancillary spaces • Table VII.4. Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum
(such as driveways connecting such parking slots, ramps, access
Number of Parking Slots systems, etc.) for the use of motor vehicles of all types (private and
On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area and Loading/Unloading
public). Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy
OFF-RROW (or OFF-STREET) PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary
spaces that are all
located outside the RROW/street.
OFF-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all
located outside the RROW/street and to be provided only within
the property lines/limits of a separate site or lot on which a project
is not located. Off-site parking may be below-grade (basement
level), at grade (ground level) or above-grade (elevated/upper
floor levels) of buildings/structures.
ON-SITE PARKING - Parking slots and ancillary spaces that are all
located outside the RROW/Street and to be provided only within
the property lines/limits of a site or lot on which a building/
structure is to be constructed. On-site parking may be below-
grade, at grade or abovegrade.
PARKING SLOT - Spaces to be used mainly for parking motor
vehicles of all types (private and public).

Other important terminologies:

• EASEMENT - A kind of public open space defined under the Water Code and other laws that must be absolutely free of all forms of physical
obstructions that can negatively affect natural light and ventilation within such space or that can impede access to or the full recreational
use of such space by the general public. It is the area that may lie between the legally usable portions of a public or private property and
natural or man-built bodies of water such as seas, rivers, lakes, esteros, canals, waterways, floodways, spillways and the like.
• HEIGHT OF BUILDING/STRUCTURE - The vertical distance from the established grade elevation to the highest point of the coping of a flat
roof, to the average height of the highest gable, pitch or hip roof, or to the top of the parapet, if the roof is provided with a parapet,
whichever is higher or to the topmost elevation of the helipad structure, if the roof is provided with a helipad, whichever is higher.
• LOW-RISE - One-storey up to 5-storeys in height, i.e., from 3.00 meters up to a maximum of 15.00 meters above established grade; while
not generally requiring an elevator if the building/structure is for purely residential use; fire escapes and other safety systems are
• mandatory for all low-rise buildings/structures.
• MEDIUM-RISE - From 6-storeys up to 15-storeys in height, i.e., from 18.00 meters up to a maximum of 45.00 meters above established
grade; elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems and other safety systems are mandatory for all medium-rise buildings/structures.
• HIGH-RISE - 16-storeys or taller in height, i.e., from 48.00 meters above established grade; elevators, fire escapes, sprinkler systems,
arresters, beacons and other safety systems, particularly if near airports, are mandatory for all high-rise buildings/structures.

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• ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY (RROW) or ACCESS STREET or STREET - A kind of public open space for the continuous flow of pedestrian and
vehicular traffic that must be free of all forms of prohibited physical obstructions. The RROW is the area lying between two (2) or more
parallel properties and its width is horizontally measured from opposite property lines

AMBF= Allowable Maximum Building Footprint (this is an AREA-check your units)

PSO= Percentage of Site Occupancy (%)
TLA= Total Lot Area (with or without firewall)
TOSL= Total Open Space within Lot (%)
ISA= Impervious Surface Area (%)
USA=Unpaved Surface Area (%)
MACA= Maximum Allowable Construction Area
GFA= Gross Floor Area
FLAR=Floor-Lot Area Ratio
BHL=Building Height Limit
TGFA=Total Gross Floor Area
Building Bulk= Volume of the Building
AMVB= Allowable Maximum Volume of Building
OFB= Outermost Faces of Building

TOSL + PSO= 100%

AMBF x 100 = PSO


TGFA= AMBF x NO. OF FLOORS (include roof deck if there's any)

USA (actual) = USA (min.) + [PSO of lot - PSO of actual]

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Check your Rule 7 and 8 for reference and familiarize when to use these table numbers:
Table VIII.1 Max. Allowable PSO, Max. Allowable ISA, MACA, the min. USA, TOSL by type of land use zoning per lot
Table VIII.2 Min. Setbacks for Residential Bldgs./Structures
Table VIII.3 Setbacks for Commercial, Industrial, Institutional & Residential...
Table VIII.G.6 Min. TOSL REq'ts. by lot/location
Table VII.1 Allowable Max. TGFA based on the Allowable PSO of TLA

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Always double-check the values given in this document with the actual laws. Reference for Rule 7 and Rule 8 on Developmental Controls

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