Nano Colloidal Silver

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The nanoparticles of our colloidal silver are of a very pure silver (Ag), 0.999 fine silver is the minimum level of
silver purity we use. The water in our colloidal silver is distilled, demineralized water. This means that other
minerals, microorganisms, etc., have been removed.
The Tyndall Effect
John Tyndall was best nown for his study of light scatteing (the Tyndall effect) observed when a light was
shined through a specific type of li!uid suspension.
"n his wor, Tyndall noted that so!e li"uid sus#ensions scatteed the light $hen a
light $as shined though the!% so they see!ed to glo$. #e also noted that many
suspensions didn$t scatter the light. The light passed through without any visible effect.
As he documented which suspensions scattered and which did not, a pattern began to
emerge. "n time, he dete!ined thee $as a nao$ &and of sus#ensions in $hich
light $as scatteed.
These sus#ensions that scatteed the light ae no$ 'no$n as COLLOIDS. Thus,
today, a normal test for determining whether a suspension has any colloidal
characteristics is to shine a light through the suspension and determine whether the light
is scattered. If the light is scatteed at all% it e(hi&its the Tyndall effect and $ill &e classified as a colloid. "f
the light is not scattered in any way, then it will not be considered a colloid.
After identifying whether the suspension e%hibits any Tyndall effect, the ne%t step is to determine how strong
the Tyndall effect is. A wea Tyndall effect suggests that only a small part of the suspension is colloidal. The
stonge the Tyndall effect% the !oe of the sus#ension is colloidal.
So!e colloids e%hibit such a #ofound Tyndall effect, even normal room lighting is ade!uate to observe the
effect described in the previous paragraph. "n such cases the sus#ension is li'ely al!ost entiely colloidal. &e
call such suspensions, su#e)Tyndall colloids. 'uch colloids would be considered the highest "uality.
The Tyndall Effect to Dete!ine Colloidal Sil*e +aticle Si,e
The stength of the Tyndall effect is es#ecially i!#otant% since a stronger Tyndall effect means more of the
particles are colloidal in size. (olloidal silver which e%hibits little or no Tyndall effect are undesirable and can
be harmful in many ways. The Tyndall effect helps anyone determine how colloidal a silver solution is, the
stonge the Tyndall effect the !oe colloidal it is and thus the more particles it has colloidal in size.
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Sil*e -ano#aticle Si,e
+or colloidal silver to be safe for humans, animals, and other multicellular organisms the nanoparticles must be
ept within the , nm to -00 nm range. "f the particles are s!alle than .n! then it is a !olecula sus#ension
and it is consideed to(ic. .n the other hand, if the ma/ority of the particles are lage than /00n!, they can
&e de#osited as a hea*y !etal in the &ody, causing a condition nown as agyia (a condition where silver is
deposited as a heavy metal and can cause a permanent discoloration). "n either case, too small or too large, the
results are undesirable.
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1hat Colo Should Colloidal Sil*e 2e3
(olloidal silver particles *ay in colo de#ending on the si,e of the nanoparticles and their concentation.
)anoparticles appear certain colors because they reflect (scatter) and absorb specific wavelengths of visible
light. *ight which appears white is a roughly e!ual mi%ture of the wavelengths of light that can be perceived by
the human eye (roughly 0001200 nm).
&hen nanoparticles scatter light, the observer sees the light that is scattered from the nanoparticle formulation,
causing the observer to perceive light that is the same color as the scattered color. +or e%ample, large silver
nanoparticles scatter blue light, medium particles scatter green light and smaller particles scatter yellow, orange
and red.
+igure (left) 'cattering spectrum of 30 nm silver nanoparticles. The inset depicts the colors that are being
scattered1 note that the nanoparticles scatter primarily blue and green photons. +igure (right)4 'chematic of
white light interacting with large silver particles. )ote that for particles with the scattering spectrum displayed
in +igure (left), blue light is scattered and seen by the observer .
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1hat A&out -ano o ionic Sil*e3
(olloidal silver nanoparticles are nano in size. n! stands for nano!eter. "f unsure one can always use the
Tyndall 5ffect Test to determine how colloidal any silver solution is.
ion4 An atom or molecule that has ac!uired a charge by either gaining or losing electrons. An atom or molecule
with missing electrons has a net positive charge and is called a cation6 one with e%tra electrons has a net
negative charge and is called an anion. A cation is a positively charged ion. 7etals typically form cations.
"n a few words, a silver ion is a positively (8) charged nanoparticle of silver, thus (olloidal 'ilver with charged
nanoparticles of silver is ionic.
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5o$ Does Colloidal Sil*e 1o' As A 6e!icide3
)umerous research shows that silver ions interact with bacteria and virus. The following information gives
more information on how silver ions interact with bacteria and virus.
Sil*e ions interact with both 9ram1positive and 9ram1negative bacteria in 0 different ways4
The silver ions interact with sulfhydryl (1'#) groups of proteins which inhibit bacterial respiration.
The silver ions interact with bases of :)A. This interactions leads to the inhibition of :)A unwinding.
The sil*e ions act inhibiting cell division and cause damage to bacterial cell envelopes.
The silver ions interact with hydrogen bonding processes in the bacteria.
"n viruses silver is size dependent. "t has been noted sil*e ions endeing dysfunctional cetain actuato
!olecules. An e%ample that is fairly easy to e%plain is the following4 &hen silver ions catalyze a phosphate $b$
actuator molecule, (an organic actuator molecule that normally opens and closes a virus$ orifice through which it
in/ects an ;)A strand into a host organism, causing the host to produce a new generation of viruses) the
actuator becomes dysfunctional and will not open the orifice, maing it impossible for the virus to in/ect the
;)A strand into the host. The reproductive cycle of the virus is broen because it cannot induce the host to
produce new offspring.
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1hat A&out 5igh Concentations3
&hat about different concentrations of colloidal silver< "s it fair to say, the higher the concentration (usually
la&eled in #ats)#e)!illion o ##!) of colloidal silver, the better< The thought is, if a little silver is good, a
lot of silver must be better. ;ight<
.ver eighty years ago, because of the dangers of silver to%icity, international research determined that if
colloidal silver concentrations were ept &elo$ 70 #ats #e !illion (ppm) the chances of avoiding a silver
to%icity were e%cellent. 'uch low concentrations would allow for a wide range of dosages without running the
ris of a to%icity buildup. Thus, a wide diversity of national medical /ournals of the time promoted colloidal
silver concentrations of =0 ppm and below.
:uring this same early part of the twentieth century, medical researchers were also trying to determine the
lowest concentrations of silver which would still be effective as germicidal agents. They ran studies of
concentrations which ranged from - to > parts per million (ppm) clear up to thousands of parts per million.
Their findings demonstrated, fo! /. ##! and highe, colloids of silver were /008 successful at 'illing all
!e!&es of the oganis! in the study6 thus, #e*enting any futhe #olifeation. ?elow -, ppm, colloids of
silver illed some but not all of the members of the organism. As a result, the members of an organism which
survived the below1-,1ppm1dosage were able to still flourish. Thus, the researchers concluded that -, ppm was
the lowest concentration of silver with -00@ effectiveness.
'o a -, ppm silver concentration is strong enough to do the /ob.
Ou colloidal sil*e !ineal su##le!ent is !anufactued to ensue the chaged nano#aticles of sil*e o
sil*e ions ae 'e#t $ithin the colloidal si,e ange% and the ##! &eing 'e#t at /. ##! thus #o*iding
efficacy and safety fo ou uses9
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