Pipe Slope - 2

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Drain Pipe Size Table

1. Use the following table to determine how many dfu may flow through horizontal
branch drainage pipes or through vertical stack drain pipes. Use at least () a 3
inch diameter pipe for toilets regardless of the values in the table.
2. Base the actual pipe size on the trap size required from Table P3201 when the
re is a difference between Table P3201 and Table P3005.4-1.
Sewer Pipe Size Table
1. Use the following table to determine how many dfu may flow through building d
rain or building sewer pipes. Use at least () a 3 inch diameter pipe for building
and sewer drain pipes that serve toilets regardless of the values in the table.
Drain and Sewer Pipe Size Calculation Method
1. Use the following steps to determine the size of drain and sewer pipes.
(a) Draw a line diagram of the plumbing system showing the relative location of
each fixture.
(b) Assign the dfu value from Table P3004.1 to each fixture and fixture group.
(c) Begin at the top floor or most remote fixture. Work downstream adding the df
u values for each fixture or fixture group. Remember to use the
reduced multiple-bath fixture group dfu values beginning where the pipes from th
e bathrooms connect. Remember to check Table P3201 for shower trap size.
(d) Assign sizes to the pipes using Tables P3005.4-1 and P3005.4-2. You may use
larger pipes than those in the table. You may not use smaller pipes and you may
not reduce the pipe size in the direction of fl ow even if the diagram appears t
o allow it.
Drain and Sewer Pipe Size Calculation Example
1. Assume a new, four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, home with the plumbing fixtures des
cribed in the following table. The full bathrooms are on the second floor. The r
emaining fixtures are on the first floor.
Example 1:
Question: Assuming that both second floor bathrooms drain to one stack, what is
the dfu load on the stack and what size pipe should be installed for that stack?
Answer: The dfu load is 12 and the pipe size is at least () 3 inches. Refer to ta
ble P3004.1. Remember to use the bathroom group values and add for any extra fix
The dfu load for a two full bathroom group (containing 2 bathtubs or showers, 2
lavatory sinks, and 2 toilets) from the dfu table is 8. Add 2 dfu for the extra
shower and 2 dfu for the two extra lavatory sinks. Refer to Table 3004.5-1. A 2
inches diameter pipe can serve up to 20 dfu as shown in the vertical stack colum
n; however, the minimum pipe size serving a toilet is 3 inches.
Example 2:
Question: What is the total dfu load for this home and what size building and se
wer drain pipes should be installed?
Answer: The total dfu load for this home is 17 and both the building drain and b
uilding sewer pipe sizes are at least () 3 inches. Refer to table P3004.1. Rememb
er to use the bathroom and kitchen group values and add for any extra fixtures.
The dfu load for two and one half bathroom groups (containing 2 bathtubs or show
ers, 3 lavatory sinks, and 3 toilets) from the dfu table is 9. Add 2 dfu for the
extra shower and 2 dfu for the two extra lavatory sinks. Add 2 dfu for the kitc
hen group and 2 dfu for the laundry. The hose bibbs add no drainage load. A 3 i
nch diameter pipe is the minimum size for any building drain or building sewer p
ipe that connects to a toilet.

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