E011 Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 11

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Self-KnowledgeThe Great PlanThe Spirit

Pathwork Guide Lecture No. 11 | September 03, 1957
I the ame o! God ad "e#u# $hri#t I %reet &ou, m& !ried#. I bri% &ou b'e##i%#, I bri% &ou 'o(e.
)ecau#e a !ew !ried# ha(e !oud their wa& here toi%ht !or the !ir#t time, #ome o! what I wi'' #a&
wi'' ot be ew to tho#e o! m& !ried# who ha(e bee !o''owi% m& teachi%# or to tho#e who ha(e
bee o the path to God with the he'p o! a di!!eret teacher. Sti'', each oe o! &ou mi%ht !id toi%ht
i#piratio ad he'p to o(ercome a particu'ar di!!icu't&, !or it i# o!te ece##ar& to hear the #ame
thi% a%ai ad a%ai uti' it become# deep kow'ed%e ad e'i%htemet, a# compared to
#uper!icia' ite''ectua' kow'ed%e.
*eep withi the heart o! each huma bei% i# the 'o%i% !or happie##. Now what i# happie##+ I!
&ou a#k di!!eret peop'e, &ou wi'' recei(e di!!eret a#wer#. ,he #piritua''& immature, a!ter thiki%
about it !or #ome time, wi'' #a&, perhap#, that i! the& had thi# or that !u'!i''met or a worr&
e'imiated the& wou'd be happ&. I other word#, happie## mea# !or them that certai wi#he# are
%rati!ied. -et, e(e i! the#e wi#he# came true the#e peop'e wou'd ot be happ&. ,he& wou'd #ti'' !ee'
a deep.#eated ure#t, wou'd ha(e a ude!iab'e bad co#ciece. /h&+ )ecau#e happie## doe#
ot deped o outer circum#tace# or other peop'e, o matter how co(iced the #piritua''&
immature per#o i# o! thi# !a''ac&. Spiritua''& mature peop'e kow thi#. ,he& kow that the&
them#e'(e# are #o'e'& re#po#ib'e !or their happie## or uhappie##. ,he& kow that the& are
capab'e o! creati% a happ& 'i!e, !ir#t withi them#e'(e# but the a'#o, ie(itab'&, i their outer 'i!e.
,he #piritua''& immature thik that happie## ha# to be created !ir#t o the outer 'e(e' becau#e outer
circum#tace#, which are ot ece##ari'& brou%ht about b& them, ha(e to !it their wi#he# ad whe
thi# i# achie(ed happie## wi'' !o''ow. ,he #piritua''& mature kow that it i# e0act'& the other wa&
1a& peop'e do ot wat to ackow'ed%e thi# truth. It i# ea#ier to b'ame !ate, the i2u#tice o!
de#ti& ad hi%her power#, or circum#tace# brou%ht about b& other peop'e, tha it i# to b'ame
oe#e'!. It i# ea#ier to !ee' 'ike a (ictim. ,hat wa& oe doe# ot ha(e to #earch, #ometime# (er&
deep'& ad with a ma0imum o! hoe#t&, withi oe#e'!. 3d &et the %reat truth i#4 happie## 'ie# i
our ow had#.
It i# i &our power to !id happie##. -ou ma& a#k, 5/hat mu#t I do+6 )ut 'et u# #ee !ir#t what
happie## mea# i the #piritua''& mature #e#e. It mea#, #imp'&4 God. 7idi% God i# the o'&
wa& happie## ca be !oud. 3d it ca be !oud ri%ht here ad ri%ht ow. 58ow+6 &ou ma& the
a#k. 1& !ried#, #o o!te peop'e ima%ie God i# wa& out#ide, !ar awa& i the ui(er#e, impo##ib'e
to reach. ,hi# i# !ar !rom the truth. ,he who'e ui(er#e i# withi each per#o9 there!ore, God i#
withi each per#o. :ach 'i(i% creature ha# a part o! God withi. ,he o'& wa& to reach thi# di(ie
part withi i# o the #ma'' ad arrow path o! #e'!.de(e'opmet. ,he %oa' i# per!ectio. ,he ba#i# o!
thi# i# to kow &our#e'!;
,o kow &our#e'! i# ideed di!!icu't. 7or kowi% oe#e'! mea# to !ace ma& a u!'atteri% trait.
It mea# a 'o%, cotiuou#, i !act, e(er.edi% #earch4 5/hat am I+ /hat do m& reactio#<ot
o'& m& deed# ad thou%ht#<rea''& mea+ 3re m& actio# #upported b& m& !ee'i%# or do I ha(e
moti(e# behid the#e actio# that do ot corre#pod to what I 'ike to be'ie(e about m&#e'! or what I
'ike other peop'e to be'ie(e+ 8a(e I bee hoe#t with m&#e'! #o !ar+ /hat are m& mi#take#+6
3'thou%h #ome o! &ou ma& kow &our weake##e#, mo#t peop'e i%ore a %ood part o! them, ad
thi# pre#et# a %reat hurd'e, e(e !or tho#e who ha(e reached a certai hei%ht o thi# upward path.
-ou caot o(ercome what &ou do ot kow. :ach !au't i# othi% more or 'e## tha a chai that
bid# &ou. )& the #heddi% o! each imper!ectio &ou break a chai ad thu# become !reer ad
earer happie##. 8appie## i# meat !or each idi(idua', but i# impo##ib'e to attai without
e'imiati% the cau#e# o! &our uhappie##, which are &our !au't#<a# we'' a# a& tred that break#
a #piritua' 'aw. :(e i! &ou ha(e a karma !rom a pre(iou#, 'i!e it ca be di##o'(ed pro(ided &ou
work #piritua''& to !id &our#e'!<ad thu# !id God.
Peop'e cou'd be comp'ete'& happ&, without #icke##, worrie#, or e(e death a# &ou e0periece it.
-e#, m& !ried#, e(e death; I! peop'e were rea''& per!ect<ad thi# i# mere'& a theor&, !or i! thi#
kid o! per!ectio i# reached, reicaratio become# #uper!'uou#<&our retur to the #pirit wor'd
wou'd ot happe b& deca&, o'd a%e, ad #icke## or accidet. It wou'd be a #ort o!
demateria'i=atio. )ut e(e i! &ou ha(e ot &et come !ar eou%h to co#ider thi#, each oe o! &ou
ca approach thi# %oa' much !a#ter tha &ou ma& thik po##ib'e. 3d !or the time bei%, &ou ca
!id out how ad(aced &ou are o thi# path b& (iewi% &our 'i!e ad &our prob'em#. 8ow happ& are
&ou+ /hat i# 'acki% i &our 'i!e+ ,o the e0tet that uhappie## or di#cotet e0i#t i &our 'i!e
&ou ha(e ot !u'!i''ed &our potetia'.
7or tho#e who rea''& !u'!i'' them#e'(e#, e(e i! the out#ide re#u't i# ot immediate'& oticeab'e, ad
the re#idue, the out#ide mai!e#tatio o! the pa#t remai#, i#ide there wi'' be a deep ad peace!u'
cotetmet, #ecurit&, ad a #e#e o! !u'!i''met. I! the#e are 'acki%, &ou are ot comp'ete'& o the
ri%ht path, or &ou ha(e ot reached the 'iberatio &ou are boud to e0periece a!ter the iitia'
di!!icu'tie# o thi# path are o(ercome. >'& &ou wi'' kow the a#wer, where &ou #tad. No oe
e'#e ca or eed a#wer thi# ?ue#tio !or &ou. I! &ou are o the ri%ht path, howe(er, ad &ou ha(e
that deep !ee'i% o! cotetmet ad !u'!i''met &et there are #ti'' outer prob'em# i &our 'i!e, that
#hou'd ot di#coura%e &ou. 7or the outer !orm o! the ier co!'ict &ou ma& be worki% o ri%ht
ow caot be di##o'(ed #o ?uick'&.
,he e!!ect# o! the 'aw that &ou ha(e bee breaki% !or a 'o% time ha(e to be read2u#ted, ad thi#
take# time. ,he out#ide !orm# ha(e to be remode'ed, remade. -ou &our#e'! ha(e to bri% thi# about.
,he more &ou direct the ier curret# ito the ri%ht chae'#, the more the re#pecti(e out#ide !orm#
wi'' cha%e %radua''& but #ure'&. @ti' thi# proce## i# comp'ete'& e!!ected the outer prob'em caot
automatica''& di##o'(e. Impatiece wi'' o'& be a hidrace. I! &ou are o the ri%ht path, &ou wi''
'i(e ad !ee' the %reat rea'it& o! GodA# wor'd i &our dai'& 'i!e. -ou wi'' a'wa&# be #u#taied b&
GodA# #pirit wor'd, which work# with &ou ad aroud &ou, he'pi% ad %uidi% &ou. It wi'' become
2u#t a# rea', i! ot more #o, tha &our huma #urroudi%#. It wi'' o 'o%er be a theor&, mere
ite''ectua' kow'ed%e. -ou wi'' 'i(e i thi# wor'd ad !ee' it# e!!ect o &ou.
GodA# #pirit wor'd i# co#tat'& at work to he'p humait& a# a who'e a# we'' a# idi(idua''&. It i#
part o! the %reat p'a that GodA# #pirit wor'd ha# a ta#k to !u'!i'' ad i# boud b& (er& de!iite 'aw#.
,he#e 'aw# are co#tat'& (io'ated b& huma bei%# or b& #pirit# ot be'o%i% to the di(ie order.
,he#e 'aw# cotai, amo% other thi%#, the #tipu'atio, i! I ma& u#e thi# e0pre##io, that the !ree
wi'' o! a idi(idua' mu#t e(er be (io'ated. GodA# #pirit wor'd i# there!ore a'wa&# waiti% !or
peop'e<or #pirit#<to reach out !or he'p, but it e(er !orce# it# he'p o a&oe.
I other word#, each per#o ha# to wi#h !or GodA# he'p ad !u'!i'' the ece##ar& re?uiremet# !ir#t,
be!ore thi# he'p i# %i(e. I! thi# i# ot doe, we ca iter!ere o'& i (er& #pecia' ca#e#, a%ai,
accordi% to 'aw. It wou'd be too comp'icated to e0p'ai thi# ow, but o error i# po##ib'e. 8e'pi%
iter!erece b& GodA# wor'd happe# occa#ioa''& without the per#o ha(i% reached out !or it, but
o'& i ca#e# whe #uch he'p wa# eared, perhap# i a pre(iou# 'i!e or e(e i the #ame 'i!e i a
?uite di!!eret area.
:ach #pirit i GodA# wor'd, which i# a wor'd o! order, ha# a de!iite ta#k. 1a& #pirit#A ta#k# re'ate
to huma bei%#. It i# ad(i#ab'e !or peop'e to #eek cotact with the wor'd o! God ad the #pirit# o!
God, !or the&, ad o'& the&, ca he'p &ou ad %uide &ou o the proper path. ,here are ca#e# whe
peop'e thik the& ha(e !oud thi# path o! their ow accord ad without the he'p o! hi%her etitie#.
,hi# i# ot #o. 7or whether the& kow it or ot, there mu#t ha(e bee %uidace ad i#piratio
comi% !rom #uch #pirit#.
It i# e0treme'& harm!u', howe(er, to #eek cotact with #pirit# other tha tho#e be'o%i% to the
wor'd o! God. ,he harm i# mai!o'd. It i# harm!u' ot o'& #piritua''&, but a'#o ph&#ica''&. 8uma
bei%# ted to arri(e at two (er& cotrar& ad e0treme coc'u#io#, each e?ua''& wro%. >e %roup
!id# it u#e!u' to #eek cotact with a& kid o! #pirit. 3other %roup react# b& #a&i% that a&
cotact with #pirit# i# wro%. 8uma ature ted#, u!ortuate'&, to %eera'i=e e(er&thi%, i#tead
o! maki% proper di#tictio#.
,he cotact with GodA# #pirit wor'd i#, atura''&, ot ea#& to obtai. 3d it #hou'd ot be ea#&, !or it
i# the hi%he#t #tru%%'e. -ou mu#t ideed 'ear ma& thi%# i order to recei(e the %i!t o! #uch a
cotact. 7ir#t o! a'', &ou ha(e to c'imb the #teepe#t path o! #e'!.de(e'opmet ad puri!icatio. 3d
&ou ha(e to 'ear the #pecia' 'aw# %o(eri% the commuicatio with the #pirit wor'd o! God. ,he#e
'aw# are (er& di!!eret !rom tho#e o! uc'ea or mere'& b'id ad ukowi% #pirit#. ,here are
ma& wa&# &ou ca !id out which #pirit# &ou are dea'i% with. ,here are ma& wa&# to te#t a #pirit
to #ee whether it actua''& be'o%# to GodA# wor'd or whether it o'& preted# to do #o.
3'thou%h it wou'd be impo##ib'e !or me to te'' &ou a'' there i# to kow about thi# #ub2ect, I wi'' %i(e
a (er& brie! out'ie. /hee(er &ou wi#h to u#e the#e chae'# o'& !or cotact with the wor'd o!
God, %uidace wi'' be %i(e to bri% &ou the ece##ar& kow'ed%e.
>e te#t i# that a #pirit o! GodA# wor'd wi'' ot #eek to #ati#!& it# ow (ait&. It wi'' ot demad
admiratio !or it#e'!. It wi'' be a humb'e #er(at ad wi'' a'wa&# %i(e God the hoor. It wi'' ot
c'aim to be the hi%he#t, !or there i# a'wa&# #omeoe hi%her. ,he hi%he#t i# God. 3& c'aim that a
#pirit ha# #o much power that it ha# o oe abo(e it to co#u't, that it ha# authorit& !or a'' ad ca
decide without co#u'ti% hi%her #pirit# #hou'd be eou%h proo! that it i# ot a #pirit o! God. 7or
whee(er a #pirit o! God ta'k# to &ou, it wi'' te'' &ou there are ma&, ma& %radatio#9 ma&, ma&
hierarchie#. 3bo(e a'' i# the #pirit o! "e#u# $hri#t, ad abo(e "e#u# $hri#t i# God. So a& #pirit
c'aimi% it ha# comp'ete authorit& i# ot tru#tworth&. 7urthermore, a #pirit o! GodA# wor'd ca be
reco%i=ed b& patiece, 'o(e, ad b& the !act that a'thou%h occa#ioa''& it ha# to #a& up'ea#at
thi%# i order to he'p !urther #piritua' de(e'opmet, it wi'' e(er humi'iate or hurt i a up'ea#at
wa&. > the other had, it wi'' ot !'atter.
,he#e ad ma& other te#t# ca, ad #hou'd, be made to reco%i=e the idetit& o! the #pirit# &ou are
dea'i% with. )eauti!u' ad e(e de(out word# i them#e'(e# are o proo!. 7or ma& #pirit# bri%
certai ?ua'itie# !rom their 'i(e# that cotiue i the be&od, but !or oe rea#o or aother the& do
ot be'o% i the order o! GodA# wor'd.
I! cotact with GodA# #pirit wor'd i# made, it wi'' re#u't i a %reat b'e##i%. 7or GodA# #pirit# are
cocered to he'p each oe o! &ou to !id the happie## I wa# ta'ki% about, #o that oe o! &ou wi''
ha(e a empt& 'i!e, 'acki% 'o(e, a!!ectio, re#pect, ad that deepe#t !u'!i''met that ca come o'&
with reachi% !or #piritua' de(e'opmet. It i# the o'& purpo#e !or #uch a cotact. 3&thi% e'#e
wou'd be #ecodar&.
I! other purpo#e# #eem to &ou a'#o worth& rea#o#, e(er i#i#t o the cotact, but 'ea(e it to God. I!
God !id# it u#e!u' that other purpo#e# #hou'd a'#o be !u'!i''ed, the it wi'' happe a# a #ide'ie &ou
mi%ht #a&, but more e!!iciet'& tha &ou ca ima%ie. -ou wi'' %et e0act'& what &ou wat. I! &ou
wat happie## ad are wi''i% to pa& the price, &ou mu#t recei(e it. )& the #ame toke, i! peop'e
wat with a'' their heart# othi% e'#e but GodA# truth ad the !u'!i''met o! GodA# wi'', the& wi''
recei(e that. So it i# i the wi#h that the re#u't i# cotaied.
>!te the re#u't caot come immediate'&<I mea that the #pirit# o! God caot po##ib'& mai!e#t
them#e'(e# immediate'&<!or there mu#t be ma& ob#tac'e# put out o! the wa& !ir#t. *uri% thi#
time, &ou are te#ted to #ee whether &ou are worth& o! #uch a commuicatio. I! uc'ea or #u!!eri%
#ou'# !id their wa& to a medium, the aim #hou'd be to teach them rather tha a''ow them to ha(e
cotro'. ,he& eed to be he'ped with a !irm had<ot the wa& the&, bei% b'id, ima%ie, but to
put them o the #piritua' path. 3# &ou #eek !or cotact with GodA# #pirit# &ou #hou'd ot %i(e up,
but per#e(ere i humi'it&. Seek what i# withi &ou that pre(et# the c'ea #pirit# !rom mai!e#ti%
/hee(er &ou ha(e cotact with the #pirit wor'd o! God it i# the hi%he#t, the mo#t beauti!u', ad the
mo#t u#e!u' thi% &ou ca e(er attai. 7or that a price ha# to be paid. /he &ou bu& a hou#e the
price wi'' be hi%her tha whe &ou bu& a #hack. -ou accept that a# atura'9 it caot be otherwi#e.
)ut it i# ot #o ea#& to accept thi# pricip'e whe it come# to #piritua' de(e'opmet ad #piritua'
(a'ue#. -et whate(er &ou %i(e &ou are retured a hudred!o'd whe #piritua' (a'ue# are cocered9
wherea# i materia' %ood#, there i# a e0act e0cha%e at be#t.
Sa'(atio 'ie# i the had# o! each idi(idua'. >'& &ou &our#e'! ca break the chai# that ho'd &ou,
but !ir#t &our who'ehearted wi#h mu#t %row bi%%er tha a'' e'#e. ,he the #pirit# o! God wi'' he'p
&ou !urther.
3d ow I wat to de(ote time to &our ?ue#tio#.
B@:S,I>N4 I doAt uder#tad #omethi%. -ou #a& we #hou'd be i cotact with the #pirit wor'd
o! God ad that other #pirit# wi'' harm u# #piritua''& ad e(e ph&#ica''&. )ut e(er&thi% i# GodA#
wor'd. I doAt uder#tad.
3NS/:C4 It i# 'ike thi#4 there i# GodA# %reat creatio with it# woder!u' 'aw# ad it ic'ude# a''
the #pirit# 8e ha# a'#o created ad to whom 8e ha# %i(e !ree wi''. 3 %reat umber o! the#e #pirit#
ha(e (o'utari'& accepted GodA# 'aw# ad 8i# order ad ha(e thu# remaied happ&. 3 %reat umber
o! other #pirit# ha(e broke that order, a%ai (o'utari'&, ad b& that act the& ha(e created
uhappie## ad di#harmo& !or them#e'(e#. 7or happie## ca 'ie o'& i the wi#dom o! GodA#
'aw#. 3'' #pirit# who ha(e at oe time or aother broke thi# 'aw ad ha(e ot &et !oud their wa&
back to reco%i=e thi# 'aw a# the o'& wi#dom, the o'& ri%ht cour#e, #tad out#ide thi# order<
(o'utari'&. "u#t a# the& cou'd (o'utari'& accept it. 3d oe da& the& wi''. )ut a# 'o% a# thi# doe#
ot happe b& their ow (o'itio ad co(ictio the& wi'' remai out#ide the wor'd o! God.
God doe# ot !orce a& creature4 choice ha# to come !rom the !ree wi'' o! each idi(idua'.
@'timate'&, ad #uch i# the beaut& ad per!ectio o! GodA# 'aw#, e(er& #i%'e chi'd o! God wi''
retur9 retur to the e'i%htemet ad wi#dom, to the happie## ad !reedom that ca be !oud
o'& i di(ie 'aw.
,here are a'mo#t a# ma& huma bei%# a# #pirit# who !a'' ito oe or the other o! the#e two
cate%orie#9 tho#e be'o%i% to the di(ie order ad tho#e out#ide o! it. ,he !ormer are perhap#
he'pi%, worki%, cooperati% i the %reat P'a o! Sa'(atio. ,he etitie# i thi# %roup, amo% other
thi%#, !id out i #piritua' edea(or where the& are #ti'' uco#ciou#'& de(iati% !rom the 'aw#.
3d the there are tho#e, ma& o! them, who do ot accept GodA# 'aw#, who create chao# i their
#urroudi%# ad i their ow #e'(e# b& wati% to !o''ow their ow (er& icomp'ete 'aw#.
B@:S,I>N4 I wou'd 'ike to a#k how it i# po##ib'e to cotact oeA# per#oa' %uide.
3NS/:C4 ,hi# ca be doe o'& i! the purpo#e i# to !o''ow the path o! per!ectio, to he'p oeA#
ow de(e'opmet, to #o'(e a particu'ar prob'em. 3d thi# wi#h ha# to be (er& #tro% ad #icere,
ot ha'!.hearted at a''; ,hi# mu#t be tru'& the o'& rea#o, with o #e#e o! #e#atioa'i#m or
curio#it& mi0ed ito thi# wi#h. I! ad whe thi# i# reco%i=ed b& the #pirit# o! God<ad it mi%ht
take co#iderab'e te#ti%, a# we'' a# patiece ad edurace, !or the wi#h mu#t ot be %i(e up too
#oo<#uch a cotact wi'' be e#tab'i#hed. ,he per#oa' %uide o! the idi(idua' i ?ue#tio wi'' make
it#e'! kow, pro(ided the a#wer caot be obtaied aother wa&, 'et u# #a& throu%h other huma
bei%#. 7or GodA# #pirit# do ot a#wer ?ue#tio# that ca be a#wered i &our ow wor'd. It i# ot
their ta#k to he'p &ou a(oid a 'itt'e bit o! e!!ort to !id out. ,he& a#wer o'& tho#e ?ue#tio# which
wou'd be impo##ib'e !or &ou to !id a a#wer to throu%h huma chae'#.
Now i! a'' the#e re?uiremet# are !u'!i''ed, &ou wi'' e(etua''& e#tab'i#h cotact oe wa& or aother.
,here are ma& ?ue#tio# a per#oa' %uide ca ad wi'' %'ad'& a#wer4 i!, !or i#tace, &ou do ot
kow what the wi'' o! God i# i a particu'ar #ituatio, i! &ou wat to di#co(er uco#ciou# tred#
ad emotio#, or i! &ou !id &our#e'! i #ome kid o! di#harmo& with &our !e''ow.creature# ad do
ot kow the rea#o. I! #uch a #ituatio occur#, &ou ma& be ?uite #ure that o matter how !'a%rat'&
wro% the other per#o ma& be there mu#t be #omethi% withi &ou that i# re#po#ib'e. ,hi# ad
#imi'ar ?ue#tio# wi'' be a#wered i! &ou ope the door !or truth. 3d thi# ca happe o'& i! &ou
are prepared to accept the truth uder a& circum#tace#, e(e i! &ou #hou'd hear what &ou 'ea#t
wat to hear.
I! &ou o(ercome the atura' re#i#tace to heari% a u!'atteri% or ucom!ortab'e truth, &our door
i# ope ad we ca %et throu%h. I mi%ht add here that e(e i! &ou do hear occa#ioa''& #omethi%
&ou ha(e !eared to hear, &ou wi'' be e0treme'& happ& a!ter &ou ha(e thu# e#tab'i#hed cotact. Not
o'& becau#e truth a'wa&# ha# that e!!ect, but a'#o &ou wi'' the kow !or the !ir#t time that thi#
#pirit wor'd with a'' it# 'aw# i# a rea'it& ad ot a theor&. ,hi# wi'' make &ou (er& happ& ideed.
,he wa& the a#wer ca be recei(ed (arie# %reat'&. >e wa& ma& be that whi'e &ou meditate ad
become #ti'' ad a#k thi# ?ue#tio, wati% o'& truth ad GodA# wi'', #udde'& a ew thou%ht
come# to &ou. ,hi# thou%ht wi'' %row, ad the more it %row# the more &ou wi'' #ee how ri%ht it i#.
,here wi'' be o doubt about the ri%hte## ad truth o! thi# thou%ht o matter whate(er a%'e &ou
co#ider it !rom. ,hi# ma& be oe wa&, ad it i# ca''ed the wa& o! i#piratio. Later o &ou ma&
direct'& percei(e a ew (oice withi &ou that #oud# ?uite di!!eret !rom &our u#ua' thou%ht# or
idea#. >r &ou ma& #ee #omethi% that wi'' %i(e &ou the a#wer i picture !orm. >!te #uch a#wer#
are %i(e a 'itt'e 'ater throu%h aother huma bei% who wi'' be i#pired. "u#t thi# kid o! a a#wer
ma& be a te#t !or &ou, to %au%e how &ou recei(e it, how &ou react. GodA# #pirit wor'd ha# ma&
wa&# o! worki% ad pre#eti% ece##ar& kow'ed%e to &ou.
:#tab'i#hi% cotact i# a'wa&# up to &ou, howe(er, ad it a'wa&# re?uire# &our opee##. ,he &ou
wi'' recei(e. I! &ou are patiet ad &ou do ot wat o'& oe particu'ar a#wer, or i! &ou are ot #et
i &our mid to recei(e the a#wer i oe particu'ar wa&, but 'ea(e to God a# to how it wi'' come to
&ou<the &ou wi'' %radua''& e#tab'i#h a per!ect ad woder!u' cotact. Perhap# it wi'' !ee' ?uite
di!!eret !rom what &ou ha(e ima%ied, but whate(er God decide# wi'' u'timate'& be be#t !or &ou.
So whe #eeki% #uch per#oa' cotact, thi# #hou'd be &our moti(e ad thi# #hou'd be the wa& to %o
about it.
B@:S,I>N4 /hat i# the re'atio#hip betwee the di(ie withi ad the ma#ter who come# to
#peak9 !or i#tace, &ou #peaki% throu%h thi# medium, or the ma#ter who #peak# to me+ 8ow i#
m& ow di(ie #e'! or thi# mediumA# di(ie #e'! re'ated to #uch a ma#ter+
3NS/:C4 I wi'' a#wer thi# ?ue#tio, !ir#t %eera''& #peaki%, o what the di!!erece i# betwee
the di(ie #park or the di(ie #e'!, a# &ou ca'' it, or a etit& o! GodA# #pirit wor'd. 7or ma& peop'e
it i#, ideed, ot a'wa&# c'ear what #peak# to them4 i# it the #ubco#ciou#, the #uperco#ciou#, or
the di(ie #park or hi%her #e'!<whate(er ame &ou care to %i(e it<or i# it aother etit&+ It i# ot
(er& ea#& to a#wer that ?ue#tio, ad it i# e(e more di!!icu't to determie the di!!erece. I wi'' put
it a# c'ear'& a# I ca.
Let u# be%i with the #ubco#ciou# !ir#t. ,he #ubco#ciou# (oice i# (er& ?uick to a#wer ad ?uite
di#tict ad o!te 'oud. ,he o'& wa& !or a per#o to determie whether it i# the #ubco#ciou#, or
oe o! the other two a'terati(e#, i# to become #ti'' ad do e0act'& what I ha(e recommeded i m&
a#wer to the ?ue#tio coceri% cotact with GodA# wor'd. I! a'' the coditio# metioed i m&
a#wer are !u'!i''ed, GodA# truth ad wi'' ca come throu%h, ad it doe# ot matter whether it i#
throu%h oeA# ow di(ie #e'! or throu%h a etit& be'o%i% to GodA# wor'd. 7or both abide b& the
#piritua' 'aw# ad !u'!i'' GodA# wi''. I! the wi#h to !u'!i'' GodA# wi'' i# more tha mere'& wi#h!u'
thiki% or !ear, the the a#wer wi'' be %i(e. >'& the idi(idua' ca determie whether the wi#h
!or truth i# %reater tha a& #e'!.de'u#io, wi#h!u' thiki%, or a0iet&. ,hi# ha# to be doe throu%h
ob2ecti(e #e'!.aa'&#i# ad #e'!.te#ti%. Dait& or the de#ire to impre## other peop'e ma& be i the
wa&9 thi# i# the %reate#t #tumb'i% b'ock o the #piritua' path.
I! thi# te#t i# pa##ed ad the re#i#tace i# o(ercome, the a#wer ca be %i(e !rom the #e'! to the #e'!
<or !rom the %uardia #pirit or what &ou ca'' a 5ma#ter.6 ,he a#wer wi'' come with a (er& #ma''
#o!t (oice that wi'' ot be pu#hi% or pre##i%. It doe# ot #hout9 it i# a ?uiet, a'mo#t imper#oa'
(oice without a& !orce behid it, cotrar& to what #o o!te come# !rom the #ubco#ciou#.
,hi# ?ue#tio ha# to be #ett'ed !ir#t, !or the (oice o! the #ubco#ciou# i# o!te mi#take !or oe o!
the two a'terati(e# &ou ha(e metioed i &our ?ue#tio.
3d ow 'et u# tur our attetio to the part o! &our ?ue#tio about the di!!erece betwee the
hi%her #e'! ad a #pirit creature o! God. It actua''& doe# ot make much di!!erece whether a (oice
come# !rom oe or the other. 3# I ha(e #aid, both wat the #ame thi%. ,he poit i# itere#ti% o'&
i a techica' #e#e. ,he hi%her #e'! certai'& mai!e#t# it#e'!. )ut it caot a'wa&# come throu%h
c'ear'&, !or it i# co(ered b& ma& 'a&er# o! imper!ectio, 'a&er# o! de#e matter, a'' the di#tortio#
that ece##itate 'i!e o earth. I! the#e 'a&er# were ot pre#et, 'i!e o earth wou'd be #uper!'uou#. I!
the hi%her #e'! cou'd mai!e#t it#e'! a# ea#i'& a# a'' that, &ou wou'd ot ha(e to 'i(e a%ai ad a%ai9
&ou wou'd be ad(aced !ar eou%h ot to ha(e to %o throu%h !urther icaratio#. -et where(er
there are !au't# ad imper!ectio#, the hi%her #e'! i# barred. 3d that i# the rea#o God ha# #et 8i#
he'per#, !or the& ha(e the abi'it& to work throu%h &our b'ock# where &our ow hi%her #e'! caot
&et do #o.
7urthermore, the (oice o! &our ow hi%her #e'! i# #o !ar awa& ad #o!t, #ometime# #o iacce##ib'e,
that it doe# ot #peak c'ear'& to &ou i #o ma& word#, but act# #imp'& b& %uidi% &ou to heed what
&ou ca'' 5co#ciece.6 ,hu# the hi%her #e'! ca i!'uece &ou to !i%ht &our 'ower #e'!. ,he hi%her
#e'!, whe 'i#teed to, ca make it#e'! kow i the cour#e o! 'i!e, throu%h certai actio# ad
reactio#, but it caot co(er#e with &ou the wa& a #pirit ca.
7or i#tace, i the ca#e o! a medium, the hi%her #e'! caot mai!e#t it#e'! to #uch a e0tet that it
ca 'ecture !or a etire hour ad a#wer ?ue#tio#. I! thi# were po##ib'e, thi# medium wou'd ha(e
reached #uch hei%ht# i de(e'opmet that !uture icaratio# wou'd be uece##ar&. I! thi# were
accomp'i#hed b& mere cotact with the hi%her #e'!, it wou'd be 2u#t a# ea#& to ha(e the hi%her #e'!
a'wa&# o the #ur!ace i a'' coditio# o! 'i!e. )ut it i# ea#ier to accomp'i#h that the mediumA# ow
#pirit bod& 'ea(e !or a time ad %i(e room to aother #pirit. :(e thi# i# di!!icu't eou%h i! a #pirit
o! GodA# wor'd i# to mai!e#t it#e'!. :ou%h b'ock# ha(e to be c'eared awa& !or thi# oe hour.
I other word#, the hi%her #e'! act# ad %uide# to a certai e0tet, but it doe# ot #peak coheret'&. It
i#pire# thou%ht, but it doe# ot #peak the wa& I #peak throu%h thi# medium. >r it doe# ot #peak i
a wa& capab'e o! bei% heard. I# that c'ear+
B@:S,I>N:C4 -e#.
3NS/:C4 3bout the per#oa' ?ue#tio &ou ha(e a#ked me, I wou'd 'ike to #u%%e#t to &ou, m&
dear !ried, that perhap# &ou come to%ether with a (er& !ew o! &our !ried# oe e(ei% ad I wi''
#peak to &ou the i a more per#oa' wa&, i! &ou #o de#ire.
B@:S,I>N:C4 ,hak &ou.
B@:S,I>N4 I uder#tood &ou to #a& that i! oe i# i di#harmo& with aother per#o, it i#
ece##ari'& oeA# !au't.
3NS/:C4 I did ot #a& that. ,he actua' di#harmo& pre#et doe# ot a'wa&# ha(e to re#u't !rom
oe per#o. )ut i! di#harmo& ca reach &ou, there mu#t be #ome imper!ectio i &ou.
B@:S,I>N4 )ut how i# oe to kow that+
3NS/:C4 7or e0amp'e, b& a#ki% the he'p o! &our #pirit !ried#, i! &ou caot !id the a#wer b&
!o''owi% thi# path. )& %etti% to kow &our#e'!, each corer o! &our #ou', &our reactio#. ,he
a#wer caot a'wa&# be !oud immediate'&. ,he cau#e o! the di#harmo& i# ot a'wa&# o the
#ur!ace. It ma& be buried deeper. It# ori%i ma& be i a who'e chai reactio, oe !au't 'eadi% to
aother, uti' !ia''& the mai!e#tatio appear# out#ide, brou%ht about b& the !au't# o! other# a# we''.
I! &ou cotiue o thi# path, #e'!.hoe#t& become# #ecod ature #o that &ou wi'' ha(e comp'ete
uder#tadi% about a'' &our ier moti(e#, pa#t ad pre#et. /he &ou kow a'' &our emotio#,
#hortcomi%#, ad wro% attitude#, &ou wi'' be ab'e to coect a'' outer happei%# with them,
!o''owi% thi# chai reactio backward.
,he immediate cau#e o! the di#harmo& ma& be aother per#o, either etire'& or part'&. 8owe(er,
whe &ou are o thi# path, it i# #o importat to kow that whee(er a&thi% up'ea#at occur#
out#ide or i#ide it ca o'& be the e!!ect o! a cau#e. ,here!ore &ou #hou'd !id time to meditate a#
#oo a# po##ib'e ad a#k &our#e'! what i &ou cou'd ha(e, direct'& or idirect'&, brou%ht thi# about.
/hich imper!ectio cou'd be coected with thi#+ 3d i! &ou rea''& wat to !id out thi# particu'ar
truth, i! othi% i &ou #hie# awa& !rom it, &ou wi'' !id the a#wer. ,hi# I ca promi#e &ou. ,hi# i#
oe ca#e where GodA# #pirit# ca ad wi'' he'p &ou, e#tab'i#h cotact with &ou. -our thou%ht# wi''
be %uided #'ow'&, pro(ided the wi#h !or truth i# #icere ad ot #uper!icia'.
,hi# i# ?uite a importat poit. >!te, huma bei%# wat to be o thi# path, but their etire bei%
i# ot i a%reemet. ,hi# a%reemet o! the who'e per#o mu#t be !ou%ht !or, which make# it
importat to !ir#t reco%i=e the ha'!.hearted ature o! the wi#h, #o a# ot to !oo' &our#e'! ito
be'ie(i% that &ou ha(e doe e(er&thi% &ou cou'd ad &et o re#u't i# (i#ib'e. I! #uch i# the ca#e
&ou #hou'd check whether there i# a #tro% re#i#tace i &ou to take thi# 'a#t ad !ia' #tep to
di#co(er.uco(er the who'e truth withi &ou, ic'udi% &our 'ower #e'!.
B@:S,I>N4 :(e the hoe#t& i# (er& di!!icu't.
3NS/:C4 >! cour#e the hoe#t& i# di!!icu't.
B@:S,I>N4 Sometime# &ou thik &ou are hoe#t but i! &ou %o deeper ad deeper &ou #ee
#omethi% e'#e there.
3NS/:C4 ,he wa& i# #teep ad arrow ad 'o%. -our ow wi'' i# %oi% to determie whether
&ou wi'' be (ictoriou#. )ut the di!!icu't& o! the hoe#t& ca be o(ercome !ir#t b& the proper
meditatio about #e'!.hoe#t&, the b& a#ki% &our#e'! wh& it i# #o di!!icu't. I! &ou a#k &our#e'! that
?ue#tio, &ou ca %i(e &our#e'! the a#wer. I! &ou ha(e the 5wh&,6 it wi'' be ea#& to meditate o the
i##ue. ,he a#wer i# u#ua''&<ad here I #peak ?uite %eera''&<that oe doe# ot 'ike to reco%i=e
ad part with a weake##. >e doe# ot 'ike to break a wro% ier reactio or attitude. >e doe#
ot wi#h to pa& the price. ,he 'ower #e'! 'ike# to remai i the #ame o'd ho'e<to #trai rather tha
cha%e. >ce thi# i# reco%i=ed, the e0t #tep i# ea#ier. ,he reco%itio that &ou di#'ike putti%
a#ide &our e%o or &our (ait&, or whate(er e'#e it ma& be, eab'e# &ou to had'e the #'u%%i#he## o!
&our 'ower #e'! u#i% the #piritua' truth# &ou ha(e 'eared #o !ar.
>ce &ou ha(e !oud wh& &ou ha(e #uch di!!icu'tie# with the 'ower.#e'! re#i#tace, &ou ha(e
attaied a %reat dea' more tha &ou thik. It i# better to !id out about thi# ier re#i#tace ad treat
it methodica''& tha to o(ercome a #uper!icia' mi#take i actio o'&. 7or the the root ma& (er&
we'' remai ad othi% much i# %aied. 3# 'o% a# a e(i' i# ot tor out b& it# root# it ca a'wa&#
reappear uder certai coditio#. ,he ri%ht outward actio i #uch a ca#e actua''& become# a 'ie.
It i# there!ore better to commit a !au't outward'& a%ai ad a%ai, i! it i# reco%i=ed ad treated b&
meditatio, tha to act u#u#taied b& &our ier ature. I! &ou ca !id the a#wer withi &ou i
#uch a ca#e, &ou wi'' e0periece a woder!u' (ictor&, a #e#e o! re'ie!, o! 'iberatio, o! peace ad
truth, ad thu# &ou wi'' be a #tep earer to God. *o &ou uder#tad+
B@:S,I>N:C4 -e#, I do.
B@:S,I>N4 I or%ai=ed churche# there are prie#t#<ad I ha(e chi'dhood memorie# i mid<
ad whe &ou a#k them, 5I# thi# %ood+6 or 5I# thi# a #i+6 the& wou'd a'wa&# #a&, 5-ou kow the
a#wer (er& we'' &our#e'!.6 *o &ou thik prie#t# 'ike that are i#pired+
3NS/:C4 -e#, o! cour#e. Peop'e ca !id ma& a#wer# them#e'(e# i! the& rea''& wat to. )ut
a#ide !rom a#wer# that pertai to per#oa' de(e'opmet, to #e'!.kow'ed%e, to oeA# ow !au't#, it
i# ece##ar& to %ai kow'ed%e !rom without. 7or e0amp'e, take the kow'ed%e o! #piritua' 'aw#, or
kow'ed%e how to o(ercome certai !au't#, ad !id he'p i attaii% puri!icatio. I! that kow'ed%e
!rom without i# ot %i(e, it i# o!te impo##ib'e to !id the ri%ht a#wer or to kow what to do e0t.
,he more kow'ed%e i# %aied !rom without, the more ri%ht a#wer# oe ca %i(e oe#e'!, !rom
B@:S,I>N4 -ou #peak o! meditatio a# thou%h it were #omethi% (er& ea#&.
3NS/:C4 No, it i# ot ea#&, but it ca be 'eared. I! there i# a wi'', there i# a wa&. 3d whate(er
the di!!icu'tie#, it i# m& ta#k to he'p &ou o(ercome them.
B@:S,I>N4 8ow come %reat idi(idua'#, #cieti#t#, arti#t#<i other word# the %reat %eiu#e# o!
hi#tor&<e(er mai!e#t throu%h a medium+ *o the& mai!e#t i direct cotact with tho#e who are
the ri%ht 5receptac'e#,6 but are ot medium#+
3NS/:C4 ,hi# i# impo##ib'e to a#wer i a %eera' wa&. ,here are ma& who#e ta#k i the #pirit
wor'd i# to i#pire peop'e who ha(e a #imi'ar ta'et. ,he rea#o that the& (er& #e'dom, i! e(er,
mai!e#t throu%h medium#, i# a (er& %ood oe, ad a'thou%h there are ma& medium# who c'aim
that #uch ad #uch ha# #poke throu%h them, that i# ot true. GodA# #pirit wor'd doe# ot wat thi#
kid o! cotact becau#e it tempt# the re#pecti(e medium or peop'e be'o%i% to a particu'ar %roup to
!ee' importat ad #uperior. ,hat #hou'd ot be. )e#ide#, it doe# ot mea more i!, !or e0amp'e, a
Goethe #peak# throu%h a medium tha a& other #pirit o! the di(ie order. )ut i! Goethe #hou'd
#peak here it mi%ht %i(e the medium the opportuit& to #a&, 5Goethe #peak# throu%h me.6 ,he
other# wou'd a'#o be impre##ed ad wou'd perhap# 'ook dow o tho#e who ha(e o Goethe. GodA#
#pirit wor'd wat# to a(oid thi#. So whee(er #uch a thi% occur#, it i# to be take (er&, (er&
care!u''&. 7urther, ot a'' o! the %reat %eiu#e# are i their #piritua' de(e'opmet a# !ar ad(aced a#
i their particu'ar ta'et. ,heir !ate i the #pirit wor'd ma& be o di!!eret tha that o! a&oe e'#e.
So o %eera' #tatemet ca be made.
Some o! the#e %eiu#e# are reicarated9 #ome o! them 'i(e i the #pirit wor'd i a #phere o!
puri!icatio9 #ome o! them %o to #choo' there9 #ome o! them prepare !or the e0t 'i!e9 #ome o! them
ha(e a ta#k i the #pirit wor'd to !u'!i'', either i coectio with their ta'et, or the& ha(e to per!ect
#omethi% e'#e ow. 3d #ome o! them ma& ha(e a'read& reached a hi%h #phere o! per!ectio.
I wi'' retire ow ad #a& to each oe o! &ou4 oe o! &ou #hou'd e(er !ee' a'oe. God 'o(e# each
oe o! &ou dear'&. ,he 'o(e o! God i# with a'' o! &ou. )e i peace, !o''ow thi# path. It wi'' bri% &ou
happie##. 1a& God b'e## a'' m& !ried#.

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