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Lesson No 147

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Thy Self-Realization will blossom
forth from thy Soulful Study.

To be Confidentially Reserved for Member's Use Only.

Published by

(Self-Realization Fellowship & Shyamacharan Mission)


(To be Confidentially Reserved FOR MEMBER'S USE ONLY)


Father, Mother, Friend, Beloved God, no more with words but with the burning
flame of our hearts we worship Thee. We demand Thy presence. Destroy our ignorance;
drive away our restlessness; come to us in all Thy splendor, Forsake us not, though we
forsake Thee; remember us, though we remember Thee not; be with us always; be not
indifferent to us, though we are indifferent to Thee. Make us like little children, free from
jealousy, free from insincerity; unite our hearts Thy glody is fragrant within us. The temple
of memories often is filled with doors of desires. Drive them away for we want to behold
Thee alone sitting on the altar of every thought and every consciousness within and
about us. Behold Thy consciousness within and about us. Behold Thy consciousness
glimmering within us. Make us behold Thy consciousness in everything. We were blind t
We found not a door, but Thou hast opened our eyes and we find doors everywhere,
through the hearts of blossoms , and through the hearts of friendship and all lovely
experiences. Thou art Present just behind our prayers, just behind the darkness, just
behind the thoughts of our devotion, just behind our heart-throbs, just behind brain. Break
Thy vow of silence. Speak to use more are we satisfied with the whispers in the moon,
in the twinkling of stars, or the song of the nightingale. Sing unto us Thy song of Infinity.
God has given us independence, power, and reason. Man can find God because
He was given reason. To spend your time just playing with life and not finding God,
means that the power within you is being wasted. The great Masters of India found out
that reason governs everything, and the reason within us tells us that we cannot live
without that reason. God gave us reason that we might find freedom.
Self -Realization Fellowship is teaching you the divine discrimination by which you
will be able to distinguish between spiritual truths and theologi can beliefs, Learn to
develop discrimination. Millions of people do not exercise this power. Discrimination does
not mean that you should become biased. When you boil down a reason to a right
conclusion, then you must harness that reason to will power and act up to that.
Discrimination does not amount to anything unless it is accompanied by activity. To have
it is to be awake and very much alive, so 'teat everywhere you go you will be able to
perceive correctly. No one will be able to decisive you.
Divine contact will show you immortal ways of expression, so that you, a mortal,
may be an immortal and express yourself in the divine way. You get so. entangled in
life that you forget to us your will power properly. The divine Soul is really free like the
lark -free like the sky. How much do we know about this earth on which we live? If the
earth causes a little tremor, our homes and loved, ones are destroyed. If God were to

destroy this little cell in which we live where would we be today We are literally floating
on the outside of a ball, which God is directing in its rotation through the heavens. How
little v/e know of this earth I And how dare we forget God, to whom we are indebted for
our existence!.
Be master of yourself, that you may create at will what you need. Whenever you
need health, you must have it, whenever you need money you must have it DO not be
lured by your unnecessary "necessities", however. You must use reason, and you must
not be influenced by anything but your own good habits and reason. No one should be
able to tempt you to do anything that you do not want to do. You must not be a slave to
anything. Have you that power?
We are all acting like the little worm in the cocoon, but there are some worms
which cut through the cocoon and develop wings and fly, in a few years you will be gone.
Why we in uncertainty? If you do not out through and become a divine butterfly, death is
going to overpower you.
So many people scarcely know that they are living. They are a part of the
cogwheel of the machine of activity, but they do not know the purpose of life. They eat,
live, multiply, and are gone, leading the life of an animal. So many people are living
behind the times. Most people think that to have good clothes, fine ears, plenty of money,
and so on, is keeping up with the times, but that is far from it.
Do not sacrifice your Soul on the altar of indifference. Do your duty to God, and
through God do your duty to your family. Once a man said to me: I have no time for
God."I said: Wait a minute; I suppose God had no time for you. If He had no time for you,
you would L be dead right now."You came alone on earth and you will go alone from the
shares of this earth. Find God first, then everything will come to you.
Remember the parable of the master and the servants. The master said he was
going away for a while, so all the servants took a rest while he was gone, all except one
servant who said:"But master might return any moment, so I will go on with my work." The
master did return and found all his servants idling their time away except one, so he
kept that one and discharged the rest.
So it is with God. You must always be ready to serve Him. Do not idle your time
away. Some people do very little. They just eat and sleep and do a little mechanical
work. AS human beings, you must do more than this; you must accomplish something
worth while, and you must use discrimination every day. Do riot waste your time. Find out
what you are and why you are here.
To acquire all the wisdom in the world would be impossible in one life time if you
had to get it from books, but there is another angle of approach. To have Cosmic
Consciousness means to know all things in Nature. Cosmic Consciousness does not
mean that you must have, an arrogant attitude of superiority, but you really contain all
wisdom within yourself, only you must know how to be aware that you have it.
Instead of trifling away your time on small things, it is your highest duty and
privilege to spend it on God. Follow the path that leads you to His infinite presence.
Life must be lived in a worth-while way. When you carte into this world, you cried and
everyone else smiled. You must so live your life again that when you leave, everyone

will cry, while you will be smiling. Many live like the moth attracted to a flame. They are
temporarily attracted the fire of pleasures, only, to burn their wings of happiness, but
those who embrace the everlasting fires of wisdom will find the darkness burned,
The Yogi is one with others When he tries to be one with others j he does not
take this as a mental concept or just try to be a little courteous or a little helpful to
others but he tries to forget his little self and merges in the selves of others so that he
feels his consciousness moving through all. Unselfish sympathy is the bridge which
connects each Soul with other Souls. Sympathy is the door to all hearts. It must be impersonal and must not exclude one in preference to another. Sympathy must first be
practiced with some, purely, perfectly, then extended to all hearts.
The devotee should mentally try to feel the tremor of the leaves. He should feel
the wind around his body and in his lungs. He should feel the cocygenic vitality of God
in his blood cells. He should feel his consciousness moving with the breeze, entering in
the lungs of people, and giving them life. He should mentally feel himself omnipresent
with the whole atmosphere around the earth. He should feel the sun's rays as his
muscles. He should feel himself cushioned on the earth, offering his services to others
who may walk upon him. He must feel himself in the temple of Souls, in the temple of
hearts, in the temple of minds.
As you cannot receive the ocean in a cup, so it is impossible to receive the ocean
of wisdom in the small cup of intelligence. The small cup of intelligence must be
expanded or enlarged into the boundless cup of intuition in order to hold in it infinite Truth.
Intuition is that power of Spirit inherited by the Soul, by which can perceive all things
directly without the medium of any other faculty. Man has to use the powers in the eyes,
ears, and other senses in order to know about Truth. When the senses and things, the
reason builds a wrong conclusion about it. The Spirit or the Soul, does not require the
senses or the mind to perceive substance. It sees into things through the directlyperceiving power of intuition.
To study the Scriptures with intellectuality, keeps the Truth looked up in the mind
unassimilated and undigested. That is why one must study the Scriptures with self
realization, which produces the spiritual brain, the intuitive heart, and teaches you how to
absorb spiritual Truth. The best way to study the Scriptures is to feel them in the body, in
the mind, in intuition, and in the Soul.
Before studying the Scriptures, the intuition should be awakened by the power of
meditation, A restless mind, or a highly intellectual mind, cannot ansorb scriptural Truths,
which can be perceived only through intuition. Just as sugar cannot be tasted through
intellectuality or mental imagination, so the sweetness of spiritual perceptions cannot be
received through the intellect.
If you work all the time, you will become too mechanical and will sacrifice God to
your work, and if you are too discriminating, you may lose God that way, and if you have
devotion for God without work/your devotion may turn into emotion. Meditation balances
all of these.

Close your eyes to shut out, immediate contact with the world and matter. Know
that God is in everything. Then, forgetting all matter, feel God in meditation.
The average mind is like a match stick that is soaked with water. Scratch it and it
won't light. The mind of concentration is like a dry match. Strike the match and it is
immediately aflame with the fire and burning love of God , the flame of happiness.
Once I went to Master and said: "When shall I have God'?'' He said:"You have
Him now," That he said: "You are looking for miracles and if all the universe was given to
you, you would become tired of it in a day. But when you have God you will want nothing
else." I said: "Yes, I have found God.
O aged Wine of my Heart, Thou has become sweetened through incarnations.
Drinking of Thee, I drink again and again, and my bottle is always filled. I know not the
name of this wine, but I do know that it is the wine of happiness - the wine which talks to
me, which guides me at all times."
The greatest of all miracles is the love of God. Through His love He is always
talking to you MI fled Him down the day, I fled Him down the night and through the
orchards of the years." You are not seeking God; God is seeking you. You are flying away
from God through doubts; you are hiding from Him through material pleasure*If you do
not find contentment in God you will not find contentment anywhere.
Although we are very insignificant, still God is following us. I take these things
away from thee that thou mayest receive these things from My hands, from &M God did
not take these things away to punish or worry us ,but to tell us to come home. It is in Him
that we shall find everlasting health, prosperity, and wisdom.
In order that you may wake up and know the laws of the stars and the glory of
spiritual happiness, and the mystery .of life and death and the hereafter, you must first
learn that you ban only find these things in God, through God laws.
Rouse yourself land say: I have long wandered away. I must find God Then seek
Him and through the study of the advanced methods in the Fortnightly praecepta, you will
know the history of tie stars, the strata of the earth and life, and you will say: "I am the
child of God, I was sent here to be entertained by the drama of life, but not to be caught
in its meshes." Mortal ways will never give you freedom.
In Cleveland when I went into a beautiful temple there, I had a great vision. I
always had a hobby for temples and large buildings, so God showed me a great
temple with a beautiful organ and ten thousand people in the temple and He said: "Do
you want this temple without Me?" Then He showed me a vision of a tree with myself
and a few disciples seated under it, and He asked: "Or would you prefer this, with Me." I
quickly said:"Lord, I would rather be under the tree, with a few disciples and with Thee in
our midst."

"Because Thou art, all things are. All beauties are but the windows through which
we behold Thy Infinite beauty. The beauty of the rose and the beauty of the moon are but
reflections of Thy beauty."
Honey has many different flavors because bees gather nectar from many kinds of
flowers. All honey is good honey but all flavors may not be equally pleasing to all people.
Buckwheat and clover are favorites in the Middle West, while orange blossom and sago
are preferred in the far west.
Honey may be bought as liquid in the comb and in a solid or granulated form.
Granulated honey can be restared to liquid by putting the container in warm water until
the honey melts. In order to preserve the true flavor, honey should not be cooked at high
It is of the utmost importance to have the right temperature in cooking with honey,
A scorched spot or surface will affect the flavor of the entire honey product, especially
those containing flour. Mixtures containing honey should be baked slowly and evenly, for
the exact time stated in the directions. Use a slow or moderate oven for baking with
honey. When a cake has shrunk from sides of pan, lightly touch the upper crust and if no
dent is made, the cake is done. A honey mixture cooked on top of the stove should be
simmered and not boiled.
(To be continued)
cup honey
teaspoon vegetized salt

cup lemon juice

3 tablespoons crushed pineapple.

Stir lemon juice and honey together, add salt and crushed pineapple. Delicious
with crisp head lettuce, plain banana salad or cole slaw.
The most effective way to overcome temptation is to compare it with the joy of
meditation. Temptation does not mean just doing same-thing wrong from the material
standpoint; it also. means to forget your Soul by becoming too engrossed in the body
and its comforts. That is temptation too.
No matter how many cords are around your feet, no matter how many sins you
have committed, remember this, the minute you know in\ your heart that the happiness
which is found in the temple of silence is. most tempting, then you will be free. You must
have that joy, then you are already released. That can only come through your own determination.

One of the most impressive things my Master used to say to me was:"Learn to

behave, I can never thank him enough for that. I find, however, how difficult it is to
With the dawn of divine experience, with the dawn of divine joy, we behold the
glimmer of beautiful thoughts and experiences within our hearts. When ignorance comes
within our hearts, we are filled with gloom, and in this gloom we behold the goblins of
dark thoughts, but when the light of God shines within us, we behold the divine love of
Within our Souls lie buries the immortal soldiers of God, who are constantly
fighting the forces of evil in order to establish within us the kingdom of the Great Deity.
I will behold the person who now considers himself as my enemy to be in truth
my divine brother hidden behind the veil of misunderstanding. I will tear aside this veil
with the dagger of love so that, seeing my humble, forgiving understanding, he will
receive the offering, of my good will.

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