For Those With Writer'S Block!! How About Trying Some of These Topics?
For Those With Writer'S Block!! How About Trying Some of These Topics?
For Those With Writer'S Block!! How About Trying Some of These Topics?
What do you like to do at recess?
Do you think boys or girls have it easier?
Do you think you have too many chores? If you could
choose whichever chores you want, which ones would you
prefer to do?
What would you do if everyone in your family forgot your
If you could travel in a time machine and go any distance
into the past or future, where would you decide to go?
What makes our class special?
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
If you could choose any bedtime you wanted, what time
would you pick?
Pretend that you were already grown up with children.
How would you treat them differently from the way your
parents treat you?
Would you like to have an identical twin? What would be
the best thing about it? What would be the worst thing
about it?
re you e!cited to grow up? What does it mean to be
"grown#up" and what do you think will be the best thing
about it? What about the worst thing?
$ournal %opics bout &elationships
'. (est friends...
). %eenagers...
*. %he things I look for in a friend are...
+. ,riends are...
-. %he thing that mes me a good friend is...
.. I make friends by...
/. If my best friend were on drugs...
0. 1y best friend...
2. How gangs affect my life
'3. I wish my friends would...
''. People like me because...
'). When someone tells me they like me, I...
'*. 4omeone I5d like to know better is
'+. I like it when somebody says to me
'-. I wish I had told...
'.. People make me mad when...
'/. I feel sad when someone tells me...
'0. I resent 6666666666 for 6666666666
'2. I love it when..
)3. I e!pect...
)'. I5d like to spend the day with
)). 7ying to parents
)*. my parents...
)+. 1y brother8s9:sister8s9...
)-. When I become a parent I won5t...
).. 4omething I do for my mother is...
)/. 4omething I do for my father is...
)0. I like people who...
)2. I don5t like people who...
*3. I wish people would...
*'. I wish my teacher would...
*). %he other people in this class are;.
$ournal %opics for 4elf <nderstanding
'. When I need time for myself;
). If I could live anywhere
*. I really miss...
+. I never e!pected...
-. n unusual day in my life
.. ,or my birthday I5d like...
/. %he worst gift I ever got...
0. I daydream most about...
2. I really wish....
'3. 4omething few people reali=e about me
''. I wish I weren5t so...
'). >ne of my best points is...
'*. >ne of my most important goals is...
'+. I dream that one day...
'-. 1y hardest class is
'.. What makes me feel proud is
'/. I5m glad I5m alive when
'0. 4ome little things I often forget to en?oy
'2. ssociative Writing
$ournal %opics Involving 4peculation and Different
'. What one non#living item would you take from
your house if it caught on fire?
). Which five of these things 8make a list9 would you
take from your house if it caught fire?
*. Pretend you met an alien and e!plain school to
+. 4et your clocks ahead twenty years. Where are you
and what are you be doing?
-. What would you do with a million dollars? 7ist five
things you would buy.
.. @ouAve landed on another planet. %ell the inhabitants
all about earth.
/. @ouAve gone back in time and met a tribe of Indians.
B!plain plumbing, electricity, cars, windows, air
conditioning and other conveniences to them.
0. What animal would you be? Why?
2. If you were your teacher, how would you treat you?
'3. Describe a day in the life of 666666666668choose an
''. Describe how you feel at the dentist5s office.
'). %he way I am like 666666666666666 is
'*. perfect place for me is...
'+. What if your teacher fell asleep in class?
'-. I am my locker.
'.. I am my shoe.
'/. If I could live anywhere...
'0. If I were invisible I would...
'2. Describe your life fifteen years from now.
)3. How would do you think your parents views would
change if they walked in your shoes for a week?
)'. Describe your desk in complete detail. ,ocus on all
sides and angles.
)). 7ist twenty#five uses for a toothbrush
)*. Describe a toaster from the inside
)+. ssume you are the last person on earth and have been
granted one wish. What would it be?
)-. Imagine a world that contained no written language.
What would be different?
).. If you could step back in time to re#live one day, what
would you do differently?
)/. @ou discover you have only si! weeks to live. What
would you do and why?
)0. Imagine you are )- years old. How will you describe
yourself as you are today?
)2. Describe how you would feel if you were @><&
parent. What would you do differently?
*3. Describe how you would feel if you were @><&
teacher. What would you do differently?