Your First Book
Your First Book
Your First Book
Final one
3:00 am thoughts?
Often people ask each other question that at what time you
go to bed? And in my circle I concluded that 1:00 am is the
time most people go to bed in my society
What happens after 1:00 at? Some of you watch movies,
etc... songs/series and some do assignments and some
just fell asleep within a few minutes after laying on bed...
are these last ones are lucky? Or not
I still never got answer of this question yet but I’m sure
some of you will get after the end of this article or book it
turn to be because It’s 4:00 am in the morning and i just
started typing it.......
All these people And there are some people like me and
most of you guys who just can’t stop thinking when they lay
down isn’t it if it is than I can assure you we can find the
answers of our thoughts
Today just around 3:00 am I was feeling so anxious I
couldn’t sleep. Music wasn’t changing my thoughts and I
none of the series or movie was keeping my mind away
from my thoughts.
There is this series I use to watch whenever I’m feeling sad
(how I met your mother) its legend........wait for it... dairy!
High fives it make my mood change and thoughts go away!
But not today.... sometimes my thoughts was like I’m
having a hit by a brick on my head and sometimes I was
like thinking of as I’m a I decided to gather
around all of my ideas and thoughts focusing only on
Walking Disaster
Well I just thought I should write a little bit about myself but
if you want to skip this chapter you can because I’m only
telling you about my ordinary life..............
I’m just an ordinary guy just like all of you guys and I have
really a bad memory about my childhood or as young
teenager. All I can remember is that I was Called ‘’Gudda’’
by my mother when I was a kid and the only thing that was
important to me in my childhood was cricket about which I’ll
discuss later in the book. Since today right this moment
25th of July 2020 I never ever have thought in my life that
I’ll write a book in my life
Funny isn’t well sometimes........ a long pause of 5 minutes
I don’t know what to write Meanwhile in my mind (ab ye tw
kissi kitab main ni likha k main b likhon gaw) I’m never
been talkative person in my family I was the only boy of my
age in my cousin squad there is this one cousin of my age
but he left the school after 5th to Become Hafiz ( may all
grant him great success in his aim to become a Scholar)
we both used to stay at each other home than I become a
loner We never connected again as before... for years I
stayed that one cousin who sits at the corner at any family
(Apni hi dunya abaad thy bhai ki) I was called rude (sarial)
by some of my female cousin and they always hate me I
don’t know why......
Well I think that’s enough even I don’t know myself how
can someone ever will. Till yesterday I was the normal
guys who spends his time all day in bed watching Netflix
and chill. Sometimes some parental explicit contact... and
sometimes overthinking I’m wondering what my parents
Walking Disaster
Why I’m writing this because i have just found this new
passion of writing and it gives me peace. Although there
will be mistakes in my grammar, tenses...etc. because I
studied in a RATTA based education system (learning by
rote) just search that previous line. Another reason why I’m
writing is i feel like sharing my thoughts because I’m an
introvert and always quite, living in my own world of should all share your thoughts with other
people because sharing is caring.... (Teacher ne ni
Walking Disaster
A sudden thought
While I’m writing this thought hit me like what if I die
now......... long pause n
I’m back... after taking my anxiety pills.......It’s ok to feel
fear, anxiety. Well I’ll write coz that’s why I choose the title
‘What will other people say’ this single line has killed more
dreams then the amount of people killed by Hitler, Stalin
and Mao.
Walking Disaster
-William Henley
Walking Disaster
dreaming) now you will search your plate and put all
illaicheis out and start eating again.. Ummm so Yummy!
Same goes with life Cut-out all the negative people and oh
there is again this little stone comes in your next bite that
was in the rice when they are not cooked and thoroughly
cleaned. You will again put that little stone out (hurdles)
and start moving towards you define aim and fun fact! For
some people eating sleeping is enough for life and the
spend all of their life doing nothing. PITY! For them.......
One time I was at my grandmother’s place eating PALAO!
A rice dish. And suddenly there is this round dry thing of
meat in the rice. I ask what is this Nano?
“Warriyan” she replied in Punjabi I pick this warri or
whatever she calls out of my place and said (Niklian ky ni)
Those who understand Punjabi will get this.
Walking Disaster
Walking Disaster
Your education your ethics your Religion and how you get
to know the world is star from your family...
Walking Disaster
And then there is this society..... I’m so much disappointed
in people around me... I will talk about a typical Middle East
A short story
This girl completed her PhD from Cambridge, UK, & her
father proudly tweeted her picture from convocation. But
suddenly, men started commenting on her bare legs rather
than the document she is carrying through years of hard
Walking Disaster
A thought
This is our society... some are good some are. Talking
about the bad, All of you committed sins and when some
other person commits a sin you start acting like you are the
God and saying (confirm jahanumi hai confirm jahanumi
hai) for instance few days back some nudes of famous
tiktokers like Jannat Mirza or Minahil Malik or jutt.. Etc.
whatever. Some of their pictures got leaked. Yes they are
celebrities and their sins are between their God. You
started sharing them with people and it was all over
internet. Aren’t you guys doing a sin too! Think about it.....
Walking Disaster
But the boy was not even given a chance to make these
mistakes too.
Walking Disaster
My story
There are so many girls, who have done medicine but they
don’t practice on their own will and just get married like
every 2 girls out of 3.
Walking Disaster
came the fault was in The wife. She could not make you a
father said the doctor
Within a month’s her husband divorced her and married to
another woman. There are only few in millions who will
sacrifice the wish of becoming a father to stay with his wife.
Now if we go around the other side of the story and this
time, A man was at fault and the wife is perfectly fine but I
bet you the wife will never leave her husband and will
always be loyal to him
Walking Disaster
In life you will find so many good men and women, but if
you aren’t be a good Man and women
I gave up!
Every legend that has been born wasn’t born that way he
was polished by his teacher and coaches and a little bit of
his burning desire
These are those that don’t have definite aim in their life.
And the always mocked you of doing something out of the
box (street cricket vs hard ball cricket)
There is a huge difference between both of them. But small
minds doesn’t understand big things
So after a year b n half I said Good bye to cricket. I still
haven’t figured out was it a good or bad decision.
And for the adults let you younger one has life you never
had because of your elders
Walking Disaster
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true
Succeed anyway.
Do good anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest men and women with the
smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in
the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
Imagine any five people with whom you spend your most of
the time
Now completely analyses their life about every
prospective ...... at the end of the book I’ll tell the answer of
this analysis.
Walking Disaster
PUBG..... Tiktok....Sushant......Areeka....
And you have no right to point out Sins of other people it’s
between them and their creator and there is a day of
judgement for this.
Similarly if you think positive all the time like I know I can
do it. I have it in me.
For example there is a cricket match 5 day later and you
are a very good player and feeling full positive to score big
And you haven’t given time to practice and then on the
match day boom first ball you were expecting the ball to
swing away and you left it in full confidence but surprisingly
it swung towards you and straight to the pads umpire
raises his finger and you are out and gone.
Walking Disaster
Walking Disaster
The word sex is a decent word you will find it in all the
Walking Disaster
Walking Disaster
Because in the end the only pure love you are going to get
is love of yourself. Start loving yourself and people will love
you too.
And the main thing please take care of your mental health,
talk to someone there is always hope...
Don’t always show people what you have keep your life
secret because i believe what people don’t know they can’t
Life lesson
“Life is all about making choices and it’s in your moments
of decision you will chose your destiny”
Things you should do!
Walking Disaster
Encourage vs criticism
Like the word change these too words have also different
meanings and understandings in different situations. I
believe everything has different aspects or two meanings
and sides. Often people say that there are two sides of
coin. According to me there is this side where the coin
stands still for few seconds and that side is known as
miracle believe in them because the people who seeks it
finds it........
Walking Disaster
Wealth or Money
Walking Disaster
Paulo Coelho on Twitter: "If it costs you your peace it's too
Imagine there is this rich man but his son got a disease like
corona and there is no vaccine that can save him....Money
will not save you
Money speaks only one language “if you save me today I’ll
save you tomorrow “
Walking Disaster
Always complaining
Create your own world your own rules and regulations and
only the people you allow can enter in your world because
you are the owner of it.
You should also consider help from the people you feel you
can trust and share with and allow themselves a tour of the
world you created of your own and show them how
beautiful life is, for those people who say life is shit doesn’t
even know what is life... “A-llama Iqbal” no introduction
needed. On life
“The same boiling water that harden the eggs and soften
the potatoes” bel robins
Walking Disaster
Now right now this is your moment you have to decide that
if you want to be an egg or potato because 100’c boiling
water is the people around you and they will always be the
same unless you could find a way to turn of the flame,
which I’m also looking and I believe that we will find that
flame together because the best way to learn something is
to start teaching that thing who have different point of view
about life. Which will definitely be some of you reading this
and some I’ll find in my journey or Allah will send me the
good people from which I’ll learn and the people to whom i
can teach...
Doing things changed things and not doing things will not
change the things
“Do not force your children to behave like you, for surely
they have been created for a time which is different to your
-Ali ibn-e-Abu Talib
“Do not raise your children the way [your] parents raised
you, they were born for a different time”.
-Ali Bin Abi Talib