PMBOK - CAP 8 Quality Management
PMBOK - CAP 8 Quality Management
PMBOK - CAP 8 Quality Management
Presentation Compiled by: Shaymaa Kadry, PMP
Twitter: Shaymaa_kadry
Project Quality Management processes include all the activities of the performing
organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so
that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It implements
the quality management system through the policy, procedures, and processes of the quality management system through the policy, procedures, and processes of
quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control, with continuous process
improvement activities conducted throughout, as appropriate.
Project Quality Management addresses the management of the project and the
product of the project.
Product quality measures and techniques are specific to the type of product
produced by the project.
Failure to meet product or project quality requirements can have serious negative
consequences for any or all of the project stakeholders. consequences for any or all of the project stakeholders.
For example:
- Meeting customer requirements by overworking the project team may
result in increased employee attrition, errors, or rework.
- Meeting project schedule objectives by rushing planned quality inspections
may result in undetected errors.
Quality and grade are not the same. Quality is the degree to which a set of
inherent characteristics fulfill requirements. Grade is a category assigned to
products or services having the same functional use but different technical
characteristics. While a quality level that fails to meet quality requirements is
always a problem, low grade may not be.
The project manager and the project management team are responsible for
managing the tradeoffs involved to deliver the required levels of both quality and
grade. grade.
Precision and accuracy are not equivalent. Precision means the values of
repeated measurements are clustered and have little scatter. Accuracy means that
the measured value is very close to the true value. Precise measurements are not
necessarily accurate. A very accurate measurement is not necessarily precise.
The basic approach to quality management is intended to be compatible with
that of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Modern quality management complements project management. Both disciplines
recognize the importance of:
- Customer satisfaction.
- Prevention over inspection.
- Continuous improvement. - Continuous improvement.
- Management Responsibility.
Plan Quality
Perform Quality Assurance
Perform Quality Control
Plan Quality is the process of identifying quality requirements and/or standards
for the project and product, and documenting how the project will demonstrate
Quality planning should be performed in parallel with the other project planning Quality planning should be performed in parallel with the other project planning
processes. For example, proposed changes in the product to meet identified quality
standards may require cost or schedule adjustments and a detailed risk analysis of
the impact to plans.
Tools and
Scope Baseline
Stakeholder Register
Cost Performance Baseline
Schedule Baseline
Risk Register
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Organizational Process Assets
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Cost of Quality (COQ)
Cost of Quality (COQ)
Control Charts
Design of Experiments
Statistical Sampling
Flow Charting
Proprietary quality management methodologies
Additional Quality Planning Tools
Quality Management Plan
Quality Metrics
Quality Checklists
Process Improvement Plan
Quality Baseline
Project Management Plan Updates
Scope Baseline:
- Scope statement. contains the project description, major project deliverables, and
acceptance criteria. The product scope description will often contain details of
technical issues and other concerns that can affect quality planning. The definition
of acceptance criteria can significantly increase or decrease project costs quality
costs. Satisfying all acceptance criteria implies the needs of the customer have costs. Satisfying all acceptance criteria implies the needs of the customer have
been met.
- WBS. It identifies the deliverables, the work packages and the control accounts
used to measure project performance.
- WBS Dictionary. It defines technical information for WBS elements.
Cost Performance Baseline: The cost performance baseline documents the accepted
time phase used to measure cost performance.
Stakeholder Register: The stakeholder register identifies stakeholders with a particular
interest in, or impact on, quality.
Schedule Baseline: The schedule baseline documents the accepted schedule
performance measures including start and finish dates.
Risk Register: The risk register contains information on threats and opportunities that
may impact quality requirements.
Organizational Process Assets: include, but are not limited to Organizational quality
policies, procedures and guidelines, historical databases and lessons learned from
previous projects specific to the application area may affect the project and Quality
policy, as endorsed by senior management, which sets the intended direction of a
performing organization with regard to quality.
Enterprise Environmental Factors: include, but are not limited toGovernmental agency
regulations, rules, standards, and Working/operating conditions of the
project/product which may affect project quality.
Tools and Techniques
Cost-Benefit Analysis: Quality planning must consider cost-benefits tradeoffs. The
primary benefit of meeting quality requirements is less rework, which means higher
productivity, lower costs, and increased stakeholder satisfaction. A business case for
each quality activity compares the cost of the quality step to the expected benefit..
Benchmarking: involves comparing actual or planned project practices to those of
other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to
measure performance. These other projects can be within the performing organization
or outside of it, and can be within the same or in another application area.
Tools and Techniques
Cost of Quality (COQ): Quality costs are the total costs incurred by investment in
preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for
conformance to requirements, and failing to meet requirements (rework). Failure costs
are often categorized into internal and external. Failure costs are also called cost of poor
quality. quality.
Cost Of Quality
Tools and Techniques
Control Charts: used to determine whether or not a process
is stable or has predictable performance. Upper and lower
specification limits are based on requirements of the contract.
They reflect the maximum and minimum values allowed.
Upper and lower control limits are set by the project
Example of a control Chart
Upper and lower control limits are set by the project
manager and appropriate stakeholders to reflect the points at
which corrective action will be taken to prevent exceeding
specification limits. For repetitive processes, the control
limits are generally 3. A process is considered out of
control when a data point exceeds a control limit or if seven
consecutive points are above or below the mean.
Control charts can be used to monitor various types of
output variables. Although used most frequently to track
repetitive activities required for producing manufactured
lots, control charts may also be used to monitor cost and
schedule variances, volume, and frequency of scope changes,
or other management results to help determine if the project
management processes are in control.
Tools and Techniques
Benchmarking: Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned project practices
to those of comparable projects to identify best practices, generate ideas for
improvement, and provide a basis for measuring performance. These other projects can
be within the performing organization or outside of it and can be within the same or in
another application area. another application area.
Design of Experiments: (DOE) is a statistical method that helps identify which factors
may influence specific variables of a product or process under development or in
production. It also plays a role in the optimization of products or processes.
The most important aspect of this technique is that it provides a statistical framework
for systematically changing all of the important factors, instead of changing the factors
one at a time. The analysis of the experimental data should provide the optimal
conditions for the product or process, highlighting the factors that influence the results,
and revealing the presence of interactions and synergisms among the factors.
Tools and Techniques
Statistical Sampling: Statistical sampling involves choosing part of a population of
interest for inspection . Sample frequency and sizes should be determined during the
Plan Quality process so the cost of quality will include the number of tests, expected
scrap, etc. There is a substantial body of knowledge on statistical sampling. In some
application areas it may be necessary for the project management team to be familiar application areas it may be necessary for the project management team to be familiar
with a variety of sampling techniques to assure the sample selected actually represents
the population of interest.
Tools and Techniques
Flowcharting: A flowchart is a
graphical representation of a process
showing the relationships among
process steps. There are many styles,
but all process flowcharts show
activities, decision points, and the activities, decision points, and the
order of processing. During quality
planning, flowcharting can help the
project team anticipate quality
problems that might occur. An
awareness of potential problems can
result in the development of test
procedures or approaches for dealing
with them.
Tools and Techniques
Proprietary Quality Management Methodologies: These include Six Sigma, Lean Six
Sigma, Quality Function Deployment, CMMI, etc. Many other methodologies exist
this is not intended to be a recommended or complete list of examples.
Additional Quality Planning Tools: Other quality planning tools are also often used to
help better define the situation and help plan effective quality management activities.
These include brainstorming, affinity diagrams, force field analysis, nominal group
techniques, matrix diagrams, and prioritization matrices.
Quality Management Plan: describes how the project management team will implement
the performing organization's quality policy. It provides input to the overall project
management plan and must address quality control (QC), quality assurance (QA), and
continuous process improvement for the project.
Quality Metrics: is an operational definition that describes, in very specific terms, a Quality Metrics: is an operational definition that describes, in very specific terms, a
project or product attribute and how the quality control process will measure it. A
measurement is an actual value. The tolerance defines the allowable variations on the
metrics. For example, a metric related to the quality objective of staying within the
approved budget by 10% could be to measure the cost of every deliverable and
determine the percent variance from the approved budget for that deliverable. Some
examples of quality metrics include on-time performance, budget control, defect
frequency, failure rate, availability, reliability, and test coverage.
Quality Checklists: A checklist is a structured tool, usually component-specific, used to
verify that a set of required steps has been performed. Checklists range from simple to
complex based on project requirements and practices. In some application areas,
checklists are also available from professional associations or commercial service
providers. Quality checklists are used in the quality control process.
Process Improvement Plan: a subsidiary of the project management plan. The process
improvement plan details the steps for analyzing processes that will facilitate the
identification of waste and non-value added activity, thus increasing customer value, such
- Process boundaries. Describes the purpose, start, and end of processes, their inputs
and outputs, data required, if any, and the owner and stakeholders of processes. and outputs, data required, if any, and the owner and stakeholders of processes.
- Process configuration. A flowchart of processes to facilitate analysis with interfaces
- Process metrics. Maintain control over status of processes.
- Targets for improved performance. Guides the process improvement activities.
Project Management Plan Updates: Project documents that may be updated include, but
are not limited to:
- Stakeholder register, and
- Responsibility Assignment Matrix
Perform Quality Assurance is the process of auditing the quality requirements and the results
from quality control measurements to ensure appropriate quality standards and operational
definitions are used. Perform Quality Assurance is an execution process that uses data
created during Perform Quality Control A quality assurance department, or similar
organization, often oversees quality assurance activities. Quality assurance support,
regardless of the units title, may be provided to the project team, the management of the regardless of the units title, may be provided to the project team, the management of the
performing organization, the customer or sponsor, as well as other stakeholders not actively
involved in the work of the project.
Perform Quality Assurance also provides an umbrella for continuous process improvement,
which is an iterative means for improving the quality of all processes. Continuous process
improvement reduces waste and eliminates activities that do not add value. This allows
processes to operate at increased levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
Tools and
Project Management Plan
Quality Metrics
Work Performance Information
Quality Control Measurements
Plan Quality and Perform Quality Control tools and
Quality Audits
Process Analysis
Organizational Process Assets Updates
Change requests
Project Management Plan Updates
Project documents updates
Quality Metrics
Quality Management Plan
Process Improvement Plan
Work Performance Information: Work performance information, including technical
performance measures, project deliverables status, Schedule progress, and Costs
Quality Control Measurements
Quality control measurements are the results of quality control activities. They are used
to analyze and evaluate the quality standards and processes of the performing
Tools and Techniques
Plan Quality and Perform Quality Control Tools and Techniques
Quality Audits: a structured, independent review to determine whether project
activities comply with organizational and project policies, processes, and procedures.
The objective of a quality audit is to Identify all the good/best practices being
activities comply with organizational and project policies, processes, and procedures.
The objective of a quality audit is to Identify all the good/best practices being
- Identify all the gaps/shortcomings,
- Share the good practices introduced or implemented in similar projects in the
organization and/or industry,
- Proactively offer assistance in a positive manner to improve implementation of
processes to help the team raise productivity, and
-Highlight contributions of each audit in the lessons learned repository of the
Quality audits may be scheduled or random and may be conducted by internal or
external auditors. Quality audits can confirm the implementation of approved change
requests including corrective actions, defect repairs, and preventive actions.
Tools and Techniques
Process Analysis: Process analysis follows the steps outlined in the process
improvement plan to identify needed improvements from an organizational and
technical standpoint. This analysis also examines problems experienced, constraints
experienced, and non-value-added activities identified during process operation.
Process analysis includes root cause analysisa specific technique to identify a
problem, discover the underlying causes that lead to it, and develop preventive actions. problem, discover the underlying causes that lead to it, and develop preventive actions.
Change Requests: Quality improvement includes taking action to increase the
effectiveness and/or efficiency of the policies, processes, and procedures of the
Organizational Process Assets Updates: Elements of the organizational process assets
that may be updated include, but are not limited to, the quality standards.
effectiveness and/or efficiency of the policies, processes, and procedures of the
performing organization. Change requests are created and used as input into the Perform
Integrated Change Control process to allow full consideration of the recommended
improvements. Change requests can be used to take corrective action or preventive action
or to perform defect repair.
Project Documents Updates: Project documents that may be updated include, but are not
limited to: Quality audits reports, Training plans, and Process documentation.
Project Management Plan Updates: Elements of the project management plan that may
be updated include, but are not limited to: Quality management plan - Schedule
management plan, and Cost management plan..
Perform Quality Control is the process of monitoring and recording results of
executing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary
changes. Quality control is performed throughout the project. Quality control is
often performed by a quality control department or similarly titled organizational
unit. Quality control activities identify causes of poor process or product quality
and recommend and/or take action to eliminate them.
The project management team should have a working knowledge of statistical
quality control, especially sampling and probability, to help evaluate quality
control outputs. Among other subjects, the team may find it useful to know the
differences between the following pairs of terms:
- Prevention and inspection.
- Attribute sampling and variables sampling.
- Tolerances and control limits.
Tools and
Cause and Effect Diagram
Control Charts
Run Chart
Scatter Diagram
Statistical Sampling
Project Management Plan
Quality Metrics
Quality Checklists
Organizational Process Assets
Work Performance
Approved Change
Quality Control Measurements
Validated Changes
Validated Deliverables
Organization Process Assets Updates
Change Requests
Project Management Plan Updates
Project Document Updates
Pareto Chart
Statistical Sampling
Defect Repair Review
Quality Management Plan: contains the quality management plan, which is used to
control quality. The quality management plan describes how quality control
will be performed within the project.
Quality Metrics
Quality Checklists
Organizational Process Assets
Work Performance Measurements: Work performance measurements are used to
produce project activity metrics to evaluate actual progress as compared to planned
progress. These metrics include, but are not limited to:
- Planned vs. actual technical performance,
- Planned vs. actual schedule performance, and
- Planned vs. actual cost performance.
Approved Change Requests: As part of the Perform Integrated Change Control
process a change control status update will indicate that some changes are approved
and some are not. Approved change requests can include modifications such as defect
repairs, revised work methods and revised schedule. The timely implementation of
approved changes needs to be verified.
Organizational Process Assets
The organizational process assets that can influence the Perform Quality Control
process include, but are not limited to:
- Quality standards and policies,
- Standard work guidelines, and
- Issue and defect reporting procedures and communication policies.
Tools and Techniques
Cause and Effect Diagram: Cause and effect
diagrams, also called Ishikawa diagrams or fishbone
diagrams, illustrate how various factors might be
linked to potential problems or effects.
Control Charts: A control chart's purpose is to determine whether or not a process is
stable or has predictable performance. Control charts may serve as a data gathering tool
to show when a process is subject to special cause variation, which creates an out-of-
control condition. Control charts also illustrate how a process behaves over time.
The pattern of data points on a control chart may reveal random fluctuating values,
sudden process jumps, or a gradual trend in increased variation. By monitoring the
output of a process over time, a control chart can help assess whether the application of
process changes resulted in the desired improvements.
When a process is within acceptable limits it is in control and does not need to be
adjusted. Conversely, when a process is outside acceptable limits, the process should be
adjusted. Seven consecutive points outside the upper or lower control limits indicate a
process that is out of control. The upper control limit and lower control limit are
usually set at 3, where 1 is one standard deviation.
Tools and Techniques
Flowcharting: Flowcharting helps to analyze how problems occur. A flowchart is a
graphical representation of a process. There are many styles, but all process flowcharts
show activities, decision points, and the order of processing. Flowcharts show how
various elements of a system interrelate.
Histogram: a bar chart showing a distribution
of variables. Each column represents an
attribute or characteristic of a
problem/situation. The height of each column
represents the relative frequency of the
characteristic. This tool helps This tool helps
illustrates the most common cause of problems
in a process by the number and relative heights
of the bars.
Tools and Techniques
Pareto Chart: A Pareto chart is a specific type of
histogram, ordered by frequency of occurrence,
which shows how many defects were generated
by type or category of identified cause. The
Pareto technique is used primarily to identify Pareto technique is used primarily to identify
and evaluate nonconformities. Rank ordering is
used to focus corrective action. The project team
should address the causes creating the greatest
number of defects first. Pareto diagrams are
conceptually related to Paretos Law, which
holds that a relatively small number of causes
will typically produce a majority of the problems
or defects. This is commonly referred to as the
80/20 principle, where 80% of the problems are
due to 20% of the causes. Pareto diagrams can
also be used to summarize various types of data
for 80/20 analyses.
Tools and Techniques
Run Chart: A run chart shows the history and pattern of variation. A run chart is a line
graph that shows data points plotted in the order in which they occur. Run charts show
trends in a process over time, variation over time, or declines or improvements in a
process over time. Trend analysis is performed using run charts. Trend analysis
involves using mathematical techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical involves using mathematical techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical
results. Trend analysis is often used to monitor:
- Technical performance. How many errors or defects have been identified, how
many remain uncorrected?
- Cost and schedule performance. How many activities per period were
completed with significant variances?
Tools and Techniques
Scatter Diagram: shows the pattern of
relationship between two variables. This tool
allows the quality team to study and identify
the possible relationship between changes
observed in two variables. Dependent observed in two variables. Dependent
variables versus independent variables are
plotted. The closer the points are to a diagonal
line, the more closely they are related.
Statistical Sampling
Tools and Techniques
Inspection: is the examination of a work product to determine whether it conforms to
standards. Generally, the results of an inspection include measurements. Inspections
can be conducted at any level. For example, the results of a single activity can be
inspected, or the final product of the project can be inspected. Inspections are also
called reviews, peer reviews, audits, and walkthroughs. In some application areas, called reviews, peer reviews, audits, and walkthroughs. In some application areas,
these terms have narrow and specific meanings. Inspections are also used to validate
defect repairs.
Approved Change Requests Review: All approved change requests should be
reviewed to verify that they were implemented as approved.
Quality Control Measurements: Quality control measurements represent the results of
QC activities activities in the format specified during quality planning.
Validated Changes: Any changed or repaired items are inspected and will be either
accepted or rejected before notification of the decision is provided. Rejected items may accepted or rejected before notification of the decision is provided. Rejected items may
require rework..
Validated Deliverables: A goal of quality control is to determine the correctness of
deliverables. The results of the execution quality control processes are validated
deliverables. Validated deliverables are an input to Verify Scope ( for formalized
Organization Process Assets (Updates)
- Completed checklists.
- Lessons learned documentation. The causes of variances, the reasoning behind the
corrective action chosen, and other types of lessons learned from quality control.
Change requests: If the recommended corrective or preventive actions or a defect repair Change requests: If the recommended corrective or preventive actions or a defect repair
requires a change to the project management plan, a change request should be initiated in
accordance with the defined Perform Integrated Change Control (4.5) process.
Project Management Plan Updates: Elements of the project management plan that may
be updated include, but are not limited to:
- Quality management plan, and
- Process improvement plan.
Project Documents Updates: Project documents that may be updated include, but are not
limited to, quality standards.