PAXAA Cyclone Product Catalog en

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PAXAA Cyclone, PX-CY

Product Catalog
PAXAA Cyclone, PX-CY
Dry Centrifugal Dust Collector

An economical solution
Excellent for high dust & high temp.
Heavy-duty construction
Can be used alone or as a pre-cleaner

Application Mode of operation

Cyclones are most commonly used in applica- The material-laden conveying air is directed
tions generating high dust loads, such as tangentially into the separating chamber. The
woodworking and machining, where coarse or air-solids mix flowing into the chamber is
large dust particles are produced. The Cyclone
thereby deflected, causing it to spin. As a re-
can be used alone or with filter bags, depend-
ing on whether the discharge air is exhausted sult, the material particles are carried toward
to the atmosphere or returned to the plant. the outside and slide down the wall. The con-
When air streams have high dust concentra- veying air separated from the material rises up
tion of coarse and fine particles from a produc- the core of the cyclone, leaving the cyclone
tion operation, the Cyclone is used as a pre- through the dip pipe and flowing into the air
cleaner to a pulse jet bag or cartridge dust col- collection line. Thanks to the streamline geom-
etry applied, the areas without any air flow and
Design where material can settle are minimized.

PAXAA cyclones are offered in mild and in

stainless steel versions. For applications involv-
ing abrasive products, the thick-walled version
must be applied.
Determine the cyclone size for a given air vol-
ume in m3/min so that the pressure drop
across the cyclone comes to lie between 5 and
10 mbar.
PAXAA Cyclone, PX-CY
Features and Options

Advantages Options
Structural Supports custom engineered to
Engineered by the Dust Collection Experts
Robust 4mm thickness Carbon Steel Con-
meet customers requirements
Inlet and outlet transitions for duct connec-
Stitch Welded Interiors
Outlet dampers / Vortex breaker / Expan-
sion chamber
Features Insulation for high temp applications
Rubber lined body and cones for high abra-
Custom engineering to meet specific ap-
plications sion applications
Inlet linings out of AR plate, stainless steel,
From 1000 m3/h to 20,000 m3/h
Standard sizes available from 400 mm to rubber, etc.
Multiple inlets and back draft dampers
1100 mm
Access/Cleanout Doors
Coned tops for rain run-off
Plain End & Flanged Inlets/Outlets
Fabricated from carbon steel, aluminum,
Clockwise/Counter Clockwise Inlets/Outlets
stainless steel and AR plate
Rotating Tops
Fully welded construction from 4 mm to
Hopper with rack and pinion slide gate
10 mm thickness plate on some models
Rotary airlock and receiver
300 mm inspection door above material
Discharge elbow with bird screen
Square to round inlet
Used in a variety of industries
Integral fan and motor assembly
Internal helix
Particle laboratory testing
Efficiency guarantee if required
Larger sizes available
Multi-cyclone model available
PAXAA Cyclone, PX-CY
High separating efficiency

Primary Collector or Precleaner

Use the PAXAA Cyclone as your primary collec-
tor with or without the optional after-filter, for
dusts of moderate to coarse particle size. The
PAXAA Cyclone will remove up to 99% (by
weight) of dust generated by steel grinding
and saw dust.
Use it as a precleaner for any of PAXAAs more
efficient final collectors such as the PAXAA
Pulse Jet, PAXAA Reverse Air, or PAXAA Me-
chanical Shaker Baghouses. By reducing the
dust load on the higher efficiency final filter, a
more economical final filter may be selected
and a longer filter life can be obtained. Where to Use the PAXAA Cyclone
The Cyclone can be used in almost any appli-
Sizes cation that generates dust particles greater
than 20 microns in diameter. This includes
PAXAA offers 11 basic selections to handle air-
sanding, coarse grinding, finishing, material
flows from 1000 m3/h to 20,000 m3/h. These
handling, conveying, material processing, cut-
are sized to deal with the majority of small to
ting, and crushing.
medium industrial dust collection applications.

Typical Applications
No Maintenance
Unlike many dust collectors the PAXAA Cy-
clone contains no moving or replaceable parts
and is essentially maintenance free. The air is Foundries
drawn into the Cyclone tangentially and ro- Plastics
tates at high velocity around the inner circum- Rubber
ference. The heavier dust is separated from the
air by centrifugal action and is deposited in the
drum or hopper. Grains
Rock products
Paper (not trim)
PAXAA Cyclone, PX-CY
Selecting Your Cyclone

Selecting Your Cyclone

The following table shows the basic models that are available. Contact PAXAA for additional details.

Inlet Dust
Size Airflow Motor1 Approx. Dimensions Weight
Dia. Storage
Type H W D
(m3/h) (kW) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
PX-CY16-2 1400 1,700 2 150 DRUM 2,700 900 900 180
PX-CY20-2 1,700 2,600 3 200 DRUM 3,000 1,100 1,100 250
PX-CY20-5 2,600 3,700 5 200 DRUM 3,000 1,100 1,100 290
PX-CY24-7.5 3,400 5,100 7.5 250 DRUM 3,500 1,100 1,100 410
DRUM 3,900 1,100 1,100 520
PX-CY30-10 5,100 6,800 10 360
AIRLOCK 5,500 -2 - 430
DRUM 4,000 1,100 1,100 540
PX-CY30-15 6,000 7,500 15 360
AIRLOCK 5,500 - - 440
DRUM 4,800 1,700 1,700 1,000
PX-CY36-20 8,500 11,900 20 410 AIRLOCK 6,500 - - 1,180
HOPPER 6,600 - - 1,340
DRUM 5,100 1,700 1,700 1,020
PX-CY36-25 9,400 12,800 25 410 AIRLOCK 6,700 - - 1,270
HOPPER 6,900 - - 1,360
DRUM 5,100 1,700 1,700 1,040
PX-CY36-30 10,200 13,600 30 410 AIRLOCK 6,700 - - 1,320
HOPPER 6,900 - - 1,380
AIRLOCK 7,500 - - 1,520
PX-CY44-40 13,600 18,700 40 510
HOPPER 7,500 - - 1,450
AIRLOCK 7,500 - - 1,630
PX-CY44-50 15,300 20,400 50 510
HOPPER 7,500 - - 1500

1 Integral fan only

2 These dimensions will vary with the size of the support stand

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