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Wet Scrubbing of Acidic Gases: Robert J. Chironna Schutte & Koerting

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As appeared in June 2011 APC


Wet scrubbing of acidic gases

Robert J. Chironna

Schutte & Koerting

Wet scrubbing is a tried-and-true method for treating toxic gas discharges. This article describes how
certain acidic gases are treated using wet scrubbing

ven before air pollution regulations existed for

controlling toxic gases, the treatment of acidic
gas emissions from industrial processes and
facilities was relatively commonplace. These types
of emissions produce immediate and troublesome
problems for the environment and for the people living in the plants vicinity.

When these corrosive acidic gases attack buildings,

vehicles, or plants, the results can be devastating.
Similarly, when these gases are inhaled or come into
contact with human skin, the harmful results are
quickly noticeable and can be extreme. The means to
remove acidic gases from process or facility emissions have been in use for many decades, but the
most common and effective way to capture acidic
gases is still through the use of wet scrubbers.
A wet scrubber is a device that uses a liquidtypically water or a water-based solutionto capture
the acidic gas by absorbing it from the carrier gas
stream. The subsequent gas stream emitted from the
scrubber contains such a low residual amount of the
acidic gas that it no longer poses a threat. The scrubbing liquid typically contains a reactive agent that
neutralizes the acid absorbed, making the small
liquid effluent from the scrubber relatively easy to
dispose of or treat in existing wastewater treatment

In this article, several acidic gases are discussed in

terms of how they are generally treated using wet
scrubbing techniques.

Hydrogen chloride
By far the most common nonsulfurous acid gas emitted by industry is hydrogen chloride (HCl). As with
many acidic gases, sources of HCl vary widely. A
common source is the exhaust during the filling or
breathing of holding or storage tanks. These tanks
generally contain up to 35 percent to 36 percent
aqueous HCl solution. Many chemical processes
emit HCl, and the emissions may be with or without
other toxic gases and at different concentrations. In
addition, combustion processes in which chlorinated substances are thermally oxidized emit HCl.
Under many circumstances, HCl is scrubbed using
an ejector venturi gas scrubber (Fig. 1a, b). An ejector
venturi gas scrubber is an eductor-type design. It
makes use of the scrubbing liquid as the motive fluid
to pull the gas stream into and through it without the
need of another device, such as a fan, to move the
gas. The liquid and gas streams thoroughly mix, and
the HCl transfers from the gas phase to the scrubbing liquid phase. A single-stage ejector venturi gas
scrubber can typically achieve 95 percent HCl removal.
A countercurrent packed tower (Fig. 2a, b) is used to
achieve even higher HCl removal efficiencies, up to
and exceeding 99.9 percent, if necessary. This device
is a vertical tower in which the scrubbing liquid
flows downward countercurrent to the upward gas
flow over a bed of packing pieces that function primarily to provide a surface area on which the two
streams come into contact.

Figure 1

Figure 2

a. Ejector venturi gas scrubber

a. Countercurrent packed tower

b. Ejector venturi gas

scrubber components

b. Packed tower scrubber components

Scrubbing motive
liquid inlet

Gas outlet


Injector spray nozzle

Gas inlet


liquid inlet

Spray nozzle
liquid distributor

Packed bed
Clean gas


Gas inlet

Liquid drain
Liquid drain

For applications in which the HCl is at relatively high

levels in the gas stream and the removal efficiency
must be very high, often a combination of a firststage ejector venturi gas scrubber and a second-stage

packed tower is ideal. In those cases, the ejector venturi gas scrubber removes the bulk of the HCl and the
packed tower polishes the remainder so that an extremely low discharge concentration can be attained.

To neutralize the HCl, it is very common to use an

aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution as the
scrubbing fluid. The reaction between NaOH and
HCl produces sodium chloride (NaCl), otherwise
known as ordinary table salt.
On the other hand, if the HCl is relatively concentrated in the gas stream, it may be practical to recover
most of the HCl in aqueous solution, which can then
be reused or sold. To accomplish this, a multiplestage system is usually required, consisting of one or
more ejector venturi gas scrubbers and a packed
tower as the final stage (Fig. 3). HCl solution is recirculated as the scrubbing fluid in the initial stages,
typically absorbing and recovering more than 90
percent of the HCl. The final stage may then utilize
aqueous NaOH to meet low-ppm discharge concentrations exiting the packed tower. This arrangement
not only saves most of the cost of the NaOH, but also
may generate a salable product.

Figure 3
Multiple-stage system

While NaOH solution can also be used to scrub and

neutralize HF, the product of HF and NaOH is sodium
fluoride (NaF), which has limited solubility in water.
Therefore, it is usually more practical to neutralize HF
with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. In that
case, the product of its reaction with water is potassium fluoride (KF), which is very soluble in water.

Hydrogen bromide and hydrogen iodide

Again the methods just described for scrubbing HCl
would apply to the acidic gases hydrogen bromide
(HBr) and hydrogen iodide (HI). However, their
chemical properties make them somewhat more difficult to scrub than HCl or HF. Although scrubbing
these gases can be very effective, knowledge of their
mass transfer characteristics and the chemistry of
their neutralization is important for successful design of treatment equipment. Also, the recovery of
these acidic gases in a usable or salable aqueous
form is very unlikely.

Chlorine (Cl2) is scrubbed in a countercurrent
packed tower using aqueous NaOH solution. The
resulting products are NaCl and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), which is a bleaching agent. NaOCl is
stabilized in the scrubbing solution by being maintained at relatively high alkalinity. When the presence of NaOCl is undesirable, chemical additives
can be used in the scrubbing solution. Scrubbing
with water alone is impractical because of the very
limited solubility of Cl2 in water.
An ejector venturi gas scrubber may be useful for Cl2
scrubbing in cases of high Cl2 gas concentrations. But a
single-stage ejector venturi gas scrubber is seldom used
because its performance is limited.

Bromine and fluorine

Hydrogen fluoride
Generally speaking, the methods described above
for scrubbing HCl would also apply to hydrogen fluoride (HF). However, because of HFs vapor pressure characteristics, the probability of recovering it
in a usable or salable form is lower than that for HCl.

Countercurrent packed tower designs are generally

used for scrubbing bromine (Br2) and fluorine (F2)
using aqueous alkali solutions to achieve optimum
removal efficiencies. As with other acidic gases, if the
concentrations of Br2 or F2 are high, an ejector venturi scrubber may be used as a first stage to absorb
the bulk of the acid gas, with a packed tower polishing stage to follow.
Specifically for F2 scrubbing, it is very important to
maintain adequate levels of excess alkali (typically
NaOH or KOH) to eliminate the generation of cer-

tain undesirable by-products. As with HF scrubbing,

KOH is the preferred scrubbing reagent because the
product of neutralization is considerably more soluble in water than when NaOH is used.

Hydrogen cyanide
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is usually scrubbed with
an aqueous solution of NaOH. The methods used
are similar to those described for HCl scrubbing. Recovery as a usable by-product is not practical. Also,
in some cases, the addition of NaOCl to the scrubbing solution is used to increase removal performance or to produce more desirable reaction

Nitric acid
Scrubbing nitric acid (HNO 3) is very similar to
scrubbing HCl. Not only are the methods the same,
but there is also good potential for recovering aqueous HNO3 in a usable form in those applications in
which high concentrations exist in the gas stream
and other contaminants are not present that might
contaminate the product.
However, in some processes that produce HNO3, nitrogen oxides (NOx) are also produced. The effective
scrubbing of NOx is much more complicated than
acid gas scrubbing. It depends greatly upon which
species is present, if mixed species are present
(which often occurs), at what absolute levels they
exist, and at what relative levels they exist. Nonconventional and special proprietary methods of scrubbing are often required.

Chemical storage tank exhaust scrubbing

Many of the acids discussed in this article may be
kept as aqueous solutions in bulk storage tanks in industrial facilities because of their uses as major ingredients in numerous chemical and
pharmaceutical products. These tanks are vented
and therefore emit hazardous toxic gases that require treatment.
One of two processes generally results in the emission of these gases: (1) so-called breathing of the
tank during changes in ambient temperatures, resulting in very low rates of emissions and (2) tank
filling that displaces gaseous volumes equal to the
volumes flowing into the storage tank. Tank breathing is typically not a factor in the design of treatment
equipment because it results in emission rates far exceeded by tank filling operations.

One key to properly determining the design of the

treatment equipment is the type of filling operation
that occurs. If the storage tank is filled using a mechanical pump, then the design capacity of the treatment
equipment (scrubber) is simply equivalent to the volume of the displaced gas as the tank is being filled. For
example, if the tank is being filled at the rate of 100 gallons per minute, the equivalent gas rate being emitted
is approximately 13.4 cubic feet per minute. This
would result in a relatively small scrubber size.
On the other hand, if the filling is done from a pressurized tanker truck or rail car, then a different, much
larger, gas rate must be the basis of the design. At the
end of the normal filling process as the pressure in the
source tanker truck or rail car has pushed out the
acidic liquid, eventually no more liquid will be present and the pressurized gas will surge out and
through the filling lines for a short time, but at a gas
rate many times the normal filling rate. It is common
that, whereas the normal filling rate is only 13.4 cubic
feet per minute, this surge gas rate is several hundred
to a few thousand cubic feet per minute. This rate depends upon the specific pressure at the source as well
as the frictional losses as the gas flows through the
piping to the tank being filled.
This surge rate becomes the required design condition for the treatment (scrubbing) equipment, resulting in a considerably larger and costlier scrubber
than required otherwise. The gas concentration condition upon which the scrubbing design is based will
change as well.
The concentration of acidic gases is directly related to
the vapor pressure of the acid in aqueous solution.
However, it is also related to the pressure of the gas
space above the stored liquid. This then differs between the gas stream simply exiting the atmospheric
storage tank or the gas resulting from the surge gas
coming from a pressurized source. This is another factor to be carefully examined and accounted for. APC
Robert J. Chironna is senior chemical engineer for
Schutte & Koerting (www.S-K.com), specializing in the
design of wet scrubbing equipment and systems for the
various process industries air pollution control needs. He
has been with S&K for approximately 7 years and involved in the design and technical sales of wet scrubbers
for more than 35 years. He holds a BE in chemical engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of
Science and Art. Bob can be reached at Schutte & Koerting, 2510 Metropolitan Drive, Trevose, PA 19053; 215

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