The document summarizes numerical weather prediction activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service in 2013. It discusses the models used - global ECMWF model for medium-range forecasts and limited area ALADIN and ARME models for short-range forecasts. Both models utilize 3D-Var data assimilation of various observational data. Research is ongoing to improve the data assimilation systems and physical parameterizations in the ALADIN and ARME models. Ensemble prediction products from ECMWF are also utilized locally after calibration and clustering tailored to the Carpathian Basin region.
The document summarizes numerical weather prediction activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service in 2013. It discusses the models used - global ECMWF model for medium-range forecasts and limited area ALADIN and ARME models for short-range forecasts. Both models utilize 3D-Var data assimilation of various observational data. Research is ongoing to improve the data assimilation systems and physical parameterizations in the ALADIN and ARME models. Ensemble prediction products from ECMWF are also utilized locally after calibration and clustering tailored to the Carpathian Basin region.
The document summarizes numerical weather prediction activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service in 2013. It discusses the models used - global ECMWF model for medium-range forecasts and limited area ALADIN and ARME models for short-range forecasts. Both models utilize 3D-Var data assimilation of various observational data. Research is ongoing to improve the data assimilation systems and physical parameterizations in the ALADIN and ARME models. Ensemble prediction products from ECMWF are also utilized locally after calibration and clustering tailored to the Carpathian Basin region.
The document summarizes numerical weather prediction activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service in 2013. It discusses the models used - global ECMWF model for medium-range forecasts and limited area ALADIN and ARME models for short-range forecasts. Both models utilize 3D-Var data assimilation of various observational data. Research is ongoing to improve the data assimilation systems and physical parameterizations in the ALADIN and ARME models. Ensemble prediction products from ECMWF are also utilized locally after calibration and clustering tailored to the Carpathian Basin region.
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WEATHER PREDICTION RESEARCH ACTIVITIES FOR 2013 HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE, BUDAPEST 1. Summary ! "#$"%#$"&' Both global (ECMWF) and limited area models (LAM: ALADIN, ARME, WRF) models are !sed in the "ore#asting $ra#ti#e% LAMs are r!n lo#all& at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e (M(*) on a IBM IData+le, Lin!, #l!ster% ECMWF is !sed "or medi!m range "ore#asts in#l!ding its E+( #om$onent, ALADIN and ARME are !sed "or short and )er& short range "ore#asts, in#l!ding an E+( #om$onent o" ALADIN% A lo#al -D.AR data assimilation s&stem is r!n o$erationall& "or both ALADIN and ARME% Radar data (radial /ind and re"le#ti)it&) are e,$erimentall& assimilated in the ARME -D.AR s&stem% Besides data assimilation, lo#al de)elo$ments on the ALADIN and ARME model are done regarding $h&si#al $arametri0ations and ensemble $redi#tion% 1he WRF model is !sed as an n!meri#al /eather $redi#tion ba#2gro!nd "or the MEANDER no/#asting s&stem de)elo$ed at M(*% (. E)u#*m+,& #, u'+ IBM iData+le, (er)er /ith 345 Intel 6eon 67775 $ro#essors (8 #ore9$ro#), (:I Alti, -;55 ser)er /ith 355 Itani!m3 $ro#essors (<,7 :'0 $ro#essors), '+ L-555 #l!ster ser)er /ith 3,8 $ro#essors, '+ R6;=85 #l!ster ser)er /ith 3,= Itani!m3 $ro#essors, (:I Alti, -75 ser)er /ith <= Itani!m3 $ro#essors> +C (Lin!, and Mi#roso"t) /or2stations, EMC 3 CLARiiN C68?845, C6?;55 (ba#2!$) and IBM D(-855 dis2 storage s&stems (@7 1b&te nati)e #a$a#it&), IBM -748 L18 Altri!m 49335 1a$e Librar& (aro!nd 355 1b&te #a$a#it&), 38 Lin!,9Ani, ser)ers (!sed "or: Message (/it#hing (&stem, F1+, mail ser)er, and other s$e#ial meteorologi#al $!r$oses), ; Windo/s ser)ers, as /ell as CI(C ro!ters and s/it#hes% -. Da&a a,. Pr.u/&' !rm GTS #, u'+ 1he dail& statisti#s o" b!lletins: (BN+ ((M,(I,(N) ? 7755 (BNBAFR (I(M, I(I, I(M) ? ;855 1EM+ (A(,AC,AL,AE) D 445 1EM+BAFR (IAC, IA() ? =;5 ME1AR ((A) D 4=55 :RID (:) D 5 :RIB (') D -=55 FA6 (+,E:D) D -= +N: (+',+1,+W,E) ? 8=5 RADAR (+A) D @75 Wind$ro"iler (IA+D) D <<;55 AMDAR (IAAD, AD) ? <355 0. Fr+/a'&#,$ 'y'&+m 0.1 Sy'&+m ru, '/"+.u%+ a,. !r+/a'& ra,$+' 1he ALADIN short range "ore#asting model is e,e#!ted on the IBM ma#hine "o!r times a da& (at 55, 5=, <3 and <4 A1C net/or2 times) $ro)iding 78h, 84h, 84h, -=h "ore#asts, res$e#ti)el&% Model r!ns are #o!$led /ith the ECMWF deterministi# "ore#ast /ith a =h time lag, !sing CANARI s!r"a#e anal&sis and lo#al -D?.AR data assimilation "or !$$er air% 1he ARME !ltra?short range "ore#asting model re#ei)es its initial? and bo!ndar& #onditions "rom the ECMWF model too, a - ho!rl& -D.AR data assimilation #&#le $ro)ides its initial #onditions "or the !$$er air, and inter$olated s!r"a#e (soil) "ields are !sed "rom the ALADIN model% ARME is also e,e#!ted "o!r times a da& (/ith the same starting times as "or ALADIN), and is integrated "or 84 ho!rs ("or 55 and <3 A1C r!ns) or "or -= ho!rs ("or 5= A1C and <4 A1C r!ns)% 1he << ALADIN LAME+( members are #om$!ted /ith +EAR+ initial and bo!ndar& #onditions "or =5 ho!rs on#e a da& at <4 A1C% 1he medi!m, e,tended and long range "ore#asts are $ro)ided on the basis o" the ECMWF $rod!#ts% 1he data $ro#essing and )is!alisation are made on '+ R6 ser)ers, /or2stations and also on lin!, +C?s% 0.( M+.#um ra,$+ !r+/a'&#,$ 'y'&+m 10213 .ay'4 0.(.1 Da&a a''#m#%a&#,, 56+/+ a,a%y'#' a,. #,#&#a%#8a&#, 8%3%<%< In o$eration Lo#all& none (see ECMWF) 8%3%<%3Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield Lo#all& none (see ECMWF) 0.(.( M.+% 8%3%3%< In o$eration Lo#all& none (see ECMWF) 8%3%3%3Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield Lo#all& none (see ECMWF) 0.(.- O*+ra&#,a%%y a7a#%a5%+ Num+r#/a% W+a&"+r Pr+.#/&#, Pr.u/&' Lo#all& none ($rod!#ts are re#ei)ed thro!gh ECMWF dissemination #hannels)% 0.(.0 O*+ra&#,a% &+/",#)u+' !r a**%#/a&#, ! NWP *r.u/&' (MOS, PPM, KF, Expert Systems, etc..) 8%3%8%< In o$eration <5 da&s "ore#asts o" ECMWF deterministi# model and ensemble $redi#tion s&stem are o$erationall& !sed% Meteorologi#al "ields are dis$la&ed on /or2stations b& the 'AWC ('!ngarian Ad)an#ed WorCstation) )is!alisation so"t/are% A!tomati# "ore#ast generation is #arried o!t based on the o!t$!ts o" the ECMWF model !ntil <5 da&s% 1he $rod!#ts o" the ensemble $redi#tion s&stem are #l!stered /ith a #l!stering algorithm targeted to the Car$athian Basin% 8%3%8%3Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield +otential im$ro)ements to the #l!stering method and $otential "or E+( #alibration /ere in)estigated% 0.(.9 E,'+m5%+ Pr+.#/&#, Sy'&+m 1EPS4 8%3%7%< In o$eration Lo#all& none (see ECMWF)
8%3%7%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield E+( #alibration !sing ECMWFFs re"ore#ast model #limate data /as in)estigated and #alibration method has been o$erationall& introd!#ed% 8%3%7%- $erationall& a)ailable E+( +rod!#ts Indi)id!al members Two-dimensional fields: mean sea le)el $ress!re, <5m /inds$eed and /ind g!sts, 3m tem$erat!re and relati)e h!midit&, #on)e#ti)e and "rontal $re#i$itation (in#l!ding sno/), s!nshine d!ration and solar radiation% Calibrated 3m tem$erat!re, $re#i$itation and <5m /ind s$eed are a)ailable "or area o" '!ngar&% Three-dimensional fields: 1hese "ields are obtained on 7 $ress!re le)els (on <555, @37, 475, ;55 and 755 h+a)% 1he )ariables, #o)ering all E!ro$e are as "ollo/s: geo$otential, tem$erat!re, /ind "ield, relati)e h!midit&% In addition to standard $ress!re "ields =3 model le)el "ields are also a)ailable #o)ering Car$athian?basin% Wide range o" lo#all& de)elo$ed $rod!#ts li2e E+( meteograms, E+( $l!mes $robabilit& o" e,#eeding a gi)en limit are a)ailable% Com$lementing standard ECMWF E+( $rod!#ts, lo#al #l!stering is made, #l!ster means and re$resentati)e members are $ro)ided% Ensemble )erti#al $ro"ile based on "!ll =3 model le)els are also $ro)ided "or the "ore#asters% 0.- S"r&2ra,$+ !r+/a'&#,$ 'y'&+m 132:( "r'4 0.-.1 Da&a a''#m#%a&#,, 56+/+ a,a%y'#' a,. #,#&#a%#8a&#, 8%-%<%< In o$eration 1he o$erational n!meri#al /eather $redi#tion model ALADIN9'A is a$$lied !sing a three? dimensional )ariational data assimilation (-D?.AR) algorithm "or the #om$!tation o" initial "ields "or the n!meri#al model% 1he main #hara#teristi#s o" the data assimilation s&stem are as "ollo/s: bser)ations: (BN+ s!r"a#e meas!rements (s!r"a#e $ress!re, 3 metre tem$erat!re and relati)e h!midit&), 1EM+ !$$er air so!ndings (tem$erat!re, /ind, geo$otential, s$e#i"i# h!midit&), AMDAR air#ra"t re$orts (tem$erat!re, /ind), A1.( satellite obser)ations (AM(A?A, AM(A?B, M'( radian#es), M(:39(A1B, M(:39(E.IRI satellite obser)ations and /ind$ro"iler data% Assimilation #&#le: = ho!rs Anal&ses method: $timal inter$olation (CANARI) "or the s!r"a#e and three?dimensional )ariational data assimilation "or !$$er air Anal&sed )ariables: soil tem$erat!re and moist!re, tem$erat!re, h!midit&, /ind #om$onents, s!r"a#e $ress!re First g!ess: ALADIN =h "ore#asts Co)erage: Continental E!ro$e 'ori0ontal resol!tion: 4 2m .erti#al resol!tion: 8@ le)els Initialisation: digital "ilter initialisation Bo!ndar& #onditions: ECMWF global model An o$erational -D.AR data assimilation s&stem is also in $la#e "or the ARME model (at 3%7 2m /ith =5 )erti#al le)els) resol!tion "or the region o" the Car$athian?basin% 1he assimilation #&#le is r!n /ith a - ho!r "reG!en#& !sing s!r"a#e, radiosond and air#ra"t obser)ations% 8%-%<%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield Contin!o!s im$ro)ement o" the o$erational data assimilation s&stem in obser)ation !sage and ba#2gro!nd error modelling (ALADIN model)% De)elo$ment o" the ARME data assimilation s&stem /ill in)ol)e the !se o" satellite data (s!#h as !sed in the ALADIN assimilation s&stem b!t in higher resol!tion) and o" radar obser)ations (radial /ind and re"le#ti)it&)% 8%-%3 Model 8%-%3%< In o$eration 1he o$erational ALADIN;HU limited area NW+ model is a )ersion o" the ALADIN model designed "or the region o)er #ontinental E!ro$e% 1he main #hara#teristi#s o" the ALADIN model are as "ollo/s: '&drostati# $rimiti)e eG!ations> 1he eG!ations are sol)ed !sing the s$e#tral method ha)ing elli$ti#al tr!n#ation o" bi?Fo!rier series> '&brid )erti#al #o?ordinates> 1/o?time le)el semi?Lagrangian ad)e#tion s#heme> (emi?im$li#it time?ste$$ing> Da)ies?Callberg #o!$ling (rela,ation) s#heme> 1he ne/ ALAR $h&si#al $arameteri0ation $a#2age is !sed (radiation, mi#ro$h&si#s, dee$ #on)e#tion, bo!ndar& la&er t!rb!len#e) 1he main #hara#teristi#s o" the ALADIN;HU a$$li#ation are the "ollo/ing: Domain #o)ering #ontinental E!ro$e> Integration "o!r times a da& (at 55, 5=, <3 and <4 A1C) "or 78, 84, 84, -= ho!rs, res$e#ti)el&> -=5H-35 $oints in hori0ontal and 8@ )erti#al model le)els, A$$ro,imatel& 4 2m o" hori0ontal resol!tion> Co!$ling to the ECMWF global model at e)er& - ho!rs> +ost?$ro#essed $rod!#ts e)er& ho!r on -3 $ress!re and @ height le)els, high resol!tion (72m hori0ontal, <5 m )erti#al !$ to 755 m) d&nami#al ada$tation o" /ind e)er& <7 min% 1he main #hara#teristi#s o" the o$erational AROME model are the "ollo/ing: Non?h&drostati# $rimiti)e eG!ations> $h&si#s based on MesoN' 1he eG!ations are sol)ed !sing the s$e#tral method ha)ing elli$ti#al tr!n#ation o" bi?Fo!rier series> '&brid )erti#al #o?ordinates> 1/o?time le)el semi?Lagrangian ad)e#tion s#heme> (emi?im$li#it time?ste$$ing> Da)ies?Callberg #o!$ling (rela,ation) s#heme> Domain #o)ering the Car$athian Basin> Integration "o!r times a da& (at 55, 5=, <3 and <4 A1C) "or 84, -=, 84, -= ho!rs, res$e#ti)el&> 755H-35 $oints in hori0ontal and =5 )erti#al model le)els, A$$ro,imatel& 3%7 2m o" hori0ontal resol!tion> Co!$ling to the ECMWF model at e)er& ho!r> +ost?$ro#essed $rod!#ts e)er& ho!r on 3< $ress!re and <; height le)els% 8%-%3%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield 1he model de)elo$ments "o#!s on the im$ro)ement o" the ARME model !nder di""erent #onditions, /here #!rrentl& dra/ba#2s are obser)ed% 1hese #o)er the st!d& o" hori0ontal di""!sion "or #on)e#ti)e #ases, the de)elo$ment o" the t!rb!len#e s#heme "or /inter in)ersion #ases and late a"ternoon transition and the im$ro)ement o" the /ind g!st $arameteri0ation% Regarding the ALADIN9'A model, latest de)elo$ments "o#!sed on the im$ro)ement o" the diagnosti#s o" 3m tem$erat!re and relati)e h!midit& as /ell as <5m /ind g!sts and #lo!diness% 0.-.- O*+ra&#,a%%y a7a#%a5%+ NWP *r.u/&' Two-dimensional fields mean sea le)el and s!r"a#e $ress!re, s!r"a#e tem$erat!re #on)e#ti)e (ALADIN) and "rontal $re#i$itation, in#l!ding sno/ and gra!$el (ARME) #lo!diness, in#l!ding lo/, medi!m, high le)el and #on)e#ti)e (ALADIN) #lo!ds sno/?/ater eG!i)alent, sno/ de$th (ARME) <5m /ind and /ind g!st 3m tem$erat!re, 3m de/ $oint tem$erat!re and 3m relati)e h!midit& 3m minim!m and ma,im!m tem$erat!re $ress!re and tem$erat!re o" the ICA Iet s!r"a#e $ress!re tenden#& total $re#i$itable /ater short /a)e radiation arri)ing to the s!r"a#e $lanetar& bo!ndar& la&er height (ARME) stabilit& indi#es (C, ((I, et#%) Three-dimensional fields 1hese "ields are obtained on @ height le)els in the $lanetar& bo!ndar& la&er: 35, <55, -55, 755, =55, ;75, @55, <375, <755 meters "or ALADIN and 35, 75, <55, 375, -55, 755, =55, ;75, @55, <555, <375, <755 meters "or ARME and on -3 $ress!re le)els: <555, @@5, @45, @;5, @=5, @75, @85, @37, @55, 445, 4=5, 475, 485, 435, 455, ;45, ;=5, ;85, ;35, ;55, =75, =55, 775, 755, 875, 855, -75, -55, 375, 355, <75, <55 h+a "or ALADIN and ARME 1he )ariables are as "ollo/s: $ress!re (onl& on height le)els and onl& "or ALADIN) tem$erat!re /ind "ield relati)e h!midit& $se!do?$otential tem$erat!re (onl& on $ress!re le)els "or ARME) #lo!d /ater and i#e (ARME) rain, sno/, gra!$el (ARME) geo$otential (onl& on $ress!re le)els), )erti#al )elo#it& (onl& on $ress!re le)els), di)ergen#e (onl& on $ress!re le)els), $otential tem$erat!re (onl& on $ress!re le)els), $otential )orti#it& (onl& on $ress!re le)els) absol!te )orti#it& (onl& on $ress!re le)els)
Dynamical adaptation of wind: 'igh resol!tion /ind "ields at 3, <5, 35, -5, 85, 75, =5, ;5, 45, @5, <55, <<5, <35, <-5, <85, <75, <=5, <;5, <45, <@5, 355, 3<5, 335, 3-5, 385, 375, 3=5, 3;5, 345, 3@5, -55, -<5, -35, --5, -85, -75, -=5, -;5, -45, -@5, 855, 8<5, 835, 8-5, 885, 875, 8=5, 8;5, 845, 8@5, 755 m% 0.-.0 O*+ra&#,a% &+/",#)u+' !r a**%#/a&#, ! NWP *r.u/&' 8%-%8%< In o$eration A!tomated $rod!#t (image, te,t, #ode) generation% 8%-%8%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield None 0.-.9 E,'+m5%+ Pr+.#/&#, Sy'&+m 8%-%7%< In o$eration 1he o$erational n!meri#al /eather $redi#tion model ALADIN9'A is !sed in the LAME+(, /ith the "ollo/ing $ro$erties: Domain and resol!tion are identi#al to the deterministi# ALADIN: Domain is #o)ering #ontinental E!ro$e A$$ro,imatel& 4 2m o" hori0ontal resol!tion -=5H-35 $oints in hori0ontal 8@ )erti#al le)els << members Co!$ling in e)er& = ho!rs to the "irst << members o" the <4A1C r!n o" +EAR+ (global E+( o" Meteo Fran#e) Integration is started at <4 A1C "or =5 ho!rs ALAR $h&si#s is !sed as in deterministi# ALADIN 8%-%7%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield Resear#h abo!t initial #ondition $ert!rbations: +ert!rbation generation /ith targeted lo#al sing!lar )e#tors +ert!rbation generation /ith $ert!rbed obser)ation in data assimilation #&#le E,$eriments /ith #o!$ling to di""erent global E+( (#om$arison o" +EAR+ and ECMWF E+() E,$eriments /ith an ARME E+( at 3%7 2m resol!tion% 1his in)ol)es the re$resentation initial !n#ertainties (do/ns#aling o" the +EAR+ (ing!lar .e#tor J Ensemble Data Assimilation) and the model errors ((++1: (to#hasti#all& +ert!rbed +arametri0ation 1enden#ies) 8%-%7%- $erationall& a)ailable E+( +rod!#ts Indi)id!al members #an be )is!ali0ed "or the ne,t $arameters: Near surface fields: mean sea le)el $ress!re, 3m tem$erat!re and relati)e h!midit&, #on)e#ti)e and "rontal $re#i$itation (in#l!ding sno/), <5m /ind s$eed and /ind g!st, #lo!diness (total, #on)e#ti)e and three le)els) Pressure level fields: 1hese "ields are obtained on 4 $ress!re le)els (on <555, @37, 475, ;55, 755, -55, 355, <55 h+a)% 1he )ariables are as "ollo/s: geo$otential, tem$erat!re, /ind "ield, relati)e h!midit&% E+( mean )al!es "or the same $arameters than at indi)id!al members +robabilities /ith di""erent thresholds "or the "ollo/ing $arameters: 3 meter tem$erat!re, $re#i$itation, /ind s$eed, /ind g!st% +l!me diagrams "or the bigger '!ngarian #ities /ith the "ollo/ing $arameters: 3 meter tem$erat!re, <5 meter /ind s$eed, $re#i$itation, 475h+a tem$erat!re, 755h+a geo$otential 8%8 No/#asting and .er& (hort?range Fore#asting (&stems (5?= hrs) 8%8%< No/#asting s&stem (MEANDER?WRF s&stem) 1he no/#asting s&stem o" the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e (MEANDER) /as de)elo$ed as a tool "or re#ogni0ing and $redi#ting se)ere /eather $henomena in obIe#ti)e /a&% 1he s&stem has t/o main $arts: a non linear d&nami#al and a linear e,tra$olation $art% 1he non linear segment is based on the WRF model% 1he "irst segment o" the WRF model r!ns on a domain that #o)ers the Car$athian basin and $rod!#es J-= ho!rs "ore#ast e)er& si, ho!rs% 1his segment (named WRF?AL+'A) !ses ECMWF data "or bo!ndar& #onditions% 1he se#ond segments o" the WRF model (WRF?BE1A) r!ns in e)er& ho!r and !ses n!dging te#hniG!e o" the model% 1he -D n!dging $ro#ed!re a$$lies ho!rl& s!r"a#e obser)ations and radar re"le#ti)it& and WRF?AL+'A data as "irst g!ess% 1he length o" the n!dging term is 3 ho!rs% 1he WRF?BE1A $ro)ides - ho!rs "ore#ast /ith <7 min!tes time resol!tion "or the linear no/#asting segment% 1he linear no/#asting segment is the MEANDER s&stem /hi#h r!ns e)er& <7 min!tes and $rod!#es no/#asting and /arnings "or the ne,t - ho!rs% 1he MEANDER s&stem a$$lies a#t!al s!r"a#e obser)ations, radar and satellite data and WRF?BE1A o!t$!ts% 1he MEANDER ma2es its o/n obIe#ti)e anal&sis e)er& <7 min!tes and the basi# $arameters (li2e /ind, tem$erat!re, h!midit&, et#) are smoothed in s!#h a /a& that at the beginning o" the - ho!rs $eriod the anal&sis and at the end the WRF?BE1A the "ore#ast are #onsidered% In this /a& instead o" e,tra$olation, the inter$olation is a$$lied "or the basi# $arameters% Asing d&nami#all& based methods MEANDER s&stem #al#!lates atmos$heri# re$la#ement )e#tors to des#ribe motion o" $re#i$itating (radar obser)ed) /eather s&stems li2e th!nderstorms or strati"orm #lo!diness% Real time meas!red radar e#hoes are mo)ed b& these motion )e#tors ma2ing !ltra short range $re#i$itation "ore#ast% +hase o" $re#i$itation (sno/, rain, "ree0ing rain) or $ossible hail si0es o" th!nderstorms are #al#!lated b& )erti#al #lo!d $h&si# models% 1he no/#asting s&stem iss!es /eather /arnings "or all regions o" '!ngar&% 8%8%<%< In o$eration (<) MEANDER s&stem: 1he $resent )ersion o" MEANDER has been in o$erati)e !sage sin#e K!l& o" 35<5% 1he s&stem iss!es obIe#ti)e anal&sis and - ho!rs "ore#ast in e)er& <7th min!tes% Asing $redi#ted (no/#asted) $arameters MEANDER s&stems $ro)ides s$e#ial /arnings "or /ind g!sts (;5 2m9h? @5 2m9h), hail storms, torrential $re#i$itations and "lash "loods% (3) (ee )er& short range abo)e (ARME) 8%8%<%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield (<) Resear#h a#ti)it& is "o#!sing to se)ere #on)e#ti)e $henomena li2e s!$er#ells and torrential rain and "lash "lood #ases% 1he no/#asting s&stem is $lanned to re#ogni0e and /arn "or sG!all lines, s!$er#ells or MCC% 1he main iss!e is to #onne#t radar based linear "ore#ast /ith non?h&drostati# n!meri#al "ore#ast% (3) (ee )er& short range abo)e (ARME) 8%8%3 Models "or .er& (hort?range Fore#asting (&stems !t$!ts o" ECMWF deterministi# model s!$$ort "irst g!ess and bo!ndar& #onditions "or lo#al models WRF?AL+'A% WRF?AL+'A non?h&drostati# model $rod!#es -= ho!rs "ore#ast ( 8 times a da&)% WRF?BE1A non?h&drostati# model !ses o!t$!ts o" WRF?AL+'A model and $rod!#es = ho!rs "ore#ast (in e)er& ho!r) "or the no/#asting s&stem% 1he WRF?BE1A assimilates radar re"le#ti)it& and s!r"a#e obser)ation !sing n!dging method% 1he linear $redi#tion s&stem MEANDER $ro)ides - ho!rs no/#asting in e)er& <7 min!tes !sing WRF?BE1A o!t$!ts, radar, satellite and s!r"a#e obser)ations% 8%8%3%< In o$eration (<) (ee 8%8%3% abo)e% (3) (ee )er& short range abo)e (ARME) 8%8%3%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield (<) Resear#h a#ti)it& is "o#!sing to "ore#ast se)ere #on)e#ti)e $henomena li2e s!$er#ells and torrential rain and "lash "lood #ases% 1he linear no/#asting s&stem is $lanned to re#ogni0e and /arn "or sG!all lines, s!$er#ells or MCC% 1he main iss!e is to a$$roa#h the linear "ore#ast (based on ad)e#tion) to non?h&drostati# n!meri#al "ore#ast% (3) (ee )er& short range abo)e (ARME) 0.9 S*+/#a%#8+. ,um+r#/a% *r+.#/&#,' 1he o!t$!ts o" the n!meri#al /eather $redi#tion models !sed at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e are intensi)el& !sed "or /ide?range o" a$$li#ations li2e traIe#tor&, air G!alit& and dis$ersion modelling% 0.9.1 A''#m#%a&#, ! '*+/#!#/ .a&a, a,a%y'#' a,. #,#&#a%#8a&#, 1<"+r+ a**%#/a5%+4 8%7%<%< In o$eration None 8%7%<%3%Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield De)elo$ment o" an in$!t emission database "or the C'IMERE #hemistr&?trans$ort modell "or the area o" B!da$est based on &earl& emission re$orting and tra""i# #o!nt data% 0.9.( S*+/#!#/ M.+%' 8%7%3%< In o$eration FLE61RA 8%5 traIe#tor& model, FLE6+AR1 4%5 Lagrangian $arti#le dis$ersion modell, C'IMERE #hemistr&?trans$ort model "or 38?84 air G!alit& "ore#asts o)er B!da$est, AERMD reg!lator& modell "or #ase st!dies 8%7%3%3Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield De)eleo$ing the C'IMERE model "or air G!alit& "ore#asts o)er '!ngar& 0.9.- S*+/#!#/ *r.u/&' *+ra&#,a%%y a7a#%a5%+ Con#entration and de$osition "ields 0.= E>&+,.+. ra,$+ !r+/a'&' 1ERF4 (10 days to 30 days) 0.=.1 M.+%' 8%=%<%< In o$eration 1he $rod!#ts re#ei)ed "rom ECMWF are !sed in the o$erational regime% 8%=%<%3Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield None 0.=.( $erationall& a)ailable NW+ model and E+( ERF *r.u/&' None 0.: L,$ ra,$+ !r+/a'&' 1LRF4 (30 days up to two years) 8%;%< In o$eration 1he $rod!#ts re#ei)ed "rom ECMWF are !sed in the o$erational regime% 8%;%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield Resear#h on the #alibration o" seasonal "ore#asts% 0.:.( $erationall& a)ailable E+( LRF $rod!#ts None 9. V+r#!#/a&#, ! *r$,'&#/ *r.u/&' ECMWF and ALADIN9'A $rod!#ts are )eri"ied and #om$ared o$erationall& #om$!ting sim$le statisti#al meas!res (bias and RM(E) !sing all the (BN+ and 1EM+ obser)ations inside the domain o" the ALADIN9'A domain )ia the #om$rehensi)e )eri"i#ation s&stem (.I(B(: bIe#ti)e .eri"i#ation Intera#ti)e (B(tem)% 1he a!tomati#all& generated "ore#asts are also )eri"ied and #om$ared to the "ore#asts iss!ed b& the "ore#asters% Com$rehensi)e )eri"i#ation made at M(* is ann!all& a)ailable on ECMWF /eb: htt$:99///%e#m/"%int9$rod!#ts9greenboo29 9.1 A,,ua% 7+r#!#/a&#, 'ummary 1B+E 1( (CRE( +ARAME1ER( A:AIN(1 1ime?t ,: time> &: s#ore (mo)ing a)erage: < month) <3, 38 RM(E> BIA( 13, R'A3, N, Wind<5($, M(L+ (BN+ 1ime?t ,: time> &: s#ore (mo)ing a)erage: < month) 38 RM(E> BIA( '755, R'A;55, 1475 1EM+ 1ime?1( ,:1ime ste$> &: s#ore 5 ? -= RM(E> BIA( 13, R'A3, N, Wind<5($, M(L+ (BN+ ,:1hreshold> &: s#ore -5?5= (38 ho!r #!m!lated $re#i$itation) FreG!en#& BIA(, +D, FAR, C((, '((, 1(, E1(, ED(, (ED(, EDI, (EDI R (BN+ 9.( R+'+ar/" *+r!rm+. #, &"#' !#+%. (ED(, EDI, (EDI "or rare binar& e)ents> (AL> +er"orman#e (Roebber?Wilson) diagram> 1a&lor? diagram =. P%a,' !r &"+ !u&ur+ (next years) =.1 D+7+%*m+,& ! &"+ GDPFS =.1.1 MaIor #hanges e,$e#ted /ithin the ne,t &ear 1he high resol!tion (3%7 2m) NW+ model ARME is r!n o$erationall& in s$in !$ mode sin#e 35<5 "or a domain #o)ering the Car$athian?basin% A data assimilation s&stem (-D.AR "or the !$$er air and I "or the s!r"a#e) has been im$lemented o$erationall& in Mar#h 35<-% Radar data assimilation e,$eriments are ongoing and /e e,$e#t an o$erational im$lementation in 35<8 latest% Also $h&si#al $arameteri0ations o" the ARME model are d!e to be de)elo$ed "or a better $redi#tion o" lo/ #lo!d and #on)e#ti)e sit!ations% 1he lo/er resol!tion (d,L42m) ALADIN o$erational E+( s&stem is to be e,tended /ith an ensemble data assimilation #om$onent% =.1.( MaIor #hanges e,$e#ted /ithin the ne,t 8 &ears 1he abo)e three dire#tions "or de)elo$ment /ill remain% (ensiti)it& st!dies /ith ARME on < 2m resol!tion are $lanned as /ell as resear#h on )er& high resol!tion E+( !sing a small si0e (7?<5 members) ARME ensemble s&stem% It is also anti#i$ated that bene"its are ta2en at e)er& $ossible /a& "rom de)elo$ments made on the dri)ing global models (ECMWF9IF(, Meteo? Fran#e9AR+E:E)% =.( P%a,,+. r+'+ar/" A/#&#+' #, NWP, N</a'&#,$ a,. L,$2ra,$+ Fr+/a'&#,$ =.(.1 +lanned Resear#h A#ti)ities in NW+ 1he "ollo/ing resear#h a#ti)ities are $lanned #on#erning the ARME model: i) radar, :+(, and high resol!tion satellite assimilation> ii) im$ro)ements on the #lo!d $h&si#s and t!rb!len#e (#on)e#tion and lo/ strat!s sit!ations)> iii) )er& high resol!tion small si0e (7?<5 members) E+( /ith the ARME model a##o!nting "or the !n#ertainties in the initial #onditions and in $h&si#al $arameteri0ations% =.(.( +lanned Resear#h A#ti)ities in No/#asting (ome e""orts ha)e been made "or obIe#t oriented se)ere /eather no/#asting !sing high $er"orman#e radar data (d!al $olari0ation and Do$$ler /ind)% ($e#ial obIe#ti)e anal&sis is $lanned to de)elo$ "or des#ribing me0o?beta s#ale /eather $henomena% =.(.- +lanned Resear#h A#ti)ities in Long?range Fore#asting None =.(.0 +lanned Resear#h A#ti)ities in ($e#iali0ed N!meri#al +redi#tions None :. C,'r&#um :.1 Sy'&+m a,.;r m.+% M(* is a member o" the ALADIN and LACE #onsortia, /hi#h de)elo$s the ALADIN, ALAR and ARME models (these - models o/n the same d&nami#al #ore and similar data assimilation s&stems b!t di""er a lot in $h&si#al $arametri0ations and are aimed "or di""erent s$atial s#ales)% ;%<%< In o$erations At M(* the ALAR and ARME models are !sed in o$erations (see se#tion 8%-) ;%<%3 Resear#h $er"ormed in this "ield (ee se#tion =%<%<% :.( Sy'&+m ru, '/"+.u%+ a,. !r+/a'& ra,$+' (ee se#tion 8%-%3% :.- L#'& ! /u,&r#+' *ar&#/#*a&#,$ #, &"+ C,'r&#um Algeria, A!stria, Belgi!m, B!lgaria, Croatia, C0e#h Re$!bli#, Fran#e, '!ngar&, Moro##o, +oland, +ort!gal, Romania, (lo)a2ia, (lo)enia, 1!nisia, 1!r2e& :.0 Da&a a''#m#%a&#,, 56+/+ a,a%y'#' a,. #,#&#a%#8a&#, Both the ALADIN9ALAR and ARME models !se lo#al data assimilation s&stems (the latter is !nder de)elo$ment), namel& an !$$er air -D.AR and an I s!r"a#e assimilation s#heme (see se#tion 8%-%< "or more details)% :.9 O*+ra&#,a%%y a7a#%a5%+ NWP *r.u/&' (ee se#tion 8%-%-% :.= V+r#!#/a&#, ! *r$,'&#/ *r.u/&' (ee se#tion 7% :.: P%a,' !r &"+ !u&ur+ (ee se#tion =% ?. R+!+r+,/+' cs, F., Horvth, , !reuer, !., and "u#el, F., 35<5: (ensiti)it& o" lo#al #on)e#ti)e $re#i$itation to $arameteri0ation o" the "ield #a$a#it& and /ilting $oint soil moist!re #ontents% $d%&rs, <<8, -@?77% cs, F.' Horvth, .' Ha&nal(a, !.' "u#el, F., 35<5: E""e#t o" soil h&dra!li# $arameters on the lo#al #on)e#ti)e $re#i$itation )eteorolo*ische +eitschrift, <@, <8-?<7-(<<) ,damcse(, -., !, /., 0som1s, P. and Hornyi, ,., 35<5: A$$li#ation o" the Ensemble 1rans"orm Calman Filter te#hniG!e at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e: +reliminar& res!lts% $d%&rs, <<8, 3<?-4% !, /., 355=: De)elo$ment o" a )ariational data assimilation s&stem "or a limited area model at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e% $d%&rs, <<5, -5@?-3;% !, /., 2ullmann 3. and Hornyi ,., 355@: Ase o" ECMWF lateral bo!ndar& #onditions and s!r"a#e assimilation "or the o$erational ALADIN model in '!ngar&% -0)4F Newsletter, <<@, 3@? -7% 0som1s P. 5s ! /., 3554: First ste$s to/ards the a$$li#ation o" the Ensemble 1rans"orm Calman Filter te#hniG!e at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e, H$"3,) Newsletter No% 78, $$ @?<@ http:66hirlam.or*6inde7.php8option9com:docman;tas(9doc:download;*id9<=>;$temid9>? Ferenc@i, +. and $hs@, $., 355-: .alidation o" E!lerian dis$ersion model MEDIA at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e% $d%&rs, <5;, <<7?<-3% /eresdi, $. and Horvth, %, 3555: No/#asting o" $re#i$itation t&$e% +art I: Winter +re#i$itation% $d%&rs <?A, 38<?373% /eresdi, $., Horvth, ., )tyus, %, 3558: No/#asting o" the $re#i$itation t&$e +art II: Fore#ast o" th!nderstorms and hailstone si0e% $d%&rs <?B, --?8@% H*el, -., and Hornyi, ,, 355=: 1he de)elo$ment o" a limited area ensemble $redi#tion (LAME+() s&stem at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e: sensiti)it& e,$eriments o" global sing!lar )e#tors% $d%&rs, <<5, 33@?373% H*el, -., =?<?: The Cuasi-operational 3,)-PD system of the Hun*arian )eteorolo*ical Dervice. $d%&rs, <<8, <3<?<-8% Hornyi, ,., $hs@, $., and "adn1ti, /., <@@=: AR+E:E9ALADIN: A n!meri#al /eather $redi#ition model "or Central?E!ro$e /ith the $arti#i$ation o" the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e% $d%&rs, <55, 3;;?-55% Hornyi, ,., 2ert5s@, D., 2ullmann, 3., and "adn1ti, /., 355=: 1he AR+E:E9ALADIN mesos#ale n!meri#al modelling s&stem and its a$$li#ation at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e% $d%&rs, <<5, 35-?33;% Hornyi, ,, )ile, ). and D@Ecs, )%, 35<<: Latest de)elo$ments aro!nd the ALADIN o$erational short?range ensemble $redi#tion s&stem in '!ngar&% Tellus =-A, =83?=7<% Horvth, ,. and /eresdi I% 355<% (e)ere #on)e#ti)e storms and asso#iated $henomena in '!ngar& Atmos$heri# Resear#h 7= $$%<3;?<8= Horvth, % and /eresdi, $% 355-: (e)ere (torms and No/#asting in the Car$athian Basin ,tmos. "es., =;?=4, -<@?--3 Horvth, ., /eresdi, $., 0sirma@, 2%, 355=: N!meri#al sim!lation o" a tornado $rod!#ing th!nderstorm: A #ase st!d&. $d%&rs .ol% <58% 3;@?3@;% $hs@, $., Fve*es, +., )ile, ). and N5meth, 0s%, 35<5: Ensemble #alibration o" ECMWFMs medi!m range "ore#asts% $d%&rs, <<8, 3;7?34=% $hs@ $. and Ta&ti D., =?<<: Ase o" ECMWFFs ensemble )erti#al $ro"iles at the '!ngarian Meteorologi#al (er)i#e% -0)4F Newsletter, <3@, 37?3@% "andriamampianina "., 355=: Im$a#t o" high resol!tion satellite obser)ations in the ALADIN?'A model% $d%&rs, <<5, -3@?-8;% D@intai, !., and $hs@, $., 355=: 1he d&nami#al do/ns#aling o" ECMWF E+( $rod!#ts o" ECMWF E+( $rod!#ts /ith the ALADIN mesos#ale limited area model: +reliminar& e)ol!tion% $d%&rs, <<5, 37-?3;;% D@5ps@1, /. and Hornyi, ,%, 35<5: .alidation o" the d&nami#all& ada$ted high?resol!tion /ind "ore#asts "or the /ind $o/er stations in '!ngar&% $d%&rs, <<8, 7;?;4% A$$li#ation and )eri"i#ation o" ECMWF $rod!#ts, 35<3: htt$:99///%e#m/"%int9$rod!#ts9greenboo29