Futurama Worksheet Season 1 Episode 1

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Futurama Season 1 Episode 1

Space Pilot 3000

Meet the Principal Characters
Philip J. Fry
(commonly known as Fry)
Fry is a delivery oy
Turanga Leela
(commonly known as Leela)
!eela is captain o" t#e Planet E$press S#ip
Bender Bending Rodrguez
(commonly known as Bender)
Professor Huert J. Farns!orth
(commonly known as Professor)
Farnswort# is t#e proprietor o" t#e Planet E$press
delivery service% "or w#om t#e main c#aracters
work& 'e is t#e (reat ()30) nep#ew o" P#ilip *& Fry
"octor John #. $oiderg
(commonly known as Zoidberg)
'e works as t#e sta"" doctor "or Planet E$press
Her%es Conrad
(commonly known as Hermes)
'e is a (rade 3+ ureaucrat "rom *amaica
&cene '
(Fry at t#e workplace)
Questions 1 6
,rite your answers to t#e "ollowin( -uestions in t#e spaces provided
'. ,#en does t#e story e(in. ///////////////////////////////
(. ,#at does (orilla in t#e arcade (ame t#row at t#e player. ///////////////////////////////
). ,#at is t#e name o" t#e arcade (ame Fry is playin(. ///////////////////////////////
*. ,#at does t#e oy tell Fry w#en #e loses #is (ame. //////////////////////////////
+. ,#at does Fry #ave to deliver to make a livin(. ///////////////////////////////
,. ,#at is t#e name o" t#e place Fry is workin( at. ///////////////////////////////
Question 7
Select t#e correct answer A% B% C% or D
What is the cook on the top of the box Fry has to deliver saying?
#. 'ope you like t#e "ood0 B. Please% en1oy0 2& 3o not tip delivery oy0 3& Fres# and tasty0
&cene (
(Fry deliverin( t#e "ood 4eetin( #is (irl"riend)
Questions ! 1"
Select t#e correct answer A% B% C% or D
-. ,#at is t#e name o" t#e pu Fry is cyclin( y.
#. 567ailey6s B. 568rady6s C. 56S#irley6s ". 564ars#all6s
.. ,#at is t#e name o" Fry6s (now) e$9(irl"riend.
#. 4ary B. 4erit# C. 4art#a ". 4ic#elle
'/. ,#ere did Fry6s (now) e$9(irl"riend put Fry6s stu"" out.
#. Front door B. Sidewalk C. Elevator ". :oilet
''. ,#at newspaper can you see ein( sold in t#e street w#en Fry puts lock on #is ike.
#. ;ew <ork Post B. ;ew <ork :imes C. ;ew <ork 3aily ". ;ew9<orker
'(. ,#at does t#e icycle t#ie" wis# Fry.
#. 'appy #olidays0 B. 'appy 'anuka#0 C. 'appy ;ew <ear0 ". 4erry 2#ristmas0
&cene )
(Fry at t#e destination place)
Questions 1# 1$
,rite your answers to t#e "ollowin( -uestions in t#e spaces provided
'). ,#at "loor did Fry (o in elevator to. /////////
'*. ,#at was t#e last year t#e =pplied 2ryo(enics !a #ad a power "ailure. /////////
'+. ,#at is t#e name o" t#e person w#o ordered t#e "ood Fry rou(#t. /////////
Question 16
,#at ad1ective Fry uses to descrie millennium #e is drinkin( eer to.
#. !ousy B. 4ousy C. 3rowsy ". >ossy
Questions 17!1%
=mon( t#e "ollowin( countries select &H'(( t#at were ;5: s#own durin( t#e millennium
#. ?S= B. 7ussia C. France ". @taly 0. E(ypt
F. ?A 1. 2#ina H. @ndia 2. Spain J. *apan
Questions ")
,#at time period was t#e Fry6s cryo(enic capsule timer set to. /////////////////////////
&cene *
(,akin( up in t#e Future)
Questions "1!"#
=mon( t#e "ollowin( people select &H'(( w#om Fry *ill ne+er see again
#. Partners B. Parents C. Friends
". 2o9workers 0. Enemies F. 8irl"riend
&cene +
(@nside "uture cryo(enics la meetin( !eela meetin( >ender)
Questions ", ! #)
Select t#e correct answer A% B% C% or D&
(*. ,#at p#rase do t#e scientists w#o discover Fry use to (reet #im.
#. ,elcome to t#e Future0
B. ,elcome to t#e new world0
C. ,elcome to t#e world o" tomorrow0
". ,elcome to t#e rave new world0
(+. ,#at awaits Fry.
#. 'is destiny B. 'is "uture C. 'is wi"e ". 'is computer
(,. ,#at was t#e Fry6s "irst -uestion to !eela aout.
#. 'er mout# B. 'er teet# C. 'er eye ". 'er ear
(3. ,#at was Fry e(innin( to suspect.
#. :#at #is 1o was #umiliatin( B. :#at #is (irl"riend was c#eatin( on #im
C. :#at #e was roke ". :#at #is li"e was aw"ul
(-. 'ow many livin( relatives does Fry #ave.
#. 5ne B. :wo
C. Five ". ;one
(.. ,#at is Fry6s permanent career assi(nment in t#e year 3000.
#. 3octor B. 3elivery oy
C. Scientist ". 2yclist
)/. ,#at will #appen i" Fry re"uses to take t#e 1o.
#. 'e will e "ired B. 'e will e killed
C. 'e will e "ired out o" a canon into t#e sun ". 'e will e killed in t#e most #umane way
Questions #1 #6
,rite your answers to t#e "ollowin( -uestions in t#e spaces provided
)'. ,#at motto does t#e picture wit# t#e man e#ind !eela6s ack #ave. ////////////////////
)(. ,#at is !eela (oin( to implant into Fry6s #and. ////////////////////
)). ,#at does >ender say Fry to ite. ////////////////////
)*. 'ow muc# does it cost to use a suicide oot#. ////////////////////
)+. ,#at mode o" deat# did Fry and >ender select. 44444444444444444444
),. ,#at was t#e year w#en Stop Bn6 drop
ecame =merica6s Favorite Suicide >oot#. ////////////////////
&cene ,
(!eela at #er oss6s o""ice)
Question #7
,rite your answers to t#e "ollowin( -uestion in t#e space provided
,#at country is !eela6s oss most proaly "rom. ////////////////////
&cene 3
(Fry and >ender in a pu 9 2#ase)
Questions #!,1
Select t#e correct answer A% B% C% or D&
)-. ,#at was >ender pro(rammed to do.
#. >end (irders B. >end ars C. >end poles ". >end
).. ,#at is >ender a"raid people mi(#t t#ink aout #im and Fry.
#. :#at t#ey are lovers B. :#at t#ey are roose$uals
C. :#at t#ey are poor ". :#at t#ey are loosers
*/. ,#at s#ould Fry answer i" anyone asks w#o #e is to >ender.
#. :#at #e is >ender6s pro(rammer B. :#at #e is >ender6s deu((er
C. :#at #e is >ender6s slave ". :#at #e does not know >ender
*'. ,#at day o" t#e week can one visit museum wit#out payin(.
#. :#ursdays B. Fridays
C. :uesdays ". 4ondays&
&cene -
(4useum 2#ase)
5uestions *( 6 *)
Select t#e correct answer A% B% C% or D&
*(. ,#at is e$#iited in t#e museum w#ere Fry and >ender #ide.
=& :alkin( #uman #eads >& 3ead odies
2& Stu""ed animals 3& :alkin( pictures
*). ,#at is t#e name o" t#e actress w#ose #ead stands last on t#e s#el" e#ind w#ic# Fry and >ender
=& !ucy !iu >& >arara Streisand
2& Pamela =nderson 3& =lison 2ooper
Question ,,
=mon( t#e "ollowin( options select T78 insults police o""icers use to #umiliate !eela
#. 3ummy B. ,eirdy C. 4oron ". 3unce
0. Eye9all F. 2retin 1. 2reep H. Sissy
&cene .
(5ld ;ew <ork)
*+. ,#at did !eela6s parents do to #er w#en s#e was a ay. ////////////////////////
*,. ,#at piece o" 1ewelry did >ender steal "rom !eela
wantin( to e part o" t#e moment. ////////////////////////
*3. 'ow many ottles o" ooCe did >ender (et "rom #is
c#est compartment. ////////////////////////
&cene '/
(Pro"essor6s 3en Escape ;ew *o)
DE& ,#at does Pro"essor keep in #is la tale drawer. ////////////////////////
DF& ,#at does Pro"essor already #ave on. ////////////////////////
G0& ?nder w#at condition can !eela drive t#e s#ip. ////////////////////////
B89:& 6 0;TR# "2FF2C:LT 5:0&T289
7H#T "2" H#PP09 T8 TH0 8L" &P#C0<&H2P CR07=

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