Food Code Dubai

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Food Control Department

April 2013
Message from the Director General
Dubais vision is to establish a world-class food safety system that helps provide safe food to
the residents and the several millions that visit the Emirate each year. We envision a system
that ensures the highest standards of food safety - from the port to the plate. We would like
the system to be so comprehensive and appealing that others are encouraged to use it as a
model. Our vision will become a reality only when the government, food industry, service
providers, educational and research organisations and the consumers collectively commit to
work together and apply sound principles of food safety based on science and research.
We have begun the process by promoting a positive food safety culture among food
establishments in the Emirate, by urging the management to be responsible and accountable
through our proprietary Person In-Charge (PIC) program, which we introduced in 2010. Te
responsibility is not only with the PIC but also with other food handlers in the establishments,
their owners, regulators and also the consumers. In other words, it must be stressed that food
safety is a shared responsibility involving all the residents of the Emirate. Trough the Food
Code, we are now building on the foundations laid by the PIC and other regulatory programs,
which arm them with the necessary knowledge about the systems and processes needed to
ensure an efective food safety culture.
An integrated approach is necessary to ensure food safety from the place of primary production
up to the point of consumption. Te Food Control Department of Dubai Municipality will
ensure that regulatory programs are science- and risk-based as far as possible. Te Food Code
is designed to assist the Person In-Charge (PICs) at food establishments to understand their
obligations and to carry out operations as per the requirement.
Te Food Code has been developed also to help the food industry and the law-enforcement
ofcers understand the ways and means to meet the standards and objectives mentioned in
the GCC, Federal and Local regulations. Te Code also helps the Food Control Department
determine compliance with these standards and enhance consistency in the interpretation and
enforcement of regulations.
Te key references for the Code are similar Codes issued in the United States, Canada, Australia,
Ireland and Hong Kong.
Te Code will be revised from time to time, and the revisions will be issued as supplements.
Te intention is to ensure that food safety standards move with the times and aim to encompass
technologies and challenges that emerge along the way.
Eng. Hussain Nasser Lootah
Director General
Dubai Municipality
1 Preliminary Provisions 7
1.1 Introduction 7
1.2 Purpose 7
1.3 Application 7
1.4 Scope 8
1.5 Guiding Principles 8
1.6 Defnitions 9
2 Licensing, Approvals, Construction, Design and Facilities 12
2.1 Trade License 12
2.2 Approval of Construction Plans and Specifcations 12
2.3 Site and Location 12
2.4 General Requiements for Design and Construction 13
2.5 Spatial Requirements 14
2.6 Floor, Walls and Ceilings 14
2.6.1 Floors 14 Floors in Dry Areas 14 Floors in Wet Areas 15 Temporary Flooring 15
2.6.2 Walls and Ceiling 15 Walls 15 Ceiling 16 False Ceiling 16
2.7 Floor Drains 16
2.8 Stairs and Mezzanines 17
2.9 Equipment and Utensils 17
2.9.1 Equipment Design and Layout 17
2.9.2 Location of Equipment 18
2.9.3 Fixed Equipment 18
2.9.4 Calibration and Standardisation 19
2.10 Lighting 19
2.11 Ventilation 20
2.12 Storage Areas 20
2.13 Water Supply 22
2.14 Sewage and Solid Waste Disposal 22
2.15 Grease Traps 23
2.16 Plumbing System 24
2.17 Overhead Utility Lines 24
2.18 Handwash Stations 24
2.19 Toilet Facilities and Dressing Areas 25
2.20 Cleaning Facilities 26
2.21 Exterior Openings 26
2.22 Temporary Food Establishments 27
2.23 Mobile Vendors, Stalls, Catering Trucks, Dinner Cruise, Desert Events 27
2.24 Vending Machines 27
2.24.1 Liquid Foods and Ice 27
2.24.2 Self-Service Beverages 28
2.24.3 Beverages in Paper-Based Packaging 28
2.24.4 Vending of High Risk Foods 29
3 Control of Hazards in Food 30
3.1 Management of Food Safety 30
3.1.1 Management Person in Charge 30
3.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Person in Charge 30
3.1.3 Food Safety Programmes 31 General Requirements for Food Safety Programme 31 Auditing of Food Safety Programme 31 Content of Food Safety Programme 31
3.2 Food Handling and Processing 32
3.2.1 General Requirements for Processing Food 32
3.2.2 Food Source 32 Approved Sources 32 Unapproved Sources 33
3.2.3 Food Receiving 33 Inspection of Incoming Food 33 Product Identifcation 34 Ingredient Inspection and Control 34
3.2.4 Food Additives 34
3.2.5 Handling Raw Food 35
3.2.6 Handling of Chilled and Frozen Foods 35
3.2.7 Tawing 35
3.2.8 Cooking Raw Foods of Animal Origin 36
3.2.9 Raw Ready to Eat Foods of Animal Origin 36
3.2.10 Hot Holding 36
3.2.11 Cooling afer Cooking 37
3.2.12 Cooling from Room Temperature 38
3.2.13 Reheating Cooked Foods for Hot Holding 38
3.2.14 Reheating Cooked Food for Immediate Service 38
3.2.15 Use of Microwave for Cooking or Reheating 39
3.2.16 Canning 39
3.2.17 Use of Non-thermal Processes for Pathogen Reduction 39
3.2.18 Controlling Growth of Pathogens with Water Activity and Acid Ingredients 39
3.3 Time as a Safety Control 39
3.4 Preventing Food and Ingredient Contamination 40
3.4.1 Preventing Microbial Contamination 40
3.4.2 Physical and Chemical Contamination 41
3.4.3 Management of Allergens 41
3.5 Packaging 42
3.5.1 General Requirements for Packaging Materials 42
3.5.2 Protection of Food Content 43
3.5.3 Reduced Oxygen Packing 43
3.5.4 Food Containers 43
3.5.5 Reusable Packaging 44
3.5.6 Storage of Packaging Supplies 44
3.5.7 Returnables, Cleaning-for-Reflling 44
3.6 Storage, Transportation and Distribution of Food Products 45
3.6.1 Food Transportation, Storage and Distribution Units 45
3.6.2 Temperature Control During Transportation and Storage 45
3.6.3 Handling and Transfer of Foods 46
3.6.4 Storage Procedures 47
3.6.5 Disposal of Food 47

4 Cleaning and Maintenance 48
4.1 General Requirements Pertaining to Maintenance 48
4.2 Cleaning and Disinfection 49
4.2.1 General Requirements Pertaining to Cleaning 49
4.2.2 Cleaning Facilities 49
4.2.3 Cleaning and Disinfection Process 50
4.2.4 Cleaning Chemicals 51
4.2.5 Cleaning Tools and Equipment 52
4.2.6 Cleaning and Disinfection Programme 52
4.3 Pest Control 53
4.4 Prevention and Control of Pest Infestation 53
4.5 Use of Chemicals and Toxic Substances 56
5 Personal Hygiene 57
5.1 Personal Health and Illnesses 57
5.2 Injuries 57
5.3 Personal Hygiene Practices 58
5.4 Personal Habits 59
5.5 Visitors 59
6 Training of Food Handlers 60
6.1 Role of the Person in Charge 60
6.2 Training Programme 60
6.3 Continuing Educational Training 60
7 Provisions Applicable to Sale, Import and Export of Food 62
7.1 Registration and Approvals 62
7.2 Sourcing Food 62
7.3 Food Inspection and Document Verifcation 62
8 Miscellaneous 64
8.1 Food Labelling 64
8.2 Product Shelf Life 65
8.3 Product Menu in Food Service Establishments 66
8.4 Filtration and Disinfection Facilities for Fish Tank Water 66
8.5 Single Use items 66
8.6 Prohibition of Animals 67
8.7 Procedures for Handling Non-Halal Food 67
8.7.1 Requirements for Imports, Purchase and Sale of Non-Halal Food 67
8.7.2 Requirements for Storage of Non-Halal Food 67
8.7.3 Requirements for Preparation of Non-Halal Food 68
8.7.4 Serving Non Halal Foods in Restaurants 68
8.7.5 Sale of Pork Products 69
8.8 Product Traceability and Recall 69
8.9 Customer Complaint Handling 70
8.10 Power Outage 70
8.11 Use of Wood in Food Premises 70
8.12 Use of Linen and Other Accessories 71
Annex 73
1 Preliminary Provisions
1.1 Introduction
Foodborne illness can be very serious and even life-threatening to some consumers, especially children,
pregnant women, elderly, and those with impaired immune systems or allergies. Efective control of
foodborne illness is vital, not only to avoid adverse efects on human health, but also to safeguard
the food industry. Te potential business repercussions of foodborne illness are many, including loss
of earnings; unemployment and litigation; damage to trade and tourism through negative publicity;
lower staf morale; and professional embarrassment. Te challenge is to continually reduce the risks
and achieve excellence in food safety, while supporting the ability of the food industry to adapt to new
technology and survive in a competitive environment.
1.2 Purpose
Te purpose of this Code is to provide a set of model requirements to help food establishments achieve
a higher degree of compliance with the food regulations, and attain a higher standard of food safety
through adoption of good practices. It also provides law enforcement ofcers of the Food Control
Department and persons engaged in food business a common set of comprehensive advice and
guidance on the application of the relevant regulations and recommended ways for compliance, with
a view to improving consistency in the interpretation and application of the food regulations by all
Te ultimate objective of the Code is to provide high level of protection to human life and health and
to protect the interests of the consumers by safeguarding them from fraudulent or deceptive practices,
adulteration and any other practices that may cause illness or injury to the consumer.
1.3 Application
a. Te Code is an interpretative guideline that explains how to meet the objectives identifed in the
Administrative and Local Orders passed by the Government of Dubai. It is not intended to be used as
a rigid and infexible document.
b. Te term shall or must is used throughout this document to indicate those provisions which
the food establishments have to comply with and are an absolute requirement.
Te term should is used to indicate those provisions which the food establishments have to
comply with. However, deviations from such provisions are allowed under exceptional
circumstances when there is a valid reason to ignore or to seek alternative measures without
compromising the food safety objective.
Te term shall not is used to indicate that the provisions that are absolutely prohibited.
Te term should not is used to indicate those provisions that are prohibited. However, deviations
from such provisions are allowed under exceptional circumstances when there is a valid reason to
ignore or to seek alternative measures without compromising the food safety objective.
c. Tis document provides an extensive information base to assist in the safe operation of food
establishments. As new technology becomes available, operational procedures and equipment
standards in a food establishment may vary from that described in this Code.
d. Unless specifcally mentioned elsewhere in this requirement, the provisions of this requirement
apply to food products
i Manufactured, sold or prepared for sale in the Emirate of Dubai;
ii Imported directly or brought into the Dubai from other Emirates;
iii Exported to other countries.
Note: Processes, materials and methods other than those specifed in the Code may be used by food business
operators, if the operators can provide sound, scientifc evidence to the Food Control Department that
clearly demonstrate that those processes, materials and methods comply with the regulatory objectives.
1.4 Scope
Te requirements apply to every food establishment which imports, sells, ofers for sale or distributes
free of charge, packages, prepares, displays, serves, manufactures, processes, or distributes food. Te
Code has, as its primary focus, a broad range of food establishments that include, but are not limited
to, the following:
i restaurants, hotels, cafeterias and cafs;
ii food service operations in institutions, including hospitals and schools;
iii bakeries;
iv butcheries;
v grocery store, supermarkets and departmental stores;
vi food catering units, suppliers to cruise ships, events (desert camps), canteens;
vii food factories and warehouses;
viii kiosks, temporary or permanent food events, and mobile vending operations;
ix food packing material manufacturers and suppliers.
1.5 Guiding Principles
a. Te primary objective of the Code is to ensure the safety of foods that would ofer high level of
public health protection. In addition, there are a number of other expected outcomes:
i better knowledge of safe food handling practices by all stakeholders;
ii improved consistency in the interpretation and application of food industry regulations by all
iii establishment of minimum health and food safety practices;
iv better communication among all sectors of the industry and government concerning critical
requirements in food safety, and a greater commitment to fnding cooperative approaches to
handling risks; and
v improved information concerning best practices to compliment industry-driven inspection,
auditing and educational programmes.
1.6 Defnitions
Audit: A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating
it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulflled.
Auditor: Te person with necessary competency in food safety approved by Dubai Municipality to
conduct an audit.
Authorised Ofcer/Person: An Authorised person from the Food Control Department who can
conduct inspections or investigations in food establishments.
Cleaning: Te process of removing soil, food residues, dirt, grease and other objectionable matter.
Codex: Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), a United Nations Organisation that supports FAO
and WHO by developing food standards, guidelines and Codes of practice.
Concerned Department: Departments of Dubai Municipality authorised to ensure compliance with
relevant regulations.
Contamination: Te introduction or occurrence of a contaminant in food or the food environment.
Control Measure: An action or activity that can be used to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a hazard to
an acceptable level.
Corrective action: An Action to be taken when the results of monitoring at the CCP indicate a loss of
Disinfection: Te reduction of microbial load, by means of hygienic chemical or physical agents, to a
level that will not compromise food stability or lead to harmful contamination of food.
Equivalent: In respect to diferent systems, capable of meeting the same objectives.
Food: Any substance or product intended to be or reasonably expected to be ingested by people. Tis
includes beverages and drinks (except alcohol), chewing gum and any substance including water.
Food Control Department or Department: Food Control Department of Dubai Municipality.
Food Establishment/Food Business: Any place where food is manufactured, prepared, traded or
sold directly or indirectly to the consumer. Te term includes any such place regardless of whether
consumption is on or of the premises. Te term includes but is not limited to trading companies,
manufacturing companies, hotels, restaurants, cafs, cafeterias, caterers in hospitals, private clubs,
caterers or cafeterias in labour camps, public and private educational bodies, groceries, supermarkets,
meat and fsh shops, bakeries, mobile vendors, temporary kitchens and snack houses in petrol stations.
Unless specifed otherwise, the term refers to establishments located in the Emirate of Dubai.
Food Establishment/Food Business Operators: A food business operator means the person who
is actively engaged in running the food establishment and is responsible for ensuring that the legal
requirements are met.
Food Handler: Any person handling food directly or indirectly in a food establishment, whether
packaged or unpackaged food, food equipment and utensils or food contact surfaces.
Food Hygiene: All conditions and measures necessary to control hazards and ensure the safety and
suitability of food at all stages of the food chain.
Food Safety Course/Qualifcation: A course/qualifcation approved by the Department in accordance
with the provisions of this Code.
Food Safety Programme: A food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP.
Food Transportation Vehicle: Any mode of transport, designated for food, whether self-propelled or
not and whether used on land, sea or in the air.
Food Service Establishments: Food establishments such as catering, restaurants, cafeteria, cafe and
supermarkets etc. that sell portions of foods directly to the consumers for immediate consumption
either on-site or of-site. Te defnition excludes business activities such as manufacturing, processing,
trading, grocery stores etc.
Good Hygiene Practices: All practices regarding the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the
safety and suitability of food at all stages of the food chain.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point): A preventive system of food safety
management that identifes, evaluates, and controls hazards which are signifcant to food safety based
on product design, hazard analysis and process control.
HACCP plan: A document prepared in accordance with the principles of HACCP to ensure control of
hazards that are signifcant for food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.
Hazard: A biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an
adverse efect.
Hazard analysis: Te process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards and conditions
leading to their presence to decide which are signifcant for food safety and therefore should be
addressed in the HACCP plan.
HighRisk Foods: High-risk foods are foods which will support the growth of food poisoning bacteria
or the formation of toxins AND which are ready to eat.
Foods such as:
- ready to eat foods such as sandwiches, pizzas, hot meals;
- cooked products containing meat, fsh, cheese etc.;
- cooked products that are reheated and served pies, ready made meals, etc.;
- smoked or cured meats and fsh;
- raw ready to eat foods -e.g. Oysters, Kebneyah, Sushi;
- dairy based desserts;
- ripened sof or moulded cheese e.g. Brie, Danish Blue, etc.;
- prepared vegetable salads including those containing fruit;
- foods labelled/described as needing to be kept at a specifc temperature;
- frozen food such as ice cream.
Packaging: Any operation consisting of placing the food in containers (i.e. primary packaging) or
placing the food containers in further packaging material (i.e. secondary packaging).
Raw Animal Foods: Raw foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry products, fsh, shellfsh etc. that
are likely to be contaminated with pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms. Tey are usually stored
chilled or frozen to minimise spoilage.
Person in Charge: A person directly responsible for the food related operations in the food establishment
and has direct authority, control or supervision over employees who engage in the storage, preparation,
display, or service of foods.
Pests: Te term pest in this document refers to any undesirable animal or insects including, but not
limited to, birds, rodents, fies, larvae etc. that live in or on our food and are objectionable or a nuisance.
Potable Water: Drinking water that is pure and healthy at the point of usage, and meets the requirements
of Gulf Standards.
Primary Product: Products of primary production including products of the soil, farming and fshing.
Processing: Action(s) that substantially alters the initial product, including heating, smoking, curing,
maturing, drying, marinating, extraction, extrusion or a combination of those processes.
Raw Food: Food that is neither cooked nor heat processed.
Ready-to-Eat Foods: Any food for consumption without further treatment or processing. Examples
of ready-to-eat food items may include: sliced cooked meats, cooked meat products and preparations,
cooked/roast chickens, sandwiches and flled rolls, dairy products such as milk and cheese, fruits, pre-
washed/topped and tailed vegetables, prepared vegetable salads, whole salad items such as tomatoes
or cucumbers, open and canned ready-to-eat fsh and fsh products such as salmon, tuna or sardines,
shellfsh, preserves and jams, condiments, bread, confectionery and biscuits.
Recall: A recall is an action taken to remove from distribution, sale and consumption, food which may
pose a health risk to consumers.
Shelf- life: Te period during which a food product maintains its microbiological safety and suitability
at a specifed storage temperature and where appropriate, specifed storage and handling conditions.
Traceability: Te ability to track any food, feed, food-producing animal or substance that will be used
for consumption, through all stages of production, processing and distribution.
Validation: Obtaining evidence that a control measure or combination of control measures, if properly
implemented, is capable of controlling the hazard to a specifed outcome.
Verifcation: Te application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition to
monitoring, to determine whether a control measure is or has been operating as intended.
2 Licensing, Approvals, Construction, Design and Facilities
2.1 Trade License
a. All food establishments in Dubai must have a valid trade licence from the concerned
government authorities in Dubai before the start of operation.
b. Te operator of the food establishment must choose the appropriate business activity at the time of
obtaining the license.
c. Te business activity on the trade license of food establishments shall be related to food, and the
license must clearly state the exct activity the establishment is involved in.
d. Food establishments shall not carry out any other activity other than the business activity (or
activities) listed in the trade license.
2.2 Approval of Construction Plans and Specifcations
a. Proposed layouts for new construction, or renovations to an existing food establishment, shall be
reviewed for compliance with the existing regulations and approved by the Food Control
Department prior to the construction, renovation or re-construction.
b. In existing facilities, major alterations that afect the main layout or the process fow shall not be
carried out without prior approval from the Food Control Department. Alteration,
addition or deletion, which results in change of the approved layout, such as change
in area of the establishment or the food rooms, addition, deletion or repositioning
of equipment of a substantial and permanent nature, drainage works, passageways
and open spaces, means of exit, entry and internal communication, windows and ventilating
systems in production area etc., should not be carried out without the prior approval of the Food
Control Department.
c. Plans for minor alterations that do not involve a change in the main layout and the fow of work
such as the installation of shelves in a store room do not require prior approval.
d. A licensee has to submit the layout of the establishment for approval to the Food Control
Department prior to construction. Particulars to be indicated on a layout plan include but are not
limited to:
i area and space allocated to food handling and cooking, cleaning, food storage and seating;
ii sanitary ftments, open spaces, restrooms, storage areas;
iii all windows and mechanical ventilating systems;
iv layout of equipment;
v all means of exit and entry;
vi facilities to carry out pot and dish washing, handwashing etc.
2.3 Site and Location
a. Sites for food establishments should be chosen such that they are free from conditions that might
interfere with their sanitary operation. Food establishments should be set far enough apart from
waste disposal facilities and incompatible processing facilities so there is no risk of contamination.
b. Generally a minimum distance of 30 metres is recommended from potential sources of
contamination. However, a greater or lesser distance could be accepted depending on specifc site
c. Streets, lanes and other public places or the common part of the building, which are within a
minimum of 10 metres around the food establishment, should be kept clean and free of litter,
garbage or waste that can attract pests.
Poorly maintained or unhygienic surroundings and facilities can lead to contamination of food. Conditions
which might lead to contamination include excessive dust, foul odours, smoke, pest infestations, airborne
microbial and chemical contaminants, and other similar conditions. Food establishments should be
protected from such conditions that would expose the food to contaminants.
2.4 General Requirements for Design and Construction
a. Te design and construction of food establishment should:
i be appropriate for the activities for which the establishment is used;
ii provide adequate space for the activities to be conducted in the establishment and be suitable
for the fxtures, fttings and equipment used for those activities;
iii permit the food premises to be efectively cleaned and disinfected.
b. Te design and construction should:
i help exclude dirt, dust, fumes, smoke and other contaminants;
ii not permit the entry of pests;
iii not provide harbourage for pests; and
iv provide a safe environment for workers and where applicable for customers.
c. Te layout of food establishment should be designed in such a manner that:
i food fow is in one direction;
(i.e. from receiving to storage to preparation to cooking to packaging /serving despatch)
ii adequate spaces are provided for food preparation, cooking and cooling, food storage, storage of
equipment / utensils, installation of sanitary ftments, and cleaning facilities;
iii food or clean eating utensils are not conveyed through an open space or open yard that would
expose food to contaminants.
d. Incompatible areas or processes, particularly toilets, clean-up and chemical storage areas, should
be separated from food preparation/processing areas.
A properly designed and operated food establishment will minimise the likelihood of food contamination.
At the same time, unnecessary movement of food and personnel within the premises increases the
likelihood of contamination, and hence should be controlled as much as possible. Well designed layout is a
pre-requisite for efective implementation of any food safety programme.
2.5 Spatial Requirements
a. Te space available in a food establishment should be suitable for the business activity, and sufcient
to carry out the operations as per the relevant provisions of this Code.
b. Requirements specifc to the type of food establishments are provided as a separate guideline.
Total area of food establishments should not be less than the minimum requirements stipulated in
the layout approval guideline for food establishments.
c. Food and food handling activities should only be carried out within the area as delineated
in the approved layout plan. No food related activity, such as washing of equipment and utensils,
food preparation and cooking of food, and storage of utensils, equipment and food, should extend
to any place beyond the approved area.
Adequate space for food preparation is essential to ensure safe food preparation and shall support the type of
operation and the number of customers to be served. For example, too small a kitchen for a restaurant may
cause congestion and unhygienic food operation that increases the risk of food contamination. Te general
rule for food service establishments is that, establishments with larger gross foor area should provide
more space for food preparation. Te type of food, number of meals produced and the number of people
working at the same time should also be considered while deciding the spatial requirements for food service
2.6 Floor, Walls and Ceilings
Te requirements in this section apply to the foors, walls and ceilings of all areas used for food handling
and associated activities such as storage and packaging.
2.6.1 Floors
Floors should be designed and constructed in a way that is appropriate for the activities conducted in
the food establishment. Floors in Dry Areas
a. In dry areas the foor should be durable, impervious, easily cleanable, and non-slip.
b. Te foor to wall joints should be coved.
FOOD CODE Floors in Wet Areas
a. In areas where the foor could be wet (such as food preparation or processing areas, walk-in coolers,
washrooms), and areas subject to fushing or spray cleaning, the foor should be:
i light coloured;
ii durable, easily cleanable and non-slip;
iii constructed of a impervious material that is able to withstand regular wet washing,
such as tile or resin;
iv coved at the wall to foor joints, and sealed;
v designed to prevent the pooling of liquids; and
vi sufciently sloped for liquids to drain to adequately sized and constructed foor drains
(See Section 2.7 below). Generally, a minimum slope of 2% is recommended.
b. If used, clean rubber or plastic mats, excluding carpet or other similar foor coverings, should
be designed for easy removal, cleaning and, if necessary disinfection.
c. Absorbent material (e.g. cardboard, newspaper, sponge, unsuitable rubber mats) should not
be used as foor material. Temporary Flooring
Requirements as listed in and should be taken into account while constructing temporary
Properly constructed foors facilitate cleaning and disinfection. Impervious materials do not absorb water or
organic matter, and sloping helps avoid pooling of liquids which can lead to unhygienic conditions.
2.6.2 Walls and Ceiling Walls
a. Walls should be designed and constructed in such a way that they can be kept clean.
b. In wet areas, walls should be constructed of an impervious material that is able to withstand
regular washing.
c. In areas where open food is handled, internal surfaces of walls and partitions should be
surfaced with smooth, preferably light coloured, durable, non-absorbent and easily cleanable
materials (e.g. tiles or stainless steel) to a height of not less than 2 Metres. Te rest may be painted
in a light-colour. Junctions between walls, partitions and foors should be coved.
a. Ceiling should be of continuous construction so that there are no empty spaces or wide joints.
Although ceilings are less likely to require frequent cleaning, the surfaces should allow ease of
b. Ceiling in kitchens and food rooms should be of light colour and fre proof. False Ceiling
a. False ceiling if used in food handling areas should have smooth, easily cleanable and impervious
b. Access openings to the space above false ceiling should be provided to facilitate cleaning and
for detection of signs of pest infestation.
c. Ceiling or the interior of the roof and overhead fxtures are to be constructed in a way that
prevents accumulation of dirt. Tere should be adequate measures in place to reduce condensation
and subsequent growth of undesirable mould.
Light coloured walls and ceilings enable easy detection of dirt for prompt removal. Durable, impervious and
easily cleanable surfaces facilitate cleaning work. However, note that the emphasis should be on cleanliness
which is the primary objective of this provision.
Te space between false ceiling and the original ceiling can get dirty and harbour pests. Periodic checks and
cleaning are necessary to maintain a healthy and hygienic work environment.
2.7 Floor Drains
a. Floor drains must be designed to:
i efectively remove waste water;
ii be easily accessible for cleaning, and equipped with removable and cleanable covers.
b. Drain lines must be sloped, properly trapped, vented and connected to a proper drainage system.
c. Te drainage system must be constructed such that there is no cross-connection between the drains
or drain lines, and:
i the water supply; or
ii the food product lines or equipment.
Te accumulation of waste water on the foor and drain of a food establishment can lead to insanitary
conditions. Properly designed drains and drain lines can eliminate the accumulation of waste water and
prevent entry and growth of pests.
2.8 Stairs and Mezzanines
a. Stairways should be:
i located so as to minimise the risk of food contamination; and
ii constructed of materials that are impervious and easily cleanable.
b. Mezzanines should:
i not be located over food preparation areas where splashing or dripping could pose a
contamination risk;
ii be constructed of solid masonry or metal construction; and
iii be equipped, where appropriate, with raised edges of a height sufcient to prevent contaminants
from falling onto surfaces below.
Stairs and mezzanines, whether over work areas or exposed food or near these areas can act as a source of
contamination. Proper design and construction can prevent this.
2.9 Equipment and Utensils
Food establishments shall use only safe and suitable equipment and utensils at all times. Equipment
and utensils should be designed and constructed to be durable and to retain their characteristic qualities
under normal use and conditions.
2.9.1 Equipment Design and Layout
a. Equipment and utensils should be made of safe and suitable material that will not afect the
quality and safety of food.
b. Materials used for making the equipment and utensil should be resistant to denting, pitting,
chipping and cracking. Food contact surfaces should be smooth so as to enable them to be kept
clean, and where necessary disinfected.
c. Materials used in the construction and repair of equipment and utensils are to be non-toxic, not
afected by foods, cleaning compounds, non-absorbent and durable under normal use. Tey are
not to impart odour, colour or taste nor contribute to the contamination of food, and are to
maintain their original properties under repeated use. Painted food-contact surfaces are prohibited.
d. Equipment and utensils are to be free from difcult-to-clean internal corners and crevices. Food-
contact surfaces are to be readily accessible for cleaning. Where necessary, equipment should be
movable or capable of being disassembled to allow for maintenance, cleaning and disinfection.
e. Hard maple or other equivalent non-absorbent material meeting the criteria stated in this Code
may be used for cutting blocks and cutting boards, bakers tables and work surfaces. Food contact
surface should be smooth and maintained clean.
f. Canvas, cloth and other porous material, other than for single-service use, are prohibited as a food-
contact surface.
g. Equipment should function in accordance with its intended use.
h. Equipment used to cook, heat treat, cool, store or freeze food should be designed to achieve the
required temperatures as rapidly as necessary to ensure food safety.
i. Equipment containing bearings and gears requiring lubricants is to be designed and constructed
so that the lubricant cannot leak, drip or be forced into the food or onto food-contact surfaces.
Food-grade lubricants are to be used on or within food-contact surfaces.
2.9.2 Location of Equipment
a. Equipment used in a food establishment should be suitably located or positioned so that it:
i is not exposed to any sources of contamination;
ii can be maintained, cleaned and disinfected;
iii can be inspected easily;
iv may be properly vented when required; and
v is installed in such a manner as to allow adequate cleaning of the equipment and the
surrounding area.
b. Equipment and utensils used in processing, handling and storage of foods (including single-service
and single-use articles) shall not be located in staf locker rooms, toilet rooms, garbage storage
rooms, mechanical rooms, under sewer or water lines not shielded to intercept leakage/condensate,
under open stairwells, or any area where the equipment may become contaminated.
c. Unobstructed aisles, walkways and working spaces are to be provided of sufcient width to permit
employees to perform their duties readily without contamination of food or food-contact surfaces
by clothing or personal contact.
Equipment used in a food establishment shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition to minimise the risk
of contamination of food by equipment surfaces. Terefore, when considering the location of equipment,
several factors should be taken into account, including ease of cleaning, the intended use of equipment,
and the methods for prevention of contamination of the equipment. Special care should be taken in the
placement of food equipment which will be used to process, handle or store food. Such equipment shall not
be located in areas where it may become contaminated, since the surfaces of the equipment will be coming
in direct contact with food.
2.9.3 Fixed Equipment
a. Equipment that is fxed (i.e., not easily moved) should be either:
i sealed to adjoining walls, foors and equipment; or
ii spaced in such a manner to comfortablly allow cleaning under and around the equipment.
b. Equipment that is intended to be Clean in Place (CIP) should be designed and constructed so
i cleaning and disinfection solutions circulate through a fxed system and contact all interior food
contact surfaces;
ii the system is self-draining or capable of being completely drained of cleaning and disinfectant
iii there are inspection access points to ensure all interior food contact surfaces throughout the
fxed system are being efectively cleaned.
2.9.4 Calibration and Standardisation
Equipment or instruments used for measuring or monitoring products or processes that could have
an impact on product safety or legality should be calibrated or standardised to a standard recognised
by the Food Control Department. Te calibration or standardisation should be done internally or
externally at a pre-determined frequency necessary to ensure proper functioning of the equipment.
2.10 Lighting
a. Lighting and lighting fxtures should be designed to prevent accumulation of dirt and be easily
b. Food establishment should be supplied with sufcient natural or artifcial light to ensure the safe and
sanitary production of food, and facilitate cleaning of the premises. Unless otherwise specifed, the
minimum lighting intensities should be:
i 110 lux (at a distance of 89 cm (3 f.) above the foor) in walk-in coolers, dry food storage areas, and
in all other areas and rooms during periods of cleaning;
ii 220 lux (at a distance of 89 cm (3 f.) above the foor) in areas where fresh produce or packaged
foods are sold or ofered for consumption; areas used for hand washing, ware-washing, and
equipment and utensil storage; and in toilet rooms; and
iii 500 lux at the surface where a food handler is working with unpackaged high risk foods or with
food utensils and equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders or saws where employee/worker
safety is a factor.
c. Except as otherwise specifed, lighting fxtures should be shatter proof or be shielded with shatter-
proof coverings in areas where they are exposed to food, equipment, utensils, linens or unwrapped
packing materials. Shielded lighting is not necessary in areas used only for storing food in unopened
packages or where the food cannot be afected by broken glass falling onto it.
Adequate lighting promotes cleanliness by facilitating the identifcation of unclean areas. Shielding of lights
to prevent the contamination of food from glass fragments in the event of breakage is an essential public
health protection measure. In addition to that, risk of breakage also occurs when difusers are removed for
cleaning or changing tubes.
2.11 Ventilation
a. Food establishment should be provided with adequate mechanical or mixed mode ventilation to
ensure good indoor air quality.
b. Te design and installation of mechanical ventilation systems should be based on the requirements
provided by the Public Health and Safety Department of Dubai Municipality. Where necessary,
food establishments should comply with the following Technical Guidelines relevant to food
establishments published by the concerned department/s such as:
i Indoor Air Quality Requirements within Green Building Regulations and Specifcations;
ii Manual for Regulation of Smoking in Public Places.
c. Ventilation systems should be designed and installed such that:
i they are sufcient in number and capacity to prevent grease or condensation from collecting
on the walls and ceiling;
ii the flters or other grease extracting equipment are easily removable for cleaning and
replacement if not designed to be cleaned in place;
iii the exhaust ventilation hood systems include components such as hoods, fans, guards,
and ducting which will prevent grease or condensation from draining or dripping onto food,
food contact equipment or surfaces, utensils and linens, or single-service and single-use
articles; and
iv they are equipped with make-up air systems, installed in accordance with the requirements of
the Public Health and Safety Department of Dubai Municipality.
d. Mechanical ventilation systems should be installed in such a manner that airfow is directed from
the clean area to the contaminated area.
e. Ventilation systems should be cleaned in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the
concerned department of Dubai Municipality.
Note: Te documents listed in Section 2.11 (b) are available on the website
Te air supplied to the food premises shall be of sufcient quality so as not to contaminate the equipment or
the food. Unclean air, excessive dust, odours, or build-up of condensation or grease are all potential sources
of food contamination. Build up of grease/fat in equipment such as range hoods also pose a fre hazard.
2.12 Storage Areas
a. Food establishments require adequate storage facilities for all items required for operation, including
food, food ingredients, equipment, and non-food materials such as utensils, linens, single-service
and single-use articles, packaging, and chemical agents. During storage, food items shall be
protected from contamination such as water leakage, pest infestation or any other insanitary
b. Te following criteria should be applied to all storage areas:
i adequate shelving should be supplied in order that all materials may be stored of the foor.
All food and food items and equipment should be stored at a minimum of 15 cm (6 in.) of the
foor on racks, shelves or pallets. Shelving which is not sealed to the foor should have a clear
vertical space of at least 20 cm between the bottom shelf and the foor to facilitate cleaning.
Wide shelving units should be at least 20 cm or more away from the walls to allow for access
for cleaning, and permit easier visual inspection;
ii shelves should be constructed of materials which are durable and easily cleaned.
c. Te facilities used for the storage of food, food ingredients, equipment and packaging should be
designed and constructed so that they:
i are cleanable;
ii are located in a clean and dry location;
iii restrict pest access and harbourage;
iv provide an environment which minimises the deterioration of stored materials; and
v protect food from contamination during storage.
d. Te facilities used for the storage of food, food ingredients, equipment and packaging materials
should not be located:
i in areas used for the storage of soiled or contaminated objects and materials;
ii in locker rooms, toilets, garbage or mechanical rooms;
iii under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips; or
iv in the same room/vicinity as chemicals/pesticides.
e. Non-food agents such as disinfectants, detergents, pesticides and other similar products shall be
stored separately in a lockable area that prevents the potential for contamination of food, food
ingredients, food contact surfaces and non-food materials such as utensils, linens, single-service
and single-use utensils, and packaging materials.
f. Personal belongings and uniforms of employees should be stored separately from food storage
and food preparation areas.
Contamination of food, food ingredients, equipment, and non-food materials can occur when improper
storage facilities are used. Separation of food and equipment from toxic and soiled materials ensures that
the opportunity for cross-contamination is minimised. A number of other environmental conditions can
lead to contamination or food spoilage. For example, refrigeration condensers located in dry food storage
areas can produce heat that may damage foods, including canned goods, unhygienic practices, including
poor employee hygiene, can also cause contamination.
2.13 Water Supply
a. An adequate supply of drinking water obtained from a source approved by the Dubai Municipality
or Dubai Electricity and Water Authority must be used in the food establishment for cleaning and
food preparation purposes;
b. An adequate supply of hot water should be provided for all cleaning activities conducted on the
food premises. Te hot water supplied should be of sufcient temperature to achieve efective
c. Water storage tanks for drinking water should be designed and constructed in a manner that
prevents contamination. To prevent the access of animals, birds and other extraneous matters,
water storage tanks and over fow tanks should be provided with appropriate covers.
d. Where non-potable water is used for non food purposes, for example for fre control, steam
production, refrigeration and other similar purposes, a separate duly identifed water supply system
should be used. Non-potable water lines should not be connected with drinking water systems.
e. Ice which comes into contact with food has to be made from drinking water. Ice should be made,
handled and stored under conditions that protect it from contamination.
f. Steam used directly in contact with food shall not contain any substance that presents a hazard to
health or is likely to contaminate the food.
g. Water storage tanks shall be maintained clean at all times. Cleaning and disinfection of tanks
should be carried out at least twice per year, but more frequently if necessary. Te water tanks
should be cleaned only by a cleaning company approved by the Food Control Department.
h. When a storage tank is shared by several food establishments (such as in a mall), the food
establishment should be able to show documented evidence that the water tank is cleaned
as required.
j. Drinking water coolers and dispensers shall be regularly cleaned and disinfected so as to keep it
free of dirt and microbial contamination.
Water can be a source of food contamination and thus must be of good standard all the time. Even though
the water source is good, a bad supply system of storage tank can recontaminate the water before it is
consumed. A safe distribution system and regular cleaning and disinfection of water tanks will ensure that
the water is clean and safe to drink and also avoid contamination of food or equipment.
2.14 Sewage and Solid Waste Disposal
a. Sewage disposal systems shall meet all the requirements of the concerned department of Dubai
b. Disposal of sewage and solid waste shall be done in a hygienic manner which does not expose
the food premises or food products to potential contamination.
c. Food establishment should follow the requirements for the separation of various solid-waste
streams as outlined by the concerned department of Dubai Municipality. Solid waste containers
within the food establishment should:
i be sufcient in number and accessible;
ii be designed to minimise both the attraction of pests, and the potential for airborne
iii be identifed as to their contents;
iv have functional foot operated lids, if closed containers are used.
d. Garbage storage rooms and containers should be emptied, cleaned and disinfected as ofen
as necessary.
e. Solid waste containers/receptacles located outside the premises should be:
i equipped with covers and closed when not in use;
ii maintained in a manner that does not attract pests;
iii located away for the entrance of the food establishment;
iv preferably stored in a pest proof structure.
Te proper disposal of sewage and solid waste is critical in preventing the spread of pathogens in the food
premises. In addition, the sanitary disposal of both sewage and solid wastes, and the maintenance of waste
containers and facilities, will minimise the presence of pests inside and outside the premises.
Open waste containers can be used in a pest free environment if such bins can be emptied and cleaned
frequently. Where bins with lids are used, there is always a human tendency to open the lid with hands. Food
handlers should refrain from touching the lids with hands.
2.15 Grease Traps
a. Grease traps should, whenever possible, be located outside the premise.
b. Grease traps should be of a suitable type and be regularly inspected. Te greasy waste should be
promptly removed and the adjoining foor surfaces should be cleaned thoroughly aferwards.
Waste water from food premises carries a large quantity of grease, which will solidify and cause blockages in
drains. It must be removed from the water entering the drain. A blocked drain / sewer causes back-fow of
waste water and emits bad odour, posing a hazard to food safety and environmental hygiene.
2.16 Plumbing System
a. Te plumbing system conveying water and waste requires the approval from the concerned
department of Dubai Municipality
b. Where water conditioning devices such as water flters or screens are installed on water lines, they
should be of a type that permits easy disassembly, to facilitate periodic servicing and cleaning
c. In order to prevent backfow through cross connections, back-fow prevention devices (e.g. air
gaps, vacuum breakers) should be installed wherever required.
Cross connections and backfow can contaminate the drinking water supply.
2.17 Overhead Utility Lines
a. Utility lines such as gas, electrical, sewage and water lines, as well as cooling ducts, should be
suspended away from work areas or areas of open food to minimise the potential for contamination.
b. Tey should exhibit no sign of faking rust or paint.
c. Lines carrying contaminated or hazardous materials, such as sewer or foor drain lines, shall
be located sufciently distant from any product or product contact surfaces to prevent any risk of
d. Lines should be:
i insulated, where appropriate, to prevent condensation
ii constructed and covered with a suitable material to minimise the build-up of soil
iii easily cleanable; and
iv labelled or colour-coded.
Conditions such as dripping condensation or excessive dust from overhead utility lines can be a source of
contamination when the lines are suspended over work areas or areas of open food. Te consequences of
contamination due to leakage are signifcantly greater with lines carrying sewage, hazardous chemicals or
highly contaminated materials.
2.18 Handwash Stations
a. At least one handwash station shall be provided in each food preparation area. Additional handwash
stations may be required depending on the type and extent of activity.
b. Handwash facilities shall:
i be located to allow convenient access and use by food handlers and other workers;
ii be equipped with single-use liquid soap dispensers and paper hand towel dispensers;
iii provide an adequate fow of water at a suitable temperature (not too cold nor too hot);
iv be easily cleanable, and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition;
v indicated with clear signboards and not be used for purposes other than hand washing.
Improper hand washing is a major contributing factor to outbreaks of foodborne illnesses. Provision of
proper and adequate hand washing facilities is essential to minimising food contamination and maintaining
personal hygiene.
Te temperature of the water should be suitable to encourage handwashing. If the water is too hot or too
cold, employees might have a tendency to avoid handwashing.
2.19 Toilet Facilities and Dressing Areas
a. Adequate, suitable and conveniently located toilets should be provided for food handlers. Te
following criteria should be considered :
i toilets should be conveniently located and accessible to workers during all hours of operation;
ii toilets should be completely enclosed and provided with a tight-ftting and self-closing door;
iii toilets should be equipped with a handwash station; including a liquid soap and paper towel
dispenser; have handwashing sign prominently displayed;
iv toilets should be easily cleanable, well ventilated, and well lit; and
v toilets should not open directly into a food area where food or packaging material is stored,
handled or packed;
vi when adjacent to a food area, the toilet should be separated with a double door and ventilated
b. Toilet rooms for the public, if provided, should be completely enclosed and separated from the
food preparation and storage areas.
c. Dressing and changing areas should be provided if workers routinely change their clothes in the
food premises. Dressing and changing areas should be:
i easily cleanable;
ii well ventilated and well lit;
iii provided with lockers or other suitable facilities for the storage of workers possessions and
iv separate for male and femal employees.

Properly located and equipped toilet facilities are necessary to protect the equipment, facility and food from
faecal contamination which may be carried by insects, hands or clothing. Toilet facilities, kept clean and in
good repair, minimise the opportunities for the spread of contamination.
2.20 Cleaning Facilities
a. To meet the cleaning requirements of the operation, every food establishment should have sufcient
and suitable cleaning materials, equipment and facilities.
b. Te service sink or curbed cleaning facility, equipped with a foor drain, should be conveniently
located for the cleaning of mops or similar wet foor cleaning tools, and for the disposal of mop
water and similar liquid waste. Such facilities should be located away from food handling areas.
c. Adequate storage facilities should be provided as necessary stored away from food handling areas
to store brooms, mops, pails, and cleaning compounds when not in use. Toilets should not be
used for storing cleaning materials or equipment.
Liquid waste from wet foor cleaning methods are contaminated with microorganisms and flth. A service
sink or curbed cleaning facility with a drain allows for the sanitary disposal of this waste water in a manner
that will not contaminate the food. Designated storage areas for brooms, mops, pails, etc., will assist in the
sanitary operation of the premises during periods when they are not in use.
2.21 Exterior Openings
a. Exterior openings should be protected against the entry of pests. Examples include:
i flling or closing holes and other gaps along the foor, walls and ceiling;
ii solid, self-closing, tight-ftting doors; and
iii screen doors that open outward and are self-closing.
b. If windows or doors are kept open for ventilation or other purposes, the exterior openings should
be protected against the entry of pests by means such as screens, properly designed and installed
air curtains or other efective means to restrict the entry of pests.
c. Windows, doors and other openings should be constructed in a way that prevents accumulation
of dirt.
Tese provisions may not apply if pests are absent due to the location of the food premises, or other
limiting conditions.
Pests may carry pathogenic organisms on and within their bodies. As the pests move about the operation,
these pathogens can spread through the food premises. Freedom from pests reduces the likelihood of
contamination of both equipment and food.
2.22 Temporary Food Establishments
Temporary food establishments are those types of establishments that are set up with a time-limited life
(e.g., special events, fairs and festivals, exhibitions etc.).
a. All specifc requirements related to ensuring food safety including the prerequisites such as
location, design and layout should be met.
b. A prior approval from the Food Control Department is required to operate such food establishments.
2.23 Mobile Vendors, Stalls, Catering Trucks , Dinner Cruise, Desert Events
Tis requirement covers food establishments including mobile food vans or other similar temporary
mobile food businesses, mobile vending operations, and establishments that supply food to cruise
ships, desert events and other external events that are permanent or temporary in nature.
a. Food establishments require prior approval from the Department to supply food, and should meet
the relevant provisions of this Code depending on the type and extend of the activity.
b. Food establishment should follow relevant temperature requirements and other handling and
storage recommendations of this Code. When the food is supplied to a third party such as an event
organiser, the food establishment that supplies the food should ensure that handling requirements
of food are clearly communicated in writing to the person in charge of the event.
2.24 Vending Machines
Vending machines, although technically regarded as food establishments, ofen do not require the
same level of construction and equipment as full-fedged food establishment. Nevertheless, they do
have some specifc requirements to ensure the safe storage and dispensing of food and the prevention
of health hazards. Operators of vending machine should follow relevant temperature requirements and
other handling and storage recommendations of this Code. Adequate measures should be in place to
control both intentional and unintentional contamination.
2.24.1 Liquid Foods and Ice
In equipment that dispenses or vends liquid food or ice in unpackaged form, the delivery tube, chute
and orifce should be designed such that:
a. Splashes and drips (including drips from condensation) are diverted away from the container
receiving the food (by means of barriers, bafes or drip aprons, for example).
b. Tubes, chutes and openings are protected from manual contact (by being recessed, for example).
c. Where the item is dispensed, the equipment is provided with means to prevent back siphonage.
d. Delivery tubes, chutes and openings are protected from dust, insects, rodents and other
contamination by a self-closing door if the equipment is:
i located outdoors and is not protected from precipitation, wind-blown debris, pests and other
contaminants present in the environment; or
ii available for self-service of food during hours when it is not under the full-time supervision of
a food employee.
For vending machines that dispense liquid food or ice, it is important to prevent the entry of condensate or
splash, which may contaminate the food product. Food contact surfaces which divert liquid food into the
receiving container need to be protected from contact by customers/people to prevent contamination of the
food product. A self-closing door on outdoor machines or unsupervised machines further protects against
accidental or malicious contamination.
2.24.2 Self-Service Beverages
a. Self-service beverage dispensing equipment should be designed to prevent contact between the
lip-contact surface of glasses or cups that are reflled and:
i the dispensing equipment actuating lever or mechanism; and
ii the flling device.
b. Beverage equipment that utilises carbonation equipment (CO
) should incorporate a back-fow,
back-siphonage prevention device (check valves) to prevent the migration of the carbonated
beverage into copper water supply lines.
Trough proper design of the dispensing equipment, contamination of the lip-contact surfaces of the
refllable containers can be avoided, and the risk of cross-contamination reduced. As well, back-fow into
water supply lines has resulted in incidents of copper poisoning afer consumption of the dispensed beverage.
2.24.3 Beverages in Paper-Based Packaging
Vending machines designed to store beverages that are packaged in containers made from paper
products should be equipped with diversion devices and retention pans or drains for container leakage.
2.24.4 Vending of High Risk Foods
A machine vending high risk foods shall have an automatic control that prevents the machine from
vending food if there is a power failure, mechanical failure or other condition that results in an internal
temperature that cannot maintain the food temperature required in this Code.
Note: Te automatic control shall prevent the machine from dispensing food until it is restocked and can
maintain food at required temperatures.
Vending machines require a fail-safe device that would prevent the dispensing of high risk foods, in the
event of mechanical or power failures which could subject them to temperature abuse.
3 Control of Hazards in Food
Tis part of the food Code is based upon the principle that food safety is best ensured through the
identifcation and control of hazards in the production and handling of food as described in the
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, adopted by the joint WHO/FAO Codex
Alimentarius Commission, rather than relying on end product standards alone. Te Food Control
Department requires all food establishments to implement a risk based food safety programme.
3.1 Management of Food Safety
3.1.1 Management Person in Charge
a. All food establishments shall employ at least one (1) full time, on-site Person in Charge (PIC)
certifed in food safety.
b. All food service establishments where high-risk, ready to eat or raw foods are prepared shall have
at least one PIC certifed in food safety present in the establishment during all shifs (duration)
of food establishment operation. Te PIC should be responsible for and should actively oversee
all food establishment operations that could have an impact on the safety of the food.
c. Each certifed PIC shall possess knowledge of food safety principles and practices as demonstrated
by passing a written examination acceptable to the food control department. Each person passing
an acceptable examination shall receive a certifcate valid for a period of fve years from the date of
d. Te name of the PIC should be displayed behind the cash counter or in a place that is clearly visible
to customers.
e. Once the employment of a PIC is terminated, establishments can take up-to thirty (30) days to
designate a new PIC. Te proposed PIC should enrol for the training programme and be certifed
within 45 days.
3.1.2 Roles and Responsibilities of Person in Charge
a. Te PIC should be competent and have appropriate knowledge on food safety risks associated with
the type of business.
b. Te PIC should ensure that the establishment maintains policies and procedures for all employees
to follow in order to assure the production, sale, and/or dispensing of safe food products.
c. Te PIC should provide efective supervision in implementing safe food practices, conduct regular
inspection of the food premises, address potential food risks, and, where necessary, take appropriate
corrective action.
d. Te PIC should maintain measures of accountability for meeting food safety responsibilities,
including ensuring that
i all employees are trained before they start of work; and
ii trained employees are competent and are carrying out responsibilities as required. Training
should be provided based on the criteria stipulated under Section 6 of this Code.
3.1.3 Food Safety Programmes
All food establishments should implement and maintain a Dubai Municipality approved food safety
programme that is documented and that identifes and controls food safety hazards. General Requirements for Food Safety Programmes
A food establishment should:
a. Systematically examine all of its food handling operations in order to identify the potential hazards
that may reasonably be expected to occur.
b. Develop and implement a food safety programme to control the hazard or hazards if one or more
hazards are identifed in accordance with paragraph (a).
c. Set out the food safety programme in a written document and retain that document at the food
d. Comply with the food safety programme; and conduct a review of the food safety programme at
least annually to ensure its adequacy.
e. Review the system and make necessary changes to it when any signifcant modifcation is made
to the product, process, or any step, or in the event of a justifed food complaint or food related
incident. Auditing of Food Safety Programme
All food establishments, unless there is a waiver from the Food Control Department, should
a. Ensure that the food safety programme is audited by a third party food safety auditor approved by
Dubai Municipality at an auditing frequency applicable to the food establishment
b. Make the written document that sets out the food safety programme, and the appropriate records
available to any food safety auditor who has been requested to conduct an audit of the food safety
programme; and
c. Retain copies of all written reports of the results of all audits of the food safety programme conducted
by a food safety auditor within the last four years, for inspection upon request by a food safety
auditor who audits the food safety programme or an Authorised Ofcer from Dubai Municipality. Content of Food Safety Programmes
A food safety programme should
a. Include in its scope all foods that are prepared, sold, distributed or displayed in the food
b. Systematically identify the potential hazards that may be reasonably expected to occur in all food
handling operations of the food establishment.
c. Identify where, in a food handling operation, each hazard identifed under paragraph (b) can be
controlled and the means of control.
d. Provide for the systematic monitoring of those controls.
e. Provide for appropriate corrective action when that hazard, or each of those hazards, is found not
to be under control.
f. Provide for the regular review of the programme by the food establishment to ensure its
adequacy; and
g. Provide for appropriate records to be made and kept by the food establishment demonstrating action
taken in relation to, or in compliance with, the food safety programme.
3.2 Food Handling and Processing
3.2.1 General requirements for processing food
a. Food establishments must take all practicable measures to process only safe and suitable food.
b. Food establishments when processing food should;
i take all necessary steps to prevent the likelihood of food being contaminated; and
ii where a process step is needed to reduce to safe levels any pathogens that may be present in the
food, use a process step that is reasonably known to achieve the microbiological safety of food.
c. A food establishment, when handling and processing high risk food that will not undergo a
pathogen reduction step, ensure that the time the food remains at temperatures that permit the
growth of infectious or toxigenic bacteria in the food is minimised.
3.2.2 Food Source
A food establishment shall take all practicable measures to ensure it only accepts food that is not
contaminated.Te PIC should provide information, i.e. a specifcation, to suppliers for each ingredient,
where necessary, to ensure the desired safety and quality of those foods and ingredients on delivery. Approved Sources
Food and food ingredients received at a food establishment shall be obtained from sources that are
approved by Food Control Department. Approved food sources are establishments that are licensed to
operate in the United Arab Emirates and are inspected by the respective Emirates Food Control agency.
a. Food establishments should provide, to the reasonable satisfaction of an authorised ofcer upon
request, the following information relating to food, the name and business address of the supplier,
vendor, manufacturer or packer or, the importer.
b. Food establishments that serve raw or lightly cooked (such as raw oysters, sushi, kebeneyah steak
tartar, carpaccio), should obtain detailed information from the supplier on the source and probable
levels of microbial contamination. Relevant records should be maintained as evidence of action.
Safe food starts with reputable and reliable food suppliers who meet food hygiene and safety standards.
Tese suppliers operate in a manner that prevents and controls contamination of foods and ensures the
foods are safe for human consumption
FOOD CODE Unapproved Sources
Food prepared in a private home, unlicensed establishments or any other place, which is not approved
by the Food Control Department, shall not be commercially ofered for human consumption.
3.2.3 Food Receiving
Foods that are imported to the diferent Emirates are inspected by the respective regulatory agencies
at the port and then released to the market. Instructions provided at the time of the release should be
followed by the importing establishment and the release documents should be verifed by the retail
establishments. Food establishments should always verify that their supplies are delivered safely. Inspection of Incoming Food
a. Inspection should be carried out at the time of receipt of food from the supplier to ensure that:
i Food and packaging are free from visible damage, pests and other contaminants; and that they
are protected from contamination;
ii food is in an appropriate condition for intended use;
iii food is accompanied by appropriate documentation;
iv transport is suitable, and approved by concerned food autority.
b. Foods that require temperature control for safety are to be delivered at temperatures stipulated
in section 3.6 of this Code.
c. Food containers and packages should be intact and free from damage.
d. Food items should be properly labelled ingredient listing, date coding etc.
e. If the food is pre-packaged, the time gap between the date of receiving and expiration date should be
sufcient to use the product and avoid wastage of stock.
f. Unacceptable food should be returned and documented.
g. Food products should be quickly moved into storage afer the inspection.
Food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms, chemicals and foreign matters may compromise food
safety. Terefore, food establishment should not accept food known (or suspected) to be contaminated with
these substances.
Most pathogenic bacteria grow and multiply rapidly at temperatures between 5C and 60C. At temperatures
lower than 5C and higher than 60C, bacterial growth slows down or stops. However, there are bacteria that
can grow slowly up to a temperature of -2C and most bacteria can survive cold temperatures and resume
multiplication later when conditions become suitable again. Tis range of temperatures between 5C and
60C is normally called the TEMPERATURE DANGER ZONE. High risk food may be contaminated by
pathogenic bacteria which can multiply to dangerous levels at ambient temperatures. As such, high risk
food should be kept at or below 5C, or at or above 60C during delivery, to prevent growth of these bacteria.
Te temperature of the food may go up during the delivery time, but this time should be as short as possible.

Freezing is a process in which the temperature of a food is reduced below its freezing point and the majority
of the water inside the food undergoes a change in state to form ice crystals. Freezing preserves food
for extended period of time by preventing the growth of micro-organisms that cause food spoilage and
foodborne illnesses. To maintain the quality of frozen food, a temperature of 18C or less is preferred. Product Identifcation
a. All food products received at a food premise should be properly packaged and labelled, according
to requirements outlined by the Food Control Department or any other relevant standard such as
the Gulf Standards.
b. Invoices, receipts, and lot coding information should be retained, to allow tracking of unlabelled
products (such as raw fsh, oyster, carcasses, produce or bakery products) or split lots.
c. In retail food service establishments such as restaurants and catering establishments, if the original
packaging of the food is removed afer receiving, the same production and expiration dates on the
original label should be marked on the new label. Te establishment should have a documented
internal policy for date marking of products that are stored afer the removal of the original
packing. However, the foods that are consumed or heat processed on the same day need not meet
this requirement.
A food establishments should be able to identify the food that they have in the premises in order to facilitate
tracing products in the event of a recall or a food incident. Te information can be obtained from an invoice,
receipt or the packaging of the food when necessary and such documents should be retained for a particular
duration not less than the shelf life of the product. Ingredient inspection and control
a. All ingredients used in food preparation should be inspected prior to their use.
b. Any ingredients that are of-colour, have strange odours, show evidence of pest contamination or
suspected to be contaminated in any other manner should be discarded.
3.2.4 Food Additives
a. Food additives that are banned by the Food Control Department shall not be used.
b. All additives shall be used at a concentration recommended in the relevant product standard. In
the absence of a standard, scientifc validation is necessary.
c. Manufacturers and suppliers of food additives should provide information on safe usage of additives
to the end user.
d. Food handlers who handle additives should be appropriately trained to use additives.
3.2.5 Handling Raw Food
a. Raw and ready-to-eat foods should be kept separate at all times. Contamination of ready to eat foods
should be prevented using methods outlined in section 3.4 of the Code.
b. Fruits and vegetables that are consumed raw should be cleaned and disinfected using a chemical
disinfectant or any other process approved by the Food control Department.
3.2.6 Handling of Chilled and Frozen Food
a. Food establishments shall meet the provisions of section 3.6 of this Code during receiving, storage
and preparation of frozen and chilled foods.
b. Provisions of section 3.3 should be used during preparation and handling of high risk foods
at ambient temperature. It is strongly recommended that areas used for preparation of cold high
risk foods should be maintained at 20C or below to minimise bacterial multiplication.
3.2.7 Tawing
Frozen foods should be thawed quickly in a manner that will prevent the rapid growth of pathogenic
and spoilage bacteria. During the process of thawing, the microbiological count should not exceed the
limits specifed in the relevant product standard.
a. When thawing high risk frozen foods, the warmest portion of the food shall not rise above 5C and
the food should be used within 48 hours from the time of start of thawing.
b. Frozen raw meat, poultry and fsh may be thawed under refrigeration at air temperature of 10C
or less, or under cold running water, as long as the product temperature does not exceed 5C. If the
raw food is not to be cooked/prepared immediately afer thawing, it should be stored below 5C.
Such foods should be cooked within 72 hours from the time of the start of thawing.
c. Frozen raw meat, poultry and fsh when cooked immediately afer thawing, can be thawed using
methods where the thawed portions of the foods are above 5C. Te time period above 5C,
including the time for preparation prior to cooking does not exceed 4 hours. A prior approval from
an authorised ofcer of Food Control Department will be required for this process.
d. Raw meat, fsh or poultry thawed at a temperature that does not exceed 5C can be refrozen for
specifc processes with prior approval from an authorised ofcer of Food Control Department.
Note: Hazards associated with thawing include cross-contamination from drip and growth of micro-
organisms on the outside before the inside has thawed. Tawed meat and poultry products should be
checked frequently to make sure the thawing process is complete before further processing or the processing
time should be increased to take into account the temperature of the meat.
Freezing prevents microbial growth in foods, but will not destroy most microorganisms. Improper thawing
provides an opportunity for surviving bacteria to grow to harmful numbers and/or produce toxins. Complete
thawing of raw food helps to prevent undercooking.
3.2.8 Cooking Raw Foods of Animal Origin
a. Te time and temperature of cooking raw foods of animal origin and food mixtures containing raw
foods of animal origin should be sufcient to reduce any food borne pathogen that may be present
in the food to an acceptable level.
b. Raw foods of animal origin and food mixtures containing raw foods of animal origin shall be
cooked until core temperature is at least 75C or to a time and temperature that would
give an equivalent pathogen reduction. Te nature of the product must be taken into
consideration when defning the equivalent time and temperature requirements
c. Cooking temperature should be checked regularly by inserting a calibrated thermometer into the
slowest heating point, normally the core of a product, and the temperature readings recorded.
To kill microorganisms, food should be held at a required temperatures for specifed times. Diferent species
of microorganisms have varying susceptibilities to heat. As well, food characteristics afect the lethality
of cooking temperatures. Heat penetrates into diferent foods at diferent rates. High fat content in food
reduces the efective lethality of heat. High humidity within the cooking vessel and the moisture content of
food aid thermal destruction. Heating a large roast too quickly with a high oven temperature may char or
dry the outside, creating a layer of insulation that shields the inside from efcient heat penetration. To kill
all pathogens in food, cooking should bring all parts of the food up to the required temperatures for the
correct length of time.
3.2.9 Raw Ready to Eat Foods of Animal Origin
Where animal or sea food is served raw or lightly cooked (such as sushi, raw oysters, steak tartar,
carpaccio, sweets and shakes made from raw eggs etc.), the following measures should be taken:
a. Te food safety programme should identify the risks and both validate and verify the
efectiveness of the control measures implemented to reduce the risk.
b. When raw fsh or meat is served to the consumer, the establishment should have in place control
measures to eliminate parasites and reduce the presence of other pathogens to an acceptable
c. When it is not obvious to the consumer that the food or the ingredient is raw, the menu or the
label on the packaging should clearly state the name of the ingredient and also state that the
ingredient is raw.
d. When packed and sold, the packaging should clearly state the storage and handling requirements
necessary to ensure safety of the food.
3.2.10 Hot Holding
a. Cooked foods to be served hot, shall be held at a temperature of at least 60C.
b. Appropriate hot holding devices should be used to maintain high risk foods at the correct
Note: Surface cooling of hot food can be controlled by keeping hot food covered as much as possible. To
minimise the loss of the organoleptic properties and nutritional quality of the food, it is recommended that
food should be kept at or above 60C for not more than 4 hours.
No pathogenic bacteria multiply in food that is 60C or above.
3.2.11 Cooling afer Cooking
a. Cooked high risk foods intended to be kept under refrigerated storage prior to serving, are to be
cooled from 60C to 20C or less within two hours and then from 19C to 5C or less within 4
hours (total 6 hours).
b. Foods that are cooled this way and stored chilled should be used within 72 hours from the time
of preparation.
Note: Food stays at the danger zone for more than 2 hours during cooling. Rapid cooling prevents
multiplication of bacteria and this is an exceptional situation.
Tere are some ways that can help to cool food rapidly:
reduce the volume of the food by dividing it into smaller portions and / or placing it in shallow
cut large joints of meat and poultry into smaller chunks before cooking; and
When cooling equipment is used, ensure there is space around the food containers so that the cold
air in the refrigerator or cool room can circulate freely.
Temperatures achieved during cooking should be sufcient to destroy vegetative cells of pathogens;
however, some spores are unafected. In some cases, cooking activates spores which may germinate during
subsequent cooling.
Excessive time for cooling of high risk food is one of the key contributing factors to foodborne illnesses.
During extended cooling, foodborne pathogens that may contaminate cooked food or developed from
surviving spores may grow to a sufcient number (and / or produce toxins) to cause illnesses. By reducing
the cooling time, the risk for pathogenic bacteria to grow to a dangerous level (and / or producing toxin)
will be minimised.
If the cooking step prior to cooling is adequate and no recontamination occurs, all but the spore-forming
organisms such as Clostridium Perfringens should be killed or inactivated. However, under poorly monitored
conditions, other pathogens such as Salmonella may be reintroduced. Tus, cooling requirements have been
based on growth characteristics of organisms that grow rapidly under temperature abuse conditions.
Large food items such as roasts, turkeys and large containers of rice, take longer to cool because of the
mass and volume from which heat shall be removed. By reducing the volume of the food in an individual
container, the rate of cooling is dramatically increased and opportunity for pathogen growth is minimised.
Commercial refrigeration equipment is designed to hold cold food temperatures, not cool large masses of food.
3.2.12 Cooling from Room Temperature
When high risk foods are prepared at room temperature and kept under refrigerated storage prior to
serving, they should be cooled from room temperature to 5C or less within 4 hours. Tis includes
those foods whose ingredients were canned or made from reconstituted foods.
3.2.13 Reheating Cooked Foods for Hot Holding
a. Cooked foods that are cooled and stored at 5C and are intended to be held and served hot should
be reheated until it reaches an internal temperature exceeding 75C in a manner that they will pass
through the danger zone (5C to 60C) as quickly as possible. Reheating time should not exceed
1 hour.
Pathogenic bacteria may be present in cooked food due to germination of surviving spores or post-
contamination afer cooking. Tese pathogens can grow during cooling and cold storage. Proper reheating
provides a major degree of assurance that pathogens will be eliminated. It is especially efective in reducing
the numbers of Clostridium Perfringens that may grow in meat, poultry or gravy if these products were
improperly held. Te generation time for C. Perfringens is very short at temperatures just below adequate
hot holding.
Te potential for growth of pathogenic bacteria is greater in reheated foods than in raw foods. Tis is because
spoilage bacteria, which inhibit the growth of pathogens by competition on raw products, are killed during
cooking. Subsequent recontamination will allow pathogens to grow without competition if temperature
abuse occurs.
It should be noted that reheating cannot make high risk food safe if it has not been cooled properly or
protected from contamination. Tis is because some pathogenic bacteria (such as Staphylococcus Aureus)
may continue to multiply and produce heat stable toxins under such circumstances. Reheating such food to
75C cannot destroy the toxins.
Cooked food that has been reheated should not be cooled and reheated for a second time to avoid it from
repeatedly exposed to temperatures that can support the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
3.2.14 Reheating Cooked Food for Immediate Service
a. Cooked foods that are cooled and stored at 5C, can be reheated once only and served, if for
immediate consumption, at any temperature, provided the time the food spent between 5C and
60C does not exceed 2 hours.
b. Reheated cooked foods should not be re-cooled for further use.
Many foods are at risk during preparation and service. As foods are thawed, cooked, held, served, cooled,
and reheated, they pass several times through the temperature danger zone. Te amount of time that cooked
foods are in the danger zone will have an impact on the safety of the product.
3.2.15 Use of Microwave for Cooking or Reheating
Cooked and cooled food reheated in microwave, should be rotated or stirred throughout or midway
during cooking to compensate for uneven distribution of heat, and allowed to stand covered for a
minimum of 2 minutes afer cooking to obtain temperature equilibrium.
Te rapid increase in food temperature resulting from microwave heating does not provide the same
cumulative time and temperature relationship necessary for the destruction of microorganisms as do
conventional cooking methods.
Since cold spots may exist in food cooking in a microwave oven, it is critical to measure the food temperature
at multiple sites when the food is removed from the oven, and then allow the food to stand covered to allow
thermal equalisation and exposure.
3.2.16 Canning
Low-acid canned foods should be cooked to a temperature of 121C for a minimum of 3 minutes
or subject cans to an equivalent process that would ensure the destruction of spores of Clostridium
3.2.17 Use of Non-thermal Processes for Pathogen Reduction
Non-thermal processes can be used in specifc applications intended to minimise organoleptic changes
that are caused by thermal processes.
3.2.18 Controlling Growth of Pathogens with Water Activity and Acid Ingredients
a. Foods that have a water activity of 0.91 or less can be stored without temperature control.
b. Foods that have a pH of less than 4.0 can be stored safely without temperature control.
c. Such processes when used shall be validated and the control measures verifed frequently.
3.3 Time as a Safety Control
High risk foods should be stored under temperature control at all times. However, time can be used as a
safety measure during exceptional situations where temperature control is not possible. However, food
service establishments that routinely hold food before service must use temperature control for safety.
a. High risk hot foods that are intended for immediate consumption shall not be stored, displayed
or held for service at temperatures between 5C and 60C for a period of more than 2 hours. Te
food product shall be discarded afer that time.
b. High risk cold foods that are intended for immediate consumption shall not be stored, displayed
or held for service or display at temperatures between 5C and 60C for a period of more than
4 hours including the time of preparation. Te food item should be discarded afer that time. Afer
preparation, the food should be quickly chilled to 5C before it is displayed.
c. Foods stored without temperature control under section (a) and (b) above should be clearly labelled
with the time of expiration to indicate the time when the food has to be discarded.
Food establishment should keep high risk foods at either 5C or below, or 60C or above, during storage,
display and transportation. However, it is acceptable for high risk food to be kept out of temperature control
(i.e. between 5C and 60C) for a limited time because pathogens (and / or toxin production) need time to
grow to an unsafe level. Te total time is the sum of the time the food is at temperatures between 5C and
60C afer it has been cooked (or processed) to make it safe. It does not include the time taken to cool the
food afer cooking, provided, the food has been rapidly cooled within the required time and temperature.
3.4 Preventing Food and Ingredient Contamination
3.4.1 Preventing Microbial Contamination
a. Access to food preparation areas should be restricted, as much as practically possible, to designated
b. For visitors including management and maintenance staf, all practicable measures should be taken
to ensure that they will not contaminate food when visiting food preparation areas.
c. Where the public has access to food other than raw, unprocessed fruit and vegetables, or food
specifcally served to a customer by a worker of the food premises, the food should be protected from
public handling and contamination by the use of packaging, display cases, or salad bar sneeze
guards (food guards), and be provided with suitable utensils or efective dispensing methods.
d. Food handlers should avoid contact with exposed areas of ready-to-eat foods with their bare hands
and use, as much as practically possible, disposable gloves and clean and disinfected utensils such
as tongs, spatulas, or other food dispensing apparatus.
e. Raw or unprocessed food should be kept separate from ready-to-eat foods.
f. Ready-to eat foods should not be stored below raw animal products or vegetables.
g. During thawing, drips from thawing food should be prevented from contaminating other foods.
h. Raw fruits and vegetables should be, thoroughly washed in potable water to remove soil and other
contaminants, disinfected when necessary, before being cut combined with other ingredients,
cooked, served, or ofered for human consumption in ready-to-eat form. Tis does not apply to
whole raw fruits and vegetables that are intended for washing by the consumer following
point of sale.
i Cleaning and disinfection of food contact surfaces between uses should be carried out as
described in Section 4 of this Code. Food should not come into contact with surfaces of utensils
and equipment that have not been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with procedures described
in this Code.
j. When workers must taste the food, only cleaned and disinfected utensils should be used, and the utensils
should be immediately cleaned and disinfected afer tasting and prior to tasting another food or the same
k. Foods that have been previously purchased and returned to the retailer or food service operation
may not be re-ofered for sale to another consumer.
l. Separately marked or colour Coded cutting boards should be used for the preparation of :
i ready to eat foods
ii raw, ready to eat animal and sea food (e.g.. Fish for Sushi);
ii. raw vegetable foods intended to be cooked;
iii. raw animal foods intended for cooking.
m. Separate, freshly cleaned and disinfected food contact surfaces ( including preparation tables,
cutting boards and knives) should be used for ready-to-eat foods.
n. Equipment with any raw food contamination should never be used for ready to eat food without
being cleaned and disinfected.
o. Food transported in conveyors, elevators or similar means should be protected from contamination.
Te food industry faces the threat that the food it serves may endanger workers or customers. Microbes are
everywhere. Pathogenic microorganisms pose the greatest danger by causing foodborne illnesses. Good
policies and procedures for preventing microbial contamination serve as barriers to these disease-causing
3.4.2 Physical and Chemical Contamination
a. Te operator of a food premise should ensure that food is stored, displayed, prepared and served
in a manner that prevents the food from becoming contaminated.
b. Non-food items such as chemicals, pesticides or any other substance that can harm consumers
must be stored in designated areas away from any food, food equipment or food contact surfaces.
c. Foods may not contain unapproved food additives or food additives in excess of the amounts
stipulated under relevant food standards.
3.4.3 Management of Allergens
a. Food service establishments must declare the most common ingredients known to cause allergenic
reactions when they are present in the food that is prepared or sold in the establishment.
b. Following ingredients are contained in foodwhether as an ingredient, compound ingredient,
food additive or processing aidthey must be declared on the label or the menu, no matter how
small the amount:
i crustaceans and their products (e.g. prawns);
ii peanuts and their products;
iii soybeans and their products;
iv tree nuts and their products;
v sesame seeds and their products;
vi fsh and fsh products;
vii egg and egg products;
viii milk and milk products;
ix gluten and cereals containing gluten (wheat, rye, oats, barley and spelt).
c. If such foods are packaged or re-packaged, the food establishment must list the presence of these
substances in the ingredient list on the label.
d. Where the food is prepared for immediate consumption and is exempt from labelling, the required
allergen information must either be displayed on, or provided to the purchaser upon request.
e. When preparing and storing allergen free food products, cross-contamination should be prevented
i not using the same knives, utensils or chopping board used for foods that are deemed as
ii not using the same cooking equipment (such as deep fryers, grills, sandwich makers);
iii not storing allergen ingredients with or near non-allergen ingredients (such as in the same
refrigerator, storage shelf);
iv not handling allergen free food before washing hands and contact surfaces properly;
f. Retail food service establishments such as restaurants, cafs, cafeterias and cofee shops that ofer
allergen free food shall check all ingredient labels of food products used in the production of food
products for the presence of common food allergens. Handling of such products should be
specifcally included in the food safety programmes.
g. Food establishments that ofer allergen free food should verify the accuracy of the ingredient
declarations on the product labels, and the implementation of suitable prerequisite controls such as
separation and cleaning to prevent allergen contamination.
h. Food service establishment that ofers allergen free food should have at least one competent
person on every shif available to deal with customers who are allergic to certain types of food.
Cross-contamination must be considered in all food establishments. Although a particular food product
does not contain allergens, cross-contamination may occur when processing an allergen-free food product
with or near another food product which does contain an allergen. Customers who are very sensitive can
sufer an allergic reaction even if only a very small amount of an allergen is present.
3.5 Packaging
Food packaging should be of suitable design to provide the necessary protection to the product during
its shelf life.
3.5.1 General Requirements for Packaging Materials
a. Packaging materials should be appropriate for the food to be packed and sufciently durable to
withstand the conditions of processing, storage and transportation.
b. Packaging materials should not pose a threat to the safety of the food to be packed.
c. Packaging materials and design should provide adequate protection for the food to be packed to
minimise contamination and prevent damage.
d. Packaging of food should be carried out under hygienic conditions to protect the food from risks
of contamination.
e. Packaging and wrapping of food should be carried out by staf with appropriate training in food
f. Packaging materials should be stored and handled under hygienic conditions to minimise the risks
of contamination and deterioration.
In addition to prolonging shelf-life, retaining quality and nutritional values as well as providing a water
vapour / gas barrier, packaging is important for preventing food from being contaminated with chemicals,
physical matters and bacteria.
Packaging materials should not endanger the safety and suitability of the food in contact with them. Tey
should be suitable for the food to be packed, non-toxic, durable and clean. Chemicals from packaging
materials should not migrate into the food; and if migration occurs, there should be no known toxic efects
to consumers.
Packaging materials may contaminate food if they are not clean. Tey should thus be kept in their original
packages and stored in clean areas where they are not exposed to risks of contamination.
3.5.2 Protection of Food Content
Food packages should be in good condition and protect the integrity of the contents so that the food
within is not exposed to adulteration, damage or potentially harmful contaminants.
3.5.3 Reduced Oxygen Packing
a. Food establishments that package high risk foods using a reduced oxygen packaging method shall
have measures in place to control the growth and toxin formation of Clostridium Botulinum and
the growth of Listeria Monocytogenes.
b. Packaging materials or atmospheric packaging gases, where used:
i should not cause harm to people exposed to them;
ii should not pose a threat to the safety and suitability of food under the specifed conditions of
storage and use.
3.5.4 Food Containers
a. Te operator of a food establishment should ensure that only food grade containers are used.
b. High-acid foods (pH below 4.6) should not be stored or cooked in containers coated with, made of, or
i lead or lead-based products, including lead-glazed ceramics, china, crystal or pewter;
ii zinc, such as galvanised containers;
iii enamelware, which may chip and expose the underlying metal;
iv copper and copper alloys such as brass; and
v cast iron;
vi aluminum.
c. Cast iron may be used only under the following conditions:
i as a surface for cooking;
ii in utensils for serving food, if the utensils are used only as part of an uninterrupted process
from cooking through service.
3.5.5 Reusable Packaging
Reusable packaging materials should be durable, clean, and be able to withstand disinfection process.
3.5.6 Storage of Packaging Supplies
Packaging supplies should be stored in a way that they are protected from any form of contamination.
3.5.7 Returnables, Cleaning-for-Reflling
a. Except as specifed in (b), returned empty containers intended for cleaning and reflling with food,
should be cleaned, disinfected and reflled only in a regulated food processing plant.
b. Food specifc containers for beverages only may be reflled in a food establishment, if:
i the beverage is not a high risk food;
ii the design of the container, the rinsing described in (iii), and the nature of the beverage, when
considered together, allow for efective cleaning at home or in the food premises;
iii facilities for rinsing the containers with potable hot water under pressure are part of the
dispensing system.

Separating food from non-food items by creating designated storage areas will ensure that accidental
contamination from foreign matter (dirt, broken glass and crockery, and other objects) and toxic chemicals
(cleaning agents, , disinfectants, sanitizers, detergents, pesticides) will be minimised.
Chemical contamination can occur during cooking or storage when certain metals contact high-acid foods.
Potentially toxic metals include lead, copper, brass, zinc coating, antimony, and cadmium. Some foods that
have been involved in metal poisoning are sauerkraut, tomatoes, fruit gelatine, lemonade, fruit punches, and
carbonated beverages.
Damaged or incorrectly applied packaging may allow the entry of foreign matter or other contaminants into
the food. Canned foods should be closely inspected for imperfections or damage, such as punctures, bulging
or seam defects.
3.6 Storage, Transportation and Distribution of Food Products
To ensure continuation of food safety storage and transport facilities need to be designed and managed
to protect food products from potential contamination and damage, and to prevent the growth of
3.6.1 Food Transportation, Storage and Distribution Units
a. Food transportation, storage and distribution units should be designed, constructed, maintained and
used in a manner that permit efective segregation of diferent foods and protects food products
from being contaminated.
b. Where both food and non-food products are transported, stored and distributed together,
procedures should be in place to ensure that food products are not exposed to potential contamination
from non-food products.
c. Food transportation equipment that is intended to be in direct contact with food products shall be
constructed with non-toxic materials, which are easy to maintain and clean. Examples include
stainless steel and food-grade plastic containers.
d. When necessary, cleaning and disinfection should be done between loading food stuf.
e. where appropriate, cargo containers should be marked for, and used for food use only.
f. Food must be transported in vehicles approved by the Food Control Department. Such vehicles
should only be used for transporting foods as specifed in the approval.
g. Food transportation and storage units/equipment must be of suitable capacity and should be
maintained at temperatures that are consistent with requirements of this Code.
h. Equipment units must have accurate and reliable monitoring devices. All such devices should be
calibrated at a pre-determined interval.
i. In transportation, storage and distribution units, foods should be stored of the foor and away
from walls.
3.6.2 Temperature Control during Storage and Transportation
a. All high risk and perishable foods requiring temperature controlled environments to extend their
shelf life or limit microbial growth shall be transported, stored or distributed in equipment that
consistently maintains those temperature controls.
i at or below 5C if cold or at or above 60C if hot ;
ii frozen at -18C if they are intended to be stored frozen;
b. Areas used for the storage of dry food commodities need to be cool, well ventilated with a relative
humidity of 60-65%, to ensure that product quality and safety is not compromised. Temperature of
storage should meet the requirements of the manufacturer when specifed on the product label ( for
e.g.. Infant formula should be stored below 25C).
Temperature control is an efective way to prevent microbial growth and product deterioration. Temperature
abuse during transportation, storage or distribution increases the potential for foodborne illness. Food
starts to deteriorate as soon as the crop is harvested or the animal is slaughtered. Te rate of deterioration
is related to the growth of spoilage bacteria and mould. Hence, food should be stored under the right
environmental conditions (e.g. suitable temperature, humidity, lighting and atmosphere) to minimise the
growth of these micro-organisms and to prevent food from becoming unsafe or unsuitable during the
expected shelf- life. Proper storage preserves and prolongs shelf-life of raw food materials and prevents
them from contamination by food poisoning bacteria, chemicals and foreign bodies that may fnally render
the food materials or products unft for processing or human consumption. Proper storage is one of the
essential steps for preventing food from becoming contaminated.
3.6.3 Handling and Transfer of Foods
a. Food establishment should take necessary steps to inspect foods at the time of receiving to detect
and avoid foods that are unacceptable.
b. Receipt of high risk foods should be monitored to ensure that proper temperatures are maintained
during their transportation, storage and distribution. Products and records should be checked at
the time of receiving and nonconforming products should not be accepted.
c. Food should not be handled or transferred in any way that may cause damage, contamination or
adulteration of the food. Food handlers responsible for loading foods into vehicles, and flling
display chillers and freezers should be familiar with capacity levels and restrictions to loading such
units, volume limits, air fow, temperature range variances, etc., in order to maintain the minimum/
maximum temperature needs of the products being placed therein.
d. While transferring chilled foods, foods should be quickly moved into temperature controlled
storage, to minimise the time in which they are in the danger zone, between 5C and 60C. A
deviation of not more than 5C is allowed for not more than 20 minutes during the transfer of
chilled foods.
e. While receiving and transferring raw frozen foods, the temperature of the food shall not exceed
f. Contaminated or adulterated foods and foods that have been subject to temperature abuse shall be
discarded or disposed of.
g. Damaged food container systems must be thoroughly examined and if the food is contaminated
or adulterated, it shall be discarded or efectively segregated until returned to the supplier or
otherwise disposed of.

Careful inspection of transported food will help to minimise the potential of contamination or deterioration
of the food product. Prompt handling of foods being transported, stored or distributed serves to minimise
the amount of time that perishable foods are in the danger zone for growth of pathogenic organisms.
Minimising the amount of handling also minimises the chance of contamination.
3.6.4 Storage Procedures
a. Rotation of food stocks in storage areas should occur frequently to ensure that the frst-in-frst-
out rule is followed. Food products removed from storage should always be the oldest food stocks
b. Food should be stored in suitable and safe containers and stored covered. If packaged, suitability
of packaging should be ensured.
Food that is kept for a long time is also likely to become spoiled and attract pest infestation. Efective
stock rotation, to ensure that frst-come is used frst, is essential to avoiding spoilage and preventing pest
infestation. In addition, good stock rotation has the advantage of helping to keep the correct levels of stock.
3.6.5 Disposal of Food
Food that has been found or suspected to be unsafe or unsuitable (e.g. food that is subject to recall or
has been returned, temperature abused, contaminated or damaged) shall be rejected or identifed (e.g.
marked, labelled, kept in a separated container or isolated area), kept separately and disposed of as
quickly as possible. It shall never be used for human consumption. Details of rejected items shall be
Food intended for disposal should be kept separate so that it is not accidentally sold or used.
4 Cleaning and Maintenance
Establishment cleaning and maintenance includes the elements of cleaning and disinfection, pest
management, waste management, building and equipment maintenance and the need to monitor
the efectiveness of these elements. Food establishments should ensure that food premises, fxtures,
equipment and utensils are maintained to an acceptable standard of cleanliness, and in a good state of
Buildings, materials, utensils and equipment in a food premises, including waste water and refuse collection
systems present a potential source of contamination of food and food products. Tese areas should be kept
clean, free of pests and maintained in good order.
Equipment, materials and utensils that come into contact with foods, especially raw products (fsh,
meat, vegetables, and poultry) are generally considered to be contaminated by microorganisms. Tese
microorganisms could contaminate other products. For this reason, it is necessary to have well established
programmes in place to ensure that physical structures, including equipment and utensils, are maintained
in a clean and sanitary condition. In order to achieve thorough disinfection, equipment may require
dismantling, cleaning and disinfecting at the end of each day or more frequently to prevent microbiological
4.1 General Requirements Pertaining to Maintenance
a. All parts of the premises, fxtures, fttings and equipment should be maintained at all times in a
state of good repair and working condition to:
i prevent contamination of food by plaster, paint, broken glass or leaking pipes, etc.
ii enable efective cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection;
iii ensure pests cannot gain access to the premises from hollow spaces in ceilings, walls, etc.
iv ensure that the equipment works as intended.
b. Floor surfaces should be maintained in good condition, free of cracks, crevices or other defects.
Tere should be no dips or hollows. Floors should be free from accumulation of food waste, dirt,
grease or other visible obnoxious matter. Tey should be washed with detergents at least once daily.
Hot water or steam may be used for better removal of grease. Coving between foor and wall
junctions should be kept clean, in good repair and be bonded frmly to their positions.
c. Walls of food rooms should be cleaned frequently, daily or more if necessary. Wall surfaces or
ceilings should be clear of unnecessary fttings or decorations such as unnecessary posters or
pictures as far as possible.
d. Junctions between walls, and between walls and ceilings, should be tightly sealed and maintained
in good condition, and free from cracks, crevices, holes or gaps or faking materials. Any holes
or gaps that may allow access of pests to wall and ceiling cavities should be sealed up. False
ceilings should be cleaned to remove accumulation of dust, particles or debris that may fall on to
foods as to cause contamination.
e. Any furniture or equipment, which cannot be moved by one man, should not be placed too near
to any wall inside kitchens or food preparation rooms as to obstruct access to such places for
cleaning. Alternatively, heavy equipment can be installed with wheels to facilitate easy removal for
f. Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils, such as crockery, cutlery and tableware, should
be maintained in a good state of repair and working condition. Tey should be smooth, free of
cracks and crevices, and be kept clean and free from noxious matter.
g. Cutting surfaces such as chopping blocks and cutting boards which are subject to scratching and
scoring should be resurfaced if they become too difcult to be efectively cleaned and disinfected, and
should be discarded if resurfacing is impossible.
h. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment such as cupboards, refrigerators, wet refrigerators, racks,
stoves, cooking ranges and food lifs should kept clean and in good state of repair and working
condition. Tey should be free of unnecessary ledges, projections and crevices; and designed and
constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance.
4.2 Cleaning and Disinfection
4.2.1 General Requirements Pertaining to Cleaning
a. Food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils should be kept clean and free from noxious matters
by regular cleaning and disinfection at a frequency that prevents accumulation of grease deposits,
dirt and other residues, having regard to their use.
b. A food contact surface such as a cutting board used for raw food and ready-to-eat food should
be cleaned and disinfected between each use. If an equipment or an utensil is used continuously at
room temperature for handling high risk foods (e.g. meat slicers), it should be cleaned and
disinfected at least once every 4 hours.
c. Any part of a thermometer, especially the temperature probe that will be inserted into the food
for temperature measurement, should be cleaned and disinfected between use.
d. Non-food contact surfaces should be cleaned at a frequency that prevents accumulation of dirt,
grease and other residues, preferably once a week or more as required.
e. Cleaning has to be carried out in a systematic manner, for example, in sequence from walls,
non-food contact surfaces of equipment such as cupboards, refrigerators, cooking ranges and then
the foors.
4.2.2 Cleaning Facilities
Food establishments should have adequate facilities to enable efective cleaning activities. Tere should
be separate cleaning rooms with proper segregation between cleaned and unclean equipment such that
cross-contamination is prevented.
Accumulation of food waste, dirt and grease, etc. provides food for pests and enables microbial growth, which
are conducive to food contamination. Tis dirt and waste may come from a variety of sources including
food spills, food handlers shoes, linens and food packaging, etc. brought into the premises. Accumulation of
liquid on foors could provide a water source for pests and encourage their presence in the premises. It could
also be a source of microbial contamination. Cracks, crevices or similar defects on walls, foors or ceilings
can harbour pests or become their breeding grounds. Efective, frequent and regular cleaning, disinfection/
sanitising, and maintenance of foors, walls, ceilings and equipment are thus necessary for removal of food
contaminants and prevention of microbial proliferation.
4.2.3 Cleaning and Disinfection Process
a. Cleaning and disinfection of equipment and utensils should be done as separate processes. A food
contact surface needs to be thoroughly cleaned before it is disinfected
b. Afer cleaning, food contact surfaces of equipment and utensils shall be:
i disinfected to a temperature of 82C or equivalent in a dish washing machine;
ii disinfected by immersing in a non-toxic solution containing a disinfecting agent of a type
approved by the Food Control Department; or
iii disinfected using any other method that can reduce the microorganisms to a level which is
neither harmful to health nor the quality and safety of foods.
c. All cleaned and disinfected equipment and utensils should be thoroughly rinsed and dried by
evaporation (air dry);
d. Cleaned and disinfected equipment should be stored in a place and manner that prevents
e. Adequate care must be taken to ensure that water, debris and other materials are not spread to
clean areas when high pressure jets are used;
f. In retail food service establishments:
i separate sinks should be provided for food preparation and equipment washing depending on
the size and extent of activities;
ii all dish-washing activities should be done in sinks within the food premises;
iii wash-up sinks should be cleaned at a frequency that prevents accumulation of grease deposits
and other residues;
iv sinks used for the purpose of washing ready-to-eat foods should be cleaned and disinfected
before use;
v wash-up sinks should not be used for miscellaneous articles;
vi hand washing should not be carried out in sinks that are used for other purposes. Sinks should
be identifed in some ways that they are used for such purpose only, e.g. by putting up a notice
such as For washing food or utensils only or Not to be used for hand washing etc.

Cleaning is a process for the removal of contaminants such as food residues, dirt, grease and bacterial
flm from a surface, which is achieved by the use of water and proper detergent. Utensils and equipment
should be disinfected, either mechanical or manually, afer cleaning to minimise the risk of food becoming
contaminated with micro-organisms when coming into contact with the utensils or equipment.
A bactericidal agent or disinfectant should be applied at the proper concentration, temperature and for the
appropriate length of time to achieve desirable reduction in bacterial level, whose efectiveness is a function
of the time and temperature that the utensils and equipment to be disinfected are exposed to.
Disinfected equipment and utensils shall be handled in a sanitary manner afer disinfection and should be
allowed to dry as quickly as possible as most micro-organisms cannot survive in the absence of water. Drying
by towels or storing on a dirty surface may lead to re-contamination of cleaned and disinfected surface.
4.2.4 Cleaning Chemicals
a. Chemicals used for cleaning and disinfection/sanitising must be suitable for use in food
establishments and be approved by the relevant department of Dubai Municipality. Te
establishment should determine the appropriate cleaning method in consultation with the supplier
of chemical service provider.
b. Detergents used for cleaning food contact surfaces should be appropriate for the task, and be able
to efectively remove food residues on equipment and utensils.
c. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) along with the documents of validation pertaining to the
suitability and efectiveness of the chemical and/or the process of disinfection/sanitising should be
retained in the food establishment at all times.
d. Te documents should include validation data with the following details:
i evidence that the chemicals are suitable for the tasks being carried out;
ii evidence that the chemicals will be efective against pathogens of concern;
iii evidence that the chemical is suitable for use in food establishments.
e. Efectiveness of the cleaning method should be evaluated by the food establishment and
appropriate data should be gathered to validate the method selected and to make adjustments
as needed.
f. Instructions on how to use the agents should always be followed, especially the optimal combination
of the temperature, pH and concentration of the agent. If the instructions are not clear, further
advice should be sought from the supplier.
g. All chemicals should be labelled properly and never decanted into food containers
h. Chemicals should be stored securely and in accordance with the manufacturers recommendation.
i. Te concerned person in the establishment should:
i be trained on the use of the disinfectant;
ii check the temperatures of the water and the disinfectant concentration frequently to ensure
that efective results are occurring. Test kits/strips should be obtained from the supplier and
stored for convenient use near the dishwasher;
iii keep records of disinfectant concentrations.
4.2.5 Cleaning Tools and Equipment
Te design of the cleaning tools and their handling and storage are also important to ensure efective
a. Te design of the cleaning tools must be suitable for efective cleaning with no hiding places for
food residues or bacteria to accumulate.
b. Materials should be suitable to withstand the efect of cleaning chemicals.
c. Brushes made of wood and natural bristles must be avoided and worn out brushes must be
d. Mops with detachable heads that can be washed should be used for cleaning the foor.
e. When high risk food production areas are very close to potentially contaminated raw food areas
such as butchery, produce cleaning area etc., tools should be colour coded to restrict the use of tools
of a certain colour to a specifc area.
f. Cleaning tools should be stored clean and dry afer use in designated areas that facilitates drying.
g. Equipment and mechanical aids such as foor scrubbers and rotating washers should be carefully
chosen so that it is suitable for the use intended.
4.2.6 Cleaning and Disinfection Programme
a. To achieve the appropriate standard of cleanliness, all food establishments should develop a
cleaning / disinfection programme that encompasses all equipment and facilities as well as general
environmental cleaning. Cleaning methods need to be developed that are suitable for the item/
equipment/surface to be cleaned and should describe both the method and frequency of cleaning
specifc areas.
b. Food establishments should conduct an evaluation for each area to decide the cleaning method.
Consideration should be given to potential microbiological risks, i.e. pathogenic and spoilage
microorganisms, and potential chemical and allergen risks.
c. Cleaning programme should be maintained with the due consideration to the following details:
i the size, type and temperature of area to be cleaned, the structure of the building and the wall,
foor and ceiling fnishes and the type of material it is constructed of;
ii the type of soiling and water hardness, water pressure and drainage system;
iii if cleaning is necessary during food preparation, adequate measures to remove or protect food;
iv measures to reduce the risk of spreading contamination, especially when using high pressure
d. Food establishments should maintain a written cleaning programme that specifes:
i what is to be cleaned;
ii chemicals, materials and equipment to be used for cleaning;
iii dilution and contact time of the chemical;
iv method of cleaning ( how);
v frequency of cleaning ( when and how ofen);
vi time necessary to clean it;
vii who has to clean it (name of the person);
viii safety precaution to be taken- protective clothing to be worn;
ix who is responsible for monitoring and recording what has been cleaned.
Te requirement for a written disinfection programme is very similar to the requirement, in this Code, for
management principles to control food hazards. Te objective of the disinfection programme is to provide
reasonable assurance that the food premises is being cleaned and disinfected efectively and consistently.
While the detailed programme described above may do this, the costs of such a detailed programme in
necessary time and resources should be balanced by the benefts. As well, particularly in a smaller food
premises with simple operations, the cleaning and disinfection may be made up of only a few relatively
simple steps. Te complexity of the required written sanitation programme should refect the complexity of
the cleaning and disinfection of the operation.
4.3 Pest Control
a. Food premises should be kept free of pests like rodents, insects, birds and animals.
b. Food premises and surrounding areas should be inspected regularly to look for signs of pest
c. Whenever pests are detected, control actions should be taken promptly to rectify the situation.
d. Pest control activities shall be done by specialist licensed pest control agencies that can carry out
pest inspection and subsequent control work. Tey must only use approved chemicals and
Food premises are easily infested by pests because they provide them with ample food sources and numerous
harbourage places. A pest infestation in a food premises can result in food becoming contaminated by
foreign matter (e.g., insect parts, rodent hair, etc.), pest urine/faeces, and/or pathogenic microbes carried
by pests. Improper handling of food and food debris, accumulation of disused articles and presence of
structural defects render food premises highly susceptible to pest infestations.
Pests will not only pose food safety problems but also transmit diseases to human. Tey can carry pathogenic
organisms to foods physically by their bodies, hair and excreta.
4.4 Prevention and Control of Pest Infestation
To avoid pest infestation in the premises, it is necessary to maintain food establishment at high
standards of hygiene and immediately fx any structural defects. Proofng measures should be adopted
to block the entry of pests. Foods should be properly protected and waste disposed of to remove their
food source.
a. Prevention of Entry of Pests
Particular attention should be given to the following in the prevention and control of pests in food
i Any holes or crevices in ceilings, walls and foors should be sealed by cement or metal plates ;
ii Treshold clearance of doors should be lowered to not more than 6 mm and metal kicking
plates should be afxed at the lower edges of doors and door-frames to prevent entry of rats
and mice;
iii Windows, ventilation openings and doors should be installed with mesh screens. Doors /
screen doors should be self-closing and kept closed at all times;
iv Any missing or damaged gratings of drains should be installed or replaced immediately.
b. Elimination of harbourage for pests
i False ceilings should be avoided in food preparation or storage areas as far as possible;
ii Any defects on walls, foors, ceilings, woodwork and all other parts of the structure of food
premises should be promptly repaired;
iii Disused articles or equipment should be stored in food premises. If accumulation of articles is
unavoidable, they should be moved regularly to eliminate harbourage of pests.
c. Elimination of food sources to pests
i All foods as well as condiments should be covered and stored properly in sealed containers;
ii Floors of food premises should be kept clean and free from food remnants, especially overnight
Preparing food or cleaning utensils is strictly prohibited in the yard or the rear / side lanes;
iii Refuse should be stored in refuse containers with well-ftting covers. Refuse bags should be
tied up before disposal to prevent spilling and attraction of pests. Tey should be cleared at
least once a day, preferably every night to avoid leaving refuse overnight.
d. Eradication of pests
i Places, clothing and equipment contaminated by pests should be cleaned and disinfected as
soon as possible;
ii Pest control devices should be designed and located to efectively control the presence of pests in
a food premises. Insect control devices designed to trap insects by adhesive or devices that
may expel the insects or insect fragments should be installed so that the dead insects or insect
fragments cannot fall onto exposed food or equipment. To be efective, insect traps (sticky
pads or similar devices) should be changed regularly or when loaded with insects;
iii Electric Fly Killers (EFKs) equipped with catch trays can be used to eliminate fying insects in
food premises. Te EFK should be placed at least 1.5m (preferably 4.5 6 M) away from a food
handling area. Only low wall or ceiling mounted type EFKs should be used, and EFKs should
not be directly above food preparation or storage areas;
iv Pest control activities shall be done by specialist pest control agencies licensed and approved
by the concerned Department to operate in Dubai, utilising approved chemicals and methods.
Te food establishment has the primary responsibility to ensure that a competent person
carries out the pest control operation in the premises;
v Rodenticides and insecticides should be applied in such a manner as not to contaminate foods
they should not be applied while food production / preparation is taking place, and all open
foods should be well covered and protected. Where, due to the nature of the food operation
(e.g., 24-hour restaurants) this cannot be adhered to, reliance on physical control methods are
preferred to the use of chemicals especially sprays. Open food should be protected from
vi In the event of pest infestation, any contaminated equipment, utensils and food contact
surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Any food that has been contaminated
by pests or pest control chemicals should be disposed of.
e. Keeping of Records
i Management of food establishment should keep proper records of pest control inspections,
surveys, maintenance and service, etc. in respect of their establishment. Owners/operators
should take note of information the pest control technician may need for follow-up.
ii Documentation should include:
copy of the contract with the pest control agency
the name of the pest control technician responsible
the chemicals used for pest control (with the concentrations applied),
the procedures and methods used
the frequency of application; and
records of inspection and monitoring.
Presence of pests increases the likelihood of contamination of food and may cause signifcant damage to food
establishment. Properly designed and installed pest control devices can be used as a means of eliminating
To ensure that pests are properly, efectively and safely eradicated, the Person in Charge should rely on
approved pest control agencies and emphasise integrated pest management practices that minimise the
reliance on chemical controls (if pest control measures require the application of chemicals). Since
chemicals used to eradicate pests may also be toxic to humans, food should be adequately protected while
these substances are being applied in the food establishment. Food establishments which have become
infested should be thoroughly cleaned to eliminate pest harbourage. Surfaces contaminated by pests
should be cleaned and disinfected to destroy microbial pathogens which might be present and which might
contaminate foods.
Te frst and best line of defence is to prevent entry of pests by proper inspection and maintenance of the
premises. Te second line of defence is to deprive pests of food source by proper storage of food and prompt
removal of refuse, food remnants and spills.
To verify that appropriate pest control measures have been undertaken, all aspects of pest control operations
shall be documented and monitored.
4.5 Use of Chemicals and Toxic Substances
a. Chemicals, cleaning and disinfecting compounds and other toxic substances kept in a food
establishment shall be:
i used in compliance with the manufacturers labelling, directions or specifcations and approved
by the Food Control Department;
ii used only in such a manner and under such conditions that the substances do not contaminate
food, equipment and food contact surfaces, or cause a health hazard.
b. Te chemicals, cleaning and disinfecting compounds and other toxic substances shall be stored:
i in a compartment separate from food, food contact surfaces and utensils;
ii in clearly labelled, non-food containers, which are (where appropriate) lockable.
Special care should be taken when handling dangerous or toxic substances in food premises. Tey should
be used according to manufacturers specifcations, not only to ensure they function as intended but also to
ensure worker safety.
To prevent the adulteration of food products, dangerous or toxic chemicals shall be kept in containers which
are clearly labelled to identify the contents, and stored in areas separate from food and food equipment.
Locked containers or storage facilities can prevent malicious or accidental contamination of food.
5 Personal Hygiene
5.1 Personal Health and Illnesses
a. High standards of personal hygiene should be maintained in all food establishments to ensure that
those who come into contact with food are not likely to contaminate food by:
- maintaining an appropriate degree of personal cleanliness;
- behaving and operating in an appropriate manner.
b. All food handlers should be in good health, have good eyesight and be able to read, especially if
they are responsible for checking thermometers, instructions on labels, date coding etc.
c. Food handlers should undergo medical ftness tests conducted by the concerned government
authority and retain relevant occupational health cards indicating such.
d. All staf engaged in food handling must:
i be free from any symptoms of illnesses or communicable diseases such as diarrhoea, vomiting,
fever, sore throat, abdominal pain and jaundice;
ii not be carriers of food-borne diseases e.g. typhoid/paratyphoid, cholera, hepatitis type A; and
iii not be sufering from discharging wounds or sores on any exposed part of their bodies; or from
discharge from their ears, eyes or noses.
e. A food handler should be instructed in writing to report to the person in charge if they are sufering
from a communicable disease in the following situations:
i they have any symptoms associated with an acute gastro-intestinal illness, such as diarrhoea,
fever, vomiting;
ii they are suspected of causing or being exposed to a confrmed communicable disease outbreak;
iii they live in the same household as a person who is diagnosed with a communicable disease.
f. If a food handler is sufering from an illness or communicable disease, the Person in Charge is
responsible for ensuring appropriate action is taken. Tis may include excluding the individual
from activities that involve the handling of food or food contact surfaces, food utensils and
equipment, or authorising the individuals absence from the work place.
g. When returning to work afer medical leave or illness, food handlers should have written clearance
from the treating physician, particularly in the case of diagnosed, reportable communicable
h. Food handlers sufering from any food borne illness should not return to work until 48 hours afer
the disease symptoms have completely cleared and they have fnished using any medication.
5.2 Injuries
a. Food handlers with open infected lesions, cuts wounds on their bodies must not be allowed to handle
food or to come into contact with food utensils, equipment and food contact surfaces.
b. Food handlers with clean cuts / wounds can work if the cuts are completely protected by brightly
coloured, waterproof dressings that can be spotted easily if fallen in to the food.
Several types of communicable diseases can be transmitted by consumption of food. Food handlers
should eliminate the opportunity for pathogenic micro-organisms being transferred to food and spread to
Food handlers can carry communicable diseases, especially if they themselves have been infected or are in
contact with persons or objects that may carry the harmful microbes of those diseases. Consequently, food
handlers may spread these diseases throughout the food premises if they do not maintain an appropriate
level of personal hygiene and avoid habits that may contaminate food.
Some food poisoning bacteria are commonly found on open wounds or cuts of their bodies. Illnesses may
be spread to consumers if food handlers sufering from illnesses or with open wounds are allowed to take
part in food activities.
5.3 Personal Hygiene Practices
a. Food handlers should maintain high levels of personal hygiene at all times.
b. In the course of handling food and for any person entering a food preparation or storage area, hair
should be covered with a clean hat or hair net. Where required, beards should be completely
covered with beard nets.
c. While in food handling area, food handlers should not wear watches, or jewellery which may
easily become detached (e.g. earrings).
d. Only clean and preferably light coloured outer clothing or protective overalls should be worn by
food handlers. If they become soiled during food preparation, they should be changed or cleaned
as necessary. Food handlers should have at least 4 sets of uniforms to ensure that they can change
to clean uniforms when necessary.
e. Hand hygiene is an important step to prevent spread of foodborne illnesses.
i Hands of food handlers should be kept clean at all times. Nails should be kept short and free of
nail varnish
ii Food handlers shall wash their hands-
before commencing work
before handling food
afer visiting the toilet
afer putting on or changing a wound dressing
afer dealing with an ill colleague or customer
afer coming into contact with pests or their faeces
afer handling contaminated raw foods of animal or plant origin
afer handling soiled equipment or utensils
afer coughing, sneezing, smoking, eating, drinking or blowing nose
afer handling animals or waste
afer engaging in any activities that may contaminate hands (e.g. handling money, carrying
out cleaning duties, etc.); or
afer returning from a break.
iii hand washing must be frequent, thorough and performed in wash hand basins;
iv wearing gloves should not be an alternative to proper handwashing.
5.4 Personal Habits
a. Inside food preparation areas, food handlers should refrain from performing the following
behaviours/habits which may result in contamination of food:
i smoking or using tobacco and spitting;
ii chewing, eating, sneezing or coughing over unprotected food or food contact surfaces;
iii touching ready-to-eat food with bare hands;
iv sitting, lying or standing on any surface liable to come into contact with food;
v tasting food with fngers; and;
vi touching hair or other parts of bodies such as noses, eyes or ears
vii dining inside food preparation area.
Pathogens are commonly found on the skin and in the noses of healthy people. Scratching the head and
nose can result in bacteria being transferred by hands onto food, which may cause illnesses to customers.
Smoking in food rooms may cause food contamination by cigarette ends, ash or hands.
Prevention of foodborne illnesses should begin with good personal hygiene practices by food handlers in
both personal cleanliness and habits to prevent contamination of food by pathogens.
5.5 Visitors
Any visitor to a food preparation area should be appropriately dressed and should observe the same
hygiene as food handlers, including hand washing and hair restraint policies. Tey should refrain from
coming into proximity or contact with food and food equipment, and from any activities that could
contaminate food.
6 Training of Food Handlers
6.1 Role of the Person in Charge
Te Person in Charge in a food establishment should ensure that all food handlers are trained to a level
of food hygiene training appropriate to the type of work they undertake. Afer successful completion of
the formal training programme, the food handlers should be competent and capable of demonstrating
the skills at work.
6.2 Training programme
Food establishments should maintain a documented training plan for all employees based on their
training needs. Training programme should be based on the level of food safety risk in the food
premises, as listed below.
a. All food handlers must be formally trained on food safety. Where necessary, staf who are not
directly involved in food preparation, but are involved in managing food related services (such as
a person handling the bufet counter, food delivery etc.), should also be formally trained.
b. Food handlers should be trained in food safety to a level appropriate to the job they perform.
Such trainings should also be based on the level of food safety risk in the food establishment.
Factors for assessing the level of food safety risk include:
i the nature of food produced or manufactured in the establishment;
ii the manner in which food is handled or served;
iii the type of menu items or the complexity of the processes used (i.e., prepared-from-scratch
menu items versus preparation or reheating of pre-packaged, ready-to-eat foods; and
iv the number of meals served daily, the size of establishment, and the type of customers the food
is catered to (i.e., higher risk populations).
c. Formal food safety training should be obtained from a trainer approved by the Department.
d. Te management of food establishment should promote food safety training to employers/
food handlers by conducting on-going in-house courses for them or arranging them to participate
in courses.
e. Periodic assessment of the efectiveness of training and instruction programme should be made
by the PIC.
f. Te PIC must maintain records indicating those employees who have been trained and their
relevant particulars.
6.3 Continuing Educational Training
a. Every food establishment should promote food safety education through ongoing training, which
may include additional classroom instruction, on-the-job training, food safety certifcation from a
recognised programme of instruction, seminars, and employee meetings.
b. Food handlers should participate in a refresher or updating course afer one year of training or,
shall be retrained if deterioration in food handling practices is noticed.
c. Te PIC shall provide evidence of continuous learning and refresher training appropriate to the
level of food safety risk in the business.

Studies have demonstrated that the quality of food handling techniques improves for the six months following
a formalised training programme. However, afer that period, food handling practices can deteriorate to
pre-education levels. It is recognised that inspections by a regulatory authority or by an internal inspecting
body can help alleviate the problem, by re-emphasising the principles of good food handling practices.
However, food safety is too important to rely solely upon monitoring and auditing conducted by the
regulatory authority. Te food industry should take responsibility for adequately preparing food handlers to
fulfl their job requirements, and to signifcantly contribute to a safe food industry.
7 Provisions Applicable to Sale, Import and Export of Food
7.1 Registration and Approvals
a. Prior to importing or exporting food, food establishment shall register in:
i Dubai Municipalitys e-Government system;
ii Food Import and Re-export System (FIRS) of the Food Control Department.
b. Prior to the importation of any food item, the food establishment should ensure that labelling on
the food item is approved using FIRS.
c. All imported or re-exported food items should be individually registered in the FIRS System.
7.2 Sourcing Food
a. Food establishments must ensure that food and materials that come in contact with food imported to
Dubai are:
i obtained or procured from sources that are regulated by the relevant food authority at the
country of origin;
ii produced under sanitary conditions in an establishment regulated by the relevant food
authority at the country of origin.
b. Food and food contact materials imported to Dubai must comply with the UAE standards,
especially those pertaining to labelling, shelf life, and the relevant requirements of this Code and
associated guidelines.
7.3 Food Inspection and Document Verifcation
All imported food products and food contact materials are inspected by the Food Control Department
at the port of entry. Authorised ofcers verify the document and collect samples for laboratory analysis
when necessary to ensure their compliance to relevant standards and regulations.
a. At the port of entry, importers of food must submit the Health Certifcates for each consignment
of food that clearly state:
i the quantities and description of imported food items;
ii that the imported products are produced or manufactured according to the requirements of
Dubai Municipality in an establishment that is licensed and supervised by the competent food
authority at the country of origin.
b. Consignments of raw meat and poultry shall be accompanied with Halal Slaughtering Certifcates.
Halal Slaughtering Certifcates are valid only if they are issued at the country of origin by an
Islamic Society approved by the Government of UAE.
c. Halal Certifcates are required for the following products:
i all processed meat products produced from animals that are Halal;
ii foods that contain meat or poultry products or ingredients of animal origin (e.g.. gelatin)
with the exception of seafood.
d. Te food establishment should ensure that additional requirements and supporting documents
and / or laboratory analytical reports may be required for the import of specifc food products
when applying for import permit.
e. Food contact materials should be accompanied by certifcates issued by a competent laboratory
indicating that the materials are food grade.
Further information is provided in the 2013 edition of the Guideline Import and Re-Export
Requirements for Foodstufs issued by the Food Control Department.
Operators of food establishments should ensure that all the information pertaining to a food product is
collected prior to importation. Te information should include the nature and type of the product, handling
requirements, shelf life, labelling etc. Tis information will help the importer to prepare the necessary
documents that have to presented at the port of entry.
Prior approval of the labels through the FIRS will help to make necessary changes in the label if required.
Tis will be useful to eliminate unnecessary delay in the release of the consignment or even avoid possible
rejection in the case of a serious violation of the requirements.
8 Miscellaneous
8.1 Food Labelling
a. Food establishments should not import, sell, consign or deliver any pre-packed food
item if the package on the food does not bear a label containing all the information required
by Food Control Department.
b. Unless otherwise exempted by the Department, the package should bear a label that
is printed on or securely attached in a prominent and conspicuous position to the package,
containing such particulars, statements, the required information in Arabic.
c. Pictorial, or other descriptive matter appearing on or attached to, or supplied along with or
displayed on the food or the packaging of the food, shall not include any false or misleading
statement, word, brand, picture, or mark purporting to indicate the nature, stability, quantity, strength,
purity, composition, weight, origin, age, efects, or proportion of the food or any ingredients thereof.
d. Illegal or unauthorised nomenclature, terminology, coding, pictorial shall not be used on the
packaging. Tis includes but are not limited to:
i any words, expressions, or pictures which are ofensive to any religion or to any religious
ii any photos, pictures, expression or words which imply any immoral impressions
iii any words or expressions which are ofensive to the traditions and values of the country or its
iv religious symbols.
e. Commercially manufactured pre-packaged food items sold as individual units should bear or
have embossed or impressed on the label or elsewhere of the package, a date mark with the
production and expiration dates, in the manner specifed and approved by the Food Control
f. Date marking on the original packaging should not be removed, erased, altered, obscured,
superimposed or in any way tampered with.
g. Where the validity of the date mark of any pre-packaged food is dependent on its storage, the
storage requirement of that food should also be stated on its label or package.
h. In food service establishments, refrigerated ready-to-eat high risk foods, prepared and held for
more than 6 hours, should be marked with the expiration time or date.
i. Where necessary, instructions for use afer opening the original packaging should be provided. E.g.
Store chilled afer opening and consume within three days.
j. For those pre-packaged foods that are intended to be eaten cooked, the following requirements
i instructions for use are required on the food label when it would be impossible to make
appropriate use of the food in the absence of such instructions;
ii instructions for use should be indicated in such a way as to enable appropriate use to be made
thereof. E.g. where cooking is required then cooking instructions must be provided. If the
product is frozen, the cooking instructions should indicate if cooking should be from frozen
or thawed prior to cooking;
iii where cooking or reheating instructions are included, they should be validated by the producer
or manufacturer to ensure the pathogen(s) of concern will be destroyed and the product is safe
to consume. Tis validation study should take into consideration whether the products will be
cooked/reheated from frozen or thawed prior to cooking. Tese instructions, e.g. cook from
frozen or thaw prior to consumption should also be included on the label.
8.2 Product Shelf Life
a. Te food establishment is responsible for determining the shelf-life of food products under
defned conditions, which should take into account reasonably foreseen conditions of distribution,
storage and use.
b. For those products for which the shelf-life is mandated by the Food Control Department, the shelf-
life should not exceed the time specifed by the Department.
c. In food service establishments such as restaurants, shelf-life of high risk or perishable foods
prepared as per the process outlined in section 3 of this Code do not require validation if stored
for three days or less. However, food establishments should , as a part of the review of the food
safety program, periodically verify the efectiveness of control measures and the stability and
suitability of the product during the shelf-life.
d. Food manufacturers, and establishments such as bakeries, catering companies and departmental
stores that prepare and distribute pre-packaged high risk or perishable foods should validate the
shelf-life and obtain shelf life approval from the Food Control Department prior to the label
approval process.
e. While determining the shelf life, the food establishment should take account of the following:
i controls on suppliers assuring raw material quality;
ii analysis of trends in results of microbiological testing of raw materials and fnal products;
iii analysis of trends in results of microbiological testing of the process environment and
iv hygiene controls applied in the process environment;
v well established industry standards;
vi rate of microbiological spoilage and maintenance of organoleptic quality under foreseen
conditions of storage and use.
g. Pre-packaged foods that are prone to rapid deterioration afer the original packaging is removed
(such as canned foods, juice bottles etc.) should be used as per the recommendation of the
h. Shelf life of raw cereals, pulses and dry foods depend on the raw materials, storage and handling.
Such products are exempted from the requirement for validation. However, such foods should be
handled and stored in a appropriate manner.

Note: Validation study should take into consideration the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the product
that afect shelf-life. Intrinsic properties are those properties that are an inherent part of the food product
such as pH and water activity. Extrinsic properties are the properties of the environment in which the food
is stored such as temperature and atmosphere.

No food can be kept indefnitely. In the case of high risk products, shelf life could have a signifcant impact on
the safety of the product. Product shelf lives should be established by taking into account of the production
environment, packaging and storage conditions ,and the handling of the product.
Te identifcation of the pathogens associated with raw materials and the production environment is critical
for the accurate determination of a safe shelf-life. It is important to note that deviations from normal
conditions, such as high levels of initial contamination in raw materials or elevated temperatures during
storage or transport will impact on the safety of the product during its shelf-life.
8.3 Product Menu in Food Service Establishments
a. Food service establishments such as restaurants and cafeteria shall have product menu printed
both in Arabic and English. Foods with allergens or Non-Halal ingredients shall be clearly identifed
in the menu.
b. Food service establishments such as restaurants and cafeteria shall provide all information about
the product when requested by the customer.
8.4 Filtration and Disinfection Facilities for Fish Tank Water
a. Water used for keeping marine live fsh or shellfsh intended for human consumption should be
fltered and disinfected by fltration and disinfection facilities. Tese facilities should be maintained
in good working order at all times.
b. Te fltration / disinfection system should be a closed loop system capable of providing continuous
fltration and disinfection action.
c. Dedicated staf should be assigned to take care of the cleaning and maintenance of the whole
d. Fish tank water should be changed regularly to remove harmful substances produced by the stock
afer a period of time.
8.5 Single-Use Items
When using single-use items (non-reusable) such as instrument, apparatus, utensil or any other such
thing for handling of food, such as drinking straws, disposable eating and drinking utensils, disposable
food containers and disposable gloves, etc.;
a. Such items should be properly protected from risk of contamination by storing inside
dust and pest proof containers or cupboards until they are used, and should be discarded if they
are contaminated. Tey should not be re-used for any other purpose that will make them come
into contact with any food or the mouth of a person;
b. If gloves are used for handling food,
i hands must be washed properly before wearing gloves;
ii only disposable gloves shall be used, which shall be used for only one task, e.g. for either
handling ready-to-eat food or raw food, and for no other purpose;
iii the same disposable gloves should never be used to handle raw food and then ready-to-eat
iv they should be discarded if damaged, soiled, or when interruptions occur in the operation.
Note: Gloves are not an alternative for proper handwashing.
Single-use items are not manufactured to permit efective cleaning and disinfecting. If these items are
reused, food coming into contact with these items may become contaminated. Use of the same disposable
gloves for handling raw and ready-to-eat food easily leads to cross-contamination.
8.6 Prohibition of Animals
Live birds, pets or animals, such as dogs and cats, except live seafood are not allowed to be kept or
present in food service establishments and in food establishments that are not legally authorised to
handle such animals or birds.
8.7 Procedures for Handling Non-Halal Food
Halal is an Arabic word meaning allowed or lawful. Muslims are permitted to consume only
Halal food. Food is considered Halal if it does not comprise of Haram (prohibited) items, or is not
contaminated with Haram items, or if it is not prepared as prescribed.
Refer to the Halal Food Guidelines of Dubai Municipality for further information.
8.7.1 Requirements for Imports, Purchase and Sale of Non-Halal Food
a. Non-Halal products shall not be imported, exported, processed or sold without obtaining a prior
permit from the Food Control Department.
b. Te food label on packaged Non-Halal products shall clearly and visibly state the ingredients in
Arabic and English Languages. Te label shall state clearly that it is a Non-Halal product.
c. Non-Halal products shall not be mixed with Halal foods or other foods intended for consumption
by Muslims during transportation, storage, preparation, or display.
d. Te importer/trader has the primary responsibility to ensure that Halal products or other foods
are not mixed with Non-Halal products or any other doubtful ingredients.
e. Te importer/trader should ensure that Non-Halal Products are sold ONLY to food establishments
that have prior permit for the sale of Non-Halal foods.
8.7.2 Requirements for Storage of Non-Halal Food
a. Refrigerated and frozen Non-Halal food shall be stored in designated refrigerators or freezers.
b. Non-Halal products shall be stored in separate, cabinets, bins, and storage vessels to prevent
contamination with other food.
c. Items that are dry shall be stored in sealed containers. Liquids or wet items should be stored in
leak proof containers, which prevent other liquids from accidentally mixing with them.
d. Containers shall be clearly labelled to prevent confusion or contamination. For example in the
case of pork products, it is preferable to have the items colour Coded and marked pork.
8.7.3 Requirements for Preparation of Non-Halal Food
a. A complete physical separation shall be provided for the area where Non-Halal foods are
displayed or sold.
b. Non-Halal foods shall not come into contact with surfaces of utensils and equipment that are
used for other food products.
c. Te equipments and utensils shall be designated for Non-Halal foods preparation and no other
meals should be prepared on this equipment.
d. Separate, colour coded cutting boards and knives shall be used for Non Halal foods .
e. Non-Halal foods products shall be cooked on/in designated ovens .
f. Warmers for Non-Halal foods shall not be used for other foods.
g. Plates, utensils and equipments used for Non Halal foods shall be washed separately, preferably
in a separate dish-washing machine. It is advisable to use disposable plates if possible.
h. Access to Non-Halal foods preparation area shall be restricted, as much as practically possible, to
designated food handlers.
i Food handlers can contaminate food in a number of ways, food handlers shall not
handle Non-Halal and Halal food items at the same time. Hands shall be thoroughly washed
before working or touching other food items or ingredients.
j. Non-Halal foods shall not be prepared nor stored in areas that are designated for other products.
k. Where pork products are handled, a sign board shall be placed in both English and Arabic
language stating Pork products only. Te signage should be clearly visible to food handlers.
8.7.4 Serving Non Halal Foods in Restaurants
a. Food business operator has the primary responsibility to inform the customer that the restaurant
serves Non-Halal foods. Menu card shall indicate this clearly on the frst page.
b. Menu card in restaurants shall clearly identify any product that has Non-Halal foods. Such food
items should not be put along with names of other foods.
c. Any food that contains Non-Halal foods shall not be served along with other food. Separate serving
utensils and equipments should be used.
d. In bufet, area that serves Non-Halal foods shall be clearly separated from other areas.
e. In display, all products shall be clearly labelled in Arabic and English.

Note: Preparation of pork is allowed in 5 Star hotels and Clubs with prior approval.
8.7.5 Sale of Pork Products
a. A departmental store or supermarket will be allowed to display and sell pork products afer prior
approval from the food control department of Dubai Municipality.
b. Pork products can be sold in a departmental store or supermarket with an area not less than 2500
square feet.
c. Space provided for pork products should be adequate and based on the extent of activity.
d. Preparation and storage facilities shall be provided as per the requirements mentioned in the Code.
e. If there is butchery for handling pork products, it shall be separate and equipped with all necessary
f. Departmental stores and Supermarkets must have a designated person to handle pork products,
and a separate cash counter to sell such products.
g. Te authorised ofcer from Food Control Department shall verify the layout of the store or the
supermarket and provide the approval if the establishment satisfactorily meets all the requirements.

8.8 Product Traceability and Recall
a. A system to ensure traceability of food and any other substance intended to be or expected to be
incorporated into a food should be established at all stages of food importation, production,
processing and distribution.
b. All food items imported, sold, consigned or delivered in to the Emirate of Dubai must be registered
with the Food Control Department.
c. Food establishments shall be able to identify any person/establishment that has supplied them
with, or any substance intended to be, or expected to be, incorporated into food or packaging
material. To this end, establishments should have in place documented systems and procedures
which allow for this information to be made available to the Food Control Department if required.
d. Food manufacturers should have a system to identify and trace product lots and follow this
through all raw materials (including ingredients, all types of packaging materials and processing
aids), all stages of processing and distribution of the fnished product to the customers in a timely
e. Food establishments shall have in place documented systems and procedures to identify businesses
to which their products have been supplied. Tis information should be made available to the Food
Control Department when required.
f. Food which is placed on the market or is likely to be placed on the market in the community
shall be adequately labelled or identifed to facilitate its traceability, through relevant documentation
or information in accordance with these regulations.
g. Food manufacturers, importers and distributors shall promptly withdraw or recall food products
they import, produce or distribute to other establishments if such foods are found to be unacceptable,
unsafe or adulterated, or do not conform to the Islamic law or the traditions and norms in the
United Arab Emirates.
h. Food manufacturers, importers and distributors shall promptly recall foods if the Food Control
Department or other concerned authorities issue a memorandum or a decree to recall specifc food
form Dubai markets.
i Food establishments should notify the Food Control Department in the event of a withdrawal
or a recall. Consumers should be notifed if the product has entered the market and has reached the
8.9 Customer Complaint Handling
a. Te food establishment should have a customer complaint handling system that gives guidance on
how to respond, investigate and take preventive action when there is a food related complaint.
b. All food related complaints which include product related complaints and complaints pertaining
to suspected foodborne illnesses should be logged in the complaints record.
c. Complaints must be investigated promptly and efciently, and the details of investigation and
corrective action must be retained for a period of at least one year.
d. Food establishment operator must contact the Food Control Department immediately if:
i an outbreak of foodborne disease is suspected;
ii if the complainant is injured or critically ill.

Note: A foodborne-disease outbreak is defned as an incident in which two or more persons experience a
similar illness resulting from the ingestion of a common food.
8.10 Power Outage
Appropriate decision making before, during and immediately afer a power outage is necessary to
ensure food safety. It is recommended that food establishments develop a power outage plan before the
need arises. Te following are recommendations that apply to food safety during an extended power
a. High risk and perishable foods, if subject to a temperature of more than 5
C for more than 2 hours,
should be discarded.
b. Frozen foods should be discarded or used immediately if there are any signs of thawing.
c. Preparation and cooking activities must be discontinued until the time power is restored.
Partially cooked foods should be discarded.
Note: Do not open the doors of chillers and freezers unnecessarily during a power outage. Food
establishments should also refrain from putting hot foods into the chiller or freezer as this will raise the
temperature of the food inside the equipment.
8.11 Use of Wood in Food Premises
a. Hard maple or an equivalently hard, close-grained wood may be used for cutting boards, cutting
blocks, bakers tables; and utensils such as rolling pins, doughnut dowels, salad bowls, and
chopsticks. Such equipment should be suitable for contact with food, disinfection, and be
maintained well.
b. Wooden pallets should be handled and stored in a way that it poses no threat to the safety of the
food. When wooden pallets are used:
i the food safety programme should include a wood use policy that clearly states where wooden
pallets will be used;
ii an efective documented verifcation practice must be in place to ensure that the pallets are clean
and free of damage and pests.

Note: Both wooden and plastic pallets should be clean and free of damage. Chipping of wood can lead to
contamination of food and measures should be in place to ensure that equipment are maintained well.
Te limited acceptance of wood as a food contact surface is determined by the nature of the food and the
type of wood used. Moist foods may cause the wood surface to deteriorate and the surface may become
difcult to clean. In addition, wood that is treated with certain preservatives may lead to illness due to the
migration of the preservative chemicals in the wood, into the food.
8.12 Use of Linens and Other Accessories
Linens such as wiping towels, table cloths, aprons, clothing, uniforms, etc. may be used in food premises.
Tey should be of light-colour, kept clean and in a hygienic condition.
a. Cleanliness
i clean linens should be free from food residues or other soiling matters. Tey should be washed
if they become wet, sticky or soiled; and
ii linens should be cleaned and disinfected as ofen as necessary. Tis may be achieved by a hot
wash in a commercial washing machine, by immersing in boiling water for not less than one
minute or by using a disinfection agent approved by the Food Control Department.
b. Sole Use of Linens
Linens should be used for one single purpose only. For example, wiping towels used for wiping food
spills on table surfaces should not be used for any other purpose such as for polishing dried utensils or
wiping raw animal foods.
c. Wiping Towels
Use of cloths for drying of food contact surfaces of equipment is not recommended as the cloth
is likely to contain bacteria or contaminants that would be transmitted to the equipment during the
drying process. Food contact surfaces should be air dried. Dry clothes or disposable paper towels
may be used for polishing dried utensils.
d. Protective clothing, including aprons and uniforms
Aprons, clothing and uniforms should be clean and ft to wear. Buttons should preferably be
avoided for those who directly handle food to prevent them from falling into food. Protective
clothing should be washed at least once a day, or when it becomes soiled or sticky.
e. Table Cloths
Table cloths should be cleaned afer each use as they have been in contact with food remnants and
f. Menu cards
Menu cards that come in contact with hands, food remnants and debris should be kept clean at all
g. Storage of Soiled Linens
Soiled linens should be kept in suitable receptacles or laundry bags away from food preparation
areas to prevent contamination of food, food contact surfaces, food equipment and utensils.
Linens are likely to contain foreign substances such as hair, dirt and micro-organisms, all of which would
contaminate food and equipment. It should not be allowed to come into contact with food or food
equipment / utensils unless thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Napkins and menu cards for customers
may help transmit diseases from person to person, unless adequately cleaned and disinfected afer each use.
A. Documents and Records for Food Establishments
Te following documents shall be maintained in all food establishments if relevant to their activity.
Records should be kept in a special folder and should be made available to the Food Inspection Ofcer
or any Authorised Ofcial from the Food Control Department upon request.
1. Food Inspection book
2. PIC Handbook
3. Copy of the trade licence
4. Layout of the food establishment that has been approved by the Food Control Department
5. Occupational health cards for the food handlers issued by Dubai Municipality.
6. Certifcation of successful completion of food safety training
7. Certifcate of Person in Charge
8. Original contract with a pest control company and record of visits
9. Grease trap cleaning contract
10. Cleaning Programme
11. Supplier/Source details
12. Time and temperature records for:
i receiving and storage of high risk foods;
ii verifcation of cooking temperature;
iii verifcation of hot and cold holding temperature;
iv time control records when time is used as a control.
13. Appropriate internal or external calibration records for those equipment or measuring devices
in which the accuracy of the measurements could afect food safety
14. Sick food handler reports and employee sick leave records
15. Copies of food transportation vehicle permits when necessary
16. A copy of water tank cleaning contract
17. Complaint record
18. Recall form
B. External Links
1. Dubai Municipality
2. Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA)
3. Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC)
Food Control Department
April 2013
Food Control Department
April 2013

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