Quiz - Special Senses

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Quiz Special Senses

1. Accessory glands that produce an oily secretion are

a. conjunctiva
b. lacrimal glands
c. tarsal glands.
2. The portion of the fibrous layer that is white and
opaque is the
a. choroid
b. cornea
c. retina
d. sclera.
3. Which sequence best describes a normal route for the
flow of tears from the eyes into the nasal cavity?
a. lacrimal canaliculi, lacrimal sacs,
nasolacrimal ducts
b. lacrimal ducts, lacrimal canaliculi,
nasolacrimal ducts
c. nasolacrimal ducts, lacrimal canaliculi,
lacrimal sacs.
4. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system causes
a. contraction of the sphincter pupillae
b. contraction of the dilator pupillae
c. contraction of the ciliary muscles
d. a decrease in ciliary zonule tension.
5. Damage to the medial recti muscles would probably
a. accommodation
b. refraction
c. convergence
d. pupil constriction.
6. The phenomenon of dark adaptation is best explained
by the fact that
a. rhodopsin does not function in dim light
b. rhodopsin breakdown occurs slowly
c. rods exposed to intense light need time
to generate rhodopsin
d. cones are stimulated to function by
bright light.
7. Blockage of the scleral venous sinus might result in
a. a sty
b. glaucoma
c. conjunctivitis
d. a cataract.
8. Nearsightedness is more properly called
a. myopia
b. hyperopia
c. presbyopia
d. emmetropia.
9. Of the neurons in the retina, the axons of which of
these form the optic nerve?
a. bipolar cells
b. ganglion cells
c. cone cells
d. horizontal cells.
10. Which sequence of reactions occurs when a person
looks at a distant object?
a. pupils constrict, ciliary zonule (suspensory
ligament) relaxes, lenses become less convex
b. pupils dilate, ciliary zonule becomes taut, lenses
become less convex
c. pupils dilate, ciliary zonule becomes taut, lenses
become more convex
d. pupils constrict, ciliary zonule relaxes, lenses
become more convex.
11. During embryonic development, the lens of the eye
a. as part of the choroid coat
b. from the surface ectoderm overlying the
optic cup
c. as part of the sclera,
d. from mesodermal tissue.
12. The blind spot of the eye is
a. where more rods than cones are found
b. where the macula lutea is located
c. where only conesoccur
d. where the optic nerve leaves the eye.
13. Olfactory tract damage would probably affect your
ability to
a. see
b. hear
c. feel pain
d. smell.
14. Sensory impulses transmitted over the facial,
glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves are involved in the
sensation of
a. taste
b. touch
c. equilibrium
d. smell.
15. Taste buds are found on the
a. anterior part of the tongue,
b. posterior part of the tongue,
c. palate,
d. all of these.
16. Gustatory epithelial cells are stimulated by
a. movement of otoliths,
b. stretch,
c. substances in solution,
d. photons of light.
17. Cells in the olfactory bulb that act as local
integrators of olfactory inputs are the
a. hair cells,
b. amacrine granule cells,
c. olfactory stem cells,
d. mitral cells,
e. supporting cells.
18. Olfactory nerve filaments are found
a. in the optic bulbs,
b. passing through the cribriform plate of
the ethmoid bone,
c. in the optic tracts,
d. in the olfactory cortex.
19. Conduction of sound from the middle ear to the
internal ear occurs via vibration of the
a. malleus against the tympanic
b. stapes in the oval window,
c. incus in the round window,
d. stapes against the tympanic membrane.
20. The transmission of sound vibrations through the
internal earoccurs chiefly through
a. nerve fibers,
b. air,
c. fluid,
d. bone.
21. Which of the following statements does not correctly
describe the spiral organ?
a. Sounds of high frequency stimulate hair
cells at the basal end,
b. the hairs of the receptor cells are
embedded in the tectorial membrane,
c. the basilar membrane acts as a
d. the more numerous outer hair cells are
largely responsible for our perception of
22. Pitch is to frequency of sound as loudness is to
a. quality,
b. intensity,
c. overtones,
d. all of these.
23. The structure that allows pressure in the middle ear
to be equalized with atmospheric pressure is the
a. pinna,
b. pharyngotympanic tube,
c. tympanic membrane,
d. oval window.
24. Which of the following is important in maintaining the
balance of the body?
a. visual cues,
b. semicircular canals,
c. the saccule,
d. proprioceptors,
e. all of these.
25. Equilibrium receptors that report the position of the
head in space relative to the pull of gravity are
a. spiral organs,
b. maculae,
c. cristae ampullares,
d. otoliths.
26. Which of the following is not a possible cause of
conduction deafness?
a. impacted cerumen,
b. middle ear infection,
c. cochlear nerve degeneration,
d. otosclerosis.
27. Which of the following are intrinsic eye muscles?
a. superior rectus,
b. orbicularis oculi,
c. smooth muscles of the iris and ciliary
d. levator palpebrae superioris.
28. Which lies closest to the exact posterior pole of the
a. optic nerve,
b. optic disc,
c. macula lutea,
d. point of entry of central artery into the
29. Otoliths (ear stones) are
a. a cause of deafness,
b. a type of hearing aid,
c. important in equilibrium,
d. the rock-hard petrous temporal bones.

Review Questions
1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c;
6. c; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. b;
11. b; 12. d; 13. d; 14. a; 15. d;
16. c; 17. d; 18. b; 19. b; 20. c;
21. d; 22. b; 23. b; 24. e; 25. b;
26. c; 27. c; 28. c; 29. c

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